Step 5 - Add the Trailing Arm - Drill Only

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Learn how to properly add the trailing arm in, step by step, to your 5 Step golf swing sequence of drills.

Okay. We're adding this crazy right hand that wants to dominate everything back in here, just doing the drills only. First drill right hand open palm. Mirror the movement. Let it come off. My legs, my core, my trunk, my brain is still down here. I'm thinking about what's going on here right now. I don't care about what my right arm does. It just happens to be following along, just mirroring the movement. We go to the top. We mirror it. Nothing's changing. We add out fingertips back in. Lightly touch it. Don't let it influence or change anything you've been working so hard on to this point. Let it come off. Focus on the core movements. Focus on what's happening here. Same thing from down the line, core movements. Forget about this. It's just going to mess everything up anyway. Then take your normal grip, still same thing. As you get comfortable, you can start holding on longer and longer. Notice, even as I did it there, my right hand VJ-ed it. I came off. I don't need to hold on to it tight. By holding onto it tight, I'm just going to slow the club down. It's called a release for a reason. Think about what that means. It means to literally let go.

                To let something accelerate, you must let it go. You got to release it, so if you're holding onto it really tight or pushing through with your hand, how could this thing possibly reach maximum speed until every angle you have is fully released? It can't. You're just hitting a check swing in baseball. You want to release it. Let it go to get that ball all the way back to home plate from center field. You want to let it go. As I'm coming into impact, I'm letting my right hand be very, very soft in the follow through. Keep working these drills. Let your right hand keep coming off, and you can absolutely hit balls doing these drills. Keep working at it. You keep doing these drills. You will see huge improvements.

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After finishing the 3k reps of each of the 5 drill only exercises I still have a long way to go to ingrain these into my own swing. I have been going back doing about 100 each of the 3 different areas each day I feel I could benefit the most from. In videos I don't see major things I'm doing wrong. I still have a long way to go just checking to see if you have any different advice?
January 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Fred. Without seeing the move it will be tough to know how well the new movement patterns are established. However, in the meantime take a look at Perfect Practice Makes Perfect and Why Your Real Swing and Your Practice Swing Aren't the Same Videos.
January 3, 2020
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Craig. Not sure if my question belongs to adding trail arm because my "problem" is also related to rotation. I can do the rotation drills, to pull your rear shoulder behind your head with arms crossed, lead arm out, with club upside down, club normal position, with club and ball but the moment I am in the course I often notice that "my body does not know how to start moving from address". Now I found a kind of "trigger" to make it easier. To start moving I use the last 3 fingers of my rear hand to pull my lead arm and club to the top of the backswing, Like I pull the string of a bow to shoot an arrow. What are the risks using this kind of trigger or what would be a better way?
October 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. You could end up dragging the hands/club and getting more of an armsy swing. I would suggest trail shoulder, or weight. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets Video.
October 23, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Craig! What do you mean by "I would suggest trail shoulder or weight"?
October 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. The trigger being pull trail shoulder, or shift weight.
October 23, 2019
This drill has given me the release I have been searching for. How I missed it earlier on in my studies I'm not sure. Can't wait to try it on the course. Thanks Chuck for your excellent course. Robert
July 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Thanks for the post and love to hear you will finally release the club!
July 21, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig, Marcel here. Not only for this drill but for all drills where club is in hand(s) and no ball is used. Does the club have to touch ground in every rep to make it a perfect rep? I see in this video that Chuck's club most of reps does not touch ground. Thanks for helping!
July 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. The club doesn't have to touch the ground. You will see some players have the hover when performing the drills.
July 19, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Graig! If your club does not touch the ground at swing low point is there not a risk you teach yourself to hit balls thin?
July 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. When you post properly and have full release of the club. It doesn't matter with a hover, or not. It will be hard to not take a proper shallow divot. The thin issue would come more into play with sliding, or changing your fulcrum position.
