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Drill to Learn Inside Path to Golf Ball
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Tired of the over the top slice? This drill and training aid will teach you how to approach the golf ball from the inside.
In the last video using the impact cube, I talked about getting the hands into the proper impact position and this time I'm gonna talk about a different drill that you can use that I want you to use to build on the last drill. And this is, you can actually flip the bag upside down and there's a little label here that says inside path on the top of the bag. And you'll notice here, if you remember from the kind of the trapezoidal shape that I described in the first video, that there's kind of an overhang here when you flip it upside down cause this would be the pitching wedge shaft lean side, which I told you I don't really want you to use that unless you're trying to hit 'em really, really low. But when you flip that upside down, it creates an overhang. And if you put the ball right toward the edge, the inside of this bag, you're gonna have a really, really hard time making contact with the golf ball if you're swinging over the top because you're gonna bring the club out toward the bag every single time. And what this is gonna help you do is start developing the feel of the club approaching the ball from the inside because if you don't, you're gonna whack the bag every single time.
So, if you put the ball just underneath it you'll still be able to see it. But now what I want you to do is take the left hand impact position that you were working on and letting the club release with the left hand and start hitting little one-handed half shots and get used to the club approaching the ball from an inside path. Now as you start putting your right hand back on like you did with the impact position drill, the shaft lean drill, you'll start getting a feel for this right shoulder that I talked about. Remember how I talked about on the first video how if you're used to swinging over the top and being really right side dominate, that your right shoulder starts moving forward to try to get the club into a position of shaft lean but it doesn't work and it changes the path of the club. This is what's gonna happen, is you're gonna swing over the top and whack the bag every time as you're trying to make contact with the ball, the clubs gonna come at the ball like this.
So, when you start swinging left hand only and you bring your right shoulder down to get the right hand on the club, now you start training your body to make these little half swings to get into this position, where you'll notice that my chest is either square or slightly close to the target instead of this position, which is what helps create the over the top, big banana, ugly, nasty slice. We don't want that shot anymore. So what'll we need to get used to, left hand only, hitting little half shots, bring your right hand under. This is the exact same stuff I cover in the Five Minutes of the Perfect Release videos, my favorite video on the site cause it trains you how to do this. Now having a training aide, a visual reference like this impact cube here, just makes it that much easier to see and feel and experience that inside path. So this impact cube, tons of multiple uses for it. I'm gonna show you another one that's gonna help you learn how to create lag in the next video.
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)