Today will be the last time you EVER struggle with the slice because you're going to learn things you've NEVER heard before about why you slice and how to fix it - I guarantee it.
Chuck Quinton
Founder of Rotary Swing
Did you know the 3 most terrifying words in the English language all start with the letter “S”.
Stall. Shank. SLICE.
When I heard “Stall!” on the intercom as I was only 100’ off the ground and caught in a vicious microburst, I truly saw my life flash before my eyes.
As the right wing stalled and pitched us toward the ground, I was completely out of control and I KNEW this was “it”.
Fortunately, my wife and I survived - the plane did not.
That feeling of being completely out of control is similar to how I used to feel standing up on the first tee when playing tournament golf.
I was fortunate enough to play golf professionally for 8 years, but when I picked up a golf club for the first time at the age of 14, I could slice it sooo bad the ball would almost turn 180 degrees into a head wind.
It drove me nuts and it was embarrassing.
And, to make matters worse, I swung as hard as I could on every shot which just put even more sidespin on the ball.
I wanted to hit the ball like my idol, Jack Nicklaus.
In fact, I learned how to play golf by watching “Jack Nicklaus’ Golf My Way” VHS series.
VHS. Gosh, how many people remember those?!
And I wore those tapes out - literally.
I was obsessed with the mechanics of the perfect golf swing from the moment I first picked up a club.
I was a quick study, too, because I mastered Jack’s dreaded reverse “C” follow through like nobody’s business.
My atrocious swing was good enough to get me a college golf scholarship somehow.
It also got me chronic hip, back, knee and even ankle pain.
And because I practiced like crazy for 8 hours a day in the hot Florida sun, it took a toll on my body fast.
But, no instructor I went to could help me with my pain or my slice.
“Swing left.”
“Aim out to right field.”
“Just visualize the ball drawing.” LOL
I heard it all - and these were “top 100” teachers who had taught major championship winners!
It was frustrating - and expensive.
Golf isn’t cheap. Hell, nothing is these days.
I burned more money on golf lessons than I care to remember.
And not only did I not get better, but the lessons actually made me worse.
I’m sure you can probably relate.
At that moment, I decided to stop working with other coaches on my golf swing and I was going to figure “it” out on my own.
⏩ Fast forward 20 years, and check out my golf swing now…
There’s no slice in that golf swing.
My swing is simple, powerful, efficient and repeatable.
But why couldn’t anyone teach me this?
Why isn’t EVERYONE teaching this?
Why did I have to dig it out of the dirt, do years of my own biomechanical research, countless studies and develop my own unique ideas about the swing???
And I've developed a LOT of ideas about the swing.
Hell, I’ve created 4 completely stand alone golf swing learning programs:
I’m certain I’ve spent more time looking at more tour pro’s asses in slow motion than any other person in history - hey, the pelvic movement is muy importante`.
But what I’ve enjoyed the most out of my nearly 30 year teaching history is seeing the look on someone’s face when they pure that first shot knowing I was the one that helped them do it.
And fixing someone’s slice who has not been able to get it fixed for years, well, that’s priceless because I know the pain I went through to build a swing that at nearly 50 years old, can still swing over 120 mph and look effortless doing it.
Or as one YouTuber commented:
You'll be able to dramatically increase your swing speed once you learn what I'm about to teach you.
But you have to fix your slice before you can worry about power and you've come to the right place.
During my nearly 3 decades of obsessive study of golf swing mechanics I can definitively tell you that, well, to quote Bubba, “I know everything there is to know about fixing the golf slice.”
So, if you’re tired of slicing and want to know how to really fix it, and to do it fast - as in today - then read on because literally every issue that could cause a slice is covered down below!
But first, let's take a look at just how effective what you're about to learn is.
Take a look at these RotarySwing members' before and afters and see just how much their radical over the top moves changed:
That's pretty amazing right?!
You'll learn more about how the AXIOM will fix your over the top slice instantly down below, so keep reading.
First, you need to understand what a slice really is.
If you’re slicing the ball, the clubface is either open in relation to the path at impact or you hit it off the heel.
In the image above, the aqua ellipse represents my swing plane while the yellow line represents the path the club head was traveling at impact.
