Wide Glide Wide

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Wide - Glide - Wide. That's all you need to feel in your golf swing for incredibly consistent straight shots.

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Alex Francis Ver
Do you throw the club at the top first, or do you “glide” first?
September 8, 2024
They are happening simultaneously.
September 8, 2024
Alex Francis Ver
Thanks, man. I’m from the DEAD Drill era so I learned to hit with my lead side. It worked for me, but the GOAT code is something else. I just tried it yesterday, and I’m amazed on how simple it is! Contemplating to switching back to my trail side now.
September 9, 2024
They are very different animals indeed! But the trail side is simpler for most who are naturally trail hand dominant.
September 9, 2024
Bryson DeChambeau advocates pushing the right elbow down to the trail pocket after reaching the top of the backswing. Watching the right elbow in this video I see that is happening naturally anyway. Just a thought.
August 26, 2024
Thanks . Where do I find that ‘squish the bug’ please ? Not seen that
August 11, 2024
Try the search function it will pop right up
August 11, 2024
Really struggling with the glide part as during a 1 second golf swing with zero time when at full speed , it’s shifting me laterally which is death! I play off scratch nd hitting so many good shots releasing from the top on your recommendation but I still hit 1 in 4 shots with right hand shut t impact resulting in a pull or pull draw left which is also death on the course . How do I stop that right arm rotating over please? It’s not a flip . ie it’s a release but not up the wall and when I try to go up the wall my arms separate and I hit it right
August 10, 2024
Hey Mark, take a look at the squish the bug drill if you struggle with the lateral. Both moves work, old school was more lateral, new school more pivoting on the back toe.
August 11, 2024
Hi. Around 3.30 minutes in you say that You are not trying to drop your arms close to your body or any of those things, yet in the latest video lesson about power that is exactly what us happening. In both images the arms are next to the body, one with lag, one casting. I am super confused. Looking at players like Fleetwood they dont pull the arm completely into the side. Super confused here.
June 26, 2024
Hi tom this drill is to give you a basic overall feel for the swing and simplifying all movement. As you can see from the lesson you are referencing the moment i mentioned the arms coming into the side he started way overdoing it and yanking them down which is exactly why i said not to focus on that here.
June 27, 2024
Chuck. Great videos as always. Had my first eagle in years last week. Wondering what is the purpose of the rotation after the release goes vertical. Seems forced rather than natural so far. Having an understanding of this move will help me.
May 14, 2024
You have no choice, too much momentum of the club being released, it must rotate
May 15, 2024
I can do this and feels great on the full swing BUT when i throw from the top with irons especially, i have noticed that the ball flight goes too high as hands are naturally cupped by time they get to ball, and not bowed . can only be bowed if if right hand doesnt release early surely? .
May 14, 2024
You're not shifting your pressure back to lead side enough
May 14, 2024
Doesn't this contradict the right arm position in the GOAT video? I just watched this video but have practicing keep my right elbow and shoulder tucked and this feels like complete opposite to me.
April 2, 2024
How so? This is focusing on a feeling of keeping the club more in front of the body to gain some immediate control. What GOAT Video are you referring to that you feel isn't clear?
April 2, 2024
I was referring to the GOAT delivery position. I feel like in that video we were working on tucking right elbow and shoulder while keeping it externally rotated but with the widing away on the downswing it feels like I am straightening the right arm and not hitting the same position.
April 2, 2024
I see. The elbow is "tucking" as you put it, but it also is straightening actively from the top of the swing all the way into impact. If you're trying to just "tuck" it, you'll miss what you're trying to do. It's not so much tucking it as it is moving it into GDP while it is also straightening, make sense?
April 3, 2024
Makes sense, Thanks Chuck
April 3, 2024
Had a good test on course yesterday shooting 83 only missing two fairways and gaining good distances with all clubs. The misses were snap hooks or irons flying too far (6 penalties). Fantastic feeling to use the goat technique. Where should I focus to avoid the hooks?
