Golf Driving Tips - Driver Launch Angle

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When i it comes to the science of longer drives, few things have as dramatic an impact on overall distance as launch angle. Simply put, the launch angle (LA) is the angle at which the ball sets flight in relation to the ground or level surface. It is NOT simply the loft angle stamped on the bottom of your clubface! While loft has the biggest impact on LA, Angle of Attack (AoA), the shaft and head design and weighting are also determinants in LA.

  • Launch angle has a drastic impact on driving distance - correcting a poor one will get you more distance today
  • Driver loft does make a difference, but your angle of attack is critical - hitting down on the ball is devastating to the average golfer's distance
  • Moving the ball up slightly, off the middle of your left toes, helps you catch it on the upswing and assures maximum club head speed at impact
  • Tee the ball higher & get a little spine tilt away from the target to further increase launch angle
  • Set up slightly shut if the club head is shutting through impact (higher speed players can set up slightly open and hit a fade)
  • Make your normal swing - never flip or hit up on the ball

Golf Driving Tips

Today we're going to talk about one of the most important golf driving tips for getting maximum distance out of your driver. It's one of the most missed understood concepts, it's been discussed a lot over the last several years. Driver manufacturers have began to understand the dynamics and been able to quantify this and measure it using high-tech launch monitors that we have at our disposal today.

                                This one is going to be one of the ones that has the most dramatic impact on your driving distance today. This is it. So when you understand and begin to work with these concepts, you will hit the golf ball further today and get one step closer to that elusive 300 yard tee shot. If you're not already doing this, you will absolutely hit the ball further today and it will make a dramatic difference in how you play the game.

                                What we're going to talk about today is basically the driver launch angle, by definition, is simply angle at which the ball leaves the tee. If it's launched very, very flat, it would have a zero degree launch angle, and as it goes up, we go up into 10, 12, 14 degrees of launch. It doesn't matter necessarily what the loft on your driver is. It has a significant impact on it, but it's not the only defining factor on how you will launch the ball.

                                Your angle of attack, which is the angle at which the club is moving down into the ball, this would have, in this scenario, I would have a negative angle of attack, my hands are still way out in front, I'd be hitting down on the ball. Here, I would have a positive angle of attack if I tilt my spine back and catch it more on the upswing. That will have a dramatic impact on your launch angle, as well as the loft of the club.

                                There's another factor that will affect the launch angle and that's how much the shaft bends coming into impact. If the shaft does bend coming into impact, it does affect how much loft, effective loft, the club has on [inaudible 00:01:43] impact.

                                Today, we're just going to talk about the basics of launch angle. In future videos, we'll talk about what affects these things.

                                One of the most common things that I see when somebody comes to me for a lesson is with the driver, they've understood that the ball doesn't need to be as far up in your stance as with more of a classical two-plane swing because you're not shifting into it, you're not shifting back behind the ball. All that stuff is true to a degree, but there's certainly a point where it could be overdone.

                                For instance, for a typical rotary swinger, I like to see the ball just about off the inside of the big toe for an average golf shot. That's still putting it up in my stance kind of off my left shoulder and my left armpit here. It allows me to make a good move into the ball and hit it on a pretty level angle of attack. Now, that's not going to be the best way for me to get maximum distance. That's going to be the best way for me to be very accurate because as long as my hands are still leading the club, I still got control of the golf club release, and as long as I'm coming into it pretty level, I'll maintain that.

                                Now we're talking about maximum driver distance today, and that's the key here. When we talk about maximum driver distance, we need to launch the ball effectively as high as humanly possible with the driver. Now there's a point of diminishing returns, that doesn't apply to every single golfer on the planet, the higher swing speed you give the less high you need to launch the ball because there's a point of diminishing returns with the descent angle, but again, we'll talk about these details in future videos.

                                For the average guy, the guy swinging between 85 to 105 miles an hour, the higher you launch the ball, the further it will go. Here's why. If you're in that swing speed range, the ball doesn't have enough spin to keep the ball in the air long enough. The ball doesn't have enough ball speed to launch it and keep it in the air long enough as well to get maximum distance so when we talk about that guy who's swinging in that 85 to 105 mile an hour range, and the lower you are on the scale, the higher you need to launch it, we need to make set up changes in our golf swing and our set up to make sure that we can achieve those high launch angles.

                                What we do when we're talking about maximizing the driver is we're going to move that ball up in our stance a bit, so at least off the the middle of the toe of your left foot or middle of your toes. That's going to allow us to set up to a point, we don't have to put the club head directly behind it, but that's going to allow me to set up into a position that's going to allow me to catch the ball more on the upswing because the ball's more back in your stance, the more you're going to hit down on it. Nothing could be more devastating to the average golfer because of their swing speeds than hitting down on the ball with their driver. Now, for accuracy sake, it's a good thing, but you're missing two thinks when you're hitting down on the ball.

                                One, the launch angle is never going to be high enough. You're not going to have enough speed and enough spin to get the ball up into a high enough trajectory to get it to fly far enough to get maximum distance. You're going to lose dramatic amount of yardage. That's point one.

                                The other piece is, the truth about the golf swing is that the maximum club head speeds happens just at the point of maximum golf club release or just slightly after. If you haven't released the club, you haven't got maximum speed. You're not going to have maximum speed when your wrists are fully cocked. It's that unhinging and release of everything that gives you maximum club head speed. Because the driver's a pretty long club and we're trying to catch it on the upswing, the further that is up in the stance, the more time I have to release the club and ensure that I get maximum club head speed at the point of impact.

                                Those are the two critical things. You're costing yourself club head speed, and you're costing yourself launch angle. Those two things are good for 20 to 50 yards for the average guy, believe it or not.

                                Here's what we're going to do for the typical rotatory swing golfer. Going to have the ball more up the front of the toe here, kind of the front of ... yeah, inside of the foot, excuse me, middle of the foot at a minimum. Depending on how much you're moving your left side, you could move it further up but that's kind of the point where I'd like you to start. Then at address, you can leave the club back into a normal position.

                                The key here is as you make your golf swing, everything else is normal, you stay centered, as you come back through and you make a move into that left side, you don't want to try and hit up on the ball. We never, ever, ever do that in a golf swing, so no matter what, even in this scenario when we're trying to catch the ball on the upswing, there's a big difference between catching it on the upswing and hitting up on it. Hitting up on it generally involves flipping the hands  at impact and trying to help the ball in the air. You're not going to hit it solid, and as you learned in the very first video on ball speed, solid contact is everything.