If I tilted my spine away from the target, my swing plane - and thus, path - would shift to the right and lead to an in to out path.
The opposite would happen if my spine was too upright at impact.
Your swing plane “aims” your path and to fix your over the top, you need to shift your path to the right by shifting your plane which I’m about to show you exactly how to do in just a moment.
When done right, your golf swing will be very simple. Hell, boring even.
Check out this video of my swing and the plane and path that the sweet spot of the club travels on, it will blow your mind how simple it is.
If you want to fix your swing plane, you have to do this.
Now that you’ve seen the “inner secrets” to my swing, it’s easy to see why I hit the ball so straight, so consistently.
It’d be hard for me to screw it up with this plane and path.
That’s it. That’s the entire problem.
So, it shouldn’t be that hard to fix, right?
It’s not.
The first thing you must do when addressing your slice is fix your plane and path.
I know what you’re thinking, “Well, if I knew how to do that, I wouldn't be here looking for how to fix my damn slice.”
But don’t worry, I’m not one of those instructors that spouts on some non-specific “swing down the first base line” nonsense, I’m going to teach you exactly how to fix it - the right way.
And I’m going to do it in a way you’ve NEVER heard before - that’s why it’s going to work!
Fixing your swing plane - which is what we’re really talking about here as swing path is largely resultant of the “aiming” of the swing plane - needs to be done at the root cause.
And getting to the root starts with understanding what an over the top swing plane is.
An over the top golf swing plane is a cancer.
Your swing plane impacts every aspect of your swing and limits or free you to play to your potential.
If you’re swinging over the top, you’re handicapping yourself from ever reaching a fraction of your distance or scoring capability and will struggle for the rest of your life with the slice.
But, the good thing is, fixing over the top is a piece of cake!
If someone were to ask me to give them one thing and only one thing to feel and practice in their swing who is swinging over the top, it would be this:
The golf swing’s power sequence is incredibly similar to throwing a ball.
That’s it. If you know how to throw a ball properly and I’ll show you how to do it correctly down below, you will never swing over the top again - I guarantee it.
In fact, I’m so positive that you will never be able to swing over the top again doing what I’m about to show you, that I’ll pay YOU $100 if you can!
Might as well make it a million bucks because this is a rigged fight.
I already know you won’t be able to swing over the top again not just because I have already done this with literally thousands of students, but because it will literally be impossible because you will be moving in the opposite direction of an over the top move.
And all you need to be able to do to never swing over the top again is be able to read a clock.
I have a video that I think you’ll like that will show you exactly what I mean and I promise, you’ve NEVER heard this before, so it’s worth a listen.
As you saw in the video, what you need to feel is a clockwise motion for a right handed golfer when viewing a clock back behind you on the wall.
That’s it, problem solved!
Well partially at least, but there’s more that you need to know.
In the next section, we’ll talk about how this motion works to shallow out the club every time and create speed.
How to Stop Swinging Over the Top and Get the Club Perfectly on Plane - NATURALLY
So, you’ve got this idea of this clockwise motion with the trail hand, but what do you do with it exactly?
In simplest terms - we “throw” - but in a very specific way.
For us “old timers”, we may remember Dan Quisenberry and the old submarine baseball pitch.
Well, it’s similar to that but that’s too complicated.
We can make learning this motion really simple and have you on hitting baby draws in just minutes if you follow these 3 simple steps:
It might be easier to see this than read it, so here’s a short clip on how to do this motion and get the club perfectly on plane every single time.
Pretty cool, right?
I go over this much more in depth in this video if you care to take a deeper dive into the entire sequence to add wicked speed to your golf swing.
Your hand, your wrist, your elbow and even your trail shoulder all make this tiny little clockwise movement and your swing y shallowed out and shifted horizontally to the right so you can approach the ball from the inside for the first time - perhaps for the first time ever!
Your club path is simply where the bottom of your swing is "aimed" as the club approaches and strikes the ball.
By shifting my swing plane, I shift my path and that minor change will have a huge impact on ball flight.
If you’ve got a friend who is slicing like crazy, try this little trick with them.
It’s fun to watch your buddies' faces if they’ve struggled with swinging over the top their whole lives and you can fix it in 1 minute.
