
What is the Rotary Golf Swing?

What is the Rotary Golf Swing?

A quick introduction to the science-based Rotary Swing Tour (RST) golf swing system. The RST online golf instruction videos which teach you a proper golf swing that is powerful, consis...

Intro to Weight Shift in the Golf Swing

Intro to Weight Shift in the Golf Swing

Weight shift in the golf swing is the FIRST thing you must master before worrying about...
Pushing vs. Pulling - Golf Swing Physics

Pushing vs. Pulling - Golf Swing Physics

This 7 part video series walks you through the keys of RST. This first video shows you ...
Golf Impact - Part 2 of 7

Golf Impact - Part 2 of 7

In part 2 of this new 7 part video series, I'll discuss one of the most important parts...
Increase Clubhead Speed with Proper Release - Part 3 of 7

Increase Clubhead Speed with Proper Release - Part 3 of 7

In part 3 of the "Keys to RST" series, I am going to show you how to increase your club...
Sequencing the Downswing - Dump Truck and Drag Racer

Sequencing the Downswing - Dump Truck and Drag Racer

Sequencing the downswing is the HARDEST overall part of the golf swing - and also the ...
Using your wrists for speed in golf swing - 5 of 7

Using your wrists for speed in golf swing - 5 of 7

Your body uses tension as its primary mechanism to sequence the golf swing. In general,...
Pull for a perfect takeaway - 6 of 7

Pull for a perfect takeaway - 6 of 7

So many golfers try to perfect the takeaway in the swing and they constantly fight an u...
Keeping Clubhead Speed As You Get Older - 7 of 7

Keeping Clubhead Speed As You Get Older - 7 of 7

You don't have to start hitting it dramatically shorter just because you're getting old...
The Big Picture of the Golf Swing

The Big Picture of the Golf Swing

Don't lose sight of the forest for the trees! This video gives you the "big picture" vi...
The TRUE Fundamentals of the Golf Swing

The TRUE Fundamentals of the Golf Swing

Do you REALLY know what the fundamentals of the golf swing are?
See RotarySwing Tour in Action

See RotarySwing Tour in Action

Learn more about the RotarySwing Tour golf swing method in this introductory video by R...
Why RST Begins with Rotary

Why RST Begins with Rotary

I want you to have the most efficient and powerful swing possible. In this video, I'...

RST Overview - Perfect Golf Swing

RST Overview - Perfect Golf Swing

A complete overview of the RST (RotarySwing Tour) golf swing method. Get the big pictur...
How to Stack RotarySwing Golf Swing Drills

How to Stack RotarySwing Golf Swing Drills

Rotary Golf Swing is all about stacking drills, one on top of the other, to methodicall...
Reshaping Your Golf Swing for Lag

Reshaping Your Golf Swing for Lag

It's no secret that you want more lag in your swing. In this incredible video, I giv...

Moving the Fulcrum & Hitting Shots off the Toe

Moving the Fulcrum & Hitting Shots off the Toe

It's one of my most important golf instruction videos ever, this will completely transf...
Flip vs. Release in Golf

Flip vs. Release in Golf

What is the difference between a proper golf club release and a flip in the golf swing?...
Learning How To Learn

Learning How To Learn

Perhaps one of the most important videos, this covers how to truly make DRAMATIC, VI...

RST Performance Rating Center

RST Performance Rating Center

Introducing a perfect way to track your golf swing change progress with the new RST Per...
What You Should Think Over the Golf Ball

What You Should Think Over the Golf Ball

I get asked all the time what I'm thinking over the ball. This video finally answers it...
Iron vs. Driver Swing

Iron vs. Driver Swing

Just how different should your iron swing be vs. your driver swing? The answer will sur...
Why Your Practice Swing and Real Swing Aren't the Same

Why Your Practice Swing and Real Swing Aren't the Same

Why are my practice swings so different from my real swings? This age old question has ...
Speed vs. Power in the Golf Swing

Speed vs. Power in the Golf Swing

Speed vs. Power - Which is it that you want in the golf swing? Many golfers think th...

How to Maintain Club Head Speed as You Get Older

How to Maintain Club Head Speed as You Get Older

You don't have to start hitting it dramatically shorter just because you're getting ...

RST Student Makes Awesome Swing Change And Wins Her Club Championship

RST Student Makes Awesome Swing Change And Wins Her Club Championship

In this video, I will show you how a RST student made great progress on her golf swing ...
How To Practice Golf

How To Practice Golf

How do I practice is the most common question I hear and this video helps you unders...

TRUTHS of Instruction - Part 1

TRUTHS of Instruction - Part 1 exposes the dark and nasty truths about golf instruction and why it ...

TRUTHS of Instruction - Part 2

TRUTHS of Instruction - Part 2

A continuation of part 1...

TRUTHS of Instruction - Part 3

TRUTHS of Instruction - Part 3

This video discusses the fundamentals of the golf swing from a high-level perspectiv...

How the Brain Learns - Pt 1

How the Brain Learns - Pt 1

The key here is understanding how the brain learns new movement patterns. You will s...

How the Brain Learns - Part 2

How the Brain Learns - Part 2

Continuation of Part 4, we get more in depth on neuro-muscular re-education.

Proper Muscle Activation

Proper Muscle Activation

Understanding how to properly activate muscles is critical for producing effortless ...

Throw for More Natural Golf Swing

Throw for More Natural Golf Swing

Do you want a more natural golf swing with much more speed? Then you need to focus o...

How To Use A Golf Impact Bag Properly

How To Use A Golf Impact Bag Properly

In this video, I'll tell you why I believe the impact bag is one of the best training a...
Wide-Narrow-Wide Golf Swing Shape

Wide-Narrow-Wide Golf Swing Shape

Every single PGA Pro swings wide-narrow-wide. Often, though, when this typical shape...

Using the Wrists in the Golf Swing

Using the Wrists in the Golf Swing

The wrists play a very dynamic role in your golf swing. In this video, I'll cover th...

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect

Making your swing changes work for you on the driving range can be a very frustrating p...
Tour Tempo Micro Player

Tour Tempo Micro Player

The Tour Tempo Micro Player is a great training aid to help you build that buttery smoo...
URG - Spots Now Open

URG - Spots Now Open

Get unlimited golf swing reviews online!


5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Setup

5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Setup

This follow along video teaches you the perfect setup in only 5 minutes. This video includes a program to follow at the end that will have you setting up to the perfectly every time in...

Golf Grip Checkpoint Tips

Golf Grip Checkpoint Tips

For years, golf instructors have put band-aids on your golf grip and your golf swing b...
Proper Tee Height | Optimize Distance and Control

Proper Tee Height | Optimize Distance and Control

In this video, you'll see the importance of using different tee height positions with y...
Problems Caused by Poor Ball Position

Problems Caused by Poor Ball Position

Having the ball in the wrong position will not only cost you accuracy, but as this v...

Should You Splay Your Feet At Setup

Should You Splay Your Feet At Setup

In a perfect golf setup, should your feet point out or be square to the target? This...

Importance of Axis Tilt at Setup

Importance of Axis Tilt at Setup

The importance of axis tilt at address can not be overstated. It significantly impac...

How Your Setup is Causing Your Left Arm to Bend

How Your Setup is Causing Your Left Arm to Bend

I bet you've never heard this explanation for why your left arm is bending at the top o...
Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes

Common Golf Setup Faults and Fixes

Having a poor golf setup position can cost you clubhead speed and make it difficult to ...
Driver Setup Adjustments

Driver Setup Adjustments

How to set up for the driver is something that I get asked all the time. All the gol...

Golf Setup & Posture

Golf Setup & Posture

Golf posture is one of the most overlooked critical aspects of the golf swing, but one ...
Finding True Golf Swing Balance

Finding True Golf Swing Balance

Finding proper balance is a key fundamental to a sound golf swing. This video talks ...

Swing Faults When Your Stance is Too Wide

Swing Faults When Your Stance is Too Wide

One of the most common problems with the setup, here's what happens when your stance...

Determining Proper Stance Width

Determining Proper Stance Width

Do you think your stance width is based on the width of your shoulders? Think again....

Weight on the Balls of the Feet

Weight on the Balls of the Feet

There are numerous problems with this old swing myth that you should setup on the ba...

How Far to Stand from the Golf Ball

How Far to Stand from the Golf Ball

Learn how far you should stand from the ball at setup.
Connect to Your Core - Get in Box

Connect to Your Core - Get in Box

This video gives you a drill to get connected to your core and "in the box." It is i...

Axis Tilt at Setup and Why It's So Important

Axis Tilt at Setup and Why It's So Important

The last key piece to understand how to get setup properly is to get the proper amou...

Increase Clubhead Speed with Your Pinky

Increase Clubhead Speed with Your Pinky

Learn how this one simple golf swing grip tip can increase your clubhead speed 5 mph!
Hinging From the Hip

Hinging From the Hip

How do you determine the proper spine angle at address? This video shows you how and...

The Golf Grip and Being Out of the Box

The Golf Grip and Being Out of the Box

Another video to disspell some of the common swing myths. This one deals with the ol...

How Knee Flex Determines Swing Plane

How Knee Flex Determines Swing Plane

Do you struggle with swinging too far from the inside? Part of the problem could actual...
The Golf Grip - How To

The Golf Grip - How To

Much has been written on the importance of a good grip over the years, Ben Hogan dev...

