Phase 3 Follow Along

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It's in Phase 3 where you will start to really experience power AND control like never before as you start increasing the length of your backswing. As you increase speed, you'll now also start altering your trajectory so you can hit missiles that rip through the wind and high floaters that land softly on the firmest of greens.

The phase three follow along is really about learning how to put everything together at speed. So now we're starting to make a longer back swing. Our nine to three position is now not club shaft parallel, but the lead arm parallel to the ground. And then our trail arm parallel to the ground on the other side. And now we're gonna be able to start putting a lot of speed into the shot and a lot of spin. So we're now we're gonna be able to start affecting different shots at different trajectory. So as you're going through the bonus challenge and this follow along, you're gonna start being able to alter trajectory a lot easier and hit it harder and farther and manipulating ball flight in both directions.

So again, I've got my set of 10 balls here, and I'm going to now start focusing on hitting it, going through the stuff that you learned in the phase three video. And then I'll mix in some of the bonus challenge here to walk you through that. Generally, when you're doing a bonus challenge, you wanna do all 10 balls in that bonus challenge sequence because the system recognizes the different skill set that's required for that and scores you differently. So that affects the total number of reps that you need for that set or to move on to the next phase. So in general, you're gonna hit all 10 shots. If you're gonna hit straight balls, you're hitting all 10 straight. If you're hitting bonus challenge where you're working on in phase three, working on trajectory control, all 10 balls are about trajectory control.

So first I'm going to just hit a normal straight ball, and I'm gonna make a couple practice swings to get some warm up speed here. I'm going parallel, parallel, parallel, parallel. I'm still working on keeping my head down. My shoulders are letting the club release past rather than turning my shoulders and picking up my head where remember, if you go to look up to go see the ball, wherever your eyes go, your head goes where your head goes, your shoulders go. So you're gonna work on still releasing everything and keeping your head down and letting the club pull you up. All your pressures on the lead side. Right goot's gonna start to come up in the air a little bit more now.

All right, so let's hit one. We're just gonna hit straight balls for right now. And let's see how this goes. Pretty good. There about 160, 150 yards. Pretty good strike. Do the same thing, going through my checkpoints and my follow through. Little bit of a cut on that one. So now what would cause me when I'm hitting these shots to hit a little bit of a cut, turning those shoulders open, not letting the club release. So I want to practice that right shoulder stand back and releasing. Right shoulders staying back and releasing. Let the club go.

There we go, over corrected, hit a little bit of a draw, but that's perfectly fine. And in fact, you want to be able to do that because if you can over correct from a mistake, then you know where the center is. You know what straight is. It's just a little bit backed down in between those two. So now I over corrected, which again you're going to make these mistakes after hitting a cut, like, okay, I need to back it down and let the club release. You release it too much. Now I'm gonna back it down. I know what the feeling should be like to hit it straight. It's just a toned down version of those two.

Perfect laser straight. Right on my target. And that's why it's okay. And this is why it's important for you to take notes when you're entering your scores and pay attention to your checkpoints here, because the checkpoints tell you what kind of ball flight you're gonna have. If you're like this in the follow through that ball's going right all day long. If you're like this in the follow through, ball's going left. So if you're hanging back, you're gonna hit it fat so on. So that's why when you're entering your scores, it's important to put those notes in there because the system knows it's very predictable, what kind of mistakes you're gonna make and how to fix them. So it's very, very easy to correct these things.

I'll let the club release into a full follow through there a little bit more, but shot was absolutely perfect. Laser straight.

Oh, I chunked that one. Okay. So now what did I do there apart from losing my concentration? Shoulder turn no pressure shift. The biggest mistake that many of you're gonna make when you're going through this and you lose your focus for a second. And first of all, it's totally okay. Everybody's gonna do that. Everybody's gonna make mistakes. So the important thing is to stop, recognize the mistake you made and figure out what caused it. And again, with the Rotary Swing system, everything is cause and effect base. You put input a you're gonna get output B, C or D, and it's not that complicated to figure this stuff out. So when I hit that a little chunky, what I did is I started down with my shoulders instead of my legs. Now, for many of you who are at this point, you should be able to recognize that very quickly. If you're moved on phase three, so you should know that this is no bueno. You know, you can't turn your shoulders and hang back, but that's kind of, it's an exaggeration of what I did. I was just a little bit aggressive with my shoulders and that prevents my pressure from shifting over to the lead side. And I made a mistake and hit a bad shot. So this simple fix, all I gotta do is go back to my fundamentals that we've been working on this whole time, shift my lower body first, then let the club release. Don't try to power it with your shoulders, which is all I tried to do there. So little lapse in concentration, refocus here, and a perfect shot, dead straight, 150 yards with a little seven iron we're on the money.

