Rotary Swing Review - Testimonials and Success Stories

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Full Golf Swing by a Rotary Swing Tour Student

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excellent student Rotary Golf Swing
"I can't realistically see myself hitting the ball any better or more consistently down the range or on the course than I am now, and I understand my misses now as well."

-Colin Earl
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Rotary Swing Reviews from Golfers like you!

Below are reviews of the Rotary Swing from our thousands of members like you who have learned the Rotary Swing online. Our revolutionary approach to teaching the mechanics of the golf swing has helped tens of thousands of golfers learn the Rotary Swing and led to the thousands of reviews you can read below.

Will your success story be next?

"I will gladly renew my subscription. RST has, in just 3 months, reduced dramatically the pain in my right hip and it has also restored my game which had broken down terribly. I have stopped the sessions of massage and physiotherapy which for months proved utterly ineffective. I was spinning my hips too fast and not transferring enough weight to the left on the downswing and follow-through. I live in Nigeria but you can be sure to see me in one of your training facilities any time I am in the US on visit. Keep up the good work. I will not stop talking to my buddies about RST. "
-Alek Dauda M. | Port Harcourt | 11 hdcp

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"My improvements are noticeable . This weekend using your instruction I had 2 drives over 270 and I am 65 years young"
-bob m. | tucson, Arizona | 6 hdcp
"Hey RST, just recently started the RST and have been at it for maybe 6 weeks. Really makes sense to me on an anatomical sense with my background in sports strength and conditioning. Anyway I just wanted to sincerely thank Chuck and the team for the amazing thing you have done with the golf swing. Had a little glimpse of how good it can be, everything just fell into place the other day and I had a day out on the course shooting my best ever score -8, 64... 7 birdies, an eagle and a bogey. Had 10ft for a 63 on the last but will take putting away the 64. Thanks heaps guys, the golf swing makes a world more sense now."
-Damien P. | Melbourne | 1 hdcp
"Today, I went out first time using the RST...shot a 66 and no pain at all."
-Donald W. | Whittier, California | 1 hdcp
"I have been a member of RST for years... a long time. And like most folks, have improved my game immensely from your instruction. At times it came quickly. Other times (most of the time) slowly with a lot of effort. I remember the very first lesson I had with you years ago. It was at some driving range I think...I was swinging away at my 7 iron and after a few swings you said....." we have some work to do buddy. They aren't even flyng 150." Fast forward to present day and my index is just above 5. Shooting mid 70's on Trump Bedminster which is tough and site of a Woman's Open. I might even challenge Trump himself for the senior men's championship next year. I am simply not the same golfer I was 5-6 years ago. At 62 I hit the ball further than anytime in my life...attested to by my son. Andy yes, the improvement in play has increased my enjoyment of the game immeasurably. Anybody who says there is no correlation there is nuts."
-Carver W. | Rumson, New Jersey
"RotarySwing is the best instruction I have ever come across in my 50 years of playing golf. I have had a lot of instruction over the years but never as complete and simple to understand. I have recommended RotarySwing to several of my friends and will continue to do so. Keep up the great work."
-Jim L. | Seattle, Washington | 6 hdcp

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"Rotary Swing is without question the finest Golf Instruction web site on the Planet and I now have an understanding of the golf swing like never before."
-William W.
"I wanted to drop you guys a line to say that I used your videos a couple of years ago and took about 12-15 strokes off my game. I was just starting out at the time and dropped my handicap from 40s to 20s, got most improved golfer that year! I just re-subscribed and started with a focus on my short game, the chipping videos are great. I put your setup into action the very next day while golfing on vacation. Finished off the vert first hole with an uphill chip-in from about 30 yards off the green & saved a bogey!! Your videos also don't throw off my game or my swing like live clinics and individual instruction where pros often try to use a cookie cutter approach for everyone. Best lessons anywhere!! "
-Kathy S.
"Dear Christina, in 2017 I wrote to you to tell you all the good things I thought of the RST system. I have continued to practice the drills following Chuck's and his team's advice. I can now surprisingly swing the club so easily, efficiently and without pain like never before. I got rid of the pain I have had for years in the left knee and the low back. No more need to take medicine. Thank you to Chuck and his team for that.They have also given me the answers to the questions I have been looking for in the last 20 years despite the many golf teachers and lessons I have had. Weight transfer never heard before, I realise now that my swing plane was not correct. Now it is time to take action. I would like to join Rotary Swing University and I am looking forward to continuing the work with their support. "
-Joelle B.
"I have studied the swing for thousand of hours and study the the teachings of many of the so called greats. My conclusion is that there is only one place I will tell all my friends and jr golfers to go, Without a doubt this is the only place you need to go to learn how to play the game. People need to stop wasting their time and MONEY and sign up with you. I tell you this because of the time I have spent researching and trying to completely understand the swing itself, the sequence required to play the best golf possible with the less effort or wasted motion. Your site is the answer. I found you by accident researching the take away. The 5:30 video showing the take away with the right shoulder blade was profound and unbelievable."
-brian s. | byron, Illinois
" Hey guys I cannot thank you enough for this RST website, it has totally transformed my golf game. I have been playing for over 15 years and was able to stay around a nine handicap but never could go lower than that because of a bad hole here and there. Now I able to keep the ball in play and make those up and downs when I need to. I am now down to a 4 handicap and my goal is to become a scratch golfer. I played in a tournament this past weekend and had to go into a playoff hole, we had around 30 people watching us tee off and I had 100% confidence I could put the ball down the middle, which I did (with a baby draw). I trusted all the work I had put into this swing in the past seven months. I just wanted to give you guys a BIG thank you. Keep up the great work. "
-Tim P.

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"On a side note, I'm extremely happy with the web membership, I've taken an in person lesson and have watched many online videos from top instructors and Chuck is by far the best. I'm starting to see dividends on the work, the way he breaks down the positions and sequencing of the swing is amazing, love the science of it!"
-Gerry M.
"If you want to learn the game this is the ticket. I can give you $60./hr lesson and you will think I'm god until next week. Why RST is important? My follow up lessons will probably try to build to much on base that has never been built to begin with, Your wasting your/my time and your/money. I tell my students get an RST Membership and a Driving Range membership, maybe $3-400./yr and with video, Now Lets get to work! Study Chucks work and I'll try and guide you with his techniques."
-Lawrence R. | Lake Toxaway, North Carolina | 6 hdcp
"Hi Christina, ( and Chuck) I hope you guys have had a great summer so far. I wanted to let Chuck know that I finally had a major breakthrough with RST yesterday. I had been dutifully doing my drills all last year, and of course thoroughly enjoyed the teaching in July, but have continued to struggle with over the top , armsy swing, with weak slice and no power that has really affected my game for a long time. I had really almost given up and was ready to hang up my clubs, thinking I would just not be able to "get" what Chuck has been teaching. So I went back to look at the Release video, 5 minutes to the perfect backswing, and most importantly, Chucks 9-3 video done with the San Juans in the backround, that I have looked at DOZENS of times; but suddenly, it all clicked; initiate the downswing with the big muscles from transition and let the arms follow passively to release the club; WOW: I finally FELT what he has been talking about while out on the range and the results were phenomenal. His explanation of turning the shoulders WITHOUT the club or arms in the 9-3 drill did it for me. 9-3 Drill explanation is the BEST! All of a sudden, my life makes sense again, and I can force myself to get up in the morning. I'm sending this to you hoping you can relay to Chuck again how phenomenal the program is, and that persistence with the program can finally pay off; even with 19 years of bad habits and injuries. Thanks again!"
-Brad C. | Grand Junction, CO
"Chuck, I'm a 4+ year unlimited review member of RST. I'm a retired research engineer and a firm believer in all your RST concepts. Why? Because they make good scientific sense. I've been working with Chris Tyler during this 4+ year time frame and I love the guy. I've worked with and led PhD engineers from MIT, Cal Tech, etc and Chris's knowledge of the golf swing is right up there with those PhD's knowledge of engineering. My golf swing has improved immensely under Chris's tutelage, and in one of these years I was able to win the "over 60yr old---Super Senior" West Virginia Sr Amateur and WV Sr Open in the same year. I've won all 4 WV Sr Amateur majors, ---Amateur stroke play, Amateur match play, Sr Open and Sr 4 ball--at the Super Sr Level. So why do I want to have instruction from Chuck? First, I would like to meet the guy that started RST. I'm intrigued by the RST concepts and would like to discuss those concepts with him. Second, I've moved to Florida and I want to win a Sr Florida State Championship. That is a whole lot harder than championships in the small state of WV. Third, no one out works me. I put the hours in because I love to practice and see the improvement. You can ask Chris. This is my job in retirement. I can meet Chuck at the Ritz course in Orlando as I've been there many times working with Chris. I now live just south of Fort Myers. I will be a life long RST member whether I meet Chuck or not. It would be a highlight of my life to meet him and kick his butt in a few holes of golf. "
-Tom S.
"An engineer and analyst, I've had more moments of enlightenment watching this series than decades of golf literature and videos, so much so I'm struggling to watch anything else now. I've changed my technique to adhere to these "new" principles and the results have been quite staggering. I could usually hit well but tensions crept in that made precise timing an ongoing challenge. Now these tensions are now gone. No more defending against their negative impact, no more concerns about consistency. In my opinion this methodology is by far the most "correct" and best taught. Well done Chuck Quinton. I now feel even Hogan would have benefited from Chuck's input."
-SearchBucket2 (Youtube Follower)

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"I'm a certified Impact Zone instructor, I watch and learn from many sources, but your info is top shelf."
-Ed A. | Kahului, Hawaii | 4 hdcp
"I feel like I've joined a golf family who cares about amateur golfers who want to develop a pro swing. The membership is excellent and extremely detailed. People will get out of your program what they put into it. To be honest, I can't wait to get to the computer each day and learn the next phase. my goal is to be a scratch player and believe I can do this with the program's help."
-David M. | Ngunnawal | 20 hdcp
" I went to the driving range. My ball striking was simply amazing! It was beautiful! Only a true golfer would understand the JOY of hitting the ball purely and effortlessly. Thank You!!!! I was overwhelmed with joy. I only hit my driver twice. The 2nd shot was so pure it left me speechless!!! It cleared pine trees 249 yards away that are over 75 feet tall. "
-Jessie S.
"Thanks, Rotary Swing is the best money I have ever spent!"
"Chuck, Great job. You are the Einstein of golf ...DrHarry"
-Harry G.

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"Greatest teacher alive."
"Chuck, I am an Interventional Radiologist in NC and my company, Carolina Radiology Consultants is based near Raleigh-Durham. By day I practice medicine, but thanks to you and your RotarySwing genius, golf has been forever changed. Not enough words to describe the transformation, but just wanted to say thank you!"
-Jeffrey J.
"Chuck, I’ve been a member for a month. Just turned 68, am blessed to be in good physical condition but, overcoming a ruptured quadricep tendon from 20 months ago on my left leg. That’s made it more difficult getting onto my left side, especially as the round progresses. A friend, Conrad Petersen, recommended I look into Rotary Golf. The dead drill has been incredibly helpful. Doing my reps everyday and being realistic about not expecting results without doing the foundational work while building the new neuro pathways in the brain. That said, the immediate results have been mind blowing. This blog post about learning from mistakes, in golf and life, is so well said. I’ve been in the people development business my entire career. Your words of advice in this article will be so helpful to so many. Probably more in life than golf! I’ll share them and always give you credit while using this great advice as a way to introduce others to Rotary Golf. While the adventurous journey with you and Rotary Golf has just begun, I’m wildly excited about what lies ahead. And, when mistakes are made as they surely will be, I’ll be focused on learning from them in the present! All the Best, Tim"
-Tim L. | TX
"I posted in the comments area of your Driver series, but wanted to make sure you got the message. I'm a hacker, or was a hacker before finding your site,and after just 1 week, I've found more improvement,less mis-hits, than ever thought possible for a worn-out 56 y/o man. Chuck, I can honestly say that I've worked harder, physically, over my life than about all your students combined.. no brag, just fact. my body isn't as it was 30 yrs ago, but not too bad all things considered. I'm a proud vet of the 25th Infantry Division, as a artillery surveyor/forward observer, which made it easy to relate to launch angles and distances for golf balls. Now, I know I'll never reach your abilities on the course, nor do I complain about it, but it's with heart-felt sincerity that I say Thanks for what you've given thru your videos and instruction. When I was in High School (60s-70s) we had no golf team... the only course was aprivat club where Drs and such played. I started playing in my mid 40s..kinda late compared to many you teach today. I'll be honest that I can't afford the cost of your personal instruction,should I live in Fla, however, you're worth every dime from my perspective... sorta like a new Mercedes...outta my league. I wish you the best in your golfing endeavors, and can't say Thank You near enough. I salute you,Sir..and i don't give those to just anyone.. they must earn them, and you have."
-Butch E. | Hedgesville, West Virginia
"I have taken ownership of my swing. I now know much more about my golf swing and what I want to do with my golf swing instead of relying on other people. I have also won two tournaments since implementing rotary swing. This site has allowed me to play the best golf of my life"
-Adam A. | Columbus, Ohio

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"im a true Rotary believer. in 3 months ive gone from shooting low 80s 84 mostly to shooting low 70s. i shot a 70 Saturday. i love it. im a drill man. not bragging just excited about it. "
-james c. | cordele, GEORGIA | 10 hdcp
"I can highly recommend the course. It has given me a much better depth of knowledge of the golf swing than the PGA training has done. I would say that at least 40% of my lessons now come through my connections with Rotary Swing. They are great people to work with, and I'm sure you will benefit from becoming a certified instructor."
-Sam J. | Milton Keynes
"I saw such an improvement in my golf swing by being a free member that I wanted the full benefits of a premium membership. I'm a notorious range rat who has learned more with my premium membership than I have from thousands of dollars of lessons and training aids over the past 20 years. "
-Daryl R. | Owensboro, Kentucky | 9 hdcp
"I have always tried to apply science and physics to the swing. You guys are the first ones I have found that explain this a little more simply than those goofy TGM guys"
-Grayson M. | Aledo, Texas | 8 hdcp
"Best instruction I have seen in 50 years of playing and learning golf."

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"In just this week I've recovered all the distance I've lost and have added some twenty yards to my drives, and my ball striking just plain gets me excited about where my swing is going."
-Ian M. | Halifax
"I'm a huge fan of the RST and during this summer I cut my HCP from 12 to 6,5 and making solid progress all the time."
-David G. | Helsinki | 9 hdcp
"I watched a quick clip on YouTube of Chuck describing "lag" and it triggered the sensation/memory or hitting a pure golf shot again. I agreed with the philosophy brought forth in the video - and I could trust Chuck's methods were solid."
-William M.
" was recommended by a friend and I like the methodology of deep training and stacking."
-E. Clark M. | Frederick, Colorado
"I have lowered my shots per round by about 10 strokes."
-Tommy | Jackson, Georgia

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"I had a really bad instructor that massacred my swing for all the reasons you point out. The shoulder blade glide and push/ pull concepts evaporated most of the nonsense I had absorbed from his bad teaching in 5 mins."
-Robert E. | Shipston on Stour | 15 hdcp
"Thank you for such a goldmine of information, you are No 1 of that there is no doubt. I now have a new perspective on my game, and its just so much more enjoyable to play this game in single figures every time. Should have found you earlier!!"
-Mark H. | Pulborough
"My handicap has dropped from 12.5 to 9.0 since I started 8 weeks ago. I've now hit golf balls on occasion like the pros do...compressing it with little effort yet significantly longer."
-Brad M. | Rancho Santa Fe, California
"After a month with RST this is the best round I've ever shot, first time at par."
-Scott D. | Ann Arbor, Michigan | 6 hdcp
"I just had a record amount of pars 16 (with a double and bogie for a 75). I give RS the credit because it has kept me more balanced and stable, which has helped my chipping and putting (26 putts). "
-Caleb H.

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" I was very close to thinking my game had no way to progress and this program has given me a new sense of purpose. Chuck conveys a genuine interest in making golf instruction work for the individual and for me has answered some long nagging questions I had about the mechanics of the golf swing. I guess I reached a moment of clarity that I haven't gotten with other methods. Don't let it go to your head Chuck. Nice work."
-Keith S. | Sparks, Nevada
"I was so impressed with your system that on the same day I got your free membership, I switched to the premium one!"
-Francoise M. | ST Louis, Missouri | 27 hdcp
"My 'Driving accuracy' has gone from 42% to 85% and my 'Greens in regulation' have gone from 22% to 68%. This is all within 2 weeks. If only I had known about RotarySwing earlier, I would be not only enjoyed golf to a greater extent, but also saved countless hours of practice and costs. My membership is definitely meeting my expectations-thank you."
-Nicholas F. | Melbourne | 15 hdcp
"My game lacks consistency, yet after just watching the first videos on the takeaway I went from my previous round that had 6 holes with triple bogey or worse to a new round with no triples and only 2 double. Score was 90. My best round ever."
-Kent M. | Post Falls, Idaho | 26 hdcp
"Fabulous I think it is the best golf instruction I have seen in thirty years, I would give this a ten. You can't miss if you want to improve get answers to conflicting advice .this is a wonderful app for any golfer from beginner to a very good golfer.perfect for a person that wants to get started with the right fundamentals."
- Massres

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"No gimmicky golf bandaids here. Just a scientific approach to a swing that you can repeat...which is the key to success with this game. Chuck can back his teaching with science....not just his opinions, which is what sold me. The science (much like math and numbers) doesn't lie. I watch these over and over and practice in the mirror to build the muscle memory before hitting the range. My game is changing and it's amazing. Accuracy and distance is become much easier. Hitting more fairways. Hitting more greens in two!!"
"I am more consistent on the golf course, I am 76 and shot my age or better several times"
-James E. | Peosta, Iowa | 14 hdcp
"This is the best instruction product on the market. Don't change a thing."
-Bill S. | Sweeny, Texas | 12 hdcp
"Chuck Quinton is the most knowledgeable golf instructor that I have ever met and i have worked with what is considered Four out the worlds top instructors, including nos.1,2,3. Chuck explains aspects of the swing so well. He not only tells you what to do, but also HOW to execute it."
"It's the most completely understood and well taught golf swing I've ever encountered. Chuck explains why these are the correct positions and how to use the muscles properly to achieve them. He also explains the process necessary in order to learn these new movement patterns in a lasting way."
-Premium Member Survey

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"RST IMHO, is the BEST system for learning a lasting and effective golf swing. I say that because I have been using RST in its infant stages and I'm just in awe of it. Also, the community here on the forums is ALL about getting every golfer better and creating friendships on the forums. I may not post a whole lot but I do log on to the forums on a daily basis and I just love how this community encourages other golfers to get better and put the time in. This community, to me, is the most informed golfers about the golf swing on the net PERIOD!"
"My swing is improving for the 1st time in my life. I started playing at age 20. 40 years later I was still very bad (terrible hooking all the time...I never was a slicer). For 40 years I usually scored in the low 100's, but I was frustrated because I was a very good athlete...10 days ago I shot a round of 78, including my 1st ever hole-in-one. This year (at age 63) I finally have a picture of my swing should be at all stages of the swing. Before RST I had no clue."
-Carl T. | Villa Hills, Kentucky | 18 hdcp
"i went from 4 to 1 handicap"
-Gian Mario A. | ARZACHENA
"I wanted to tell you that i Shot my age today, Thanks to you and the Rotary Swing. I am 74 years young so it proves that your never to old to learn what you are teaching. Thanks once again for your help and the confidence that you instilled in me. My handicap has gone from (14) when I first met you last February to a (9) today. Thats pretty remarkable for this old guy. My friends can't believe it, as they have played with me for years. They want to know about this new ROTARY Swing i talk about, so I give then your web site to review. Hope they get in touch. Thanks Chuck. Hope to see you this winter."
-Jim E.
"I looked at a lot, but this one has the best teacher and the most complete and easily understood instruction. All the other teachers tell you what to do, but almost none tell you how to do it and how to practice it in this much detail."
-Loren T. | Tecumseh, Kansas | 15 hdcp

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"Just wanted to report back that the $17 I spent on the Jack Nicklaus Secret putting course was the best money ever spent. Made all the sense in the world showing the tractor pulling and pushing the trailer and the grip with the left hand real low has transformed me from a less than average putter to an better than average putter in one day. I have tried out the new grip and stroke with two different putters going the first nine with one and the back nine with the other a couple of times now and the results for both putters were amazing and similar averaging less than two putts per hole. I was making longer putts and even reading greens much better. I have only been golfing since last June when at 59 year old, I picked up a club for the first time. I was struggling to break 100 and now I am looking forward to breaking 90 with a few more months under my belt."
-David S.
"I just spent three months reading all of the testimonials! I was going to write one, but I could not see how to submit it. When I read what others have said, it was exactly what I was going to say. A few years ago, i bought a set of irons from a club maker. He asked me how I was hitting it. I said I was slicing all the time. He said that I must not be getting my right side through. So all these years, until my brother put me on to you, I have been trying harder and harder to get my right side through. All those slices.... I guess there is a reason why that guy was a club maker and not Jack Nicklaus. I am a work in progress, but more and more frequently, I am shifting my weight, keeping the wrist angle better and popping the ball as never before with the three little fingers on my left hand. The right side follows along but is mostly forgotten. Where have you been all my life?"
-Jim C.
"I think the learning group is a great system, I found it easy to use and the instructor got back to you very quickly usually the next day. I improved a lot in the group and there is nothing else I feel like it on the net. Keep up the good work !! "
-jonathan n. | carrickfergus | 13 hdcp
"It's up to the desire for improvement, and I have it, watching vids, taking notes, taking it with me to the range, not going to play for awhile now, this instruction is too important to blow by... Didn't know what to think bout a free membership, till I saw the show that secret and think what else do they have to show...this is it I thought...I don't have anything natural bout my golf....need to be told everything, and bam, you even have the muscle groups to be using to aid in the golf, already have shown a couple friends bout the shoulder blade movement, blew them away too as it takes the guessing out of how and where to bring the arms back. I will be sending vids of front and back after a few more swings...can never thank you enough, Tom"
-TOM P. | SUN CITY, Arizona | 17 hdcp
"Hi Chuck, I wanted to send a thank you to you, Christina, the team you worked with during the research phase to build what is now Rotary Swing, and finally Craig. I do not need to tell you that everywhere else I have been prior to landing on your door step is in the business of selling band-aids. You already know that. I also probably do not need to tell you how well Craig does his job, I am sure you know that as well. That said, I am going to anyway, because he deserves it. I read people for a living, and he commands one of the most genuine personalities I have met in a long time. Both days he put on the clinic he stayed late to make sure each of us were satisfied with the instruction we had received as well as had all of our questions answered. He knows how to ask the right questions to see if people actually get the concept. I will stop there, but make sure you hang on to him. He is a good egg. You guys run a tight ship, keep up the great work!"
-Billy B.

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"You guys are amazing! Thanks and enjoy your roadtrip - loving the videos!"
-John H.
"I want to thank you for the website and within RST your approach which by far outshines anything I have ever found. Your teaching method is clear, concise and on point -- THANK YOU. Most of all I want to thank you for your passion for the game and stated desire to do the right thing regarding teaching. I am 70 years old and have been through my share of teaching philosophies over the years with many folks being well meaning but actually harmful to ones personal game."
-Charles L.
"I have a much better understanding of the golf swing. My handicap is lower by over 4 strokes - 9 hdcp to 4 hdcp"
-Premium Member Survey
"I used to play to a 5 hdcp. 12 years ago but gave up the game for family reasons and didn't start playing again until a few years ago when my older son took it up. I wasn't close to getting back to my old form the past few years. I joined your site 6 weeks ago and have been doing the drills and made it through the setup and backswing sections. My last round 2 weekends ago I was 1 over on the back 9 and could notice changes happening. The last week I started on the downswing section and watched this video 5 times and realized what I was doing wrong. I went to the range today for the first time since starting the downswing section and I never hit the ball better in all the years I have been playing. I finally felt what it was like to compress a golf ball!!! I easily gained 10-15 yards with each club and my consistency in accuracy and taking a divot were unbelievable. I think today was the first time I have ever felt what a relaxed and athletic golf swing feels like."
-Paul M. | Hampton, Virginia | 12 hdcp
"I'd like to respond in a couple of words but can't......I'll try to be brief. I'm 65, a practicing chiropractor with an under graduate degree in Kinesiology. So I can tell when someone knows what they're talking about wrt human movement. I have also got moderate mid brain damage( diagnosed 10 years ago) as the result of multiple concussions playing high school and university football. Last year I had a total left hip replacement. My club head speed has dropped from a high of 117 mph, to guess what?....92 mph over the last 10 years. You nailed that one! So I experimented with anything I thought would increase lag. No matter what I tried, I could not stop casting . My dream was to at least be able to crush a grape with my driver. I had my wife video my swing and was horrified at what I saw. Much of it no doubt, as a result of compensating subconsciously for fear of more hip pain, and...…. stuff I read, believed and was certain of that wasn't so. I HAD NO IDEA OF THE ROLE THE RIGHT HAND PLAYED AND THAT IT WAS THAT PASSIVE!!!! Being a hard throwing right handed baseball pitcher in my youth was actually a detriment mentally as it seduced me into believing that the harder I tried I'd eventually increase swing speed. No where in the 100's of books I've read on the golf swing has the roles of the lead and trailing arms been explained so brilliantly. I cannot thank you enough for reigniting my passion to learn and play the right way."
-Paul M.

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"Consistency. Confidence. I am seven strokes lower"
-bill r. | london | 10 hdcp
"Got my first hole in one! 178 7 iron. Swish!!!!"
-Aaron M. | Middletown, Connecticut
"Hi Clay, I've made some very good progress in the last 3 weeks, before I joined my handicap was a 2.2, I'm down to 0.7 as of today, and I know that my short game is what's holding me back, specifically my chipping and pitching. Thanks to rotary swing!!!"
-Randall B. | Miami, Florida | 5 hdcp
"I was a PGA Pro for 20 years before returning to amateur status 3 years ago. Your instruction is the best I have ever seen and I worked with several "top 100.""
-Daniel M.
"My handicap is current 1.6 and I've made huge improvement since becoming a member. Handicap dropped from a 6 to 1.6 in 4 months."
-Scott C. | Orlando, Florida | 6 hdcp

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"So this was filmed prior to your clamshell advice where you noticed my right glute was in a good position. I did this because I was watching your dead drill video and noticed your butt stayed back. So I got up to the mirror and kept it on the mirror and that's where I started to get the feeling. Then your feedback got me to step away from it and bump it instead of rolling on it. If I focus on the clamshell and making the square feel more flat, my transition is natural. Crazy. I cheated and went and hit balls. I was almost in tears. I have never hit the ball like that, so crisp and straight. I realized if I time it so my swing ends at my right thigh (add lead arm end) even though it really doesn't and I let go, it's unbelievable! Cant thank you enough... Bob"
-Robert B.
"Hi Chuck, I'm a new member, been here for a week or so. Love the stuff so far, worked on the takeaway, right arm, 5 steps to a perfect backswing, and lo and behold shot a 71 yesterday. You're video on how the arms go up as you turn your shoulders was particularly illuminating."
-Randall B. | Miami, Florida | 5 hdcp
"I really like the training without the club and the incremental method of introducing parts of the swing. I'm a musician and I know that you can't learn anything at full speed."
-Nelson P. | St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
"I gleaned a few things from your website which I am sure helped me qualify for the U.S. Senior Open next month."
-barry M. | san diego, California
"...watched as many of the videos as I could, doing the drills when appropriate and soaking up as much information as I could. Two days later I played in my weekly competition applying what I had learned and won the day shooting 40 stableford points off a 12 handicap and cut .5 from my handicap. So I'd have to say RST is definitely meeting and exceding my expectations so far."
-Greg D. | Perth | 12 hdcp

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"For the first time in my golfing life( 40 years) I regularly use my driver with confidence. I no longer worry " am I going to slice the shot: I KNOW I WONT."
-Jim M. | Dublin | 18 hdcp
"I would recommend it because in my 28 years as a PGA Professional, former PGA Tour Player, this is the best instruction I have ever been associated with period and I am a very good instructor with the background I have. Again, I wish you had a golf academy because I believe that would be where I would want to teach and become the most successful in my career."
-Larry D. | Noida
"I turn 60 soon and played with a guy the other day who claimed to be a scratch Golfer anyway I Eagled the first hole a par 5 and made Birdies on 3 of the next 4 holes for a 5 under after 5 start finished at one under from the near back tees all because of your videos and a bunch of hours on the practice range. "
-Phil M.
"I feel like for the first time I have a full understanding of what I want to do with my golf swing. I have seen steady improvement with my accuracy with all full shots. My only problem is my irons are going to far. When I flush an iron and I'm in full pose, it's frustrating to watch it sail twenty yards past the flag. Guess I'll have to add the additional yardage to my golf math. It's a nice problem to have. Love the system."
-Talon Golf
"I really am so impressed with your care and concern for your subscribers."
-David D. | Killara | 8 hdcp

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"Just wanted to say thanks. I broke par (shot a 71 @ 6700 yards) for the first time ever this evening and a lot had to do with the great instruction provided here on your site. Thank you! There is a beer waiting for you here in Milwaukee."
-Scott S. | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 9 hdcp
"love the program by the way. I have taken lessons from, Lumpkin, Elliot, Pelz,, Ballard and a number of others and seem to have made more tangible progress in a month than the others combined. They were always temporary fixes."
-william s. | pawling, New York | 8 hdcp
"Thanks so much.....just to let you guys know I have been playing golf for over 40 years (reasonably well - 8 handicap) and have taken many lessons from some world renowned teaching professionals......and have read just about every book written on the subject......but nothing comes close to your website in terms of how the swing is taught (i.e. building an anatomically sound swing and taking into consideration origin of movement using the correct muscle groups). I applaud your efforts......and keep up the great work!"
-Matthew F. | Toronto | 9 hdcp
"This has really helped with my driver. At 5.5 feet and about 155 lbs I am now hitting a slight draw about 250 yards and I know there is more. Not bad for 65 years old."
-Thomas M. | Gaylord, Michigan | 16 hdcp
"Several months ago I was a 110+ shooter and, thanks to your program and my great friend who introduced me to it, I took 11 strokes off of my game in about 3 weeks. My irons are a pleasure to use and I can hit the ball wherever I want now. Thanks for the best thing that has ever happened to my golf game!"
-Sean G. | Germantown, Tennessee | 22 hdcp

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"I am enormously grateful to Chuck and his able crew of instructors. The value provided for the money spent is unmatched anywhere. I so appreciate the passion and commitment that is the hallmark of Rotary Thanks to all involved."
-Tom S. | Montecito, California | 10 hdcp
"1. It has boosted my confidence on the golf course. I scored 90 for the first time ever and I actually believe I can be a single-handicapper in no time. 2. I am playing pain-free golf. I feel fitter and not fatigued after a round of 18 holes. 3. I have a consistent golf swing."
-Ramesh K. | Singapore | 22 hdcp
"Just wanted to send a note of praise for Ray and his work on the online group lessons. I was skeptical about what kind of service that I would get with the monthly service.. Long turnaround time on video's I submitted and maybe short, incomplete analysis of my swings. Really, how much can you do for $20 a month. When I submitted my first free video I received a quick and helpful response overnight. I signed up for the online lesson group that day. As with the freebie swing analysis, I have received quick and helpful responses for each upload that I have sent to my online group. It's as if I am Ray's only student. Ray even encouraged me to keep sending videos so we could get my swing better. (I figured that if I uploaded to often I would be throttled back). I'm impressed with the service enough to give a membership to a friend as a gift. Keep up the good work."
-Terry O. | Bellevue, Idaho | 9 hdcp
"It gives you a step by step guide on how to get your swing into the right position and you learn how to ingrain those movements to become natural. So no matter what the pressure your swing will be natural."
-Wayne W. | Cape Town | 1 hdcp
"Good news on my end...I won the Bridges match play championship (net division) yesterday after a seeding round that I won with a net 68 and then 3 matches in 3 days of miserable wind, hail, and hard rain. I averaged net 1 under par in those matches even though my handicap dropped 2 strokes the day before the matches."
-Brad M. | Rancho Santa Fe, California | 12 hdcp