Proper Golf Ball Position

Proper Golf Ball Position

The answer to whether the ball position should be a constant or moved from club to club.
Golf Grip's Effect on Swing Plane

Golf Grip's Effect on Swing Plane

Having a proper grip is crucial for club face control and lag in the golf swing. In ...

How to Align Your Body for Straight Golf Shots

How to Align Your Body for Straight Golf Shots

If you don't know how to aim in golf, your RST mechanics won't matter. Find out how ...

Fix Inside Takeaway - Forward Press

Fix Inside Takeaway - Forward Press

If you've ever wondered whether or not you should have a forward press at setup, this g...
Are Your Golf Grips Fit Properly?

Are Your Golf Grips Fit Properly?

How to know if the size of your golf grips is holding back your game.
Fix Reverse Pivot - Trail Side Dominant Setup

Fix Reverse Pivot - Trail Side Dominant Setup

This golf setup check is critical to getting rid of a reverse pivot and over the top do...
Right Elbow Pit in Golf Backswing

Right Elbow Pit in Golf Backswing

Do you struggle, like most golfers, with a flying right elbow at the top of the back...

Golf Alignment of Your Feet

Golf Alignment of Your Feet

Alignment in golf requires an understanding of where your feet are actually pointing an...
The Gorilla Grip

The Gorilla Grip

Here’s a golf instruction myth about the grip that can’t die soon enough. The myth s...

Weight Shift

5 Minute Golf Setup w/ Weight Shift

5 Minute Golf Setup w/ Weight Shift

Once you've mastered the setup, you can add weight shift to your program to begin developing the motor skills needed for one of the most important aspects of the golf swing.

Weight Shift in the Golf Swing - Pt. 1

Weight Shift in the Golf Swing - Pt. 1

Using our Science and Motion (SAM) Balance Lab, we can pin point weight shift and we...

Weight Shift Part 2 - Right Hip Line

Weight Shift Part 2 - Right Hip Line

In this second video on understanding weight shift in the golf swing, I discuss spec...

Weight Shift Part 3 - To the Left

Weight Shift Part 3 - To the Left

The culmination in the three part series on correct weight shift in the golf swing g...

Start Downswing Before Completing Backswing

Start Downswing Before Completing Backswing

You need to start your downswing before completing your backswing. This pro-style tr...

Frisbee Drill for Sequencing Downswing

Frisbee Drill for Sequencing Downswing

If you struggle with weight shift and creating lag in your swing, this video will help ...
Weight Shift Sweep Drills

Weight Shift Sweep Drills

The best golf swing drill for weight shift right before you play or when you're just on...
Which Muscles to Feel During Golf Swing Transition

Which Muscles to Feel During Golf Swing Transition

Learn exactly which muscles you should feel and in what sequence during the golf swing ...


5 Minutes to Master Rotation

5 Minutes to Master Rotation

This video holds the 5 step pathway to mastering rotation in the golf swing. At the end of this 15 minute video is a workout program for you to follow once you've completed "5 Minutes ...

Golf Takeaway, 5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Takeaway

Golf Takeaway, 5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Takeaway

This 30 minute long golf instruction video is key to setting you on the right path f...

Golf Takeaway | Overview

Golf Takeaway | Overview

An overview of the RST takeaway by RST Founder, Chuck Quinton. This video walks you thr...
Learn a Perfect Golf Takeaway with Just a 2 Inch Movement!

Learn a Perfect Golf Takeaway with Just a 2 Inch Movement!

Learn how to pull in this video:
Posture's Effect on the Takeaway

Posture's Effect on the Takeaway

Posture at address is something that Tiger Woods always does right and it's somethin...

Golf Swing Takeaway & Drills

Golf Swing Takeaway & Drills

The golf takeaway has been described by golf instructors countless ways, so many way...

Understanding Shoulder Blade Glide

Understanding Shoulder Blade Glide

If you have questions about exactly what the shoulder blade glide is or what it shou...

Fix Inside Takeaway - Pushing with the Lead Side

Fix Inside Takeaway - Pushing with the Lead Side

An extremely common swing fault, so common that many golf instructors actually teach...

The Bucket Drill - Golf Shoulder Turn

The Bucket Drill - Golf Shoulder Turn

The Bucket Drill is one that provides a very simple and clear picture on how to rota...

Role of the Right Arm - Takeaway

Role of the Right Arm - Takeaway

Collapsing the right arm early is something that at least 90% of amateur golfers str...

Right Wrist in the Takeaway

Right Wrist in the Takeaway

The role of right wrist in the takeaway is often misunderstood and has been the sour...

How to Fix an Inside Takeaway

How to Fix an Inside Takeaway

This one simple trick will fix an inside takeaway instantly, I guarantee it!
Fix Inside Takeaway - Shake Hands Drill

Fix Inside Takeaway - Shake Hands Drill

This is the best golf swing drill to teach you exactly how your hands should work durin...
Fix Inside Takeaway - Belly Button Drill

Fix Inside Takeaway - Belly Button Drill

This simple takeaway drill will give you that one piece takeaway you've been looking fo...
RST Pencil Tee Drill

RST Pencil Tee Drill

Have you found yourself struggling with a shut or open clubface in the takeaway? If ...

One Simple Key to Fix Your Takeaway

One Simple Key to Fix Your Takeaway

In this video, I’ll show you the one swing change that’ll fix your takeaway once and...


5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Backswing

5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Backswing

Once you've mastered the takeaway using our "5 Minutes to the Perfect Takeaway" video, you're ready to begin the process of building the perfect top of the backswing position that even...

Simplify Your Backswing with Shallow Arms

Simplify Your Backswing with Shallow Arms

Make this one simple change to reduce tension in your backswing to start hitting more E...
Push vs. Pull in the Golf Swing

Push vs. Pull in the Golf Swing

Should you push or pull in the golf swing? This video helps you understand which is bes...
5 Minutes to a Perfect Backswing Pitfalls

5 Minutes to a Perfect Backswing Pitfalls

In this premium video, I am going to cover some of the common mistakes that RST stud...

Fix Loose Lower Body w/ Laser Beam Knee Drills

Fix Loose Lower Body w/ Laser Beam Knee Drills

Lower body stability is key for power and accuracy in the golf swing. This drill will h...
DEAD Drill Step 1 - The Backswing

DEAD Drill Step 1 - The Backswing

Here's the first step in building your perfect golf swing using the DEAD Drill. It's cr...
Creating a Swing Plane

Creating a Swing Plane

So many golfers struggle with their ball striking because they misunderstand the con...

DEAD Drill Step 1 - The Backswing - Junior Program

DEAD Drill Step 1 - The Backswing - Junior Program

RotarySwing Golf Junior Program - Backswing Drill for a consistent, powerful and safe g...
Understanding Shoulder Elevation

Understanding Shoulder Elevation

At the request of members from the forum, Al Consoli has put together this great vid...

My Golf Backswing Secrets

My Golf Backswing Secrets

My keys to success for a perfect golf backswing - how to make the backswing simple and ...
Right Arm Backswing Drill

Right Arm Backswing Drill

This is an excellent drill to train your mind to use your torso rotation to move the...

Cure Reverse Pivot w/ the Necktie Drill

Cure Reverse Pivot w/ the Necktie Drill

Axis tilt is a necessary fundamental of the golf swing that many golfers ignore or f...

Understanding Arm Elevation

Understanding Arm Elevation

In this video, Ill show you what arm elevation is, why you need it, and exactly how ...

Golf Backswing, Completing the Golf Backswing

Golf Backswing, Completing the Golf Backswing

Once you've mastered the setup, weight transfer and takeaway, it's time to progress ...

Fix Your Swing Sway w/ the Wall Drill

Fix Your Swing Sway w/ the Wall Drill

Fix your golf swing sway with this awesome and simple drill! Swaying off the ball in th...
Load Right Leg / Shorten Swing / Greater Consistency

Load Right Leg / Shorten Swing / Greater Consistency

If you want greater consistency, more power with less effort and a more compact backswi...
Load Right Glute: Shorten Swing, Start Transition

Load Right Glute: Shorten Swing, Start Transition

You're going to find out an easy way to shorten your golf swing. In fact, if you pra...

Wrist Cock vs. Wrist Hinge in the Golf Swing

Wrist Cock vs. Wrist Hinge in the Golf Swing

Do you know the difference between wrist cock and wrist hinge in the golf swing? The di...
Torso, Hips Over Rotating in Backswing

Torso, Hips Over Rotating in Backswing

How much shoulder turn is too much and how much is not enough? Depends on how it's m...

Checkpoints - 5 Minutes Backswing

Checkpoints - 5 Minutes Backswing

If you who have already watched the complete 5 Minutes to the Perfect Backswing vide...

How to Fix a Flat Shoulder Turn

How to Fix a Flat Shoulder Turn

Fix a flat shoulder turn in your golf backswing with this simple and easy to do drill.
Body Rotation in Golf Backswing - Chair Drill

Body Rotation in Golf Backswing - Chair Drill

If you want to power up your swing in golf, body rotation in the backswing is crucia...

Fix Inside Takeaway - 4 Square Drill

Fix Inside Takeaway - 4 Square Drill

You probably overuse your hands during the first half of the backswing, like most go...

How Much Shoulder Elevation

How Much Shoulder Elevation

It's time to help you decide how to power your golf swing. And it all starts with ho...

