3 Easy Exercises to Fix Posture

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Find out three easy drills to do in the gym or on the course to improve your posture and help you build a better, repeatable swing: Band Pull Apart, Band No-Money, and Pec Stretch.

  • Band Pull Apart:
  • Grab an elastic exercise band 
  • Hold it at shoulder-height. Pull it apart with your elbows locked, using your back and shoulders.
  • Repeat 15 times
  • Band No-Money:
  • Grab an elastic band
  • Keep your elbows against your ribcage with your palms up and pull the band apart
  • Repeat 15 times
  • Pec Stretch:
  • Place your hand on a doorway or wall above your head, forming a 90-degree angle at your elbow.
  • Twist your body away, feeling a stretch at your chest.

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Is this a specific exercise band?
August 6, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alex. Not a specific brand. Just one with enough resistance.
August 6, 2018
Regarding the final exercise, the Pec Stretch, do you do this with both sides?
November 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Yes, both sides will help you keep a good balance.
November 28, 2016
excellent tips
March 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Phil. Anthony has some great advice.
March 28, 2015
I find it very difficult to cock my wrists. I have worked with my hands my whole life, and while I have a lot of strength in my wrists, I have trouble bending my wrists to complete the cocking motion. Any recommendations to correct this?
December 29, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. You don't need to worry about having a massive wrist cock in the golf swing. It is gradual throughout. Just stay relaxed and allow for a little bit of cock and hinge. Take a look at the Using the Wrist Efficiently Video in the Advanced Introduction Section.
December 29, 2014
Great exercises I enjoyed watching. While I was watching it I realize you might help me. I have a trouble keep my left arm straight due to tight left shoulder. I guess my left shoulder would not rotate enough and feel so tight so I was just wondering if you have any good stretch for it.
May 19, 2014
Anthony (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for your comment! It'll be hard to say the exact cause without doing an assessment, but here are some helpful videos I think will help: https://vimeo.com/79831296 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH3REKO54gg https://vimeo.com/79073603 http://www.swingstrengthgolf.com/warmup-stretches-golf/ Anthony
May 20, 2014

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