The GOAT Delivery Position (GDP)

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During my study of the GOATs, it kept becoming clear that they deliver and release the club in much the same way, no matter how different their swings may have looked. In this video, I show you how to get into the GOAT Delivery Position (GDP) and how to release the club from there.

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Lead-side swings get you into this position too. Is it the same body movement for both?
June 16, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, very similar, just different ways of getting there
June 16, 2024
Is lead side letting the shaft and club fall straight down like Ernie Els says? And Trail side more tucking your elbow into your pocket?
June 16, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Both arrive at the exact same position, it's more a matter of lead side is going to use more body rotation for power and trail side is going to use trail wrist more actively.
June 17, 2024
How does the GDP video following the Wide video and throwing the club head relate to the very DELIBERATE shoulder down arm move of the right arm for impact?
June 15, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're not deliberately trying to drop the shoulder, it's dropping as the lower body moves
June 16, 2024
Hello Chuck one thing im really missing out on is the elbows at address. 1. Should the lead elbow point to the target. 2. Should u bend and rotate the trail elbow in. 3. is it okai to have some open shoulder with this setup ?
June 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Search for "setup", there are videos that cover this
June 6, 2024
Hi, going from the top down to GDP, should it feel like I am actively dropping the trail shoulder like it is one unit with the arms/hands, or should I feel like my hands and arms are dropping into GDP while trying to keep the feeling of trail shoulder higher than lead shoulder? It seems easier to get my hands in front of my body with the first move, but I don't know if that promotes too much secondary axis tilt.
June 3, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The arms should drop into GDP naturally with proper body movement which really has to do with how the hips move like I cover in the wide glide wide drill and the 4 pressure shifts. If you feel like you have to force the trail shoulder low it will unnaturally create too much secondary tilt as you said
June 3, 2024
Awesome video. Such a key video for aspiring golfers!!
May 15, 2024
This is the piece that confuses me the most! Surely the. delivery position is a result of pulling down keeping the angle . But previously, you told us to widen the arc and release from the top as early as possible. Yet the gDP is hanging on to the angle till late. And if you are swinging at speed and throwing arms away from the top , how can you meet this position?
May 14, 2024
Same question here. I kinda feel there is a contradiction from the previous vids to this one.
June 5, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Your hands are moving faster, so you're not going to lose all your angle as I talked about in the main GOAT Code videos. You're not trying to hold anything, you're getting your hands to accelerate with the clubhead
May 15, 2024
Hi, I want to ask a question about internally rotating the lead/left arm. I totally get the value, it's the timing of when to implement the rotation. I was thinking by the time I hit P2, it should have happened and all I do at the point is maintain the internal rotation until the release has exhausted. Am I close?
May 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The arm is gradually internally rotating throughout the swing and more is added during the initial phase of the downswing
May 13, 2024
Chuck I find it easy to get into this position without even thinking about. All I do is feel my rt hand wind up in the backswing (max arm external rotation and max rt hand extension/radial deviation. I dont force it but it gives me a hard stop in the backswing. It feels very shallow but on video I’m on the shoulder plane. From there I throw the club like skipping a stone. In video I see my rt arm pretty much stay in same position during the downswing till I get to gdp. My rt elbow simply moves into my side. Only change is my rt wrist is going from radial to ulnar deviation. I’m I doing this right?
May 4, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Sure sounds like it!
May 5, 2024
Im sending you a video to review. I finally know what I should be doing in the golf swing. Feels so much more natural. TY
May 5, 2024
When is your new release video coming?
April 25, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Next week or so
April 25, 2024
Is this for all full shots including wedges
April 20, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
April 22, 2024
I just want to post my experience with the goat code so far. It has transformed my swing so much more than I expected. It took me a few weeks of watching the core GOAT code videos and working on what Chuck shows in each video. I've been putting in the reps until i was able to make a proper take away and back swing with little to no tension in my body and then properly throwing the club into it's own orbit. I've been swinging without a ball but I am tracking club head speed. On a good day I used to swing my driver around 95 mph. After training with the GOAT code I can now get up to 120 to 125 mph! And that feels so much easier than what I used to do before! If I swing easier I now average 115 mph with my driver! As good as it feels to swing so easy and get so much club head speed the path and face are so much more consistent than before. I can't wait to hit some balls on the practice range this weekend. Thank you Chuck for all your hard work!
