GOAT Code Effortless Power - Take it to the Course - Pt 4 of 4

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In the final installment on effortless power, you'll refine your head movement to learn how to snap your wrists for speed you've only dreamed of in the golf swing.

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Wow, just like in politics "it's the economy stupid!", in golf "it's the physics!" Congratulations on presenting the best description of biomechanics in the swing for effortless power instead of powerless effort. Wish I had joined your group earlier, would have saved lots of torture over the last yrs. Thank you!
September 7, 2024
You're welcome Jim, you're here now, that's all that matters!
September 8, 2024
I need you to clarify something for me. Under the GOAT THEORY section on How the GOATS Start and Sequence the Swing (dated somewhere around Nov 2023) you explain about how the core gets wound up when you get into "extension" and this is what you use to rotate the body in the downswing. When using this unwinding of the core once you get back to the lead side it will cause the hips to get deeper and also cause the hips to open up and the sacrum to get behind it's initial starting point. You further explain the difference in the amount of side bend you have with a lead arm swing and then less with more of the trail arm swing. I am using the trail side dominate swing. The thing that is confusing me is that you don't advocate using rotation (in videos which came out later) with throwing the club head (properly). If my core is wanting to unwind how do I avoid the rotation part. I realize that there is rotation in using a trail side dominate swing, but isn't it due to the initial throw and moving the hands as quick as possible to and through the hitting area. I would appreciate your help in getting me straight on this. Thanks again Chuck
August 23, 2024
Hi Jeff, what I was referring to in regards to "not" using rotation (you definitely do) is stemming from students who I see that twist their shoulders as far as they can and then rip their shoulders around in the downswing. It's not shoulder rotation that you want, but core rotation. That is exactly what I'm working on with the RSA guys right now as it's a big challenge for most to learn to engage their core.
August 23, 2024
Assuming that I am doing all the right things (early/quick enough) to get back over to the lead side; what is the sequencing when I am in full extension (full shoulder turn) and my core is totally engaged. Do I throw the club head first before I my core starts to unwind or should both happen almost simultaneously. Do you advocate throwing the club head any time you are starting to move over to the lead side like "The Bear" said? If not, at what point in the pressure shift would be ideal?
August 24, 2024
The trick to this is that it's all happening way too fast to think of one or the other. The entire body is involved in the throw and you must think of it as such.
August 25, 2024
Hey there! Firstly wanted to say the GOAT Code has been revolutionary for my swing, I have gone from a mid-to-high 90s player to high-to-mid 80s since practicing this motion, so thank you for that. I was just wondering if you planned to release the GOAT Drill for those of us who have been following along thus far. I saw it was under the RSA Experimental section. I feel as though the GOAT swing pattern has been a game changer for me and I'd really love to be able to practice it more efficiently...so wondering if that drill would be released soon for premium members or if there's any way to access it. Thanks in advance!
August 8, 2024
Awesome Robert! That's great! Yes, absolutely it will be released to all members after we're done refining it with the RSA guys in my test group.
August 9, 2024
Hey! Knowing you been doing the throwing pattern for a while now and are use to it, do you feel like you “release” with the head movement allowing for the wrist to be more relaxed and still snap? The idea is to create a more passive throw. Feeds off the idea how the head can control the entire body. Creating less mind to muscle effort. I thought of this because when I do the throw motion, it seems a tad and I mean a tad to aggressive. More of a wrist and forearm arm hit. When I do the head movement I feel like I’m able to throw with more of my wrist less forearm.
August 5, 2024
You can do either Caden, but I prefer the passive arms/wrists feel because that is when I get the greatest whip affect and most speed with the least effort.
August 5, 2024
Your able to do the passive arms/wrist because of the head movement controlling the wrist snap?
August 5, 2024
The head and shoulder working together, yes. It's part of what I'm testing with the RSA guys right now
August 5, 2024
Nice. It’s like I have to work the right shoulder back with the head to keep the head movement consistent. If I don’t use the shoulder my head tends to tilt the wrong way.
August 5, 2024
About 25-30 years ago I was reading a Nicklaus instruction book and he said he felt like his head was moving back around impact time. I had never heard anyone say that before but I thought it must be important because Jack did it. I could never figure out how to do it only my own and never heard any other instructor talk about it. Your instruction on the how to do this is excellent. This move helps to put the brakes on and get the snap to the towel (club). I’m getting very good results when I do it right. Thanks, Chuck
August 3, 2024
Awesome Ron, you're welcome!
August 4, 2024
So I have been doing this and my back just above my lower back has been hurting so I know I am doing something wrong. Any ideas? I definitely don't want to injure my back or anything swinging. I love the concept and it makes a lot of sense to me. Thanks!
July 30, 2024
Would have to see it to know for sure, could be so many different little things
July 30, 2024
Here is a down the line view clip. Thanks for taking a look at these. I don't want to hurt myself so I can't play anymore for sure and would love to play at the highest level.