How to Avoid a Cupped Left Wrist at the Top

How to Avoid a Cupped Left Wrist at the Top

Learn the cause of a cupped left wrist at the top of your golf backswing and how to fix...
Left Knee Movement in the Golf Swing

Left Knee Movement in the Golf Swing

How to be a more consistent golfer by just changing what your left knee does in the bac...
Keep the Right Arm Straight to Turn

Keep the Right Arm Straight to Turn

One of the most common faults that destroys a powerful turn in the golf swing is how...

Left Shoulder Push in Backswing

Left Shoulder Push in Backswing

This "Left Shoulder Push in the Backswing" video is for you ONLY if you already pull...

3 Functions of Right Arm in Backswing

3 Functions of Right Arm in Backswing

In this video, I'll show you the 3 functions of the right arm in creating the perfec...

Fix Hip Overturning in Your Backswing

Fix Hip Overturning in Your Backswing

If you're letting your hips over rotate in the backswing, you're costing yourself a ton...
Pool Noodle Drill for Shoulder Elevation

Pool Noodle Drill for Shoulder Elevation

Getting just the right amount of shoulder elevation in the backswing is sometimes a ...

Get Perfect Tempo in Your Golf Swing

Get Perfect Tempo in Your Golf Swing

Why do the pros we see on T.V. always look so smooth and effortless and you always feel...
RotaryConnect Backswing Training Aid

RotaryConnect Backswing Training Aid

Learn how to use the RotaryConnect to assist you in building the perfect golf backsw...


5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Downswing

5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Downswing

All the work you've done on your RST golf swing to this point has culminated in this next set of drills in the "5 Minutes to the Perfect Downswing" video. As with the other "5 Minutes ...

5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Club Release

5 Minutes to the Perfect Golf Club Release

Releasing the club properly is something that few golfers do but is the key to effortle...
Intro to Adding the Lead Arm in Golf Swing

Intro to Adding the Lead Arm in Golf Swing

Adding the lead arm in the golf swing should only be done once the body is rotating pro...
Squat to Square in the Golf Downswing

Squat to Square in the Golf Downswing

If you watch golf on TV, it seems that you can't turn your hips fast enough or far e...

Flagpole Concept - Losing Your Balance

Flagpole Concept - Losing Your Balance

Stop losing your balance in your golf swing by understanding the concept of force of mo...
Square the Clubface Early

Square the Clubface Early

Learning how to properly square the club face at impact is something that most amate...

Tape Drill for Push Releasers

Tape Drill for Push Releasers

For push releasers, the Tape Drill will give you a good visual for how the club face sh...
Angle of Attack

Angle of Attack

Taking deep divots? Are you supposed to? What do the pros do? This video tells you how ...
Intro to Core Rotation in Golf Swing

Intro to Core Rotation in Golf Swing

The rotating core is the "engine" of the golf swing and the primary mover of the entire...
Intro - Add the Golf Club

Intro - Add the Golf Club

Now it's time to add the golf club into your swing drills. This step will come easily i...
Intro to Adding the Trail Arm

Intro to Adding the Trail Arm

Finally, we add the trail arm to put the golf swing all together.
9 to 3 Golf Swing Drill

9 to 3 Golf Swing Drill

The 9 to 3 Drill is the key to working on the Rotary Swing Tour while on the range a...

Sklz Gold Flex Lag Trainer

Sklz Gold Flex Lag Trainer

This KILLER training aid will help you master a smooth, one-piece takeaway and help you...
Level Shoulders at Impact

Level Shoulders at Impact

For hip spinners, this drill will help you hit the ball more solidly than ever befor...

Effortless Power Webinar (RSA)

Effortless Power Webinar (RSA)

RSA webinar on how to produce effortless power in the golf swing. I cover three core to...
DEAD Drill Step 4 - Add Lead Arm

DEAD Drill Step 4 - Add Lead Arm

Once you can do the movements with the body correctly, it's time to start stacking on t...
DEAD Drill Step 4 - Add Lead Arm - Junior Program

DEAD Drill Step 4 - Add Lead Arm - Junior Program

How to add your lead arm back into your DEAD Drill
The Magic Box - How to Check Your Lower Body in the Transition

The Magic Box - How to Check Your Lower Body in the Transition

The "Magic Box" is a term created by Chuck Quinton to help golfers learn the proper tra...
Losing the Tush Line

Losing the Tush Line

One of the most common questions I get regularly is how to stop losing the tush line...

How to Safely Add Speed to Your DEAD Drill and Reduce Side Bend

How to Safely Add Speed to Your DEAD Drill and Reduce Side Bend

Here's how to safely add speed to your DEAD Drill and reduce side bend in the golf swin...
Become a Golf Swing Lag Monster: Shocking Success Story

Become a Golf Swing Lag Monster: Shocking Success Story

In this video, I’ll show you how RST student David became a "lag monster" with RST s...

Clamshell Drill - How to Cure Early Extension

Clamshell Drill - How to Cure Early Extension

The Clamshell Drill is the key to the golf swing, no seriously! If you want to see how ...
Hit Your Fairway Woods Solid

Hit Your Fairway Woods Solid

If you have struggled with hitting your fairway woods solidly, this video is perfect fo...
The Post Up Move - How to Use Lead Leg for Power and Maintain Posture

The Post Up Move - How to Use Lead Leg for Power and Maintain Posture

Have you ever wondered how the pros use their legs for power in the golf swing? This vi...
The Tour Pro Downswing Sequence Drill

The Tour Pro Downswing Sequence Drill

If you are looking for a golf swing drill that can INSTANTLY improve your ball striking...
Fixing Your Weight Transfer in the Golf Swing

Fixing Your Weight Transfer in the Golf Swing

In this video, I will show you 2 of the most common faults in downswing transition by n...
4 Step Golf Swing Lag Builder

4 Step Golf Swing Lag Builder

The 4 steps to building INSANE lag in your golf swing - and you can do it TODAY!
You Hit the Golf Ball with Your LEGS!!

You Hit the Golf Ball with Your LEGS!!

You hit the ball with your legs, specifically your lead leg, not your hands in RST. Lea...
Golf Downswing, Rotary Golf Downswing Overview

Golf Downswing, Rotary Golf Downswing Overview

Mastering the setup, weight transfer and takeaway are critical to a great golf swing...

Getting Stuck on the Downswing

Getting Stuck on the Downswing

Tiger Woods used to always complain about getting "stuck" in the downswing; a positi...

How to Cure the Shanks in 3 Steps

How to Cure the Shanks in 3 Steps

The golf shank is the ugliest, nastiest, rottenest, and most frightening shot in gol...

3 Sources to Increase Your Golf Swing Speed

3 Sources to Increase Your Golf Swing Speed

If you think more rotation is how to increase your golf swing speed, then you may be...

DEAD Drill Step 2 - The Transition

DEAD Drill Step 2 - The Transition

The DEAD Drill transition is DEAD simple. One move to have a powerful and dynamic trans...
DEAD Drill Step 2 - The Transition - Junior Program

DEAD Drill Step 2 - The Transition - Junior Program

How to learn the perfect golf swing transition with one simple move.
DEAD Drill Step 3 - The Post-Up

DEAD Drill Step 3 - The Post-Up

The Post Up move is where all the magic happens in the golf downswing. If you've never ...
DEAD Drill Step 3 - The Post-Up - Junior Program

DEAD Drill Step 3 - The Post-Up - Junior Program

How to post up properly for consistent golf shots and to protect your back and hip from...
Golf Swing Sequence - How the Lower Body Works

Golf Swing Sequence - How the Lower Body Works

Struggle with coming over the top or don't know how to use your lower body in the go...

Hip Spinners - Belt Buckle Drill

Hip Spinners - Belt Buckle Drill

Understand the key differences between how the hips turn in RS1 vs RST and how to mo...

How to Fix Golf Back Pain

How to Fix Golf Back Pain

Understand what moves cause back pain in the golf swing and how to fix them.
Upper vs. Lower Body Rotation in Backswing

Upper vs. Lower Body Rotation in Backswing

Confused about how your upper body rotates in the backswing compared to your lower body...
2 Finger Release Drill

2 Finger Release Drill

This awesome drill forces you to release the golf club like a tour pro! You're going to...
Hip Speed vs. Hand Speed in Golf Swing

Hip Speed vs. Hand Speed in Golf Swing

How fast should the hips and hands move in the golf swing? Can the hips move "too fa...

How to Swing From The Ground Up - Golf Swing Transition

How to Swing From The Ground Up - Golf Swing Transition

How many times have you heard that you should start your golf downswing from the ground...
DEAD Drill Step 5 - Add the Club

DEAD Drill Step 5 - Add the Club

Hitting all your checkpoints with your body and lead arm? Awesome! Now let's add the cl...
DEAD Drill Step 5 - Add the Club - Junior Program

DEAD Drill Step 5 - Add the Club - Junior Program

Now the magic starts to happen in your golf swing! You'll see a great swing plane and p...
Stop Coming Over the Top in the Golf Swing and Slicing

Stop Coming Over the Top in the Golf Swing and Slicing

You're well aware that slicing destroys your distance and your scorecard. What you m...

Role of the Right Foot in Downswing

Role of the Right Foot in Downswing

Footwork is a bit of a misnomer in the golf swing but you hear it every week on TV. Wha...
Key to Creating Lag

Key to Creating Lag

The secret key to creating lag has been an elusive thing for most amateur golfers. I...