                                What we're going to do is move the ball up in our stance and then we're actually going to do something that a lot of people don't understand. We're going to actually tilt our spines slightly away from the target. This is going to encourage a positive angle of attack. If I have my spin very, vertical or even tilted to this way, I have no choice but to hit down on it because your spine angle effectively dictates most everything in your golf swing, but particularly your angle of attack.

                                If I go from being very straight up and down on address, to tilt my spine a little bit you can see that just this little amount of tilt has given me about five or six degrees of tilt. That's going to encourage me to catch the ball more on an upswing which is awesome because it's going to help me launch the ball higher. That's what we're all looking for.

                                As I get my spine tilted back just a tiny bit, as I come into the ball, I still make my normal swing. As I'm coming in, I can catch the ball just slightly on the upswing. You notice as the club's moving up into the ball, the ball has to be teed higher. The other big piece of launch angle, if you're teeing the ball this high off the ground, you have to hit down on it or come to it very, very level and cleanly, but you're not going to have enough club head speed, enough ball speed to get the ball up in the air, so you need to tee the ball higher, you have to tee the ball higher for the average golfer to carry the ball further. So you need to tee the ball very high, and then make your normal swing. Don't try to hit up on it, just let the club come through and catch it on the upswing.

                                What you'll find is because the ball is further up in your stance compared to where you're used to releasing it, the club head could actually be shutting through impact at this point because technically the club's working around an arch, and so maybe it's starting to square. What you'll find is two things. One, as I work with golfers, some of them may tend to set up slightly shut with the driver, perfect, I'd prefer that over anything else. That's going to allow you to still release the club head, get maximum speed with a slightly shut stance with the driver so that you're just basically hitting it on the line where the club faces naturally shutting in your arch or your swing path.

                                The other thing, for the higher swing speed players and the ones who are looking more for control, is you can actually play a sightly open stance and as you're coming through, you could actually start to get to the point where you can hit a little bit of a fade from this position, so the ball's further up in your stance, and you're just simply holding the release of the club off just a little bit longer to get a fade. Now that's the ideal play in my opinion for the high swing speed player because it's a more controlled golf shot than trying to hit a little bit of a pull draw.

                                For the average golfer though, that shot's going to give you maximum distance, maximum launch, maximum ball speed, and a really solid shot, a really solid contact. The high swing speed player, the guy who's over 110, 115 miles an hour, he can afford to scrub a little bit of ball speed, which we're talking minute amount, if any, and get a little bit more of a controlled golf shot, slightly left to right moving tee shot and put it in play all day.

                                Let's reiterate the key things here. Tee the ball higher, ball further up in the stance, tilt the spine back, and then make your normal swing, don't try and go up and get it, just make your normal swing, let the club work slightly up on the upswing to catch the ball on the center of the face, and you will hit the ball further.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I improve my golf driving?

When we talk about maximum driver distance, we need to launch the ball effectively as high as humanly possible with the driver.  For the average golfer, swinging between 85 to 105 miles an hour, the higher you launch the ball, the further it will go.  The maximum club head speed happens just at the point of maximum golf club release or just slightly after. If you haven't released the club, you haven't got maximum speed, which is necessary to improve your golf driving.

How do you drive a golf ball straight?

Fixing your swing plane and path that leads to perfectly straight golf shots starts with shifting your weight correctly, not just in the downswing, but the backswing as well. It is this that allows the golf club to fall down on the golf plane and prevents it from coming over the top.  If you want to finally have the perfect golf swing mechanics that lead to a perfect swing plane and path, you must master weight shift.

How do you hit a consistent driver?

When it comes to understanding the golf swing and what leads to consistency or a lack thereof, you need to first consider your spine angle - it's the most important angle in golf.  Where most golfers lose any hope for a consistent golf swing is when they stand up out of their posture and lose their spine angle.  As you lose your spine angle, your primary pivot points in the golf swing (your shoulders) are moving up and away from where they were at address. This, in turn, moves the golf club up and away.

What is the best stance for driving a golf ball?

Tee the ball higher, ball further up in the stance, tilt the spine back, and then make your normal swing, don't try and go up and get it, just make your normal swing, let the club work slightly up on the upswing to catch the ball on the center of the face, and you will hit the ball further.


