How To Get A Flat Left Wrist In Golf – Impact Position

The HackMotion training aid is an amazing tool that emphasizes how to get a flat left wrist in golf. With the ability to set up audio and feel based benchmarks to track progress, it’s The tool it’s extremely beneficial for understanding and controlling the club face during a swing. This helps to fight common issues like hooks or slices by adjusting wrist flexion.

It is noted that proper swing mechanics naturally control the club face without intentional manipulation, making the tool a self-coaching device by providing data feedback. Data from the device allows users to understand changes in their swing, particularly noting improvements in wrist positions at impact. The narrative also touches on the natural movement of the wrist during a proper golf swing, explaining that a good swing naturally results in the desired wrist position without conscious effort.

So that’s how to use this thing. I recommend taking it out, using it on your shots, set up those audio benchmarks because you can practice in the house and then just start getting used to like, oh, okay, now you’ve gone out and played, you’ve hit a bunch of great shots and you know, like, okay, we know for you, when you go into flexion right away and shut that face, you’re gonna be fighting a hook and you can’t release it. flat left wrist benefits

So your rotation is gonna go way down and your speed’s gonna go way down. You start maintaining extension as you go back and you feel that and that radial deviation staying wide. Then you’re like, I have control of this club face now. Yeah, well, that’s really interesting. I do have a nice hidden perfect.

Good about this thing is I don’t have to hit balls as long as you hit the ground, as long as you get some sort of vibration with it. I mean, this thing’s like a coach in a box. Like once you understand how to interpret the data and how to change it, you can coach yourself at least to a degree, you know, and then when you’re doing swing reviews, you can send us this data and we can be like, oh, we can see what’s happening right away.

So you can see your extension inflection is wildly different than where you started. Yes, it’s way more under control. And look, you’re negative three at impact now, so you’re bowing. You were plus 30. Now you’re going to be able to compress the golf ball. I don’t even know I’m doing that either. It should happen naturally. Yeah, that’s the good thing about it. What you know is that it’s just happening. I’m not like trying to manipulate it.

This is what I’ve been trying to tell people. Like the golf swing should be a relatively natural movement, but it’s so when you’re trying to bow your wrist. I never try and bow my wrist. It’s the last thing on earth. First of all, it’s happening way too damn fast. I can’t try and do that. And you can’t think about it either. But if you’re in extension at the top and you start swinging properly, your wrist because of the way that the club, as your body starts pulling your, what happens to your wrist? It starts to bow, right. You just did it right away, so it had nowhere else to go.

For more golf instruction, check out the articles on getting your hands ahead at impact

Chuck Quinton

is the founder of the RotarySwing Tour online golf instruction learning system. He played golf professionally for 8 years and has been teaching golf since 1995 and has worked with more than 100 playing professionals who have played on the PGA, and other major tours around the world.

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