July 20, 2019
Chuck does the reps in a perpetual back and forth motion; is this more beneficial than say, resetting and starting each rep from the set up?
June 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Both are beneficial. One helps with weight transfer and allowing for some flow. But, resetting will make it more real golf scenario. I would warm up with some back and forth to get some rhythm and rhyme to the move. And, really start to ingrain with some resetting.
June 4, 2019
Chuck mentioned that we should try to train the trail arm by keeping it on the club longer and longer as we progress. Should reps with a trail hand happen at normal swing speed or should I do it first in slowmo? The reason I am asking is that I want to know exactly where I am messing up things. Right now I can do perfect full speed swing when I am letting go the trail arm at the top of the backswing. I am confused what should be the next step. If I am letting go at release it is already too late as I have pushed the club and lost lag. Sorry if my question is odd..
March 20, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
You should do it as fast possible while still doing it correctly. If you can't do it correctly, then we need to either gear down the speed or take something away and use a more basic form of the drill. If you're just starting out, ideally, you'd want to do the full drill in slow motion until you get a feel for what you should be doing in the swing.
March 20, 2019
Thank you for your reply! Right now I am in a phase were I am trying to do these drills with a ball. Everything is fine when I am not with the ball. In my review last year the DownCock Drill was the one I was recommended. I have practised it for a year now. I combined the DownCock Drill with the Transition Drill last fall. I am able to perform IMO perfect drills without the ball. In my review this was somewhat confirmed (Aaron was my instructor). I now have been focusing on trying to do these drills with a ball. In slowmo with the ball things are OK but when I am picking up the pace my right arm takes over and pushes causing me to lose lag and Chicken Wing a little. I have been trying to find a way to train my trail hand properly with a ball. As mentioned I am able to do full speed swing with a ball when I am letting go the right hand at the top. But if I try to go full speed and let go at release - totally different story! So I am a little bit stuck here. What should be my next step with a ball?
March 21, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Well, we don't want to use our arms in adding speed to our swing until our hands are in front of our trail side thigh, We should be concentrating on using the weight shift and rotation of the hips to get our hands down to where they need to be, then release the club. Make sure your thumbs aren't pushing against the shaft as well. Check out the grip how to video to make sure your thumbs are in the proper position on the club as many times when we cannot maintain lag in the swing, but cannot figure out why, the thumbs could be the culprit. It's really hard to say what the next step would be without seeing what the cause of the right arm, as you described it, would be.
March 21, 2019
Thank you R.J. for your reply! I rewhatched the Golf Grip video and my right hand was indeed in a wrong position. I made a change to my grip. Unfortunately it didn't cure the issue but I think that I just need to practice more now that I have a correct grip.
March 23, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome, Mikko, I'm looking forward to your next review.
March 23, 2019
Really at a loss here. I've done all the required reps through step 4, and about two thirds of the way through 5 and I'm more over the top than when I first started.
March 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. If you are sequencing the swing from the ground up and not over using the upper half it would be hard to come in over the top. I am sorry you are struggling implementing the swing. I would suggest 2 things. A swing review to let of our instructors check your progress and watch Why Your Practice Swing and Real Swing Aren't the Same Video. This will help you start to implement the newer movement pattern you have trained. Most players need to start very small and slowly when adding the ball back.
March 5, 2019
Hello Craig, I’ll go ahead and submit a video for review. I think I’m still struggling with weight shift with both hands on the club. I’ll let you tell me what you think and go from there. Perhaps start working 9 to 5 drills?
March 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Starting with 9 - 3 Drills is a good option. Let's see in the review what the culprit is before making too many plans.
March 6, 2019
Do you think is worthwhile to do these drills with my eyes closed?
February 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Henrique. Yes, if you can make sure you are performing the drill properly. Eyes closed wouldn't be a bad idea at all.
February 24, 2019
How does this accomodate the throw the ball theory of right hand?