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Sometimes when I tilt to much I hit the ground first then the ball. What would be the common faults to make this happens?
April 28, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eduardo. Tilt shouldn't cause that issue. My experience it would be the weight hanging back in the downswing and adding some casting motion from the wrists in the downswing.
April 29, 2024
I was thinking of drives with extra high launch if that requires even more axis tilt - both at set up and later in the swing.
December 3, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. Extra axis tilt and ball position will aid in high launch because of the secondary tilt that will be created plus catching the ball at a later time.
December 3, 2022
Is he talking about normal axis tilt or increased axis tilt?
December 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. When referring to what exactly? At setup due to the wider stance you will have more axis tilt at setup. With the lateral motion of the pelvis you will have an increase of this axis tilt called secondary tilt which will aid in shallowing and high launch driver.
December 2, 2022
Watching the video I notice chucks driver at setup is far away from the ball. Is this because he wants the shaft to be vertical with no lean? Just wondering why the driver head isn't right behind the ball. Do you want the shaft to be in a vertical position with no shaft lean on all shots?
July 13, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. Yes. You would like for the driver to sit in a position where you wouldn't have forward press.
July 14, 2021
I understand that moving the ball much further in my stance when using my driver(even with the big toe) to get more loft but I run out of room in my swing path and hit hooks and pulls .I have a hard time getting any height on my drives at all .I'm using a 10.5 loft and a stiff shaft and am 63 years old.i'm teeing up higher with the ball top half over the club face and end up popping them up.Any suggestions?
December 8, 2020
Manny (Certified RST Instructor)
You probably did this, but just in case you're one which just watches the videos and get's all they can from it and fails to read the ARTICLE written explanations. In the ARTICLE drop down; Chuck covers your question quite well. Read the entire article, as you should find some great stuff fitting your issue, from the middle down to the end.
December 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joey. Sounds like you are casting, or getting steep. Make sure you make the tilt adjustment (Proper Tee Height Video). And, you don't spin the shoulders from the top (Keep Rear Shoulder Back) to help shallow the plane.
December 8, 2020
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Graig! In this video it is clear to see that Chuck's stance is wider then RST 2 inch outside NJA. If I remember correct, do not know the related video, Chuck tells that for every club the stance should be 2 inch outside NJA. Is this Bomb The Driver video a little older and the 2 inch NJA added later?
February 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. The driver may have some variations depending on the flight you want. Take a look at Proper Tee Height Video.
February 20, 2020
on the down swing, except for the fact that your right hand is lower on the grip than your left hand, should ones shoulders be level at impact and is this a source of power.
October 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. The shoulders will be close to level, but not quite level. You have to have some secondary axis tilt in the downswing to help shallow the plane. Also, for a driver the ball forward and the addition of axis tilt will help you create a higher launch naturally.
October 21, 2019
I am looking for information on what type of ball to play based on my swing speed. Is ball selection a factor as it relates to swing speed for the driver and for the irons. . My current swing speed is topped out at 95 mph with my driver. Is this question only answerable with being monitored by a trackman? Please provide some information/guidance. concerning this please.
July 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Sadly, you do need some data to help you pick the exact ball best for you. Most players play a ball that is too difficult for them to compress. For Ex. ProV1X. That ball is overplayed by many golfers. They don't have enough speed to take advantage of its build. Therefore, something softer or a 3 piece may work out better for overall game quality. Knowing your swing speed is a good enough place to start though.
July 20, 2019
Hi: I watched all of the videos in the bomb your driver series. I set up with the ball more forward, made sure I had the correct axis tilt, closed my stance a bit. And ... I keep hitting huge pop-ups with my driver. I know my launch angle was too steep to begin with but now it's worse. So what am I doing wrong? By the way I don't hit pop-ups with my 3-wood or hybrids but of course they aren't teed up as high and are a bit further back in my stance.
June 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Sounds like you are coming way too steeply into the strike. You need to shallow out your path. Take a look at Stop Coming Over the Top and How to Fix Plane and Path.
June 27, 2019
I reviewed the bomb your driver videos and enjoyed them immensely. Spent most of my life as a Hip Spinner compounded by reverse pivot. This sight is a god send. Hip spinner is conquered and reverse pivot shows up occasional after a long hot day. The past 2 weeks I played golf and applied the set up adjustments needed to bomb your driver. I can't believe how simple and successful this was. I am averaging 30 yds from the tee with my Taylor Made M2 10.5 deg loft. I am going to get my swing club & ball speed checked by a pro in the next couple of days hopefully. I know 10 years ago I was in the 108 to 110 (at best) category. I would hazard a guess that at 70 years old it is about 97 to 100 now. you have taken a subject that is like Greek to me and broke it down to the bite size pieces that can be digested with relative ease. Thank goodness I can still look forward to playing a better round of golf with a pro type swing. Now I just have to change my game plan and excel at the short game because my approach shots are so much closer to the green. Where I was hitting 7 - 9 iron i am chipping a nine or hitting an 80 or less shot into greens. Ironically, the tee shot breeds greater confidence in all my clubs that are flying further and truer.
June 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Much appreciative of the post and comments. Very happy you are enjoying the site and seeing the improvements in the field!
June 25, 2019
If I have a club head speed of 95mph, should I consider adjusting the loft on my driver to 12 degrees from its current 10.5 degrees in addition to the changes mentioned in the video?
March 13, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. It would depending on how much your AOA is Negative, or Positive at Impact. You may get some more carry by allowing for a slightly higher loft.
March 14, 2019
I use a Zepp, which tracks my hand and club angle while i am playing on the course. When I use it to practice the drills without a ball, or on the course during my practice swing. all are very good , hands even or a little under the back swing and club path 3 to seven degrees under. But when I take the real shot hands 3 to 5 degrees over the top and club 5 to 10 degrees over. I understand the the driving range to course stuuf in my mind, but what is your thought to change this.
July 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dean. How to Swing From the Ground Up and Keep the Rear Shoulder Back Video. You need to make sure the weight shift and lower half start the downswing while feeling the trail shoulder stays back to the target. When you play keep hyper focus on those two issues.
July 19, 2018
I recently subscribed and am really enjoying all of the videos. I am 72 years old, generate about 75 mph of clubhead speed, and live in Phoenix Arizona. Play very early in the morning and what might surprise you is that the fairways are very soft because they have to pour a lot of water on the course to keep it from dying from our 110 degree heat. It seems that my drives actually go further if I hit a lower shot than the higher launch angle that your video recommends. I get less role than most of my fellow aged golfers. Is there a way that I can have the high launch with lots of roll?
July 12, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Glad you are enjoying the videos. The holy grail is high launch/low spin with lots of carry/roll. With your swing speed to maximize roll we need to have enough spin to get the ball up, but not enough to slow down your roll. You going to shoot for around high 16, 17 degree Vertical Launch with degree or two positive AOA. This should help you maximize carry, but still have low enough spin for overall. So, the setup adjustments above should help you achieve this all things considered with your mechanics. I would suggest a swing review and lets make sure you are hitting all the proper spots to achieve your goal.
July 13, 2018
I am hitting the ground before the ball with my driver, what is it I am doing wrong. Thanks.
May 8, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Sounds like lack of weight transfer and casting from the top. Frisbee Drill Video to help.