April 12, 2024
What do you feel helped you the most to get a 30 mph increase?
May 15, 2024
Trying to do nothing with the body, and just focusing on throwing from the top the way Chuck talks about in the videos. It wasn't immediate. I first got to 100 from 90, and then got incrementally faster as I got better at it. Throw as fast as you can with the wrists and let your body react. It's no surprise Chuck never talks about the follow thru. When the club goes that fast I feel like it's automatic. I did spend a few weeks with the first few videos getting used to letting the club go into it's own orbit. Big picture is throw the club as fast as you can with the wrists and fingers without using your body to turn.
May 19, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That's incredible! You're going to have to start spotting me strokes! Great job man, going to be a fun summer for you!
April 15, 2024
This makes a lot of sense in relation to getting into GDP Can you please put together a video outlining exactly how to get the arms and wrists into position from setup to the top? I struggle with how and when to set the wrists! I can get my Flexion/ Extension numbers in range on HackMotion but Ulnar/ Radial are always too Radial at the top! Would greatly appreciate a Step by step Feeling to get into GTP (Goat Top Position) Thanks Chuck!
April 2, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Steve, it's already in the works. The trick to this is understanding how the trail wrist can fully set without going into a lot of radial deviation with the left - here's a hint, the right wrist has to rotate
April 2, 2024
Awesome! I am really excited for that! Without guessing and diving down too many rabbit holes… When I do as you say and take the right arm from GDP and go to the top, if I twist the right wrist clockwise or to the left when looking up at it then place the left that seems to look pretty darn good… I just know that with the HackMotion on, I can’t seem to get any better than +15, which is too radial compared to Thorborne and most pro examples…
April 2, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ya if the right wrist rotates clockwise it puts it in a position where it can't radially deviate very much and that cuts it down dramatically. Also the backswing needs to happen very very fast and this also prevents the wrist from setting too much as the pressure shift back to the lead side helps shorten the swing. Ask the GOAT Bot these questions - it already knows a lot of these answers
April 2, 2024
Hey Chuck, Can you use the HackMotion with this video that you are putting together? I have no issues with hitting my numbers for flexion/extension… I feel this likely holds true for many? However it’s Ulnar/Radial deviation (Excessive wrist cock) where I run into trouble. Can you provide us with the GOAT “FEEL” for takeaway to the top position to help limit wrist cock and maintain a straight wrist? I asked the GOAT Bot… The response pointed to needing what I’m asking for! Thanks to you and the HackMotion, I have come to realize this is my biggest issue! If I can fix this, I think my swing will be pretty damn good! I really want to stay away from swing thoughts! But definitely need a feel to accomplish this as I just wrist cock way too easily, very ingrained… Thanks so much!!! Steve
April 5, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yep! I just did a lesson today that i'm going to be sharing with how this all fits together, so stay tuned over the next few days...
April 5, 2024
That’s great news! Can’t wait to see it, put it to work and tie it all together!!! Thanks Chuck!
April 5, 2024
I did try the bot… Real Chuck is still better! My biggest issue is the backswing… When I speed up the backswing, I find I extend and radial deviate a lot… So this next video is a huge game changer for me! I think if I had a solid understanding from set up to top and a simple feel to get there I will see massive improvements! Thanks again!
April 2, 2024
How do you combine this move with the throw from the top Chuck? Regards Staale, Norway
March 29, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The throw is happening while you're moving left, which helps move the arms into this position. People seem to interpret the throw as a cast where the hands don't move for some reason, that's not what's happening.
March 29, 2024
Ok. This is pretty similar to Mike Austins swing. /Staale
March 29, 2024
I'm trying to overcoming the 'chicken wing' issue in my swing. When I practice the 'wide glide wide' drill, my left arm maintains good form. However, as soon as I introduce a ball into my swing, the issue reappears. Could you recommend strategies to help me eliminate this problem?
March 16, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It's likely that you are trying to add too much power with the right side of the body/arm and that's why it shows up when hitting a ball. Try hitting a ball with your trail arm feeling dead and if the problem goes away, there's your culprit. FYI, it's almost always incorrectly using the right arm that causes this issue!
March 17, 2024
Getting my lead arm protracted and in a better position in GDP is a big improvement for those of us who early extension / hump the fire hydrant…it’s also helping the impact numbers using the Hackmotion which is a great reinforcement .
March 15, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I'm guessing you're seeing more flexion at impact?