March 31, 2024
Hi Atle, try asking the GOAT Ai bot in the lower right hand corner!
March 31, 2024
I also wanted to know this and asked the AI bot. Unfortunately it responded in Spanish
April 11, 2024
what?! that's crazy! Haven't seen that one before! The hooks are typically caused by the shoulders turning too much in the downswing or a shut club face going back. Take a look at Larry's lesson as he has fought hooks forever.
April 11, 2024
I've spent hours practicing this in the mirror with the impact bag. The first time I hit a ball off turf I actually said out loud "Oh Geeze, that was different", as I felt a totally different feeling at impact. Effort level feels like a 4, distance is as good or better than my old swing which was an an effort of 8+. Are "squating to square" and "posting up" on the lead leg a thing of the past or does that still happen
March 19, 2024
They absolutely still happen. All the mechanics of the DEAD Drill are exactly the same. The issue is that they happen so fast in the actual swing it's difficult for most to learn how to do them in the correct timing. Focusing on the hands and relaxing the body has the effect of getting the body to do what it needs to in the right timing.
March 20, 2024
March 20, 2024
Juan Eduardo
Hello Chuck. I have been very happy with this new series named GOAT. I have tried in the past with partial results, the Dead Drill, the Axiom and then I realized that my best swing was keeping my body as still as posible with my arms doing the job for speed and keeping hands very passive. So I stopped following C4 and the other stuff. But now I feel so much in the same page with what works for me and this new GOAT instruction!!. I have so much to learn and refine in my swing, but one thing that is really difficult for me is to shallow the club naturally in the downswing after a good backswing (i.e. good position at the top keeping the club in front without going deep) and arrive to the ball with a good lie and path. I have a GC Quad and my irons hit have a lot of upright shaft ("toe down" lie of the head at impact), because I usually don't shallow the club in the downswing. When I shallow it on purpose, with the arms and hands, (like the Axiom), the lie improves. But it is a move that feels and look awkward and worst of all, I lose distance. So, my question is how to shallow the club with the GOAT Code. Or what I am probably doing wrong that I don't do it like you and TG2000. Thanks!!
March 4, 2024
Hi Juan, glad this is helping you! There are a bunch of little things that can cause you to be steep. Rotation too early with the body will force the hands out away and toward the ball. Firing the arms too hard too early can also do the same. Not allowing rotation to happen in the backswing with the body as well. I just did a swing review for a member who had the same problem and emailed him to see if he is ok that I share the lesson with everyone and that lesson will cover some of these things.
March 4, 2024
Juan Eduardo
Thank you Chuck!! Makes sense to try those errors. And Looking forward the swing review Lesson on this topic!!
March 4, 2024
Hole in one yesterday Chuck !
March 3, 2024
Congrats Joe! How's your overall consistency improving?
March 3, 2024
Already awesome thanks My co-workers noticed the sound Got some swing reviews to send so on my way Thanks again
March 4, 2024
Any good drill to make the slide back to the left easier or more instinctive? That’s my primary struggle these days. Some instructors advocate step drills of various kinds. What’s your go to drill for pressure transfer?
February 26, 2024
I like the step drill and have one here on the site as well. But if you watch the 4 pressure shifts video under goat theory you will see that this should happen automatically when you shift as I show in that video. If you still dont shift correctly after that then it has to do with trying to rotate your body too much for power
February 26, 2024
Hi Chuck, what a great videos in the Goat Code. It makes the swing so much easier. Everting is explained very clearly. I just have one thing that isn't clear for me. By the release, the left hand (for right handed player) goes from slightly bend at impact to fully cupped at the follow-through. What does the right hand do during the release? Is it completely bended or is it rolled over? I think bended fully, because the left hand is cupped fully, so the right should be beded fully. I hope to see your response soon. Kind regards, Marcel from the Netherlands
February 22, 2024
Hi Marcel, it is doing both, unhinging and rotating over.