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"The swing instruction offered by the free version made it apparent that this is the right way to perfect the golf swing (or get as close as possible). Just a few videos on how to start the backswing and initiate the downswing made a huge difference in my consistency. "
-Steve M. | Mason, Ohio
"I am one of the members on your site, and I believe it is by far the best golf instruction I have ever seen (and I have been to a few so called pro coaches)!!!! I just wanted to "personally" thank you for the whole program and please keep up the good work!! "
-werner b. | Pretoria | 1 hdcp
"Been playing Golf for 25 years and was a member of your site for a few months last spring and credit your teachings for me finally breaking 80 for the first time that summer. "
-Warren F. | Edmonton | 14 hdcp
"Thanks Chuck! I have to let you know how much I am looking forward to receiving the Rotary Connect. As I am sure you regularly hear, your insight of the golf swing accompanied with your style of explaining positions and drills have revitalized my golf game. I have ALWAYS been the ""guy with the swing that should score better""...the 10 handicapper who felt like a 3... and through COUNTLESS instructional outlets have continued to be frustrated at not becoming the golfer I thought I really was deep down. I have heard for a few years from playing partners to ""stop thinking so much"" and ""be more natural"". I have gone through 2 years of on and off shanks, while reading and watching anything I can to help. You are the first instructor I have ever seen that makes sense to me...not only from the swing instruction, but more importantly...the learning process and how our brain functions in relation to that. I joined the site a few weeks ago and have been wowed at the progress I have seen and felt...and even more so at the heightened understanding of the ""how and why"" what positions I should feel and be in throughout the swing. I have so much more to learn, and still have to pull myself back from pushing too many thoughts in my head at once before I feel overwhelmed...but now I see a real opportunity to achieve good golf...maybe even great golf! Its not the first time I have had that ""hope"" that my game has had a real chance to get reeeeally good...but for the VERY FIRST TIME, I actually feel like that chance is less of a chance and more of absolute granted that I work hard enough. Thanks so much for all your insight. I look forward to continuing to improve!!! "
-Tim G. | Charleston, South Carolina | 10 hdcp
"I really like Chuck's approach. He explains things well and I love how he's set up the system to ingrain new movements into your body based on the way the brain learns."
-Chris S. | New York, New York | 16 hdcp

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"I just wanted to say thank you for the first program that makes sense! Luckily for me, living in New England, I discovered your program late last year. Forcing me to rep the motions indoors, hitting no balls, no full swings for months. Golf is typically about the quick fix.... which we know never works for length.... I came out this spring and am striping it. And not just one good day of good timing..... I'm at 5 days in a row. I have had people come up to me at the range complimenting my swing and power! I've given you credit every time. I saw a guy who I saw twice, the first time I told him about you...the second time he told me he signed up as soon as he got home.... I'm hoping to one day get certified and teach as well. Your program makes so much sense and really explains the parts of the swing so clearly. Thanks! "
-Aaron M. | Middletown, Connecticut | 5 hdcp
"I holed out a 44 yard pitch shot with my P-wedge! Longest shot I've ever holed out! That alone was awesome, but I played two rounds with 30 and 29 putts. This decrease was solely because I was closer to the hole after my pitches/chips and, therefore, made more putts. Still working on the full swing, but as we all know, the short game can make up for a lot of faults in the long game. Thanks so much!"
-Seth W. | Irmo, South Carolina | 15 hdcp
" seem to have left no stone unturned in your pursuit of every considered element of the golf swing. The analysis, the explanations and the stacking of drills is nothing short of excellent. I recommend your site to everyone I know who wishes to improve their achievement in the game."
-Grahame P.
"Best golf instruction I've ever come across"
-Richard W. | St. Petersburg, Florida
"Rotary Swing has taken my handicap down substantially. I have used this to revamp my entire swing and it is the only thing that has actually worked for me. The science behind this has really made a huge difference in my game. Thank you Rotary Swing!"
-JJK Legend

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"It's an intelligent and logical swing method that's a progression that breaks down the swing into components that are very well explained and easier for any golfer to implement and improve quickly."
-Mike L.
"I'm nearly four weeks into RST and I have to say this is absolutely the best golf instructional program - period. I am addicted. The logical progression with visual, verbal and written materials makes learning the proper technique so much easier. Not only do you explain what and why, you also show practical ways HOW to do it. If there's one key takeaway that I've learned, it would be to really focus on each step and build from the ground up... the positive changes are already showing. I'm really excited about the future of my golf game. I know this is the right track and I can't wait to take some money from my buddies at our annual golf trip this fall!Thank you!"
-Tom S. | Atlanta, Georgia | 9 hdcp
"It has been a terrific year and my golf is better and I'm continuing to get better. Chuck's swing, and your teaching of it, has been tremendously powerful for me. You have been uber-dedicated...I thought I was an early riser but I always see you responding to my posts by the next day and yes, I see the 4am time stamps! You have a brilliant way of teaching by breaking it down and focusing me on the things I need to do right now. I have really benefited from all your expertise and coaching. I am lucky to have found RST and even more fortunate to have you as my OLG teacher."
-Dave K. | Lake Bluff, Illinois | 21 hdcp
"I tried a few of the elements you show in the free videos and saw an immediate improvement in accuracy and the overall "feel" of my swing."
-Ian M. | Halifax
"I find Chuck's instruction some of the clearest, easiest to understand presentation of the makings of a solid swing I have seen, and trust me, I've been looking for a while."
-Ian M. | Halifax

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"Yes! It works. Chuck is awesome. His videos are transforming my game!!!!!"
-Hank D. | Denver, Colorado | 10 hdcp
"If anyone wants to really learn the golf swing, you are the only source that fully explains (piece by piece) it in detail. You also explain why and the HOW to apply the learning and make lasting changes. Your pricing provides tremendous value vs a traditional lessons. I can also learn when I want and where I want. The interaction with my instructor keeps me focus and motivated. Keep up the great work."
-Tom S. | Atlanta, Georgia | 9 hdcp
"I played yesterday at a course that I’ve never broken 80 on and shot a 77. "
-Bland M. | BEAVERTON, Oregon | 12 hdcp
"I like the detail of the videos. I also like the fact that when necessary, the club isn't even in the drill - as that becomes a distraction from the body movements. At one time, I wanted to become a Teacher at a golf academy. Chuck's teaching has brought me back to some of that 'wishful thinking'. The passion is back - Thanks Chuck"
-William M.
"I'm starting to see the real benefit in my game now. Won the longest drive in our club comp on Saturday."
-Steve T. | Mooroolbark | 16 hdcp

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"As a PGA of Australia member since 1978 I'm enjoying this entire production and please pass on to Chuck and staff my congratulations on a wonderfully constructed and logically assembled program."
"Have been a student of the game and have evaluated all of the various swing methods. There are so many conflicting theories but RST is the only one that links the dynamics movements together and match my personal experience."
-David L. | Allen, Texas | 11 hdcp
"I have been playing golf for 20 years and your website has helped my game more than any other type of instruction."
-Robert B. | Pasadena, Texas | 6 hdcp
"Within 24 hours an instructor got back to me and told me what to do and what videos to watch. I watched them and practiced in the house a bit and then I decided to hit the range. My high fade is GONE and once in a while I might pull a shot but my distance is CRAZY long now and they are laser straight shots. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I am hooked and I will be subscribing for a whole year now. I can't wait to have the instructor check out my next video and give me more advice and I am now glued to the videos. 70's HERE I COME! ( But to be honest when I'm consistently in the 80's I'll be happy!)"
-Allan Z. | Wauconda, Illinois | 18 hdcp
"Yesterday I ran out at 3 pm to meet my 21 year old son at our course to play. No driving range warm up....just the drill . First hole is a par 5.., nice drive around 240 left center. Next shot left me 99 yards from the flag , center of fairway. Did the drill, then "compressed" the ball very nicely ..on a rope...EagLe! I don't remember the last time I had an EagLE... and that feeling of coming into the ball was fabulous."
-Jesse S. | LA CANADA, California | 11 hdcp

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"I have never hit the ball more pure!! Your program is amazing, truly. It has flushed a few years of confusing golf knowledge out of my system and completely reworked my swing. I cannot thank you enough!! For those considering this system, stop looking elsewhere, you've found exactly what you need! "
-William V. | Phenix City, Alabama | 15 hdcp
"best golf instruction on the planet, wish it was available 25 years ago, would have saved a lot of frustration time and money."
-Mark M. | Carshalton | 28 hdcp
"Played an awesome round on Thursday, splitting every fairway with the driver....haven't done that in a long time. It just felt easy. Range sessions were equally as fun. Hit actual "golf shots" watching them fly straight shot after shot with each club. Best of all, even though I am working on mechanics currently, for once I was able to pause and be in the moment this week and simply enjoy the feeling of impact and watching them fly....straight and long! So much fun."
-Chris B.
"I can't realistically see myself hitting the ball any better or more consistently down the range or on the course than I am now, and I understand my misses now as well."
-Colin E. | London
"So far I'm loving what I've seen! I'm very excited to begin learning the moves necessary to do the RST. Before I signed up as a Premier member, I watched the free videos and began hitting balls much better. I've since learned I need to take it one step at a time (to ensure I'm doing the moves correctly). I look forward to seeing my new, life-swing develop."
-Jacob B. | Mukilteo | 18 hdcp

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"your philosophy made more sense than any other program that I have seen. your the only program that gives specific instruction on which muscles to use in the various parts of the give me a detailed program for improvement and HOPE"
-Dewane R. | Carolina Shores, North Carolina | 17 hdcp
"After I watched several of the free membership videos I became convinced that Chuck was the real deal. Not just another Golf Channel or Golf Magazine quick fix. There is a great need in the Golf World for Chuck's type of teaching. Teaching that is substantive, based on scientific fact of kinesiology, teaching that is clear and unencumbered. Thanks, Chuck"
-Michael F. | Murrieta, California | 5 hdcp
"You guys ROCK!! Thanks to everybody. I feel like I'm getting a whole new level of enjoyment and progress out of the website by being in the group."
-Chris B. | Newnan, Georgia | 6 hdcp
"While I've only been a member for a short period, I've found the instruction/technique to be extremely helpful. I'm still in Phase 2 and my game is already improving. I like how it is organized and each concept builds on the next."
-Christopher S. | Winfield | 15 hdcp
"...I shaved about 8 strokes off of my last league effort and more importantly I had some very beautiful shots right where I wanted them to go."
-Elton C. | fitchburg, Wisconsin | 29 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I just want to say that I'm working night shift and it is 2 in the morning and this video instruction is absolutely bloody brilliant. It makes everything so clear. I have read a ton of books, had lessons with a pro, and practiced and practiced. This stuff just blows that all out of the water. I am already making the fastest whooshes ever. I just can't wait to get to the course next week. Thank you so so much at this stage. I have more to do, but at least now I know what the RIGHT things to do are."
-Bill P. | carterton | 24 hdcp
"Ive studied the golf swing for 40 years, and have hit 1000's of balls, and this method is similar to what has worked for me, but with a real road map!"
-New Member Survey
"So far I've had great results after just one week! Not all amazing shots but a few that actually shocked me when i hit them- proper solid compression at impact, something I never felt before. That soft bouncy feel when striking the ball. Just have to practice a bit more now to get more of them!"
-Paul G. | Greystones | 12 hdcp
"Came across a video of Chuck Quinton. In a brief video, he explained the "Swing" in a way that I've not heard or seen previously. I took this short lesson to the practice range and found truth in what was explained. I was immediately hooked and knew that the next step to better my game & understanding would be to become a member."
-Zee R. | Parker, Colorado | 14 hdcp
"The bomb your driver series is exceptional in the way it explains what's behind the driver technology as a whole."
-Zee R. | Parker, Colorado | 14 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I have studied from some of the top teachers in the world. RST by far, it's the best golf learning system out there, it's how golf should be learned. It's natural and healthier way to learn golf."
-Howard W. | guang zhou
"I know that golf is the hardest game to master and even harder to teach, Chuck comes really close. With work and good information it is possible."
-Richard M. | London | 8 hdcp
"Hi Chuck,I'm 59 years old and I've played all my life. I've been as low as a 4, but in recent years, I've become completely lost. I grew up learning the Nicklaus swing and I never really "got" the modern swing model. I just got real confused about the golf swing.I've been working on RST for just a couple weeks and I'm totally amazed. I'm absolutely striping the ball on the range. I'd been under the impression that turning the hips as fast as possible during the entire downswing was how to maximize power. After watching the videos, I realized I couldn't have been more incorrect. I was definitely a hip and shoulder spinner. I would typically hit weak hooks, flipping the club at the bottom once my body stopped turning. Since watching the videos, I've been releasing with a squared up feeling and I've added 10 yards to each iron."
-John R. | Newport Beach, California | 10 hdcp
"Well I studied a few teachers and their methods and rotary swing made more sense than others so that is why I have gone to the rotary swing,and I suffer from a bad back and this swing is easier on my back"
-Willie M. | Fraserburgh
"Chuck is the first pro that has been able to explain how a golf swing should be done and why."
-Frank B. | Solna | 19 hdcp

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"Completely changed my understanding of the golf swing and how to execute it"
-Sam J. | Milton Keynes
"I've built a great swing using this site! I'd recommend it to anyone looking to build a repeatable and trustworthy swing, as long as they aren't in my flight!"
-Mark D. | San Bernardino, California | 12 hdcp
"My handicap went down about 4 shots. I have a very solid foundation in terms of setup and takeaway. I feel like I understand what I'm doing wrong in my swing, and what the next steps are to try and fix my problems."
-David G. | Danville, California | 12 hdcp
"I have followed Chuck a long time and have always been impressed with his knowledge of the golf swing."
-Dave P. | Ocala, Florida | 6 hdcp
"Chuck is the best golf instructor I have ever seen (I've seen many). I have since watched many videos and am amazed at how he crushes conventional wisdom / teaching methods such as the use of the right hand in the putting stroke. Great stuff!!"
-Neil S. | Benicia, California

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"You guys need to be on the Golf Channel."
-Charles M. | Nicholasville, Kentucky | 10 hdcp
"Found Chuck to be the most informative of all the other instructors I was watching.. (and I watched a ton of instructors)"
-Nicholas J. | Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
"Saw Chuck's swing online and knew right away it was the efficient swing I was looking for."
-SAM L. | LUCEDALE, Mississippi
"Awesome. Keep up the excellent work. Also, they keep referring to the man with the best swing in golf. These guys know what they are doing. I've been playing for 20 years and was down to a 2 handicap. I learned things and had questions answered that nobody ever could tell me. "
- 68Maximus
"This app contains very helpful golf swing information. It's thorough and presented effectively. After spending only a day viewing some of the video lessons, I'm experiencing great improvement. I believe this app and the RST method, coupled with a committed effort on my part, will one day help me achieve a golf game in which I can be proud. "

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"The truest and most compelling and reliable golf instruction I have ever experienced in over fifty years of struggling to be the best I could be. Chuck, you got it right!"
"The RST is the most viable choice when looking for a method to learn how to swing. It's logical, reasoned, and highly effective. I don't watch or read any other methods since discovering RST. Do yourself a favor and give this method serious consideration. "
-Donald T Canedy
"Proven by science. Totally different to the others and physically friendly."
-Peter A. | Echunga | 27 hdcp
"I have struggled with my inconsistent game for 7 years. At times getting better, only to regress. Chuck has put a system together that allows one to understand how to do what the teachers have told us for years. Not only understand how to do it, but why we keep doing it the wrong way. Absolute God send. I don't typically write reviews, but this thing is so excellent, I had to."
"I've taken dozens of lessons in my 30 plus years of playing golf. None have been as easy or as effective as RST. Great job Chuck!"

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"Truly the best instruction I've ever had. Improved my swing after first use. Easily cut 5 strokes and added yards."
"I went to the range tonight i was hitting them better than ever before in my life after becoming a member two days ago."
-Michael O. | Halifax | 40 hdcp
"I just want to thank you for this video. I've been playing golf for 15 years and can't count the number of times I've heard "release the club" said and until this video I never really knew what that meant. Just went through the drill at the range and felt more control in my full swing than I think I've ever felt. Thank you for unlocking another mystery of golf. "
-Chris S. | New York, New York | 16 hdcp
"Best money you can spend on golf instruction. It's always there when you need it. Consistent and systematic approach to learning."
-Kirk R.
"Many thanks to CQ and RST; believe I will continue to drop my handicap; started with index of 32 in Spring 2010 and now down to 10."

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I was ready to quit this year due to pronounced lack of distance. I even bought new clubs....did not help. Then I stumbled upon RS on You Tube. Then I signed up and had so many "AHH HAH" moments that one of your instructors has mentioned. My 7 iron is back to 150 yds. Thanks."
-Juan | LINWOOD, Michigan | 14 hdcp
"Just got back and wanted to thank you and Allison for a great clinic and experience. The hour on Saturday spent with both of you was the best one hour of instruction I have ever had....and I have had a lot. I left with concrete things I need to do to improve and not just a silver bullet. This will take a while but I am finally dealing with the causes and not just the symptoms. I appreciate your patience and am convinced you know more about the swing than anyone I have ever had a lesson from... I wanted to thank the entire staff of Rotary Swing for an excellent weekend of golf instruction! The fundamentals of correct bio-mechanical movements has been amazing since applying them into my personal practice regime and course play. More distance and consistency is the best endorsement I can provide! Who doesn't want or need that in their game? Most amateurs and many tour pros have played for years without utilizing the full power and simplicity of correct body movements in the correct sequence. Traditional golf instruction falls well short of the mark in consistency and reliability focusing too much on where the clubface is during the swing -- too much focus on the ARMS! There are way too many "band-aid" fixes out there in the world of golf instruction. Golf publications are chock full of them and never truly address the proper body driven swing. I whole-heartedly endorse the Rotary Swing golf instruction program to any fellow golfer looking to FINALLY achieve a consistent, reliable, and powerful golf swing! I will continue to inform everyone I can about the instruction offered on the website and camps -- you have to check it out! Thank you all and continued success!"
-Bill B. | Memphis, Tennessee
"I think your model is exemplary in its use of the internet and mobile implementation."
-Richard B. | Aurora, Colorado
"I managed to qualify for the 64-man match portion of the state senior match play, going -1 over my last 10 holes of the stroke qualifier to get in on the number. "
-Richard B. | Aurora, Colorado
"I honestly don't see how it could be plainer that you have a unique package for the serious golfer."
-William B. | Glastonbury, Connecticut | 15 hdcp

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"I really like the science aspect of it, especially the science of how we learn. Chuck taking that seriously and integrating it with the science of the golf swing really impressed me"
-Dwight C. | Shelbrune County | 12 hdcp
"certainly I'm at least 10 strokes better off."
-Giles P. | London
"The free membership really drew me into the premium membership. Having that little bit of information and knowing it was only one peice to the puzzle of my entire golf swing made me want all the info."
-Dwight C. | Shelbrune County | 12 hdcp
"I am hitting the ball much better and with more confidence. I am new to the sport and the website has been great. I love the learning system and the facts about the golf swing. It has made learning the game of golf more enjoyable and less frustrating compared to the other instructors who I have worked with. They would tell me to do thing and not explain why and how and now I have that info at my fingertips from the website."
-Angelo C.
"Chuck Quinton is as good as they come."
-Fred H.

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"cannot say enough about your videos and in-depth teaching approach-like having an instructor in my den"
-fred s. | encino
"I went to the range today and just focused on the sequencing of the golf swing. I found that just squatting and shifting the weight into the left heel caused the hips to rotate naturally into the correct position in the downswing. I did not have to think about consciously rotating my hips. The squat and weight shift also let my arms drop into proper position while maintaining lag. The distance and accuracy I was getting were amazing. I found that swinging at 3/4 speed produced better results in terms of accuracy and distance than trying to swing at full speed! "
-Paul M. | Hampton, Virginia | 12 hdcp
"Dear sir, I am a new member to your program and I have played competitive golf when I was in college and into my early 20's. At that time I was a +4 and honestly never really had to try to play well. Fast forward 20-25 years and I now carry a 9.4 index and have seriously considered giving up the game I love so much. I have spent thousands in lessons from top teachers been on every launch meter always getting good numbers on the range. I just couldn't bring it to the course. Well with your program just the simple reinforcement of setup (specifically weight on my ankles and letting my front hip produce lag in my sequencing) I have been consistently breaking 80 again for the last 6 rounds I played. I don't care to ever be a "plus" golfer again I just want to enjoy the game I love so much and your program has really helped me do that. You have given me my game back and I thank you so much for that! I am also eager to see how much I improve as I continue along the course. Although, so far I already do many of the things you talk about. My problem was really setup hip rotation and the foundation of the swing that you speak to and explain so well. I also appreciate the cerebral approach you take, as an owner of a global technology firm that relates to things in "1's and 0's" your approach really sinks in for me. This is a great program and you have my complete endorsement. To summarize my experience as of late with golf, I usually shoot a great sub 70 round once or twice a year but I have always followed it up the next day or next week with an 85+. Your program gave me the stability and confidence to really enjoy playing again with my low round being a 73 with your program and a high round of 78 over the last six rounds I have played. Keeping in mind that is playing in 20-30mph winds and sub 50 degree weather here in NJ during March April. I would be very interested in learning about in person camps or lessons that are available to me in the future. Would not mind an excuse to go to my Florida house for a week before my season in NJ really starts! Thanks so much!"
-Jim H.
"Hi Christina, First of all...awesome clinic! Like the stories from Criag and Chuck, I too have spent my life bouncing around from pro to pro being taught who knows what only to find that it made me play worse and worse and worse to the point that I gave up golf, only hitting balls occasionally to continue to search for "the answer". Your clinic was my last ditch effort before abandoning golf altogether. This comes from someone who has played in over 25 USGA championships including 3 US Women's Opens and 2 US Women's Amateurs and who is actively involved with the USGA and the Illinois Women's Golf Association. Thanks to you folks, I finally have a "complete" picture with an understanding of the "why". It's awesome and I've awakened things I haven't done for decades! I'm actually excited about golf again...thank you! Please pass on to Craig my appreciation for his awesome delivery of the material and kudos to all of you for the program itself. "
-Char M.
"I bought a bucket of 50 balls at the range and proceeded to hit half wedge shots at a target which consists of a flag inside of a trash can from about 35 yards out. I hit 13 balls on the fly into the trash can, never pulled, shanked or mishit a single ball and made every shot within 10 ft of the target. If I am doing anything wrong, then I don't want to be right! THIS GUY IS FOR REAL AND HIS ANALYSIS AND INSTRUCTION ARE LIGHT YEARS AHEAD OF WHAT ANYONE IS DOING. No, I was not payed for this testimonial. I am just saying this: There is no better way to learn this damn game than CQ's method. If you do the drills/reps CORRECTLY, you can not help but improve. If you skip around and compare this and that, or try this and then that etc. you will never find LASTING IMPROVEMENT. Sorry for the long post. God bless you Chuck!"

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"Not bad Chuck - taking the laziest player on the planet and hacking 8 strokes off his handicap"
"I've seen and used various golf methods and I think that the rotary swing is spot on"
-Gary S. | Dewey, Arizona
"I love the baby steps approach. It makes so much sense."
-Jennifer S. | Tualatin, Oregon
"I've always dabbled in golf. Played here, there. After college, started taking the game seriously. I've had 4 "in person" lessons, which were helpful. Got my handicap down to about 15-16. Probably drove the ball 240s, 8i about 140. After 2 season, I found this site. It made so much sense to me. Such EASY instruction. Videos you can follow along with. A coach who's swing looks like something you can copy. Bottom line. I shot several rounds under par last season (67 being a career low). Handicap got as low as 0.9. Still below 2 now. I drive the ball over 270 consistently. 8i about 155. And honestly, I barely practice. I swing at home in front of a mirror/reflection in a window. I hit balls once a week, play once a week. Nobody will ever take this swing away from me. RST just added more swing knowledge to my brain. I now know exactly WHAT to move and WHERE to move it. I still use a "hitter" release, but everything leading up to the release is RST. I'm far from copying Chuck move-for-move. But I really enjoy the game and don't feel like I have to put that much into it to play well. I've seen all the other swings. TGM, MORAD, S&T. And to each their own. I've met a couple really good instructors of those (mostly TGM guys). But nothing compares to how SIMPLE Chuck makes RS/RST. I cannot imagine what an in-person lesson with Chuck is like. Some day I will find out."
"I've joined this website 24 hours ago and just got back from my first round of golf since joining. Shot my best round in a year. This throwing off the ball feeling is critical to me. I've done something similar in the past and stopped doing it because other golf instructional material has told me it's wrong. I've read so much about how you arms should remain passive throughout the swing so became true swinger of my body, trying to fling my arms around by pulling from the left side exclusively. This has put huge strains on my body and cost me a fortune in medical bills.Thank you for suggesting using your right arm is a legitimate move in golf! You may have saved both my golf game and my physical health in one fell swoop."
-Greg A. | London | 11 hdcp

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"I tell people about you on the course, when they ask / compliment me about my swing. I have no problem sharing with them where to find "my coach / instructor". You have an outstanding product that delivers everything that is says it will plus some."
-Scott S. | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 9 hdcp
"There’s really nothing else to go back to once a person has found Rotary Swing. You guys literally take the golf instruction world and flip it upside down! My game has changed tremendously since being a member, thank you again. "
-Aaron B.
"I have spent over 700 dollars at lessons with Pro's at my local club. during the lessons I started checking online to see if my teachers were helping me to develop a Pro golf swing. I realised after stumbling on Rotary swing, my teachers were hiding some of the critical secrets to which Chuck opened my eyes! I started studying the Rotary Technique more and realised I needed to join because I'm not going to learn this stuff unless I pay millions from real Pro golfers!"
-David M. | Ngunnawal | 20 hdcp
"Hello everyone at Rotary Swing golf. I just personally wanted to let you know you have changed the game forever!!! I would even go on to say within the next five years everyone will look to do what you are doing."
-Dennis P. | El Paso, Texas | 20 hdcp
"Hey Chuck, Thought you would want to know that I won the Bridges net Club Championship yesterday. I won by one stroke over a 3 day 54 hole tournament. I ended up 1 over par net, which included a 10 on a par 4, so some pretty good golf otherwise for me. I started your program from scratch in March at a 12.4 index and have dropped to 8.9 and expect on August 1st it will drop to the 7's. I won the Bridges net Match Play Championship two months ago, as well. I owe my success to your program and a lot of hours of drills and practice doing it all the RST way. I look forward to our time together next week. Thanks so much for RST. "
-Brad M. | Rancho Santa Fe, California | 12 hdcp

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"I've dropped my handicap 3 strokes..."
-Premium Member Survey
"It's fundamental, logical and if done properly... Foolproof. It will fundamentally change the way the golf swing is learnt/taught"
-Craig B. | Melboourne | 7 hdcp
"I am a fairly new and very happy premium subscriber. After a few weeks, I am scoring more rounds in the 70's in one month than I typically do in a year. Love the product and RST system."
-Dennis B. | Boca Grande, Florida | 11 hdcp
"This is such an amazing program. I am feeling my swing so much better even with the changes and I haven't been near a course of range for over a month. Thanks for your feedback - it's been a great help."
-dougal m. | sandton | 14 hdcp
"Very impressed with first review from Clay. No other instructor has ever pointed out my over active right arm or solution!"
-Greg S. | Kalama , Washington | 11 hdcp

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"THANK YOU.... I have spent an average of $45 a week during the spring and winter($180 per month)hitting golf balls. Two different instructor,One of them very popular in NEW JERSEYs top country club($140 per hr) also joined PEAK PERFROMANCE golf on the internet over the pass 5 year and still the SAME OLD SWING. One good round (74) one bad round(85) no consistency.Could not sleep because I was frustrated with hitting hundreds of ball and phony golf instructor and not getting better . Found RST late one night(2am) on YOUTUBE.Watched Chucks video till 5am completely mesmerized but could not believe you could get better without hitting a ball BUT I WAS COMPLETELY FRUSTRATED LOOKING FOR ANSWER AND GAVE IT A TRY. 4month later IM down from 3 to a .4 handicap .Im no longer a RANGE RAT I only practice 50yd shot and putting(RST)for 1hr outdoor. Everything else is done at home.(eyeline laser) I entered 16 amateur tournament WON 8 of them. Qualified for NJSGA PUB LINKS,and WON my GOLF CLUB championship (36 hole)over this weekend. YOU have saved me $400 plus a month on instruction and hitting ball,plus my SANITY.I have read every instruction and mental book on Golf over the last 16yr I am know reading your RST CERTIFICATION MANUAL and MUST SAY! NOTHING COMES CLOSE. As of last week I am a premium member and can not THANK YOU GUYS at RST ENOUGH ."
-Carlos R. | Ridgefield park , New Jersey
"Chuck, Just wanted to say thanks for the swing review! Thanks to your advice on the review I’m already hitting the ball a lot better and made my 2nd hole in one in my life. Thanks Charles "
"The program has far surpassed my expectations at this point. After 20+ years of reasonably good golf I found I had reached a plateau. I then took a video of my swing for the first time and was disturbed with the significant flaws I saw. After less than one week of rotary swing instruction and drills I have seen significant changes in my fundamentals, and I'm excited about the future of my golf game."
-Robert F. | Houston, Texas | 3 hdcp
"It makes sense! I saw the introductory videos on the website and the more I heard of how the body works, how the brain and body learn had me wanting to go through the whole progression to instill the proper mechanics and fundamentals in my own swing."
-Chuck M. | Albuquerque, New Mexico | 20 hdcp
"I absolutely love this program. I have been a member for just a few weeks and have seen tremendous improvements in my game already. I don't think I have ever hot the ball as solidly as I am right now. I have read many books on the golf swing by many well known instructors and I have never heard of some of the concepts as RST teaches. Love the stay in the box concept!"
-Norm M. | Lisle | 13 hdcp

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"I did a lot of research online into different teaching methods and the claims made by different instructors. Most seemed to be just like I had experienced in my personal lessons with no real forum to ask questions and truly understand what I was doing that affected my swing. What has really got me excited about RST is understanding (thanks to Chucks clear and articulate explanations) the cause and effect principles in the swing."
-Greg D. | Perth | 12 hdcp
"RST is superior to any learning out there. As an RST student for the last 5 months, I can attest to the vast improvement in my game and swing. Transformational. The instruction not only tells you what a good swing should look like, but explains why and most importantly how to do it. It's very well thought out with step by step instruction and different phases as you progress. By no means a quick fix, and there really aren't any) but the most comprehensive instruction and total game improvement system available. Tremendous value and now with this App, portability as well!!"
-T.A. Stevens
"Joining RST has been a revelation so far and I think I understand more about the swing now than I ever have."
-Greg D. | Perth | 12 hdcp
"The price you charge is a steal for the quality instruction received."
-Joel V. | Ballwin, Missouri | 16 hdcp
"The How of Golf. The reason this app gets 5 stars is that it fills in the missing pieces to golf instruction. Most teachers tell you to do a drill, but don't say why. RST gives you the complete roadmap to your new swing, and tells you HOW to get there. Most instructors only tell you WHAT you should do, then watch you fail on the way. "

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"I was able to go back and review some steps and diagnosed my own problems. Never found a system that gave me that power!!! My only regret is that I can't go back in time and instead of taking $1200 worth of lessons from Golftec, spend it on 5 years worth of rotary swing membership. Sorry if this seems a little over enthusiastic, I am just really happy with my purchase and my golf game. "
-Scratch someday
"went out yesterday and it was crowded, so I just played nine, Silverado South front is a par 35; shot 35 (second time) with a 50 yd. pitch in for eagle! Thank God I found you guys, it has changed my entire golf swing/game!"
-Caleb H.
"Great Instruction + Great Ap = Real Results. Chuck, Clay, Josh, and Christina are a great team. The instruction is very clear and 100% consistent. Everything is biomechanically correct. They tell you what to do, exactly how to do it, and why their way is the right way. The new ap is very easy to use. The videos are clearly organized. Five stars!"
-Dashboard Dave
"Best instruction just went mobile. Chuck and company have done it again. They've taken the most comprehensive and biomechanics lily sound golf instruction and pushed the envelope again. Now I can take my videos and lesson plans with me wherever I need. Thanks Chuck!"
"FANTASTIC customer service!!"
-Michael C. | Milton, Massachusetts

