Bonus Challenge 1 - Curving the Ball

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Bonus Challenge 1 is about learning how to curve the ball in both directions. This challenge will not only teach you how to easily shape your shots, but will also give you a better feel what a straight shot is as well.

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I think all these instructions are great and I can definitely see different ball paths compared to when I want to draw the ball (giving a little more release) versus when I want to fade the ball (holding off the release). I understand all this, but I feel it's much easier to either close the face a tad at setup (drawing the ball) or open the face a tad at setup (fading the ball). Can you please explain why it would be easier to try to add more release or holding off the release? Wouldn't it be much simpler and less to think about if you just close/open the face a little bit more at address and do a normal swing?
December 9, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donnie. You could make those adjustments to change ball flight at setup. The issue occurs is repeatability and feel. How closed/open is enough? What happens if you release the closed face/hold the open face too much? 85% of initial ball flight is club face related. You don't want to technically aim off target and have to hit a perfectly shaped shot. Need to leave some margin for error.
December 9, 2022
I have difficulty shaping the ball. I get more of a push when I try to fade and more of a pull when I try to draw the ball. When I do left hand only the ball is generally going somewhat to the right. Furthermore I see with Top Tracer (with a 7 iron and 50 - 60 m shots) a lot of variation in my launching angle, from 9 to 17 degrees. How can I improve curvature and trajectory?
November 8, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stefan. Lead hand only will tend to have a tiny push in the mixture. But, think about what is required to help fix the issues. If the ball is flying high you are adding loft. The lead wrist more than likely is cupped or hanging back and swinging up on the ball. Lack of curvature and more of push/pull. Sounds like you are having trouble balancing out plane/face rotation. I would start with just getting the draw first. Make sure the plane is sufficiently shallow and a little bit over released with the face angle.
November 8, 2022
How many sets of 8 or more qualify for the shot shaper badge?
August 30, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. I will have to look into this. The algorithm determines each Phase and Challenge for the badges.
August 31, 2022
Hi Craig. Did you ever get an answer?
March 12, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. For a Phase 2 Shot Shaper Badge you will need at least 10/10 - 3 times in a row.
March 13, 2023
If the ball goes off more left or right, say by 20 degrees or more when doing this challenge, am I releasing or holding off the release too much?
July 26, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. Could be a few different factors. But, more than likely you are over doing the release/hold off getting a much larger shape to the shot.
July 27, 2022
Are you altering the face angle at address to affect the draw & fade? Or is the face still square and only the amount of release is changing?
July 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charles. You will alter the face angle with release. No need to make major face angle changes at address with this Bonus Challenge.
July 23, 2022
This looks more like just hitting left and right than curving. It look like going straight left and right
June 28, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It is definitely curving, but shouldn't curve much at this distance. A yard or two is max.
June 28, 2022
Perhaps I am overthinking this but I am having a little trouble with changing my wrist position to effect various spins. Tell me if I am on the right path with the following - the release is the rotation of the forearms that we can speed up to draw the ball, let Newton have his way to hit a straight shot and slightly slow that motion for a fade. However, if we wish to vary the height of the shot we need to vary the the angle between our wrist and our forearm from a bowed wrist for low, neutral wrist for medium height and slightly cupped for a high shot. So, with that long preamble, on a low shot I think I currently merely bow my wrist and drag it through impact which causes a myriad of problems (right shoulder helping, head slide, etc.) whereas I should still be managing the rotation of my forearms at the same time to achieve the shot curvature I want. Is that right? If not, please help me get better at marrying the ability to curve the ball with the ability to control trajectory. Thanks, Tom
June 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Yes, you are correct but it only takes very minor changes to drastically change curvature/trajectory. If want a little lower draw per se you can calm the chest which will allow the release to happen more naturally too hit the draw and focus on the bowing of the lead. This is why it is vital to practice the small shot to have ultimate control of the lead wrists. Take a look at the 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking Series.
June 15, 2022
You are normally exceptionally clear in your instructions. This video is different. I just don’t get what you mean by more release or less release!! I thought the release is letting the club go and do its thing which means that club face will be square on impact. More or less release does not make sense in this context.
June 9, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You can and will alter how much you release the club to manipulate ball flight. A normal release shouldn't require any manipulation at all. But if you want to start curving the ball, you will either hold it off actively or rotate it more slightly to get the desired flight.
June 9, 2022
Robert James
Would you be able to show us how to start the ball to the right a little and draw it back to the pin? Thanks James O
June 9, 2022
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
That's all determined by path. There are numerous ways to shift the path to the right a little to hit a push draw if you so desire. 1. More secondary tilt at impact 2. Shallow more with the hands 3. Hold shoulders back/slow their rotation in downswing 4. Cheat by dropping trail foot back at setup However, you needn't really try to alter your path much for this shot, tiny changes make a big difference and you really can just close your stance slightly and get the job done.
June 9, 2022
Fantastic bonus, simple little tweaks, love it. Bring on more effortless control
June 6, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Stephen. More coming
June 6, 2022

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