At the root of RotarySwing is one thing - PASSION.
Passion for the game, passion for the swing, and perhaps most important of all, passion for the truth.
RotarySwing was founded not to start a business, but to make sense of the golf swing, once and for all - and for golfers of all abilities. And, in doing so, make golf simple and fun again.
We believe every single golfer should feel the joy of golf, each and every time they go out and play.
Founder Chuck Quinton's own experience with golf instruction after turning pro left a very sour taste in his mouth, with one instructor saying one thing, and the next saying the exact opposite. It was confusing and frustrating.
As someone who lives for data, proof and numbers, this simply didn't work for Quinton.
Through his experience he realized it was something every single golfer taking golf instruction experienced too. He believed there had to be a better way to learn the golf swing than having to spend hundreds of hours trying to "dig it out of the dirt".
His belief that learning the golf swing should be simple, clear and concise has been the catalyst for more than 30 years of study into every single aspect of the game and swing.
While some would be happy to sit back and enjoy the success that he has had as a renowned teaching professional, Quinton couldn't rest until he felt he had "solved the puzzle" that is the golf swing.
After authoring 3 books, publishing hundreds of videos and helping millions improve their game around the world, Quinton still hadn't found the ultimate answer he was looking for - to teach anyone how to swing like a pro in just 10 minutes.
Quinton realized he needed to turn the overly complicated world of golf instruction on its head and radically simplify it. To do that he needed to think completely differently about how to teach golfers to swing a club. What if the golf swing was all about a feel with no mechanical thoughts?
After spending thousands of hours and hitting tens of thousands of shots in his lab using his own swing as "Patient Zero", Quinton unlocked the most revolutionary and exciting discovery in golf instruction - the AXIOM.
Through his relentless pursuit to make golf fun again for all golfers of all abilities, he has created huge buzz and excitement about the golf swing.
Finally, anyone can learn the golf swing in a simple, easy to understand fashion based on a FEEL that creates proper mechanics that will allow you to pure more shots and play your best golf, pain free, for a lifetime.
"Just wanted to let you know I tried out the Axiom instruction, and I'm absolutely amazed! I don't pretend to know why it works. Maybe it's best I don't know. But since giving it a try on the range, I've posted two of my lowest scores in a decade. I'm hitting the ball more solidly, straighter and farther. I've knocked 6 to 8 strokes off my score in less than two weeks. You're really onto something with this instruction. Thanks for bringing back the joy in golf."
-Tim Patteron, USA
"Dear Chuck, I wanted to let you know what I have gained from your AXIOM webinar. There were immediate results as I swung perfectly in sync, swing faults and all. The AXIOM has been a revelation. With my brain in my right foot, for the first time in my life I am getting into all of the positions of the dead drill at full speed and it’s becoming as natural as throwing a ball. I no longer think it’s possible for me to play anything but good golf. I am so grateful to have been given the key to unlock the golfing ability I only ever got the occasional glimpse of. You deserve every success with the AXIOM and RST and every time I crush a little white ball, I will be thankful for what you have taught me."
-Alistair McCulloch, Sussex, UK "Two rounds after the AXIOM video I felt freedom. The hips turned and the club released. I think axiom has freed me in some way that I could not make work with drills." -Chris Reasoner, USA "Chuck Quinton is a golf genius. His videos on combining a shallower backswing to create less arm and shoulder tension with the “clamshell” downswing moves have allowed me execute shots with the kind of power and effortlessness I thought I would never be able to achieve. I’m loving golf again. Thank you! Jack " -Jack Leventhal, USA "I can honestly say that RotarySwing has completely revolutionized the way I think about the golf swing...The website is without a doubt the best golf instruction resource anywhere on the Internet." -Sam Jarman, Milton Keynes, UK
Founder, Medical Panel and Advisory Board
To make sure we give you nothing but facts and the latest research, we rely on experts like these...

Chuck Quinton
Founder - Master Instructor
Jeffrey P. Broker
Ph.D. - Biomechanist
Brian P. McKeon
MD - Orthopedic Surgeon
Michael L. Wolak
PhD, MD, MS - Neurosurgeon
Mitchell Supler
MD - NeurosurgeonChuck Quinton - Founder - Master Instructor
Quinton’s passion and relentless pursuit to “solve the puzzle” and make golf fun again for all golfers of all abilities, has led to his recent discovery of the AXIOM, the most revolutionary and exciting discovery in golf instruction!