March 15, 2024
Correct . My first runs using the Hackmotion pre working on GDP were: 64% Too Extended (36% in range) 59% Too Extended (38% in range) Post working on GDP ( when you spoke about the left shoulder protracted early in the vid , I paused and tested this ) Within a few shots only; 24% Too extended (71% in range) 24% too extended (76% in range) My top position started to be more flexed too but I can sort that with more practice.
March 15, 2024
Hi Chuck, I'm loving what your more recent series is giving me. All these years, all the books,all the reasearch and videos - and as you say, it's all about the release. At this stage the only instruction, advise or tips I will even look at is yours and Padraig Harrington - a huge believer that 75-80% of your club-head speed is delivered by your arms, wrists and hands. The fact that he is a fellow countryman is beside the point! This latest move is the icing on the cake I've been looking for - getting the club into that delivery point and how to do it is a real light-bulb moment for me. One question - Driver Vs, irons, Vs Fairway Woods, Vs hybrids - are we looking at exactly the same delivery and swing thoughts & release with the only variation being initial set-up, axis tilt difference etc? Keep up the good work. PS I know you have always struggled with the flat stick - as have I. Back end of last year I started working on actively releasing the club head through impact instead of trying to hold it square to the target line. Massive improvement. Just thought I'd share.
March 12, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Paul, yes always the same with every club in the bag, you only want one swing. Thanks for the tip on the putter but it's not my stroke as much as the read.
March 14, 2024
The whole G.O.A.T. series has been so helpful. This video and the last couple on the GDP have been instrumental in giving me a better understanding of what's going on in my swing. Got a few drives off at lease 260 maybe 270m. It felt effortless. All I did all day was focus on th GDP. I FLEW a 5i 20 past the flag on a 168m pin. [Got up & down anyway) That a super 5i in my book. I have to recalculate all my distances etc again ... good problem to have. I still have a way to go but im confident I'll get the consistency in good time with the certainty that i have a good idea of where im i am needing to focus my practicec and learning. I sooooo appreciate your inquiring mind & curiosity to keep digging so that you could explain all this to us humble golf addicted tragics who also want that extra 1% and want to enjoy the beautiful game. Thanks Chuck!!!
March 11, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome! You're welcome!
March 11, 2024
You're Welcome Chuck. I'm looking forward to the next instalment.
March 11, 2024
I assume the Axiom is still at work here with its clockwise motion? It's worth mentioning, to tie this to what's going on here?
March 11, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, still the same move
March 11, 2024
When I try to get into GDP with the trail shoulder/arm externally rotated, I leave the clubface open and hit pushes and slices. Do I need a stronger grip? I feel like I have to release the club really forcefully to square the face from the GDP. Any thoughts Chuck?
March 10, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
The arm is in neutral in gdp not externally rotated. If that’s ok then yes your grip is probably off
March 10, 2024
Hi Chuck, I am struggling to understand releasing from the top, widening, with create maintain release lag mantra that you often quote. In these pictures all the golfers have clearly maintained lag? I also struggle with another contradiction, you used to tell us that if we swung with our arms we didn’t have enough muscle mass to generate the required force/speed. You now say we can do it all with just hand speed as that’s most efficient. Is it because you’re trying to teach by feel rather than real? This isn’t criticism as I am a big fan of your Goatcode and it is already improving my golf but I would just like to understand.
March 10, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
See my response to this question below
March 10, 2024
Working from the widening the wrists video how does that video from the top of the swing widening our wrists get you to the club parallel to the ground position and the impact position show here? Just looking for a more in dept explanation on how to get from top of backswing to impact using the widening thought and the pre impact and impact thoughts. Thanks!
March 9, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
See my response to Richard below...
March 9, 2024
THANK YOU!!!! Thank you so much for this GOAT Series and for putting it all together with HackMotion!!! I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect program to improve my game, give me a better understanding of how to fix my issues and finally have that FEEL to eliminate swing thoughts!!! I am a bit of a golf nerd when it comes to the swing, mechanics and the history! This was truly amazing Chuck!!! Learning about the swings of the GOATS and how to train and learn what they feel… Incredible sir!!! All I can say is every part of the GOAT Series has truly resonated with me this offseason and my swing is truly feeling more effortless than ever! Numbers on the HackMotion are really improving and starting to match up more and more! Keep up the great work! I will report back when I have a chance to really dial in with some solid practice! ( damn working for a living…lol…) Great work! Steve B Cheers, Steve
March 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the feedback Steve! Glad you’re enjoying it! I have enjoyed looking deeply at the goats swings and seeing just how similar they are in so many critical ways.
