How To Stop Reverse Pivot in Golf | Fix Now | 3 Proven Tips
The “reverse pivot” can be a vital reason why you’re lacking power and consistency in your game. Let’s put the power back in and get your game moving forward.
“What is the reverse pivot…Do I have that problem?”
A simple definition would be: the body moving in the wrong direction during the backswing and the body moving in the wrong direction during the downswing. Here’s what we’re going to cover, as discussed in our latest Premium video, “Fix Your Reverse Pivot Golf Swing: Diagnose the Cause“:
- The causes
- The effects
- What to look for in your own swing with checkpoints
- Active game plan to correct this fault (including drills and other videos to make you a power house)
The 3 key points to the wrong direction
#1. Trying to keep your head WAY too still. This will cause the muscles to tighten/shorten and will pull your spine towards the target and force your weight over your lead foot.

#2. Not enough axis tilt in your setup. Notice the spine has very little tilt and the club doesn’t point to the inside left knee.

#3. Over rotating your body. Notice how straight the right leg has become, arms are up and away from the body and spine is towards the target. This is a big ol’ ouch and the leading cause of reverse pivot!

The 3 images above should give you a pretty good idea on what the dreaded reverse pivot looks like. Each of these swing faults can and will lead to loss of power from the body and also make striking the golf ball solidly extremely difficult.
If you are noticing a ton of fat or thin shots then pay close attention to the solutions below. It’s time to take control of your motion and make more power with less effort.
Definition…check! Examples…check! Repairs…
Now that you’re fully aware of the issues and causes behind the reverse pivot, let’s take a look at some solutions that will guarantee that you create efficient and stable power and also lead to more consistent ball striking.
Try to take videos of each and every golf swing and draw lines to check a few key areas. The first area being the setup.

Notice in the photo above that, in the setup, the line from the right ankle is through the middle of the right shoulder. The line from the center of the left ankle is up to the outer portion of the left shoulder, indicating proper axis tilt as shown by the line down the spine directly to the left knee.
The second area to look at would be the weight shift and check for over rotation.

Notice in the photo above that the right hip and and right knee have remained as constant as possible, and I’m ready to unload in the correct direction through the hitting area.
The third and final area to look at would be into impact.

Notice in the above photo that the right shoulder has not leaned outside the the right ankle as well as the left shoulder, left elbow and left ankle being in neutral joint alignment. Also a vital part of curing the reverse pivot is for the top of the spine to be leaning away from the target only slightly more than at setup.
Do you want a great drill to check and see if you have a reverse pivot without using a mirror or camera?
Check out the Necktie Drill in the Premium Membership section. This simple drill will tell you if your swing is going in the right direction and get you creating the efficient power you deserve.
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