April 6, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sambhu. The vast majority of golfers are too trail side dominant. You need the lead side to become the controller in the golf swing. With that said, it doesn't mean the trail hand doesn't have a role. The trail hand will be the speed hand and lead side control. You need to master ultimate control first, so when you add the trail hand it doesn't over dominate.
April 6, 2018
I have been working on the 5 step system all winter. Now that I have started hitting balls at the range as well as playing, my misses are slightly to the left. Sounds like I'm still firing from my right side but I don't feel like it.
March 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tim. You are either over using the trail side, or spinning the shoulders with your release. I would make sure your shoulders are off in the downswing and the release is gradual (Flip vs Release).
March 2, 2018
When doing the drill at first I had problems to get a constant impact while shadowing with the right hand and it was considerable better with touching the right fingertips. Later I realised that keepng the left arm as relaxed as possible solved that problem. Is there a drill for relaxing the left arm?
October 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andre. Relaxing the lead arm takes practice. I would work a little on the Moving the Fulcrum Video. Try and picture your fixed point staying the same and allow the lead arm to swing like a pendulum.
October 26, 2017
When doing this drill I struggled with keeping lag until I kept my left arm as straight as I could get it. It seems to me that by keeping the arm straight almost all the momentum is being transferred to the club head and as long as my wrists are supple I will get lag as I shift my weight to the left side. Does this make sense?
August 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. The lead arm preferable stays straight. This allows for supple wrist to increase the lag angle better and allow for the speed to come from the release of the wrist angle.
August 1, 2017
When I do this drill my back shoulder does not go under my chin. It stays somewhat closed and I feel like my hands do not stay low long enough after impact. What is causing this?
June 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. Back shoulder at impact? If your hands aren't staying low at impact you are probably not releasing the lead hand properly (Left Hand Release Drill).
June 23, 2017
Can we just assume that the right side is completely worthless in the golf swing then? Just using our left side, and only right side for the first core rotation?
May 25, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Matt, the right side is not useless by any means. The right side will help transfer power from the body, like a passive conduit so to speak. Most players over use that side of the body, so you want to work on gaining as much control as possible with the lead side and then slowly introduce the right side for adding more speed. See the throw the ball drill videos for examples of what I speak of. Hope that helps.
May 25, 2017
Awesome, thanks a lot, Chris. I will take a look at those videos. I guess I always feel like when I'm OTT it's always that darn right shoulder. I mean, I can feel it happen, I just want to yell at it to "stay back there" .
May 25, 2017
I'm having trouble adding the trail hand back on. I'm very consistent with the left arm only swings with bottoming out in the same spot. I can add the finger tips touching of the right hand and letting go at impact with good success. But when I move to the next step of open palming it my old habits kick in and I start pushing with the right side. I keep backing it off and doing left hand only and finger tips only but when I go back to open palming it I continue to struggle. Should I try doing right hand only drills to train my right side. Throw the ball drill? Any ideas? Thanks, Gary
May 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Are you able to identify when you add the trail hand is it the trail hand that throws or are you adding trail shoulder push as well?
May 23, 2017
I believe mainly trail hand but some push with the trail shoulder at times. I did the throw the ball drill yesterday at the range. I then hit some balls with the right hand only. I started out topping them so I know that was due to trail shoulder push. I did start hitting them well after a few swings. I recorded myself doing the right arm only with a club and that looked good. Forward shaft lean, right shoulder back, etc. I feel like I need to keep training them both separately. Is it possible to pull from the left too much while pushing with the right hand? I've been hitting a lot of blocks/pushes and shanks the past week or so.
May 24, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Yes, it is possible to pull too hard with the lead and then try to save with some trail push. That is what is sounds like you are doing. What I would do is work up gradually, or practice letting it go. Use the Perfecting Your Golf Impact Series. Master the 9 to 3 with the trail hand on before going full bore. If you can already achieve that. Try some Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks 4 of 6 Drills. Sequencing pieces allowing the trail to fall off.