February 22, 2024
Hi Chuck- Just looking for a clarification re the wide slide wide and weight shift. Does the weight shift start early in backswing like the 4 pressure shift video, as the wide slide video suggests the slide/wide happen around same time just after you reach top of backswing I.e wide……..then slide and wide?
February 16, 2024
Hey Bernard, I've answered this question a couple times below. Let me know if those don't answer your question.
February 16, 2024
Just beginning GOAT Code instruction but have already experienced positive results. Less than two weeks ago I watched all GC videos and began training indoors using DIY training club. I focused on GC’s key movements and worked at being aware of the entire swing and how it FEELS. Tried it out at the driving range and liked what I was feeling and seeing. Yesterday was the first test on the course. My fairway shots were more consistent and approach shots more accurate than any round I’ve played. I’m very encouraged and will continue practicing using GC. In addition to quick results, my swing feels more synchronized - like your “letting go” and allowing the body to swing the way it wants to swing. Best of all, I'm hopeful I can ELIMINATE all swing thoughts but for "heel to heel"
February 15, 2024
Awesome! Just in time for summer golf season!
February 16, 2024
I’ve been applying this at the course and love it! Truly effortless and no sore back after the round. I’ve always played a fade but this has me drawing the ball. Problem is, the draw is a little much — ball goes about 10-20 yards right to left. I look forward to the follow up fault and fixes. Any quick suggestions on getting more of a baby draw?
February 10, 2024
If you’ve been playing a fade forever and are now in better positions, you probably have made compensations in your swing to keep your fade under control and now that you have a proper plane and path that is causing the ball to draw too much. So you need to look at the compensations which the first place I would start is with your grip
February 10, 2024
I thought that might be the case. Thanks!
February 10, 2024
Thanks for this Chuck. This looks amazing been following your system and taking lessons with Craig (paused a bit due to work demands and cold weather season). This makes a ton of sense to me in my head and think will help a ton as I am a top heavy big shoulders guy who wanted to overswing with expected results. I am not perfect, but foot work has came a long way thanks to Craigs patience and many reps, but upper body and hands still gave me fits. This feels like something will help me take the shoulder piece away by letting gravity take over. My question - I am in cold weather area and 3 young kids so cant hit range too much - how would you suggest practicing this at home to start similar to Axiom where we start no club and then add pieces? For example, saw your initial videos with the alignment rod practice and then the last 5 videos. Is it start with alignment rod for Z reps, then lead hand for ZZ reps, than two hands, etc. I know as you add they continue to stack, but wondering where to start and stack sequence before full swings at the white devil. Thank you much.
February 9, 2024
The goal is to normalize this as quickly as possible to put it in the context of a full swing. Other words work on the left only by itself until you have a decent feel for it but don’t try and leave the trail hand off forever. Once you have a feel for the left, beginning to widen immediately, add the right hand so that you can get a feel for adding speed with that hand that might take you an hour it might take you a week but pay attention to your feel. I did this in such a way that I wanted you to be able to go full speed with both hands as fast as possible and that could mean and hopefully will mean that you’re doing that on day one
February 10, 2024
Thank you sir.
February 11, 2024
Chuck, this is awesome new advancements to make it simple and even more simple! Thank you on behalf of the entire membership for your blood, sweat and tears to make the amateur game better! Question, I've always struggled with extension on the follow through, but more of a "pro flip" vs a flip to the ball. This has made the flip even more pronounced, but every other position including impact and post impact where my hands are straightening about 2 feet past the ball look good... but then my wrists quick fold from there. Any ideas on what I can do to get that straighter arm/club extension longer through club level with the ground / arm level with the ground positions? Thank you again for all of your efforts!
February 7, 2024
Thanks Kade, and you're very welcome! It sounds like you're a bit over active with the hands and just need to tame them down a little. But, if you're hitting a full shot I wouldn't worry too much about it. Tiger shapes the ball on almost every shot with the irons and is always taking spin off, so his hands look more quiet than they would be on a full out swing - which he rarely does with the irons.
