10-Min Drill | Master Your Post Up for Maximum SPEED and STABILITY
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Last week we analyzed PGA Tour Winner Luke List’s swing and promised a simple drill on how to improve your post up. Today, we’ll learn how to sync your hips and arms into your downswing for maximum SPEED, STABILITY, and SAFETY. Today we keep it nice and simple and really focus on the movements.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to a brand new video. I am RotarySwing tour instructor, Chris Tyler. And I’m really excited about today’s video because I have a very simple drill to help you sink your hips and your arms up in the downs swing so that you get maximum speed.
And you also get stability and safety in the bottom of the swing arc. Let’s go ahead and take a look at it now.
Okay. So one of the more fatal flaws that we see you guys at home make is that as you start your transition back over to your lead side, from this point down through the bottom of the swing arc, you start making your force of movement, your upper body, right? You start heaving, your shoulders, you start throwing your arms at it. And what that does is it starts creating all sorts of golf swing plane shift.
It starts forcing your hands to become really reactive through the bottom. And it makes it very hard for you to get things lined up where it matters the most. And that is at the bottom of the swing arc. And so one of the things that I want you to remember is is that the post up in your golf swing is a multifaceted movement. That’s right. You heard it here first, right?
It’s a multifaceted movement. Now, what the heck do I mean by that? Well, if you think about sequence, right? Because that’s all the golf swing really is, is a big sequence of movements. And if you sequence things out properly, then you can actually produce a lot of really efficient speed.
So if you think about the hips, pulling the hands and arms. So after we make our move in the transition and I make my post-up move happen, look where my hands and arms came down to. They came down to the release point. Now I understand that the post-up movement and the hands and arms are gonna be working together in the swing. It’s going to be happening simultaneously.
But when we start out this drill today, we are gonna isolate this. And we are going to dumb it down to the umpteenth degree. Why? Well, because I want you to continue to focus on where the force of movement needs to come from.
It needs to come from your legs in your hips, man. It’s like a war zone out here with helicopters flying all over the place. Holy smokes anyways. All right, you guys ready to have some fun with the drill today? That’s gonna help you sink your hips and your arms up. All right, let’s do it.
So the way that I want you to start today’s video is I want you to start by shifting your hips left and pulling your hip back up and away from where the golf ball would be. This is gonna rotate your hips open about 45 degrees. We wanna make sure that your lead leg is passively straight. So not ram rod straight, passively straight. And we want your lead leg to be a neutral joint alignment.
Now, Chris, what the heck does that mean? Well, neutral joint alignment is basically where the hip socket, the center of the hips socket, the center of the knee and the center of the ankle are all stacked, right on top of one another.
Okay. To find the center of your hips socket, you can find the pointy pelvic bone on the front of your body. And about two finger widths inside of that is a pretty good indicator is to where your hips socket is. Okay? So you just wanna make sure that the completed position has your lead leg passively straight in neutral joint alignment and your hips open 45 degrees.
Now to make this movement happen, you’re gonna be doing two things. You’re going to be pushing against the ground. And you’re gonna be pulling that hip back and away from where the ball is. Those two movements are gonna help you move to that position of stability. That’s it. Now, why would we push against the ground? Well, think about that for a second.
When I push against the ground, what is the ground gonna do back? Well, it’s gonna push back and I know a lot of you at home have heard that fancy term ground force.
Well, that’s exactly what’s happening is by pushing up against the ground. Our lead hip is gonna start moving up and away. Okay. The club is gonna be working down away from you. That’s how you’re getting some thrust. But also remember that the hip is rotating back, installing.
That’s allowing the hands and arms to become independent and whip through in this direction, much like a tray Boche or a catapult, right? All those big moving parts come to a stop. And then the arm goes. And so that’s how you create a lot of that really, really quick speed down through the bottom, right? Centripetal force, which is a false force. The result of that is cental force. The club’s moving out away from you.
So it’s moving out away from you and it’s moving down away from you. Quick way to get a lot of speed there right now where you guys screw this up at home is that when you’re making this movement happen is you’re flying up outta posture.
Now, if you watch, when I actually make my poster move happen here, I’m keeping my head and my chest down. I’m not working up with my head and chest. Why? Well, because we want to be consistent. Don’t we, if you’re moving your spine vertically, guess what’s happening. You’re gonna start shifting the swing plan around and your hands are gonna now become reactive.
Now I know a lot of you are sitting at home right now, or like Chris, all these guys that drive it with some distance, you could see that there’s spine angles starting to move a little bit more vertically on the way down. We’re not talking about driver swings.
There’s quite a few guys out there that maintain posture beautifully and still use ground force. We’re talking about how to hit stock shots with your irons, your fairway woods, your hybrids, okay. This is how to get speed and control at the same time, but also have some stability and have some safety, all wrapped up in a pretty little package.
So the first thing you’re to do is pretty set yourself into the position. You’re gonna do that by pushing your lead ankle into the ground and pulling that hip back in away and keeping your head and your chest down. Okay?
So now we know where we’re going. Let’s talk about how to get there. So I’m gonna bring my friend the impact bag in. Now this is a pretty good tool to have for this drill, but don’t panic. If, if you’re at home and you don’t have one of these, it’s totally fine. I will teach you a different way to do things here in just a moment.