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"Incredible. I don't write reviews very often but I've been a struggling golfer for many years. Tried every different learning technique out there. Taken many lessons from different people. And I've never been anything but a 90ish scorer. Downloaded the free app this weekend, watched the free 10 minute video twice. Went to the course two days later and struggled the first two holes. But then it all made sense and I wound up shooting a personal best 83. I was laughing at myself because some of the shots I hit were shots I have never hit before. Can't wait to get out there again. Download this and give it a try because it may be exactly what you are looking for."
"Awesome high marks for customer service."
-Mike M. | Topeka, Kansas
"I just learn better when I know WHY a particular movement works. What I see with your website is the swing broken down into digestible segments with all the why's explained thoroughly."
-Kevin S. | Harrisonburg, Virginia | 18 hdcp
"You guys are psychic! I have learned more from this site in a month then I have in 20 years of golfing! Thanks again for another great video and drill!!!! "
-James T. | Montclair, New Jersey | 10 hdcp
"Got swing review. Would just like to say- love website. I have been playing a long time and lately have had a lot of misinformation . But having looked at all the videos have learnt a lot -agree with your teaching - it makes sense. In 2 weeks I have already seen huge changes in my swing and feel more confident. Please thank the instructor who posted my review. I am looking forward to improving my swing with help of your website . Was getting very deflated beforehand as could not see way forward . I spent a fortune on stack and tilt - I dare not say how much- as it would be embarrassing . You are doing a great job. I think your idea is fantastic value ."
-David E. | Manchestwr | 4 hdcp

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"I looked at the videos yesterday morning and went to walk 9 yesterday evening. I worked on the weight shift and keeping the imaginary tie hanging down. Hit a few range balls and noticed improvement in ball striking, accuracy and distance. Went on the course and drives were going further without my typical push. Get this - Hole 4 is down hill par three with the pin at 163 last evening. I usually hit a 6. I knew I was striking better so I pulled a 8. Skulled just a bit and it flew the green and landed on the next tee box... had to be at least 185. A fluke I thought. Pulled out the nine and the ball CARRIED 161!! Two foot birdie putt. Two holes later pulled out the 9 for a 133 approach and landed it pin high on an uphill green. Clay, I generally hit a nine iron about 110-115. I am hoping this new found distance is not a fluke. The weight shift and proper spine angle I do believe are finally allowing me to literally "leverage" my size as I am 6'-3". I can't wait to cement in my brain the proper shift and angles these drills have started to teach."
-Kevin S. | Harrisonburg, Virginia | 18 hdcp
"I played a full 18 today and the hard work is starting to pay off. While everything didn't carry over from the range, there were some really good signs. I experienced my first real 300 yard drive today and this is from a guy that averaged only 240 since forever. Thought it was a fluke until I did it again 3 holes later. Avg today for the whole round was 279 yards!"
-Tom S. | Atlanta, Georgia | 9 hdcp
"I like the clearly delineated steps in learning the complete swing. It is really structured and organized."
-Ken M. | Avila Beach, California
"I have so much more control and therefore enjoyment of my game, and my scores and handicap have followed. I went from 19 - 16 as of now, but see SO much more improvement is not only possible but I'm certain I have a lot of room to get even better. My league just started back up and many have commented on how much my game and swing, and confidence have improved. I feel unlimited potential because I have such a greater understanding of the swing"
-Piper | san francisco, California | 16 hdcp
"I've had some amazing rounds lately, near par golf!"
-Tom R. | Marysville, Washington | 13 hdcp

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"I love this site!"
-Chris J. | Colonia, New Jersey | 11 hdcp
"without a doubt this is the best training information in the market today. fact!!!"
-brian s. | byron, Illinois
"I have reviewed the Phase I videos and have take the swing concepts to the range and the course already. I am amazed at the difference in ball striking and flight I am experiencing already. I have been playing for over 40 years and this is the first time I really feel that I have solid instruction and real reasons for doing things. Can't wait to continue!"
-Charles M. | Alexandria, Virginia | 15 hdcp
"i have already dropped ten strokes just watching the beginners videos. I have faith in rst."
-Joshua Sir H.
"Ray, WOW!... I never thought I could play golf like this! 6 BIRDIES TODAY!! and I wasn’t holing long monster putts or chipping in to get them. I was nailing my irons into the greens, a lot of putts were from close range. 13 greens in regulation, 12 of 14 fairways hit, 30 putts. 35 on the back nine, 1 under par. My long game, both woods and irons must have been the best ball striking I’ve ever had.... very excited is an understatement! =) The competition was cancelled because of thick fog this morning, cleared by the afternoon and I played 18 holes with a friend instead. Wish I could tell you I’d broken 70, I ended up with a 76, 4 over par. 3 holes spoiled what could have been a very low score, 2 doubles and an 8 on a par 4 (visited the beach OB there). I put that ugly 8 on the 2nd hole down to me not warming up on the range first, last minute decision to play. But given the way I played the rest of the round those 3 holes are already forgotten. Same as my nice round on saturday, all I’m thinking about is ‘straight arms at impact’ and it’s working like a dream!! I honestly don’t know how to thank you for the way you’ve turned my game around Ray. As you know, I was at rock bottom and very close to hanging up my clubs for good just before I joined the online learning group. Had I given up golf I would have missed out big time and never experienced this great feeling from today’s round. Thanks Ray, you’re a star! For anyone reading this who might be frustrated with progress - persevere and keep patient. All the reps and drills will be rewarded. Thank you Ray"

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"I simplified my swing thoughts and changed my swing to a more powerful distance gaining swing."
-Chris M. | Belmont, California | 6 hdcp
"Your website is a one stop shop!! There is nothing even close on the market."
-Dan O. | Bryan, Ohio | 20 hdcp
"The professionalism of the site, during my free membership period, reassured me that you were as serious about finding the truth behind the misinformation that's already out there. "
-David M. | Gulfport, Mississippi | 4 hdcp
"I tried several video's, ie Stack and Tilt, which completely ruined my swing."
-New Member Survey
"I've been working on rst for about 8 months. Going to the range three-four days per week. This weekend I've had a major breakthrough. Something clicked while lagging the club on mini swings. I carried the feeling over to full swings and suddenly I started crushing it with relative effortlessness. Today I put together a good round of golf with only a couple bad shots. Lagging without spinning makes it easy to go after it as hard as I want. Can't wait to play tomorrow. Thanks guys."
-John R. | Newport Beach, California | 10 hdcp

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"To me, RST has absolutely defined the bio-mechanics of golf. I have yet to see anyone explain the Whys of golf as precisely as CQ."
-Ramesh K. | Singapore | 22 hdcp
"Excellent, thorough, detailed and comprehensive free information had me wanting more and the price/value was excellent. "
-Parker G. | Malden, Massachusetts | 35 hdcp
"I am extremely please so far."
-Charles C. | Toledo, Ohio
"I've been telling everybody who is interested about RST and I know of at least one friend who just signed up. I'm sure more will follow if I continue to improve. Thanks for such a great program"
-Brad M. | Rancho Santa Fe, California | 12 hdcp
"After watching the free videos, I quickly realized the golf action Chuck is teaching is based on common sense fundamentals that most tour professional use today. I also realized Chuck had a talent for explaining the golf swing in a way that makes sense. "
-Michael B. | Tampa, Florida | 2 hdcp

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"With assistance from certified instructor Doug Molls in Cleveland helped me become a 1 handicap with little maintenance for my swing."
-Keyz | Euclid, Ohio | 3 hdcp
"Just got back from the range. I tried to incorporate as much as I could recall from RS videos. I hit my irons better than ever."
-Juan L. | LINWOOD, Michigan | 14 hdcp
"I started in the PGA Apprentice program but figured that the PGA has no idea what they are teaching and decided to go where the real knowledge is and came upon RST. I have been using the principles myself and have noticed great improvement in my learning and my ball striking has been incredible and I am just beginning the downswing work. "
-KC T. | Oakley, Utah
"I believe in muscle memory and look for the physics in the form. So I wanted to learn but I was not plussed about wasting time by taking personal lessons. I think it would be a lot of contradictory info from what I've heard and too short. Rotary Swing looked like a perfect fit for me in that it gives me the drills and a progression. And I can really buy into the ideas behind the drills and the swing."
-Timothy K. | Casper, Wyoming
"In 35 years of playing I never hit the ball as well as I did today."
-Tom S. | Atlanta, Georgia | 9 hdcp

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"I am finally breaking 90 and my handicap dropped from 22 to 17"
"I want to build a predictable, repeatable swing. I think RST is the best method of doing so."
-Chris S. | New York, New York | 16 hdcp
"This is a great value for the money. I'm a big fan and will probably be a member for life."
-Jack B. | N. Fort Myers, Florida | 15 hdcp
"Just got back from the range. This, in my opinion, is THE best tip yet on getting control of overactive hips and stabilizing the lower body. I am a 6 handicap who has always fought the urge to \"fire\" the lower body hard towards the target and spin the hips in an attempt to build clubhead speed and it always yielded very inconsistent impact. After trying the \"squeeze\" from everything from SW to Driver for an hour and a half, what a HUGE difference. Impact was super consistent and the feeling is totally different when you have a stable lower body to swing off of. "
-Chris B. | Newnan, Georgia | 6 hdcp
"I'm seeing great improvement with a much better understanding of how to analyze my swing during a round and fix any issues which was all guess work and frustration before. "
-Tyler S. | Lincoln, Nebraska | 2 hdcp

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"I can tell you from the videos I have seen, and the corrections that were sent back to me when I sent in my swing video I am hitting the ball better than I ever have. My 3 handicap is trending downward. If I can figure out how to putt the future really looks bright. You guys have an amazing program, so thank you very much. "
-James B. | Anthem, Arizona | 3 hdcp
"In the last 4 weeks after watching your free videos, I have gone from 36 to 27 [handicap]and I like the way that you have structured the RST swing."
-Stephen P. | Goombungee | 27 hdcp
"More consistent on the course, and dropped 4 strokes."
-Mike L.
"I continue to use the web site and the information and the results are amazing!"
-Walt K. | Sunnyvale, California | 7 hdcp
"So far I've learned more from your web site than from any other sources so keep up the good work."
-Dale R. | Oakham

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"Its simple and effective, ive only been doing the program for just over a month but im already noticing differences in my swing and the fact i can do it at home with the 5 mins a day programs is a massive bonus for me."
-Shane J. | Newport | 20 hdcp
"I appreciate this instruction. After viewing these videos and doing the drills, for the first time in my life, at the range i am hitting nice draw shots and i love it."
-Frank T. | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"I will definitely renew - Chucks intuition is brilliant."
-Cameron M. | Bristol | 14 hdcp
"I have learned the real mechanics of the golf swing. I have also learned why getting to certain positions is important, but most importantly how to get there. The biggest result has been moving from an inconsistent flip move to a true release at impact. Ball striking and distance have improved"
-Tom S. | Atlanta, Georgia | 9 hdcp
"wanted to say thank you to Chuck and the other people involved for getting this website going. You have given me back my enthusiasm for golf. I am only into takeaway weight shift, and I'm already seeing my distance and accuracy returning. Can't wait to master this and move on to the rest."
-Jeff E. | Livingston, Alabama | 2 hdcp

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"My swing has totally changed. I am hitting the ball far more consistently and much further."
-Julie B. | Mountain Creek
"There are parts of my game that I didn't like. I hated walking up to the tee and hitting the ball 300 yards out but slicing it 50yards! That's gone now! Golf is fun again."
-Luc H.
"The videos are dead on...Definitely the best online tutorials of the golf swing I have ever seen by far. I am trying to get a few people I know to check it out. Thanks!"
-jeff s. | spring lake, Michigan
"I now go to the driving range with a sense of purpose."
-Svein Gunnar H. | Oslo | 18 hdcp
"I was hitting my 7 Iron around 145 yds. on Target - of which prior to becoming a Member - I hit my 7 Iron around 130 yds.I'm really excited about my Progress"
-Michael M. | West Allis, Wisconsin | 14 hdcp

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"By the way, the website and articles are very helpful. On my part, probably the best golf instruction/theory i have come across since i picked up the game at age 7."
-Jon H. | Reykjavik | 4 hdcp
"I really appreciate the feedback you provide. I've improved immensely using your side. Thank you! "
-Andrew H. | Surrey | 14 hdcp
"i finally took a look at some of your video's on the set up and take away,and it was easy to understand,made sense, helped me right away."
-George J. | Saginaw, Michigan | 12 hdcp
"I really enjoy the site and your organization's teaching philosophy. In the short time that I was able to utilize the first couple of your practice techniques, I was able to get rid of a flaw that has always plagued my swing under pressure situations; the dreaded "flying elbow"."
-Bill C. | Middleboro, Massachusetts | 10 hdcp
"just want to thank you so much ,i've struggle with my take away for so long.i was always thinking about what i'm doing in my swing but with your help i'm starting to work that out."
-George J. | Saginaw, Michigan | 12 hdcp

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"My index fluctuates between 3 and 8. Before I came across Chuck, that range was more like 8 to 12."
-Thomas M. | Dallas, Texas
"I cannot get enough of this website. Excellent job!"
-Michael W. | Coram
"Chuck is a great communicator. He talks very much about the how rather than what. I have been playing for 40 years and have been a 3 or less handicap since I was 15. His theories about the golf swing make complete sense and keeps it simple. I tried working on the concept as a free member and could see improvements immediately. Finally the videos and web site are great. I do some informal teaching myself and I "get" the theory. Its all well linked and complete. I also liked the information about how the brain learns."
-Al R. | Calgary | 2 hdcp
"I'm hitting it further and more accurately with less effort. My handicap is beginning to drop due to these changes, now it's just a matter of maintaining my focus."
-Dane J. | Georgetown, Texas | 12 hdcp
"I like the detail it offers. The coaching makes more sense than anything else I've tried."
-Scott B. | Windsor, Colorado | 22 hdcp

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"My swing has improved immensely since enrolling in your program. I am hitting the ball well driver and irons."
-Robert H. | Quarryville, Pennsylvania | 22 hdcp
"Chuck seems very professional, and of course I like the idea that I can review things whenever I want. I know a number of instructors here in Japan, and they are not as systematically organized as RST."
-Yuki T. | Tokyo | 17 hdcp
"It all works very well. The videos are of good quality and the drills are good. My swing has reached a new level of understanding and effectiveness and I have had a lot of lessons."
-liz m. | sydney | 7 hdcp
"It has taught me what to look for in order to improve before i was looking for bandaid fix. I went from a 13 to a 5 in one year. Enough said."
-Aaron M. | Middletown, Connecticut | 5 hdcp
"Ray, thanks for the feedback. Hit it super today. Missed 1 green out of 12. Even par."
-Scott W. | Warragul | 7 hdcp

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"I developed a kick ass consistent swing that won my partner and I a third place finish at the Rolling Hills member guest in Golden Colorado this past month."
-david k. | highlands ranch, colorado | 7 hdcp
"After weeks of doing this drill being too "hand-sy", I was finally able to execute a decent release in my full swing during my round yesterday. Wow. Never felt anything like that in my swing before! You're right, it does feel effortless, almost like cheating. I'm still building the myelin (using this drill in particular) and have a ways to go to make it consistent, but I know I can do it now and it's a wonderful feeling. Thank you, Chuck!!"
-Tom S. | Montecito, California | 10 hdcp
"I have finally achieved consistent, repeatable ball striking. This year, I am looking forward to breaking my lowest score ever."
-Premium Member Survey
"I am amazed at the clarity and ease of this system. I have only just joined and have played better than usual just through having the RST set up and backswing in place (well, nearly). I am enthused about this programme's approach which has already put fun back in the game for me. Well done! "
-Simon H. | Abu Dhabi | 16 hdcp
"OMG this site keeps getting better and better! This is awesome!"
-piper s. | san francisco, California | 17 hdcp

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"Chuck has made my tee to green swing the best it's ever been in my life. I understand so much now. Best to all... and thanks."
-Dan W. | Anderson, California | 20 hdcp
"I have now dropped to 4 already within months, and just need to keep working on timing and course management to improve further."
-Mark H. | Pulborough
"Golf is such an expensive hobby in the first place with equipment and green fees. Having access to high quality affordable training helps a great deal."
-Elton C. | fitchburg, Wisconsin | 29 hdcp
"Down to 3 hcap and holding"
-Marc S. | Courtenay | 4 hdcp
"I absolutely love your instruction, first time in 8 years I actually understand what my body is supposed to do in the golf swing, scoring low 90's instead of over 100."
-MARY J. | ABU DHABI | 22 hdcp

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"all things are going well I am a 13 handicapper who shot level par for 9 hole on wednesday evening and reckon I am consistently playing to about 6 since following the program"
-andrew b. | northampton | 13 hdcp
"It is a great teaching method. I have never see anyone explain the golf swing as well as you people do. Extremely helpful. Thank you very much for helping me improve my game."
-Robert S. | Syosset, New York | 12 hdcp
"It not only teaches "what" to do, but "why" and most importantly "how" to do it in ways that are understandable. and achievable. It is how a golf swing should be taught. The simplicity of the instructions and Chuck's communication style in the videos are outstanding."
-Brad M. | Rancho Santa Fe, California
"You guys have the best thing going I have ever seen and I have referred numerous people to your site. Keep up the good work."
-John N.
"I believe RS has a huge potential in golf instruction. Video instructions were convincing enough. Before becoming premium member the few available video instructions enabled me to cut my handicap by five strokes. Looking forward to further bringing it down."
-Don L. | Geneva | 13 hdcp

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"There is no "personal preference" or "coach's personal theory" like you get with most teachers."
-Huy N. | Santa Clara, California | 12 hdcp
"...the program is more than meeting my expectations at this point. In just a week I've already made huge improvements in my backswing, with the club no longer slinging back low and behind me."
-Huy N. | Santa Clara, California | 12 hdcp
"If you want to learn the golf swing in a systematic, structured, and backed up with an audio/visual approach, I would highly recommend Especially if you want to understand what you have been doing wrong and what you need to do if you want to learn and understand the fundamentals of the body's relationship to the properly executed golf swing. "
-John C. | Raleigh, North Carolina | 17 hdcp
"...there is a plan and strategy for success which is coherent and well thought out. There are no quick fixes! Unlike most golf instructors, the guideline is there. you just have to follow it."
-Lars H. | Bellevue, Washington | 7 hdcp
"I am tired of doing the same old, same old with the same old inconsistent results. I really like the basis of the whole RST philosophy which offers a chance to ingrain some new, good habits."
-Tom D. | London | 6 hdcp

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"Clear, from the ground up instruction on how to build a forever swing. A swing that is efficient and will allow me to play for years to come."
-Jay W. | Fletcher, North Carolina
"Chuck Quinton's RST system is the only one I would recommend to anyone who would like to take their golf to the highest level they can: it's logical, explanational, knowledgable, and (most importantly) highly learnable. I've seen most of the available instructional stuff for two- and one- plane swings and RST wins hands down as far as the "ideal" (aesthetically and functionally) golf swing goes... Well done Chuck!"
-Matthew P. | Safety Beach
"I was quite impressed with your customer service. I payed for my membership on a Sunday evening, only to realize that I should have created a user account BEFORE I purchased (I was unable to log in without the account being created first). I wrote a quick email, and in less than 20 minutes, Christina had written me back and solved the issue. Then, I found that if I'd created the membership first, I could have taken advantage of a 1/2 off the first month offer. So, I wrote Christina and she took care of that as well, issuing me a refund. As a small business owner, I get it. I understand working with the public and I also recognize folks who are service oriented and care about their customers - so, kudos to RST!"
-Jay W. | Fletcher, North Carolina
"I went out today for the first time using your tips and what a tremendous difference for the better. Even my friends were amazed!!! Thank you so much for the helpful instruction. I have struggled with a push slice and experienced much improvement with my ball flight going straight."
"Ive been doing the RST program for about 6 weeks now and have really made some improvements with my swing and ball striking."
-Matthew L. | Charleston, South Carolina | 3 hdcp

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"I would like to thank you, I just received my rotary connect and it's very useful training aid. I really like it for takeaway, half shot, follow thru(connected, no more chicken wing) and good feedback for lower body too for right leg push or hip spinning. Thanks again!"
-Stéphane L. | Beloeil | 10 hdcp
"I watch the videos and do the drills, almost religiously, have made a big difference. I broke 80 for first time this summer, think I can get a lot lower."
-Steve M. | St Charles, Illinois | 13 hdcp
"So much is left out by the various teachers and publications and I made a connection to what Chuck is teaching. I'm very enthusiastic to begin work on the various drills and look forward to getting my game back."
-Keith S. | Sparks, Nevada
"Chuck I bought your book and joined your website this spring and changed my swing. I am 61 years old and with your swing I am keeping up with the younger guys at my club with my driver and blowing the ball past most of the folks my age.I now hit a nice sweeping draw and golf is fun again."
-Wil W.
"I relate very well to how Chuck explains the golf swing."
-scott D. | greencastle | 6 hdcp

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"Premium Membership is more then meeting my expectations"
-John M. | Brooklyn, New York | 24 hdcp
"im striking the ball great - because of the rotation I am now aware of instead of tilting"
-CRAIG C. | PLACENTIA, California | 10 hdcp
"I bought the access this past winter, after having an injury that brought my handicap from a 19 to a 23 in a few months. I then began to watch the videos and to practice five ten minutes indoors and then just before a round. Now I have won three state-days net tournament in my division out of five tourneys played. Hopefully my handicap will also follow, or I will be accused of sandbagging by my very competitive friends. LOL."
-Josie H. | Charlotte, Vermont | 19 hdcp
"I use the analogy of a jigsaw puzzle, most golf instructors give you a box of bits. Rotary Swing gives you the lid to go with the box of bits"
-Sam J. | Milton Keynes
"Have and will continue to recommend. The learning theory is the only thing in golf instruction that makes sense"
-Rick B. | Sandy, Utah | 18 hdcp

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"I'm guessing it's not unusual to have people have an extreme lightbulb on this. Just hit a couple in the net with a half swing then BANG!!! Compression city. Awesome vid. "
-Gareth J. | Windlesham | 6 hdcp
"By the way i want to say that Chuck Quinton knows his stuff. I played on tour and have never had swing instruction explained so well."
-tyler a. | nampa, idaho
"I have been trying for years to get my swing on plane and in the first and only review of my swing, it was noted that my right arm was hinging too soon in the backswing forcing the club behind and lifting straight up. The RST backswing should get me on plane."
-John S. | The Villages, Florida | 8 hdcp
"Already recommended to two friends after using the free membership for a while."
-Kelly S. | Lexington, Kentucky | 8 hdcp
"What a fantastic site you have made here. I am never doing another lesson with a club pro. "
-henrik c. | odense | 8 hdcp

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"I am orthopedic surgeon and it makes sense"
-David C. | OZARK, Alabama | 7 hdcp
"The Premium Membership is great. 5 out 5 stars so far. "
-Michael F. | Chicago | 30 hdcp
"Very impressed with explanations given to instruction at rotary swing. I am analytical by nature and appreciate the indepth explanation of why you should swing in a certain way."
-Matthew M. | Seascale | 23 hdcp
"This website was the first one I found whose goal was to treat the disease, not the symptom."
-Michael F. | Chicago | 30 hdcp
"Chuck, been studying Hogan; read his second book 3 times but couldn't improve. I found you on You Tube, bought swing plane made simple from Ebay. After watching that, knew you were a good teacher and quite Hogan-esque. I recently subscribed to Best investment I have made. You have simplified the swing for me and I am grateful for that. I am sure you get accolades all the time b/c you have brought me up to a B player from a D. Thank you so much!"
-David J.

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"I have always been a hip slider...I found RST and tried some of the tips and saw improvement. More importantly I understood what was being communicated because of the manner in which it was imparted."
-Dave R. | Naperville, Illinois | 5 hdcp
"Impressed by free videos telling you HOW to move and why, not just to other golf teacher had suggested this before. "
-Patrick O.
"I'm a better ballstriker 2011 TXGA South Mid Am (prior to RST) T60; 2012 TXGA South Mid Am T12"
-Howard H. | Houston, Texas
"You made it easy to understand how to make a back swing and how to follow through. You have already helped me strike the ball better. I am looking forward to learning more."
-Larry Q.
"I'm more confident when I play tournaments. I don't get to play much or even practice at the range between tournaments, but I have built a swing that is repeatable, kept my handicap stable, and I am confident when I step up to the ball that it will go where I intend for it to go."
-Mark D. | San Bernardino, California | 12 hdcp

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"Chuck Quinton and his team are ' The Bomb'"
"The free membership peaked my interest and led to me taking a personal lesson from Clay and I joined immediately after."
-Skip N. | Ormond Beach, Florida
"I saw your website and the methodology gave me a blueprint to track my progress and receive instant feedback."
-Walter S. | Chicago, Illinois | 115 hdcp
"I overcame an over the top move and am regaining confidence on the golf course."
-Veronica | 7 hdcp
"hi, the hip problem is really improving, your online lesson was really helpfull ...finished 2nd this weekend 72-73(out of 112 players)"
-Robin C. | Lille | -1 hdcp

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"The swing looks good, the website looks very thorough, and i also like the idea of having detailed practice sessions that actual help to ingrain the movements."
-David S. | Derbyshire | 6 hdcp
"I have been able to increase distance 20% while having a much quieter impact position while maintaining excellent balance. My control is better and my dispersion pattern is shrinking."
-Qed M. | Carroll, Ohio | 9 hdcp
"I want to thank you for such an informative, logical site that delivers results and prevents injuries. I have only been a member for a week and have been practicing in the back yard "throw the ball drill" "right arm only drill" and today I went to the course to hit some balls I and can tell you for the first time in years I have gone from a "hip Spinner" blocking every drive high and right to smokin drives down the middle with a slight draw. UNBELIEVABLE and effortless!!"
-Graham S. | Penrose | 10 hdcp
"Simple is better, Chuck's systematic approach to teaching golf is genius. I love this golf system."
-Premium Member Survey
"I think more people could swing like tiger and that's kinda what rst is about. It's all about using your body correctly"
-Philip H. | Oklahoma city | 10 hdcp

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"Without a doubt CQ is far and above the best instructor for us ams out there both on the web and in person. The way he has embraced technology to provide us with the best online instruction is head and shoulders above everyone else. "
-michael s. | hampton, Virginia | 9 hdcp
"As I listened to the free membership stuff and the swing analyses every week I realized that the program was truth and organized well."
-Joel B.
"Personal lessons with Chuck made a world of difference for me...after doing the 2-day clinic, I try to book him for a 2-hr session whenever he is in my vicinity or i an in the Orlando area. As great as the website and the Clinics...getting it first hand from the Maestro is the glue that makes it all stick."
"I think the content and Chuck's concise, accurate, and knowledgeable advice is worth the price."
-New Member Survey
"Your instruction has a thorough explanation of how to perform the “moves” in order to get into the different parts of the golf swing, whereas with my current certified instructor couldn’t tell me what muscles are used to perform the takeaway or how to take the left elbow out of “getting the left wrist/hand” into the correct position at impact. "
-Jeff F. | Raleigh, North Carolina | 13 hdcp

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"Been a follower of the rotary swing (thank you Darryl Trudeau) i can not but think that every student has to be very happy for having everything in one place...continue the excellent job guys. This app is a must. Thanks again."
-Alejandro A. | Alexandria, Virginia | 15 hdcp
"Great app. The service is unreal. After the use of the free app which has a ton of stuff in it I did sign up for their premium membership and glad I did. It's like having your own golf pro give you advice and ideas on how to improve your golf game. This app is perfect for me and I would recommend it to anyone addicted to golf."
"Matches my learning style ... bio-mechanical insights into causes and effects .... as a retired physical education teacher and coach, I appreciate the progressions used - well done! Appreciate the positive impact on stress points of the body."
-Ken C.
"I'm a lifelong PGA member, I love to teach, and I recently retired from a head golf professional job..I have moved to Sarasota , fla and want to jump start my teaching."
-Bill A. | Bradenton
"I tried out lot of theories nevertheless the logic of RST and the first experience is giving me hope that I finally found what I had been searching for."
-Petr L. | Prague | 13 hdcp

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"I REALLY like the explanations of how to do things (what muscles)"
-Alan S. | San Antonio, Texas | 13 hdcp
"I went out to golf course and applied the back and down swing mechanics as in the lesson. It turned out that I got a pretty good feeling and of course my score. My handicap is 18 + or - but that day I shot 79 !!! So now you know why I apply for the premium member. The true reason to apply for Premium is to thank you for helping me improve significantly by just sitting in the living room."
"saw a clip of Chuck's swing...loved it...want to have those solid fundamentals."
-Todd H. | Toronto | 10 hdcp
"By far the best instruction out there! I'm a big fan!!"
-Joseph Lando III
"There are so many different feels in the golf swing and so many different ways to teach them. I have asked my students when I teach, what is the feel they get from a movement of their body and since I didn't know for sure what I felt myself it was difficult to expect them to show much progress or have a road map to continue. The thing I like best about the Rotary Swing is the exactness. I know that when I make the shoulder blade glide correctly my club and body should be in a relative position to that movement. Through repetition and learning what that feel is, my muscles will respond in time. What more can I say. I love studying the swing and the Rotary Swing is the best way to learn."
-Lawrence R. | Lake Toxaway, North Carolina | 6 hdcp

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"Plain and simple ...some people know how something is supposed to be done but aren't able to explain themselves. Clay and Chuck are the best instructors I've come across. They really understand and can explain every detail of the swing. The best investment I've made. "
"I like that the swing is broken down and explains exactly what needs to shift or stay stable and when, even if I can't do it all straight away it gives me set goals and a path forward"
-Chris C. | Ludmilla | 17 hdcp
"Very academic approach to the pain free sustainable swing."
-Jaey S. | West Des Moines, Iowa | 18 hdcp
"The swing looks absolutely solid, and I like the basis in human physiology."
-Neil W. | Swindon | 9 hdcp
"Well thought out and explained. If you have the discipline to follow their step-by-step program (which is easy BTW), you can tremendously improve your ball striking in a single season. "

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"Chuck explains how to do it so you can go do it over and over again so your brain will re-pattern itself with the new movements till it is re-wired to do them without thought. "
"Your approach makes sense and the teaching method of "how" to do it feeling the correct muscular movement rather than "positions" is a breath of fresh air."
-James A. | Gurnee, Illinois | 20 hdcp
"My swing is completely transformed and people are starting to ask me questions at the range. Best of all, if something goes wrong with my swing, I almost always know what went wrong and how to fix it."
"...done looking for a magic cure. I'm ready to go to work."
-James A. | Gurnee, Illinois | 20 hdcp
"Rotary is not tips on your golf swing. It is understandable fundamentals that are in all good golf swings."
-Bill J. | Fredericksburg, Virginia | 1 hdcp

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"This Membership provides the greatest clarity and understanding of the golf swing I have seen."
-David K. | Melbourne | 22 hdcp
"Works on every part of swing not just a little of this or a little of that!"
-Jason R. | Greeneville, Tennessee | 10 hdcp
"It has worked for me from the first day. Previous instruction said the same thing but in a way that I did not understand. I understand Chuck."
-Francis V. | DuBois, Pennsylvania | 6 hdcp
"I have been working on this swing and I'm loving the results I'm getting...Thank you for your time & helping so many golfers like me to enjoy the game by making it simple!!!"
-Troy U.
"Learned more in 5 months this year than my whole golf career...Still learning but literally striking the ball the best I have in my whole life."