DEAD Drill Step 6 - Add Trail Arm & Ball

DEAD Drill Step 6 - Add Trail Arm & Ball

It's graduation day! If you've got your 3 core body movements down pat and the lead arm...
DEAD Drill Step 6 - Add Trail Arm - Junior Program

DEAD Drill Step 6 - Add Trail Arm - Junior Program

Your powerful and consistent new golf swing is almost complete, just one last step!
Increase Lag - Impact Cube Drill

Increase Lag - Impact Cube Drill

This awesome drill will teach you to not cast the club and maintain lag into impact.
Left Arm in the Golf Downswing (LADD)

Left Arm in the Golf Downswing (LADD)

A lot of golfers don't understand how the arms work in the golf swing. That's why I ...

My Golf Power Secret

My Golf Power Secret

How do the pros hit the ball so darn far? I tell all inside with this power secret!
Right Arm Only Downswing Drill

Right Arm Only Downswing Drill

Once you've worked with the Throw the Ball Drill, you'll want to begin mastering thi...

How to Fix Swing Plane & Path

How to Fix Swing Plane & Path

If you want to truly, once and for all, fix your golf swing plane and path, you must he...
Sam Snead Power Squat

Sam Snead Power Squat

Learn how Sam Snead, Tiger Woods, Rickie Fowler, Jamie Sadlowski and countless others u...
Diagnosing the Cause of Bad Golf Shots

Diagnosing the Cause of Bad Golf Shots

Learn how simple it is to diagnose every single bad golf shot you hit utilizing RotaryS...
Fix Your Release - Trail Shoulder Back

Fix Your Release - Trail Shoulder Back

This golf instruction video is for those who struggle to stop spinning their shoulders ...
Training Aid for Rhythm & Tempo

Training Aid for Rhythm & Tempo

This training aid will turn that aggressive, armsy, out of control golf swing in to a b...
Fix Swing Plane - Lead Arm Two Club Drill

Fix Swing Plane - Lead Arm Two Club Drill

Here's a simple golf swing plane drill to get your swing back on track fast with a trai...
Closed Hip Slide

Closed Hip Slide

A closed hip slide is detrimental to your golf swing when learning how to shift your we...
How to Stop Hooking the Golf Ball

How to Stop Hooking the Golf Ball

How to stop hooking the golf ball once and for all! If you struggle with hitting hook s...
How to Fix the Two Way Miss in Golf

How to Fix the Two Way Miss in Golf

Struggle with the dreaded two-way miss in golf? One shot goes right and the next goes l...
Golf Impact Position Face On

Golf Impact Position Face On

After all your hard work on the backswing, it's time for the big payoff! Getting int...

Golf Impact Position Down the Line

Golf Impact Position Down the Line

As I discussed in the video on Impact Alignments Face On, impact is everything in RS...

Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball

Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball

Unlock the leverage, speed and power of your golf swing by understanding the physics be...
Downcock Pump Lag Drill

Downcock Pump Lag Drill

Every golfer wants to know how to create more lag in their swing to hit the ball fur...

Golf Swing Transition Drill

Golf Swing Transition Drill

Most instructors consider the transition in the golf swing the most difficult, if no...

Squeeze the Cheeks for Consistency

Squeeze the Cheeks for Consistency

The glute muscles (your butt cheeks) are some of the most important muscles in the g...

Knuckles Down - Logo Down

Knuckles Down - Logo Down

The typical amateur golfer has no idea how to control the trajectory of the golf bal...

Trace the Plane Line

Trace the Plane Line

Do you tend to get "stuck" in the downswing? Do you hit blocks and quick hooks? Do y...

Left Elbow Position at Impact

Left Elbow Position at Impact

Find out a simple trick to hit straighter shots while also virtually eliminating you...

Taking a Divot in Front of the Ball

Taking a Divot in Front of the Ball

Taking a proper divot is something that is critical to crisp and consistent iron pla...

9 to 3 Lag Building Drills

9 to 3 Lag Building Drills

Learn how to build lag in your golf swing with these 9 to 3 lag building drills. You'll...
Lag and Speed Drills

Lag and Speed Drills

To get more distance in golf, you've got to get maximum speed from your arms and not...

Blocked Golf Shots | Fwd Shaft Lean

Blocked Golf Shots | Fwd Shaft Lean

If you want to compress the ball for explosive distance, then you need to be working...

Cure Chicken Wing in the Golf Swing

Cure Chicken Wing in the Golf Swing

You now have a 3-step drill to help you cure your chicken wing golf swing once and f...

Over the Top Stick Drill

Over the Top Stick Drill

Are you tired of yelling “Fore!” when you hit big, nasty slices off the tee? If so, ...

Golf Left Thumb: Fix Pain, Soreness, Casting

Golf Left Thumb: Fix Pain, Soreness, Casting

Casting the club in the downswing is a sure way to destroy club head speed. Check ou...

Right Arm in Downswing: Stop Casting

Right Arm in Downswing: Stop Casting

In this video, you’ll find out: 1) How Tiger Woods builds lag for power, 2) What to ...

Stop Slicing and Start Releasing the Golf Club

Stop Slicing and Start Releasing the Golf Club

In this video, I’ll show you how to release your club to stop slicing and get better...

Stop Coming Under the Plane in Golf

Stop Coming Under the Plane in Golf

Coming into impact under plane kills your consistency, often resulting in blocked sh...

Drill for Golf Downswing Sequencing

Drill for Golf Downswing Sequencing

In this video, I'll show you where you're losing power and a simple drill that'll ge...

Left Hand Golf Club Release Drill

Left Hand Golf Club Release Drill

Learning how to release the left hand properly in the downswing is truly one of the ...

Golf Swing Speed Release Drill

Golf Swing Speed Release Drill

This video is crucial for teaching you how to conserve energy in the early stages in...

Lead Arm Vijay Release Drill

Lead Arm Vijay Release Drill

Have you wondered about the golf grip and if the tour pros know something you don't?...

Lose the Right Hand - Release Drill

Lose the Right Hand - Release Drill

Learn how to release the club properly to more easily square the face and add clubhe...

How To Use Ground Force For Speed

How To Use Ground Force For Speed

In this video, Rotary Swing Instructor Chris Tyler shows you how to use ground force fo...
Arms vs. Body Release in the Golf Swing

Arms vs. Body Release in the Golf Swing

Learn WHY rotating your body through the hitting area can slow the clubhead down and al...
Curing Golf Swing Elbow Pain

Curing Golf Swing Elbow Pain

This video shows you what is causing you pain in your elbow and more importantly, how t...
Trail Arm Release - Throw the Ball Drill Pt 1

Trail Arm Release - Throw the Ball Drill Pt 1

This is THE key drill for really understanding how the downswing sequencing works. T...

Trail Arm Release - Throw the Ball Drill Pt 2

Trail Arm Release - Throw the Ball Drill Pt 2

Are you ready to maximize your club head speed at impact? If so, you need this missi...

Preventing Hip Pain

Preventing Hip Pain

Injury Prevention Golf Series - This video lesson will show you how to achieve neutral ...
Fix Your Release

Fix Your Release

Impact in the golf swing is the most important part. In this video, I'll show you how t...
Maintain The Tush Line - Chair Drill

Maintain The Tush Line - Chair Drill

In this video, you'll see how to use a chair on the driving range, to help you maintain...
Right Knee Downswing Drill

Right Knee Downswing Drill

If you struggle with early extension of your spine in the downswing, hip spinning or ev...
RotaryConnect Lower Body Drill

RotaryConnect Lower Body Drill

Build an incredibly powerful and stable base using the RotaryConnect.

Tiger's Bad Back and Slowed Clubhead Speed

Tiger's Bad Back and Slowed Clubhead Speed

Tiger Woods has gone through several swing changes in the recent years. In this vide...

Follow Through

Golf Swing Follow Through

Golf Swing Follow Through

The follow through is a result of all things you have done in your golf swing up until this point rather than some position or move you are trying to achieve. However, it holds the secret...

RST 5 Step Golf Swing System

RST Five Step Golf Swing - Introduction

RST Five Step Golf Swing - Introduction

This is the introduction video for the revolutionary RST 5 Step Golf Swing Mastery System.
The Orange Whip Lag Drill

The Orange Whip Lag Drill

Want massive lag and a solid release? Check out this training aid.
Pro Power Move

Pro Power Move

Learn the pro power move that all pro golfers know and you DON'T!
Step 1 - Weight Shift

Step 1 - Weight Shift

Step 1 of the RST 5 Step System - Mastering Weight Shift
Step 1 - Weight Shift - Drill Only

Step 1 - Weight Shift - Drill Only

Step 1 - Weight shift drills
Step 2 - Core Rotation

Step 2 - Core Rotation

Step 2- Adding body rotation
Cure Golf Elbow Pain

Cure Golf Elbow Pain

Cure golfers elbow and elbow pain related to your golf swing and learn its root cause.
Lead Hand Power Release Drill

Lead Hand Power Release Drill

Learn the power release move from RST Founder Chuck Quinton and add power to your swing...
Step 2 - Core Rotation - Drill Only

Step 2 - Core Rotation - Drill Only

The drill only for Step 2 - Body Rotation
Eliminate Early Extension in Golf Swing

Eliminate Early Extension in Golf Swing

The REAL causes of early extension in the golf swing and the only TRUE way to fix it.
Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm

Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm

How to integrate the lead arm in the golf swing
Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm - Drill Only

Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm - Drill Only

The golf swing drill for adding the left arm in the RST 5 Step System
How to Keep Your Left Arm Straight in the Backswing

How to Keep Your Left Arm Straight in the Backswing

The secret to why you can't keep your left arm straight at the top of the golf backswing.
Step 4 - Add the Golf Club

Step 4 - Add the Golf Club

Now we add the golf club back into the drills.
Step 4 - Add the Golf Club - Drill Only

Step 4 - Add the Golf Club - Drill Only

Adding the club back into the core RST body movements.
The Best Training Aid in Golf

The Best Training Aid in Golf

Learn about the BEST golf training aid and how to use it to shave 10 strokes off your g...
Step 5 - Add the Trailing Arm

Step 5 - Add the Trailing Arm

Finally, we can add the trailing arm back into the 5 Step System.
Step 5 - Add the Trailing Arm - Drill Only

Step 5 - Add the Trailing Arm - Drill Only

Learn how to properly add the trailing arm in, step by step, to your 5 Step golf swing ...