May 8, 2018
Would you please comment on the proper tee height for the three wood, as well as other non-iron clubs you may chose to hit off the tee. Also, would the ball be place more forward in the stance as well? I guess I'm assuming you would want to hit the ball on the upswing with these clubs, but more on the downswing (back in stance) with an iron club, even if off a tee. Thank you.
March 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Take a look at Hit Your Fairway Woods Solid Video. Those answers will be there. If you are still confused about an item. Report back after viewing.
March 27, 2018
Hi Craig. While the video was very good in addressing how you hit the fairway woods off the ground, my question is how you hit the clubs off the tee. Do you still hit down and keep the tee quite low, or is your angle of attack more in the positive range and using a higher tee?
March 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Depends on the club. The driver will typically be the only club you want a positive angle of attack on. Therefore, teeing it higher and adjusting your setup (Proper Tee Height Video). You must adjust ball position and tee height. Most hybrids and fairway woods you will want to tee very low to the ground and still maintain a bit of a downward strike.
March 27, 2018
Thank you for your quick response, Craig. Your answer cleared it all up.
March 27, 2018
I mean that for the driver, should I feel like, after holding lag, the club head should pass the hands just before impact? Paui B.
December 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Yes, it can feel like the club head is swinging passed the chest, arms, and hands.
December 15, 2017
When I try to maintain spine tilt away from the ball I constantly hit a high push fade that goes nowhere however I hit it quite solid when I swing more like an iron. Any thoughts on how to improve clubface contact and hit up?
September 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wyatt. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video. Make sure you are making the proper setup adjustments first. Also, don't force yourself to lean back into impact. The added tilt will be there.
September 18, 2017
Hello. I have a Big Bertha driver, with 12 degree loft. Adjustments for +2, +1 or -1 degree can be done. Also fade or draw options are available. Mi swing speed for a driver is 90 MPH. Roughly, what array would you recommend for me? Thanks
September 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antonio. We would need a much more information to know what exact adjustments would be fit for your swing. A lot of factors depend on your AOA, Launch, etc.
September 11, 2017
Hello again. Does the spin tilt that you mentioned is greater that the one for te set up for irons?
September 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antonio. Yes, the Axis Tilt will be greater than with an iron for max launch condition. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video.
September 11, 2017
Ms Terry
Hello,,, I did a driver fitting yesterday and for years I can't stop hitting down on the ball. My numbers yesterday were AOA -4 down, Spin rate low at 2000 path and 6 left. What are your suggestions to try and correct this? I did not get a new driver as my distance on the track monitor did not change. I would appreciate your help. Best
July 23, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Ms Terry, Sounds like you are using way too much upper body in the downswing. Spinning your shoulders too much and also using to much right hand. However, in order to determine exactly what your swing faults are, we would need to take a close look at the swing directly. If you are due for a swing review, I would suggest that you submit some driver swings and post these notes in the submission so we can help you correct your swing path and AOA.
July 24, 2017
Ends mid phrase....
June 17, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dave, I'm not sure I understand as I do not have the video ending in mid phrase?
June 20, 2017
Did I see that chucks stance in this driving video is wider than what he uses when hitting other clubs? I searched thru your site to see if RST reccommends a wider stance for drivers, but could find that. My question: do you reccommend a wider stance than normal when hitting a driver?
June 10, 2017
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Timothy, Yes your observation is correct. The driver being the longest club in the bag can require a wider platform to accommodate the club's length. Check out the "Driver Setup Adjustments" video where Chuck elaborates on the this.
June 10, 2017
can I use the same set up etc.. ball position with my woods ?
May 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. Like for say a 3 Wood. The only time you would want this severe of an adjustment with other woods would be if you are trying to go for a bigger carry. Although, you may encounter the possibility of sacrificing accuracy.
May 5, 2017
I did a Trackman driver fitting today and was told I should lower my launch angle. Can you advise on what the optimal range should be? Here are my averages from the numbers: Swing speed: 99 mph Ball speed: 141 Spin rate: 2174 Launch angle: 17.4 Thanks!
April 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey John. With your numbers, the ideal Launch Angle would be between 15.3 and 12.1 which would produce a little more spin for you.
April 22, 2017
You guys talk a lot about hitting the driver stock shot like any other club with negative angle of attack. I want to clarify if that's meant with or without the tee. I can manage to hit the ball off the deck with a driver just like a wood, and it makes perfect sense to me if that's the stock shot you are talking about. But if you are referring to the scenario where the ball is teed up, wouldn't you make contact of the ball with the top edge of the driver at impact assuming you ground the driver close to the ball at set up? I thought that's why, in order to ensure a solid contact with the center of the driver, at set up players either hover the driver, or leave a good 6 inch between the driver and the ball (which also helps to catch the ball at upswing)? Thanks.
March 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Not necessarily hitting the top edge. That's why you have to watch your tee height and how much negative angle. You don't want to be 7 degrees down. Only slightly down with the driver. The added axis tilt and stance width will lessen the down angle. Some players hover for comfort and to not feel stuck starting the club back. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video to adjust the setup and not the swing.
March 27, 2017
Thanks Craig for the reply. I'm not sure if I fully understand the concept. Am I wrong to assume that in the downswing the clubhead will return to its original position at set up? That's how we launch the ball off deck. Is this different with the driver? Imagine hypothetically I could place two balls, one on the ground, the other directly above it with a tee height, if I do my normal RST swing and will be able to properly launch the ball on the ground, wound't I miss the higher ball on the top edge of the driver? Are you saying we alter the secondary axis tilt angle (which we don't typically need to do for other clubs) to change the swing path so that the clubhead don't return to the same place at impact? Thanks a lot.
March 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Address is a much different position than impact. In the hypothetical situation you more than likely would hit it on the top of the face with the second ball. Yes, the secondary tilt will change just slightly to help the strike. However, when the ball is moved up you wouldn't miss the second ball. And, that's why most amateurs miss teeing the ball too high when playing from a stock position. Chuck almost used to use broken tee stubs when playing from stock ball.
March 28, 2017
Thanks Craig. Very helpful clarifications. So in a stock position, better players could just tee the ball to the height of the center of the driver, and hit down on the ball just like other club without making any swing changes. Correct?
March 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Yes. It would be hard to maximize distance and launch angle, but theoretically not a problem.
March 29, 2017
I checked my driver and there is a two inch smooth circle around the sweet spot. Grooves do not go all the way across the face. My guess is there is no gear effect. Should there be? Is this Good or Bad? Do you have a tee size that will put the ball in about the right height for playing from middle of left foot? Just out of curiosity, what does 2 mph increase in head speed equate to in yards gained.? Thanks.
March 1, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ray. There still may be some gear effect. Driver companies have used groove-less faces in the past. And, some solely in the sweet spot area. I wouldn't even worry about the smooth part in all honesty. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video. 2 MPH increase can roughly equate to about 6 yards. Typically, 1 mph for 2-3 yards.
March 1, 2017
