RST Student Success - Building More Lag

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RST student uses a simple 3 step process to shallow his golf swing and build in a ton of lag for clubhead speed.

  • Understand what is causing the main faults. 
  • Isolate certain areas of the body when working on correcting major faults. 
  • Stack drills together the more proficient you become with the drills. 

In today's video I want to take some time and show you some recent student success that we had here from Tom who's been a long time member of the site. We were able to work through a three step process here to not only get him more lag as you're seeing here one the screen. We were also able to shallow his golf swing out an amazing amount. So if you've been looking for a solution to get more lag in your golf swing, and you've been looking for a way to stop coming over the top, then you want to pay close attention to this video because I'm going to go ahead and relate it to some premium videos on the website that are going to certainly help you out and get you well on your way to playing your best golf, so let's go ahead and get started.

                Okay guys, so as I was saying in the opener, I wanted to take a couple minutes and show you some really awesome student success we just recently had with one of our members here, Tom. Tom has been struggling with being over the top and with a lot of right side dominance actually. You're going to see over here on the left hand side of the screen this is the Tom of old. You can see how vertical this club shaft is. It's almost above the right shoulder. It's quite a bit above the plane line. Now we have the club tracing down the plane line which is going to make it much easier for us to be able to deliver the golf club down the correct path and also be able to release the club from a proper angle of attack here.

                We were able to work through this by identifying the main issue and that was obviously he's got a lot of right side dominance in there. What we had to do here is we actually kind of tied two drills together. We tied the squat to square video, and we tied the lose the right hand golf swing drill, because I wanted him to be able to work and understand how the lower body needs to motor the downswing. We were able to isolate certain areas of the golf swing and really work hard on driving the golf swing, the downswing especially with the lower half, and in turn we started to see the shallowness of the golf swing start to fire up. At that point, we were able to start refining what we were able to work on next, and that was going to be the release.

                Let's go ahead and take a look at this from a face one perspective, and I'll show you further. Okay guys, so now taking a look at this golf swing from a face on perspective, what we had to do once we shallowed the golf swing out by working on sequencing the golf swing properly by using the lower body. We had to work on the release, and we came up with a good drill here that was able to kind of tie three moves together. It was the squat to square video, a left hand golf club release drill which is a phenomenal video as well, and then the lose the right hand. Those three videos basically kind of compiled what we were trying to accomplish for this golf swing. We needed it shallow, and we needed to be able to release the club because when he had as much right side dominance in this golf swing on the way down, he was pushing very, very hard from the right arm causing the left wrist and the left forearm to get really, really tense.

                When that left wrist gets really tense, it's not going to want to rotate when we take the right hand off the club completely. We had to spend some time really kind of shaking out the tension, really working through to feel like the left wrist was staying very supple through the hitting area. In turn you're going to see over here on the right hand side of the screen kind of the drill we worked on.

                You're going to see a good squatting move over to the lead side, good shift. Right hand's starting to come off the club. We've been able to maintain a lot more lag, and then the release looks absolutely fantastic. Very good positions as a whole. So we drilled this quite a few times, and we were able to get some really good results. Actually at the end of the day, we were able to get way more efficient where we didn't have to feel like we were working so hard, and in turn we were getting better compression on the golf ball.

                That's really the name of the game is being able to identify the problems and being able to really kind of focus on the areas that you need to focus on most. I think if you take these three videos if you've been really struggling with those areas of your golf swing. Take a look at squat to square. Make sure that you understand how we want the lower body really driving things. Then learn the left hand golf club release drill. That's a good video that you can always work on no matter what part of the swing you're working on.

                Then the lose the right hand. That's another awesome video that's going to teach you how to get that culprit of causing us all those main issues off the golf club and drive things from the lead side of your body, and you're going to be well on your way to playing much more consistent, more efficient and more safe golf. All right guys, so that's our student success story. Let's get out there. Let's put it to use, and let's be on our way to playing some good golf. I wish y'all the best, and make it a great day.      