Now, as I'm finishing up, my set, one thing I wanna talk about is how to use the bonus challenges. In phase three, we're working on trajectory control. So we're gonna hit the ball higher. We're gonna hit the ball lower. And so, as we're doing that, what you wanna do is during your normal set, you're just hitting the ball straight every time. Because we're trying to reinforce all of the checkpoints we learned in phase one, the release in phase two. And now we're doing that with speed in phase three. But as we start wanting to alter trajectory, when you go through the bonus challenge, if you choose to do that, then what you wanna do is mix trajectory. Now of course you can go and say, okay, I'm gonna work on the bonus challenge today, but I'm only on this set, but I'm only gonna do all low shots, that's okay.

But I also want you to put this in the context of real life in the real world, on the golf course, you may hit one shot really low because it's a shot into the wind. But on the next toll, you wanna hit the ball high because it's straight downwind or what have you. So, or you gotta hit over a tree or anything like that, or go into a, a very firm green. We wanna bring the trajectory up to get the ball to land more softly. So it's very, it's a great idea to practice in sets of 10 mixing trajectory. Hit a couple low hit one high hit, one low hit, too high so that you get used to being able to get a feel for the sense of the release. And that's what I'm gonna do now. So I'm gonna pretend I just finished up my set of 10 there. I entered my scores, my tendency, I tended to hang back and hit it fat here cause I was overusing my arms or my shoulders or what have you. And then the system's gonna recommend videos based on your tendency. And then what I'm gonna do is okay, my next set, I'm gonna do bonus challenge. I'm gonna select bonus challenge. Yes. And then I'm going to say, okay, I'm going to hit this first one low. And then if I hit that one, well maybe I'll hit the next one low to reinforce it. Or maybe I'll make a mistake and try to correct it. And then I'll start altering trajectory. So on these last few here let's hit one low. And so when I'm hitting it low, of course I'm, I'm trying to get this left wrist a little bit flatter. And the other key is that when you bow the wrist to hit the hit a lower trajectory, your hand will tend to get further in front of the club face will tend to keep the club face open.

So what you're going to do is not just bow the wrist, but also rotate it slightly. So it's this, the old, super-nation that Hogan talked about is getting that wrist flat and a little bit more rotated to make up for the tendency of the face to stay open when you bow your wrist because your hands are further ahead. So I know that going into this, that if I didn't, if I just bow my wrist, this ball's gonna go low. Right. Which is a valuable shot when we need it. But right now we're gonna hit it low straight. So I'm going to try and bow my wrist and get a little bit of extra rotation, tiny bit. And the only way that you're gonna know what that feels like is to do it, which is what these bonus challenges are for and why we're hitting sets of 10 so that we can say, okay, I have a tendency to, to bow the wrist fine, but I keep losing 'em out to the right. I need more rotation or what have you. So let's see how this first one goes, nice and low trajectory came out straight. So that one's totally fine.

Let's do one more just to make sure that we, we can do that on demand when we need it. Pulled that one just a little bit, say that was about five, 10 yards left in my target and that was shoulder rotation. It's gonna be very common. It's probably one of the most common mistakes that every golfer makes is trying to motor their swing with their shoulders and arms trying to get that right shoulder in to help push the club through the hitting area. And of course we don't wanna do that. We wanna let the club release cause that's where all that free speed is. So I don't like that. I pulled that because that was me not leading with my lower body. That's me leading with my upper body.

So now I'm gonna correct that and get this ball to come out low and straight. A little better there. So now I'm just pull over a couple more pretending I'm in my set of 10 on my bonus challenge here and I'm gonna hit this ball a little bit higher so you can see those came out pretty low. And again, it's just bowing that lead wrist just a little bit. And now I'm gonna let the club release a little bit more. Get the ball up in the air a little bit more. It's gonna pull me around to a little bit more of a full follow through. Whereas the low shot you tend to hold the release off a little bit more

Much higher trajectory than the other one, more than three times higher. I pushed it a little bit, right? My tendency there, when I start trying to shape the ball, which will be common for you as well, is trying to start using my upper body too much and not letting my hands release. This is the key. When you start trying to really master your ball flight is not trying to use your hands aggressively to control the ball and manipulate the ball. Your hands are basically there right at the last second to left and reserve to manipulate very subtle deviations in clubface angle. The tiniest little change, you know, going from here to here changes your seven iron to an eight iron. It's gonna change your trajectory a lot. So as you're doing this, you want to get a feel for the subtlety of it. And the simplest way to do that is just by bringing the speed down just a little bit, to get a feel for the release. Oh, that was perfect. Beautiful high softball flight. I didn't try to muscle it. I let the club work through the hitting area. I let it release. Let my hands release just a little bit more, a lot more than when the low shot. And then that brought the trajectory up.

So this phase is all about learning, how to control club phase angle in terms of loft. The phase be before this phase two was about controlling deviation of phase angle. So if it's pointing to the left or the right. In phase four, what you're gonna learn to do in the bonus challenge is put both of those together at the same time. And that's gonna be the next challenge, but it's important that you learn how to master trajectory here before moving on to phase four, because that's where you're gonna learn the nine ball challenge where you hit every single shot in the book.