Does RST believe you should have a driver swing and an iron swing? Should you squat a little and keep slightly more weight on your right side, keep your downswing arc wide to help hit up with the driver and feel like you throw the club head at the ball to get less backspin? With irons should you transfer 90% of your weight to the left heal and post up to get a wide to narrow downswing arc to facilitate a downward strike on the ball to impart backspin?
February 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The driver swing and iron swing are the same. Mostly setup adjustments. You should feel like you are throwing the club at the golf ball. No need to try and keep the weight back too much. Irons you want to shift 80-90 percent onto the lead side with a wide narrow wide swing shape. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video to see some variances.
February 20, 2017
Listening to Chuck, my take away was to get more distance, launch the ball higher and with more spin in order for the ball to fly higher and stay in the air longer due to its spin. With that being said, my swing speed for a driver is 85-88 MPH. What launch angle should I be shooting for and should I be using a ball that has a lot of spin? I would really appreciate your input. Thanks.
February 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jesus. For max distance, you would want to be in the positive angle of attack for your speed. 2 or 3 degrees with roughly 2600-2700 on spin. A higher spin ball should help you get a little more air time.
February 13, 2017
So, is it fair to say after using Trackman or something else, generally, good launch angle with the Driver is up someplace around 15* - 16*?
February 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rick. It would depend on your swing speed, etc.. Tour average is around 11 degrees. For 15 or 16 degree launch trying to have maximum distance. Your swing speed would fall in the high 90's with a pretty positive angle of attack.
February 12, 2017
Great video ... when I move the ball forward in the stance like suggested in this video I tend to slice the ball more. Any set up changes I should do ?
February 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Pankaj. Make sure you get the proper tilt. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video.
February 12, 2017
The RST method has improved my accuracy and distance with my irons. However, I have begun slicing the ball with the driver, something I have not done in 6 months. I usually hit a slight fade. What am I doing wrong with the driver?
February 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. It would be hard to know without seeing your swing. I would work on the setup position (Proper Tee Height) and make sure you allow for a good gradual release (Stop Slicing and Start Releasing).
February 11, 2017
Do the newer drivers (2016/2017) make a big difference? I thought the trampoline effect was maxed out at .830 COR so I was under the impression that drivers can't gain a ton of distance on a solid strike. Is the only advantage with the newer technologies on the gear effect or forgiveness on mishits?
January 24, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brandon. Not really a big difference. More about forgiving mis-hits, than overall added length. Shaft is typically more important these days for the better player.
January 25, 2017
Hi, I am a litte confused. In this video you suggest to put the ball higher and tilt the spine to maximum distance. In another video you suggest to put two tees and keep the face of the driver down enough to hit both tees.
January 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gisella. Two different types for two different shots. This one above is geared more towards maximum launch and carry with the driver.
January 17, 2017
Hello Could you comment about how high for the average golfer to tee the DRIVER If you use the height of the AVERAGE DRIVER FACE how high do you recommend the ball to sit on the tee as compared to the AVERAGE DRIVER FACE when using your recommended RST swing /stance in appreciation Tom Lawson Columbus Ohio
January 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Typically, people looking for best launch and distances have the tee 3/4 of the way up the face. Where the ball would be covering the top 1/4 of the driver face. If you struggle with the driver. Play the ball position more off the logo of the shirt and use only about 1/2 the way up.
January 3, 2017
Driver has driven me crazy. Earlier i was hitting driver with ball on the left foot or even left foot behind the ball. Power turn core and than ball is going to left or a big pull. Now i am focusing on shifting the weight (like a Frisbee drill) and hit the driver but very week shot. Though it is going straight or better but....... any suggestion.
December 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ashar. You might be getting too far ahead of it with your work on weight shift. Work on Step 2 - Core Rotation to make sure you aren't sliding past NJA and getting ahead of the ball with the body.
December 18, 2016
I tried using a dry erase marker today at the driving range to see where my driver was impacting the ball. I had never done that before or ever used impact tape. It was enlightening. So thank you for that idea. Except for one shot, every other one was struck high on the face and towards the toe. I have a Nike SQ Sumo Driver with a pattern of grooves around the "sweet spot" that has no grooves. Every shot was up in the area with the grooves because it was that far from the horizontal center of the face. I tried moving the ball back in my stance, I tried moving closer to the ball, I tried moving further from the ball. Nothing helped. Do you have any ideas of what else to try? I'm a very high handicapper trying to get back to shooting in the mid 90s, like I used to be able to do. I suffer from left arm push and an over the top move. I don't know if that helps.
September 25, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Without seeing your swing it would be tough to determine the exact cause. However, it sounds a little over the top with some loss of lag. Work on the Frisbee Drill and Over the Top Stick Drill to help increase the wrist angle and shallow out your plane.
September 26, 2016
Thank you
September 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem John. And, I apologize about the late response. When you replied to your own comment below the system believed the question was answered.
September 27, 2016
No problem! Yes, I realized the system probably did that. I am actually very experienced with website development and the sort of systems that you probably use to see what questions need to be answered. Makes sense.
September 27, 2016
I tried using a dry erase marker today at the driving range to see where my driver was impacting the ball. I had never done that before or ever used impact tape. It was enlightening. So thank you for that idea. Except for one shot, every other one was high and off the toe. I tried moving the ball back in my stance, I tried moving closer to the ball, I tried moving further from the ball. Nothing helped. Do you have any ideas of what else to try? I'm a very high handicapper trying to get back to shooting in the mid 90s, like I used to be able to do. I suffer from left arm push and an over the top move. I don't know if that helps.
September 16, 2016
I meant to say that each shot was high on the face and towards the toe. I have a Nike SQ Sumo Driver with a pattern of grooves around the "sweet spot" that has no grooves. Every show was up in the area with the grooves because it was that far from the horizontal center of the face.
September 16, 2016
when we talk about high tee for driver how much high. Should it over the driver club head or diver head should be in the middle of the ball. I am really frustrated about my driver.
September 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ashar. Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video. Most of the times the tee will be 3/4 up from the bottom of the face.
September 4, 2016
Craig, I seen a couple of references to a "Proper Tee Height" video but have not been able to find it (searching RTS delivers a blank). Can you point me to the location? Thanks and regards, Gordon.
November 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. Hmm. I just tried it on my end and the video pulled up. I apologize for the error. Here is the link.
November 3, 2016
I played today and I continue to struggle with the release. I either flip or hold off the release to avoid the flip. I we take it from impact where the left wrist is slightly bowed and the right wrist is bent backward slightly, I get that the left wrist proceeds to supinate while maintaining its flat to bowed orientation. Can you describe what the right wrist does from impact on. I feel like I am not using it properly, which leads to flip or hold.
September 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Take a look at the Vijay Release Drill and Left Hand Release Drill. From impact on you want the trail hand to just be the passenger. Some players even let it come off the club. Using it leads more to a flip, than non-usage of it.
September 2, 2016
Hello, I've been out of golf for awhile do to an elbow injury. I've been a rotary swing member for some time now. I've got about 20 rounds in so far this year. My question; when posting up at impact with a driver should the ankle knee and shoulder be aligned on a vertical axis like an iron swing. It seems that if you move the ball position forward to increase the launch angle that this would be hard to achieve. My driver distance is down since my surgery.