Making something incredibly complicated so very simple wasn’t easy. It took over 20 years of dedication and commitment to make sense of the golf swing. Finally anyone can swing like a pro in just 10 minutes!
Quinton is the author of 3 golf instruction books, including "The DEAD Drill", "The Rotary Swing Tour Certification Manual" and "The Rotary Swing'' that have sold thousands of copies worldwide as well as the instructional DVD series, “Swing Plane Made Simple” and “Short Game Made Simple”. His most recent book, the Rotary Swing Tour Certification Manual, Level 1 has been one of the most critically acclaimed golf instruction books ever written.
Quinton has spent countless thousands of hours researching biomechanics, neuromechanics, anatomy and physics to develop his unique and systematic approach to the golf swing. His early research into how stroke victims are able to learn new movement patterns through a specific motor learning process lead to the development of the online learning system that has helped hundreds of thousands of golfers around the world play their most consistent golf ever.
His instructional website, was the first golf instruction membership site on the net and is one of the largest golf instruction sites on the internet today with thousands of visitors per day and is host to over 300 instructional videos that Quinton has created, as well as over 100 articles he has written.
He has been featured as a guest on ESPN Sports Radio numerous times, as well as numerous local radio shows around the country.
He has helped thousands of students of all abilities, including players on the PGA Tour, Nationwide Tour, European PGA Tour, LPGA Tour, Futures Tour, Hooters Tour, Gateway Tour, and numerous other mini-tours.
It is through his thousands of hours of tireless research, continuing instruction and hard work that this site, the original Rotary Swing and the Rotary Swing Tour (RST) have come about.
Quinton has given over ten thousand in person golf lessons over the past 20 years and he and his team have done over 80,000 online swing reviews.
Jeffrey P. Broker, Ph.D. - Biomechanist
He continues to work closely with Olympic Sports. Current sport biomechanics projects include the analysis of long and triple jump technique for the US National Track & Field Team, assessment of visual processing, perception and reaction for softball pitchers, cycling biomechanics/aerodynamics, injury mechanisms, and volleyball serve optimization. He also collaborates with local medical organizations in the area of clinical orthopedic biomechanics, injury mechanisms and musculoskeletal injury management.
Dr. Broker’s courses at the University of Colorado include Biomechanics, Advanced Human Anatomy, Biomechanics of Musculoskeletal Injury, and Anatomy and Exercise Science: Applications to Golf. The Anatomy and Exercise Science with Applications to Golf course uniquely serves the University’s Professional Golf Management Program. These courses are taught at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Most recently, Dr. Broker has engaged in research exploring grip pressure patterns in golf, biomechanical and perceptual conflicts in putting, and pedometer- and GPS-based assessment of golf as a means of obtaining 10,000 steps per day. At the time of this writing, Dr. Broker has authored or coauthored over 35 peer reviewed articles and published abstracts. He has written or coauthored 13 book chapters or review articles. He is also on the Advisory or Science Boards of USA Track & Field, USA Cycling, USA Volleyball, and USA Triathlon.
Select Articles on Golf and Other Sports
Broker, J. and Ramey, M. (2008). Understanding golf club control through grip pressure measurement. Science and Golf V: Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf.
(D. Cruse and F. Lutz, eds.). E & FN Spon, London. 52-59.
Broker, J. and Ramey, M. (2008) A new method for measuring grip force and its distribution during the golf swing. Annual Review of Golf Coaching. 1, 121-134.
Sanders, C.M., Broker, J.P., Berning, J.R., and Subudhi, A.W. (2007). The Relationship Between Golf and Walking Benefits: A Pedometer-Based Exercise Assessment. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 39(5) S384.
Smith, L, Broker, J., Nathan, A. (2003). “A Study of Softball Player Swing Speed,” Sports Dynamics Discovery and Application, Edited by A. Subic, P. Trivailo, and F. Alam, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia, pp. 12-17.
Yu B., Broker J., Silvester L.J. (2002). A Kinetic Analysis of Discus-Throwing Techniques. Sports Biomechanics 1(1): 25-46.
Broker, J.P., Crawley, J.C., and Coughlin, K.(2002) Pedaling mechanics differences across cycling disciplines: observations over 10 years of testing. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 34(5), S90.
Bassett, D.R., Kyle, C.R., Passfield, L., Broker, J.P. and Burke, E.R. (1999). Comparing the World hour record in cycling, 1967-1996: a modeling method using empirical data. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31(11), 1665-1676.
