Right Arm in Downswing: Stop Casting

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In this video, you’ll find out: 1) How Tiger Woods builds lag for power, 2) What to feel with your right arm in the downswing to maintain lag, and 3) When you should fire your right arm for a powerful release.

  • Casting Caused by Extending Right Arm Early
  • Keep Right Arm Bent Late Into Downswing
  • Right Elbow Extends Like Piston Through Impact

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Sorry, Craig. It's none of these either. I cannot find it in your video library so it apparently is one that was a "recommended video" connected to another video. Could you ask Chuck since he is the one that did the video?
May 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donal. I just spoke with Chuck and he said the exact thing I listed below without anymore ideas. Any more clues or tips that can help? Was it a link sent in email to a newer video? I am happy to keep searching.
May 13, 2016
Sorry, Craig. It's none of these. It's an instruction video by Chuck and one other move he mentioned in it was a slight rotation of the right hand when beginning the downswing. The video gave me a much greater sense of the role of the right arm/hand in the downswing.
March 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donal. Try Squaring the Face Early, Golf Swing Release Drill, Right Arm Release in the Golf Swing, and Trace the Plane Line.
March 8, 2016
Chuck had a video about the role of the right arm/hand in the downswing that was extremely helpful to me; however, I cannot seem to find it again in your video library. One of several things he mentioned in the video was to drop the arms straight down to start the downswing, another was focused on keeping the left shoulder closed in the downswing. Could you possible guide me to this video? Thanks in advance. I had actually written down several keys from the video and ended up leaving the paper in my pants when I washed them - goodbye swing keys!!
March 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donal. Maybe Weight Shift Video Part 1, Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag, Key to Creating Lag or the Sledgehammer Drill. If those are incorrect let me know. I will come up with some further ideas.
March 4, 2016
One of my favorite videos and for some reason it won't play, could you guys check it out on your end? The others play just fine.
December 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Raymond. It is playing correctly on my end. If the problem is persisting. Please notify Customer Support. Apologize for the inconvenience.
December 26, 2015
I thought there should be some room between the elbow and the upper torso?
August 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You don't want to glue your right arm to your side. But, for extreme casters feeling it closer and bent will help retain a little more angle.
August 31, 2015
How do we work the rt elbow back towards the belly button? I know that Clay had said in the faults and fix section that you can't hold lag you are always either gaining it or releasing it. Thanks for your help.
August 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Take a look at the Step by Step Right Arm Drills to see if that helps you with your trail arm work.
August 19, 2015
My albatross is too much pushing from the right side at the start of the down swing. I get to the top and seem to let go from the right at about the same time as I am shifting my weight to the left. I try to keep my back to the target longer and keep my shoulders closed as I make the weight shift, but does not seem to work consistently. What muscles am I firing when I push from the right side at the top. If I can relax or delay engaging them maybe I will better understand the feeling needed for lag.
June 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Take a look at the Physics Video Part 1 for a good demonstration of what is going on in the Introduction Advanced Section. You need to turn the trail side off. Take a look at Proper Muscle Activation the Introduction Advanced Section.
June 29, 2015
As a longtime caster I'm used to losing lag early in the downswing, as well as losing spine angle as I stand up to avoid sticking my club in the ground because my arms are extended early. I've gotten away with it but have always been inconsistent. After studying the videos I now have a much better understanding of what I need to do but have a great deal of trouble maintaining my spine angle through the downswing. Any suggestions on what I can do to maintain my angles through the downswing and not stand up?
April 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. If you are standing up you more than likely are getting too much early extension with the hips. Take a look at the Losing the Tush Line Video and the Squat to Square Video in the Downswing Advanced Section to stabilize with the glutes and maintain the spine angle.
April 1, 2015
Thanks Craig. What I also failed to mention is that I tend to post up on my left leg (right actually because I'm a lefty) when I shift my weight to begin the downswing, as a result I'm not able to push off the ground. Is this caused by the same issue?
April 2, 2015
I think I've struggled to maintain lag because mentally when I get into the shot with that much lag I feel like I won't be able to make contact, and I tend to clip them off the hosel. Any thoughts here? Any videos that can help?