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I watched all the videos. So despite a relaxed wrist now thus good down cock, from 9 to 3 my right arms fire too early and the lag is early released. I watched the wide narrow wide and transition and still cannot get it. No matter what I do, the arms fire (quiet shoulders already). How can I quieter my arms to just before the release is supposed to happen? Only from 9 to 3 do I lose lag - what's a good fix? There are no good videos which explain this. Secondly does clearing help with preserving lag?
March 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. When the hips clear (or post up motion) you actually will start releasing the club. Therefore, firing the lag or wrist angle into the strike. I would suggest in your next review. Showing me a practice swing where you maintain the angle you are looking for and then a ball strike to compare the differences. Also, try some smaller swings working on the Vijay Release Drill. Letting go of the trail hand to start taking it out of the equation. That would help you preserve it longer.
March 27, 2017
So the question is how does the right elbow and right arm work together to produce the lag? Where should they be and how do they operate in the downswing? Thanks!
March 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. Take a look at the Sledgehammer Video and Reshaping Your Swing for Lag to understand more about how the trail arm preserves lag. For the vast majority of golfers it's over use of the trail arm why the lag is lost. If your lead arm only swings are perfect, but when you add the trail all lag is lost. You need to de-activate the trail, not try to add more steerage.
March 20, 2017
If I don't tuck the right elbow to in front of my thigh or below my sternum at downswing - then the lag is gone? Is this true?
March 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. The trail elbow needs to work in front of the body and needs to maintain it's angle to below the sternum. If the trail arm fires at the top or prematurely loses flexion you will lose lag.
March 20, 2017
To add, I think some of your videos of other students are very similar - good downcock and suddenly just before the hands reach the thighs, the entire lag is lost - and my right shoulders are inactive and still I lose the lag. My left hand only swings are great too. So it's purely how to move my right hand arm wrist from 9-3 drill.
March 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. Most people lose the lag at that position because they lack proper release. Trail side dominant players start over using the trail hand versus staying in control and releasing with the lead.
March 20, 2017
Is keeping a bent right arm essential to preserve the lag? If I lose the bend, does that fire the club prematurely? I have a great downcock but no matter what I do, the nine to three drill cannot happen at all - I lose all the lag
March 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. If the trail arm starts to straighten to early in the downswing you will tend to lose lag angle. You don't want to increase the flexion, but maintain the 90 degree position.
March 20, 2017
I've been working hard at getting more lag and I'm finding out (if I'm doing it correctly) that the more relaxed I let my arm feel, the more lag I can create. My question is: How do I keep the club head from dropping down into the ground before I hit the ball? Does this mean I'm going to slow? Is lag all about timing and not about power?
August 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Seth. It sounds like you are creating lag, but stop pulling into impact. You need to maintain the angle longer and maintain some shaft lean. Use the Transition Drill and the Taking a Divot Video to help maintain lag longer and have forward shaft lean for proper strike.
August 13, 2015
I have been having some trouble locating a recommended video by name only. I have also noted this is not an isolated problem, many members mention this. My suggestion would be to number the videos and refer to them this way. Thanks Randy
July 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. If you look to the top right of your screen. There is a Recommended Videos tab that has all the videos referenced in the video.
July 13, 2015
I have watched several videos about Lag, but I don't know what Lag is. Could you please explain?
May 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Shawn. Take a look at the Physics Video Part One in the Introduction Advanced Section. Probably better than I can explain here. The angle of the wrists in relation to the arm and body coming down.
May 25, 2015
I have been doing lag drills (right hand off the club and left hand only ) and have no problem retaining the lag while doing the drills. However, as soon as I add the right hand again the early release comes again. Please see blopar42 on youtube for example of swings where I "felt" like I was swinging only with the left hand - still the cast. Any other drills or ideas to ingrain the left hand dominant feeling or does it just take years of work?
April 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. It takes time to make the change permanent. Work on the Transition Drill in the Advanced Downswing Section and the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release in the Downswing Section. Still come right side push and body spin when you add right arm.
April 9, 2015
Hey guys, ya I couldn't agree more with Sujit as I've seen this before on your site and personally in my own work. Always easier to simulate without a ball or in this case a practice swing. A captured swing and then replayed back just like to do with the pro would have much more credence !! Still lov the site but needed to add my 2cts
April 6, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Julio -- This sort of thing can be a sticky situation for the simple fact that maybe the student does not want the entire swing shown in a video. We have a very large audience of people and sometimes users can be critical of others. With that said, I will work on getting more swings at full speed for each of these students that show success moving forward.
April 7, 2015
Don't get me wrong, I love this site but I find it disappointing now that two recent videos have stated that it is a student success story but you haven't shown the student actually hitting the ball. Anyone can rehearse a perfect swing with the right amount of lag etc. It is a completely different story when it comes to putting into practice and hitting the ball. Going forward, it would be much more creditable if you can show the student hitting the ball rather than a practice swing. Just some constructive criticism to improve the site.
April 6, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
This sort of thing can be a sticky situation for the simple fact that maybe the student does not want the entire swing shown in a video. We have a very large audience of people and sometimes users can be critical of others. With that said, I will work on getting more swings at full speed for each of these students that show success moving forward.
April 7, 2015
Congratulations to you and your student for a remarkable improvement. Question: his lead shoulder appears to rise up at the finish. Is that amount OK or is it worth trying to keep it more level?
April 3, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Bert -- Thanks very much for the words. At the moment, we are working on shallowing out the swing quite a bit. Once this is done, we will work to level the shoulders out a bit more in the hitting area.
April 7, 2015

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