February 7, 2024
Okay great! Thank you very much! It makes sense... I'm really trying to see how fast I can get the club moving right now! I've picked up so much speed and no matter how fast I start from the top, I'm able to make really good contact! As long as I'm moving anyway. Not trying to make this my stock shot as it's not super consistent, but looking forward to getting after the driver with this! Thanks again!
February 7, 2024
Awesome! How much speed have you picked up?
February 7, 2024
Depending on the iron about 5mph. My 6 iron clocked in at 90-91mph top end, 185ish yard carry with 25 year old clubs (new, fitted irons coming tomorrow!). At 47 years old thinking I was losing my moxy due to age… you turned the clock back and gave me some confidence back and don’t want to stop hitting balls. Can’t wait to get outside with a driver and woods! Again, can’t thank you enough!
February 7, 2024
Awesome! That's tour level speed there my man!
February 8, 2024
A humorous jingle to help me remember. Rocky Mountain "Wide-Glide-Wide" High. The last word even relates to a high follow through. I'm in a crazy mood this morning.
February 7, 2024
Chuck, Any chance you can update the DTL and FO slow motion videos with your new Tiger 2k swing. Would love to have that for comparison purposes to my revised swing and video review analysis. This would be extremely helpful and beneficial to have as a reference point. Thank you! David
February 6, 2024
Yes, working on that and a ton of other content as we speak
February 6, 2024
SWEET! Thank you. Your always DELIVERING! Thank you once again.
February 6, 2024
Hit some balls today after watching the GOAT code videos. Hit the irons fat and missed with the longer clubs right and left. When everything was timed up, the swing felt effortless and the ball rocketed off the face. I haven’t felt such flush contact with the driver in a long time. I feel the cast at the top atlas the club drops and gets back in front me. Then the pressure shift and lateral move to the lead side picks ups the momentum of the club. Chuck, any thoughts about the fat iron shots? Not my usual miss. Any thoughts about the face being open or closed at impact?
February 4, 2024
Face open is likely happening in the backswing. Flatten that left wrist at the top so there is little squaring necessary on the way down
February 4, 2024
No weight shift. Remember what Nicklaus said. Throw it as hard from the top as LONG AS YOU’RE MOVING LEFT. it’s easy to leave this part out and get focused on just the hands.
February 4, 2024
2 simulator sessions after going through this series and without really working at it that much I have my swing again. Finish the pulling in the downswing I gain without doing much 10 yards and 3 miles/hour club head speed and my ball is so straight with a just baby draw if nothing. My finish is so nice now with the inertia getting my club up and around my head. I must resist giving it full throttle as I might ruin everything—amazing, sensation, wonderful. Thank you so much for your work. Will you expand even more in this series Chuck?
February 4, 2024
I have 8 more videos i am working on now!
February 4, 2024
All that I can say WOW! My swing has completely changed in this series. It feels less robotic - a lot more natural and fluid. One question, how do we translate this to the short game? Absolutely Amazing and I will forever be grateful ????????????????????????
February 4, 2024
Awesome Dean! Simple answer is, you don't! Short game to me is very different than full swing as we're trying to create power with one and not the other.
February 4, 2024
Brilliant, Chuck! You had the experience and passion to dissect what was hiding in plain sight and translate it compassionately for the every man. I have to unthink many of the swing mechanics I thought were best practices. I get this. Early success is amazing … with no pain on a 77-year-old body with an S1 - L1 double fusion. You deserve every bit of $ucce$ this brings. Best to you, staff and Christine. Thank you.
February 3, 2024
Thank you! Yes, so damn frustrating that it has been staring us in the face the whole time! Tricky to dissect feel from real but as you've felt, no pain when you do it!
February 3, 2024
The new goat series seems to contradict other teaching on this web site. Can you tell us which of the old instructional series should be avoided?
February 3, 2024
HI Frank, none of them should be "avoided" There are many ways to swing the club, an infinite number of ways, really. Some tour pros do downcock the club, most don't, the GOATs didn't seem to. Because I'm really just interested in what the greats did in their swings and now that we have technology that helps us understand what they really did vs. what they said or felt they did, instruction must evolve to keep up with reality.
