Hackmotion Introduction

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Introduction to the Hackmotion training aid. Save $50 off the Hackmotion Pro at https://hackmotion.com/rotaryswing

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Is the new wrist sensors worth getting? I have the pro model.
July 16, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The only noticeable difference Larry is the vibration feedback. They say it is more accurate but I never noticed an accuracy issue. But, the vibration feedback is great, especially if you are training some place where it's noisy or you can't have the volume turned up very loud on your phone.
July 16, 2024
Hi Chuck just got mine and I thought I had quite hands, but nope. Also, saw a video of Morikawa at PGA and they showed his intentional bowing at the top of his swing. Is this so he can get more shaft lean at impact?
May 21, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's so he can rotate his body through impact
May 22, 2024
Chuck which professional in Hackmotion woud you recommend we use as a benchmark? Thanks, Chris.
April 23, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
All of the videos have been based off Olesen's data
April 23, 2024
Thank you. One main question i have is if you are showing that so many of the GOATs say that the release starts at the top before the downswing ie a slight throwing out of the club, then isnmt this at odds with seeing how tucked in their right elbow is that you show on this hackmotion video of Tiger and Oleson just before impact? That would suggest keeping the angle and pulling down
April 3, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Mark, understand that the right arm is always extending immediately from the top of the swing and continuing to do so through the release. The idea of "tucking" the arm needs to be understood that you're not trying to maintain the flexion, quite the opposite. The "tucking" is moving into GDP while the arm is still extending.
April 3, 2024
By the way, thanks so much for all these swift repsonses. Amazing to get your feedback. I am a scratch golfer , 61 yrs old, and trying to compete, and changing a flat swing and really love what you are teaching but also in middle of lessons which are very similar to your theory
April 3, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome! Scratch at 61 is badass! Keep it up!
April 3, 2024
How? if you purposefully release, the angle widens and the elbow comes away a bit . It cant stay completely tucked in as that would narrow the angle giving more lag till later surely?
April 3, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The elbow is partially "getting tucked" by the pressure shift and lateral movement back to the left. That's what makes the arm look like it's sucked into the body while it is actually widening. Same as if you were doing a submarine baseball throw.
April 3, 2024
what video on your rotary swing system shows the method of hitting fades and draws
April 3, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Mark, try the search function at the top, just type in "fade" or "draw"
April 3, 2024
Which level of hackmotion should I buy? Core, plus or prolevel?
March 27, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
If you are comfortable with the price the Pro has rotation and deviation that i covered in yesterdays new videos and is extremely helpful
March 27, 2024
Ok. Thanks. C u on April 5 and 6. Have lessons with you.
March 27, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ah cool! Looking forward to meeting you!
March 28, 2024
Chuck, AWESOME content as usual. I am more motivated than ever to use my Hackmotion and follow your instruction as it gives me a clear path to succeed. I'll post my pattern as soon as I have it grooved. Thank you for the simple explanations as always!
March 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I would love to see your data from Hackmotion!
March 7, 2024
Chuck, took 20 swings tonight using HackMotion Analysis Pro version. Would love your feedback. Posted in Community. Thanks.
March 7, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
March 8, 2024

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