Glute Smash

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This exercise is all about breaking up the binding adhesions that keep the muscle either in spasm or from gliding properly within the connective tissue. You may feel this is extremely difficult and painful at first, if so, that means you need to do it! And it means you need to do it a lot! You simply won't be able to properly fire the glute if it is bound up with tight spots and adhesions and this exercise will help you get rid of them yourself.

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I have been doing the smash drill for about 3 days now and noticed an immediate improvement in flexibility. I can now easily bend over and touch my toes and the ground. Lower back pain is greatly reduced. Before I was 3-4 inches from reaching my toes even after stretching! I also noticed a swing speed increase from about 94/96 to 100 with no extra effort. Is this all possible and/or likely just from this drill or is something else going on?
March 21, 2017
Ron that is GREAT! So glad it's working for you.With increased flexibly comes increased muscle recruitment and the ability to generate more speed.
March 23, 2017
Damien: Will this and the pigeon pose help with internal hip rotation? If not, do you have any stretches or massage exercises for this issue? Thanks. Bob
March 13, 2017
Hey Robert, This is great for aiding in preventing the hips from internally rotating. The more effectively we can strengthen our glutes the more stable your hips will become and less likely your hips will internally rotate. Remember it's a balance between overactive hamstring and lengthen hips that will cause internal rotation.
March 14, 2017
I own a foam roller, can I use this for the "smash"? Where should it be positioned?
March 12, 2017
Yes a foam roller will work as well. You are trying to work the entire glute so position the roller on the center of each glute and work outward. Build up to around 4 or 5 min each side. Thanks!
March 13, 2017
How long do I need to do this with the nova ball? 2 weeks or 3 weeks? How will I know when I am ready for the Pigeon pose?
March 9, 2017
Hey Randy, Your smash exercise will last as long as you have some pain while doing it. As a rule of thumb in regards to SMR exercises, If it's causing you pain it's tight muscles. The time duration will varies from person to person. The two exercises should be done back to back in the same session. Start with Smash for up to 5 min each side then move on to the pigeon pose.
March 12, 2017
What if I have no softball or ball that you are using? Can I use a Frozen Water Bottle?
March 8, 2017
Hey Glen, Yes that will work, but is not the ideal. Most sporting goods stores you can find a soft ball for around $4. It's going to be a very solid investment.
March 9, 2017
How do foam rollers compare to the super nova ball for glutes?
March 9, 2017
Let's call them cousins. They accomplish the same thing in regards to SMR (Breaking up muscle knots). However a soft ball/supernova ball will be able to get a more local (Spot specific) areas that are sometime more difficult to reach with a foam roller.
March 9, 2017

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