RotarySwing Before and Afters
See What Your Swing Will Look Like with RotarySwing
The AXIOM is an INSTANT Cure for Over the Top!
Tour Pro Fixes Impact Position that Has Plagued Him for Years
After our lesson, Ik-Joon was ecstatic about the improvements and had the following to say:
"I've worked with David Leadbetter and other top instructors for years and not a single one could ever tell me how to exactly get into the impact position you taught me in 5 minutes."
BEFORE: Here are some results after our first week on fixing his stuck, flippy position at impact to produce a ball flight that is literally half as high as before and is now far more penetrating.
AFTER: As you can see, his impact position has changed dramatically in only one lesson using the drills on the site.
You can read more about his journey here.