August 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kenny. The ankle, knee and hip should still be stacked. Sometimes with a driver trying to max out the launch angle as noted above the lead shoulder will be a hair behind coming into impact.
August 1, 2016
Having problems with my fairway woods, am hitting them low Nd not very far, is there a video /launch setup for this or is it the same setup as the irons? Thanks, Mary
July 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mary. The same setup for the irons. You might be trying to hit up on the 3wd too much versus still hitting down or roughly zero with angle of attack. Stay with the shot. Don't lift up and out creating too much secondary axis tilt.
July 18, 2016
Thanks I'll try that, played yesterday and used the setup with the driver saw a big difference in distance even though I forgot to incorporate the slight tilt at set up. When I am practicing the drills I am always using my irons maybe I will try using my woods instead. Love the website has taught me so much!!!
July 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the compliments of the site Mary. Using a shorter iron is easier when drilling or making big changes in the swing. However, if you are struggling with the woods. Incorporate some swings with them during the practice session and try to find the difference in the feel of the swing.
July 18, 2016
Hi Craig; I am confused when you talk about ball height. 3/4 on the face of the driver. Are you referring to the center axis of the ball at that height or the bottom of the ball etc. Any further info would help me understand.
June 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. The tee will be 3/4 of the way up. Therefore, the bottom 1/4 of the ball will be seen by the face.
June 25, 2016
How does LA apply to a 3 wood off the tee?
June 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Better players with a 3 Wood have slightly negative angle of attack.
June 24, 2016
You mention the factors that dictate the launch angle in this video. Do you believe GPS products with a device added to the butt end of the club will have a marked affect on launch angle or anything else? I am considering purchasing one of the products to get a better understanding of my stats, but adding 12 grams to the butt of my club concerns me. Love the site - thanks in advance.
June 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Aaron. I wouldn't worry about it too much. 12 grams is a few, but there shouldn't be much change. Ideally, find your self a Trackman, GC2, or Flight Scope for exact specs. The cheaper alternatives like you are referencing are still a good tool.
June 11, 2016
Given the ball is much further to the left foot, what does "centre over the ball mean" in the setup? Thanks!
June 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Grant. Can you give me precisely where you hear that or more information? I want to make sure I am answering the question properly.
June 7, 2016
Apologies for below comment-just saw your suggestion re setting up shut to deal with that problem, I will try that, no need to respond
January 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anne. No problem. Will be here if you need us.
January 19, 2016
Craig, tried out advancing the tee with the driver, expected to hit a high weak shot but it turned out a low hook.....checked and saw club face well shut at impact. Should I move tee back a little, or try to hold the club face open for longer? You seemed to like shut in the video but I must be overdoing it...any advice? I will submit a video of my swing at the weekend
January 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anne. No worries.
January 19, 2016
Or...are ladies shafts too soft for launch angles at my speed ? Ill try it anyway
January 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anne. Ladies Shafts shouldn't be much of any issue provided you perform the proper mechanical moves.
January 18, 2016
I had very little knowledge of what is in this video! I am looking forward to trying it although I havemt great swing speed, only 78-to odd one in 80s. I will use the draw stance, lean away slightly and tee the ball up higher-usually only tee it about an inch and a half Thanks Chuck!
January 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anne. I'm glad you enjoyed the presentation.
January 18, 2016
Hello, Guys. I've been a member for approximately a year now and over the last several months have begun to reap rewards, particularly in my iron game. With the irons I would describe my increased efficiency (distance AND accuracy) as a result of a combined body and leading hand release. Once I have posted up on my left side and my arms have been pulled into the hitting area, I aggressively am pulling with both my upper and lower obliques followed by an aggressive release of the lead hand resulting in a feeling of "down and through" the ball. I am striking my irons purer and better (in every respect) than any time during my entire golf career. I find, however, that when using the driver, I cannot be aggressive with the release of my hands. Although I have regained literally all the distance of my youth that I have to depend more on body rotation (obliques) than on release of my hands. If I become overly aggressive with the lead hand I am very likely to hit huge draws or even "ducks". This has baffled me, since on several occasions, Chuck has mentioned that the elements of the iron and driver swing (other than set-up, ball position, etc.) are essentially the same. I would greatly appreciate your helping me understanding what is going on and any corrections I should be making. Thank you.
January 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. I am happy to hear about the improvement in your game. The only thing I can think of is with the driver you lose a little of your lead elbow alignment and/or hanging back with the weight increasing the secondary tilt too much. Take a look at Left Elbow Impact Alignments Video and the Winter Downswing Video to help with release and shift without falling back.
January 4, 2016
I realize that all the video's direct you to hitting the ball straighter and further, but I have found nothing that will help me increase my club head speed from the mid 70"s to the mid 90's. If your swing speed is down in the mid 70's there seems to be nothing on the site that will help you increase that speed. I would appreciate your comments. By the way I have found that there is not a teaching pro that can give me this answer.
July 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. The key is to figure out where you are losing your speed. Is it lack of lag, release, deceleration, leverage, height. Have you sent in a swing for review yet?
July 31, 2015
In my last review he indicated there was a problem with lag. I don't know how many times though that my golf partners have indicated that I'm decelerating in the downswing before hitting the ball.
August 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. The body needs to decelerate into the strike. But, it sounds like you are slowing a little bit too early. Without seeing your swing though I could be grasping at straws. If you would like me to take a look at your next review. I would be happy to see if I can find a few of the key issues.
August 3, 2015
Your feet seem significantly wider apart in this video compared to videos of iron shots. I came here after watching the driver adjustments video in advanced setup. Should I have a wider stance with the driver than with irons? There was another video that seemed to indicate that too wide would hinder weight transfer and good impact. Just trying to put these thoughts all together. Thanks.
July 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. Yes, too wide a stance will inhibit weight transfer. However, the Driver is a specialty club. You can widen just a touch when trying to maximize launch.
July 28, 2015
What degree of "open" do I stand in relation to my target line? 5, 10 etc . Also is the degree of close the same?
July 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. It all depends on how far up you are playing the ball. The degree will be relatively the same amount whether open or closed. But, the key is once you start moving the ball further up adjust for a little more movement in the stance. Will take some practice to understand the amount and different degrees of variances for the desired ball flight.
July 21, 2015
How high should I tee the ball?
July 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. For max distance/launch you'll want to tee it up 3/4 up the face tee height.
July 3, 2015
Thanks Craig. How high should i tee the ball when using a 3W or 5W?
July 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. With a 3wd or 5wd you are usally just a touch above iron tee height. Enough for ground clearance.
July 18, 2015