Now, what an impact bag does for those of you at home that don’t understand this simple little training device is that it stops you at impact so that you can check your positions. That’s right. You can check your positions here.
Okay? It’s not a bag that you just hit a bunch of times, and then all of a sudden you become better at golf. Okay? I think there’s a big misunderstanding of how to use this thing.
So it’s gonna stop you at where the point of contact would be. And what we’re looking for is we’re looking for are lead leg to be in that passively straight position, hips to be open that 45 degree mark and our shoulders to be square at the bottom. That’s all we’re looking for. If we get to that position, when we hit the bag, then we know we kept our force of movement down here. Right? Think about that.
Now, if you get to the bag and you look like this, then guess where your force of movement came from, it came from your upper body. That’s what you’re here for in the first place is to get over that.
So a great way to do this drill is to start out really slow and chunky right now that we know where we’re gonna be moving to. As I want you guys to preset yourself in a position where you’ve got about 60 to 70% of your weight underneath your left foot, okay?
Your lead foot, your hips and knees are gonna be in a square position. Your lead arm is gonna be parallel to the ground. Okay? So this is kind of where you transition to in the golf swing. So after you load up and you transition, you’re gonna be in this spot right here. So lead arm, roughly parallel to the ground, about 60% of your weight on your left foot, okay?
Your shoulders are gonna be closed about 45 degrees. Now, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna pull that at left hip back up and away, and we’re gonna push down in the ground.
So as you can see, my hips still continue to move laterally and it rotated. But if you look at my hands and my arms, where’d they come down to the release. All I gotta do is just let it come down. That’s it piece of cake. Now I know a lot of you at home are like, well, that’s supposed to be happening. S of course it is. We’re training these things in two separate pieces on purpose. Why?
Because you need to feel where you’re trying to move from, right? You need to feel this stuff happen prioritizing. So what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna preset yourself in that position every time.
So you’re gonna have about 60% of your weight underneath your lead lead foot, right underneath your ankle is good. Okay? Your, your hips and knees are gonna be back to a square position.
Your lead arm is gonna be right around parallel to the ground and your shoulders are gonna be about 45 degrees closed. So now you’re gonna push down to the ground, pull the hip back, let it release. Now, as you become pretty proficient with this, you can start speeding it up a little bit, trying to blend it together, try to do about 25 to 50 reps really, really broken up two separate pieces.
After you’ve done about 25 to 50 reps. Now I want you to speed things up. I want you to preset yourself in that position and you’re gonna post up and let it release simultaneously. This is where you’re gonna try to get those two things working together. You don’t need to be tense through your hands and your arms. I know that we’re all big and strong, right? And we think that we can produce a lot of clubhead speed with our hands and arms.
But in all reality, what you have to work on is synchronizing these movements to create efficiency. Okay? You don’t have enough muscle mass in your arms and your shoulders to produce the sorts of efficiency that somebody using kinematic sequence can. Okay, so now you do another 25 to 50 reps, where again, you’re working from a static position, sinking ’em up stopping every single, single time to check the position.
Now, if you’re not lucky enough to have an impact bag at home, then a good way to do this is flip the club upside down. Why? Well, because now you’re taking the momentum and inertia outta the club, and now you can stop an impact without having to hit a bag, or you can just pile up some towels on the ground and have the same sort of party that I I’m having here.
So now you’ve done 25 to 50 reps, slow and chunky, broken up into two pieces. You’ve then done 25 to 50 reps, blending them together. What do I want you to do? Now? I want you to start from a static address position, and we’re gonna work to about nine to three, nine to three is just basically where your arms are parallel to the ground. Okay. So static address position.
Okay. We’re gonna stop. And we’re gonna check is my lead leg passively straight? Yes. Is my lead hip open 45 degrees while Chris, it’s kind of hard to tell, cuz you’re doing it from face on, is my lead leg in nutrient joint. Alignment is my weight underneath my left ankle. Absolutely is my shoulder line square. All of those positions were met. So that’s a good rep. So we’re gonna continue on the session dynamically with speed.
Now, if you notice that those things are not checked off the list, then what do you think I want you to do? I want you to pull the foot off the accelerate and go back and do them slow and broken up. This is all about how you practice. I can teach you movements very, very quickly, but it’s how you get these movements injected into your brain and inject it into your golf swing is the key to your success.
How you practice is going to lead to your success. Being able to put the foot on the, accelerate her at the right times and pull it off is going to ensure you, that you get to a position of safety, stability, and speed all at once. All right.
So you guys made it to the end of another video. So I really do appreciate it. Remember it always helps me if you hit that like button below and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post those up. I’ll help you out as best as I possibly can do us a favor. Keep the comments light, right? We’re here on YouTube.
We’re helping you guys get better at the game of golf. I know I talked a lot about the transition part of the golf swing today. And I did say that if you hadn’t mastered that movement, that you should probably stop watching and go watch the videos on transition.
Well, guess what? If you wanna see a video on transition, then click the link in the description below. It’s gonna take you over to the website. You can watch the three core videos of the dead drill right now once.
And for all we don’t take your credit card. You can just watch those three videos and you can start building the three key moves in your golf swing that are gonna allow you to start playing your best golf, your most efficient golf and your most safe golf. On top of that. Now here’s to playing better golf.
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- How to shallow out the club and get it on plane
- How to stop losing your posture
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