February 3, 2024
How can I get on your live today Chuck
February 3, 2024
Just go to the link in the email at 8am mtn time today
February 3, 2024
What email?
February 3, 2024
The emails that I sent out all this week? Did you not receive them? Here is a link to the video https://youtu.be/DXHjobJ20qw
February 3, 2024
In the Wide, Glide, Wide you say that the hands and arms are not doing anything. Is this because it's traing? There will later also be room for the active R hand release in this wide swing?
February 2, 2024
Watch the videos again as I think you missed rhe point of the club moving more under its own inertia so the arms dont have to work so hard
February 2, 2024
Just to be sure: Does the downswing start with the glide or does it start with widening the angle (casting) or do these 2 things happen simultaneously?
February 2, 2024
You dont have the time to think that fast. The weight shift is happening as I described in the pressure shift video but what you may feel is the throw from the top as the pressure shift should happen more automatically due to the momentum and loading of the trail leg
February 2, 2024
Hi Chuck, great evolution - also agree with the Bruce Lee analogy... Not sure how easy/successful this would be to teach a total beginner but thankfully that's not my problem. Been playing for 40+ years. My only issue with this is that I need help stopping the early rotation (of hips, shoulders, etc.), so wondering if there's a way to add in to the W-G-W drill stuff that you're NOT supposed to do... or is it just keep your back turned towards the target for as long as possible (or until the club really has its own strong momentum)? The only other point I've noticed is that my hands are moving way too fast down into and thru impact to think about bowing the lead wrist... So far my miss with this swing is a straight block with the Driver. With irons, the miss is fat or thin. But (thankfully - for someone who gets stuck with club far too inside) - so far no great curvature misses, ie., the clubhead remains pretty stable. If anything, my single swing thought has been to feel the butt end of the club spinning from a central point down near/in front of my left leg. Anything finer detailed seems too hard to focus on. Grateful for your thoughts, Dave, Melbourne Australia
February 1, 2024
Ya after teaching this in person to some more students I see the need to fill in some details for those who have specific issues and will be doing a follow up series sort of like a faults and fixes.
February 2, 2024
Boris (Certified RST Instructor)
I am at a loss for words. I have been with RST since 2014, and I feel like all the things I have learned in the past 10 years have been thrown away with this latest video series. Not that it has been a waist of money and time, but more in Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do philosophy. In his book he talked about learning the mechanics of throwing a punch, and then forgetting about all of the mechanics and just throwing a punch. The past 10 years have been me learning the mechanics of the golf swing, and now I get to just swing. The past two days have been incredible as I have taken what I have learned from these videos to the range. “ Lightbulb!”
February 1, 2024
Love Bruce Lee! Yes! I think that's a perfect analogy. Understanding the mechanics of the golf swing is a complicated endeavor to say the least. Understanding the feel of the GOATs, that was damn near impossible.
February 1, 2024
Chuck I tried to take your Tiger2k GOAT CODE from a big picture perspective and create a cheat sheet with checkpoints from your 5 videos as a reminder when I go to the range or get ready to play. Let me know if you would change or if I missed anything. Thank you. _________________________ 1) Need to throw the wrists 2) Goal is to Unweight the club 3) Get Clubhead in front of body 4) Lead hand flat in backswing - Stay wide 5) Bow lead wrist on downswing 6) Keep everything loose (Body, shoulders, arms, hands) 7) Hands must stay soft to create speed (along with body, shoulder, arms) 8) Logo pointing down behind head for full release 9) Trail hand provides power by widening the Arc from the top using proper grip technique 10) Speed comes from WRISTS (NOT the Arms, Shoulders or Body) 11) Think lateral or Heel-to-Heel / Straight back and Straight through 12) Wide going back with arms / Glide / & then Throw wide 13) Go up the Wall and around the head for release 14) Release is with the hands only
January 31, 2024
Those all are correct, but when you go to practice try and boil it down to something as simple as "wide, glide, wide" as best you can.