May 24, 2017
Thanks Craig. Yeah I did a lot of 9 to 3 yesterday with both hands after doing right arm only drills . Had good contact. Prior to that I've been doing a lot of left arm only combined with left hand with the finger tips of the right hand on and letting go at impact. As crazy as it seems to me. I think the throw the ball drill and right arm only drill is helping my right side better than left arm only because I will sometimes push with my right foot when doing the left arm only drills.
May 24, 2017
why does it feel like my trail shoulder does not want to release after my lead arm has gone thru? Randy
May 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. The trail shoulder needs to stay pretty stable. But, the arm/hand need to follow through impact. Take a look at Right Arm Release.
May 21, 2017
Hi Craig, thanks a lot for the last swing review, really helpful. You mentioned that I had sufficient amount of lag in the initial downswing when the lead arm is parallel to the ground, but when the hands reach the position of trail thigh, I somehow dropped the angles a bit (instead of shaft parallel to the ground). I'm puzzled as to what exactly caused me to lose that angle earlier if the initial mount of lag is ok? Did I then still rush the release with my right side? If yes, which part of the right side is the major contributor? I can do this fine in slow motion and pull my left arm to the ideal release position with club parallel to ground, but when I try to repeat this in normal pace and apply more speed and power then I can't seem to maintain the angle well. Thank you.
October 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. No problem for the review. 1) Over use of trail hand/arm and the act of using it slowed down the lead hand. 2) When players add their trail hand they stop using the lead. They are afraid they will get too ahead of the ball.
October 4, 2016
Thanks Craig. Your explanation makes a lot of sense. Also just wondering if axis tilt/head position at impact play a role as well? You mentioned in my review that for irons we almost want to feel the axis tilt may even decrease a bit at impact, which I suppose implies the left ear may be slightly in front of the ball vs the setup position. Is this good for iron strike and preserving the wrist angle for a bit longer?
October 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. That would be a feeling. You don't want to get ahead of the ball with the head. Remember the Level Shoulders Drill. The feeling of the lead shoulder staying down as the trail stays back and higher. That will keep you from too much secondary tilt. Same sort of image I was referring too. It may help with a little lag preservation. But, not a major amount.
October 5, 2016
Hi Craig, re: last swing review, reason my weight was stacked is I was doing 9-3 drill. Am I still spinning my shoulders too much? Should I feel like my shoulders are shut at impact and post impact? Thanks.
August 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Neal. It is more the initial spin. Feeling the back to the target earlier in the transition (How to Fix Plane and Path Video) could help.
August 17, 2016
Chuck, I tend to have the opposite problem. I tend to be too lead side dominate and feel like my right hand is just along for the ride. Should I focus more on right hand only drills or throw the ball drill more to balance this out?
July 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. Are you struggling with too much lag? I would focus more on the Throw the Club Head at the Ball Video.
July 15, 2016
Just today began to watch the 5-step golf instruction series. Awesome, easy to understand, and the website is easy to navigate. I am in my 50th year of playing golf and have always fought a right hand dominated flip hook as my main miss. I often speak of wanting to cut off my right hand! The progression of these 5 steps gives me hope that I can learn to swing the golf club without flipping my hands, and actually hit consistent quality golf shots. The tip of starting the downswing and weight shift by turning the left knee to the left is very helpful and feels good when I do the drills. Can't wait to practice tomorrow! Thanks for the great instruction.
July 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Thanks for the post and compliments of the instruction. If you master the weight shift and lead side pull. You should be able to start conquering that flip into the ball.
July 2, 2016
If we want to not hold on tight with right hand into impact, should the grip pressure be the same from the start of the takeaway. I tend to want the right hand tighter at the takeaway because I am focusing on pulling the club back instead of pushing with the left. If the right hand loosens on the way down, when should I focus on such?