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"I get to watch and learn from a master Pro anytime and without limits. I admit I do skip around but that is the ADD kicking in."
-Francis V. | DuBois, Pennsylvania | 6 hdcp
"Just wanted to say that My HC has went down to a 4 from a 10 and I have had numerous rounds this year where I could have shot under par if my putter was behaving. I have been doing your drills religiously for 6 months and have seen a drastic difference in my impact position and ball striking. I still have a couple of swing issues going on but my overall positions are much better thanks to this site. Great information and great teaching ! Looking forward to coming out to Orlando in off season for lessons. Thanks again Chuck !"
"I am commencing to work through from the beginning. Its already been a revelation."
-Geoff M. | LANGWARRIN | 19 hdcp
"I have been doing the hip slide and belt buckle drill with a half swing, concentrating on feeling like keeping the buckle behind the ball. It works great...i can feel the compression on the ball."
-Jasvinder O. | Ottawa
"I understand what is being explained. Previous golf lessons I just did what I was told, but did not understand what I was actually doing and why I was doing it. Actually now that i've been through some of your lessons, I realize how poor quality my previous lessons were."
-Richard S. | Cresta | 18 hdcp

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"Btw, [I'm] another old fart of 66 with a index of 7 thanks in large part to Chuck and RS1 and RST and these forums.""
"I went from a 12+ to a 4+ with CQ's original system. I know it works. "
"This is the first time I've done golf instruction by Internet. Personally, I like this method. I prefer to absorb information, then go to the practice tee and work on it. "
-Jeffrey N. | La Grange, Illinois | 12 hdcp
"So far as I’m concerned, Chuck Quinton is the best thing ever happened to golf instruction. I’ve taken up the game only a couple years ago, and while I still have tons to learn I feel incredibly fortunate to have happened upon the Rotary Swing website when I did. It’s saved me from a lot of wasted time spent having to unlearn wrong ideas."
-Dan D. | Mercer Island, Washington
"It has helped me from day one. Easy to learn. Best money I have invested . I have so much invested in tapes and gadgets. I have already been told by a stranger at the range that my swing looks effortless.I have never been told that."
-Juan | LINWOOD, Michigan | 14 hdcp

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"Honestly, I have been looking at guys for some time now. But you fixed a problem in one of your videos for free. So, being a Internet Marketer myself, if the free stuff is that good then the paid stuff must be better. And it was."
-James C. | Yonkers, New York | 3 hdcp
"Hey there. The website and instruction is awesome. For the 1st time I think I actually know what a golf swing should feel and look like. "
-Morne G. | Pretoria | 10 hdcp
"I've looked at a lot of different methods and teaching styles and really liked how you break the swing down into detail and have routines/exercise which are done off the course."
-Laurie B. | Aspley | 6 hdcp
"The principles are easy to understand and cannot be disputed in terms of biomechanics."
-Ryan C. | Plainfield, Illinois | 10 hdcp
"Hey Chuck, Just wanted to let you know I played with JB [Holmes] yesterday at Isleworth. He noticed a difference in my body mechanics immediately and made comments. I just wanted to drop you a line expressing my thanks. Look forward to seeing you again soon!!!!"

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"Access to the videos is worth the first three months subscription."
-James M. | Lethbridge
"I started to use the downswing move (set slowly into your left hip and then pull / turn the obliques. I hit 12 of 14 fairways and shot 76. I haven't had that consistency with the driver all year. I like that I have been playing golf for 40 years and never heard the weight shift explained that way before. I have not had time to master the move either, but I would say I'm on the right path after yesterday."
"the RotarySwing Tour instruction system is the best on the planet (bar none). Chuck Quinton is a superb instructor and I'm happy and proud to call him my teacher."
-Matthew P. | Safety Beach
"I have recommended your website to several friends because I think you have (1 a unique, effective approach to training, (2 a biomechanically sound and high performing swing approach, (3 you have clear and effective videos to present that swing approach and (4 you have instructors who understand the swing and how to effectively communicate with students"
-Premium Member Survey
"I am a high school math teacher and the learning system of breaking things into parts and working on things in sequence really has helped me make progress. Also the scientific objective facts about the golf swing have also been great. I am an info junkie and love this kind of stuff."
-Angelo C.

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"I absolutely love your website, first time in many years I actually know what to do with my golf swing. Handicap has gone from 30.1 to 18.9!!!!"
"RST to me is simply kinetics and repetition. How the body naturally moves and which muscles actually accomplish this was a huge stepping stone in understanding my golf swing. Then using those movements/muscles and going through the mindless repetitions of the setup, takeaway and weight shift was the second stepping stone which was priceless. Nothing feels better than playing a round a golf without thinking about 'positions', stance and plane. Lastly, the proof is the pudding. I dedicated myself to RST 3 months ago and shot my 3 lowest rounds (74,76,77) ever in my last 5 rounds played. Cheers to you, Chuck."
"The only instruction based on science and facts, not myths and tips."
-Lester | Perth | 36 hdcp
"Played first time last weekend after drilling all winter and hit the ball great. You're instruction is so good it's ridiculous!!!"
"Chuck is the best!"
-Steve H. | Franklin, Wisconsin | 20 hdcp

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"For so long, I just could not initiate the downswing with my legs and waist before the arms moved. But from this position, it is SO natural that I don't even need to think about it. I will admit that I joined Rotary Golf a good while ago, and I zoomed through the lessons to try to get a good swing quickly. eventhough I had gone through this, after time I completely forgot about the drills to achieve this position. Word of advice. take the time to ingrain the movements. save yourself a LOT of aggravation. Thanks RST! This is a great site. "
-Frank T. | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"The main difference between the IJGA experience and what CQ provides is a complete road map. Its not bits and pieces and just a tip here and there with no way to tell where the final destination is. That is the main reason that I use this site to teach my son. The other reason I am a CQ fan is that he doesn't teach club positions - it is about body movement and this part just seems to click with me. It just all makes sense."
"I just have to make you aware of how much your program has helped my game. I am hitting all clubs 15 yards longer, more than that on the driver and my accuracy has improved greatly. I have had lessons from professionals, most of whom do not teach as well as you...and you don't have the opportunity to see a swing and give immediate feedback. Rotary Golf has improved my golf. Thanks."
-Peter M.
"Thank You. As a student of the game,lost in a mass of golf theory--from books and countless YouTube instruction, I want to tell you how impressed I am with your presentation and knowledge of the swing. So from henceforth, you will be the only one I will be listening to,and I hope in June 2019, I am a much better golfer--and I have a strong belief I will be. I just must rid myself of listening to a multitude of teachers and stay with one--and you are the one! thanks "
-Henry Q.
"I took the onsite course from Chuck this past winter in Orlando. I learned much from the course. I thought the recent videos from Chuck regarding the 9 to 3 drill and the follow-up which I think was titled How to Build Massive Lag were exceptionally well done. They have already made a difference for me. "
-Don M.

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"As a teacher love the fact that this is based on the Anatomical Absolutes! Love the way that Chuck ties in the "body/swing connection"...its not a method it's based on science. Too much bull sh** out there based on peoples opinions and the latest "fad""
-Chad B.
"My scoring has lowered on average 3 shots, with very little time to practice, and I'm consistently straighter and striking the ball better, which is great."
-Paul G. | Greystones | 12 hdcp
"Chuck, I hope that one day that we can meet. You are a person that has your head on straight and grateful for what you have."
"Seemed to me as the very right way to swing the golf club (being a physicist)."
-Åsgeir N. | Tårnåsen | 14 hdcp
"Ball striking!!!! I "pure" shots much more frequently. My misses are far more tolerable. My ball flight is much more penetrating, wind has less effect."
-Scott S. | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 9 hdcp

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"Chuck does have an awesome swing"
-Whitney H. | Mount Airy, Maryland | 2 hdcp
"RotarySwing is very informative and I am enjoying learning how to make these changes to my swing. I really feel that there is some incredible information on the site, and I appreciate the fact that Chuck has created something that can help so many! Keep up the good work."
-Preston B. | Spring, Texas | 18 hdcp
"The techniques used are exceptional. You don't get overwhelmed because you learn at your own pace and you practice in slow motion. The instructor reviews are very detailed and they pin point what you need to work on to master each skill. I work on things and when I go to the course I don't have swing thoughts because I practice until one simple thing is engrained."
-Premium Member Survey
"Dear Chuck, Christina, Josh and the rest of the crew, First of all, thanks for the great product that is the Rotary Swing! I have followed i closely over the last month and have seen a dramatic improvement in my own game. Kind regards"
-Ian G.
"I found myself shrugging my shoulders and getting the club too high, I then found my way back to this video [Connecting to Your Core]. Keeping my shoulders down and getting in the box is certainly a much more powerful feeling at the top of the backswing. It even allows me get more coiled up with less hip rotation which is a bonus. Ignore this video at your peril!"
-Ron K. | Craigie

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"...I am absolutely impressed with philosophy and instruction. I have already greatly improved my swing and look forward to implementing instruction"
-Ronnie T. | Bossier City, Louisiana | 10 hdcp
"Clay: Awesome video. About two weeks ago, I was wondering if my old shoulder injury was preventing me from getting into the proper position at the top.Now,I understand exactly how it should work.You have a real gift. Keep the videos coming!"
-Dave R. | Great Falls, Virginia | 24 hdcp
"I'd like to complement you and the team for not only a great product/service, but also your responsiveness and concern for any issues that pop up."
-Eric R. | West Sacramento
"I have been playing golf for 50+ years and after viewing your instructional videos, I am convinced that I never really developed(through instruction or otherwise) a true understanding of the dynamics of the whole golf swing. Many hours and dollars of instruction have failed me. Thus, and even though I have in the past played at a relatively low handicap, I didn't ingrain the good habits of a true and repetitive swing on which I could rely. Perhaps at my advancing age it may be difficult to adjust, but I am passionate enough to try. I have renewed hope fueled by watching and absorbing your videos that I will be able to shoot my age on a continual basis. Thanks, and may the golf gods continue to bless you!"
-Robert S.
"I’ve been using RST now for over 2 months and am loving the results. I’m still not the golfer I aspire to be, but I’m seeing a lot of positive improvements with my game thanks to the RST fundamentals."
-Jacob B. | Mukilteo | 18 hdcp

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"Rotaryswing provides great service and a terrific product. I recommend you always. Best wishes"
-Scott B.
"Better technical knowledge of body and swing mechanics. Playing to about 6 hcp now, prev 10."
-bob g. | singapore | 7 hdcp
"Went to the range, worked on shoulder glide backswing and weight shift … crushed the ball."
-Darin D. | Los Angeles, California | 12 hdcp
"Lower handicap by 5. More consistency. Better understanding of the fundamentals."
-Premium Member Survey
"Just want to say thanks for the "how to get more lag". Even though I'm a 5 I've always struggled knowing how to use the left shoulder. Today it clicked and I used the "throw the ball" drill and kept the left shoulder from spinning out and wow. Even though I shot an even par and I have shot better, I never felt so in control. I hit 5 big buckets working on it then took it to the course. Thanks again."
-Steve S. | Prineville, Oregon | 5 hdcp

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"As an Orthopedic surgeon I liked the anatomic and bio mechanical references used in the instruction used in the videos."
-Robert F. | Houston, Texas | 3 hdcp
"Clay, my goal for the last 10 years have been to break 80 at least once. I have only been close once before and that was 4 years ago when I shot an 81. A couple of days ago I played with my 7 year old son and I shot a 6 over par 78 on a course that I never scored below 83! Thanks for all the feedback that you provide - it has been invaluable and an eyeopener. I can see that I have a very long way to go with my swing but it's nice to be "rewarded" during the journey. "
"It is fundamentally sound, explains why you are making the changes you are making and how the mechanics work, and probably most importantly, how to make the changes (by doing slow methodical movements, then working up through the gears). Rather than keep swinging at full speed and "just try to feel like this a little" as with most coaching."
-Craig S. | Chelmsford
"I am finding that your system is excellent. It is the first time that I feel I am beginning to understand the fundamentals of the golf swing. "
-Stuart W. | Cape Town | 16 hdcp
"...All the videos are fantastic and you guys really did your homework, congratulations!"
-Chuck M. | Albuquerque, New Mexico | 20 hdcp

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"I'm new to the RST but even in starting out the videos are very informative and the teaching makes a lot of sense. I'm excited about progressing through learning the swing. Good job!"
-Joel F. | Lafyaette
"This is a terrific site. I have tried many swings, and this is the first that--intellectually and in use--works for me. Furthermore, the customer service has been first rate. Most websites pretend nothing happened when there is a misstep, but when the site was down for a short period early this morning, your team both acknowledged the issue and fixed it quickly. I was a bit nervous joining up, but I sure am glad I did. Thanks to you all."
-John D. | San Carlos, California
"I've made big improvements in the group"
-Veronica | UK | 7 hdcp
"Thanks for the new smartphone app! Chuck and staff rock the golf instruction world in a big way and its for everyone! If you want to learn to swing the correct way this is it and these guys make it easy to understand. Join for at least a month for a very minimal fee or watch the free stuff ad see if you can help yourself become a better player. I'm a 2hdcp and my own teacher, with he help of these folks even better players WILL improve!"
-Whitney H. | Mount Airy, Maryland | 2 hdcp
"i worked online for two weeks and last round on every third hole a birdie..."
-Alexander B. | Amberg

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"Your, efficient and effective."
-New Member Survey
"I liked the detailed analysis of "why and how." Why does your body do things and how do cause the reaction/result you're looking for."
-Darin D. | Los Angeles, California | 12 hdcp
"after studying every swing available and spending thousands of hours learning swings I didn't believe in I stumbled across RST which makes sense in every way and the breaking down of the swing and learning process also makes so much sense. I've always had a big problem with the way instructors teach and you guys are right on."
-steven M. | Vail, Colorado | 10 hdcp
"One of the greatest revelations I've had is the "right elbow pit" and its correct positioning in the set up actually puts the right elbow in perfect position in the backswing if the takeaway is performed correctly. This is a position I have struggled with for 30 years on and off in my swing."
-Greg D. | Perth | 12 hdcp
"It's a real Interactive Learning Program. It comprehends all aspects of the Swing; Biomechanics, Faults & how to fix them, Extremely Competent Instruction - I learned more in Hours than in years prior!"
-Premium Member Survey

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"I think results speak for themselves. I have a few friends interested given my improvement so far...Great results and value for money versus other instruction I have had."
-Don A. | Gladsville | 18 hdcp
"Rotary Swing reignited my passion for the game. I worked through all the videos that take you from setup through impact. It makes sense and I think that is important. Who can argue with science? =)"
-Joel V. | Ballwin, Missouri | 16 hdcp
"Great System. Excellent step by step approach to the golf swing. They teach not just what, but why!!!"
"I have already recommended RST to many people"
-peppo | Milan | 7 hdcp
"The very best. Can't say enough about this app. If you want to improve your game then look no further!"
-Peter M.

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"I hit my 7 iron longer than I have ever it hit and with a range ball....past the 168 yd. flag (measured with a laser) with a slight draw!!!"
-Caleb H.
"Ball striking is much better with mid irons and hybrids. Still working on fairway woods and driver. Handicap has dropped from 18 to 16. Trending to 14."
-Premium Member Survey
"I played yesterday and hit some drivers further than ever, played from the back tees with my brother-in-law who always out drives me, and was either keeping up or hitting it, I can't wait until I get this to be second nature and everything starts to meld. Thanks again!!! I think in a few months, once my playing partners see how well I am hitting the ball, they will be visiting your website."
-Caleb H.
"I no longer have lower back pain during the golf season."
-Jim | Ottawa | 7 hdcp
"Great app but the best way to access all its videos is by joining their website as a Premium Member. That will get you full app access and full website access as well, so you get 2 free reviews of your swing each month and lots of other stuff not yet included on the app. With all that, it's almost as good as in-person lessons with their certified instructors (for a lot less $$)!"

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"This website is working wonders for my game and im nearly there i just want to spread the word everywhere i go and feel sorry for the people out there spending $1000's on lessons."
-Zac E. | Brisbane
"Awesome!!! I've been a memeber of rotary swing for about 3 months and it's helped my game out tremendously. This app just makes it even better. I can quickly browse videos as needed, even while on the course. "
"Before the grip change my swing speed with a 5 iron was 77 to 80 mph. Now, with a better grip and club position, my 5 iron speed measures between 105-110. Even popped one at 117. I am not kidding. This is measured well over 100 swings so it is exact. I even changed the batteries on the radar device. The thing is, I am not exerting more effort but there is so much more leverage with the swing. I did have to get the hang of releasing the club but was able to do that once the grip was right. So...there you go. Muchas gracias."
-Carver W. | Rumson, New Jersey | 7 hdcp
"I have never had golf instruction break the golf swing down so well. If you like to analyze what happens and how it works this is for you."
-Darrell C. | Vernon | 10 hdcp
"Great videos. The best golf instruction videos I've seen. Goes into great detail for every part of the golf swing. "
-Arizona Snoozin

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"I now have the serenity of knowing the mechanics of a proper golf swing. I was lost before, listening to tipsters. Now, I have the fundamentals, a set of workable ideals to always go back to. It's really quite comforting."
-John R.
"You guys are doing a great job. Golf is not easy by any means, but for the first time in a long history of trying to understand golf and its complexities I feel that there is a clear path to follow. Thank you for all that you are doing. "
-Stuart W. | Cape Town | 16 hdcp
"It is more effective, innovative, ingenious and in-depth than anything I've seen."
-Premium Member Survey
"I've created more lag in my swing giving me long and straighter ball flights this has resulted in more fairways and greens hit and lower scores"
-Premium Member Survey
"A regimented method of instruction. I liked Quinton's presentation and I especially liked the ease of the takeaway video."
-Jim A. | Scotia

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"After reviewing many options, RST seemed right because of the science behind the instruction and the price was right."
-Matt B. | Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
"WoW !! I have been struggling with hitting everything perfect and consistent BUT 5-8 yards left. After your video I realized somewhere I had "picked up" keeping my left elbow turned inward. Your instruction made perfect sense. I headed to the course and started knocking pins down. I had two shots that went way right but I then realized I had quit on the shot because in the past that had unconsciously worked since the club used to be closed because of my elbow. The next hole I fixed the elbow and went at it with a complete follow through and never hit it right again. I am stoked because I feel I can take dead aim now. Thanks soooooo much."
-Steve S. | Prineville, Oregon | 5 hdcp
"Chuck has helped me tremendously."
-James R. | River Forest, Illinois | 15 hdcp
"I have been practicing from the wedge play videos "penetrating wedge shoots" and have had good success with this. best wedge play in my 15 or so years of playing."
-Dennis M. | ogdensburg, New Jersey
"My swing has already got much better and I'm still only at the beginning."
-Jari I. | Muurame | 20 hdcp

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"Very well laid out website that does a great job creating positive emotions seeing yourself being the ideal golfer. Well done"
-Nick M. | Naples, Florida | 4 hdcp
"Ray, Thanks for the video! Ben is on the JV team for the high school. He's playing very well. Your instructions have made him more of a competent player. Today he was in a all day match against 150 players, he placed 9th with a score of 80. The conditions were tough rain wind and so fourth. Continue instructions with you I see his scores lowering as he builds confidence in being a better player. Thank you"
-david g. | danville, California | 25 hdcp
"Thanks! Couldn't have done it without OLG and Chuck's awesome teaching. I think you guys have something really amazing going on at"
-Lester H. | Perth
"I love the exercises to learn the proper setup, takeaway etc. It is the first time anyone has explained the how and why of the golf swing. The videos are great and detailed. The price is great--a real value for the service provided."
-Todd T. | Rocklin, California | 22 hdcp
"I just started out, but already I have seen a few videos that are clicking well in my head and helping me improve my swing."
-Gabriel S. | Marina Del Rey, California | 13 hdcp

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"I played in a recent tournament and tried as a swing key feeling the weight transfer to the left and engaging the left glute with the down swing. I shot a personal best and won my flight by six strokes. I only missed two fairways and had my best ball striking round ever. This video is amazing in teaching this important movement. I am looking forward to doing the drills and grooving this movement. Thanks Chuck this is the most amazing video for understanding how to complete a correct weight transfer!!"
-Jim M. | Gilbert, Arizona | 11 hdcp
"I'm really looking forward to using the systematic approach along with the video reviews. I'm real excited about the swing reviews 2X a month."
-Darryl B. | Hamilton | 12 hdcp
"Just starting my journey in RST. For the first time in my golfing "career", I took a good look at my setup face-on in a mirror. I found that I was hiking my left shoulder way up at address, just as you describe in this video.I've been working for two days at home on setting up properly based on the exercises in this phase. It certainly feels much different than I am used to, but I'm well aware that the "right" positions will feel "wrong" until I retrain my body's bad habits.I took it to the range this afternoon. No full shots, just half swings in the 9-to-3 drill with a 6-iron. What a difference! Ball contact in the center of the clubface every singe time, and flighted dead straight, and the balls flew surprisingly far for a partial swing...Going to keep working on these setup drills until doing it the "right way" becomes second nature."
-Jim B. | Elmira, New York | 16 hdcp
"It's one of the best explanations of the complete golf swing I have ever seen."
-Chris M. | Belmont, California | 6 hdcp
"I'm working on my fourth month with RST, and it is really making a difference in my game."
-David C. | Warner Robins, Georgia | 18 hdcp

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"You are awesome. I love your site and teaching methods."
-Dan K. | Caldwell, Idaho | 5 hdcp
"Like chucks teaching style and ability to communicate"
"I'm a big fan. The site and instruction are very easy to use."
-Keyz | Euclid, Ohio | 3 hdcp
"Many thanks.......your rotary swing service and web site are the best.......I really enjoy it all. Keep up the good work..............hasta luego from Espana"
-John B. | Ayamonte | 10 hdcp
"Had a bad couple of rounds this past week, with incredible hooks, my old swing problem. Then I watched the Perfect Takeaway video and then hit balls. Wow. Hooks gone and the ball not only went straight but very long. So easy to forget some of these basics and I think I will review many of the key videos from time to time as refreshers. Many thanks for your help."
-Anthony S. | Lakeville, Pennsylvania | 6 hdcp

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"It made perfect sense to me. I watched a few free videos and everything is based on solid fundamentals. No tricks/gimmicks."
-Donald L. | Suwanee, Georgia | 9 hdcp
"This video couldn't of come at a better time. My number one frustration in my game right now is coming over the top and I consequently end up with a ton of pulled shots to the left or weak, thin slices.(mostly pulled straight left). I understand my swing path is outside to in; but try as I might I could never seem to initiate the proper sequence in the golf swing and end up with the terrible feeling of getting stuck. Wedges and short irons don't seem to give me as much trouble; that is, until I start to swing harder with the longer clubs. This is when the trouble starts as the myelin is a little thick here from all the years of improper sequencing. Started off doing the stomp drill in the back yard with the impact bag and then took it to the range and got it to where I only come off my heel about an inch with some encouraging results. May just adopt this permanently! Will upload a video after some more practice with this drill and when I get a chance to take it to the course. Thanks for this and will keep you posted."
-Warren F. | Edmonton | 14 hdcp
"I was having problems both signing in on my iPad and also viewing the videos. The rotaryswing team, especially Josh Eaton really hung in there with me and over about a week, everything got straightened out. I was very impressed with the prompt and professional responses. They really were motivated to help me."
-Jack L. | Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida | 12 hdcp
"Through your site, now I don't just mimmick what I see. I understand the swing"
-Frank T. | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
"I like simplicity and the way Chuck explains the swing"
-gary n. | germantown, Tennessee | 14 hdcp

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"Well I've only really just started but I can feel the improvement already, I am allot more consistent off the tee and cannot wait to get my iron play in the same category."
-Wayne W. | Cape Town | 1 hdcp
"I have a long way to go, but I'm more confident than ever that I'll get to the mid to low single digit handicap range with the help of RST. "
-Brad M. | Rancho Santa Fe, California | 12 hdcp
"I am a dentist and I have always approached golf from a kinematic physiologic approach based on the science of human function."
-Lawrence T. | Williamsville, New York | 11 hdcp
"anchored in proper foundations as opposed to one pro's personal approach to trying to fix your swing; i.e. it's a lasting basis for improving your game"
-Steven T. | Bussum | 22 hdcp
"I want to thank you for the fine instruction online and at the one clinic I attended over the past two years. Your teaching methods really do work, as I have on many occasions had that "pure swing"."
-Ralph S. | Cape Coral, Florida | 15 hdcp

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"Thank you guys so much for the help I was way to armsy and had huge timing issues, this makes so much more sense now."
-Carolyn B. | South Lyon, Michigan
"My son became a member and I became excited after watching a video with him."
-JAMES K. | San Antonio, Texas | 14 hdcp
"Played yesterday and was really pleased about how I hit the ball after only 2 days of focusing on proper rotation. If you rotate properly, it allows you to transfer your weight a whole lot better.Thanks guys, looking forward to following the rest of the programme"
-Deb D. | Exeter
"Good mix of drills and science. "
-Chester B. | Finksburg, Maryland | 6 hdcp
"I googled my way thru a number of golf sites & immediately recognized the value of your basic instruction & noticed changes for the better on the driving range."
-Len E. | Beachmere

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"My actual swing has improved greatly!"
-Richard W. | St. Petersburg, Florida
"Thank you for reviewing my swing. I'm impressed by the fact that it is the weekend and I already have your input back."
-James B. | Anthem, Arizona | 3 hdcp
"I'm more confident on the golf course and understand the physics of a golf swing"
-Premium Member Survey
"Very well done!! Great advice to any teacher as well as students. All too often we teachers identify student needs and help them learn what to do better, but not how to correctly implement the needed changes. Thanks for the information"
-Butch B.
"I viewed the '5mins to the perfect backswing' link on a website, it really simplified the golf movement breaking it down into sections & I this process suit my way of learning."
-Craig S. | Cramlington | 8 hdcp

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"uploads and more importantly your analysis and feedback on my swing progress is truly meaningful and helpful. Thanks for all you do. I look forward to being a long term subscriber."
-Rich B. | coeur d alene, Idaho | 12 hdcp
"Liked the focus on small easy to learn steps."
-MICHAEL M. | Naperville, Illinois | 16 hdcp
"RST - the way golf instruction should be.. Great app with great videos. Sign-up for the premium membership and learn how to play injury-free golf.. Money and time well-spent. "
-Slowmo Reviewer
"I am impressed with Chuck's ability to translate the concepts into understandable dialogue."
-donald f. | newburyport | 16 hdcp
"It builds a swing in small increments, rather than with "tricks""
-Richard M. | Manchester, Connecticut | 10 hdcp

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"You guys were great and I think it is one of the best user-friendly and informative golf tuition websites in the world - a model for others to aspire."
-Noah R. | Buxton | 16 hdcp
"In my opinion, a hour lesson does not stay with you for a long period of time. I needed something that would give me the key points of the swing, gave me the opportunity to re-learn what I picked up, and could help me develop a consistent and reliable swing for a longer period of time...[Rotary Swing]made good sense and is really more cost effective than paying $75.00 for a one hour lesson. With the premium membership, I have access to golf lessons for one year at $150.00."
-Bruce C. | Richmond, Kentucky | 18 hdcp
"by breaking the swing down in the way RST has been developed you get a clear understanding of the mechanics behind each stage and what they should look like instead of trying to build a complete swing all at once like most instruction."
-Shane J. | Newport | 20 hdcp
" Even with my reduced flexibility I can do most of the drills without pain."
-New Member Survey
"... my golf buddies have already seen a positive change in my swing, and I make more good ball contacts."
-Roland P. | Nîmes | 15 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"My ball striking improved quite a bit this year. Thanks."
-Andy K. | Wasilla, Alaska | 26 hdcp
"I am 70 and with RST, I hope to play to my age."
-Alex M. | Katy, Texas | 25 hdcp
"...I like the idea about being able to follow a step by step program. Getting feedback from a pro was also an unexpected bonus."
-Luke M. | Truro
"focuses on the most efficient use of body to produce power and consistency in the golf swing"
"There is no comparison. I know of nothing that comes close to it. The cost is affordable for almost everyone and what one gets for the money is outstanding."
-Julie B. | Mountain Creek

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"Step by step programme and the principles/movements described made sense."
-Keith P. | Bracklesham Bay
"I'm a 2 hand and i learn a lot of things with rotaryswing.."
-Mario L. | Clermont
"I recently joined and I have to tell you that your methodologies and explanations of the golf swing are the best I have ever seen. I was having trouble curing an across the line at the top condition, and I knew it had to do with my takeaway. I struggled for weeks trying to consistently have the club point down the line with the head covering my hands it to no avail, and then I joined and watched the takeaway video. Talk about "Eureka"...the “right shoulder blade movement” technique was the answer I needed and with just one practice session using it I am already hitting the ball significantly better and more consistently. I am excited to get this new habit engrained and also to pursue continued improvement using your site. In my mind, it already has paid for itself. Great job, and thanks!"
-Stan E. | Fort Myers, Florida | 10 hdcp
"Thanks! Using site for one month, AWESOME!"
-Frank K. | Norwalk, Connecticut | 9 hdcp
"Chuck first of all great web site and instructional info. I have never learned more and the option to go back and refresh is outstanding. I have also referred several people."
-Fred B. | Bedford hills, New York | 3 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"The anatomical approach makes sense to me as a physician."
-John S. | Pueblo, Colorado | 18 hdcp
"I have taken MANY private lessons but have learned more about the swing from your videos than from all other lessons. Many thanks."
-Anthony S. | Lakeville, Pennsylvania | 6 hdcp
"It is a complete instruction methodology, not a collection of tips. Also, there was enough free instruction that I was able to put to good use. The positive results from the free instruction videos was enough for me to want to see it all."
-Michael C. | Gainesville, Virginia | 6 hdcp
"Great system Chuck, thanks, golf is already much more enjoyable."
-Simon H. | Abu Dhabi | 16 hdcp
"It's like the method I would have designed, very scientific"
-Brett W. | Chicago, Illinois | 40 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Thanks for all your videos they really have changed the way I play but more importantly think of how I'm swinging and what creates speed and repetitive feeling."
-Chad N. | London
"what caught my attention was the level of detail and explanation that was give about a video on youtube about creating lag in downswing. So I got more curious and started to look at the free videos, which eventually led me to choose"
-Ravi H. | FLOWER MOUND, Texas | 25 hdcp
"It has helped me gain a solid understand of the swing mechanics and, more importantly, how the body moves. Still getting more consistent but making progress and confident that I will get down to my goal of a 3 handicap when I complete this program."
-Billy C.
"All students of the game struggle to find out the magic moves to more consistent golf. PGA professionals will all teach differently and this website provides the full answer to all key components. Also it guides you through each stage with tutor feedback. Excellent."
-Ian W. | Newcastle | 12 hdcp
"ground up approach particularly on the back swing. Simple concepts"
-John A. | Bowen Island | 13 hdcp

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"my ball striking is improved and more consistent"
-John D. | Prior Lake, Minnesota | 5 hdcp
"Visited many sites to rectify a swing fault. Yours was the only one to help. Many thanks."
-John K.
"Your website has definitely improved my game."
-Jay K. | Dayton, Ohio
"The system is based on the knowledge of the muscles/parts of the body involved (in the right sequence) to perform a golf swing."
-New Member Survey
"Better understanding of my swing and the steps I need to take to make changes"
-Mike W. | 3 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I have been playing for fifteen years. Taking lessons, looking at videos etc. I have never had it explained to me like that. I look forward to increasing club head speed, and less wear and tear on the body."
-Richard C. | Columbia, South Carolina | 16 hdcp
"I liked the way he teaches you how to learn. Nobody else seems to be doing that!"
-Chad N. | Honolulu, Hawaii | 4 hdcp
"Thanks so much. I always wanted to know the "why" about the physics of the golf swing. I am beginning to understand."
-Richard C. | Columbia, South Carolina | 16 hdcp
"I can land a green from 250+ yards with the 2-H using a smooth RST swing."
-Joseph I. | Camp Lejeune, North Carolina | 10 hdcp
"you need this if you are serious about your swing"
-Premium Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"All the information I read just made so much sense and I thought the videos were clear and easy to follow."
-Darren P. | Lichfield
"...really liked the quality and simplicity of teaching."
-David H. | Land O Lakes, Florida
"I recommend it all the time because it's the best thing I've ever seen about teaching a golf swing."
-Brad M. | Rancho Santa Fe, California
"This is a program that makes me once and for all commit myself to improving my golf game. I absolutely love the game of golf and this is the only program that I have come across that has gotten me excited again about playing and practicing. Chuck Quinton is an outstanding instructor and I have spent time and money on many that do little more than offer a few "swing tips" on a glossy covered DVD pack. Chuck is by far the best instructor I have seen."
-Rex T. | Fairborn, Ohio | 18 hdcp
"Videos are concise and easy to understand."
-Mike M. | Ankeny, Iowa | 9 hdcp

