Lead Shoulder Impingement: Save Your Shoulder & Golf Swing
When I was developing the rotary swing tour methodology, one of the most important things to me was injury prevention. Having a golf academy in Florida, you see so many preventable golf swing related injuries that are chronic, that lead to missing rounds of golf, missing seasons of golf, leading to surgery, physical therapy, and they’re almost always completely preventable. And they’re almost always because somebody has been given the wrong advice. And I want to talk about one of the most common injuries that we see and that our medical panel for rotary swing has seen and they operate on all the time, and that’s left shoulder impingement, or lead shoulder impingement.
Now, for those of you that don’t know, Rotary Swing Tour has a full medical panel of orthopedic neurosurgeons who have gone through and helped us develop the golf swing to be the safest, most efficient, and powerful way to swing the club. It’s no fun getting injured. And four out of five tour players get injured and miss about two months of play from a golf swing related injury. So, if you don’t want to be a part of those stats, and you want to start swinging more powerful and more efficient, and more importantly, be able to play golf forever and not be injured, listen up. Because, I want you to understand one simple concept that will completely change the way you think about the golf swing.
Now, I talk about this a ton on the rotaryswing.com website, so I’m not going to go fully in depth, but I’m going to give you a bonus video in just a minute at the end to help understand a little bit more about this concept that I call pushing versus pulling. Pushing versus pulling is at the absolute center of the Rotary Swing Tour methodology, because all movement is a push or a pull, especially when you think about the golf swing. It’s very easy to understand this.
If I’m going to make my take-away move, which we’re going to talk today, is this lead shoulder impingement, this pushing this left arm across the chest. If I push, my body is gonna tend to move off center, because a push always moves away from center and always moves away from the force of movement.
So, I can take my left shoulder … If you’ve heard this on TV, and I know you probably have a million times, they like to say, “Oh, well, you push your left shoulder under your chin.” Well, I can push it down. I can push it out. I can push it across. Notice how much my head and my spine is moving by pushing. Now, what I want to tell you is due to the exact opposite of what you hear on TV, because that’s what most tour pros do, and that’s how you stay centered, because the physics of this are very, very simple.
A pull always moves towards center, moves toward the force of movement. So, if I wanted to keep my head centered during the backswing, the last thing I’d want to do is try and take my left shoulder and push it under my chin, because my head is almost always gonna move off center.

Now, however, if I take my right shoulder and pull it behind my head, even with my fused neck, I’m fused at C1 through 3, my head still doesn’t move. I take my left shoulder. I’m gonna always move off center. So, this comes back to the whole injury issue. When you take your left shoulder, and you push it across your chest, how does this lead to injury, and why are orthopedic surgeons staying busy cutting on people’s shoulders?
Well, you have the subacromial space that runs between your clavicle and your humerus. It’s a nerve passageway. So, if you’ve ever felt numbness or tingling going down your left arm, really listen up, because this is gonna apply directly to you, because you’re pretty much heading down a road to guarantee that you’re gonna have bone spurs and need a surgery to fix a golf swing fundamental issue in your swing.
If you take your left shoulder, you keep swinging across your chest as most people do, and they’ve even been taught to do this. First of now, you’re not gonna make a full shoulder turn. I talk about that in another video. Your left shoulder’s gonna feel fully loaded up. The subacromial space is pinched, and now you try and push really hard with the right shoulder.
This arm is trapped across your chest, and that’s exactly how you get injured. You’re putting a tremendous amount of stress and force on your body. Simple thing, totally preventable. Instead of taking your left arm and pushing it across your chest and collapsing the subacromial space, take your right shoulder, keep your chest open, and pull your right shoulder behind your head. Hey, look at that. I made a full shoulder turn. When I pulled my right shoulder back, my left arm is not impinged at all. It also helps keep my arms out in front of my chest.
For those of you who struggle with this kind of backswing stuff where you are really flat and deep, that’s all you’re doing. You’re taking your left arm and pushing it across your chest. Take your right shoulder. Pull it behind your head, keeping your arms relaxed out in front of you. Not only will you prevent injury, but you will hit the ball further, more consistently with less effort than you ever thought possible.
