How To Hit Irons Pure – Improve Iron Contact

In practice, the most important thing to successfully hit irons pure and down the middle of the fairway is being able to maintain the ability to strike the ball perfectly in the center of the club face. Achieving this level of mastery has more to do with how well the golfer can manipulate their wrists rather than the movement of the body as a whole.

For optimal ball striking, it is essential for every golfer understands the feelings of hand speed. Hand speed is incorrectly defined as the rapid movement of the hands throughout the swing. True hand speed, when it comes to the swing, is the accurate and quick release of the wrists in the correct direction.

If the body is unstable or controlled incorrectly, it causes the ball not to be stuck correctly. This video features a complete iron release guide and benefits for it: This golf lesson is for those trying to understand and perform proper wrist movement in order to hit their irons with more distance, control and consistency.

Transcription – Everybody wants to hit irons pure, long and straight like that with little effort. The best iron tip I can ever give you is understanding how to hit the ball in the center of the face every time. Now, of course, you hear Tiger talk about that all the time, and he makes it sound so simple. Just, you know, hit the ball in the center of the face and the golf’s really easy. The reason that most golfers hit the ball in the center of the face is because they’re moving incorrectly.

Now, that’s a pretty obvious statement, right? You see golfers all the time who are losing their balance. The reality is, real speed in the golf swing comes from just your wrist. About two thirds of your swing speed actually comes from just how you release the club. What you want to understand in the golf swing is that in order to hit the ball consistently in the center of the face, that you need hand speed.

The reason that is, is if you have good hand speed or how fast your wrists release, then your body doesn’t have to work so hard. Golfers who swing really aggressively, but they don’t hit the ball anywhere and they fall over, they lose their balance. When you see somebody who swings really efficiently, they nev struggle to keep their balance. That’s because they’re releasing the club correctly. The release is the golf swing

.Golf swing for consistent iron shots

It’s the most important part of the golf swing. And it’s why you hear golfers who are great golfers, like Tiger, talk about. All he really focuses on is not body speed, but hand speed. But the problem is most golfers don’t really know what hand speed is. They think in order to swing really fast, they’ve got to move their hands really fast. And they interpret what Tiger is saying as that is hand speed. How fast I can move my hands from the top of the swing back to the ball. That’s not what he’s talking about at all. Hand speed is how fast you release your wrist. That’s where all the speed comes from. Understanding how to get the club head from this side of the ball to that side of the ball is the key to good iron play.

When you’re moving your wrist to release that club head correctly, you’re not having to move your body all over the place so fast. That will cause you to be very inconsistent because you’ll lose your balance and you’ll, you’ll hit the ball all over the face to hit the ball right on the screws right in the center of the face. Your body needs to be relatively stable. Of course, it’s moving. You have to clear your hips out of the way and make room for your elbow to bring the club back down to the ball. But from there, all you’re really doing is letting those wrists unhinge.

As long as you move your body correctly, that’s all you have to really focus on. The trick is this is where all your hand speed comes from. If you don’t understand exactly how your hands need to move throughout the release, which is really kind of a clockwise movement with your hands, then you’ll never ever be able to play really crisp good iron play because you’ll always be working too hard in your swing.

So I’ve put together a nearly hour-long video that details every single key that you need to feel to understand how to release your wrists and how they move. And that is the key to good iron play is good wrist movement. So click the link just below the video. If you want to hit your irons really pure, your body has to do less. Your wrists have to know what to do correctly. That will get you to hit your irons properly in the center of the face.

Get more golf tips like “How To Not Get Stuck In The Down Swing here”

Chuck Quinton

is the founder of the RotarySwing Tour online golf instruction learning system. He played golf professionally for 8 years and has been teaching golf since 1995 and has worked with more than 100 playing professionals who have played on the PGA, and other major tours around the world.

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