As a recent new premium member, joining RST has been one of the best golfing investments I have made. I have learnt so much and have put in a lot of practice for the basics of the RST swing. As a result I have for the first time started to hit the golf ball with some kind of consistency with the longer clubs - 3 and 4 irons. But like most weekend golfers with the Driver and the 3 wood, my striking is a complete lottery. In fact it is embarrassing. So whilst I found this video useful I am still looking for some basic instructions in driving. Chuck has said the swing does not change for any club. But for me and many others something happens in the head which throws the whole thing out. It may be there is stuff on the website which I have just not found yet (though plenty on getting distance) but I am hoping you can maybe help with this aspect of the game in the future. Nothing is more demoralising then not being able to use the longer clubs. It just makes your golf round a nightmare because you always start on the back foot.
June 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tushar. Have you uploaded a driver swing for review? We would be happy to see if there is a difference between your iron and driver swing. When it comes to driving most people swing out of their shoes. You have to trust letting the speed happen through the arms and release, not rushing the body and trapping the club. Thanks for the suggestion for a video topic though. Something we will consider for the future.
June 15, 2015
Thank you Craig. I did do just that (2 swings one with an iron and one with my driver) so hopefully my driver swing review will shed some light on why I am having problems. Many thanks for your reply.
June 16, 2015
So, on the driver setup video, Chuck wants us to have the ball position 1/2 a ball off the lead ear, for a normal stock driver swing. On this video, he states for a normal stock driver swing, the ball should be off of the lead big toe. Which is correct or best? And, is the position of the ball also dependent on where the head/ear is at address with spine tilt? Thanks!
June 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Virgil. For max launch and distance the ball would be off the lead foot versus lead ear. When adding the extra tilt the ball position should still stay off the lead foot.
June 12, 2015
Great video. I understand that launch angle is affected by shaft flex. I use senior shafts but I read that at my measured speed of 75~ 84 mph I should be using regular shafts. Do you think the launch angle using senior shafts will be causing too high elevation and shortening the carry?
May 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Too weak of shaft could be the culprit. Typically, to high a launch and little carry.
May 19, 2015
I just watched the driver launch angel video and my question is how high should your ball be set on the tee for max distance. thanks Mike
May 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Michael. For max distance/launch you'll want to tee it up 3/4 up the face tee height.
May 16, 2015
I have just begun working with this program and I must say that I really like the progress that I have been able to make. Something as simple as having the correct takeaway has made my contact so much better and I'm hitting shots that I want to hit now with my irons. My driver on the other hand is a different story. I saw in this video that Chuck emphasized the need to have a driver, and I'm assuming the rest of your clubs, fit to you. When do you suggest having the fitting done? Should I wait until I'm getting further into the program or do I risk trying to eliminate problems that wouldn't be there with the proper equipment?
May 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. You might have the potential to change fitting numbers. Gaining more speed and different strike on the turf. Dictating you might have to change shafts or lie angles. However, with most modern equipment changing a shaft with a driver isn't too tough, neither bending lie angles on irons. If you want to save some cash. Move further along in the swing first. Itching to make a switch now. It can be easily adjusted later.
May 8, 2015
thanks for the response craig. I went to get fitted and was told that getting a x stiff shat may be the way to go. I definitely need to work on positive angle of attack with the driver. Any tips?
May 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
If you are already looking a an extra stiff shaft. More than likely you won't have to go stiffer in the future. Change the setup as described in this video and make sure you release the energy and don't force forward shaft lean. Vijay Release Drill Advanced Downswing Section. You don't need to create more secondary axis tilt if you have the correct setup. Maintain and release. Let it fly.
May 8, 2015
Chuck makes a point about the teeing height of the ball. What would the optimal height be to start with with a normal driver.
February 23, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Chuck, teeing the ball half way up the face for your normal ball position is a good start. If you're using the driver setup adjustments in the bomb your driver series, then you'll want to tee it up closer to 3/4 up the face. Those are the tee heights without the ball. R.J.
March 18, 2015
With the help of my swing videos and RTS instructor a tendency to excessive secondary axis tilt has been identified, causing pushes and slices. In view of this do you have any tips as to whether/how I should implement your suggestion to increase (primary) axis tilt when setting up with the driver? Regards, Gordon.
February 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. Seeing how you tend to already add too much secondary axis tilt on the downswing. Moving the ball further forward towards the middle of the left toes and adding your hip bump/tilt. You should have plenty to achieve maximum launch with your driver. You can also take a look at the Driver Setup Adjustments Video in the Advanced Setup Section.
February 13, 2015
I'm a senior golfer and my clubhead speed is in the 65-70 range. Do I set up the same as someone with an 85+clubhead speed? Thanks; Greg
December 25, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Greg, Yes, as a slower swing speed player, you'll want to launch the ball, within reason, as high as you can and the driver setup adjustments will help you do that. Also, check out this article about launch angle And this article about optimizing your driver spin rate R.J.
December 25, 2014
hmm. Yes, similiar information as of the Axis Tilt video. So you want to hit it as high as you can? Most of my younger friends can hit it 280 to 300 yards and they hit it a lot lower. I call it hitting a knuckle ball. On a launch monitor it says I have 14 degrees of launch and 3000 rpm. When I go to a lower degree driver, my rpms go down and it rolls out furthur to 268 yards. Do I need to experiment more to find the right loft angle and keep my rpm low?
December 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, you need to experiment to find your optimum launch and spin. You can run into the law of diminishing returns with height. A high launching ball with optimum spin is great for carry and big drives. However, if you are getting the spin rate up too much to create the effect. You might be losing distance.
December 8, 2014
Chuck, this helped me change my angle of attack from severely negative with the driver -3 to -4 to +1 to +2. I'm still struggling however, with a massive dynamic loft (greater than 20 degs) and high launch angle, robbing me of distance. I swing at 105ish + or minus 5. Is this due to "flipping" or a lower body flaw? The club fitter (he's a 2 hdcp good golfer, but not a swing expert) where I was on Trackman said that my hips and shoulders weren't moving fast enough for my arms, and my swing was very "armsy". I'm pretty sure I'm releasing early. I also have a severely in to out path > 7 degrees for the most part. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
November 1, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Matt, Watch the "Trace the Plane Line" and "Sang Moon Bae Hips for Lag" videos. These two videos will fix your in to out path and your armsy swing. Then the next time you get fitted for a driver, the club fitter won't even believe you're the same golfer. Plus, you'll probably be swinging around 115 +/- 5 mph, which would be my guess. R.J.
November 2, 2014
Just started playing with a driver. Great video and it makes sense how things work. Remarkable I found your setup. Most people place the club right behind the ball with setup. In the video however you place the club quite some distance behind the ball. Also this makes sense because THAT spot is the "bottom of the swingcircle" but I never see people do this. Can you tell something about this?
October 18, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hans, With the RotarySwing program, we're trying to being as efficient, safe and consistent as possible. We want our entire swing to be exactly the same when we make these minor adjustments to provide different results. It's easier to adjust the setup a little bit and swing the same way than it is to try to swing harder or intentionally try to get more loft on the shot. What we've noticed that with the normal rotary swing setup, a few inches after normal impact, the club starts to work on an upward angle of attack. So, to hit the ball higher with less spin, we thought to normally move the ball forward in our stance. And to prevent changing the swing, we start our hands in the golf swing at the same point that we would naturally, instead of adjusting and moving them forward in the stance. And then we noticed that our hands were closing a little more as we release through the original ball position and it was producing a little bit of a draw. Thus, we closed the stance up and voila! The driver setup that gives us a higher ball flight, less spin and still flies straight. I hope this goes more in depth for you about how we got to that driver setup, R.J.