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"I am familiar with most of the golf instruction available on the web and can easily see that Rotary Swing is most intelligent offering available. I have tried at least three others!"
-Jeff H. | LEURA | 30 hdcp
"It is so much more comprehensive than most instruction"
-Premium Member Survey
"Makes sense."
-David E. | Manchestwr | 4 hdcp
"I really enjoy structure, a map for any upcoming journey, and a person's ability to communicate their knowledge, reasons why, and incremental goals to obtain results. Your Website shows you listened and learned from your past experiences and have improved (and continue to improve) to what is today. I look forward to my Journey. Thanks for your dedication"
-John C. | Raleigh, North Carolina | 17 hdcp
"Sound Golf Principles Easy to access - 24/7 Great videos"
-Brian E. | Oakville | 8 hdcp

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"I lowered my handicap from 9 to 6"
-Premium Member Survey
"Just want to say that the videos you are making is great. You have made learning golf a whole new experience. Thanks a lot Chuck:)"
-Goran S. | Trondheim | 1 hdcp
"I watched 51 videos in the first two days and got most of the technical explanations that previous instructors were unable to articulate."
-Chad E. | Cherry Creek , Colorado
"I think it's great. I'm not sure at what level I can reach ( due to present family obligations ) but I sure like having the info there for me."
-John L. | Cary, North Carolina
"Thanks Clay for the advice! I'll be working on my takeaway. Just wanted to say I appreciate all u guys do. Thanks again!"
-Chris S. | New Milford, Connecticut

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"Since becoming a member I just take what I watched usually 1 or 2 lessons & try to work it into my swing which is helping. I am very pleased."
-John R.
"I am very happy with this video instruction. I already discovered the increase of clubhead speed after loosening the right hand grip."
-Nico S. | Ouddorp | 12 hdcp
"I really like that the swing being taught stems from a bio-mechanical perspective."
-New Member Survey
"My goal has been to perfect the ultimate nine..that is to be able to hit all the shots in the game..low mid and high..all three directions...middle left and right. Before rotary swing I could hit 2 now I can hit 5 on command. Thats my definition of improvement. My low round is 78."
-Chris L. | Louisville, Kentucky
"It has helped me tremendously because if you follow the training and practice it works. "
-Ken | Denton, Texas | 22 hdcp

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"I liked the video that showed the different styles of golf from Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, Jack et. al and how we constantly chase "the windmills" out there and your approach was one of doing it based upon proper kinesology."
-Ron K. | Colorado Springs, Colorado | 9 hdcp
"I got premium as soon as got home from holiday, this stuff makes sense to me. And I am only on the takeaway. Can't wait to start next level next week."
-Per Vidar R. | Oslo | 19 hdcp
"Its basis is fundamentals, not tricks, should have long term better swing gains, and obviously a more enjoyable game."
-charles s. | phoenix, arizona | 9 hdcp
"Absolute best instruction I have ever had. Your teaching method answers questions I have had for so long e.g., how to start the takeaway, what my wright wrist should do, etc. I am finally taking a consistently divot . . . without even trying. My distance has also increased with my irons."
-Steven M. | Franklin, Tennessee | 11 hdcp
"I had tried a number of different golf 'theories' over the years with countless hours practice and expense and I found that my golf swing never really improved. I found that after only a week using the RotarySwing videos on the website that I had started making dramatic improvements."
-Nicholas F. | Melbourne | 15 hdcp

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"saved my game. I haven't played much since joining but the few times I have, after doing the drills and watching the videos, my scored have been mid 80s versus mid 90's. Most important I now have a go to thought, or move, versus guessing on how to fix what is wrong."
-Premium Member Survey
"I looked at the rotary swing take away videos on you tube and decided to use that method in the afternoon. I hit a few balls before going out and was wetting myself with excitement to get the round underway as it all felt very natural to me,pulling on the right side on the way back and then turning the power on the left hand side on the downswing. I hit the ball the best I have hit it in many years if not the best,working it right and left and knocking it down when needed."
-Kevin M. | Barrow-in-Furness | 3 hdcp
"I read "The Talent Code" and found it very interesting. Rotary Swing makes it easy to target any part of the swing and practice as suggested in the book."
-John S. | The Villages, Florida | 8 hdcp
"I thought it was a compelling, informative website that offered real opportunity for understanding this approach to the golf swing."
-Bill R. | Addison, Texas | 18 hdcp
"I have been getting fantastic results with my iron the last couple of weeks with good compression and distance thanks to the "downcock drill."
-Graham S. | Penrose | 10 hdcp

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"Feeling my old single digit handicap swing is right around the corner"
-Premium Member Survey
"It's more detailed and specific than regular teaching and is based on solid fundamentals and biomechanics (not some whacky method)"
-David | Perth | 9 hdcp
"Chuck, I love this website! I just started a couple weeks ago and by simply improving my stance and takeaway (haven't had time to incorporate more), I went out and broke 90 for the first time in my life! I'm psyched! "
-Mike B. | Charlotte, North Carolina | 19 hdcp
"Collaborated with a golfing friend of mine and we did research on the various approaches to golf instruction and selected rotary swing due to the approach you take. i.e. learning, fundamentals, etc."
-New Member Survey
"Well documented, easy to understand videos, with explanation of the "why" of swing changes. Can return to videos to increase understanding"
-James M. | Rochester, Minnesota | 8 hdcp

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"Messed around with this today and wow, can really see what it does! It makes it almost impossible to release early and retains so much speed/power. Doing this while squatting and getting to that lag position is almost like cheating. Jamie Sandlowski talks a lot about supple wrists and getting speed from his hands and wrists, I think this is what he is talking about on the downswing. "
-Shaft C.
"Simplicity of swing with less stress on the lower back."
-Alan S. | North Ridgeville, Ohio | 9 hdcp
"Rotary swing is amazing. I bought the access this past winter, after having an injury that brought my handicap from a 19 to a 23 in a few months. I then began to watch the videos and to practice five ten minutes indoors and then just before a round. Now I have won three state-days net tournament in my division out of five tourneys played. Hopefully my handicap will also follow, or I will be accused of sandbagging by my very competitive friends. LOL."
-Josie H. | Charlotte, Vermont
"The videos are great. I've only been practicing changes for a day or two, but am aware of several things I've been doing wrong."
-Steven B. | S. Walpole, Massachusetts | 18 hdcp
"It helped me understand my muscle function through out my swing"
-Hanafi | jakarta | 6 hdcp

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"I know I've asked a million questions over the past week and you guys always answer promptly and helpfully, thanks a ton and you guys rock."
-Courtney H. | Odessa, Texas | 16 hdcp
"I understand the mechanics of the golf swing much more and have a technically better swing."
-Craig P. | Missouri City, Texas | 20 hdcp
"Absolutely my favorite drill on this site. I'm puring iron shots after this"
-Courtney H. | Odessa, Texas | 16 hdcp
"It's simple science. There is so much golf instruction out there, and here it is taught in a smart and logical way"
-Tyler B. | Orlando, Florida | 10 hdcp
"Logic and common sense. I liked the way the swing is pieced and explained."
-New Member Survey

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"This seems like the best way to start from the ground up with proper instruction and will be the best for my body in the long run. Plus for the price it is the best deal I have ever seen."
-New Member Survey
"Best day hitting thru the bag in a long time, if not ever, thanks."
-matt W. | Del Rio, Texas
"A little over a month now since I started RST and have seen some really awesome changes and positions I have never been in before. I have seen distance increases in my irons - almost a club to half a club."
-Shaft C.
"playing with a broken neck created perceived biomechanical limitations. Bumping into RST showed me that I have no rotation issues and biomechanically, the zero flexibility in my neck will not be a limitation to my playing really good golf. This is the most exciting program I have ever come across."
"I believe the golf swing must be athletic and fluid and not mechanical. That is what I like about the rotary swing."
-Thomas O. | Boston, Massachusetts | 10 hdcp

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"Thanks 4 the chance 2 improve my golf, greatest advice i,ve ever seen in 35 years of golf."
"I already feel my hitting is more solid. And most importantly my understanding of the golf swing has increased a lot. I've never before known really _why_ I should do specific things in the swing."
-Premium Member Survey
"I finally feel like I am benefiting from golf instruction not meant to fix the symptom, but to address the underlying cause. "
-James L. | Billings, Montana | 20 hdcp
"...explaining how and why the body moves makes it easy to play golf instead of all the false teaching everyone else is trying to teach. Thanks"
-Charles M. | Nicholasville, Kentucky | 10 hdcp
"I am more consistent in my ballstriking especially with my irons"
-Premium Member Survey

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"The premium membership is meeting my expectations. Gives me great understanding."
-Lee W. | Ayr | 5 hdcp
"My handicap has reduced to 8.3 from 10.0!"
"it's amazing the changes that come about through these drills and learning the correct way to move."
" self taught online method gives more flexibility in time management and more technical in nature."
-New Member Survey
"Bottom line is there is no better program out there."
-michael s. | hampton, Virginia | 9 hdcp

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"Awesome really helped with watching videos on my new IPAD.5star rating"
-LA dr.
"I had been trying to learn how to "turn around the body" and when I came across one of your videos on line it made sense to me."
-Harry E. | Hull
"I am only part way though section 2 and already see a difference. just setup alone has gotten rid of my sway, and am already feeling release of club without hand manipulation."
-william s. | pawling, New York | 8 hdcp
"Rotary Swing is the most worthwhile thing I have ever done to help my golf swing."
-Rotary Student
"The explanation regarding the impact position has been a revelation to me, I never realised that I flip at impact and the moment I started using the concept my impact became crisper and more consistent. I didn't even need to practice it, I put it into practice during a round of golf and it worked straight away Thanks a million."
-Gregg B.

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"Overall i give it a 5. Great app, has helped me in my ball striking consistency."
-Want Ta B
"I was sold after the first video lesson. I knew I was swaying on the take away, so I just figured I was getting older and could not turn without the sway. I also swayed on the downswing. After the first video lesson, I knew this was for me. I've hit the ball solid and long ever since because I do not sway any longer... Immediately my game has picked up big time."
-Paul R.
"I especially like all the up to date physiology behind the golf swing. I've been recommending Rotary Golf Swing to everyone I know."
-Single Digits
"If you choose to go down the road of RST you will never regret it, it is a swing for a lifetime and you will be able to learn it though the system Chuck has built on his website."
"The takeaway clip had a dramatic impact after ten minutes on the range."
-Matthew E. | Denver, Colorado

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"Now I know how to do that and why I do that."
-New Member Survey
"I could try some videos without pressure. It just proves to me that the product is good."
-Dieter S. | Vineland | 8 hdcp
"These guys know what they're talking about."
-Boogie's Dad
"I recently subscribed to this website and I should say I am seeing some nice changes to my swing...Chuck Quinton the founder has really put some science behind the art of golf swing. His concepts about bio-mechanics and the physics made a lot of sense to me. "
"I joined the group learning program, and feel like I've made more progress in the last 2 months than in the previous 18."

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I think that the information that you give and the way you explain things is excellent. I have played golf for 8 years now and in the couple of days that have been looking at the information there are so many things in there I didn't know. I would like to congratulate you, Well done."
"This method of instructions breaks down the golf swing where you can work in section to complete a golf swing with minimum flaws."
-Joe R. | Tucson | 26 hdcp
"I STOPPED having back pain when I joined this site and it has been the best thing I've ever done. "
"it trains the body to do what you want, too many other instructional videos just tell you what you want your body to do, not how to do it"
-Premium Member Survey
"The most logical presentation of the golf swing specific movements."
-Premium Member Survey

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"I really appreciate the fact based approach and the work you do to simplify the complex...Keep up the great work, sky is limit for you."
-jason k. | conifer, colorado | 8 hdcp
"The swing is more understandable then before...Simple way to see the golf swing"
-Marcel | Hoofddorp | 10 hdcp
"This vid has help me be more consistent on my pitching which was my nightmare! Since then my score has been more consistent"
-Glenn C. | hawaii | 18 hdcp
"i finally am hitting my clubs well...thank you very much. it took me a bit, but things are really starting to fall into place. "
"Heard about stack and tilt and looked into it. Wasn't sure if that was a good fit for me when I came across the comparison of rst versus stack and tilt. That video made a lot of sense and the rst was closer to my swing so I thought I would have better success."
-Rob B. | Lucas, Texas | 5 hdcp

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"logged my first birdie today. so stoked."
"anatomically correct, thus safe"
-Bill S.
"It is based on rock solid biomechanical principles. It promotes a simple, repeatable swing with easy to understand drills that put me in the best possible position to consistently strike the ball."
-Roger T. | Ormond Beach, Florida | 15 hdcp
"I have seen some improvements already."
-Andre G. | Christiansted, Virgin Islands | 9 hdcp
"By profession I am a Physical Therapist and I like the anatomical and biomechanical basis for the swing."
-John M. | BRIGHTON, Michigan | 5 hdcp

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"In terms of play, my game's going good and I can't stress enough that Chuck's teaching methods are the way to go. At 40 yrs now I get less problems than I ever have with my back/neck."
"I recently had a lesson with Bill Burke in Memphis and I think I learned more about my swing in two hours than two months of practicing alone."
"I find your videos to be excellent. You are an articulate bunch, with well thought-out swing thoughts."
-Jeffrey N. | La Grange, Illinois | 12 hdcp
"Best instruction and explanation of the correct way to swing a golf club. Period."
-MICHAEL S. | ATLANTA, Georgia | 11 hdcp
"I squeezed in 18 holes this evening (jogging from hole to hole with my Bag Boy cart) and hit the best drives of my life, driving the fringe on two Par 4's. With RS/RST my drives have gone from avg of 220 to avg of 250 with smooth easy swing and avg of 290 with a bit longer/quicker swing (and I don't have to search the rough to find them!)."

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"The web site is great as it is overall. This service has really helped me. I am really looking forward to summer. I am 62 yr old. Wish I had found this back in the 90s!"
-Juan | LINWOOD, Michigan | 14 hdcp
"This is where you will find the detailed information that very few coaches will give you."
-Michel S. | Tilehurst
" removes doubt about what you need to work on. All you need to do is commit yourself to following the RST model and stop searching for the secret."
-Premium Member Survey
"I love how systematic the teaching is."
-Michael F. | Murrieta, California | 5 hdcp
"I'm a happy customer."
-Evan H. | Indianapolis, Indiana | 10 hdcp

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"I just birdied a 465 yard par 5 going against the wind and shot a record 86 for the round thanks to Rotary Swing balance and power!"
-Karen S.
"Love the site and the logical presentation of data.v"
-Chris B. | Denver, Colorado | 7 hdcp
"I'd like to send my thanks for your time and effort during this past weekend's clinic. You were very effective in the delivery of your information and I definitely connected with the elements of Motion Memory. Your passion for helping golfers improve shows in your dedication to these concepts, your professional approach to improving your craft and the way you interact with your students. I'm extremely excited about applying your "absolutes" to my swing ..... my days of tinkering are over! I look forward to seeing you both again soon."
-kerry n. | Lighthouse Point, Florida | 17 hdcp
"I wanted to thank you for today and yesterday. I have learned more in the past two days about the golf swing than I ever have. It's a great feeling to know EXACTLY what I need to work on and will be working on in time. You are such a talented and bright teacher and I feel lucky to be getting your insight and instruction."
-Patrick W. | Tucson, Arizona
"It tells you the truth about learning, not the quick fixes...I'm more confident on the golf course. The ball flight is much more straighter."
- b.

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"I like the weekly winner's swing reviews that Clay is doing, they are insightful and entertaining."
-Richard B. | Aurora, Colorado
"My handicap is 3 strokes lower"
-Premium Member Survey
"I already recommended a co-worker/friend who joined a couple months ago. It's fun sharing RST drills at work or on the course."
-Ryan C. | Plainfield, Illinois | 10 hdcp
"I never really understood the golf swing before, however, now I know where I need to be and why throughout the swing. I have gone from a 13 to an 8 in three months. I am retired and practice and play a lot of golf. Thank you for really helping me enjoy this great game even more."
-Premium Member Survey
"When I mastered Stack and Tilt for my irons, I was "selling it" to everyone that would listen; just couldn't close the deal because neither I nor any of my friends/colleagues could get any longer than a 3 iron with S&T. To this point, I have found RST so natural and easy to follow that I know anyone else I talk to about it will likewise 'enjoy this technique'. Simply put, it is a biomechanically sound swing system that works with every club from my Driver to my 60 degree wedge (and hopefully with the 1 and 2 irons I just ordered)."

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"A good balance between swing theory and practical application - and where the two elements (theory and application) support each other"
-Premium Member Survey
"You have an awesome website! I have recommended it to all of my friends."
-Premium Member Survey
"I chose to become a Rotary Swing Member because this is the first method which explains to me the golf swing in a entire logical way. I am a medical doctor and therefore it is fantastic for me to understand not only the golf swing, but also which muscle does what in each part of the swing."
-Hans a.
"The approach to training is far superior to any golf lessons I have taken. The approach of showing what to do, why and how is excellent. The use of chunking, stacking and repetition has enabled me to learn to do things I have failed at for years."
-Premium Member Survey
"Fantastic feeling to see the ball launch and go were I wanted it to. My driver is my nemesis and yesterday it was my best club. Easier to play from the fairways."

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I like how the rotary swing teaches you how to turn the body instead of just get the club to certain spots on your own."
-Dave M. | Little Compton, Rhode Island | 27 hdcp
"I think it is excellent and will recommend it to anyone who asks about golf lessons"
-Bruce S. | Kenley | 12 hdcp
"I love your site, I love the video - I love the concept of the online learning groups."
-Jay W. | Fletcher, North Carolina
"For me paying $150 for a year membership seems very inexpensive for what you offer so I feel it's a good value."
-Robert H. | Riverton, Utah | 16 hdcp
"Thank you for such a great instructional program ,i have found no other clear an precise instruction on the web"
-jerry m. | charlotte, North Carolina | 25 hdcp

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"I was impressed with the knowledge the instructors demonstrated in the videos."
-Russell L. | Elizabeth, New Jersey | 18 hdcp
"It has given me a much better understanding of my golf swing and what I need to work on to improve. It is fundamentally sound and easy to understand."
-Jim L. | Seattle, Washington | 6 hdcp
"The best thing about this product is the immediate and continuous feedback at a reasonable price."
-Premium Member Survey
"Intelligent. Scientific. Well presented."
-Jeff H. | LEURA | 30 hdcp
"Best ball striking day in a long time and shot my best round this year. Staying in the box, really helped me keep the shoulders under control. In addition, it made Move 1 so much easier. It almost felt as if I was hitting 3/4 shots but the distance was outstanding."

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"I wouldn't recomend to friends b/cause there is money on the line and it give me more ribbing rights!!! hahahhaha But, when they get tired of loosing, I'll let them know, if they be nice to me! hahahaha Love those ribbing rights!! hahahha Some of friends that I don't play w/ I will always tell them about RST."
-Premium Member Survey
"This is the best golf swing instruction I've seen. I don't know how it could be improved."
"Clay, I truly appreciate this video...Right after watching the video I (like a small kid with a new toy) tried making the weight shift with much exaggeration and extremely slow movement I was able to make the correct moves. I'll continue this until it becomes ingrained. Again thanks!"
-Dennis M. | ogdensburg, New Jersey
"I've been a customer to Rotary swing for many of years. Their videos and explanations to the golf swing are very easy to understand and enjoyable. I wish I had more time to spend working on my swing. I've recently had to reach out to their membership director to dispute some charges and the customer service was outstanding. She was very quick to respond and very helpful to my concerns. Thank you Rotary Swing for the awesome quality in your services!!"
-Ian C.
"good instruction broken down into understandable bits"
-Ian W. | Warfield | 21 hdcp

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"Principles are valid and simple to follow."
-David L. | Dahlonega, Georgia | 11 hdcp
"I can learn at my own pace - which is much faster that weekly lessons."
-Premium Member Survey
"I AM the Quinton project - done without a title and before Haney decided he needed more notoriety. I started the 2009 season with a handicap factor of 22.6, and a personal best score of 87. I attended the inaugural RST clinic in January. As a Canadian, I went home after the clinic and promptly hit zero balls until the 1st week in May (it was a long winter). I did, however, do the drills made available at the clinic. My first round was an 88 (followed up with a 97). I kept doing the drills. I may have hit 2 buckets of balls that weren't warmup balls (the range in Espanola isn't the best). But I kept doing drills. A month later my scores were in the low 90's on some familiar courses. Then it happened: at a get together with some friends over a weekend, I popped a 90 on a course I hadn't seen. Followed it up with an 80 on a course I hadn't seen before; two months into the season. From then on it was mid 80's scores. Finally, in early October, I shoot 78 at my home course. Not bad Chuck - taking the laziest player on the planet and hacking 8 strokes off his handicap."
"Very organized sequence to learning the golf swing especially if you have bad habits and tendencies."
-Charlie S.
"You guys do a great job. You can go as fast and as slow as you like. "
-Fred H. | Huntington Beach | 12 hdcp

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"Site and instruction is great. People ask me about my development an I always point them to your site"
-Premium Member Survey
"A lightbulb went off in my head and everything that is being taught on this website makes so much sense."
"A well researched method based on the actions of the body"
-Tony J. | Abergele | 6 hdcp
"they take you through each move needed to do a proper swing and describe what muscles to use to do it."
-Bill A. | Sun Valley, Nevada | 24 hdcp
"The rotary swing system is so well organized and exacting that it would be hard to improve upon the method, whether you need a ground up swing build or to find that one important key that allows your swing to improve. They take advantage of the new distribution technology, I love the iPad app!!"
-Dean M. | Seattle, Washington | 13 hdcp

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"I've shot rounds of 4 over,2over and 1 under in the 2weeks since working with your fundamentals...Finally I can now work at consistancy using your funamentals and really get back to enjoying the great game of golf!"
"Seems to be the most logical system."
-Alex Z. | Peoria, Arizona | 20 hdcp
"It's so simple a two year old can understand it. The instruction doesn't just tell you what to do but also how to do it and why."
-Scott S. | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 9 hdcp
"Practicing really slow is helping a lot with timing and sequencing. I am much better at proper point of impact with the right hand than the left. And I can now see how my left hand does not rotate as it should just as Clay pointed out. Progress is slow but steady. I'm loving this."
-Todd C. | Midwest City, Oklahoma
"reduced handicap and won club championship"
-Premium Member Survey

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"I have made quite a bit of progress in the past three months."
-Alex M. | Katy, Texas | 25 hdcp
"The biomechanics aspects...It just made sense with my injury history."
"these videos have changed my game for the better."
-Santiago L. | Long Beach, California | 13 hdcp
"Good clear teaching.. A real method to improve."
-New Member Survey
"It works. The only reason I would not recommend it is because I want the people I play with to continue to struggle."
-bill r. | london | 10 hdcp

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"Watching videos over and over again helps reinforce the lessons and the rotary connect has help big time"
-Tommy | Pensacola, Florida | 5 hdcp
"it's a great blend of show and tell and practice."
"Love all the videos."
-Miguel B. | Chigwell | 8 hdcp
"Just wanted to thank Clay for the direction he has been providing me. I imagine with the number of members on this site, the swing reviews can become tedious at times. Clay has consistently been concise and cordial when reviewing my swings. I appreciate it, thanks Clay!"
-John T.
"Unbelievable, I've been told [in the past]that I should finish with the club behind my head..well ok, but can't do that! least until NOW...this practice, throwing the ball, with the rotation of the wrist, closes the club and it lets the club finish behind my head, too bad they never told me how that happens in the first place..also, I play Nintendo Wii, Tiger Woods, 7,8,9,10,11, and currently playing 12. I find that I can practice that same move with throwing the golf ball, but using the Wii controller instead, and it still hit shots great in the game...two birds one stone (controller ha)"
-TOM P. | SUN CITY, Arizona | 17 hdcp

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"This is why I'm still paying the monthly fee-because I always get away some key piece like this-Chuck your the best! I go to the PGA superstore and the instructor tells me WHAT I'm doing wrong but not HOW specifically to correct it and what it FEELS like!"
-Mark D. | Norcross, Georgia | 18 hdcp
"It is a simple, easy to follow, step by step process for learning a very effective golf swing."
-Sandy | Derby
"I'm handicap -16 and feel i can train myself with information from the right guys. Never found that in germany"
-Juergen D. | Mutlangen | -16 hdcp
-Jim F. | Omaha, Nebraska | 8 hdcp
"Gentlemen, thankyou for an outstanding web site and instruction.Nothing else like it out there.Im following the program and making steady progress.I have tended to be an armsy swinger as i was only a small kid and generated power that way.I believe im starting to get the feel of rotation."
-stewart j. | perth | 8 hdcp

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"I like all the available options you have for getting your golf swing questions answered."
-New Member Survey
"A quick note to thank you for an excellent learning experience"
-William B. | Glastonbury, Connecticut | 15 hdcp
"The material has by far exceeded my expectations"
-Michael K. | vallentuna | 15 hdcp
"I'm hitting the ball correctly; I have more confidence in what I'm trying to do."
-william | new york, New York
"Your program works! I have recommended it."
-Mike J.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Bought into ideology of training and golf improved to the extent I shot an easy 10 over par in Medal. At age 65, I just want to take a step back and really let it sink in."
-Bob L. | Bridge of Weir | 15 hdcp
"it is totally different. it is new ideas. a modern swing."
-john m. | glasgow | 10 hdcp
"Producing more consistent ball flight, more solid ball contact."
-Premium Member Survey
"my handicap is 5 strokes lower"
-L.W.H | CHANGHUA | 9 hdcp
"Best instruction app ever. Everything is based on the ways the human body can move."

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Wow. I didn't even know this was in the works. Great job guys a very impressive app to go along with an incredible website and learning system."
"You have a great site. I am most impressed by the way you methodically introduce every component of a proper and mechanically correct golf swing. I am looking forward to future videos and instruction."
-John S. | Brigantine, New Jersey | 8 hdcp
"watched the free vids, and should have paid to see those, where were u 3.5 years ago when I started playing this game..LOL The one I like so far, was the one where you get over onto the left leg , so to better pivot a years lessons at golf tec and that was never mentioned...with that little taste Im sure to turn Pro in a Im 62 now..."
-TOM P. | SUN CITY, Arizona | 17 hdcp
"I looked through a lot of information on the web. Rotary seemed easiest to understand and seemed to be based on sound philosophies of learning and biomechanics."
-New Member Survey
"I liked the drills that I have seen, just doing them in the office without a club makes it easier to ingrain the changes"
-Keith J. | Austin, Texas | 9 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"It not only tells you what to do but gives you the physical and anatomical reasons why you should do it."
-Jim | Ottawa | 7 hdcp
"It is a simple swing with a learning program that is can be achieved if you put in the time and effort."
-Premium Member Survey
"The fact that the instruction is easy to understand but more importantly, cause and effect explanations that result in body executing an optimal swing path once a move is executed correctly."
-Kevin L. | Singapore
"It explains how the body is designed to move in the golf swing and why, something 99% of instructors fail to teach you."
-Premium Member Survey
"It teaches you how and why, instead of just do this. Many people want to know why and not just be given a band-aid fix."
-Mike N. | Manitowoc, Wisconsin | 10 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"awesome lesson, The takeaway never felt so good. Wow.. instant gratification!"
-steven M. | Vail, Colorado | 10 hdcp
"your instruction reviews have been very helpful and I am looking forward to learning the downswing over the next four - eight weeks."
-Alex M. | Katy, Texas | 25 hdcp
"My friend began your program and I saw the positive results he was getting...I started with the free membership. Within an hour, I knew I wanted more so I immediately purchased the Premium Membership. Already I am seeing results."
-Ken M. | Avila Beach, California
"Great app. Before the app I would bookmark pages.This makes for quicker and easier access out on the range if I need to access a video to refresh my thought patterns."
-Paul O. | Midhurst | 10 hdcp
"Thank you! After performing this drill I could feel my clubhead speed increase. I hit several shots today at the range. The ball went further as well as straighter."
-Santiago L. | Long Beach, California | 13 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I have really enjoyed the content and found Chuck's approach to instruction the be a real breakthrough on understanding the swing."
-Jack C. | Atlanta, Georgia | 15 hdcp
"Chucks swing on the home page video. Outstanding!!"
-Doug B. | Greeneville, Tennessee
"I received the Rotary Connect on the weekend and after a few backswing reps, everything just clicked and fell into more movement/straightening of the right knee... and the takeaway and backswing feel and look exactly as described in the '5 minutes to a perfect backswing' video. Thanks for your help as I have been struggling with this. The Rotary Connect is a brilliant aid. "
-David R. | Adelaide | 14 hdcp
"WOW - no one has ever ever taught me the things I learn in this site! You are keeping your right arm straight - you are just slightly flexing your elbow at the end and the humerus is pushing the shoulder back naturally. Very cool stuff - can't wait to go out there and try it! Thank you Chuck!!!!"
-Maritxa R. | Mount Tabor, New Jersey | 18 hdcp
"i like the concept of a program with regular feedback and learning how to self coach"
-Tiger M. | Oakmont, Pennsylvania | 7 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Hi guys, (and gals*) I have recommend your system to about 5 of my friends that I think would really enjoy the site as much as I have."
-Garry D. | El Cajon CAJON , California | 19 hdcp
"I want to thank all of you for the superb site you have and professional staff! I will continue to work and improve in this difficult game with the help of your site."
-Mats R. | Vaasa | 7 hdcp
"Looking over sample videos gave me the trust to give RotarySwing a try. The price helped as well."
-New Member Survey
"Hi i am new to the rotary concept.i just want to say that Chuck has simplified the swing better than anyone before,absolutely fantastic."
"The description of the golf swing is excellent and the way it benefits golfers who suffer from injuries"
-Darren P. | Romford | 15 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Clay, I understand what you mean now about staying too centered. I feel a lot more freed up and coiled now. My transition on my downswing feels more natural now again. Thank you."
-Tyler S. | Lincoln, Nebraska | 2 hdcp
"After viewing the first free videos I was caught hook line and sinker. I had to see and hear more. Just like many of us who have tried everything and have been overloaded with information and instruction that contradicts itself. Tired of frustration and shoulder and back injuries I just wanted a clear cut road map to follow from start to finish. Chuck conveyed those needs, and didn't promise a get fixed quick result. Rather an honest explanation that wasn't sugar coated, but made sense to me. "
-New Member Survey
"I wish I had "found" you earlier."
-Earl S.
"BTW - feel like the site has great value."
-Ken H. | San Antonio | 20 hdcp
"It is a golf swing aimed at protecting the body, joints and muscles from injury while providing adequate distance from the tee."

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Love your web site"
-John W. | wappigers falls, new york | 18 hdcp
"I've been using the RST as a great learning tool after the past year. I've just renewed my subscription and will review all videos again. Congrats on a superb course with tons of info!"
-Tim G. | Gloucester | 10 hdcp
"I joined Rotaryswing a few days ago and as today I have watched some videos in order to have an idea of the great job Chuck has done. I can tell you I am very happy with that. Only the way he talks about the takeaway,the backswing,the downswing is very rare and I would like to live in Florida to get some private lessons."
-serge d. | breville sur mer | 5 hdcp
"Improved my swing to become more consistent"
-Ariel B.
"I now stop searching for tips. RST is my final answer. The step-by-step approach as the same concept of deep practice is great. Been working for it less than a month and my backswing is much synchronized. Now, working hard left-arm release drill. It automatically forces me not to do early body extension. This drill + transition drill together is really reshaping my swing. Thanks!!"
-YoNg K.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Better explanation of what's supposed to happen in the golf swing"
-Premium Member Survey
"I like the fact that the instructions are are short and just focus on one specific area."
-Jarrod N. | Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania | 17 hdcp
"love the clarity and simplicity of addressing specific problems"
-New Member Survey
"Hi Ray, hope the weather where you are is allowing you to play some golf. Just an update on how things are going. I’m still enjoying good solid ball striking and keeping my focus on the downswing (left lat) plus impact drills. I’m doing reps every day and range practice to ingrain it. Mostly match play competitions at the moment. Partner and me are leading the 4 ball winter league nearing the halfway stage. That win back in July qualified me for a singles match play comp. Played very well in the first round last week with a 7/6 win. Thought you would be pleased to hear I have 2 pieces of silverware on display at home thanks to all your expert help this year! :)"
"...the premium is great so far...I'm looking forward to uploading my swing path videos so I can get your feed back on how I'm going, thank you."
-Stephen P. | Goombungee | 27 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I'm enjoying the amount of detail your videos go into."
-John M. | Hicksville, New York | 24 hdcp
"I am an engineer and also very mechanical (vice feel) when it comes to the golf swing, I could easy understand and relate to the method of instruction."
-Jose T. | Camarillo, California | 6 hdcp
"The couple of things I tried early gave me feelings in the swing I hadn't had before and produced good results."
-Darren W.
"This instruction is really the best ever!"
-Mark D. | Norcross, Georgia | 18 hdcp
"...I began to see the videos and I realized I was making mistakes in almost everything, starting with the grip. Now I'm working on routines because before I had no idea what I was doing was wrong. "
-Ramon F. | Arecibo, Puerto Rico | 6 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"It is wonderful to know how the swing works. I never knew it when I started to play golf 2 years ago."
-Thanh V. | Champlan | 21 hdcp
"Hi troops, I do the tiger squat because it helps my hips from spinning, feels solid and keeps tush alignment.I get a feeling like I need to reach for the ball slightly but generally get a solid strike doing this. In fact,doing this is the best I have ever hit the ball consistently."
-Andrew M. | Perth | 8 hdcp
"after reading your scientific evidence and explanations, i now realize what i thought was negotiable, IS NOT !!! things like stance width, ball position, posture, set-up, etc - which i once thought was negotiable and variable - now are non-negotiable --- AND I KNOW WHY SCIENTIFICALLY, THERE IS ONE RIGHT WAY TO DO THEM. looking forward to meeting mr. quinton in person - at a golf clinic after the first of the year - in orlando."
-steven b. | hauppauge, New York | 6 hdcp
"Rotary Swing is a great technical teaching system for those committed to a complete revision of their swing"
-Premium Member Survey
"Step by step analysis of a good swing. Great video refresher courses, delivered one concept at a time."