RST Introduction

Interview with Chuck Quinton - High Hands vs. Low Hands Research

Interview with Chuck Quinton - High Hands vs. Low Hands Research

Interview with RotarySwing founder Chuck Quinton and Evan Singer of the ParTrain Podcast about the research Quinton has been doing during Covid on high hands vs. low hands.
Should You Play Golf While Learning Your New Swing?

Should You Play Golf While Learning Your New Swing?

The greatest question in golf - should I play golf while working on my swing? This vide...
Taking Your Golf Swing Drills to the Course

Taking Your Golf Swing Drills to the Course

How to take what you're doing with your golf swing drills in front of the mirror to the...
Progressive Nature of RST Drills

Progressive Nature of RST Drills

This is a MUST WATCH video if you're serious about improving your golf swing this year....
Who Cares What Tour Pros Do?

Who Cares What Tour Pros Do?

Everyone wants to swing like their favorite golf touring pro, but should you? This vide...

RST 5 Step Setup

RotarySwing Academy

RSA Full Swing Kaboodle

RSA Full Swing Kaboodle

Want to learn how to put ALL the pieces together in one program? Then my Whole Kaboodle program is what you're looking for. This is for those that have the major pieces of the swing devel...
My SECRET Consistency Routine

My SECRET Consistency Routine

I've read literally thousands of emails from all my members and the one thing people wa...
Master the Golf Transition

Master the Golf Transition

Show of hands, how many of you struggle with the transition? Well, no more after workin...
How to Shallow the Golf Club

How to Shallow the Golf Club

Do you swing over the top and struggle to drop the club "into the slot"? Want that look...
RSA Introduction

RSA Introduction

Introduction video that walks you through the RSA program
Core Rotation - Left Arm - Club - RSA

Core Rotation - Left Arm - Club - RSA

This is a demonstration video for the new RotarySwing Academy video golf instruction se...
9 to 3 Drill Program for RSA

9 to 3 Drill Program for RSA

NOTHING is more important to mastering the golf swing than perfecting the movements tha...
RSA Power Release Program

RSA Power Release Program

This is what it's ALL about! The release is the most fun, most exciting part of the gol...
RSA Heavy Club Training Program

RSA Heavy Club Training Program

For most of us, being right handed means our left hand isn't very strong or coordinated...
RSA Overspeed Program

RSA Overspeed Program

Want more club head speed? Then this is for you! This is part of the program I develope...


AXIOM Body Downswing

AXIOM Body Downswing

Learn how to cure your flip, stop hitting fat and thin shots and how to get into the perfect impact position like the pros every time
AXIOM Body Tour Impact

AXIOM Body Tour Impact

Learn the secret of how the pros are so consistent with this tour impact position.
AXIOM Release Overview

AXIOM Release Overview

Finally, understand what it means and feels like to fully release the club
AXIOM Release Left vs. Right

AXIOM Release Left vs. Right

Discover the release that is best for you and your swing that will give you the fastest...
AXIOM Refine Your Takeaway

AXIOM Refine Your Takeaway

Simplify your takeaway with a simple 2" movement that moves the club 6 feet!
AXIOM Lag in the Golf Swing

AXIOM Lag in the Golf Swing

Producing incredible lag has never been this easy - or fast
AXIOM Unleash Your Inner Speed Demon!

AXIOM Unleash Your Inner Speed Demon!

Learn how three tiny changes can unleash 30+ more yards on your drives when you need it.
AXIOM Compression Drill

AXIOM Compression Drill

THE drill that will give you the consistency you desire with effortless distance you di...
AXIOM Golf Discover Your Natural Rhythm & Tempo

AXIOM Golf Discover Your Natural Rhythm & Tempo

At last, a simple way to have perfect rhythm and tempo on every shot.
AXIOM Refine Your Backswing

AXIOM Refine Your Backswing

Dial in your arms during the backswing to start easily shaping the ball, changing traje...
The AXIOM Golf Video

The AXIOM Golf Video

What if you could learn a swing just like the tour pros, increase your distance and con...
Justin Rose AXIOM Force Plate Study

Justin Rose AXIOM Force Plate Study

Want to see proof of the AXIOM in tour pros with irrefutable data? Then look no further...
AXIOM in Jon Rahm

AXIOM in Jon Rahm

A perfect example of the AXIOM can be seen in tour pro and top ranked Jon Rahm. This co...
AXIOM in Jessica Korda

AXIOM in Jessica Korda

Top ranked LPGA star Jessica Korda is a wonderful example of power and simplicity as sh...
AXIOM Introduction

AXIOM Introduction

Have you been looking for a wait to learn a tour pro swing through a simple feeling so ...
QuickStart Checkpoints

QuickStart Checkpoints

Ready to pass your first Checkout Swing Review? Here are the things your coach is going...
Fundamentals Checkpoints

Fundamentals Checkpoints

Once you pass the QuickStart checkpoints, we begin to refine your swing to make it easi...
Mastery Checkpoints

Mastery Checkpoints

Ready to take the final step to becoming the best ball striker in your group? Then pass...
AXIOM Webinar

AXIOM Webinar

Learn how the greatest discover in golf instruction was unearthed and how to perform th...
Chuck Quinton 7 Iron Swing DTL

Chuck Quinton 7 Iron Swing DTL

Chuck Quinton AXIOM golf swing from down the line 7 iron
Chuck Quinton 7 Iron Swing FO

Chuck Quinton 7 Iron Swing FO

Chuck Quinton's swing with 7 iron from face on
AXIOM Short Game & Distance Control

AXIOM Short Game & Distance Control

The AXIOM isn't just for your full swing! Learn how you can combine the rhythm and flow...
AXIOM Body Backswing

AXIOM Body Backswing

Eliminate your reverse pivot, handsy inside takeaway, your head swaying off the ball an...


Right Hand Putting Grip for Touch and Distance Control

Right Hand Putting Grip for Touch and Distance Control

Test this right hand putting grip to improve your distance control and feel on putts. Combine this with the left hand grip and watch your scores drop!
Putting Tip | Training Your Eyes

Putting Tip | Training Your Eyes

Stop wasting your money on putter purchases and meaningless training aids and start foc...
Left Hand Grip for Perfect Putting Stroke

Left Hand Grip for Perfect Putting Stroke

This putting grip tweak can have a HUGE impact on your putting stroke, give it a try an...
RotarySwing Natural Putting - Intro

RotarySwing Natural Putting - Intro

Learn how to shave 5 putts off per round using the RotarySwing Natural Putting Stroke a...
Right Hand Only Distance Control Drill

Right Hand Only Distance Control Drill

Learn how to control the distance on your putts and regain a sense of feel and touch...

Releasing the Putter Face

Releasing the Putter Face

Releasing the putter face is something that is misunderstood by most of the golfing ...

How to Putt - Acceleration Drill

How to Putt - Acceleration Drill

There are few things worse in golf than hitting a huge drive off the tee, wedging it...

Left Hand Low Putting in Golf

Left Hand Low Putting in Golf

Jack Nicklaus said if he could go back and learn a different putting method, he’d st...

How to Putt Ball Against Collar

How to Putt Ball Against Collar

A creative short game comes in handy when you face an awkward lie such as your ball ...

Roll the Ball to Lag Putt Better

Roll the Ball to Lag Putt Better

You can practice the unique drill in this video and cozy your putt close to the hole...


3 Quick Tips To Fix Your Chipping

3 Quick Tips To Fix Your Chipping

3 fool proof chipping tips to help you chip like a pro. Avoid fat and thin chip shots from anywhere around the green.
Golf Chipping Tips | How to Chip a Golf ball - Proper Setup

Golf Chipping Tips | How to Chip a Golf ball - Proper Setup

You can save lots of shots quickly by improving your chipping. By simply getting you...

RotaryConnect Chipping

RotaryConnect Chipping

Fix your bad chipping habits and ingrain perfect technique with the RotaryConnect.

How to Chip - Club Selection

How to Chip - Club Selection

You've undoubtedly heard the great chipping debate: "Chip with your favorite club ev...

Wedge Play

How to Hit the Flop Shot

How to Hit the Flop Shot

Near the green but have very little green to work with? No problem. In this video, I'll show you how to hit a flop shot like Phil Mickelson, Tiger Woods, and all the pros.

How to Hit a Wedge Shot | Penetrating Wedge Shots

How to Hit a Wedge Shot | Penetrating Wedge Shots

One of the biggest areas needing improvement in the typical amateur's golf game is h...

Golf Pitching - 30 Yard Pitch Shots

Golf Pitching - 30 Yard Pitch Shots

The 30 yard pitch shot is a very tough one for golfers at all levels. So what is the...