July 31, 2024
Here is a front view clip. For some reason I didn't see the video attachment earlier lol. Glad I found it.

July 31, 2024
Lee, you've got a GREAT golf swing! The only thing I see that could aggravate your back is you're loading your lower body more aggressively than you need to. You really load hard into that back leg and drive pretty hard. You can tone this down and replace that speed with a little more hand speed and protect your back
July 31, 2024
Thanks for the reply, compliment, and taking a quick look at it Chuck! Ok, so I was trying to feel like I got my head over my right foot in the backswing so I think you are saying don't try to do that so much which would be less load. Is that right? I think I understand you saying in the downswing using the throw more and feeling like my body doesn't do anything though it's hard to turn off after practicing lead side for so long lol. Thanks again! My goal is to play this game for a living. What I lack is the swing to do it.
July 31, 2024
That's awesome Lee, I hope I can help you do that! You're kind of loading like a spring, really squatting down in the backswing and then of course you're going to unwind that way with a fair bit of rotation and that causes you to start casting the club a bit from the top. Stay taller in the backswing and keep the right leg straigher/let it straighten then you won't have to pop up out of it so much
August 1, 2024
I am sure you can and already are! What I mainly have been lacking specifically is distance. Oh ok! That makes sense and makes it clear to me. Thanks for the explanation Chuck! I did want to say too that what I try to think about in the downswing is turning my head right and allowing separation between my head and left shoulder. Is the second part of that a good thought? Thought it might help others too if it is.
August 1, 2024
It is for sure, it helps prevent pushing from the trail side specifically the shoulder and arm
August 2, 2024
Ok good, that makes sense. Also, I tried staying a little taller in the backswing not loading so hard and that did help my back! Thanks again!
August 2, 2024
Hi Chuck, can you shoot a short video in slow motion of the movement from the head during the entire golf swing, but from someone who has full neck mobility and who does not wear a cap on the had , so that you can better track in which direktion he is looking from the beginning to the end?
July 27, 2024
Hi Barbara, I'll see what I can do about that for you, in the meantime, take a look at some slo-mo video of Tommy Fleetwood. While his movement is pretty extreme, it will help you see what's happening in an exaggerated fashion.
July 29, 2024
Well… What can I say… Gave this a go at the range and it truly did make a big difference! Tied things together in terms of body movements. Looking at older videos, I was already doing this but now that I’m consciously thinking to do it, the body movements have responded… Gonna keep working at it, but so far I like it! Thanks Chuck! Very excited for the “Tie it all together video” you are working on! With this crazy abundance of information and directions it will be key lol…
July 24, 2024
I am testing it with some RSA members this week so we should have some good feedback on how well the goat drill ties everything together very soon
July 24, 2024
That’s great! Here’s hoping it all comes together! Thanks again Chuck!
July 24, 2024
On the takeaway do you moving the head and neck in opposite direction to downswing? (for R hander, neck tilt left, and neck twist forward on takeaway? Thanks
July 23, 2024
Yes if you want to load the lead side against the neck, this is a powerful source of leverage
July 23, 2024
Does the post up help tilt your upper body backwards?
July 23, 2024
Yes it does to some degree
July 23, 2024
I love the new videos but need some clarification on the weight transfer. When I look at the videos it makes total sense but I feel like I’m hanging back a bit on my trail foot and I don’t feel as if I’m finishing on my lead side balanced and in tall posture at the finish. Thanks so much in advance for the help !
July 22, 2024
That probably means your head is moving too far off the ball in the backswing. If you post a clip of your swing we can see what's really happening.
July 23, 2024
Hi Chuck, the goat code series has shaved 8-10 strokes off my game so far and I don’t feel like I’ve really grooved these changes into my swing yet. Huge thanks. I watched the videos on how to use my head this week and played two rounds this weekend. My miss hits were drop kicks or low on the face. Any suggestions?
July 21, 2024
That's awesome! The drop kicks are generally caused by the arms getting too deep in teh backswing. I'm going to be putting together a new video that's going to show how to tie all these things together in one move and it will explain in detail how the arms must move to avoid bad shots.
July 22, 2024
Great detail as always Chuck. The head back is very helpful. Sometimes I will overdo the throw from the top & throw the whole upper body vs the arms. When I tried the head back & left arm downswing sync (rh player) I tend to focus too much on my lead arm, almost affecting the rear arm throw. So, I tried syncing the head back/ left leg diagonal post up. So the "feel" for me is that sync of head back/ left leg diagonal post up going back is opposite to the arms & club slinging through the downswing. Or, that feel causes the sling effect. Thanks again for your good work. Mike.
July 21, 2024
You're welcome Michael!
July 21, 2024
I tried this today. Just small moves with my head as instructed. I was pretty amazed. The movement of my head on the downswing was totally wrong. The trajectory of my woods was so much lower. I hit my irons a little thin, but the flight was nice. Chuck I have never had an instructor describe this head motion. Such good incite!
July 20, 2024
Thank you Larry this is a new discovery for me as well and I’m looking forward to sharing with you guys how to put this all together in one piece soon
