The GOAT Pitch Shot

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Once you've got a good "hand" on your putting and chipping, the next phase - pitching - will be your first step into the foundation of a full swing as you will learn how to rotate using your core while setting your wrist to get the club up on plane.

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Is it correct that the take-away shown here can be used and extended to then make a full iron swing? Specifically how the right hand moves, the sensation of 'shut face' and perhaps steepness, as you say yourself? Also: I know that you don't like 'pushing with the left arm/hand' to start the swing. In my case, I've had a tendency to both rotate flat and roll the left arm with the clubhead going inside in an opening fashion. BUT: I find that if I start the swing by "pushing" my left shoulder down on plane, while monitoring that my left hand gets "pushed" back/in at around 20 degrees or so, I get a pretty solid start with passive arms and good upper body engagement/rotation. I also don't feel this left shoulder move leads to swaying in my case. I almost feel that if I just "push the left shoulder to below my chin" and "set my right wrist with a small "right hand lift" I'd be 90% there to a full swing. With all this said, do you still think it's too error-prone to focus on lead side pushing (be it arm or shoulder)? I've never really connected with the "rotate the right scapula back inside" feeling. Thanks!
September 14, 2024
Yes, that is the entire point of the program. Is that the exact same mechanics you learn here carryover to the full swing. You can use the lead side to help for sure and even focus on that as long as it does not cause you to start changing the club face angle. The starting line drill will be the truth teller for you to know if you are manipulating the club face, because you should be able to consistently get at least four out of five in that 1 foot slot
September 15, 2024
Chuck, too steep?

September 12, 2024
Hey Carver, note how your left arm is pretty vertical as you go back towards the end of the Takeaway this shows that you’re pushing with that left arm. When you pull back more with the right, the left arm angle in and point more towards the back of your foot, and this is very important to get in face control, because when you push with the left arm, it will change the club face angle most of the time as it will cause the left arm to pronate, which will rotate the face And the starting line drill will be very difficult and it will be very easy to get off plane
September 13, 2024
Thanks for the response Chuck. Very timely as I just spent 2 hours pitching and filming. I have been trying to get lead shoulder back and in as per your GOAT takeaway video. Going back and trying pulling with right side more. Thank you.
September 13, 2024
So I went back and hit more pitch shots with my 60 pulling with the right side. What a difference. Shallower AOA and much better strike. Club face contact moved from closer to toe to center face. Thanks Chuck. Made my day.
September 13, 2024
Awesome! Toe hits are almost always indicative of too much pulling with the lead side
September 15, 2024
In your prior pitch shot video (before GOAT) at address you recommended the club head to be toe down (to eliminate chunking it). I've seen videos of Tiger talking about how he will use the toe down to eliminate hitting it fat. Any thoughts on incorporating this?
September 8, 2024
You can do that here for sure. I personally don't do that very often but if you're comfortable with it, it can help, especially in bermuda.
September 9, 2024
Another great video and step for us students to follow! Perfect progression to learn the full swing! One quick question though, the one spot that you didn’t really elaborate on was what are you feeling for the slight shallowing move? I can do this and fully understand what we are trying to do and what it should look like but I want to make sure I’m doing this the “Way of the Goat” The way you want us to! Thank you Chuck!
September 5, 2024
Hi Steve, it's mostly the wrist that is creating the shallowing, the arm is involved a bit as well.
September 5, 2024
For sure, just wasn’t sure if there was a slight supination or slight clockwise twist of the wrist to initiate it?
September 5, 2024
Because the club is being taken back in a way that feels quite vertical when doing it correctly, it's natural for the wrist to want to do this motion to shallow. If your wrists are relatively relaxed going back as the core gets the motion going, you'll find this to be a natural motion.
September 5, 2024
Thanks so much for the explanation! That makes a lot of sense! I definitely overthink and over complicate the movement in an attempt to set the wrists! I am a huge believer in this Goat trial! It is phenomenal! Thanks Chuck!
September 5, 2024
You're welcome!
September 5, 2024

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