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I have been using this technique for hitting my wedges and it has really improved my game it added quite a bit of distance, reduced some of the spin and the increase in accuracy and constancy has been very dramatic."
-Nick S. | Atlanta | 12 hdcp
"The detailed explanations, the logic in reasoning, a sense of "the best technical concept possible"."
-Premium Member Survey
"I used this drill along with right arm drill and started making the best contact I have ever had by far. It stopped the casting and allowed me to really compress it. Thanks."
-Brad R. | New York, New York | 5 hdcp
"not happy with ball striking,was using Don Trahan's technique, but never worked well"
-New Member Survey
"I think that the content is excellent"
-Alistair H.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Thank god for RST! 1 more move to go :)"
-Lester H. | Perth
"Chuck thanx for creating this swing concept. My swing improve a lot . I got the penetrate ball flight and gain more yard. "
-Nettiny T. | Bangkok
"I love the RST"
-Rich P. | Croydon North | 7 hdcp
"I am really enjoying the Premium Membership. Working hard on my golf swing."
-Jewel I. | Goldsboro, North Carolina | 11 hdcp
"really like the logical progression and excellent video/explanation to building a consistent swing. Best instruction I have ever received."
-Tom S. | Atlanta, Georgia | 9 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I no longer slice the ball. I am no longer a hip spinner. I am currently working on accuracy. I broke 90 in only my second round this year."
-Luc H.
"Thanks for everything...I'm a changed.......golfer..guy."
-Neil W. | Arvada, Colorado | 10 hdcp
"thanks for a great website"
-Randall B. | Miami, Florida | 5 hdcp
"Keep up the good work. You have a good programme there."
-brian h. | malahide | 11 hdcp
"[RST] not just tells you the correct positions, but shows you HOW to create the feelings in detail."
-David R.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"RST offers a swing theory based on anatomy and biomechanics and provides a step by step teaching tool to help build your golf swing and to get online advice in this effort"
-Premium Member Survey
"Your website is well thought out and the content is fantastic."
"I have bought quite a few things online that sounded wonderful but turned out useless ,but RST exceeded my expectation. thanx."
-New Member Survey
"I have already greatly improved thanks to the material I have been able to incorporate in my game."
-Grant M.
"A friend recommended you and said it was great"
-Mike K. | Mempis, Tennessee | 11 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I'm loving the videos and my swing has improved dramatically."
-Noah R. | Buxton | 16 hdcp
"Great drills that focus on all parts of the swing. And since the drills are for a specific swing style you don't end up doing drills that are counter productive."
-Dane J. | Georgetown, Texas | 12 hdcp
"the Premium Membership is well meeting my expectations"
-New Member Survey
"great ground up approach"
-Stephen | Alexandria, Virginia | 10 hdcp
"really simple and easy to use and understand - just requires some time and effort"

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I would recommend and have already... This is the best of the best when it comes to golf instructions... Good teachers can tell you to have certain positions during the swing but they don't know how to get you there (no drills). I have spent over $1000 on golf instructions and have not overcome the weightwhift issue. Now Amateur players can get best instructions and prepare to be on tour (if that is the goal); I know that I have hope now to try for Champ. Tour in few years."
-Mir J. | San Diego
"It is truly understand the cause and effect of the body in the swing instead of drills and tips that really don't address the problem. Well worth the money."
-Billy C.
"A word of thanks to Ray here. He's an excellent instructor, knows when the timing is right to move onto learning the next stage of the swing. And he's been very patient with me! I'm enjoying having a better knowledge of the golf swing and looking forward to next season and hopefully scoring in the 70's regularly."
-Veronica | UK | 7 hdcp
"I like the depth of the reasoning behind explanations of your different aspects of the swing."
-New Member Survey
"biomechanically correct to prevent injury"
-Erik S. | Oregon, Wisconsin | 10 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I have created a more repeatable golf swing."
-Premium Member Survey
"You guys do a great job."
-Spencer L. | Ormond Beach, Florida | 17 hdcp
"RST tells you exactly how to swing the club and which muscles are used to do so. There is no guess work."
-Premium Member Survey
"this video to start the downswing section is the best instructional vid ever made and I watch it every day. Going on 90 days since I last hit a golf ball. Have completely rebuilt my swing following your step by step 7 days a week, but every session starts with this video."
-Neil W. | Arvada, Colorado | 10 hdcp
"Great value and great instruction in all areas of the game and mostly because it's a building process"
-P | Jacksonville, Florida | 4 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"the shoulder glide, using the glutes, lats & obliques, passive arms & squashing the bug have TRANSFORMED my swing already. I can't wait to get to the range!! THANK YOU!"
-Bill K. | Bradenton, Florida | 9 hdcp
"Very pleased with the cost as it is so affordable"
-David W. | Melbourne | 22 hdcp
"Your discussion concerning my golf swing was exceptional, and I have already started to do some of the things that you mentioned in your response."
-Morris N. | Toronto | 10 hdcp

Please let Chuck know that he has changed my life with golf and made me the best I can be as just turning 65 I hit the ball 20 yds. further and have obtained my lowest index (7.2)  and most birdies (5) in a round because of RST!!!  The real beauty of this is that I feel like I have so much more room for improvement and this is just the beginning!!!

-Caleb H.
"Instruction is non-hyped, rational, and effective."
-Premium Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Golf swing instruction based on biomechanics and physics not mumbo-jumbo or the swing de jour."
-Paul F. | Houston, Texas
"I think you are pretty much on the money"
-john s. | spokane, washington | 7 hdcp
"You provide a lot of options (i.e monthly, 3 months, and yearly packages, etc.), at a very reasonable rate."
-Paul D. | Smithtown, New York | 16 hdcp
"I looked at all the FREE RST videos on your site and YouTube and concluded that the RST system would definitely be the best "method" of golf instruction for me - the most THOROUGH and IN DEPTH in explaining and showing how to perform a repeatable and effortlessly powerful swing in a logical manner. Chuck Quinton has a GREAT LOOKING GOLF SWING - the PERFECT MODEL as far as I'm concerned. Too many instructors fail to elicit any enthusiasm in copying their swing: if you don't like what you see, why bother following their instructions in building that sort of swing? He also happens to be very close to my height and build - very important in believing that if he can do that, so can I! If you already have athletic talent, then it's all about getting the right technique... "
-Matthew P. | Safety Beach
"It has helped me understand my golf swing better (i.e. cause and effect). It has been especially helpful in teaching me which muscles to activate, how to activate them, and when to activate them."
-Premium Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"This video is the best one so far.. I had problems understanding how both hands and arms move together during the release."
-Juan S. | Buenos Aires
"free membership was great and so far so good with the premium. Thank you"
-Mark S. | Farmington Hills, Michigan | 9 hdcp
"Just Great!"
I wanted to share how my experience with you has changed my life!  Literally my life.  

I have to tell you after the lesson I felt like I should just give up golf. I was very discouraged and felt as though I was incapable of applying what you taught me.  I felt like I should take up some other hobby. 

The next morning after our lesson I went to play Hawks Landing and played like crap. However, I have continued to practice the left hand only drill, then shadow with right making sure to what I call drag the right shoulder. I focused on getting to what you called the tour impact position. 

Then like a spiritual revelation it happened. I could visualize what you had taught me squatting then to full extension on my left leg it literally was like a miracle. My friends are freaking out on my golf game!  As am I.  I am averaging 285 yards of the tee with a little baby draw and hitting fairways with incredible consistency, my missed fairway shots are usually in first cut. At first my irons were short but I haven't shanked a ball one single time!  I have confidently moved the ball up in my stance and now crush my irons with SOLID impact (8 iron 160-165).  I had 225 in on a par 5, I used to hope I could get a 3 wood somewhere close. Today I hit my 3 hybrid over the green and was 220 out. 

Some days I hope for a birdie or two, in my last four rounds I have made 19 birdies, 19!!!!  We play a birdie, greenie, skin game and I have been the big winner in each round winning skins and GREENIES!  I've had a few chipping woes and therefore having a few bogeys but it's getting better everyday. My scores were 78, 72, 76 and 73. The most awesome thing about this whole deal is that I understand when I do something wrong. 

Please excuse this long email but I just can't express how grateful I am to you for helping me. If you ever need a poster child for Rotary Golf have them call me!  
Thank you seems inadequate but it's all I've got. Thank you Chuck. 
-Joe N.
"Nice approach, very professional."
-Guy d. | Lasne | 11 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Can't thank you enough for what your videos have done with my swing."
-Neil W. | Arvada, Colorado | 10 hdcp
"its extremely helpful and innovative"
-Chris D. | Weston-Super-Mare | 3 hdcp
"I understand how to perform a move when it is explained to me in a bio-mechanical way as opposed to someone grabbing my club and dragging it to where they want it to get to."
-Orson T. | Cranebrook | 13 hdcp
"relatively new member. read the certification manual. viewed all the videos. the release drill WITH CLUB UPSIDE DOWN is great. can do it with 2 hands on club too. the whoooosh sound at the proper time is excellent positive feedback. best drill i have ever seen anywhere re: proper release acceleration thru SWINGING CLUB IN THE AIR - not hitting the ground - is great for freeing you up to make an accelerated question - just wanted to let you know that this is a great drill !!!!"
-steven b. | hauppauge, New York | 6 hdcp
"I'm still feeling out your site, but I really like your video's. Keep them coming!"
-Mike H. | Pylesville, Maryland

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"clearer, more complete explanations, "talent code" approach"
-Premium Member Survey
"Josh was very helpful in getting my first videos uploaded."
-John S. | The Villages, Florida | 8 hdcp
"I am already seeing improvements."
-Peter M. | Valrico, Florida | 7 hdcp
"It has allowed me to self analyze my swing and what corrections are needed."
-Dennis N.
"it just really makes sense and the videos are well done."
-Premium Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Chuck seems a very likeable, knowledgeable and he's a very good teacher."
-Phil M.
"Great service, guys. Loved the training."
-Jarod E. | Maple Valley, Washington | 6 hdcp
"More in tune with biomechanics. A interesting way to learn through video."
-Rick W. | Scottsdale, Arizona | 2 hdcp
"I like that I can practice and work on my swing at home, on my own schedule. I like the theories behind the system."
-New Member Survey
"longer straighter ball flight enabling me to hit more fairways and greens. The rotary swing is easier on my body."
-Premium Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Great video...I never used my right side/hand I was left side dominant pulled like a nut. When I combined the, Throwing the ball, right arm release and lagging drills, it was like a miracle! I now have so much lag I need to watch it does not get to far forward."
-Sonny F. | Sun City, Arizona | 15 hdcp
"a great product"
-New Member Survey
"Great site by the way. Helping me so much!!"
-NEIL F. | BIRMINGHAM | 4 hdcp
I wanted to write you to give you some feedback on Rotary Swing vs. standard instruction.  One of my playing partners recently got about 2 hours of instruction from Hank Haney at TPC Boston.  He had my friend hit balls in rapid fire and Hank's instruction consisted of changing my friend's grip and concentrate on hitting from the inside out to right field!  Incredible, since I have told and shown my friend video of his reverse pivot and reverse "C" from pushing his hips outside his hip line in the downswing.  And of course my friend is at the range doing what Hank said rather than listen to me, LOL.
It's true what I once saw and heard Chuck say on the website, that the rotary swing program will change your golf game for life.
-Tom D.
"it is much cheaper than lessons"
-New Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


Thanks for the tip on the grip. Wanted to let you know that I've been a member for about a year and a half and my handicap has dropped from 15 to 10. The other day I shot a 77 my lowest score of all time. I love Rotary Swing and all the instructors. You guys are awesome!

-Chan H.
Just wanted to say thank you to all the instructors for the wealth of information and instruction found at RST. In the past 25 years I have been thru several swing coaches and have never received the quality of instruction and drills found here. Please pass my gratitude on to everyone there. Thank you all so much for making the game enjoyable again!
-James T.
"thank you thank you! for all of it"
-piper s. | san francisco, California | 17 hdcp
"Something had to change, or I'd give up the game I love and learned in 1965."
-Dennis B. | Aiea, Hawaii | 14 hdcp
"smooth process....quite intuitive"
-george p. | white, Georgia | 9 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I didn't realize how much of a hip spinner I was. Using the rotary connect gives you the instant feed back. Even when I feel like my hips are square at impact they are open. If you struggle being a hip spinner I would recommend using the rotary connect."
-John M. | Houston, Texas | 18 hdcp
"The method itself and all that its behind, science, a lot of research and Chuck skills to explain everything."
-Rodrigo A. | Tequisquiapan | 5 hdcp
"It focuses on a golf swing that keeps your body in safe positions so as to avoid injury and to maximize power."
-Premium Member Survey
"I am looking forward to breaking 90 for the first time."
-Premium Member Survey
"First off just wanted to say I really love this site and it has been very helpful. I recently purchased a rotary connect and I think it is a great aid."
-Mark H. | Raleigh, North Carolina | 5 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


Thanks to Rotary Swing and all the great videos, I have improved my and had my best round in two years during our Club Championship. A score of 70 which is two strokes less than my age.

Thank you Rotary Swing Golf

-Terry K.
"Good short videos, good explanations, good drills"
-Premium Member Survey

"I love RST. It has brought my handicap in from mid teens down to 5.8."

-Rich P.
"Have been golfing casually for few years but started on mission to get much better and get help. Started 1 year ago with RST online. Has opened my eyes to what it looks like to swing properly. Have recurring back problems and paying attention to biomechanics to decrease injuries. I am 43 years old 5'7 170 and was a 15 hcp when started RST. Now down to 11. My 2 goals are getting to scratch and able to carry driver 270 plus."
-Bryan B. | Mt Vernon, Missouri | 9 hdcp
"My swing mechanics have improved."
-Premium Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


Your vijay release video is without a doubt the absolute BEST video you guys have ever
Released. Easily this video alone is worth the price of a years subscription. Thanks so much. Paul

-Paul B.
"This Premium membership is more then I ever wished for and is a lot of fun to be a student."
-Bobby W.

I just wanted to let you know that becoming a member of Rotary Swing has been the best thing I have done for my golf game.

Just watching a few videos of the many available I was able to dissect my swing and make the necessary corrections! What a great web site. I highly recommend Rotary Swing to all level of golfers! Keep up the great work.

I am one satisfied customer!

-Yervant P.
"I am absolutely compressing the ball better and sending it on line with very little effort."

You have the best instruction ever.  Instructors will put you in the correct position without explaining how you got there or what to do afterwards but your instructors patiently explain WHAT to move.

-Jeffrey S.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"The content you present is unique, well delivered, inspiring, and logically sound."
"Every time I see the videos where you show your swing in different angles I always get really jealous of your swing. I really hope I get there one day!"
"To keep a long story short, a couple of weeks ago I suffered a grade 3 shoulder separation. Although I have a number of concerns regarding the injury one of my top ones is how the injury will effect my game. About 24 hours before my first PT appointment it occurred to me that I should have contacted Chuck about what type of questions I should asking relating to the golf swing. I decided to send him an email knowing that I would have a number of follow up appointments and I could ask those questions then. Less then an hour and a half later I had a reply back from Chuck regarding specific movements of the humerus that may be effected. I can't tell you how much that meant to me! I have enjoyed being a member of this site for a number of years now and look forward to the information to come. Thank you very much Chuck. Now back to mastering posture and rotation because well...that's all I can do for a month or two."
"I am pleased with the premium membership."
-Bryan S. | Boothbay, Maine | 17 hdcp
"Anyway, really want to express how much I enjoy this site and the way it has made me change my practice routine. We are now a small group of people in Trondheim Norway practicing with great effort and joy."

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I love the site.  I have been with it for short of a month and realize
that it will be a long-term commitment.  Best, clearest, and more
rational approach to the golf swing I have ever read or seen

-Richard M.
"It's explained in simple terms and i got good results from the free info you sent"
-Lee W. | Ayr | 5 hdcp
"it's a simple process that has truly amazing results!"

Wow, incredible, incredible., that is the only 3 words.. I have for Chuck.

I really really enjoy Chuck Quinton instruction videos. His instructions are the BEST of the BEST. I was wasting money to buy other on line video instructor and from a golf shop that have videos feature  from Butch, Dave Lead Better, Tom Watson, Shawn Foley...., no body teaches that DETAILED as Chuck!.

-Lisa T.
"learned about how to create lag"
-C. B. | Austin, Texas | 8 hdcp

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"Your RST teachings will put this golfer in the same position every time, now that I know ‘how’ to move."
"I stumbled upon your site. Boy, was this the food I hungered for. I really have enjoyed understanding the shoulder glide, the takeaway weight set, the setting into the left side - this is the "Magic Move". I am looking forward to that single digit again. Ball striking has been really good."
"It's a comprehensive, no gimmick site, covering all phases of the game"
-Bill W. | Salisbury, North Carolina
"Clear easy to understand instruction reasonably priced which can be viewed at anytime."
-Jack R. | Alpharetta, Georgia
"Best part is that he now knows how to achieve the proper feels thru the step by step stacking of the proper fundamentals that produced those results and that is really what will make golf more fun and satisfactory for him in the future and no more guessing about what to do. It is one thing to improve during a lesson under the guidance of an instructor, but what about next week or next month when there is no instructor or coach present? No worries if he continues working on the fundamentals that you have shown him to build a swing for life. Again, great video and lesson. Keep up the great work!"

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


Dear Mr. Quinton,

As your popularity in the world of elite golf instruction continues to reach new heights, I sincerely hope you will take the time to read this. 

I cannot express to you enough how grateful I am for your website and teachings. I am a collegiate golfer at the University of South Dakota, and after transferring from the University of Kansas this year, I was "fortunate" enough to be forced to red-shirt this season due to NCAA rules. 

"Fortunate", because this year off from competition is the single best thing to ever happen to my golf game, for I was able to begin learning your teachings of the rotary swing about 6 months ago, and I have not looked back since. As a scratch golfer and aspiring professional, a self-evaluation lead me to decide, at the beginning of the school year, that I had to change my golf swing to benefit my chances of ultimately succeeding in the game of golf. I needed to get tighter and I needed to get more consistent. Thus, with my idols being players like Tiger and Hunter, I stumbled across your website while researching the rotary-style golf swing and immediately believed that you and your teachings could and would elevate my game to the next level..... and I was right.

After thousands of balls hit, and hours of drill-rehearsals based on your online videos, I am now extremely proud to say that I have "perfected" (for lack of a better term) your golf swing, and it has brought my game to new heights because of it. 

As the months went on, the more I began to trust myself (and you), and since then I have been passionately recommending this revolution to dozens of players of all skill levels. I truly do believe that you are one of the world's greatest golf instructors, and I am certain that your knowledge in swing instruction will lead you to incredible opportunities in all aspects within the world of golf. I want to wish you the absolute best moving forward, in hopes that I may have the privilege of one day meeting you in person and receiving a face-to-face lesson from the master himself.

Thank you for everything Mr. Quinton. Best of luck!

-Anthony D.
"It makes sense and is easy to find help for problems."
-Premium Member Survey
"I have only been a member for a few days, but have already incorporated some of what I have learned and can already see improvement."
-Norm M. | Lisle | 13 hdcp
"it gives the truth about instruction and has great explanation of a true swing"
-Martin C. | Glasgow | 19 hdcp
"I've been a member for several years and I've seen Chuck's teaching methods/philosophy evolve and I'm convinced RST is the most efficient golf swing!"
-Al H.

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AMAZING instruction. Step by step, easily adaptable routines.

Anybody who golfs even a little can easily acclimate themselves to the swing.

I hit about 800 balls a week and have absolutely no pain anywhere.

Follow the plan and one can groove a beautiful swing. Best of all, one can actually work on the details in the comfort of one's own home.

Simply take what you worked on at home and take it to the range then course.

-John M.
"The instruction is step by step with demonstrations of each step with significantly more emphasis of repetition"
-Premium Member Survey
"It is well done and it interests me. I also believe what I have learned has helped my game."
-Premium Member Survey
"I recommend your site to everyone I know. I have a feeling they believe it is just another learning/instructor gig. I keep telling them to try it (it's only $20 a month)."
-Carl T. | Villa Hills, Kentucky | 18 hdcp
"they explain golf fundamentals in a concise and logical fashion."
-John S. | Salem, South Carolina | 18 hdcp

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"Online Learning Group which provides feedback every couple of days so you don't practice the wrong thing for a week."
-Josh S. | Chico, California
"I believe in the RST."
-New Member Survey
"It is like having a swing coach available 24/7"
-Premium Member Survey
"The very next day after my lesson with you and Chuck I bogeyed the first hole and then shot 4 under the next 17. We will talk more when I get back to NE. Please express my thanks to Chuck."
-Mike W. | 3 hdcp
"step by step, easy to understand, in simple basic terms."
-Gregory H. | Waupaca, Wisconsin | 8 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


I think Chuck Quinton is an amazing teacher and his knowledge of both the swing and the human body are tremendous.

-Glen B.
"I liked the approach to a more consistant set up and swing"
-John R. | Erin, Wisconsin | 15 hdcp

I love everything about the Rotary Swing Tour! I play golf in college and this has been great for me, the teacher that I have been working with for 8 years loves everything that Chuck teaches! So it's been really fun for us to watch the videos and then go work on the stuff together. It is really nice to know how my body is supposed to work. I stumbled upon the Rotary Swing when I had to do a physics project an just googled "the physics of the golf swing" so glad I decided to click on the Rotary Swing link!!!! Keep up all the awesome videos!

-Ryan B.
"It's perfect. best site I have ever been on."
-Simon H. | Christchurch
"Its a complete compendium of the wing broken down into well explained parts which make sense"
-Premium Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"your website is certainly one of the best in relation to clear instruction and the amount of useful material offered"
-Premium Member Survey

Rotary Swing is the best golf site on the web.  If there was an official world golf ranking for golf sites, RST would be untouchable.

-Manuel M.
"i'm very drill oriented and your program has plenty of these"
-Brian C. | Indianapolis, Indiana | 25 hdcp
"I can access the videos exactly when I need them. It's convenient because I use my iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch so often"
-William K. | North Canton, Ohio | 9 hdcp
"Chuck is very good at explaining his ideas."
-Premium Member Survey

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"I think the website and the content are perfect."
-charles g. | sterling, virginia
I am 39 years old.  I started golfing at 13.  I had no instruction and basically played on a very simple public course where you could hit it everywhere.  I got pretty good there.  I shot 71 once but the handicap was 64 or something easy.  It wasn't real golf.  When I played a private course for high school competition I couldn't break 100. 
Through university and my early 20s I hardly played.  Then at 27 I got back into it in a big way when I met my future wife.  She said it was an old man's game but I got her hooked.  I was terrible.  I shot mid-90s and then figured out short game mattered and over the next 5 years I managed to get to about 12.   I was still not at all satisfied with how I played.  I knew I had better athletic ability and I would watch guys with terrible swings do much better (this still happens to me today).  Then kids and I played almost nothing - 3 rounds, 5 rounds, 8 rounds etc.
In June 2011 my wife told me our marriage was over.  I was devastated.  In September 2011 my friend encouraged me that my swing was terrible.  My takeaway was completely shut.  I started my backswing by cocking my wrists and then going way inside.  In fact, at that time I didn't know what a takeaway even meant.
I joined the site and started working on my stance and posture and then takeaway.  I started playing too.  That first year I played 65 rounds.  I progressed to 11.8 but was far off. 
In October 2012 after playing all summer I committed to stop playing and really focus on the drills.  I was working with Clay on my backswing.  I kept submitting reviews and he kept telling me it wasn't good enough.  This was after 2000 reps.  I was frustrated.  I got really committed and he took the time to send me personal notes to encourage me.  That was like an ignition for me.  He even sent me a personal analysis.  I nailed my backswing to textbook before the end of October.  I then worked through the whole downswing, including the release and getting into the left side.  That was hard work.  I still didn't play all the way through January.  There were very few days that I didn't do at least 100 reps after putting the kids to bed etc. 
I started playing again in February 2013 and I have played 45 rounds.  My swing felt mechanical when I started but now it feels like my own.  When I play at my home course with better players I always receive loads of positive feedback on my swing.  It helps that I hit 2 or 3 pro shots a round. 
My goal when I started this program was to consistently shoot in the low 80s.  I've done that.  My other goal I tell everyone about is to get to under 10.  I am so close at 10.2.  Today I shot my personal best of 78 (41-37; 9 FIR; 8 GIR; 30 putts).  It was pure exhilaration.  I almost shot par on the back nine.  It was the first time I have broken 80 since starting again. 
-Andrew H.
"No short term fixes; designed to establish a swing consistent with your biomechanics"
-Premium Member Survey

Thank you for a great website. I think I’m become a better golfer already. I have already dropped from a 4 to a 2 Handicap, all because of the knowledge you guys are sharing with us. Best of all I can do all this from back here in South Africa.

-Nosi M.
"the best model in my use to build MY swing."

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Everything you say has helped me tremendously."
-Pete K. | Cape, Florida | 14 hdcp
"Clay, I tried your suggestion of keeping my right shoulder up at the start of the downswing. I was only able to use it playing this morning, but the results are more than encouraging. Over 13 holes I had 9 fairways and 8 greens. The one missed fairway was only by one yard. I'll practice this and the left arm only downswing for a couple of weeks."
"Now this is proof that slow and steady wins the race. I understand why people rush to the end result when they're missing something sometimes even more rewarding...the journey you take to get to the end result. I am known for being a range rat, ball beater, or whatever other name you give to people that practice obsessively. Today after I got off of work from the golf course, I went to go practice before I went home. I hit only 7 practice balls just to see if I was able to implement the changes in my setup when I really get over the ball. I'm getting more comfortable with the changes and my obsession with wanting to hit balls from sun up to sundown is almost completely gone. The only reason I can come with this happening is I truly believe in this method. I am also realizing is I'm in no rush to achieve the end result because I honestly believe I WILL get there."
"Just want Chuck and everyone to know that I have finally made a huge improvement thanks to him and his technique. I followed Chuck years back when it was just the rotary swing, and love the new RST...THANKS CHUCK. AWESOME WEBSITE."
"Best comprehensive instruction I've received"
-glenn m. | fairfax, Virginia | 14 hdcp

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"I like to tell you that I have found the Rotary Swing tour Program section the corner stone for the total beginner and for us who had some bad habits. I wish I knew this two years ago when I started. So many wasted hours on driving range could be much more productive. I think that every instructor should give exactly these information about Poster Setup and Takeaway. After went through all these videos I already feel the difference. After few days as a premium member and many hours going through all videos in RST sections the things in my mind finally come together. I have figured out where to start and how to proceed in my learning path."
"It's an awesome site! "
-DAVID G. | CALGARY | 2 hdcp
"Use of rotation, I am engineer and kinematics makes sense"
-New Member Survey
"The site is very informational and has excellent content."
-Abraham B. | Midland, Texas | 20 hdcp
"the fundamentals are great, the website is very good"
-Paul V. | Geel | 18 hdcp

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"website is super!!!!"
-Jim W. | 12 hdcp
"I ENJOY your program very much. Thanks"
-Roger H. | Strongsville
"I like the site very much. It's well constructed and really easy to navigate."
-Heriberto A. | CAGUAS, Puerto Rico | 10 hdcp
"very detailed but excellent and it really works--also explains what you are trying to accomplish"
-Premium Member Survey
"I am 66 and starting to play the game of golf for the first time. I have been searching for away to help me perfect a swing for an old guy."
-James M. | RED LION, Pennsylvania

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"Thanks Josh and Christina! I really like your service/product."
-Fernando D. | Northern California
"I am very happy with the instruction and guidance I have received in and out of the group. I at least now know exactly what is wrong and pretty much what I am going to have to do to improve."
-Alex M. | Katy, Texas | 25 hdcp
"explanations are clear"
-dean c. | mardela springs, Maryland | 20 hdcp
"Just wanted to say thanks. I probably don't do the rotary swing correctly in all phases, but I do frequent the website, and I have watched several videos that have really helped my game. Recently I watched a couple of videos: 'Pushing with the Left Side' and 'Role of the Right Arm - Takeaway'. Wow, these two videos and a slight grip change, and I am really hitting the ball solid."
-Bill F. | Houston, Texas | 12 hdcp
"Thanks Josh for your quick response and thanks for the information. I will make the changes you suggest. I am very happy with your website and all the aspects associated with it. Have a great day."
-Ken M. | Avila Beach, California

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"it's based on human anatomy."
-Premium Member Survey
"Hi, I have just joined, first of all, what a great site...I love watching instructors giving advice to students."
-John H. | Preston | 7 hdcp
"gets into details about why certain moves make the swing work and gives a cookbook approach as to how to achieve them"
"I am very new, but I have had my best scores overall since implementing the "two-inch" shoulder takeaway philosophy."
-Craig B. | Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania | 16 hdcp
"In practicing this drill, I found my left heel also slightly contracts in during the release. The feeling of both the cheeks and left heel slightly coming in leads to a solid, balanced feeling and the club snaps through much better than before."
-Joel F. | Lafyaette

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"The ability to see your swing and compare it to other ,and have an instructor and chucks video help along the way PRICELESS"
-Cazdan | Ridgefield park , New Jersey | 2 hdcp
"The ability to see your swing and compare it to other ,and have an instructor and chucks video help along the way PRICELESS"
-Cazdan | Ridgefield park , New Jersey | 2 hdcp
"very clear to understand; very good concept, basics, basics,...and then step by step"
"i really like the instruction on the site. i already have improved my swing."
-jason s. | ramona, California | 3 hdcp
"Helps to understand how the body works in the swing most effectively."
-David F. | Salt Lake City, Utah | 5 hdcp

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"I learned more about what goes on in the swing"
-Maurice M. | Redford, Michigan | 14 hdcp
"I looked on line to get some help and found Rotary Swing golf to make sense."
-Coyla T. | Naples, Florida | 27 hdcp
"Our golf group really enjoying the videos and analysis."
-Greg F. | Baton Rouge, Louisiana
"I watched some of the videos on YouTube and then the free ipad App and they talked a lot of sense."
-Henry W. | Newcastle | 19 hdcp
"Thanks for your interest and let me finish giving you high five for the site. The first two weeks that I make the drills I hit the ball pretty well."
-Heriberto A. | CAGUAS | 10 hdcp

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"I like the biomechanic philosophy"
-Noel S. | Garden Grove
"Golf Makes A House Call. I have been to numerous golf lessons, some good, some bad. Many contained some good information that was eventually forgotten. This system of instruction is always accessible. Now it's gone mobile, making it even more available at the range or at the course. "
"You described my "misses" perfectly! I've been struggling with hooks and blocks to the right."
-Andrew F. | Newton, Kansas
"It is very body friendly. Has a very scientific approach to better body movements with swing."
-Premium Member Survey
"What was interesting is that his system was not a blind how to but rather he approaches what feelings to create since you cannot see yourself swing in realtime. Brilliant! "
-Scratch someday

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"Initial view of instruction is that it made sense and was logical."
-Stephen L. | Perth
"Just from your free videos I began to re-gain some of my ball striking abilities and have greatly improved with full access to the videos."
-Phil M.
"It's an online resource that provides feedback."
-Premium Member Survey
"The ability to breakdown the swing into elements and then stacking the elements to achieve your desired results is the most efficient way of learning golf that I've seen."
"The principles follow what I assumed was the correct way to swing the golf club."
-Shelly C. | Lititz, Pennsylvania

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"my HC was 29, i saw your lesson and played a tournament in the evening (european time). I played with 2 new swing-thoughts (grip, and left hand impact/release/no flip). i played 15 over par ! i will practice your tips in the next weeks and will send you new movies for another lesson. 1000 thanks"
"I have always been a hip spinner and shoulder spinner.After working on this drill, I finally had a Eureka moment.I got a number of things to all fall into place.I quit pushing off my right side. That led to the ability to keep my left hip from shifting past my left foot. Which in turn allowed me to aim my left shoulder down at the target line. This allowed my right upper arm to drive into my right side and maintain lag longer. The shoulder not spinning allowed me to release the club at the right time.If I can only burn these feeling into my brain before they all go away."
-Roger S. | Sacramento, California | 8 hdcp
"I tried the free membership first - I liked it - then I wanted to get it all about 2 months later"
-Peter J. | Them | 17 hdcp
"I found your site and like your take on the swing mechanics, love the detail of learning each move and the explanation on learning "The talent code""
-Frank R. | Cromer | 14 hdcp
"I got lucky coming across your website and I'm so thankful that I did."
-Jerome F.

