#1 Golf Lessons: Fix Golf Flip | Swing | Improve Game in 2021
When taking golf lessons, have you ever heard these terms thrown your way?
- You’re flipping the club
- You’re cupping the left wrist
- You’re starting to get a chicken wing with your left arm
- You’re losing a lot of lag

I know I have, so I’m sure you have too.
The problem with most golf instruction is the instructor will loosely throw around these terms, go through the entire golf lesson and never explain WHY it is so important not to do these things.
If I just described your last golf lesson, you’re in luck because I have the prescription to cure your flip and add more distance to every club in the bag.
And no, the prescription is not for more cow bell! (Ok, ok, bad Saturday Night Live joke, but I had to do it.)
All tour pro swings have these two things in common
1) They all have forward shaft lean at impact for every stock shot.
2) They all have great lag.
Our Premium RST golf instruction videos are all geared toward incorporating both of these aspects into your swing, like they did for this student:
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What is a Flip?
That’s the first question we need to answer. A “flip” is often defined two different ways in the golf swing depending on the audience.
For a higher handicapped player, a flip is defined as the lead wrist breaking down at impact and “cupping”. This is the #1 mistake high handicap golfers make at impact.
For better players who have learned how to release the club properly, they tend to “flip” the club by actively and aggressively rotating their forearms over.
The natural progression is for most all golfers to have their left wrist break down at impact and then learn they need to keep it flat. But, but just keeping it flat, they’ll find the ball starts to go right a little because the “high handicap” flip does actually help square the face, it just does so at the cost of adding a lot of loft.
That’s why high handicappers tend to hit the ball very high and very short with a lot of spin.
So, they realize the ball is going right but they’re not longer “flipping”, so they learn the “low handicap flip”, if you will, and start rotating their forearms over aggressively, leading to hooks.
As they watch this unfold, probably hitting hooks for the first time in their career, they start letting the club release naturally with a flat left wrist, leading to flat, powerful and penetrating shots.
Now, it’s your turn! Let’s see what this flip looks like and what causes it in this video below.
Once you watch this video, check out our wildly popular “5 Minutes to the Perfect Release” video to help you learn how to release the golf club like the pros.
Want even more help with your lag and impact position?
Click the button below to learn more about Premium Membership, where our instructors review your swing twice per month and tailor the instruction to your exact needs.
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