June 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Try to loosen a little in the takeaway. I don't want you to have a death grip with the trail hand to execute a proper rotation or pull. Also, the grip pressure with the trail hand should be relatively light throughout the backswing. Therefore, making it easier to feel like it isn't steering as you start to release into impact. Try not to go from really firm at the start to less coming down.
June 28, 2016
I have been able to do well and be in good positions with my left hand only and pretty much every swing I have good lag and impact how you want it. When I do the mirroring of the right arm that is in good positioning as well. But when I add just my fingers and obviously my right hand I get early release and I assume it would be over the top. If this is happening do I just have to keep doing the mirror of the right hand and try to bring right hand in later on. Gets frustrating when every swing with left hand only works but any time I add my right hand or fingers it goes bad. How do you get your brain to change!
June 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. It takes time and patience. Learning the new motor patterns is a tough process. Continue to push yourself. If lead arm only is great. Add a little trail hand. If it breaks down, go back a step and continue to push through.
June 22, 2016
I am doing these drills in my garage into a golf net and every couple of days I hit the course. Typically around the first 6 or 7 holes it feels like I get good compression and my distance is better except short irons. But then sometimes after those first 7 holes I start to get back into old habits where trajectory is higher and not as compressed. But then there are times when I get a shank. Do you see some of your students that have early release problems and OTT move that when starting to learn this new movement it crosses with the old and shanks creep in?
June 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Usually students start to shallow a little too much with lack of release causing the shank when learning the new movements. Focus on the weight shift and not rushing the arms down. Allow for the wrist movements to release the club.
June 23, 2016
I've been coming over the top and slicing and not releasing because I often find that I don't follow through. I absolutely understand the release but don't feel that I get enough speed if I let the club start swinging down by shifting weight alone, so, I think, I don't trust it so put power (right hand in) too early. It makes complete sense to allow the club to only move with the weight transfer but at some point the arms have to take over, swing through and release. If I watch the pros, they appear to power the swing with weight shift and the arms simultaneously - the women pros seem to power the arms later in the swing. There is a question here somewhere. I think that trusting the weight shift will cure the over the top swing because the path will sort itself but where should I start to power the hands and arms? Hope this makes sense!
June 16, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Colin, If you use your lower half to do all of the heavy lifting by pulling the shoulders and arms down into the release point of the swing, it will be very hard to swing OTT. It's hard to trust that there will be speed, but with proper sequencing and the kinetic chain, you will make tons of speed by using your legs more for sure.
June 16, 2016
Wow! I've only joined and what I've learned in 2 days has been much more intuitive from what I've been told/read in the past 8 years I've been playing golf. I've been working on these moves and already after two sessions I can feel what I should be doing in regards to the weight shift/hip turn. From the shots I've hit well, all the power coming from the hip turn I can instantly feel the compression I'm getting which I've never felt before. I understand this takes time and a lot of practice, I'm not blinded to think I'm gonna master this with a couple of days practice. The problem I'm still having, I know this because I use zepp to record my swing path and I can also feel myself doing it but unable to stop myself or seem to correct it is I'm still coming over the top. I'm either pulling shots completely left or hitting a slice (not too bad, but I know it would be much worse with a driver in hand) 90% of the time. I did hit a few great shots which I can feel compression which have been longer than my standard length but they are mainly lucky shots as zepp still confirms a negative swing path so I still feel I'm turning my shoulders and using my right hand. Any ideas you could recommend? Or do you think I should keep working on the drills and hope they come good eventually? Which I'm sure they will. Btw, after watching the videos it's hard to believe the power and swing is generated by the core but instantly attempting the drills you get a real feel how much more power which can be generated. I'm really looking forward to the day I can repeat this swing again and again and hopefully an in to out swing plane. For the life of me I just can't seem to get it :-( so frustrating
June 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. Thanks for the compliments of our instruction and site. If you struggle with over the top the main keys you have to attain are proper weight shift and a quiet trail side. Take a look at the Over the Top Stick Drill to continue your progress with weight shift and lead side pull. But, exaggerate the trail shoulder being turned off to help shallow the path. Also, the Stop Coming Over the Top and Slicing Video for knowledge.