How to Chip - Spinning Chip Shots

How to Chip - Spinning Chip Shots

Over the years, I've had countless people ask me how I put as much spin as I do on s...

Master the Golf Chipping Stroke

Master the Golf Chipping Stroke

Learn the pro secret to consistent chipping - never blade or chunk a chip shot again! F...
The Short Game - Downhill Pitch Shots from Rough

The Short Game - Downhill Pitch Shots from Rough

Staring at a downhill pitch shot out of rough can be intimidating and may even seem ...

Perfect Pitch Shot Setup

Perfect Pitch Shot Setup

Cutting strokes with your pitching is all about consistency. In this video, I’ll sho...

How to Hit Proper Pitch Shots

How to Hit Proper Pitch Shots

Even very skilled golfers get terrified around the greens at times. Hit a couple pit...

Bunker Shots

Downhill Sand / Bunker Shots

Downhill Sand / Bunker Shots

Hitting sand shots is a scary thing for most golfers. As you'll see in the video, you need to make a few key changes to your setup on the downhill sand shot. Make sure you stay down th...

Uphill Bunker / Sand Shots

Uphill Bunker / Sand Shots

As you learned from the Short Game DVD, hitting shots out of the bunker is very easy...

How to a Hit Sand Shot Like a Pro

How to a Hit Sand Shot Like a Pro

Hitting a bunker shot is literally one of the easiest shots in golf, but to the aver...

Long Bunker / Sand Shots

Long Bunker / Sand Shots

The long bunker shot in the 25-30 yard range is considered to be one of the toughest...

Jack Nicklaus Putting Secret

Jack Nicklaus Putting Secret - Intro

Jack Nicklaus Putting Secret - Intro

Jack Nicklaus said he would've changed THIS about his putting if he could go back and do it all over again!

NOTE! Do NOT post your email address in the comments below! You are to ref...

Pushing vs. Pulling in Putting

Pushing vs. Pulling in Putting

Understanding the difference of pushing vs. pulling in putting will change the way you ...
Using the Big Muscles in Putting

Using the Big Muscles in Putting

Learn how to properly use the big muscles in your putting stroke.
Jack Nicklaus Putting - The SECRET

Jack Nicklaus Putting - The SECRET

The SECRET putting change Jack Nicklaus WISHED he had made to his game!
Putting Alignment

Putting Alignment

With your new putter setup, alignment is simple but critical to get right.
Putting Setup

Putting Setup

Learn the proper setup for putting left hand low.
Target Ball Putting Drill

Target Ball Putting Drill

One of my favorite drills that will help you make more putts inside of 10 feet.
Putting Visualization Drill

Putting Visualization Drill

This drill will help you see the intended line so that you develop perfect speed on you...
How to Read a Green Quickly and Accurately

How to Read a Green Quickly and Accurately

This is the best way to get an accurate read on a green quickly. You'll make more putts...
Compass Drill

Compass Drill

Learn distance control and putting strategy with my Compass Drill.
Chipping Strategy to Save Par

Chipping Strategy to Save Par

Your chipping strategy is crucial for helping you save par and employs my Compass Drill...

Bomb Your Driver

Get More Speed From Your Driver

Get More Speed From Your Driver

Swing speed is an essential part of you far you can hit the ball. The faster you swing, the more energy is transmitted to the ball. In today's simple drill, RotarySwing instructor Chri...
Increase Driver Distance by Understanding Golf Ball Speed

Increase Driver Distance by Understanding Golf Ball Speed

When it comes to maximizing your driver distance, there is only one place to look fi...

Swing Caddie SC200 Personal Launch Monitor

Swing Caddie SC200 Personal Launch Monitor

The best personal launch monitor for the money, hands down! The Swing Caddie SC200 is g...
Clubface Roll - Affect of Loft

Clubface Roll - Affect of Loft

There are numerous things that affect the overall distance you will hit your drives ...

Driver Sweet Spot

Driver Sweet Spot

In the first two videos in the "Bomb Your Driver" series I discussed the extreme imp...

Golf Driving Tips - Driver Launch Angle

Golf Driving Tips - Driver Launch Angle

When i it comes to the science of longer drives, few things have as dramatic an impa...

Optimum Spin Rate

Optimum Spin Rate

In the first three videos in the "Bomb Your Driver" video series, I spent time discu...

Golf Grip's Effect on Lag

Golf Grip's Effect on Lag

As you've no doubt seen, my golf students have been picking up some serious distance...

Driver Center Of Gravity

Driver Center Of Gravity

Modern driver head design is an exact science with powerful CAD software being used ...

9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking

9 Days To  Amazing Golf Ball Striking - Intro

9 Days To Amazing Golf Ball Striking - Intro

Becoming a great golfer is much more than hitting perfectly straight shots. Learn how the pros "think" and shape their shots and how you can learn how to shoot much lower scores just by s...
Day 1: Impact Control

Day 1: Impact Control

Controlling impact is EVERYTHING in the golf swing and we're going to show you how to d...
Day 2: Hitting Low Shots

Day 2: Hitting Low Shots

How to master the clubface at impact for low, penetrating shots that will cruise throug...
Day 3: Hitting High Shots

Day 3: Hitting High Shots

How to hit the golf ball high to get over trees and get to tucked pins.
Day 4: How to Hit the Draw

Day 4: How to Hit the Draw

Mastering the draw shot is one of the most important of all and will take you the furth...
Day 5: How to Hit the Fade

Day 5: How to Hit the Fade

Hitting the fade in golf is one thing, I'm going to teach you the pro's PLAY the fade.
Day 6: High and Low Fade

Day 6: High and Low Fade

Learn the control secrets of Ben Hogan by mastering the high and low fade shot.
Day 7: High and Low Draw

Day 7: High and Low Draw

Rory Mcilroy's go to shot is the high draw with any club in the bag. I'm going to show ...
Day 8: How to Shape the Driver

Day 8: How to Shape the Driver

Learn how to shape the driver off the tee to put the ball exactly where you want on eve...
Day 9: 9 Ball Shot Shaping Drill

Day 9: 9 Ball Shot Shaping Drill

In this Day 9 capstone video, you'll learn Tiger's "9 Shots" drill, which will help ...

Laws of Compression

Golf Compression Laws Introduction | How to Compress a Golf Ball Video

Golf Compression Laws Introduction | How to Compress a Golf Ball Video

Learn about the 7 Laws of Compression in this video series! Solid and consistent ball compression is what separates the great players from the average players, and this video series wi...

How Swing Speed Affects Compression

How Swing Speed Affects Compression

Club head speed is the #1 determinant of player handicaps. Find out how speed affect...

How Swing Path Affects Compression

How Swing Path Affects Compression

Club path is which direction the club is moving through impact. A bad club path not ...

How Face Angle Affects Compression

How Face Angle Affects Compression

Opening or closing your club face through impact influences how solidly you'll strik...

How Attack Angle Affects Compression

How Attack Angle Affects Compression

Ever notice how the PGA Tour pros take razor thin divots? That's exactly what you wa...

How Club Loft Affects Compression

How Club Loft Affects Compression

Flipping the club vs. striking the ball with forward shaft lean can dramatically aff...

How Club Face Contact Affects Compression

How Club Face Contact Affects Compression

This video studies compression in terms of where you hit the ball on the face of the...


TrackMan Data: Posture's Effect on Path

TrackMan Data: Posture's Effect on Path

In this video, I use our TrackMan launch monitor to show you how my pro student uses RST fundamentals to produce dead straight shots. You'll find out how a quick change in your golf po...

Pro Lessons

Put on Your Tiger Suit

Put on Your Tiger Suit

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to step into Tiger Woods' body for just a minute and hit a few balls? What if I told you there was a simple way you could learn how to do ju...

Before and Afters

Biggest Hurdle for Amateur Golfers

Biggest Hurdle for Amateur Golfers

What's the biggest hurdle for amateur golfers and how do you fix it?
RST Student Success - 3 Steps to consistency and speed

RST Student Success - 3 Steps to consistency and speed

3 Steps: See how this RST student was able to get a tour quality impact position.
RST Student Game Plan For Success

RST Student Game Plan For Success

Use our exclusive RotarySwing golf swing reviews to improve your golf swing fast and fi...
Andrew goes from 11 hdcp to a 1!! With RST Instructor Chris Tyler

Andrew goes from 11 hdcp to a 1!! With RST Instructor Chris Tyler

Check out this student who went from an 11 handicap to a 1 handicap! Le...
Dramatic Student Swing Change - Get the Same Results With These Drills

Dramatic Student Swing Change - Get the Same Results With These Drills

Check out how this student made massive changes to his swing in 4 lessons using thes...

Dario Kaufmann - Unlimited Review Group Success

Dario Kaufmann - Unlimited Review Group Success

In this video, I'll show you an awesome swing transformation from a member of the unlim...
RST Student Success - Building More Lag

RST Student Success - Building More Lag

RST student uses a simple 3 step process to shallow his golf swing and build in a ton o...
RST student cures the chicken wing

RST student cures the chicken wing

The dreaded chicken wing swing can make your ball striking lack speed and consistency. ...
3 Steps to better impact position in golf

3 Steps to better impact position in golf

Golf is a sport that can leave you frustrated round after round, but WHY? What exactly ...
Improve Your Swing - Get Consistent

Improve Your Swing - Get Consistent

Learn how to tighten up your golf swing like this RST student in a matter of minutes wi...
Improve your swing - 4 steps

Improve your swing - 4 steps

You MUST have a game plan in place and you MUST stick to the game plan if you want to i...