October 19, 2014
Hi, My name is Jose. I just become member a few days ago, so I am inspecting the web site. Is there any video that could show me how close or far should I set up in front of the ball when I am about to hit a Driver. I have been with different teachers, so I have received different answers. If there is no video at all, then can you tell me how can I make sure that my distance is correct in the driver posture. Thanks a lot.
October 13, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jose. The distance away from the ball is relative to your body. Take a look at the Driver Setup Adjustments Video in the Advanced Setup Section for information on setup changes. However, standard positioning you want your arms hanging neutrally underneath your shoulder joints. With the driver they will tend to look extended just a touch beyond that. Right around where the butt end would be inline with the toes.
October 13, 2014
Guys--Your presentations are clear and just long enough. My only complaint is the lack of state-of-the-art video technology. I'm referring specifically to the non-use of high frames-per-second video, coupled with high-enough shutter speeds (e.g. 1/2000 or, even better 1/4000) to capture in slo-mo the entire sequence, especially during the transition and the impact zone. I realize this will require extra illumination if videoing indoors or, even better, outdoors video with the instructor hitting a real golf ball to illustrate precisely what the particular lesson is about. As you probably already know, this equipment is readily available (e.g. Casio EX-FH 25 or 100; via; I suspect there's even better dedicated video setups out there but I'm not a video expert.
October 3, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. For most of our swing models and demonstrations we do use the Casio FC150 at a high shutter speed. We are working to update content and provide the best quality videos. Thanks for the post.
October 3, 2014
Hi, my swing speed is about 80 mph. So i moved the ball equal the toe of my left feet. I'm now snap hooking the drives. So, with the ball more left, my normal turning of hands is equaling and "too early" turning of my hands that cause the closed club face and thus a massive duck head hook. How can i delay the turning of my hands with the ball more left? Thanks!
September 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. If you setup slightly closed you should be able to offset the closing of the club face to gain some accuracy back. Also, make sure you are flipping it and releasing the club. Use the Vijay Drill in the Advanced Downswing Section to let the club release and not flip the toe.
September 8, 2014
Hi, I'm wondering what the effect of moving the ball too far forward in the stance with the driver would be. I think I have an idea, but would like your input, and don't want to influence the answer. Thanks, Jeff
August 28, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jeff. Take a look at the Driver Setup Adjustments Video in the Advanced Setup Section. When the ball gets too far forward, you will be catching it while the driver is closing versus square.
August 28, 2014
Ok. Would this be possible. If I have the ball too far forward, I can still hit the ball straight, but with delaying my release. I seem to be losing a little speed with the driver. Thanks,
August 29, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Moving the ball slightly up will help with launch angle. However, it reaches a law of diminishing returns. The club needs to release and at some point delaying it is keeping stored energy from transferring to the ball.
August 29, 2014
A closed stance sounds right,but could you also open the club face a little at address?
August 15, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, for a person with higher club head speed one can open the face slightly to get the fade effect.
August 15, 2014
Actually I was referring to the part where Chuck said to close your stance a little when you place the ball further up in your stance so that you don't end up pulling the ball to the left.
August 15, 2014
Is the iron swing the same as the driver swing? Ball placement is different n tilt back more?
July 22, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
For maximum launch angle and speed there are setup adjustments for the driver as listed in this video. The driver is a specialty club and requires a little more fine tuning for best potential. Ball a little further up and body a tad shut. With the iron, there are only 2 to 10 degrees of axis tilt (shot depending) and the ball will be off of the left ear or logo of the golf shirt.
July 22, 2014
When Chuck sets up with the exaggerated tilt away from the target in order to hit up on the driver, how do you keep from hitting the ground in front of the ball. Does this mean that you need to shallow out your swing plane to avoid hitting the ground?
July 16, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. With the few added degrees of axis tilt. The swing will shallow out just a touch. Everything else swing wise should remain the same. If you are hitting the turf before the ball. You are more than likely "trying" to hit up on the ball and releasing the club into the ground. Try to keep the swing constant. With the ball teed up higher and further up in the stance. The setup will take care of the launch.
July 16, 2014
Hey guys, do the bomb your driver techniques work for a 3 wood off the tee as well?
July 13, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jason. You can use it for max 3 wood. You just have a little better margin for error with the driver.
July 13, 2014
I looked at the 9 days to Amazing ball striking and it does not seem to deal with the questions I asked. Could you please expand? Chuck speaks of hitting draws and fades in the downswing series by placing the ball slightly forward for the fade and slightly back for the draw, but I suspect it is a little different for the driver.
June 5, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
If your trying to maximize laugh angle for power with the driver. When ball is placed further up in the stance. The club will tend to be closing due to swinging on a arc. If you close the stance slightly with the ball further up. The launch will be in the intended path, with a slight draw. With an open stance for a fade, it would be the same principle. Except you would want to hold off a little on the release to promote the fade. The ball position will remain up in the stance for both situations, if we were wanting to maximize launch angle. Let me know if you need more help. Thanks.
June 5, 2014
Just to clarify my understanding Craig, when you talk about the launch along the intended path, you are talking about the ball starting where the clubface aims and then drawing somehow, correct? If it the case I should not only close the stance but also aim more right to take into account the draw.
June 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. Usually, we try to work the ball on the intended path and then move off of it. If you want the ball to start right of your target and the draw back to the target (more percentage to error on shot though). Then, yes you would need to aim a touch more right.
June 28, 2016
With the fade, where is the ball position compared to the draw( back, same or forward)?
June 4, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Greg, look in the 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking Section to understand how alignments and club face rotation allow for the draw and fade. Clay has some good videos describing how to shot shape.
June 4, 2014
When a fade or draw is hit with the driver the body is slightly open or closed. Is the club face aligned to the target or in line with where you are aiming your body? Also for the draw are you releasing the club where you would in our normal setup or at the ball forward in your stance? I believe the club face is oriented toward where your body is aimed and the release is happening as if you were contacting the ball in its normal position in our stance. Is that correct?
June 4, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Greg, look in the 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking Section to understand how alignments and club face rotation allow for the draw and fade. Clay has some good videos describing how to shot shape.
June 4, 2014
When Chuck talks about setting up slightly closed or slightly open with the ball slightly forward in the stance is he taking about the entire body (i.e. shoulders, hips, knees and feet)?
May 8, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
He is talking about the entire body being a bit open or closed.
May 8, 2014
In this video Quinton is way off of joint alignment at and after impact. So how is this a rotary swing? Paul
May 1, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
He is using the driver setup adjustments in this video so that he is catching the ball more on the upswing to help launch. The stance is a bit wider than normal RST fundamental as well as the ball position.
May 1, 2014

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