Broker, J.P., Kyle, C.R. and Burke, E. R. (1999). Racing cyclist power requirements in the 4000 meter individual and team pursuits. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31(11), 1677-1685.
Brian P. McKeon, MD. - Orthopedic Surgeon
Orthopedic Surgeon, New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, MA
Assistant Clinical Professor Orthopedics, Tufts Univ. School of Medicine
Chief Medical Officer Boston Celtics
Ranked by Becker’s Orthopedic Spine and Review as one of the “Top 25 Knee Surgeons in the United States” NOV 2009
1988 - BS Biology - University of Connecticut
1993 - MD - Georgetown University School of Medicine, AOA member
Postdoctoral Training
Univ. of Connecticut Integrated Residency Program
7/93-6/94- Gen Surgery Internship
7/94-6/97- Resident in Orthopedics
7/97-6/98- Chief Orthopedic Resident
New England Baptist Hospital, Boston, MA
8/98- 7/99- Sports Medicine Fellowship
Gothenburg, Sweden
5/04- Sabbatical with Lars Peterson, MD
Academic Appointments
Assistant Clinical Professor Orthopedics, Tufts Univ. School of Medicine
Sports Medicine Fellowship Instructor, NEBH
Hospital/Surgical Center Appointments
2004: Boston Outpatient Surgical Suites
1998-present: New England Baptist Hospital Bone and Joint Institute
Text Books
Knee Arthroscopy, Eds. McKeon B, Bono J, Richmond JR. Springer Publishing Co. March 2009
Professional Experience:
Orthopaedic coverage US Gymnastics Olympic Trials, Boston, MA 8/2000
Assistant team physician Boston Celtics, Boston, MA 1999-2004
Head Team Physician BostonCeltics 2005-current
Michael L. Wolak, PhD, MD, MS - Neurosurgeon
Undergraduate Education
University of Michigan
Post-Graduate Education
M.D. Chicago Medical School
M.S. Pathology, Chicago Medical School
Ph.D. Physiology and Biophysics, Chicago Medical School
Neurosurgery Residency Training
University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics
The Methodist Hospital
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Professional Membership
Diplomat, American Board of Neurological Surgeons (ABNS)
Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS)
American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
Mitchell Supler MD - Neurosurgeon
Dr. Mitchell Supler brings over 20 years of neurosurgical experience to the Masson Spine Institute. After graduating with honors from the University of Florida College of Medicine, he completed his residency in Neurosurgery at the University of Florida as well in 1996, training alongside Dr. Robert Masson. He has been board certified by of the American Board of Neurological Surgery since 1999.
Dr. Supler excels in the treatment of recreational and professional golfers with spinal disorders. An avid golfer himself, Dr. Supler holds certifications with the Titleist Performance Institute, bringing an expanded knowledge of the biomechanics of the golf swing and its effects on the spine. He is one of only two neurosurgeons in the country to carry this distinction. Dr. Supler can, also, be heard regularly on the Sirius/XM PGA Tour Radio show “Inside the Ropes”.
Dr. Supler has unique specialization in artificial disc replacement of the cervical and lumbar spines These procedures allow preservation of mobility, produce less surrounding tissue damage, and result in a faster recovery to a more active lifestyle. He successfully performed a cervical disc replacement on Dr. Masson who, within 8 months, summitted Mt. Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa.
Dr. Supler is one of the nation’s leading surgeons specializes in the treatment of chronic pain through spinal cord stimulation. His expertise is in high demand having trained numerous physicians from the United States, South America, Europe, and Asia.
Treatment for pain arising from the sacroileac joint is one of Dr. Supler’s greatest passions. Over 20% of back pain may be arising from this joint, and it is often overlooked. He is one of only a few surgeons in the country performing minimally invasive surgery for sacroileac joint dysfunction. He is currently involved in research to develop newer, more refined techniques as well.
Dr. Supler’s knowledge, training and experience make him an asset to the Masson Spine Institute. He is dedicated to using the latest, proven technology and applying it to each individual patient.
We're after one thing: Real Results - Real Fast. And that's exactly what our members achieve. And that's why they say the AXIOM is: Mind-blowing. Game changing. Revolutionary.
Here at RotarySwing, talk is cheap and the proof is always in the pudding. Come see the massive transformations we can achieve together in your swing.
From beginner to pro, we have what you need to get you where you want to go.
RotarySwing was founded out of frustration with the current state of golf instruction. Quinton knew a better way had to exist to learn this game we all love.