March 8, 2024
I've been a fan of your site for many years now but this video in particular shows just how you would never find this GDP by trial and error. I now know it is right but on my own I would never have thought to try it, never mind persevere with it. Thank you for showing us, demonstrating it and proving it with the GOATs I have long thought that there were people who "got it" (the swing) and the vast majority (80%?) who didn't. Those that "got it" played great golf; those that didn't struggled for a lifetime despite diligent efforts. This is probably part of what we don't get. Perhaps with this video you have finally managed to unlock the first "secret" for the rest of us. And it might explain why the majority good/great golfers just can't teach it.....because they "got it" but didn't even know what they had "got" was natural for them. [Just think of the earlier video of a 5-year old Tiger]. They were as puzzled as to why everybody didn't get "it" as the rest of us were puzzled that we couldn't get "it". The only thing that saved me was a lot of hard work to get a decent short game (to make up for the lack of "easy" power). Thank You
March 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You’re re welcome Gary and I agree 100%. It’s a somewhat strange and unnatural motion that most wont magically stumble upon. It’s interesting to me that the goats all did it and most golfers kind of do the opposite instinctively
March 8, 2024
How do you do this/get that GDP feel without slicing the ball? I'm finding that I can hit that position on video but leave the clubface wide open at impact.
March 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
First place to check would be your grip. With a proper grip it's really hard NOT to square the face, especially with a proper right hand grip.
March 8, 2024
Hi Chuck This arm at GDP is absolutely a fantastic feeling and an awakening. As you know, i have been working so hard at this over the last few months all the way from the feeling of “skimming a rock over the water” to the GOAT code. The GDP rounds out the Goat Code in my opinion and resonates with me so well! I absolutely love the feeling and, everything falls into place so well, automatically without a whole bunch of swing thoughts. The way you explain is great making you the GOATrainers in the world. Over the last few months I have gone from over the top, early extending to some of the best ball striking rounds of my life! Shot a 77 last Wednesday, tee to green and two putts were the norm!! Thanks Chuck. Keep it coming. You are the best!
March 7, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you V! We're slowly getting to the bottom of what the GOATs did and it turns out they were just making their lives easier by doing some things that on the surface don't seem that obvious. It's cool to me how through the hitting area they did things in such a similar way even though other parts of their swings looked so different.
March 8, 2024
Chuck, you said the how to was the tricky part. I think your explanation on the how to is incredibly clear and easy to understand. I find your communication skills to be your best attribute, keep up the great work.
March 7, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you Ron!
March 8, 2024
This is awesome. I've been working on dropping my arms into that same position but this provides more clarity. The best part is that it almost automatically transfers your weight and opens your hips because your lower body needs to get the heck out of the way. It's just a natural, athletic motion. Good stuff sir.
March 7, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You got it! The GOATs did these movements naturally so there must be a natural way to do it!
March 7, 2024
I just kind of think in my head......drop and release. Drop and release.
March 7, 2024
Chuck, way to simplify the most important part of the golf swing and give us the key steps and information on how to attain the most allusive parts of the GOAT's swings with EFFORTLESS POWER! I feel like you are delivering the SECRETS to what everyone who plays golf strives for in their swing. Keep it coming as you become more aware of what is important for us Amateurs to focus on in such simplified terms! This is a GOAT MASTERCLASS! Thank you again for your continued passion to pursue this knowledge and then to turn around and deliver it back to us Amateur's on what we need to do to mimic the Pros (who probably don't know what they are doing anyway)!
March 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you David, we're making headway...
March 7, 2024
Great video. How do we combine this with the “throw from the top” motion and still maintain the “wide” angle of the elbow and wrist in the downswing.
March 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Richard thanks! Im not sure I understand the question?
March 6, 2024
Sorry. I’m probably just doing this incorrectly. But by using the throwing motion at the top of the swing to start the downswing as you show in another video, that would seem to be straightening the right arm more than you are showing in this video.
March 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ahhh. Go back and watch that one again and pay attention to where i am talking about how this allows the hands to move faster. You dont just straighten your arm. That would be a weak throw and leave you nothing left to hit with at the bottom.
March 6, 2024

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