You’ll be their hero and change their game instantly and they will buy you all the all the drinks at the 19th hole you could ever want!
It’s true. You wouldn’t believe the incredible things people have offered me and done for me because I fixed their slice so fast.
I once had a famous attorney offer me $50,000 if I could get his wife to want to play golf with him.
I gave her one lesson, she went out and shot her best score the very same day - and promptly quit the game.
She either wanted to go out on top or hated her husband that much.
Either way, I didn’t collect on the 50 large.
Anyway, try it out on a buddy and kick me back my 10% of your bounty - ya know, for the “big guy” ;-)
Ok, so we have the swing plane problem understood at its root cause - if you’re swinging over the top, you’re moving counter-clockwise - that’s it.
Can you clearly see the counterclockwise hand path now? It is the death move in the golf swing.
I also secretly taught you how to get your body in the right position at impact with the simple Throw the Ball Drill (I published that video back in 2007 - you could’ve saved yourself a lot of balls in the woods if you found me sooner!) and you didn’t even notice it.
Getting into the correct body impact alignments and aligning the joints properly is the difference between a 20 handicap and a 0 handicap.
We move our bodies better by moving them in the right sequence.
But the right sequence is actually much EASIER than what you’re doing right now and stupidly simple.
Again, why couldn’t someone teach ME this 20 years ago?
Remember “The DEAD Drill” (you can watch the DEAD Drill video here) I mentioned earlier?
This is what it does - it teaches you how to move your body EXACTLY like the pros, like me, in 3 simple moves you can learn in 30 seconds.
With the AXIOM, I boiled the entire golf swing down to one movement in one direction, it’s pretty slick stuff.
What’s cool about what you’re learning here, is rather than learning it in chunks, or trying to learn it as one fluid motion even, you learn it by simply throwing a ball.
But, you just learned how to do all of that without having to “think” about all of “that”.
And that’s because you’re now looking at the golf swing and how to fix your slice holistically, how everything relates to one another and how you can view the swing as entirely cause and effect based.
Now that you have a “big picture” view of the golf swing, everything else will simply make sense and start to fall into place.
But there’s still one critical piece we have to address here that can still cause a slice, even with a perfect swing plane.
The Release is the “Big Payoff” in the Golf Swing
The release. Is. EVERYTHING.
It is the entire point of the golf swing - the build up is all for this great release.
Wait, that didn’t come out right..
You know what I mean.
The release is not only where ⅔’s of your club head speed comes from, it’s also CRITICAL for squaring the face, controlling the angle of attack and so much more.
If you don’t have a good release, you’ll have no power and always feel like you’re fighting with the golf club rather than swinging it freely.
If you want to visualize what a full release looks like, watch this first 10 seconds of this video:
The release of the golf club is the most important - and nearly the easiest - part of the golf swing to learn and master.
And all you have to do is - nothing.
Well, just about nothing.
That’s right, the release in the golf swing is essentially a passive movement that occurs totally naturally when you move in the sequence of the Throw the Ball Drill you watched earlier.
It’s incredibly easy!
But, that doesn’t mean you won’t still screw it up, so let me walk you through it ;-)
Golf’s a humbling game, isn’t it?
The Release IS Rotation
Everything is rotating in the golf swing. The clubface, the hands, the body, the wrists, the pressure in your feet.
Hey, it’s why I call my golf instruction method RotarySwing! Not very original, I know.
But, once you get this into your noggin, you’re going to “get it.”
That “ah-ha” moment of your golf swing journey where it “clicks” and you experience what it feels like to truly release the club and watch the ball effortlessly rocket off the face.
That’s my jam.
Check out my RoadShow lessons on YouTube and you’ll see what I mean.
Here’s a good clip of me roasting a 7 iron 200 yards with someone else’s club, no warm up shots, and it was cold and drizzly outside!
Oh yeah, and with crappy range balls.
That’s SMOKED - effortlessly.
I’m sorry, I’m obsessed with striking the ball purely - and listen to that sound!
Ok, enough about that.
But Dr. Goldmark, who was the student in that video, he’s having so much fun right now.
Check out this email he recently sent in.
Imagine shooting one BETTER than your age - at 76 years young!
And he’s experiencing the “4 C’s” of RotarySwing - consistency, control, compression and confidence.