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"I've had literally hundreds of in-person lessons. I've spent my golfing life with "tips", "quick fixes" and four-lesson series. Consequently, I have a lot of thoroughly ingrained habits to unlearn. RST is my answer."
-Ed S. | Fort Worth, Texas
"I like the way that the instruction is cut and dry but simple at the same time"
-Bruce M. | Vancouver | 6 hdcp
"I could relate to the teaching method. I believe in self coaching."
-New Member Survey
"Chuck, this is the mother load of the back swing. I can't begin to tell you how often I struggled late in a round getting narrow, not turning and getting laid off due to the right arm action. Now I don't "think" about flexion. Can you provide a feel tip for the down swing that provides the same epiphany? Thanks for your great teaching."
-Bob R. | Spring, Texas
"Systematic and logical approach seems to offer the best structured coaching approach. "
-David B. | Edinburgh | 20 hdcp

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"while I've moved from a 15+ to 9.5 handicap I believe I'm still improving"
-DAVID B. | CLIFTON, Virginia
"Thanks for free lessons hope to become premium member soon"
-Garrett C.
"Everything is set out and explained well and the video's are good quality and a lot of positive comments from other members."
-New Member Survey
"I received a lot of benefit and improvement to my swing/game from the introductory portion of this method and I want to learn more. "
-Jeff B. | Columbia, Missouri | 16 hdcp
"The RST looks like a good fit for me....70 yrs old, still in decent shape"
-George P. | White, Georgia | 9 hdcp

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"your teaching method seems like something that I can relate to"
-New Member Survey
"I think that your direct marketing is quite good"
-New Member Survey
"The step by step approach, with the understanding that when you have a problem it's a breakdown in the basics."
-Premium Member Survey
"Liked the example videos and your explanations of how a golf swing works."
-Andreas K. | Munich | 19 hdcp
"step by step learning, swing is separated in single steps, good drills"

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Easy to follow, Chuck's swing videos on YouTube looked amazing..."
-New Member Survey
"anatomy based instead of club based"
-JJB | St. Peters , Missouri | 3 hdcp
"it explains how to swing and backed up with the why without me asking"
-Richard | Baytown, Texas
" seems to be complete in all aspects of golf so I decided to give it a try."
-New Member Survey
"Chuck I really appreciate the lesson today and you hanging in there despite the rain. I found the work you did with me very helpful and very insightful.  the thing that particularly sticks out in my mind is you explaining that the rotation of the hips is what release the club it's really clicked and made perfect sense to me. My body still does not want to cooperate but I will continue to try to convince it that this is the right thing to do. Thank you for your work in the clarity and how good your teaching and website and thinking and demeanor is. You are a true modern golf teaching professional we need more people like you unfortunately there are very few and I feel fortunate to have met you thank you again for your time and I look forward to working with you again in the future best regards"
-Howard L.

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"Thanks for sharing your knowledge,and instruction. Your system is the best fastest way to learn, insisting that we master each step before moving on is the only way to learn correctly . Thanks for being some of the only people on the planet to realize how to teach someone a very complex task very quickly and correct."
-Damien L.
Your instructional videos on lag are incredible. I have never been able to get proper instruction how to create this important move in the golf swing. I use the principles the first time and saw an immediate difference in my ball strike.but not my distance. Is there anyway I could get online assistance to see it I am performing the three moves correctly. 
I have played golf for almost 50 years and have never been able to solve my sway on the backswing. It's almost embarrassing how easy your solution is, push versus pull, has a limited the amount of times I sway. 
Thank you from the ground up!!!!
-Bernard R.
"It was a good thing some of the video's were on you tube. This where I heard about RotarySwing in the first place. Then watching more of it I found that all the principle of learning make great sense compare to others."
-New Member Survey
"Consistent ball striking...It is based on biomechanics and isn't a fad."
-Premium Member Survey
"So far the videos seem well done. I haven't yet hit balls...just practicing the posture/swing feelings in the house."
-William J. | Painted Post, New York | 30 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


I have been a member of RST for over 2 years now & I really thought my membership was going to be a 3 months & done. I found you completely by accident and found a review of Jason Duffners swing & was very intrigued by the clarity of the explanation by all the Rotary swing instuctors. So after reviewing the free videos I decided it was worth the cost to follow the philosophy of RST from A to Z. Every video is very clear on how to perform & what you should feel on every new movement, then build on the last movement by stacking another until it becomes second nature. I feel that the money I pay quarterly is worth every penny, I like the swing breakdowns of every tours winner each week & the recommended videos to accompany the breakdown. After my initial walk through of your site & discovering every video you offer I may have learned just as much from the Pro breakdown each week! I do need to spend more time in the trust zone, because I find my self playing golf swing and not playing golf & getting the ball in the hole in the fewest strokes. I'm always playing golf swing. When I first came to RST my hdcp was about an 12 & had about 9 or 10 blow up swings per round, that has been reduced through RST to 4-5 swings per round. I can't seem to play at a higher level for the complete round. It would be great if my particular game could be a little more natural or get into The Zone a little bit more often. For 57 years old I'm usually the longest hitter of my peers who are as much as 15 years my junior, so I get frustrated when I out drive people by as much as 10-50 yards, so most of the time I'm using as much as 5 clubs less than my peers and I still get beat from time to time because nothing is natural even after 2 years.
I have watched a good portion of your videos 10-20 times & there are times I still have that Ah ha moment" This is the most basic but most detail oriented instruction available. I recommend it to anybody at every playing level"

Sorry if I ran on and on but it is hard for me to express my gratitude without getting caught up in my own excitement. Bottom line Best Instruction available ever.

-Jim T.
"My swing is much quieter, not as much movement"
-Premium Member Survey
"I started out as a Hogan disciple and migrated to Jim Hardy's One Plane Swing but I can't turn my body that fast any longer."
-Michael D. | Taylors, South Carolina | 7 hdcp
"Helps take some of the mystery out of the golf swing. Explains how to do things rather than just what to do."
-Premium Member Survey

I can't tell you how grateful I am for Rotary Golf. You all have changed my golf life. I was really ready to quit golf all together. My game just continues to improve. 

-Joe N.

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I was just watching the "Reshape your golf swing for lag" video, and would like to comment. Mr Quinton truly understands the Kinesiology aspect of our bodies and how to apply the proper technique to the golf swing. Thank you all so much for your continued dedication to the advancement of this wonderful sport. It means so much to see and understand the fundamentals of the modern golf swing. Chuck....thank you for your unwavering determination to bring us the best information available.

-James T.

Hello Guys!
My name is Joe Nieto. I just wanted to share my day with you. I play with a group two to three times a week. I have tried so many ways to improve my golf game it's not even funny. I have flown all over the country taking lessons from some of the biggest names in golf. All to no avail. I will have a little progress only to regress again and again. A few years ago I was playing the best of my life averaging 78 with my best round ever 74.

A few weeks ago I discovered your videos and signed up for the premium package. I have not submitted a video yet but have been diligently working the drills.

Today I shot 75 with two double bogeys!  I am 53 years old and was averaging about 250 off the tee. Today I didn't anything less than 275 and actually drove past the green on a short 295 yard par four. I consistently hit my three wood 265 on par fives. I hit majority of greens in regulation. I birdied 4 holes and just missed three putts for a few more. I know it's just one round but every time I stepped up to the ball I had a mental process I've never had before. That alone gives me hope.

I need to work on my irons and now I feel like I have a go to process to get better (rotary golf). I have never been able to say that before. You have changed my life. I was very seriously considering quitting golf all together.

I am very interested in going to one of your seminars. I'd love to come early for lessons or stay after for lessons. I just can't thank you enough for making golf fun again.


-Joe N.
"this website and explanations are great."
-Koen W. | Gilroy, California | 1 hdcp
"I tried some of your instructions in practice and they made sense. I could feel I was on the right track."
-New Member Survey
"Clear instructions how to do it with a "no pain" method to play golf."
-New Member Survey

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"consistency with limited injury"
-Mel W. | Harrisburg, Pennsylvania | 6 hdcp

I just wanted to share some GREAT new! I couldn't find any other way on the website to tell Chuck. I shot a 69 on Sunday!!! I carry a 9 handicap. I beat my lowest score ever by 1 shot. I'm 48 now and that 70 was 20 years ago. I had 4 birdies and 1 bogey. I've been a member since the summer. This has been the best decision I've made for golf. I've been working hard this winter (in my home) without a club on the movements, wait transfer and sequencing. WoW!!!! I finally experienced the effortless power. It was 50 degrees this past Sunday and I went out with some friends. My distance was breath taking! The sound of compressing a ball and watching it back up was great! It was very windy but my ball looked windy defying almost! My friends couldn't believe what they were seeing. It was a AWESOME day! I have my scorecard and it will soon be on the wall. Thank You so much for this website! Please thank everyone involved with this site as well! 

-Scott C.
"Very interesting web-site, good program with potential video swing analysis, and relatively cheap."
-Theodore S. | Edinburgh | 22 hdcp
"better understanding how to fix a problem"
-Premium Member Survey
"I liked the way he broke down the problem and how to get to an answer that is correct and not hard on the body."
-Steven A. | Overland Park, Kansas | 14 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


I'm getting back into golf after a 7 year layoff. Back when I played I was on average a low 80's player. The reason for the long layoff was basically frustration. I took up golf relatively late in life (early 30's). I was a great student of the game and would spend a great amount of time practicing to improve. I was a lesson whore. I would book a lesson with everyone and anyone. As an athlete I just figured it would take no time at all to get really good. As I found out, this was not the case. Unknowingly I was taking all kinds of instruction but none of it was "synced" up. What I mean is that it was like reading a book beginning at the end, continuing in the middle and ending at the beginning, with a few chapters missing...the book just didn't make sense.  I can remember a popular old teacher who would scream at me for hitting the ball fat and who was astonished that I couldn't tell my hands to hit the ball first!  I couldn't believe I wasn't able to either!  No mention of weight shift, ball placement, lag etc.. only loose principles based on instructions from pros who died before I was born. Hence...a 7 year layoff. I didn't play for 7 years but I thought about the golf swing all the time. Getting bored with my daily routine, I needed a hobby so I nervously entertained the idea of playing again. I wanted to do it right this time. I wanted to rebuild my swing from the ground up. Interestingly that's  literally and exactly what I'm doing with Rotary Swing. I honestly can't remember how I came across Rotary Swing but what I do remember is that it all made sense to me!  Every movement has an explanation and purpose and if that old pro that used to yell at me was still alive I'd tell him "Why didn't you tell me about the left weight shift!!!"  Anyway, aside from now compressing the ball with a proper divot, my point I have taken a long time to get to is that everything about the swing makes sense now. I know more about my swing in 6 months than I ever did in the 10 years I played before. Golf is not frustrating anymore because if there's a problem, I can locate it. It's fun and really interesting now, two adjectives that I would have never used together in the past.  I've read that some criticize your program as highly technical. I personally don't see that at all. I'm not a technical person, your stuff just makes sense to a guy like me who didn't grow up playing the game at the age of 4.  My fingers are now numb but I just wanted to pass along a thank you to everyone at Rotary Swing

-Danny K.
"I was getting to a great position at top of backswing but I was coming inside and wide and casting the club way too early....not as early as some amateurs but my wrist cock was definitely breaking down and my clubhead speed was around 80 mph....I have been working on the downcock pump drill and really pulling that club through and my speed has increased to about 100 mph and added many yards to all my shots!"
-Nigel M. | kennesaw, Georgia
"health based. save your back."

Chuck, Thanks for a great lesson unlike any other I have ever had. I have seen immediate results both in tighter shot dispersion and significant increase length.

-William D.
"The overview video concepts just made sense to me."
-New Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Better understanding of how body works"
-paul c.
"love the instruction keep up the good work thanks"
-Joe S. | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 8 hdcp
"Most Biomechanically efficient way to swing the golf club."
-Premium Member Survey
"You get to know the why and how!"
-Premium Member Survey
"Since joining I'm starting to get the little nuts and bolts to complete a good swing."
-Premium Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


I just wanted to pass on that I finally got into the single digits with my handicap. First time ever. I have been using the videos and working with many of your drills since last winter. I am 62 and all I can say is keep up the great work. I would like to see more stretching exercises, like the one you did for people like me who sit at a desk all day. That really works with quick results. THANK YOU!

-Dante B.
"I'm much more confident"

You guys are a class act. I recently sent you a note to inform my instructor I was hurt and unable to submit videos. James replied, and suggested some possible drills (w/in limits of injury) Really unexpected, this just speaks to the quality of your people, program and overall approach. Thanks, sticking w/RST.

-Fran L.
"RST mentions BODY movements, NOT club movements..."
-Vincent C. | Orange, California | 22 hdcp
"I liked what I saw in the free membership and that is what made me decide to try the premium. So far, the premium is meeting my expectations. Videos, information, and approach is making sense."
-New Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Thanks Chuck I like how you keep things simple and to the point."
-Terrence M. | Denver, Colorado
"I heard about RST from friends, I like being able to do it in chunks. Old ways to learn haven't worked."
-New Member Survey
"Chuck, I just wanted to comment that your 9 to 3 drill is also very effective on the course with an open-faced lob wedge. When executed properly, this little shot flies high and lands soft -- every time. For distance control I just vary the rotary extent of your takeaway move #1. This shot has already allowed me to get up and down in some short-sided situations from reasonable lies. To make sure these were not fluke shots, I repeated them 3-4 times in each situation.Thanks again for a great lesson on your 9 to 3 drill after the Feb. 5-6 RST clinic."
-Peter D. | Kent | 14 hdcp
"watched sum of the YouTube videos and tried a few things on the range and noticed an improvement"
-larry b. | Sun City West, Arizona | 10 hdcp

I just wanted you to know that I have achieved my golfing objective which I set out to do last October 2012. That was to be competitive in our club championship. So I rebuilt my golf swing from the ground up using RST exclusively, bought a range membership for practice and set about the task. I am happy to report that I won our Seniors Mens Net over a 36 holes contest beating my closest competitor 13 strokes. That is the result I was looking for. Thank you for providing the tools to allow this outcome.

-Wayne S.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Infinitely better - but still some room for improvement."
"Liked the idea of online lessons."
-New Member Survey
"It's a structured programme and I buy into the rationale behind that."
-Tom C. | Potters Bar | 27 hdcp
"My dad recommended it. After clicking through some videos, I like the concept of the swing."
-New Member Survey
"What I wanted, and something which no golf pro in person has offered me, is a complete programme, with a beginning a middle and,presumably, an end!"
-Peter L. | Leamington Spa

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


I would like to say how pleased I am with my Premium membership. The video instructions are excellent. I appreciate the scientific basis of the instruction.

-Matt M.
Just a quick note to let you know how impressed I am with the quality, not to mention quantity, of instruction. I am taking lessons with a local instructor, and I'm acutely aware of the importance of live feedback, but the lessons on the site are far superior to his and the ability to access learning 24/7 can't be beat.
I have just returned to the sport after 30+ years of other endeavors, and wanted a way to get back into it from the ground up. All I can say is WOW! I am not a gifted athlete, and I am now more than eligible to be in AARP, but I have always been a good student and your site makes so much sense in both its content and approach. I looked at a lot of other options as well, but kept coming back to yours.
It's only been a week or so, but I've dedicated many hours to working through the videos and working through the drills each day. Hey, I have obliques! They turn independently of my hips. My shoulders do rotate around my spine. And my glutes can still get fired up. So although I'm just starting this journey, the map you have provided is first rate.
I only signed up for a month as I'm leaving  the country for a month before the first month with you expires. Unfortunately, a tight itinerary precludes the opportunity to play. I will continue to do the drills and firm up the physiological concepts so I don't lose it all. And as eager as I am to go on this trip, I'm now almost as eager to get back to my lessons and to hitting the range and courses.  
So, while I will be canceling my automatic renewal, when I return from my travels I'll sign up for an extended period. I know one customer makes little difference in the scope of running a successful business, but I thought you should know that this cancellation is simply due to timing and not to dissatisfaction. I rarely find products or services worth gushing over, but yours is an exception. (And did I mention that I just got back from the indoor range where I knocked the snot out of the ball? I didn't even do that when I was much younger!) And while I know I probably rushed it a bit, I just couldn't wait to see if a new grip, set-up, takeaway and backswing and weight shift regimen would translate from the house to the range. I was amazed (and a bit giddy).  Can't wait to get to downswing, follow-through, lag, etc. I'm so excited.   
Thanks for keeping your promises and then some.
-Stuart F.
"Loved the learning group"
-Terry O. | Bellevue, Idaho | 9 hdcp
"Very happy so far with the info."
-Gilles C.

Just a quick note to say thank you RST!
I have been working on my swing and the biggest challenge for me was actually "trusting" a certain move / swing and allowing time for my brain to activate the right muscles I've never really used before in my golf swing ... Not only has my ball striking improved a great deal (I still have more to learn) but now when I walk off the range or play a round ,,, I'm actually not sore or injured .  So thank you for making the videos 'digestible' and explaining a key concept in more than one way.

-Luc C.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


Rotary Golf video's are so complete and detailed,just think how many hours members save at $200 an hour of one on one instruction if they take advantage of this information? Your instruction has no equal and I think that coming from a student like me who has spent 20 years toiling away is saying something. Everytime I get ready to ask a question because I thought it was not covered in the videos,sure enough with a little patience and familiarization with your web site I am able to find what I am looking for.

-Doug B.

 Chuck for me that the "Rotary Swing" was the best instructional course that I ever took for golf and will probably re subscribe this winter for specialty shots. My game has improved  100%

-Ed S.
"With rst I learn how to swing right from the beginning in a structured step by step setup."
-Daniel V. | Fayetteville, Georgia

I have to tell you how much I enjoy your videos.  Great program.  I tell everyone about your program.  Keep up the great work.

-Brian A.
"It's the how not the what! It's the how and not the what!"
-Stan B.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"it is a very simple golf swing concept to learn."
-Rich G. | Arlington, Tennessee | 7 hdcp

I am a premium subscriber on your site and I must say it is the best instruction I have ever received. For someone who wants to learn about the swing, and work hard to improve, it really is the best.

-Wade G.
"It provides the bio mechanical way to hit a golf ball and does not cause injury"
-donald w. | hampstead, North Carolina
"Rotary swing essentially is the 'natural' way the human body can swing a golf club without inflicting injury."

I joined last year around September as a premium member as I started playing golf after 13 years again and was struggling to get the “old body of 50” to swing the club properly again. I saw a you tube video of Chuck and then joined on the site.  I followed all the videos and did all the drills as many times as I could.  For the first 2-3 months nothing happened (I stayed a 13 handicap) but I was persistent as I really believed that the teaching was sound and correct.


Then it suddenly happened.  From end of December my handicap suddenly started to drop and I’m a 6 now!  That’s right, 7 shots in just over 2 months.  I played in our club champs a week ago – the first 36 holes in about 15 years – and came 4th on gross in the A division (0-10 handicap) and ended on 147 net – just 3 shots over my then 7 handicap for the  36 holes.  The most important of all is that for the first time in my life (and I was a +2 many years ago)  I now understand my swing, can feel where it goes wrong when it does and have the knowledge to work on the fixes.  I’m so happy and very grateful for what I’ve learned from the Rotaryswing teaching.  As I’m am a qualified WGTF instructor, I’ve used these methods as well in teaching others (only doing it ad hoc at the moment)


My target is to get down to a 2 or 3 handicap and I’m confident that I can still make it.


Thank you so much to Rotaryswing.

-Stephen G.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

-bertrand V. | Livron | 27 hdcp
"I have only been practicing the takeaway and backswing and I can feel a difference already, my swing is tighter and firmed."
-New Member Survey
"all the learning nuggets are there. But, you must keep studying and reviewing in order to transfer them to your swing"
-Bob R.
"I thought the website was excellent."
-Premium Member Survey

I wanted to say thanks for developing this methodology. It's really practical and simple. I'm a 1 handicap but have been very inconsistent in tournament play. One day I'd shoot 70 next day 82. It was very frustrating. With the rotary swing I've learned to slow my hips and shoulders and as a result I am hitting it straighter, more consistent and further than I have in the last 10 years. Ive had only one round all spring outside of the 70s. My friends have made numerous comments on how my swing looks so much more effortless now.

Best of all I am much more consistent. Yesterday I won my age division (50-61) in the Bergen County NJ Senior amateur tournament. I shot a 74 with two vey dumb double bogeys, but the best of it was the five birdies I had. I reached 3 of the 4 par 5s in two which I have not done in a very long time. All day long I was near the flag. It was a lot of fun.

Thanks again best regards,

-Ray A.

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I have done RST for about 4 years I think.

First year I went from a 14 to a 10, second year I went from a 10 to a 3. I finally broke par with a 71! Third year I went from a 3 to a 6.8 (couldn’t put)

This year I am a consistent 4.5 with some big potential to go to lower, which is exciting. I don’t really practice at the range I just do the drills and spend time on putting and chipping. That is where I think this has benefitted me the most, I don’t worry about the “normal” hits anymore!

-Dorian C.
"it's perfect"
-Premium Member Survey
"I love the site."
-Premium Member Survey
"website is great!"
-Premium Member Survey

Your system is way ahead of all of the other systems or methods being taught today. Your attention to detail has me most impressed. It is easier for the student to grasp the information, understand, and apply it. Of course that comes from you getting us the proper way to explain the steps or sequences involved.

-John S.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"The site is great, I enjoy the teaching."
-Premium Member Survey
"I really think you have a great website"
-Premium Member Survey
"I enjoyed the content and learned a lot."
-Premium Member Survey
"Website and information was very good."
-Terry T. | Kenosha, Wisconsin | 13 hdcp
"i was impressed by the videos that showed the before and after results"
-New Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I liked how you think a swing should be built."
-Daniel U. | Nodinge | 4 hdcp
"congrats again on a great program."
-Robert C. | Ancaster
"I find these videos very good and see some improvement very quickly."
-Chris C. | Ludmilla | 17 hdcp
"so far think the site is great...recommended to someone on the range this morning"
"Found you on YouTube and after looking at the basic videos, decided it was a great fit with the instruction I have previous taken."
-New Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Videos on YouTube caught my attention. Then the reviews and testimonials on the website sealed the deal."
-Winton T. | dalkey
"I've had a 3 month membership to RST in the past and found the information useful. I thought I'd give RST membership 1-year to make my swing changes."
-New Member Survey
"swing theory is very consistent with what I've been working on with my TPI trainer"
"Upon reviewing the intro I felt this was a suitable approach to my problems."
-Craig T. | UNION HALL, Virginia | 11 hdcp
"the rst swing is based on biomechanics."
-aaron b.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"The free videos are great and I wanted the stuff that wasn't for free"
-New Member Survey
"thank you for the Rotary Golf Swing program! It's a massive swing change, but the results are starting to show up in the ball striking."
-Dave C.
"I personally have back issues and am looking for the most knowledge I can get."
-New Member Survey
"Liked common sense approach."
-New Member Survey
"The knowledge behind the instruction, not a theory."
-Jeff S. | Benton, Arkansas | 3 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I want a consistent, repeatable swing and I didn't have one."
-New Member Survey
"So far I am happy with my purchase."
-Chris B. | Las Cruces, New Mexico | 20 hdcp
"So far so good."
-Jeffry M. | Wilmington, Delaware | 15 hdcp
"I did not get excited, I choose RST in the hope that it would provide the building blocks of successful change"
-Chester W. | London | 15 hdcp
"Things make sense so far."
-Tony P. | Kapolei, Hawaii | 8 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"youtube clip on lag and the web site looked interesting"
-John A. | Melbourne | 14 hdcp
"Looked at video on Youtube ,and got interested in Rotary Swing."
-New Member Survey
"The efficiency of the swing method and the amount of content on the web site plus swing reviews twice a month."
-Matt P. | Darley | 5 hdcp
"The emails with free samples work well"
-William P. | Memphis, Tennessee | 5 hdcp
"It seems to me as this theory could hold water and is explained in such way that makes sense to me."
-Robert M. | Zrece | 54 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"The website looks impressive and the additional help with online lessons."
-John H. | Preston | 7 hdcp

I joined for the month of September for trial and I realized finally that I found what I was searching for. I changed my swing more than ten times in the last two years and that resulted in a lot of frustration and physical pain and mental agony. My search is over and you will hear from me

-Suleiman R.
"The simplicity and Science behind the swing"
-Tin P. | San Jose, California
Before I share my views on RST, a brief introduction - I was self taught, with a very unorthodox, flat swing, but this didn't stop me playing off 8 handicap for many years. However, around the age of 50 I found that my body couldn't swing like that any more, my handicap started to rise, pressure was put on my putting (which began to fail as a result), my handicap kept increasing, and I stopped enjoying the game. On reaching 60, I was reduced to trying various mind over matter techniques, but these only worked temporarily. 

That was when I came across RST.  The idea of learning a bio-mechanically safe swing that would allow me to keep playing into my old age appealed to me. I found the free videos to be easy to understand, and jargon free. Before committing to paying for Premium membership, I checked some reviews on the Internet. 

Having now been a Premium member for over a year, in my view, people who criticise RST are probably those who are seeking a quick fix or a 'secret move' and who do not realise that such things don't exist. One of the things that RST teach is how our brains work - it takes over one hundred (correct) repetitions before the brain even understands what we are trying to do differently, and thousands more repetitions before the new move goes into muscle memory.  This is an important lesson - if you are not prepared to do the drills, don't blame RST. 

In my first RST Swing Review, my instructor correctly pinpointed two deeply ingrained bad faults which he warned me would take a long time to eradicate. I was hinging my left wrist immediately on takeaway, which meant that everything was a correction after that. My head was also moving vertically at least nine inches between the top of my backswing and the point of impact!

Chuck says that you can't just watch all the videos randomly and expect to improve your golf. In my case, with the help of my expert instructor, I was directed to a sequence of videos all the way from stance and posture through to correct club release. Sometimes the slow progress was really frustrating, but unless I improved each part of my swing in the correct order, there was no point in jumping ahead.  It has been amazing how difficult it is to correct long-standing swing faults. 

As well as the expert help from the two weekly Swings Reviews, the other thing worth the monthly investment for me has been the ability to upload my own swing videos and to draw my own lines on the screen to check my swing positions, and to play the videos iat different speeds.   RST is without doubt the best golf instruction that I have come across, and the benefits of RST over lessons with my pro is that I will always have access to my Swing Reviews and to the instructional videos, long after having forgotten what my pro may have told me. 

So what are my own results after just over a year of RST?  I have knocked almost 4 shots off my handicap to get down to single figures again! I now have a much better understanding of what a reliable, bio-mechanical and safe swing looks and feels like.  I have a wealth of drills to turn to if I slip back into any bad habits. And I really do feel that I have made a good friend in my RST instructor (Craig) who has been supportive, enthusiastic, perceptive and genuinely committed to helping me to improve and to enjoy the game again. I look forward to continuing to reduce my handicap, even at my age, with the help of RST. 

If anyone has any doubts about joining RST, and is prepared to put the work in, I urge you to give it a try. 
-Kieth T.

My name is Aksel Moe and I am a premium member on the site. I am ten years old and I live in Thailand. My mom is from the Czech Republic and my dad is from Minnesota. I come to America on my summer holidays to go to Minnesota and to play the big tournaments in California. Your teachings have really helped me throughout my golf game since I joined Rotaryswing at the end of 2014. Your teachings helped me to improve so much that I played a 36 hole tournament in March and I improved nine shots per day since I last played another 36 hole tournament on the same course in September. Next week I am going to San Diego where I am playing three junior tournaments including the IMG Junior World Golf Championship. I am hoping for some good results. Thank you for your great teachings and golf tips on the swing.

-Aksel M.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

Please tell him how amazing his website is. I have previously purchased the Hank Haney and Tom Watson coaching DVD's, on top of many private lessons with 4 different coaches over the years. 

None of them come close to the clarity and exceptional teaching that this site provides. I am a PE teacher so know a little bit about trying to educate. Chuck makes it so much more understandable and after years of getting no changes or results I can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel after only a month. I wish I had found this site sooner.
-Shane D.
"Liked the free videos to let me get a taste of the RST"
-New Member Survey
"Recommended by someone I saw using the Rotary Connect on the practice ground."
-David R. | Colomiers | 3 hdcp
"My colleague enrolled in your course and it significantly improved his swing."
-New Member Survey


Outstanding, it has improved my game 100%.  I had no idea of where my swing was at anytime.  I now understand the basics and I am now enjoying the game greatly.
-Ron H.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

I wanted to thank Chuck and Chris for a great couple of days at the January  2015 Rotary Swing Clinic.  My wife and I both greatly benefited and advanced our understanding of the golf swing.  
For myself; I've struggled to master two things, sequencing and tension.  The way the clinic was structured, I now have a firm understanding of how to continue to train my body to be sequenced properly, and to get tension and the "right side" out of my swing.  While the squat move is difficult, it actually slows down my quick tempo and helps me manage the tension I typically have.  I've worked a ton on my backswing, and I'm not sure what order is best at learning the swing, but I am glad I was able to have setup and backswing/takeaway mastered before I arrived.  This allowed me to really hone in on tension and sequencing which are really really hard to master (at least they've been harder than backswing for me).  Been working a little bit at home on both, and surprisingly I haven't lost what I've learned in two days.  :)
-Matt S.
"You had a drill for a less flexible golf swing that worked for me"
-New Member Survey

I have found RotarySwing to be of huge value with the analysis and the drills. It is so obvious! The weight transfer is intuitive, not a forced or contrived feeling.  Very natural. 

-Robert K.

Thank you immensely for the time and care you gave to me.  While i’m somewhat aware of my swing flaws, having someone that I trust as an expert to advise me, makes all the difference in the world.  I’m anxious to continue the drills from the clinic.

-Tony V.

What you guys are teaching is brilliant and should get some air time and recognition

-Dean A.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"in your mails you mentions all the issued I have in my swing and how I felt physically exactly with these issues."
-mike b. | carrick-on-suir | 9 hdcp
"I've tried "how to create lag" on YouTube found out it explain very in detail. And after I watched "learn how to learn" I know that's what I want"
-New Member Survey

I am a member of RST. It has completely changed my game. As an person obsessed with improving your site has been fundemental in helping me understand the golf swing. I hope to attend a clinic next year.