June 8, 2016
Amazing. I can hit the ball left hand only, or right hand only using this drill. Just SHADOWING the left hand with the right makes me fall apart. No smooth tempo, no good release. Instead a lurch and a deep furrow over the ball. Thunk! I can make a decent? pass with a regular grip and it will be about 75% right side and maybe one our of four balls real smooth with correct motion. Something about that right side...I just will keep working until it's four out of four correct moves. BTW, when I do the post up correctly is when I get the nice swing, otherwise I do two weight to hips square and shoulder pulled down, the next move is beyond NJA and right hand takeover. Anyone who masters this swing has earned it! Kudos...Am I supposed to make the downswing two moves in practice? One to hips square, the next to post up and release? that's what I'm working on...advice or encouragement would be helpful. thanks a bunch
May 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roderick. Keep at the hard work. It will get there. Promise. When you are trying to use a non-dominant side after years of using your dominant side it doesn't go away overnight. Persistence and quality of practice will break the barrier. Ideally, by this point you will want the shift and post hope blended into a one piece move. Not shifting (stop), then continue on and post up.
May 3, 2016
thanks a bunch! tomorrow I will work on a more flowing, slower move concentrating on the feel of the left hand release/turnover
May 3, 2016
The most unbelieveably understandble explanation of the golf swing I've ever encountered. I think I FINALLY, after 71 years of trying and lessons from a number of "professionals", now understand the principles of the golf swing. Where were you when I was young! Your videos, including this one, have transformed my swing in just 3 weeks to something that I'm not only proud of, but one that is SOOO much easier on my body, AND one that actually works for ALL MY CLUBS without changing it! Not to mention that I picked up accuracy and distance on every club. Can't thank you enough for such a clear explanation of how to get the right side domination out of the swing and allow the core to do the work.
May 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerald. We appreciate the kind words and positive post. Happy to hear the swing is improving and you are pleased with our quality of instruction.
May 2, 2016
You guys produce a lot of great training videos, but this 5 step series is freakin AWESOME!!! Without a doubt the best explanation of the fundamentals I ever seen. Can't wait to start working on them and get more consistency in my game. Thanks a bunch!!!
May 1, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for being such a great supporter of RST Frank and we hope you get some great progress with the new series.
May 1, 2016
Got to say, this is a great series, and has renewed my enthusiasm for RST.
April 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Ken. Thanks for the positive feedback.
April 29, 2016
Good series. I have had the opposite problem to James (below) in that my right hand has been too involved in the backswing. It has got on top of the left hand and caused a closed clubface, resulting in bad pulls left. Taking the right hand off allows the clubface to rotate open naturally. I am working on holding the club much lighter with the right hand now.
April 28, 2016
All good things you're learning and workin on there, keep it up!
April 28, 2016
OK Thanks that what I needed to know
April 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Great. Keep us up to date if you have any further questions.
April 26, 2016
Thanks this 5 step series really has help me understand that I have been over passive with my right hand. One question I have trained really hard on the release so at the end of the day will the release continue with the 5 steps?
April 25, 2016
Not sure I follow? Nothing changes with the release, you still release the club exactly as per the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release.
April 26, 2016
Great series. Always enjoy new content particularly this drill. Will we practice gaining speed using the trail arm (example: throw the ball) after this drill is mastered? Or will some people feel themselves have an active trail arm (throw the ball) and some people feel more of what this drill is teaching....a passive trail arm. Thanks!
April 24, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Stan- the trail arm is used for speed in the release throughout the hitting area. We want the majority of golfers to feel a passive right arm because they tend to push really hard with the right side in the downswing which can cause an over the top action, can lead to flipping, a loss of lag etc... Once we have the basic motion and good understanding of pulling with the lead arm and have a passive trail arm while shallowing out the plane, thats when we fire with the right arm for speed!
April 24, 2016

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