That’s what my C4 Ballstriking Mastery program teaches you, but more on that later.
For now, imagine you were getting emails like this all the time - I live for them!
That’s why I put this guide together. I want you guys to write in and tell me how much this helps you overcome the pain that ugly slice causes.
Just post it somewhere in the social media-verse and tag us, somehow, umm, however that works.
Whatever, just let me know how much it helped you (drop us an email at cs at if you don’t do the social internet thingy - I don’t care for it either).
Ok, now let’s get back to work.
Rotation. You MUST let your wrist bones rotate over.
Note I said LET. If you’re actively trying to rotate them over, that’s what we in the biz call a “pro flip” and you don’t want that.
It’s too hard to time and control consistently and will lead to some inconsistent and even wild shots.
I saw a guy once who was so nervous to play with me he literally hit a ball backwards on the 2nd hole.
No, it didn’t bounce off something and ricochet back.
It NEVER saw forward progress.
He topped his fairway wood so bad it compressed the ball into the turf and the spongy ground sent that puppy 15 feet into the air and nearly straight backwards for a net loss of 20 yards on the shot.
He quit the round on the next hole.
So, we don’t try to use our hands to manhandle or manipulate the club in any way, got it?
Unless we’re talking about shaping the ball, then that’s different and you can learn how to do that in this video.
But for the boring old laser straight shot on a frozen rope, the release is, in many ways, just a reaction to much of what you did during the backswing.
When you feel this for the first time…. Oh man…
The first time you properly and fully release the golf club it feels like a hot knife through butter, that’s what the game of golf is all about to me.
I don’t like putting. Don’t care much for short game.
But compressing golf balls in a full swing, that I live for.
Give me a bucket of brand new Pro V1’s and a fresh, tight patch of turf on the back of the range and I’m in heaven.
And that amazingly wonderful, even euphoric feeling is all created by the release.
So, it’s worth taking a deep dive so you know exactly what you’re doing and what it should feel like.
So, the wrists are rotating. And that happens very naturally because we are swinging on an inclined plane.
Now, if you’ve never felt a release in the swing, you’ll want to develop a feel for how this happens naturally.
To most easily feel this for yourself, swing a golf club parallel to the ground.
You will feel the clubface, shaft and your forearms naturally wanting to rotate back and through.
If you try to hold the clubface upright the entire time, you won't be able to make a full backswing or use your wrists for speed.
The clubface naturally wants to rotate open and closed, so don't fight it, feel it.
As you tilt the swing plane forward to address the ball by hinging at the hip, this feeling tones down significantly, so you should feel just a nice even flow as the club face opens slightly in the backswing and closes slightly in the downswing.
Completely naturally. Relax, and feel what the golf club is trying to naturally do - and let it.
Now, as you combine this feeling of letting the forearms gently rotate back in through in response to the inclined plane, begin to mix in the feeling of the AXIOM - that little, subtle, gentle clockwise FEELING of your hand path with the release of the club and guess what you got?
A golf swing on-plane that hits gentle baby draws.
Go forth, and slice no more.
First off, did you video your swing?
If you didn’t video your swing, you have NO IDEA what’s actually happening.
I’ve got a hell of an eye for the golf swing in real time as you saw in the RoadShow but even I rely on high speed cameras in my teaching.
So, don’t guess. Don’t tell me what you feel. I only care what’s actually happening and the “camera don’t lie.”
Maybe you did video your swing, but don’t know what the hell you’re looking at.
Don’t worry, it’s MY job, literally, to know the inner dark secrets of the golf swing.
YOU need to just be an athlete, but you still need to know some basics about what to look for when looking at your swing on video.
When thinking about your swing plane, it helps if you think of the swing as being made up of steepening moves and shallowing moves.
If you have an imbalance of steepening moves vs. shallowing moves, your swing plane will be steeper as a result.
If you’re swinging over the top, you need more shallowing moves.
If you’re swinging too far from the inside, you need more steepening moves.
Simple enough, but you have LOTS of steepening and shallowing moves to choose from.
And you can put them together in just about an infinite number of combinations and still manage to hit the ball ok, at least on occasion.