March 25, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Jason, if you watch the "Problems with poor ball position" you may find the answer to your quandary. If you get too much lag, it will cause problems with your path. To see what I mean you can watch the "How your lag affects your club path" video, you'll see what I mean. R.J.
March 25, 2015
November 14, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Ys, You want the upper right bicep and upper right pec to be touching each other but you don't want your right arm smashed up against your body. There should be a couple of inches between your elbow and your body when you come down to the ball in your downswing. Same as the backswing. R.J.
November 14, 2014
hi RJ I am going to start over and forget about Full Swing Advanced until I am more capable, that's my new plan. thanks for your comments.
October 17, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Good, doing the full program in order will assist you greatly and we will be here to assist you along the way. R.J.
October 18, 2014
sorry right arm only drill.
October 17, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Did my instruction work for you?
October 17, 2014
the video I mentioned was " throw the ball drill "
October 17, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Gary, This drill is for people who are casting the club at the top. It's an exaggeration drill to get people who get stuck and have no lag to get their elbow back in front of their body. However, when you build lag, you have to release it. If you h old the right arm angle too long and don't release in time, you will slice the ball. The throw the ball drill also teaches you how to release the right arm in the downswing whereas this drill is an isolation drill to help players to stop casting and help them build the lag. If you coupled this drill with the five minutes to the perfect release drill, you have similar results as the throw the ball drill. Combining this with the release drill will also work both arms whereas the throw the ball drill only does the right as it too is an isolation drill. So, this drill and the throw the ball drill are both teaching the same techniques but focusing on different parts of the swing during the same time frame. I hope this clears this up for you. R.J.
October 17, 2014
I am sure that if I try and retain the bent elbow I will come over the top and slice or push or push slice . my game has deteriated by trying this move , good for Tiger but who amongst us is Tiger. what I need is a video to help keep myself inside. I watched a video yesterday where a young guy was with Quentin and he was going over the probs he was having with pushing and slicing. that was the opposite in think of what this Casting video is saying , its all a bit confusing.
October 17, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Gary, There are a few videos that I want you to work on that I think will help you out. Sang-Moon Bae Hips for Lag (Latest videos) - This video will help you with sequencing the downswing, which will keep you from using too much arm in the downswing, which is the main cause of casting and coming over the top. Trace the Plane Line (Full Swing Advanced: Downswing) - This video will help you square up the club face coming into the ball with will help eliminate the slice. Re-shape Your Swing for Lag (Full Swing Program: Introduction) - This will help you get the general shape of the swing, which will make the other drills that we're trying to do a lot easier. 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release (Full Swing Program: Downswing) - This will help you release the club properly once you get into the proper positions. This will also help eliminate the slice. Try these videos out, it should help you with the issues that you've been having. Of course, I encourage you to do the program from the beginning and get all of your reps in that you need to do. Video tape yourself doing the drills and check to make sure that you're doing it like the instructors in the videos. Many times when we feel like we're doing it right, it isn't quite the truth when we put it to the camera test. The rotary swing program isn't just for people like Tiger. It works for everyone providing that you put in the work. It's like football players playing for a new offensive coordinator with a new system. You have to buy in to the system and go at it full force if you want to truly be successful. I am pulling for you to improve your game, Gary. I know that you're capable. You just have to believe in yourself and the system as much as I do. Good luck, R.J.
October 17, 2014
Is it the rotation of the upper body that brings the arms back in front of the body? My lower body still leads my swing but I find that I have to focus on my arms doing nothing and rotating my upper body to square to achieve this position. I've never been someone who drives my right shoulder though the swing so I still keep it back releasing the club while doing this.
October 7, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. Gravity and pull from the lead side is what helps the arms. As you start to pull from the obliques the hips will open relative to the target line. The left lat should engage to help bring the arms in front of you.
October 7, 2014
Again, if using Tiger's tee shot, with a driver, as an example for this instruction, why is Clay using an iron? I believe most of these downswing instruction should be illustrated with a driver as the irons are much easier to swing.
September 25, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Denzil. Thanks for the feedback. It is definitely something we will take into advisement.