July 20, 2024
This seems like Moe Norman's magic move. You know how much I like Moe.
July 20, 2024
Hi Chuck, asking for clarity here as a recent previous video and one of the lessons you had us “sway” and trying this really worked well if I remembered to “keep my head over my trail foot”… was fast and shallowed well. Here it has us slightly shifting head to lead side on the takeaway ala as you referenced subtle Stack and Tilt. Question is do we move head back and behind then drive with right side (squash) while leaving head back or best to bump head target towards on takeaway? Thanks again as the real time discovery your sharing is incredible!
July 19, 2024
Hi George, thank you and I’m glad you’re enjoying the new content the more that you want to use your neck for leverage the more that you would want to tilt the head to the left like Rory does that will get you maximum leverage from the lead side as it uses the neck as a lever. Of course, this move is optional, but it will get your body the most leverage and the most loaded up.
July 20, 2024
I’m 5’3 so any more leverage I can get is a bonus… Huge thanks Chuck!
July 20, 2024
Great content! Makes a lot of sense. Having said that, I've been around in golf for awhile (64 years!) and can remember when the "reverse C" finish was the ideal. This looks similar. Jack was a good example in his prime, then later Johnny Miller. They played pretty well, lol. Then that look fell out of favor, the explanation being that it put too much strain on the back, but now seems to be back, in spades. Do you have any idea why the reverse C went out of favor? Along with that went the dreaded "reverse pivot." As you mention briefly in one of these videos there are some similarities to the stack and tilt, but not hanging on the lead side throughout as they advocate and the long drive guys absolutely don't do. Again, to be clear, I am not criticizing, just genuinely curious about how to distinguish between the old reverse C and the modern power swing moves you are advocating based on what the best of the best are doing. Thanks for your thoughts!
July 19, 2024
Hi Dave, this is very different than a Reverse C. A reverse C is from a big lateral hip slide where the lead hip moves out past the ankle and puts a lot of compression on the low back and stress on the hip. The modern power guys pivot more and drive from the trail side. The old school was a big lateral movement to keep the face square as long as possible
July 19, 2024
The head movement appears to result in significant side bend. I am cautious about side bend as you’ve warned us side bend can lead to back injury if done wrong. Hope you can do a video focused on safely using side bend: what is ok, what is dangerous. Maybe you can use tigers back injuries as an example. Another goat lesson. Thanks for all the new insights on what the goats do to be great.
July 19, 2024
Hi Frank sidebend WITH rotation is what's dangerous. One or the other is ok, both combined is where you risk bulging disk
July 19, 2024
I used to have more of this early side bend in my swing and it made me really in to out. How do you incorporate this move and not get too inside with the swing?
July 18, 2024
I'd have to see your swing to see what you're actually doing first, can you post it? First guess is your arms were getting too deep
July 19, 2024
Thanks Chuck. Let me try to drill this in and see where I end up first. Something that may compliment this move is in goat delivery position the hands should be further out than setup hand position. From here the hands move in and down. This seems to get me on a more neutral path. Versus my old tendency was to keep the hands in and move from down to up. If this make sense my be a good idea to integrate this goat delivery move into the head drill to make sure path is more neutral. My home setup uses a QuadMax so looking forward to messing with these 2 new concepts - your head counter move, and hands out to down and in goat delivery.
July 19, 2024
Ya for sure the GDP position with this move will ensure the club being on plane. I'm thinking about the next video to explain how to tie these moves all together with the arms and club and squish and head drop.
July 19, 2024
That sounds great. There is an overwhelming number of videos now begging to be converged into something simple, digestible and in some sort of progression. I’m sitting here trying to figure out how I want to approach these 3 paradigm principles. 1) Squish 2) GDP with hounds out to down and in release 3) head counter balance. I know getting these into my swing correctly will give me a low injury slingshot swing. It’s just obvious that these elements will make a huge difference. But I need to figure out a step by step drill progression to get me there for each element. I feel confused and unsure where to start.
July 19, 2024
I can echo your comments. The instruction is too complicated and confusing. There is a lot of good stuff but it is illogically laid out.
August 1, 2024
Copy that, your feedback is extremely helpful as much of this work has been "publish as I go" kind of thing and now that I've poured countless hours into the GOAT Code, I think I can tie it all together in a simpler way.
July 19, 2024
So the snapping of the wrists is a reaction to this motions with relaxed arms rather than trying to snap the wrists and throw the clubhead, correct? In otherwords, if I am doing this correctly, I should not even have to try to snap my wrists?
July 18, 2024
Well, that's a little bit of a confusing way to put it. The throw starts the initial acceleration of the club, but for the club to release with the most speed your wrists need to be soft.
July 19, 2024
Interesting and informative way of looking at side bend using the head to help. Don’t the front hip and leg also act as important braking device to help get snap in the release?
July 18, 2024
Yes for sure. Entire body is involved
July 18, 2024

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