Specialty Shots

How to Hit a Driver Low

How to Hit a Driver Low

Learn how easy it is to hit a driver low using RST.
Sidehill Lies - Ball Below Your Feet

Sidehill Lies - Ball Below Your Feet

Side hill lies can be challenging for golfers of any level. Learn a couple of quick set...
Carve The

Carve The "Perfect" Snap Hook

Learn how to snap hook the ball around the trees and onto the green.
How to Hit the 3 Yard Draw

How to Hit the 3 Yard Draw

Learn how to hit the delicate little three yard draw and why you're struggling with get...
Uphill Lies

Uphill Lies

Dealing with uphill lies on the golf course can be a bit tricky at times. In video #...

Downhill Lies

Downhill Lies

In this video, I'll show you how to play those tricky downhill shots on the course w...

Sidehill Lies - Ball Above Your Feet

Sidehill Lies - Ball Above Your Feet

Side Hill Lies are tough! Our new series of specialty shot videos, shows you golfers at...
Hitting a Draw

Hitting a Draw

Once you've mastered the RST swing method, you realize that, due to the simplicity o...

Hitting a Fade

Hitting a Fade

Learning how to hit a fade is all about learning to control the release of the golf ...

Winter Golf Training Program

Golf Training Program, Winter Golf Training Program

Golf Training Program, Winter Golf Training Program

The winter is the BEST time to work on your golf swing. No tournaments to play in and no time wasted hitting balls. You can now focus just on the movement patterns.
Winter Golf Training Program - Setup

Winter Golf Training Program - Setup

Our premium golf training program for winter months
Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing

Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing

Snow on the ground? Too cold out? No problem! NOW is the BEST time to work on your golf...
Winter Golf Training Program - Downswing

Winter Golf Training Program - Downswing

While it's cold outside you can start heating your downswing inside. Do these drills in...
How to Get Your Golf Swing in Shape for Spring

How to Get Your Golf Swing in Shape for Spring

Winter is the BEST time to make improvements to your golf swing! It's critical that you...

Play the Best Golf of Your Life

Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 1 of 6

Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 1 of 6

Learn Proper weight shift and head movement in the golf swing. RotarySwing is the scientific answer to learning a perfect golf swing starting with head movement and golf swing consistency.
Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 2 of 6

Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 2 of 6

Tension in your golf swing - how to release your golf club head during your golf swing ...
Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 3 of 6

Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 3 of 6

Lesson 3 Play the Best Golf Of Your Life In 6 Weeks, the keys to proper weight shift in...
Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 4 of 6

Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 4 of 6

Lesson 4 of 6 focusing on the legs and weigh transfer during the golf swing. This dril...
Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 5 of 6

Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 5 of 6

In the 5th video of this 6 lesson series, we will show you how to create the perfect sw...
Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 6 of 6

Play The Best Golf Of Your Life in 6 weeks | 6 of 6

Video 6 in our 6 part series, "Play the Best Golf Of Your Life In 6 Weeks" - this golf ...

Perfecting Your Impact Position

Perfect your golf impact - 1 of 4

Perfect your golf impact - 1 of 4

Compressing the golf ball like a tour pro can be very hard to do. In this new video series, I will walk you step-by-step on how to get a perfect impact position in just 4 weeks.
How to Get Perfect Shaft Lean at Impact

How to Get Perfect Shaft Lean at Impact

You want to hit those boring, hissing shots that scream off the face like a rocket? Thi...
Drill to Learn Inside Path to Golf Ball

Drill to Learn Inside Path to Golf Ball

Tired of the over the top slice? This drill and training aid will teach you how to appr...
Perfect your golf impact - 2 of 4

Perfect your golf impact - 2 of 4

Effortless power in the golf swing is a difficult concept for many amateur golfers. In ...
Perfect your golf impact - 3 of 4

Perfect your golf impact - 3 of 4

Learn how to add more speed to your golf swing by leveraging the ground like a tour pro.
Perfect your golf impact - 4 of 4

Perfect your golf impact - 4 of 4

Lag in the golf swing is key for clubhead speed. In this video, I'll show you how to ad...
Perfecting your golf impact - Bonus

Perfecting your golf impact - Bonus

Perfecting your golf impact video series. Special bonus video that will help you correc...

Golf Swing Webinars

Golf Swing Transition Webinar

Golf Swing Transition Webinar

Webinar by Chuck Quinton covering the golf swing transition and how to improve your golf swing during the winter.
Sergio Garcia Master's Win Webinar 2017

Sergio Garcia Master's Win Webinar 2017

Does Sergio Garcia's swing follow the RotarySwing prinicples? The answer may surprise y...
How to Translate Your Drills to the Course - Webinar

How to Translate Your Drills to the Course - Webinar

Are you struggling with taking your drills to the course? Do you find that you can do t...
Golf Back Pain Webinar (RSA)

Golf Back Pain Webinar (RSA)

Have golf back pain? Is it crippling your ability to enjoy the game and play your best?...
RSA Webinar 2 - Golf Back Pain Fix

RSA Webinar 2 - Golf Back Pain Fix

Have golf back pain? Is it crippling your ability to enjoy the game and play your best?...

Live Lessons

Restore the Athleticism in Your Swing Like this Former NFL QB

Restore the Athleticism in Your Swing Like this Former NFL QB

Do you ever feel like your natural athleticism doesn't quite make the transfer over to your golf swing? Well, you're not alone, but this live lesson will show you how to get it back!
How to Shallow Your Hands During Transition

How to Shallow Your Hands During Transition

Do your hands go straight out toward the golf ball and don't shallow out during the tra...
How to Shallow Your Golf Swing Fast and Easy - Live Lesson

How to Shallow Your Golf Swing Fast and Easy - Live Lesson

Do you struggle with shallowing the club in the downswing and keep hitting a pull cut o...
Straighten and Lengthen Your Tee Shots w/ the Driver

Straighten and Lengthen Your Tee Shots w/ the Driver

Hitting it longer is not just a result of swinging faster, you have to be able to hit t...
How to Add Effortless Power Using Your Lower Body

How to Add Effortless Power Using Your Lower Body

If you think you should be hitting the ball farther than you do now like this student -...
Simple Fix to Make a Full Shoulder Turn

Simple Fix to Make a Full Shoulder Turn

Struggle with making a full turn, even though your fit and flexible? Lacking the distan...
How to Fix Trail Leg Straightening in Backswing

How to Fix Trail Leg Straightening in Backswing

Is your trail leg straightening in the backswing? Do you know what kind of issues this ...
The #1 Reason Golfers Are Inconsistent and How to Fix it Permanently

The #1 Reason Golfers Are Inconsistent and How to Fix it Permanently

Do you find that you can play the first few holes ok and then the wheels start to fall ...
Live Lesson - How to Fix Your Arms by Fixing Your Legs in the Backswing

Live Lesson - How to Fix Your Arms by Fixing Your Legs in the Backswing

Do you struggle with your arms getting too deep or too disconnected during the backswin...
Do You Start Backswing w/ Hips or Shoulders?

Do You Start Backswing w/ Hips or Shoulders?

To start the golf swing with the upper or lower body, that is the question! I think Sha...
Why You Can't Stop Overusing Your Arms in the Golf Swing

Why You Can't Stop Overusing Your Arms in the Golf Swing

Ever wondered why, no matter how hard you try, you can't stop your arms from taking ove...
Former Mac O'Grady Student Saves Back Learning DEAD Drill

Former Mac O'Grady Student Saves Back Learning DEAD Drill

If you've followed Mac O'Grady or Stack and Tilt at any point, you might relate to this...
How to Fix Your Over the Top Move - Live Lesson

How to Fix Your Over the Top Move - Live Lesson

Do you have a steep, over the top golf swing? No matter what you try and do, you can't ...
Live Lesson - How to Stop Losing Tush Line & Boost Consistency

Live Lesson - How to Stop Losing Tush Line & Boost Consistency

Struggling with a 2 way miss and lack of consistency? Watch this Live Lesson to learn a...
Learn What REALLY Matters Most for Effortless Power - Live Lesson

Learn What REALLY Matters Most for Effortless Power - Live Lesson

Want to learn how the pros swings look so slow, yet hit the ball so far? It's just one ...
Making Your Golf Swing Feel Natural w/ Baseball Drill - Live Lesson

Making Your Golf Swing Feel Natural w/ Baseball Drill - Live Lesson

Have you ever felt like your golf swing doesn't feel natural? Perhaps you played baseba...
Why You DON'T Pull the Butt of the Club Toward the Ball

Why You DON'T Pull the Butt of the Club Toward the Ball

Have you ever heard you should pull the butt of the club toward the golf ball in the do...
4 Steps to Sequencing the Golf Downswing - Live Lesson

4 Steps to Sequencing the Golf Downswing - Live Lesson

Do you know the 4 steps to sequencing the golf downswing? If you don't know these and a...
Should You Restrict Your Hip Turn in the Backswing?

Should You Restrict Your Hip Turn in the Backswing?

For years, you've been taught to restrict the hips in the backswing. Is that what's bes...
How to Decelerate Your Hips for Effortless Power

How to Decelerate Your Hips for Effortless Power

If you feel like you're swinging hard yet the ball isn't going as far as it should, you...
How Tiger, Rory & Ernie Use Their Hips for Power

How Tiger, Rory & Ernie Use Their Hips for Power

Learn the real pro secret of how the hips move in the golf swing to generate effortless...