September 25, 2014
Should The 20 degree rotation inward of the right elbow recommended to establish swing plane on backswing be maintained during downswing? Seems related to getting the elbow in front toward the belly as described in the video, although I have not seen mention of the right elbow rotation role after the backswing . Curious as my reviews have noted on occasion flying elbow and casting....looking for something that might help me here address both.
August 26, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerald. While taking the club back the trail arm rotates as you ad external humeral rotation. This motion cause the scapula to rotate clockwise. In effect putting it in a position to add speed to the swing from the rotation of torso down. Maintaining this link and the shoulder in the box allows the right arm to hit the relevant positions to add speed without the need to cast or throw the arms to make up for the disconnection. Your flying elbow and cast are due to this same principle. Take a look at the Over Swinging Video in the Advanced Backswing Section to understand how this motion supports your plane and keep the right arm intact. Keeping the connection on the way down allows the body to add speed. Versus the feeling of needing to cast the club to get t moving fast at the ball. The pull from the lead side will help shallow out the swing plane. You don't need to add more rotation from the trail side.
August 26, 2014
As a caster of the club for so many years I never thought that I could solve this problem and retain lag in the downswing. Clay's explanation of WHY one casts (firing the right triceps too early) was exceptional. By following this simple video to solve the problem I now realize that retaining lag was possible. I have regained the majority of my lost distance with a substantial degree of increased accuracy. This video alone (for me) was worth my investment in Rotary Swing. In just two weeks - and 7 rounds of golf - my handicap index has dropped over 3 points. This was fantastic!!!!
August 15, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Bernie. Keep up the good work! Good lag, more speed, and lower handicap! Take some of your buddies money.
August 15, 2014
Chris, sure did take some of my buddies money. Loved every minute of it. The best line was "I didn't out drive you all day. What in the world did you do?" I just smiled and said I was just watching some golf videos using bio-mechanical concepts and implemented them in my swing. I will try to take a video this weekend to upload. Thanks again.
August 17, 2014
This drill kind of confuses me. By trying to keep my right elbow bent and in front of me I release too late and hit it low on the blade and thin. I'm not quite sure where and when I should throw my right hand. This drill seems contradictory to the throw the ball drill. What am I missing?
July 31, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The throw the ball drill is to get rid of lag. This one is to start retaining more. The right arm has a function on the downswing. Some students cast and throw too soon. Others pull too much from the lead side and have to fire earlier.
July 31, 2014
When I look at my swing, it looks like I'm also losing the angle(s) in my wrists. And of course I'm still over swinging. Can't seem to stop that or the cast for that matter.
July 23, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Over swinging will lead to a loss of lag if the right shoulder drives too soon. Take a look at the Over Swinging Video and the 3 Functions of the Right Arm Video in the Backswing Advanced Section. Learn how to get more external humeral rotation. Make sure your elbow flexion is no more that 90 degrees. Both will help you stay on plane, maintain width, and get the arms/hands in the correct position to maintain lag. Look at the Downcock Pump drill in the Downswing Advanced Section to exaggerate the opposite of pushing the club out away from you.
July 23, 2014
Clay, I open up my shoulders too early from the top and therefor extend my right arm too early and consequently loose lag. Is this primarily a sequencing issue, or is it a control over the separation of upper from lower body issue? Should I feel like I'm moving on to my left leg sooner in the downswing, not rotating my hips at first and just really remaining passive and relaxed with my upper body? I do have trouble "turning off" my upper body in the downswing and keeping my shoulders from rotating too early in the downswing. Thanks, Robert
June 19, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. It's more than likely a sequencing issue understanding the pull from the left and shallowing out swing plane with the left arm. Take a look at a couple videos for me. LADD Video in the Downswing Section. Stop Coming Over the Top in the Downswing Section. Both will explain how the left side and left arm will shallow out the swing plane with passive shoulders.
June 20, 2014
Clay why would this video not be in the Fault/Fix section for over the top? Thanks.
May 12, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
This could very well have some fault fix in it but is best geared to the advanced downswing section.
May 12, 2014

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