This is how otherwise atrocious looking golf swings that still hit the ball reasonably well, still work - they have a balance of steepening and shallowing moves to get swing path and clubface angle that works at impact to produce reasonable shots.
So, they can look like a monkey attacking a banana while falling out of a tree and still whoop your butt on the course.
I don’t know how you feel about it, but I personally can’t stand it when I play with someone who hits it well with a horrible swing!
Drives me nuts.
There is an art and beauty to the golf swing when it’s done right and I’m here to abolish ugly swings - and slow play, they’re directly related!
I know, I’m a golf swing mechanics snob. I admit it.
Anyway, there are all sorts of movements you can put together to shallow out your swing.
For example, you could have a big lateral hip slide in the downswing.
This creates enough secondary axis tilt to shift the swing plane to the right in most cases.
Think old school Nicklaus, Watson and Weiskopf - and hideously ugly pants.
But in the end, it’s just a hell of a lot simpler and easier to just do it right in the first place and learn the basic kinematic sequence of the throwing motion that I taught you in the Throw the Ball Drill.
This is one thing that many golfers fail to embrace.
Golfers like me hit the ball better than you because our golf swings are SIMPLER with FEWER moving parts working in a more EFFICIENT way.
I hit the ball more consistently straight than the average golfer and maintain a plus handicap without having to practice because my golf swing is just simpler than yours.
And simpler is easier to maintain and that’s means more time playing great golf and less time grinding away trying to “glue” all your bad habits together in a panic range session before the first tee.
That’s it.
You’re working much harder for much less payoff.
But with what you’re learning here, you will be able to finally attack the golf ball because you’ll know where it’s going before you ever hit it.
Right now, you probably step up to the golf ball with a sense of fear - either in the back of your mind or right at the front.
A left to right wind and water or OB on the right - makes your palms sweat doesn’t it?
But, with the simpler mechanics you learn in the C4 Ballstriking Mastery Program, you can play in “attack mode”.
Start aiming at pins instead of away from them.
Start the ball toward trouble and work it away from it.
Aim down the middle into a stiff head wind and watch the ball never move off its line.
Feeling that “locked in” is the best feeling in the world.
That feeling of complete control over the ball while feeling like you’re barely swinging.
It all comes down to a clockwise motion with your right hand (for righties) and releasing the golf club and you will never fight the slice again.
AND you will hit it farther with less effort than you are now. That’s what I call a win-win in my book.
What’s Next?
Once you cure your slice, you’re going to want to start learning how to add power to your swing and be able to shape the ball and learn trajectory control.
You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can go from swinging over the top and hitting a banana ball to hitting it straight or with a little draw when you work on these two simple feelings.
But there’s so much more to learn about the golf swing once you move past the dreaded slice that nearly every golfer struggled with when starting out - you’re not alone, trust me - and move into seeing just how good you can now get.
The fix for your over the top slice is quite simple; shift and shallow the plane.
You can put those embarrassing shots in the rear view mirror.
And now you get to move onto the “good stuff”.
Not fighting with your swing, but seeing just what you’re capable of.
A slice not only takes a lot off your distance, especially with the driver, but it’s demoralizing and ties your hands on holes that don’t lend themselves to a right to left ball flight.
Instead, you get to begin the journey of seeing just how good you can be.
What kind of ballstriker will you become now that you know the two most important things in fixing a slice - clockwise hand motion with a natural release.
See, the golf swing’s not as complicated as some might have you believe.
It’s truly incredibly simple, straightforward even.
Input A gets you output B, C or D.
That’s how I see it anyway.
Imagine how quickly poor Charles Barkley’s swing could’ve been fixed with what you just learned.
Check out Sir Charles’ hand path below:
Everything moves counterclockwise in Charles’ swing - hand hands, his right shoulder and wrist and thus the club - the exact opposite of what he should be doing and that’s the whole reason no one could ever fix his ugly hitch.
Such a simple fix, yet this poor bastard looked like a fool out there trying to hit a golf ball, even though he was a superior athlete.
Fixing your slice is simple, you now have the keys to the castle, go forth and sin no more.
And when you’re ready and want to see how good you can really get, give my C4 Ballstriking Mastery program a try and see if you can’t become a ballstriking wizard.
Try it out here, absolutely free for 7 days, no credit card required!
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