Weight Shift in the Golf Swing - Pt. 1

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Using our Science and Motion (SAM) Balance Lab, we can pin point weight shift and weight distribution of golfers in real time. In this video, use the Balance Lab to show how simple it is to transfer weight for an increase in power of around 14% according to some research. The key is that weight shift is completely natural, and in fact, as you will see in the video, to NOT shift your weight will not only feel unnaturaly but leave you feeling powerless as well.

  • Casual golfers may give up weight transfer for simplicity, but they will sacrifice power in the swing
  • Swaying the whole body does transfer your weight, but is very hard to control
  • Transfer your weight by shifting onto the right leg, keeping the body still
  • Stance width 2" outside neutral allows for plenty of weight shift without moving off the ball

Perhaps nothing is more important than a proper weight shift in the golf swing. This golf instruction video goes in depth behind what makes weight shift so important and how to start learning how to do it correctly.

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William (Certified RST Instructor)
chuck said this was a three part series but i dont see part two or three
July 31, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Here are the titles. Weight Shift Part 2 - Right Hip Line and Weight Shift Part 3 - To the Left.
July 31, 2019
I'm not seeing the drill videos. Is there only one video to each section?
July 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rodney. There are tons of videos per section. If the videos aren't loading on your screen. Please contact Customer Service because something would be amiss.
July 4, 2019
I was curious about the weight shift in the 3/4 swing or a control/punch shot. I have been taught in the past to keep weight slightly on the left side for these. Is this true? Thanks!
May 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Take a look at Day 2: Hitting Low Shots Video. You need to make a few adjustments, but more in the wrist. Penetrating Wedge Shot Video for the 3/4 Wedge Low.
May 5, 2019
Thanks for the quick response! One more question not pertaining to the video what are your thoughts on training priorities as far as time goes? Let’s say you have a one hour or three hour block to practice how would you break it up? I know there is maintenance in the swing as well as chipping/putting just curious how to best manage my time. Thanks!
May 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. 1-3 Hours per day the goal would be to get a minimum of 100 perfect reps of any said drill. Full Swing 100 reps/min perfect drills and then you can split the rest of the time for the short game.
May 5, 2019
Just to clarify is that 100 perfect drill reps or shots and 100 perfect full swing to total 200?
May 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. 100 perfect reps. With either the practice swing, or ball. The best would be to get the practice swing non-thought with correct reps. Then, slowly reintroduce the ball (about 5 practice swings per ball) until you can repeat the move properly with the ball every time.
May 8, 2019
Hi there. Not really sure where to post This question but my question is what are the five steps? On parts of the website it is weight shift, takeaway, backswing.... then other parts it is weight shift, core rotation, lead arm... essentially there are two 5 step programs on this site and it is making me very confused. Which is it? (See attached picture for my confusion)
February 22, 2019
The mobile website is hard to navigate. Seems you have several paths to take and one is just intro path with no drills. I spend a lot of time just trying to getting out of intro content. Where are the premium course videos in mobile version of your website?
June 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. You are getting the 5 Minute Series confused with the 5 Step Series. No worries. 5 Step Series is Weight Shift, Core Rotation, Add Lead Arm, Add the Club and Add the Trailing Arm. The Image you presented on the left hand side.
February 23, 2019
So hard to navigate. Have to Crestview things
April 1, 2021
I'm learning to do the weight shift and am progressing better to the left by activating my left glut (all new feeling for me, but seems natural - thanks). Please confirm that this is the same way to transfer weight to the right on the backswing? I was told to plant the RH heel to the ground. This is done by activating the RH glut? I was also told to load (backswing) in the order of weight shift, body, arms. Is this for learning purposes, or do I really want to sequence these events? Really enjoying the instruction. Thanks
January 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. You are correct with the loading of the trail and lead glute. The backswing will follow that sequence of events. But, they will become a blended motion as time goes by. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets. Happy to hear you are enjoying the site!
January 19, 2019
Haven't watched all the WS videos so my question may be premature. My question is how do you begin the WS left. What muscles fire first. Jack Nicklaus use to talk about "rolling" his left ankle. Other talk about rapidly clearing left hip so belt points to target. I find the mistake I make is "sliding" hips which seems to put me in reverse pivot position. At the absolute start of the downswing what do I want to focus on? Thanks...these are great lessons.....John
January 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Glad you are enjoying the videos. Take a look at How to Swing from the Ground Up and Weight Shift Video Part 2. Also, My Golf Backswing Secrets.
January 10, 2019
is it possible to get the original video back online? I think I would be a great help to really understand what happens on the ground. Why was this pulled of the site?
December 20, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Werner. I don't know why it was pulled from the site. I will work on finding you a copy. It will be a very slim chance sadly though. I apologize.
December 20, 2018
This video is not the Science Lab video, but a good video nonetheless. Where is the science lab video?
December 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Remington. I will have to search for you. I don't believe it is on the site anymore. I will report back if I can hunt it down for you.