February 1, 2024
Hey Chuck, well done on all this. Great work. If there are swingers and hitters then I think you have forged mastery of the swingers technique that is the most effortless golf swing, that is still powerful while easiest on the body. Well done sir.
January 31, 2024
Thanks Brian. I have thought a lot of swingers vs hitters. In my mind, while you certainly can divide them in half, I really think most of the GOATs were a combination of both. Throwing with the trail hand is what sped up the swinging of the lead arm. So, for me, I don't really differentiate between them anymore.
January 31, 2024
Interesting. I'm still on a train of thought that the pivot motions are very similar in both motions, but that the pressures exerted on the handle differ between swingers and hitters. One kinda working with gravity and centipedal force far more (swingers) and the other putting force into the handle to counteract these forces. Regardless of which direction I go I've found this series extremely beneficial for the pivot work, the takeaway motions and I'm going to experiment between your the Goat code release pattern and a force into the handle version. I've also been following a guy called Stuart Cartwright who has coached on the European tour and he has some very counterintuitive ideas (particularly on transition) that I'm finding superb for moving the handle through transition and through impact, that just might match up very well with some of the issues I've had in my swing and what I'm looking for in how I want to flight the ball. Cheers Chuck.
February 1, 2024
Been a member for a few years and this winter (while the golf courses are closed until April here) I wanted to cover all C4 phases and put my swings in in search of more distance and consistency. I’m a single handicap 66-year-old in desperate need of more distance especially from the long clubs (read: driver). I also like others here just finished the 5 videos of the “Goat code”, and I am speechless, is that it? So simple, so intuitive I’m sold. I was at phase 3 of the C4 but will instead work, down from my basement, on those new “Goat codes”. As you suggest I will use community to track my process. I have also a few swing reviews in bank will they be able to review accordingly to this method? So proud to say that I’m a Premium member of RotarySwing and getting this much knowledge and hard work from you. Merci Chuck!
January 31, 2024
Thank you Luc, yes, this is IT in my mind. It really is this simple. When you hear the GOATs talk about their swings, it's so frustratingly simple and there's a reason why - it really is. We just needed the right feel. Craig is getting up to speed on this, not sure how he feels about teaching it yet, but I can get you going as needed.
January 31, 2024
Hey Chuck. 9 hdcp. Driving range results from 1st try with "wide glide wide": It seems my shoulders were opening too soon & the club was stuck behind me, Basically, way out of synch. I had a lot of heel shots resulting in not compressing the ball, and several shanks(I never shank(my miss is a pull draw, come in with closed club face at times), & lost club head speed. Worst session in years. Playing in a couple of hours. To the range 1st & forget the "cast from the top", back to normal, which is AXIOM & the trail elbow getting to my pocket so the club is not stuck. My swing: wide takeaway, as wide as possible to the top, soft hands to not cast, & quick wrist release through the ball. Not giving up, but not sure what the payoff will be.
January 31, 2024
You are doing way too much with your body is the simplest answer.
January 31, 2024
I must ask Chuck is this the same idea with driver because I think in my head I am trying to hard still and I think the thought is because of the length of the driver. Is it the same and I just need to practice this a bit more?
January 31, 2024
It's the exact same thing, you only want one golf swing
January 31, 2024
Well, There it is. My golf swing when I was 17, 40 years ago. A wide arc. A consistent hand and club path and control of the face angle throughout. All created by how I used my arms and hands. My weight shifted and my body rotated, all to keep my club face on the wide path. I hit nice, little draws, all day long with a laminated maple driver (and very often with a three wood off the tee). I hit 14 greens a round. Misses were never too far off line. I never hit a ball fat or thin. It was ridiculous. Since watching these videos I have done little more than make swings in the basement with a short practice club, but you can't mistake the effortless feel and speed. Now, I should mention these days, my body is racked with arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis, and some -itises that haven't been identified. I'm working hard on restoring and maintaining mobility and flexibility to preserve my deteriotating athleticism. But now I see how how I can make it work again without ripping and tearing through my remaining ligaments and tendons. Now to take it and test in the real world. But I have no doubt this will work, because it's simply a refined version of what was once my natural golf swing. Outstanding, Chuck, outstanding.