Now, take a look at this little bonus clip of one of our premium videos on this site. I want to show you just exactly how powerful this concept of pushing versus pulling is and how it’s gonna change your golf game forever.
Note how when I push this golfer from the left, how far his head moves off the ball. As you’ll learn, when I pull him from the right his head stays perfectly centered. Watch this video to see it in action.
Hi. I’m Chuck Quinton, founder of Rotary Swing Golf. When I developed Rotary Swing, it was all about getting an objective view of the golf swing based on biomechanics, physics, and anatomy and how the brain learns new movement patterns. And in doing so, I took a tremendous amount of time researching these different aspects of the swing to come up with a very objective and black and white view of the swing, and one of these things I want to talk about is the physics perspective, and I’m gonna use my awesome little toy truck here to give you a really clear picture of a concept that we use a lot, which is pushing verses pulling in the golf swing.
Now, I’m certain that you’ve never seen, and if you have, I’d love to see a video of it, of a truck pushing a trailer down the road. Obviously, this would be very difficult to control. If you’ve ever tried to back up a trailer, you know how easy it is to get the trailer moving in a different direction all the time any time you’re pushing it. But now, what happens when you change that, and you pull it down the highway, which is how you see all cars going down the highway. When they’re pulling a trailer, the trailer falls in a perfect, straight line behind the truck the entire time with no effort on the driver. He just pushes the pedal, and it goes straight in a straight line.
When you’re pushing something, it tends to move off line. Why is that? Well, the reason is you need to line up the force of movement, which in this case is the truck that’s moving the trailer. The trailer’s not gonna move itself, so the force of movement coming from the truck must line up perfectly with the center of gravity of the trailer. If it’s just off to the side slightly, this trailer will rotate around it’s center of gravity, and it will move it off line, and it will not be able to track in a straight line.
Believe it or not, this is a perfect example of how you should swing a golf club and why it’s so difficult for most amateurs to swing a golf club. The reality is that most amateurs, because they’re right-handed, but playing from the left side of the golf ball tend to use their dominate hand, which is their right hand, of course, to push the club into impact. It feels more powerful, but it actually creates more problems in the golf swing. So now, let’s go and take a look at it with the golf club in the hand and take a look at what this pushing and pulling looks like in the golf swing.
Hey there. Chuck Quinton, founder of Rotary Swing University here. I hope you enjoyed the preview of the premium video. I wanted to show you what you’re gonna get once you join Rotary Swing. Our new course for Rotary Swing University is a game changer. It literally walks you through every single aspect of building a perfect golf swing, a powerful and safe golf swing, and all you have to do is literally click next. You don’t have to think. All you got to do is follow the drills, watch the videos, click next. Everything is in sequence and walks you through everything you need to know about building the perfect golf swing step by step.
And it’s not only this amazing course that makes … The thinking process takes it all out of the golf swing, but we also offer six free swing reviews from a certified Rotary Swing tour instructor for every phase of the swing. So, with the RST Five-Step System, we start with weight shift. Once you master weight shift, we move on to body rotation. We call it core rotation. But through each section, we’re gonna test you.
You’re gonna upload a video of you doing the drills, you doing it in your golf swing, and one of our certified instructors will review your swing and make sure that you’re doing the movement correctly, so you never have to wonder, “Did I do this right? Am I getting better?” You’re gonna know for sure, and all you have to do is join today with rotaryswing.com and start improving your golf swing right now.
And we’re gonna give you six free swing reviews, and more importantly a lifetime, money back guarantee. That’s right. Nobody else in the golf instruction world would dare do this. We’re so confident, and we’ve proved our method with over 300,000 golfers around the world that we can guarantee your golf swing’s gonna improve by following our course. And all you’ve got to do is do the drills and submit your video for review, and our instructors are gonna help you each step of the way. And if for whatever reason if you ever decide that you’re not happy and your golf swing didn’t really improve, we’ll give you every single penny you spent back on your Rotary Swing University tuition for free.
So, think about it. You’ve got literally nothing to lose. Go to rotaryswing.com. Sign up today and improve your golf swing once and for all.