Thanks for the help. 
-Bob Q.
"videos seemed to make sense"
-New Member Survey

I just wanted to thank you for all of your great content and instruction. Just as a quick note, I was a monthly member in the past and just renewed this morning because I had a 3 day tournament starting today! (I know, last minute right). I watched the Vijay release video and the other full swing into video this morning. Teed off at 12:30, and shot my best round of the year today 35/40 for a 75! I am in 3rd place right now with 2 days left our of over 67 golfers with a 5-9 handicap. Just wanted to thanks and post this so others could see. Tonight I watched the weight shift video and starting your down swing before you end the backswing videos in preparation for tomorrow. I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks again.

-Johathan S.

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I just wanted to send you a quick message to say thanks for the work you have been doing with me.   I won my last tournament no playoff required.   My last win was over a year and a half ago so it felt good to finally get one again

-Jim M.
"I found it quite straightforward"
-New Member Survey
I had always noticed how relaxed Vijay's right hand was when he released the club but, I didn't really know what was driving his approach to the release.  Thank you for explaining in detail all the specifics of the left and right hand during Vijay's release.  I'll be sure and practice the Vijay Release Drill
-Blair F.
"watched some of the free ones on youtube. Tried on the course, seemed to work."
-bill c. | tucker, georgia | 10 hdcp
"Good technical videos."
-New Member Survey

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!


I just wanted to let you know how effective your videos are. Im a basic member only because money is tough for me or I would be a premium member. Just with the info from basic videos i (today)was able to trim 10 strokes from my normal scores. My irons have become deadly but my driver needs help yet. I try to hit a bucket of balls most every day. I work pt at a course so get a nice bene of free balls. One day things just clicked.  I spent 50 years of  wasting my time toiling around the courses and range. Now they just jump off my clubs. It is fun playing the right way thanks to Rotary Swing.Just wanted to say thanks!!

-Ken S.

FANTASTIC! I looked at your free videos and played the best round ever! Thank you for these excellent videos.

-Howard E.
"everything is great so far"
-New Member Survey

This is truly a great golf  learning program…….My USGA handicap has come down 2.5 points in just the past two weeks of your videos!

-Ben B.
Awesome awesome awesome. Such easy clear instruction. +1 to your approach!! Can't wait to go play again!!
-Hutch H.

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Just thought I would let you know I shot at 79 yesterday off a 16 handicap.  It's all come together, being working hard on Rotary Swing consistently.  I have never been close to breaking 80.  Crazy thing is that I think I still got a lot to improve on.  
Loving the golf game.  Thanks for the awesome system
-Stephen F.

I want to express my gratitude to you team!!
This is!!

I will be a member as long as I can be......thanks again.....

-John V.

Wanted to send a quick thanks for the work you've done. I played golf in high school and hadn't had a single bit of useable direction for my swing in 15 years. After the first month I was already striking the ball much more consistently and having a lot more fun with the game. 

-James S.
"Every thing is meeting my expectation."
-New Member Survey

I have greatly enjoyed the videos and have made rather dramatic improvements in my golf swing as a result. Thank you and the whole Rotary Swing crew for providing this series.

-Don T.

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I am a radio personality in Detroit and avid player. Chuck's teachings are very impressive and in the short time I have been reviewing the site, I've made noticeable improvement in a couple of area's that I have struggled with.

-Chuck E.
"sounded logical"
-New Member Survey
"Detailed explanation. very good videos"
-New Member Survey
"Watched free video and was intrigued"
-New Member Survey
"a chance to improve"
-New Member Survey

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"Guy on driving range recommended RS"
-New Member Survey
"So far, everything is well done."
-New Member Survey
"Some of the videos reminded me of some basic things I haven't been doing."
-Larry S. | Gainesville, Virginia | 1 hdcp
"PM is great .Thanks"
-New Member Survey
I paid for a three month membership, so it is not free. I used to be a member but let it lapse and tried another site for a while. Your's is the best, I have enjoyed starting over with more content now and I love the explanations. I am one of those people who needs to know why something is good, why I should do it and and why it works. I don't like the one fix for everyone sites.
I expect to be a member for a while.
-John L.

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Mr. Tyler,
Took our revamped swing out to the course today...  Front nine didn't feel so hot until around #7.  Front then on out I cannot remember a better ball striking round in my life.  It was incredible.  Hitting them pure and accurate.  Eagled 18 for -2 on back 9, my lowest 9 hole score.  74 total, with double one 1 and 2 three putt holes on the front, is tied for my low round.
-Kevin K.

Please let everyone know that I am very pleased with the instructions and the presentations. This is really a great thing that you have going.

-Tex G.

I think I understand what you were saying, now by the time my down cock is complete when I square my hips my hands are in the perfect position to release. If everything looks OK then I will need to get used to this for a while since releasing from here is quite a bit different from where I was releasing requires a lot less thought and a lot less timing. You don't even have to worry about holding lag when I get into this position. I told you when we first started this journey I was a slow learner. Thanks Sensei for all your help. I'm not just bullshitting you when I say this, you are the best instructor I have had and I have had quite a few you have a keen eye and you can tell that you really care about making your students better I can't say that about the instructors in my area. Thanks again for all your patience and hard work.

-Ed M.

Hi. i just want to thank you so much for the information you have provided. I just singed up. I am really thrilled. I signed up for free access in the past but my understanding was immature. I have great expectations in developing one swing pattern and for the past week I have implemented your teachings and found them to be very successful. I am in a tournament tomoroow. and through it is premature, with relation to the develop of my swing, I am so encouiraged. I like what I have accomplished in a mere one weeks time. I woke up at 4:30 am last Friday and implemented all your free access videos to my swing. In only a weeks times, I feel like it is applicable and repeatable. I realized the problem I was experiencing, was related to going in between different swing concepts. Yours is great!. I am athletic and I like it!. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Cindy

-Cindy F.

I have been working with Chris Tyler on line and I would rate him A+++.   I love the ease of use once you figure out the system and the responsiveness of your entire team.   I can see why you have built one heck of a great business starting from the first time I met you.   I bet 20 people have signed up over the years because of me promoting what you do and how you do it.  

-Chris R.

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Hi Chuck/RST Just wanted to send you some quick feedback about my Swing Review sessions with Aaron Mannes. I am very delighted with Aaron’s coaching! Have recently added at 10 yards of distance to my pitching wedge, and 8-6 irons are now going regularly 15 yards further. AND, I can now cleanly hit 4&3 irons (I never even had these clubs in my bag as they used to be a complete disaster zone). I consistently get 180 yards with the 3 iron, and actually really enjoy using this club nowadays. Just yesterday, on a very tight par, 4 decided to open with my 3 iron, and smashed the ball 220 yards straight down the middle! I scored an 86 in horrible winter conditions (rain and wind, with freezing temperatures) which matches my previous best score recorded during a wonderful sunny summer’s day. Equally satisfying is the clean strikes I am getting with all the clubs. The feel, and in particular the sound, is just so very different! Aaron has great insight, is encouraging and motivating…and has an ability to explain swing issues clearly and succinctly. Thank you to Aaron!

-Sami L.

 I am very happy with my progress since joining RST. Chris’s insight has been invaluable. Thanks.

-Steve M.

The website & the book are AWESOME!! I'll work hard to be the first RST certified instructor in Spain. Really HAPPY with the improvement made so far. Thx again! 

-Nacho P.

Chris,  finally put together the full swing.  Shot 72 at the bay hill money game today. I was actually 3 over on the last 4 holes.  I panicked a bit when I thought about shooting in the 60's!  Didn't know how to react I hadn't been that low in about 6 years.

-John G.

The awards that I won this year are: Gulf States Section PGA POY, Louisiana Chapter POY, GSPGA Assistant of the Year, Louisiana Chapter Assistant of the Year.  I can't thank you enough for helping me improve. I have a small event mid Jan but nothing bigger until March.  I feel that I'm relatively close.  I'm re motivating myself to getting in shape, and improving my game.  I want to live up to the awards and exceed expectations, mainly my own expectations

-Cory C.

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Absolutely amazing!

-Martin H.

I wanted to pass along some initial results of your program.  I started with the video reviews with Craig Morrow back in February and my swing has improved quite a bit.  In my case I haven't been able to play hardly at all (two 18 hole rounds this year) but wanted to pass along that I had 3 birdies in 9 holes on Saturday, despite not playing or hardly hitting balls in the last month.  I am usually about a 16, so that's about 5 rounds worth of birdies in 9 holes!

-Grant K.
After 27 years of Badminton, 7 years as professional, I've seen my share of "experts" within the badminton game. When I come across real experts, in any sport, and they know what they talk about, I'm not shy to tell them and share my thoughts. You have helped me so much and have given me back my believe in the game. I thank you for that.
Yesterday I went to practice with a friend of mine. Last year he finished 42nd on the European Tour Race to Dubai and is currently 38th. We discussed a few things that I picked up on your videos as he was struggling with his impact position. I shared what I had learned and immediately he struck the ball better. It was great to see as he'll play the Abu Dhabi Championship next week. Will be nice to see how he'll get on.
I wish you and your team all the best and I'm looking forward to many new videos from everyone.
-Carston S.
Chuck, read on the internet one of the first tips you give students: stay out of Box "3". I am 72 yrs old, it is cold and wet here in Hot Springs Village, AR, but I went out today and tried just to concentrate on going to box 2 and then to box 4. Have been down to 9 HC in past, now a 12. Played from the regular men's tee boxes. Wow, what a difference. Shot an easy 82 (39 on back), first time trying this. Can't wait to try it again tomorrow if weather allows. Thanks, so far seems to be the best swing tip I have ever seen.
-Carlton C.

I went to stadium today and figured it out while hitting my shag balls and I mean I was hitting my 8 iron 150 yds to even some of the balls went as far as 170 yards.  Unbelievable!  how much more solid is the impact.  It felt like a tug of the clubhead.  Thank you very much.  I take notes and have gotten 1/2 the way through the section on Down Swing.  and I've really applied myself not just watching videos but reading and doing the drills.  Can't wait to get to the rest.  I have learned so much about the golf swing.  Thanks to all of you at Rotary Swing.

-Danny J.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

By the way, Chuck and Chris are doing a fantastic job. I've always had questions about the golf swing that either no one could satisfactorily answer, or the answers they gave were incomplete, misleading, or just plain incorrect. In all my years of lessons, reading and searching, Chuck has been the only person to truly understand and really explain exactly what should happen and why in all aspects of a good golf swing.
-Robert D.

I believe Rotary Swing is a terrific learning experience that provided insights into correcting my swing. I have a library full of lessons and drills that I scan keep going back to. At my stage of developing a game, I have been given a valuable resource and will constantly refer to it as I progress

-Val B.

Your instruction is fantastic.  I have only been through the address and balance portion.  Went out this morning and had a great round by adopting the proper posture at address.  Never realized how bent over I was over the ball.  This caused all sorts of problems, including standing too far from the ball, thereby causing me to come over the top.  I am really looking forward to the continuing lessons and drills.

-Carton S.
Just wanted to say that I think the Rotary Swing is revolutionary!
-Dave W.

Finally broke 90 round I've shot in 20yrs, and all I've done is watch your premium videos for approx 2-3 weeks. What can I say, you guys know what you're doing!!!

-Dan W.

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Chuck I subscribed about a month ago and love your videos. What i like is you explain WHY & HOW !! Something most pros don't."
-William M.
"You and Chuck have created something special in RST, love it, Thanks.   You have great guy in Chris Tyler working for you, I'm sure you know that.  What a nice guy, hard worker, and intelligent guy`.  I've been working with Chris for about a year.  Do a favor for me and let him know that one of his students is putting in a good word for him. "
-Tom S.

Great video release on impact position and various drills!

-Kevin M.

Chris – Thank you for all your help this year.  I now play better than I ever have.  Never would have happened without your guidance.

-Tom N.
I have been with RotarySwing for about 3 years now and 2015 has been my most productive, best, enjoyable year of golf for me.  I hit the ball farther, better and more consistent than ever before.  My index has gone from a 11.5 to a 7.1 (single digit for 9 months) this year alone and since joining RST, a 16.0 to 7.1.  Because of Chuck, I have had many firsts for me: 14 GIR's, 25 putts, 5 birdies, 14 fairways (4 times) in one round.  The best part is I feel that I am just starting to apply all that RST has to offer and have a long way to go.  I just turned 65 this year, so to do this at this age is just the best!
I have taken lessons from various PGA professionals (in 20 years of golfing) and I now have a better understanding of the golf swing than most of them; for sure all of my past instructors.  I am a member of Silverado CC , Napa, CA. (Johnny Miller is one of the owners) and ask all of the pros here to answer basic question about the golf swing and none of them can answer them.  I really do not know how to thank Chuck for what he has taught me in golf, except to tell anyone that is interested in golf to check out your website.  I really feel that Chuck should be placed in the Golf Hall of Fame for the best instruction in golf. 
-Caleb H.

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Rotary Swing has been great. I have learned a lot about the golf swing, improve my swing, and hitting the ball better than ever.  I have reduced my handicap from 6 to 4 and shot my age of 73 twice during the past golf season.

I have recommended Rotary Swing to several friends who are currently members. I have nothing but great things to say about RS and the instructors. Some of the best swing advise I have ever received

-Terry K.

I have qualified foe the 2 past USGA Senior am and Rotary Golf has helped a lot.

-Cy K.

Thank you very much to you and the RST family for the great service and your dedication to continue to grow the game 

-Hector R.

Just had to thank you for the latest on Zach Johnson analysis and the dominant eye drill. Concentrated on doing it for my league round last night and hit the straightest shots of the year.

-Rich P.

Video "Swing from the ground up" improved my play the first day I incorporated it into my swing. I must agree it is the most important video on the site. If you refrain from starting the downswing with your arms, you have to come from the all important "inside" - an issue I have struggled with for years. Second most important is posture video. As I said, I noticed the difference in the first round incorporating raising the heel and standing more erect to the ball. It is well when I did that and not so well when I didn't. Over several rounds now, I am actually becoming to "feel" like a golfer rather than a frustrated hacker.

-Richard C.

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Chris, I wanted to share something with you that helped me tremendously during my round on Sunday. The day before we were playing bean bag toss, and I was putting everything in the hole or on the board. My son asked me how I was doing that and I told him it felt like a chip shot in golf. I then started to show him, and I found myself using a simple “tempo” back and forth and was shifting my weight and releasing in a very relaxed way! 
The next day on the driving range I was doing the same thing with that image in my mind, and was crushing the ball and getting posted up on my front leg without even consciously thinking about it. I kept that same swing thought in my head and had consistent ball-striking throughout the round.
Thought this would be a good thing to share with you in case you might want to add something about temp. I know you guys have discussed this many times before, but this is the first time I ever realized how to do it in a golf swing. Take care and keep up the good work!
-Jesse T.

Thank you! Chuck and his teachers have a great thing going there! The best on line help I have ever seen.

-Johnny S.
Not replying to this lesson, but to the "right shoulder behind right ear" lesson. I am 91 years of age and played for years in U.S. Amateur, British and U.S. Senior Amateurs, and Senior Opens. Tried above quoted lesson tip today. Easiest and best tip to unconsciously get the lower body moving first,ever . Many thanks. Bill Bergman
-Bill B.
are wonderful mind-set tools with which to learn proper mechanics.  Please hurry and forward the next several in the continuation of this sequencing!!!!!!!!!   Thank you, Chuck, really good stuff!!!!!!!
-Walt M.
I have been truly blessed by what I have learned from your website. Your instructor, Craig Morrow, has been tremendous. Thank you
-Boris C.

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Just wanted to compliment you on the richness of the Rotary Swing site and accessibility of the information it contains. I have learned more faster than I anticipated and been able to apply the information very quickly- yes, I am already seeing improvements. Steven's recent video analysis of my swing was clear and precise. His drill recommendations have been very helpful. Still a long way to go but I'm confident you have me on the right track!

-Gordon H.

 I am working on the take away that you discussed in my last review…  The bad news is that my video camera quit and I won’t get a replacement until next week.   The good news is that I am working on the changes and shot my new year’s best score this am from the member tees at my home course.  73 with three birdies and four bogies.  12 fairways hit.   A couple of very long drives for this time of year.
 Yesterday hit one right at 320 yards and stunned my playing partners. FUN!

-James S.
This is an excellent video (perfecting lower body stability). You know a lot of us amateurs got confused because a lot of instruction expresses how the lower body starts the downswing and clearing the hips. I know it has caused a lot
-Coredell W.

Hi Chris, Very useful comments! Hence: Hole-in-one, 8 iron, 156 yards, wind helping, I lined up with intermediate target, stepped up ( did not look at the green any more), swung my rotary swing perfectly along the intended line, beautiful flight, hop, hop, rolled right in, Thank you very much! Cheers, Don

-Don V.

Hi folks recently discovered your swing analiysis part of your web site and that has accelerated my improvement immessley(this has to be the best web site ever for improving ones golf).i,m a golf fanatic and has bounced between one golf site to the next over the last ten years but now I'm staying with you guys, I,m so pleased.

-Michael M.

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Can I take the opportunity to say how impressed I am with the whole service, from the website, the instructors and the support staff

-Marian C.
I am loving the changes that are occurring in my swing. Thank you!
-Ryan H.
Just a note to say how much I enjoyed and learned from my lesson with Chris Tyler. 
I got more out of that one lesson than I did in more lessons than I care to count. 
Chris not only has a good eye, he's a really clear teacher - and a has great sense of humor.  
In helping me ground my lower body as a source of power and consistent spine angle, he was very methodical in the sequence of steps to get from A to B to C in an hour; he's very efficient. 

I've taught various disciplines for years and really appreciate good instruction. It's a rare talent,
and one that drew me to the RST system originally, though Chuck's equally clear online presentations. 

I hope to get back for one of the extended clinics sometime, please let me know if they
ever take the clinics or teaching on the road.  In the mean time, I'll keep telling folks 
in California about the RST site.

-Paul M.
Just must say how impressed I am with your assessment of my swing. You were able to isolate something that I've always known looked a bit off, but never able to fix. Truthfully, I didn't realize how big of an impact it would have on my game. The first thing I noticed is the ability to hit a 3 wood off the deck. Something I've always struggled to do. The second thing is the ability to fully release the driver. I pounded some drivers this weekend. Speaking of which, I played yesterday in the Nevada State match play and played some really good golf for me. Won my first match 4 and 3 and was -1 thru the 15 holes. My second opponent apparently was the stroke play medalist at this years pub links. He plays for UNLV. I was -2 thru 10 and had him 1 down before the wheels started coming off. Honestly think I got a bit tired and flared a few irons right. Lost 3 and 2, but was happy to hang with a much better player. I 
Anyway, again thanks for all you help. I'll shoot you an updated video in a week or two. 
-Dan L.

I don't know where to send this msg but I would like you to know how pleased I am with the program. I am about 7 weeks into the program and just as Chuck says in many of his videos I am compressing the ball better than I ever dreamed I could. And like Chuck, that is what gives me the most satisfaction. I would recommend RST to everyone, but I know it is not for everyone I have put in many hours doing drills and hitting balls and most golfers are not looking to build a great swing, they are looking for"fixes" and would not have the patience or commitment to make it work. Again I could not be more pleased. Thanks.

-Jim B.

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Gold Dust Chris! Everyone, this routine does work. As a mature age beginner, I currently exsist in the twighlight zone of building the backswing whilst playing and mentoring the next generation of youg players. After reading Chuck's articles on Mushin Golf and breathing, I devote as much time to the mental aspects of rountine and execution as drilling and playing. Now on the range or couse I focus on not thinking - actually I am focused on minimizing all the crazy noise and thoughts in my head to only one ot two thoughts - it is hard. Those thoughts are either 'slow' or 'left shoulder'. Personally, I wish I could be like Morpheus in The Matrix and "free my mind". The mental game is still a work in progress, I still have many bad shots, however, the good ones are great. Chris, with this video and Chuck's video on pulling rather than pushing, you have given us powerful tools for improvement. Thanks, Sisto

-Sisto M.

Hi Everyone at Rotary Swing,
Thanks for your help and my swing review. I just wanted to say that due to the swing review and your very informative and very helpful site in general , today being the 25th of May I played in the Saturday competition , I shot 69 and won and I am now of a 3 handicap. Once again thanks.

-Bill S.

I want to let you know that this is the best golf instruction I have seen, and I have seen quite a bit of lessons, instruction, and tips. The fact that you tell me which muscle to move, how to put the club in the right place, how to start each sequence and why is unique and very effective. I am very pleased that I subscribed to your site and I am improving my swing every day based on your methods. Thank you for a job well done

-Ash H.

I am really enjoying the videos.  I was ready to quit as I didn't like my swing. So thanks for getting me going in a good direction. 

-Steve B.

I am a radiologist specialist, 59 y old, trained in South Africa and canada(London,Ontario)
Passionate about golf, playing for 7 years now and I thought it was time to say how deeply
Impressed and happy I was with the system your husband(?) has implemented.
It is of extremely high quality, of course results will only come with a lot of work and dedication
( read the talent code !) and actually the way it is done is very reminiscent of the way one would
Implement a course in some subject in my own Imaging specialty.
In  any case please convey my deepest thanks and admiration to chuck masterful effort to which
I am a assiduous student.At this stage,I started the down swing section with the help of Aaron
I am in good physical health and flexibility ( see roger Fredericks...) but I some stage I thought that I would never get enough distance,but I know now that with proper work it is very feasible.

-Herve H.

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Whilst writing this I have to mention that having only started to learn to play golf 7 years ago I have read a fair few books (30/40)and seen a lot of videos on the subject, and erred towards the bio-mechanics route , after reading Jimmy Ballard and Hogan and then a chap called Tracy read and his teaching , I personally think that rotary swing has got it totally right , i have always been a driver slicer and move the club to the left in my fingers at address  and always aim left to try to get the ball in the centre of the fairway, but of course its very hit and miss, now after just a few days of continually doing the drill to weight shift and bring the club in from the inside instead of over the top is starting to work, but I intend starting the programme  from A to Z as well..
Now, I have read and watched video,s on this move many times but for me it has never been broken down and explained in the way Chuck does,  as does his videos on the whole swing do which I have watched so far.
-Bill C.

I purchased one month of rotary swing and had tremendous results once going through the takeaway, bswing, dswing and follow through lessons.  I really think that Chuck and the Clay (Lag Dr.) have done an amazing job on giving great lesson presentations that make following along and understanding the content so much easier than any other lessons I've had, wether in video format, or a lesson with a live instructor.  I turned my low weak hook into high slight drawing shot, with a penetrating ballflight and more power than I've had in a long time.  In breaking 90 again, and winning games against my regular golf friends.  I simply had to purchase a second month.

My only question has to do with physiology and how it affects the swing.    In particular I have a heavier and thicker build, having grown up playing hockey in my youth.  I have plenty of strength, but my flexibility and ability to remain relaxed and not tense during swing are areas which cause my swing to suffer.

I was wondering if you have any suggestions that have worked with other similar clients that you can suggest, wether certain videos, drills or modifications to the rotary swing that might assist in my development.

Anyways, sorry about the wall of text, and keep up the great work,

-Frank K.

I wanted to thank you guys for what you do - it has been a real help to me. I watched the "Lose the Right Hand" video last week and went out and had an unprecedented 12 birdie putts on Saturday! (Since I missed them all I will be watching the putting series this week!)

My index has dropped from 11.8 two months ago to 9.3 now, and it is coming down further. You do a great job and thanks for the help.

-Steve K.

I have been using your RTS video sessions for just over two weeks now and am absolutely amazed and impressed with Chuck's teachings and the level of detail and fundamental understanding of the techniques required to develop ones skill sets. I have witnessed and experienced improvement almost straight away and am wanting to keep the improvement pathway ongoing and wish to extend my membership by six months if possible please. 

-Dipak P.

I wanted to make sure you know that I think yall are doing a great job. Since I've joined, I've reduced my handicap by 4 points and hope to keep going lower. I have a looooong way to go. But overall, I'm extremely happy with my experience thus far with Rotary Swing

-Joe S.

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To the Team at Rotary Swing

First of all thank you for the unique work you do dissecting and explaining , what could be arguably one of the toughest movements in all of sports.
As I write this mail, I have been taking a $500 lesson from Golf tec.
They have completley ruined my exisitng swing ! A swing that I have worked hard at building over 15 years. What does it say about Golftec that while I am in the middle of a lesson I felt the need to look for solutions on the web ?

Why I like your service.

For 2 specific reasons
A. Only instructor to actually break up the backswing into pieces and put it all together in a manner that can be rehearsed and engrained. The E,F,R acronym is easy to remember and understand. And is it a coincidence that the letters are chronological?
B. importance of weight shift with the focus on the squat, which is a trademark of a Tiger.

The squat is something I picked up end of last season( on my own)  but lost it in winter. I got to use it again after seeing your video for the first time yesterday.
The teachers on TV do not spend enough time on weight transfer and how it should be done.

I have David Leadbetter's book on Hogan in my library and you guys do a better job explaining ths golf swing than him.
I would go a step further and even say you are better than Jim Mclean and all the " experts" on TV.

Really impressive stuff

You should have physical locations for teaching all over the country and the world!

Good Luck ,


Sam Sivalenka

-Sam S.

My average was 96. Since the website I am consistently under bogie golf every round. That throw the ball video....Awesome tool!

-Henry S.
I know you guys get millions of emails, but pass on to the guys that I am very happy with the system, have dropped my handicap significantly, and actually won my first club tournament.
Has given me the courage to enter an Open Tournament next month.
-Micheal F.

I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you know how much I
appreciate your site and your methedology.  I've worked with many PGA
pros over the years as well as currently working with a master pro for
the last 4 years.  I consider the master pro my "macro" swing guru but
now that I've found RST I have my "micro" swing guru.  I'm looking
forward to finally getting my swing into an effortless powerful swing
and bringing my handicap down after being stagnant the last few years.
 Thanks again!!!!

-Doug W.
"my golf game is improving and i feel chuck explains the "how" better than anything i've seen so far. Judging by results that can be seen eg : distance and ball flight the swing is getting better."

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"I became the B division club champion @ a prestigious club here in South Africa! (My first tournament win as individual); The course was setup from the back tees with peculiar + tough tee and pin positions; despite this I was able to shoot 84 and 80(the 80 was 5 more than the A division +2 handicap player that won - giving you and idea of the though course conditions) ... winning my division by 9! My previous best for the year was an 85 - 5 months ago. Thanks for your invaluable input!!"
"Three weeks ago I posted that, due to RST I am striking the ball the best I ever have and that I had just shot my lowest score ever, 86. Well today I just set a new personal best of 80 with a 39/41 split!!! I played this same course for the first time back in April and shot 91."
"I watched the Hip Spinning video and my jaw dropped. What he was showing as the WRONG way to do things was EXACTLY what I was doing. Slide, spin, severe axis tilt, left hip out of neutral joint alignment. The "closed hip drill" is like magic. Instead of focusing on "clearing" my hips (aka spinning them), I thought more about settling my weight to the left side WHILE trying to keep my hips closed...the results are amazing. No more lower right side back pain, tons of LOAD into the left side, no creases on my right toes from weight being stranded there because of my severe axis tilt, tons of compression, balanced finish."
"RST rocks and working on a more simple swing has helped me in terms of reduced pain, more ball control and a much less busy mind out on the course."
"I guess the RST, and the half swing drill (move 1 and 4), are working great for me...My handicap index is going down this year faster than ever (from 28.5 to 21.5)."

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"I have practiced the Dead drill since last January and never hit a real golf ball since last September. Please see comment I posted but not sure if it went thru to Craig- who helped my shoulder last March... I just played golf for the first time since last September and started RS Dead Drills last winter. I was skeptical since I was nervous about hitting a real golf ball! I cannot believe how effortless and crisp my iron shots were. Last year I was ready to give up the "Body Swing" method I practiced for the prior 2 years made iron shots worse--fat, thin and S---ks. Please tell Chuck that he saved my love of golf--I hit crisper and much longer irons like I used to 4 years ago!! However the same method I used for the irons (I think) I used for my driver and 3 wood--not very good--is there a different setup/method for driver? Also my tendon and muscle above the left elbow are sore--is that due to wrong swing, tension etc? I probably was swinging out of my shoes with the driver but I really felt slow and smooth with no effort with my arms to hit the amazing iron shots and I didn't hit any bad ones (except for slight hook a couple of times, but long!!) Thank you for your tip as well for my shoulder--it never bothered me again!! My 2 golf buddies subscribe to RS as well!! Best on-line golf lesson system I have ever taken, even the thousands of $$ of live lessons for the last 40 years! The number of reps is not emphasized enough or at all from most instructors or other technical systems. "
-John B.
"I have practiced the Dead drill since last January and never hit a real golf ball since last September. Please see comment I posted but not sure if it went thru to Craig- who helped my shoulder last March... I just played golf for the first time since last September and started RS Dead Drills last winter. I was skeptical since I was nervous about hitting a real golf ball! I cannot believe how effortless and crisp my iron shots were. Last year I was ready to give up the "Body Swing" method I practiced for the prior 2 years made iron shots worse--fat, thin and S---ks. Please tell Chuck that he saved my love of golf--I hit crisper and much longer irons like I used to 4 years ago!! However the same method I used for the irons (I think) I used for my driver and 3 wood--not very good--is there a different setup/method for driver? Also my tendon and muscle above the left elbow are sore--is that due to wrong swing, tension etc? I probably was swinging out of my shoes with the driver but I really felt slow and smooth with no effort with my arms to hit the amazing iron shots and I didn't hit any bad ones (except for slight hook a couple of times, but long!!) Thank you for your tip as well for my shoulder--it never bothered me again!! My 2 golf buddies subscribe to RS as well!! Best on-line golf lesson system I have ever taken, even the thousands of $$ of live lessons for the last 40 years! The number of reps is not emphasized enough or at all from most instructors or other technical systems. "
-John B. | Downers Grove, IL
"I've been playing for all of 12 months, learning much along the way. I managed to go from scores of 145 to 100 (Don't laugh, we were all beginners once). I hit a mysterious clubhead speed barrier at an average of 68MPH. Yesterday, with the combination of a slow-mo look at my swing, and taking in just one training video, added an AVERAGE of ten miles an hour to my club head speed in one 30 minute practice session! The video was "The biggest hurdle for amateur golfers". You people are amazing, and I'll be joining the site for full access, and attending a clinic soon to discover what else is holding me back. THANK YOU for the extra speed to reach the 90's."
-Ralph W. | 25 hdcp
"Just wanted to say how awesome your approach to the swing is, the greatest thing if ever tried! I watched your videos on YouTube yesterday and applied them today and shot the my best round in 2 years (73)! I was the worst about playing with to many swing thoughts and what I did today was incredible! I could hit it anywhere I wanted! Thanks! "
-Randy B. | 5 hdcp
"Dear Chuck, Thank you for reaching out to me. I've only been a member of the site for a short time and haven't started on the RST lessons yet is I don't have the funds at the moment. Having said that I've been watching a lot of your videos on YouTube and for the past week I've been in the range doing the drills religiously. Today, I went on to the course for the first time and shot an 86 which is my best ever round considering I'm usually high 90s to 100. I'd like to say thank you for your tutoring my game really has improved and I will continue to follow your instruction and hopefully brake 80 before the autumn is out."
-Michael J. | 10 hdcp

Get a Premium Membership today, and soon we will be adding your success story to these!

"Thank you so much for your interest. I am only just starting to navigate your site and have just focussed in on the role of the left hand in the golf swing. Guess what, I just won my first comp of the year with 40 points off of 8 handicap(now 7). I love the way you break everything down. looking forward to working through the winter on your site. Regards"
-Billy B.
"I just did you training today and it was awesome. I spent thousands of dollars on golf lessons private golf lessons all because my have a week back and this was I had no back problems I'm absolutely amazed and so thankful. Thank you so much!"
-Carey S.
"Please let Chuck know I have won 2 Pepsi Tour events in a row at age 48 competing against the 20 & 30 somethings. Attached is pic of scoreboard shot 67. Also, I just signed up online for the affiliate program. In addition as a current “Certified Personal Trainer” I’m going to enroll in RST level 1 Certification so I can start giving lessons and add another certification to Fitness Training. I will likely be traveling to Florida sometime next year to play a couple Sunbelt Senior Tour events and play to schedule a session with Chuck."
-Dana D. | 0 hdcp

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RotarySwing was founded out of frustration with the current state of golf instruction. Quinton knew a better way had to exist to learn this game we all love.

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