January 30, 2024
You and me both brother! My body is being turned in Toyota level high mileage and I need to stretch it as long as possible. This has breathed so much new life into my swing Im actually thinking about playing some tournaments again. It feels absolutely incredible. And completely effortless.
January 30, 2024
Hey Chuck...I'm curious how this and the Wide-Narrow-Wide concepts mesh together. If they don't, what would you say are the main differences. Thanks!
January 30, 2024
They're diametrically opposed. One is downcocking or shallowing a lot to create that appearance, one is casting.
January 30, 2024
Is there a scenario where someone should embrace the old wide-narrow-wide philosphy, or are you moving away from that with the GOAT code?
January 30, 2024
3D capture data has shown that nearly all pros widen almost immediately to start the downswing. Of course, if you like the feel of it and you time it well, it's a fun way to feel like you're slinging the club into the ball. For me, while I'm very comfortable doing it, it completely changes the way the body and arms have to work in the downswing and adds way more complexity than is necessary and I'm a "simpleton" when it comes to the golf swing.
January 31, 2024
Hey Chuck, I've been a member for years & I've enjoyed & respected your mission to find a simpler swing, even when you realize it opposes some traditional TV" teachings at times. I've seen your progression through the golf swing ie. RST, DEAD drill, AXIOM, & now the GOAT swings to "wide, glide, wide." I changed to a trail side dominant swing which resulted in a slight increase in speed, but noticed it's more work. At 71 I don't want more work!! Off to the range I go to practice: the grip pressure information, which, if I understand it, should naturally result in a slightly earlier release while staying wide from the top with more hand speed & the full finish. Thanks & keep up the good work. Mike McC.
January 30, 2024
Thanks for the support over the years Michael! It's been a long road to get here for sure... This should feel like NO work. It's truly just wrist speed. Let me know how it works for you.
January 30, 2024
With much Gratitude, I thank you for your tireless efforts and dedication to bringing this to the world! Millions of golf videos online, thousands of instructors and teachers trying to help their students learn and succeed… So many hours spent trying to replicate movements, replicate images and videos… But always trying to do that without a swing thought… Impossible! You can truly only get so far! VISUALIZATION and FEELING is how we do anything and everything in life! Why is the golf swing always thought of differently… Like some unattainable secret reserved only for the select few… I have been an RST member for over 5 years and have ridden the wave along the way… I do believe that all the teaching before this held i’ts place! I strongly believe that Theory and Practical go hand in hand and you can’t have one without the other! This series came at the exact right time for me as I had truly felt I’d learned as much as I could about the golf swing and this past summer started trying to FEEL a FEEL that would stick… I would have moments of euphoria only for one swing fault or another to find its way in… This Chuck, this GOAT SERIES dedicated to feel saved me going insane! Thanks to you taking yourself to the brink of Insanity for all of us, you have saved me many more years of frustration! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The Axiom power program really clicked with me this past fall but something was still missing… After just a few swings focusing solely on the FEEL of “GLIDE, WIDE, GLIDE” Along with the throwing action of the right hand I can already feel the freedom! My brain can finally have this one thought! Truly excited to see where this leads! Like you Chuck I am also nervous lol… However after the years of growth I truly believe this to be my missing link to finally free me up and stop the swing thoughts! Excellent work as always! Steve B
January 30, 2024
Preach it! Amen! Thank you brother, means the world to me! I've felt the exact same way for so long and just couldn't put my finger on the FEEL. Now, we're cooking with gas boys!
