Does Online Golf Instruction Work?
Hello everyone. Chuck Quinton here, founder Rotary Swing and Jeff from Fredericksburg who’s been a member of the rotary swing for two years and working on a swing on his own, just following the golf instruction videos sent in this compilation of his videos are like a screen captures and was kind enough to share that and show me his progress that he’s been able to achieve with his golf swing. And then sent a couple of notes and I wanted to share this with you and walk you through, uh, a little bit of a critique to show what’s going on, what kind of changes is made and what has come in next. And I want to share with you what he said first as from his email.
“So even though I know I still have a lot of work to do, there really is no comparison. I’m hitting the ball longer and straighter than ever. I’ve been playing golf for over 40 years and I’ve taken literally hundreds of lessons. I’m sure a lot of you can relate to that out there and tell rotary swing. I couldn’t stop casts in the club from the top. As you can see in the swing sequence images. Thank you so much for completely changing my game. When I first started with Rotary Swing, I purchased two full length mirrors and began doing the drills with them in my basement over the winter. The mirrors are essential. There is no way to really know how your body is moving without that visual feedback. I know you say this all the time, but this is definitely one of the major keys to learning the golf swing. I want to step in for a second because that statement is a big reason of why I wanted to do this review because it is 110% true.”
If you don’t have mirrors, you don’t know what you’re doing and I know that seems like kind of a pretty bold statement, but it is the truth. Everyone that relies on feel will keep making the exact same mistakes over and over and over again. You have to see what you’re doing and that’s how you achieve great changes like this that Jeff has. So back to his email.
“Also I found rotary swing because I was having lower back pain from my golf swing. Oftentimes I was forced to quit after nine holes. Now I have no pain at all, never had to stop early and I’m hitting the ball much better than I ever have. One of your drills that really helped me was the left at Frisbee toss training. Your left side is absolutely essential.”
Uh, that video on the site is called the Frisbee drill and it is one of my absolute favorites for teaching you everything that you need to know in the sequencing of the golf swing.

So let’s take a look. So the top is obviously when Jeff first started out and down below is where Jeff is. Now the first things I want you to look at, so pretend you’re looking at yourself in the mirror and what do you see different? You can see here at setup, it’s pretty obvious that he’s very right side dominant, has no access to, in fact he’s actually leaning toward the target and that is a death move for the golf swing cause it’s going to almost instantly guaranteed lead to reverse pivot. And if we go to frames over, hey, what do you know? That’s exactly what happened there. Now he’s going to set up behind the ball so much more powerful athletic setup. So he’s got a proper setup now got proper til his head’s not way out in front of the ball like he was here.
You could see here is way out in front of the ball. Now it’s right on the back of the the on the left year right where it’s supposed to be. As he goes back, he’s maintaining axis tilt, this is one of the first things I look at when I look at your swings on video. If you submit them for a lesson, do you have this line right here? The form by the back and shoulder leaning away from the target. If it looks like this, this is a shoulder tilt. Not a shoulder turn and this is what happens when you have no access tilt. But if you can look down in the middle here, you can see that his left shoulder or is, this is a line formed by his body here. Now we’ll go to the middle frame here where he’s at the top of his swing here.
He’s loaded up, much more powerful. He’s a couple of little things. Lower body’s got a little bit of extra hip turn. You can see during the takeaway, he did a great job keeping his hip turn pretty chilled out, but then as he got over here, he let those hips kick in a little bit and that’s why you see so much left knee kick in here and that’s a little bit of extra hip turn and that tends to lead to some other issues that can happen in the downswing. But for now that would be one of the big things I would talk about is minimizing that hip. Not minimizing, you need hip turn of course, but I’ve got to reduce it a little bit because the further you turn your hips going back, the further you got to turn them coming down. And that leads to a lot of sequencing and timing issues because they have to move very, very fast.
So now this frame is obviously maintaining a ton more lag in his golf swing. Barry was casting the club left, arm’s broken down here, but he mentioned a in his email that he’s working on that. So we’re making progress there. Now this is one of the things as we get into this frame that I tend to see quite a bit when golfers tend to overturn their hips a little bit and then push really hard off the right leg to try and get those hips back around, get them back to open and you’ll see just a little bit that left knee is out past the ankle. I don’t like seeing that because can lead to some hip issues and knee pain. Uh, all kinds of things. Like that that are totally avoidable. But the big thing that you should take away from this as look at the difference in his wristing, look at how much leverage he has built up in that right wrist versus the top frame where he’s completely cast the club.
In fact that should be basically be impact. He’s got nothing left to hit with. There’s no stored energy left, so you just got to kind of scoop and drag the club through. And in his case, as you see an impact, his hands are way behind the ball when he started and now they’re way in front of the ball. Massive, massive difference. Uh, the release actually was quite good before, so nothing, no big issues there. But now as we’re getting into, we have this leverage now we’ve actually got some oomph and that’s why he’s hitting the ball further than he ever has before without any pain. So excellent work. Jeff, thank you so much for Sarah and the lesson and members of look forward to if you have any questions or things, I post them down in the comments below and I’ll be happy to answer them for you. I hope you enjoyed these couple of quick tips and they help you become a more consistent golfer, but if ready to take your game to the next level, I want to offer you something else completely free that we’ve never done before and that is our RST five step introductory course that will walk you through rotary swing’s proprietary learning program that has helped hundreds of thousands of golfers around the world become more consistent and more pro for strikers.
If you like this course, which I know you will, we have so much more to share with you. We’ve got our bomb your driver course, our short game course, our Jack Nichols putting secret course. All of these things will help take you from a 30 handicap or 20 handicap wherever you are today and get you down into the single digits or even better. All you have to do is click the link in the description. You’ll get started right away. You’re going to start being able to see these videos that are going to help you learn how to become a more consistent ball striker and learn the secrets to how the tour pros use their bodies instead of just their arms and hands to become powerful and consistent. Ball striker. And Best of all, you can do these drills anywhere, any time. That’s right. They can be done indoors. In fact, it’s more productive as you’ll see in our introductory video. So if you’re ready to get started, click the link in the description and let’s start making you a much more consistent ball striker.