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In phase 3 when Chuck mentions the goal is hit the ball 150 yards is he referring to the carry distance or the distance after the ball rolls out?
May 6, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Total distance.
May 7, 2024
Been in phase 3 last 7 days, killing it, carrying the 7i (cavity back blades) 165-170 in these 3/4 swings, only hit a couple of the toe a day usually (doing 40-50 of this level a day). One thing I’ve found, if I keep my head down looking at the impact location even at the finish of these 3/4 swings is when I hit the longest and cleanest shots, swinging the 7i around 87mph and carrying high 170s in those shots. And the release, the checkpoints and form look a lot cleaner on video. Obviously there’s no way to do this on a full follow through with a driver etc, but is this OK to keep the head down this long with an iron? I should add that it also helps me hit it straighter (have a tendency to over draw a couple here or there). Kind of just discovered this yesterday…
April 4, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. keep the head down is a great idea. It aids in the proper release of the club. Until you start to finish I don't see any reason not to stay in the shot. Great Results!
April 5, 2023
Hi Craig. How does the AI on Phase 3 work? It just wants me to add the number of reps, without asking how many of the ten shots went 150 yards, straight, pulled or pushed unlike Phase 1 and 2. If I just add the number which went to goal, then they aren’t really successful reps. Confused.
February 4, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Keith. I am discussing with Chuck to see if we should update the format in Phase 3. At this point the ball flight should start being fairly consistent. You will notice there are options to choose swing ailments. We want you to understand what is causing the error in ball flight. Nevertheless, thanks for the input. You may see some changes with it on the sooner side.
February 7, 2023
Sorry Craig, me again. Do we add our reps to the first Phase 3 video, or the Follow Along video, or both?
February 9, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Keith. You can add to both. The first Phase 3 Video is perfectly fine.
February 9, 2023
Hi Chuck, Craig, team; I just started this phase and it's a disaster trying to apply the throwing motion (maybe I should stick to biking). The swing does not feel anything like in phase 2. My left wrist is breaking down at impact (flipping / bending back / extension) and I have a tendency to hit fat. I feel like things are happening too fast so I can't prevent the bad habits of rotating shoulders too early, throwing club, etc. Do you have a recommendation on slowing things down, shortening the backswing or other so that I can feel the throwing motion without the swing breaking down in other areas? Thanks in advance.
September 5, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. That just means you are over using the trail side. The lead should still be working through its checkpoints. Focus a little less on trying to generate a lot of speed. Add the length to lead arm parallel and feel more like you did in Phase 2 (just a slightly bigger version). When you can get your checkpoints back from Phase 2 gradually blend in a tiny bit of speed. Only progress to faster when the prior checkpoints don't break down.
September 6, 2022
Do the shots need to end up within a certain yardage left or right of target? Like 10-15 yards either side?
August 1, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. The ideal goal would be 10 yards on either side.
August 1, 2022
Hi Chuck Is there a variation of this phase 3 using the driver? The reason is that my 7 irons go reasonably straight but I try the same thing with a driver and I’m spraying them all over the place! With little if any feel of the club face. It would be amazing to develop a goto driver variation of this that I could rely on on every tee!
June 24, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. The driver would be tough with the drill as the shaft may not allow proper loading and release. The face feel difficult as well. Appreciate the comments. Maybe a separate driver course would be helpful to the members.
June 24, 2022
Hi Craig Thanks. A separate driver course would be massively helpful. My scores would plummet if I could consistently hit the fairway! Thanks! Best James
June 26, 2022
A driver course would be awesome!
August 2, 2022
Agreed, is the idea that the principals from the iron phase 4 are transferable though?
November 24, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Absolutely. The only differences would be setup adjustments.
November 28, 2022
Hey Chuck and Team, Just wanted to pass on that I think this program is the best one I having worked on since RST 5 step, Dead Drill and Axiom. For my 2 cents, it is more practicle and far more skills based. I think this one gives me the best shot of achieving my long term goal of single figures. Nice one man!
June 9, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the feedback Chris!
June 9, 2022
One question though: when you are making the 'modified 9to3' swing, do you aim for making a full shoulder turn? Or do you settle for an 80% shoulder turn, leaving the full turn for an 11to1 swing.
June 9, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. Will be pretty close to full turn, but you don't have to be 100% in this drill.
June 9, 2022
Great content Chuck! Makes me want to practice again. Thanks!
June 9, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. Awesome. Thanks for the compliments.
June 9, 2022
With each video, I’m more impressed and excited to practice. An outstanding job! I love the follow along videos!
June 8, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Douglas. All part of the plan. Improve and enjoy working on your swing again.
June 9, 2022
Chuck, for the low trajectory shots you bow the left wrist and rotate (supinate) the wrist to compensate for the club face opening a little when you bow the wrist. Instead of supinating the wrist, would you get the same result by just gripping the club with the face a little closed? I think that will be easier for me because I wouldn't have to time supinating the wrist.
June 7, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Sure that works as well if you’re comfortable with it. For me personally i dont care to alter my grip much at all as the club feels very different in my hands and throughout the swing
June 7, 2022
I understand. thanks
June 13, 2022

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