Arms Research

Arms Research Introduction

Arms Research Introduction

Introduction to the last 8 months of research on the optimal arm and body movement in the golf swing based on data from 3D Motion force plates, launch monitor and high speed cameras.
Overview of the Push Release

Overview of the Push Release

An overview to the push release for those who want to use the right side to help power ...
Vertical Ground Force and Double Peaks

Vertical Ground Force and Double Peaks

Should you be trying to increase vertical ground force in your swing and if so, how sho...

10 Moves of the Modern Pro

#2 - Simplest, Fastest Way to Boost Consistency

#2 - Simplest, Fastest Way to Boost Consistency

This is one move that you MUST copy from the pros - it will help you boost your consistency immediately!

Pro Secret #3 - Swing Easy, Hit Hard

Pro Secret #3 - Swing Easy, Hit Hard

Learn how pros like Ernie Els use physics and leverage to swing easy and hit it hard!
#1 - The Right (Trail) Knee in the Downswing - Part 1

#1 - The Right (Trail) Knee in the Downswing - Part 1

This video series teaches you the top 10 moves of the modern power hitter in golf that ...
#1 - How to Move the Right (Trail) Knee Like the Pros - Part 2

#1 - How to Move the Right (Trail) Knee Like the Pros - Part 2

Combine the Clamshell Drill with this right knee trick to give yourself more speed in y...

Reverse Pivot

Left vs. Right in the Golf Swing

Left vs. Right in the Golf Swing

Did you know there are TWO different ways the tour pros swing the club? And that choosing the way that is best for you can instantly improve not only how your swing feels, but your consis...
How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot

How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot

A reverse pivot golf swing can cause a whole lot of bad shots, from hitting it thin ...

Improper Weight Shift

Coming Over the Top

Overswing / Across the Line

Stop Overswinging | Get Your Backswing Under Control

Stop Overswinging | Get Your Backswing Under Control

A powerful, compact backswing is essential for creating good contact with the ball. If you bring the club back too far in your backswing, you're overswinging. In this video, Craig...
1. Intro to Fix Overswing/Across-the-Line Swing

1. Intro to Fix Overswing/Across-the-Line Swing

Find out how to work through this section on how to cure your overswing or across-th...

Fix Overswing/Across the Line - Flying Right Elbow

Fix Overswing/Across the Line - Flying Right Elbow

If you want to cure your overswing/across-the-line swing, you first need to diagnose...

Losing Lag and Weak Release

The 3 Reasons You're Not Improving at Golf

The 3 Reasons You're Not Improving at Golf

Why you're not improving at golf and how to fix it! Watch the Push vs. Pull in the Golf Swing video!
Intro to Fix Losing Lag and Weak Release

Intro to Fix Losing Lag and Weak Release

Find out how to work through this section on how to cure your golf casting / loss of la...

RST Level 1 Program

Golf Fitness Exercises & Training Videos - Introduction

Golf Fitness Exercises & Training Videos - Introduction

Introduction to the Level 1 RST Fitness and Golf Swing Learning program.
Chair Rotations

Chair Rotations

This exercise will help ingrain the feeling of a proper turn in the golf swing while...

Full Can Exercise

Full Can Exercise

A challenging but powerful exercise for strengthening muscles used during the downsw...

Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge

Stability in the downswing is a must for power and control. This exercise builds str...

Stability Lunge

Stability Lunge

Struggle with the proper impact position, losing the tush line and not knowing what ...

Theraband Row

Theraband Row

Struggling with feeling which muscles should be engaging during the takeaway and the...

Throw the Ball Tennis Ball Drill

Throw the Ball Tennis Ball Drill

Learn what it feels like to get effortless speed in the golf swing while working on ...

Lateral Hops

Lateral Hops

Dynamic stability, control and power all rolled up into one exercise.

One Arm Pulldown

One Arm Pulldown

Learn exactly what muscles to use in the lead arm in the downswing while strengtheni...

Bosu Ball Squat

Bosu Ball Squat

A little more advanced exercise for those looking to push themselves, this will buil...

Strength and Power

RST FitKit - Weight Shift Exercise

RST FitKit - Weight Shift Exercise

The key to any golf swing is the efficient transfer of momentum from the big muscles to the small, and then to the club. It all starts here.
RST FitKit - Core Rotation

RST FitKit - Core Rotation

Bad back or lack of power? Let's strengthen that core and kill two birds with one stone!
RST FitKit - Add the Lead Arm

RST FitKit - Add the Lead Arm

Step 3 of the RST 5 Step Series - Add the Lead Arm. These exercises will help you stren...
5 Best TRX Exercises for Distance

5 Best TRX Exercises for Distance

The TRX is one of the best pieces of equipment in any gym. It's versatile, helps you...

Goblet Squats for Increased Power

Goblet Squats for Increased Power

In this video, RST Fitness Instructor Anthony Yeung will will show you a great exerc...

Want More Power? Add This One Exercise to Your Routine

Want More Power? Add This One Exercise to Your Routine

Every golfer wants more power in their swing. But to add a few extra yards to every clu...
Stir the Pot Golf Core Exercise

Stir the Pot Golf Core Exercise

The core muscles are crucial in golf. Stir the Pot is a great exercise to strengthen...



3 Easy Exercises to Fix Posture

3 Easy Exercises to Fix Posture

Find out three easy drills to do in the gym or on the course to improve your posture and help you build a better, repeatable swing: Band Pull Apart, Band No-Money, and Pec Stretch.

Glute Series

Glute Series Intro

Glute Series Intro

The glutes are the most important muscles in the golf swing and this video series will teach you to break up adhesions, lengthen and then strengthen them for power and consistency in your...
Glute Smash

Glute Smash

This exercise is all about breaking up the binding adhesions that keep the muscle eithe...
Pigeon Pose to Stretch Glutes

Pigeon Pose to Stretch Glutes

Once you have broken up adhesions in the muscle and connective tissue, we want to lengt...
Glute Bridge for a More Powerful Golf Swing

Glute Bridge for a More Powerful Golf Swing

This video shows you how to strengthen the glutes for the golf swing. No need to go to ...

Throracic Spine Series

Golf and the Thoracic Spine Series Intro

Golf and the Thoracic Spine Series Intro

Golfers get the majority of their upper body rotation from the thoracic spine. In this new video series, we show you how to increase the flexibility in this area for a bigger turn and mor...
Thoracic Spine Adhesion Break Up

Thoracic Spine Adhesion Break Up

The first step to more rotation is breaking up muscle adhesions that bind to the fascia...
Thoracic Spine Lengthen Exercise

Thoracic Spine Lengthen Exercise

Once you break up adhesions, you want to lengthen the muscles for greater range of motion.
Strengthen Thoracic Spine

Strengthen Thoracic Spine

A lengthened muscle is no good unless it's strong. Many golfers make the mistake of onl...

Core Strength Series

3 Cable-Machine Core Exercises To Add To Your Routine

3 Cable-Machine Core Exercises To Add To Your Routine

We all know how important the core is to your golf swing. But which ones are the best for golfers? Add these three core exercises — all of which use the cable machine — to increase your s...
Golf Core Strength for Beginners

Golf Core Strength for Beginners

Adding distance and injury prevention is at the heart of this new videos series. This v...
Intermediate Core Strength for Golfers

Intermediate Core Strength for Golfers

Ready to advance to greater core strength to improve your golf swing and protect your b...
Core Rotation Strengthening

Core Rotation Strengthening

These exercises will strengthen your core and increase your endurance to help you finis...
Advanced Core Exercises

Advanced Core Exercises

For those of you who like a challenge and are looking to take your golf swing and core ...

As you can see, we literally have hundreds of the best golf instruction videos on our site that are completely unique. Why are our golf swing videos unique? Because the Rotary Swing Tour golf instruction methodology is the only online golf swing learning system that is based on science, not opinion!

In general, golf instruction is based on what that particular golf instructor has found works in his own golf swing or his favorite tour pros golf swing. Sadly, this leads to loads of confusion that the golf instruction industry has become known for.

How often have you noticed in a golf magazine that one instructor says one thing and the next golf instructor says the complete opposite! One says hold the golf club this way, and the other says hold the golf club like this! Which one is right and which is wrong? Is there a right or wrong way to swing the golf club?

Well, just like any other sport, there are fundamentals that can't defy science. The laws of physics and human anatomy trump some golf instructor's "opinion", do they not?

That's what our golf instruction videos are all about. We took an objective look at the golf swing and made videos that only focus on the fundamentals of the golf swing based on fact. It's black and white with Rotary Swing when it comes to fundamentals.

Now that doesn't mean there aren't variables in the golf swing and our videos cover that in depth, it's just that our golf swing videos focus on teaching you how to move your body in a way that is both safe from injury and powerful while being efficient and easy to repeat.

If you're looking for the best golf instruction videos online, you've found the right place!

We're after one thing: Real Results - Real Fast. And that's exactly what our members achieve. And that's why they say the AXIOM is: Mind-blowing. Game changing. Revolutionary.

Check it out ...

Here at RotarySwing, talk is cheap and the proof is always in the pudding. Come see the massive transformations we can achieve together in your swing.

See for yourself ...

From beginner to pro, we have what you need to get you where you want to go.

See how inside ...

RotarySwing was founded out of frustration with the current state of golf instruction. Quinton knew a better way had to exist to learn this game we all love.

Learn more ...