January 30, 2024
Always spreading the good word about you Chuck and the boys at Rotary Swing! Not only am I excited for my own game… I am stoked to get my son Austin going on this! His swing is almost identical to Tiger in that video with Butch where he is stuck and doing the “Ole” Austin has always struggled with the squat to square and it’s been hard to get it to make sense to him from a FEEL perspective… This could be his ah ha moment! One request for you, can you incorporate shot shaping into this? Can it really be a simple as Jack has always said it to be? (Strengthen or weaken the grip and close or open the stance to hit draws and fades???) I know, I know… I need a breaks boys? Am I right? lol… Also, I too am on the same page with you, I feel the 90’s and early 2000’s were the greatest era… Take me back…
January 30, 2024
Thanks Steve! The "squat to square" is one video I wish I could take back. Not because it's wrong, but because it happens blindingly fast and "trying" to do it is impossible as our brains just can't keep up. As for shot shaping, absolutely, it's stupidly easy. I simply feel it in my right hand. But I will do a video on this. And oh man what I wouldn't give to go back before this... Well, I'm sure you know...
January 30, 2024
I just finished the 5 video's and I am thrilled and astonished. I tried the swing without a ball and I feel that this is the philosopher's stone with respect to the golf swing. In my past I had a few occasions that I hit the ball much further than usual, but I could never repeat it, so I continued with the tips from YouTube without substantial progress. Golf teachers keep telling me that I, with my 76 year have to be thankfull with the 185 yard drive (in the summer). I am very grateful to you Chuck that I you persisted in your journey to discover this secret. I am sure that progression is near as soon as the weather improves here. Kind regards from the Netherlands
January 30, 2024
you can see how easy it is to generate speed like this and that’s why the greats made it look so easy. I hope it helps you get your distance back and then some.
January 30, 2024
So cool. All those years of hard work have paid off! Thanks for sharing with us. Love seeing you succeed! Can’t wait to try it out.
January 30, 2024
Let me know how it works!
January 30, 2024
Chuck, you are the Beethoven of the Golf Swing explanation! I can't thank you enough! PURE GOLD!!!! You are the EXPERT of GOLF SWING EXPLANATION....PERIOD!!!! Can't thank you enough!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! Everyone else needs to recognize the GENIUS of the TEACHER you are and the information you have provided in your Golf forum and explanations. SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE!!!! With the highest praise possible...I want to SIMPLY THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE in your search to understand the Golf Swing and explain to us mere mortals. Thank you once again!!! I appreciate you!!!
January 29, 2024
You have no idea how hard this was to make it so simple! So your words mean the world to me. Thank you.
January 29, 2024
Now it's OUR turn to PRACTICE and APPLY EVERYTHING you have provided in your instruction in the GOAT CODE and PROVE it can be done exactly as you have outlined. I (We) plan to give you back what you have put into this instruction. The RESULTS should match the expertise of your UNDERSTANDING and TEACHING ability! I am calling out all members of this website. It is NOW OUR JOB as AMATUERS to PRACTICE THE EXACT STEPS OUTLINED and deliver the results of Chuck's hard labor and Teaching Expertise. No more lessons needed, as Chuck have DECODED the GOLF SWING...It's NOW our job as AMATUERS to PROVE YOU'RE CORRECT...I call on all fellow AMATUERS and MEMBERS of the ROTARYSWING to heed the INSTRUCTION provided and GET TO WORK on The GOAT THEORY... We must PROVE to CHUCK his Blood, Sweat and Tears was WORTH the Exploration! Lets all unite and get the results to PROVE CHUCK RIGHT!!!
January 29, 2024
I LOVE IT! Yes! Let’s see how many “tiger woods 2000” swings we can make out there! How awesome would that be! Reminds me of better times. Man I miss the 90s and early 2000s. Im an old soul trapped in a new world…
January 29, 2024
Chuck, I will post my first GOAT CODE video as soon as I have some reps under my belt. If you create a GOAT CODE upload area on the website then we can all start posting our progress! We can review and cheer other members. I can't wait to make you proud! Thank you very much! PS - Hoping to gain distance with the speed most of us have been missing trying to do too much. Thanks again!
January 29, 2024
The community page is setup to be able to post videos and that’s the perfect place to track everyones progress.
January 29, 2024

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