How to Turn Like Tiger | Right Arm, the Key to Width in the Golf Swing
Get ready! Because you’re going to find out why the right arm is the key to width in the golf swing and to a bigger turn, as you watch this week’s Tiger Woods’ swing analysis.
(Oh wait, I’m sorry, I meant “this week’s PGA Tour winner swing analysis.” But maybe we should just start calling it “Tiger’s weekly analysis” because he’s probably just going to win em’ all this year, huh?)
In last week’s review of Kevin Streelman, I talked about one of the keys that almost all professional golfers have in their golf swings.
They all have a shape to their golf swings that is similar. Remember?
They all go WIDE on the backswing, NARROW on the downswing, and then WIDE again on the release to get that great extension.
In the new Tiger Woods’ swing analysis video below, we’re going to focus in on the first piece of this, plus you get a BONUS preview of one of our most popular videos ever!
Video: Right Arm, the Key to Width in the Golf Swing
(with BONUS preview of “Keep the Right Arm Straight to Turn”)
To begin adding width to your golf swing, increasing your turn, and adding lag, click the red button below to learn more about the Premium video “Keep the Right Arm Straight to Turn.”

The Right Arm, the First Piece of the Puzzle
So let’s go over the takeaway, as I’ve shown with the red line (far left), Tiger Woods has a nice, wide takeaway. He does this by keeping his right arm straight as he rotates away from the golf ball.
This is really a key: the right arm is the governor of width in the golf swing.
Since he’s keeping his right arm straight, he’s forced to rotate back and able to get a great turn.
If he were to bend the right arm early, he’s allowed to pull the golf club back with just the hands and arms. This is exactly what I see most people doing, especially those of you who are struggling with distance.
If you’re struggling with distance, you’re probably bending your right arm too early in the backswing, and you’re losing that good coil and shoulder turn.

As he goes even farther back, you’ll notice that Tiger Woods has gotten this fantastic shoulder turn, but he’s still only three quarters of the way back. All of you can do this, the key is moving the body correctly.
Even as he nears the top of his golf swing, his right arm is barely even bent, and he has great width in the golf swing. Compare this to your swing on video and see where your right arm is as your left arm is parallel to the ground.
Most of you will find that your right arm is more bent than this, and it’s allowing your shoulders to turn much less.
If I watch, say, a hundred swing reviews on the website (remember that Premium Members get 2 of these each month!), I may only see four or five people who are doing this correctly or as well as they could.
Bottom line, the “accordion backswing,” as I like to call it, is killing your distance and your potential energy.
Now It’s Time to Get Wide & Turn Like a Tour Pro
To start blowing your tee shots by the rest of the players in your group, click the button below to find out how to get the Wide-Narrow-Wide shape to your golf swing.
Related Premium Content: (Learn About Membership)
- Downcock Pump Drill – The Key to Getting Narrow in the Downswing
- Left Hand Release Drill – Key to Getting Wide in the Release
- The 9 to 3 Drill to Create Lag
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