December 9, 2018
So what is my first move to weight shift back to the left side?
October 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Lead knee external rotation. Take a look at Fixing Your Weight Transfer.
October 19, 2018
Can you help me? The video is not show up in the web.. I can not see / klick the video .. I have buy annual membership .. Thank you
July 8, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Danang. Try logging out and clearing history/cache. If that doesn't work. Please notify Customer Service as it is playing on my end. Apologize for the error you're having.
July 8, 2018
Good Morning Tthe term "shift your weight" can I think of bending LEFT knee to take the club back parallel to the ground, then elevating rotating flexing the club to the top with the right arm , then the LEFT knee straightens Ie posting up which brings the club down "on plane" and then releasing the lag once the club is parallel to the ground Tom Lawson
January 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. I would rather you not focus on the left knee to try and shift your weight. You want to shift the weight into the right glute as you add rotation, elevation and flexion. Followed by weight shift to the left to bring the arms down. Posting to clear the hips and release the club/lag.
January 14, 2018
I think this is an excellent video but I'm a little confused by your comment "my grip is weaker". What do you mean by this? Do you change the way your hands are gripping the club e.g are you rotating your hands around the club handle to a different grip or are you saying you hold the club with less strength or perhaps do you mean you are moving your hands down the club which in the past I have heard as "choking down" on the club. Thanks.
October 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Clive. Could you give me the time stamp when Chuck mentions this comment? Will be happy to get the answer to the question.
October 8, 2017
Hi Craig, The time stamp is at 7:06. from the transcription :- Now what I'm going to do is weaken my grip. Again, weakening my grip allows me to control the release of the wedge more. I need more touch, more sensitivity, more finesse around the greens, and a weaker grip is better for that because it gives you the ability to hit different shots, different trajectories, with different spin. I'm going to have a weaker grip than I normally would.
October 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Clive. Gotcha. I was confused because you are posting this under the Weight Shift Part 1 Video, but referring to the How to Hit Proper Pitch Shots Video. Chuck is referring to weakening the grip as is strength (not pressure). More of a neutral grip versus what we prefer in normal shots slightly stronger than neutral. The direction of the "V" formed between the thumb and index finger.
October 8, 2017
Thanks Craig, yes I was wondering why, when you replied, that it was under the Weight Shift video. My bad I guess - I don't know what I did wrong but thanks for your instant answer. Isn't it Sunday over there and so you should be on a golf course somewhere?
October 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Clive. No worries. Some weird error. But, all good now. Yes, it is definitely Sunday over here (7pm) to be exact. We strive to provide the best customer service possible. Albeit does take away from our golf time. We know how golfers are eager to improve. We don't want you lost in the wilderness for too long.
October 8, 2017
I remember watching this video when it actually looked like the picture. It talked about Using the Science and Motion (SAM) Balance Lab and showed how your the weight distribution on your feet etc...Is that video still available?
August 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. I will have to check on that one for you. I don't believe it's on the site anymore.
August 14, 2017
Very impressed with the RST vidieos. Think this should help me a lot. I get the weight shift concept and it's a problem I've had for years since some back surgery (probably caused by poor weight shift). My problem is shifting my body and head in front of the ball when I shift down. Is there a video that goes into keeping the head behind or over the ball as I shift my weight to the left? Marshall
August 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marshall. I'm glad you are enjoying the videos. It's all about proper sequence. The head has to move in the swing. But, if you start from the ground up with proper tilt and release the head won't get ahead. Start with Step 2 - Core Rotation to get the body move sequence first.
August 7, 2017
Hello Craig, I have the same problem Marshall was referring to - my head gets in front of the ball on downswing. Could you be more specific as to which videos to look at in Step 2 Core Rotation please? Love the site and videos!
October 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The actual "Step 2 - Core Rotation." You can find it in the search bar. If you sequence from the lower half properly the upper half shouldn't race ahead.
October 9, 2018
Thank you for your very prompt response. I will look to that video.
August 7, 2017
Leslie John
I am getting more & more impressed with RST, particularly this video, so much so, that I would put it (framed in gold) to the very beginning of the course. Les
October 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank You Leslie. We appreciate the post.
October 22, 2016
I like the video explanation of the value of weight shift. Centrifugal force technically does not exist except as a word in the dictionary. If you search on the net about the nature of centrifugal force "ral or pseudo or fictititous?", you will find a large number of articles each explaining in different ways that it is a pseudo or fictitious or imaginary or non-real force. Here are some links I have found. http://www.school-for-champions.com/scie... http://pagefillers.com/scienceblog/?p=13 http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/ph...
October 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Yes, Centrifugal Force is the so called "false force." Thanks for the links to help our members better understand.
October 15, 2016
I continue to work on weight shift, but coming over the top is still a big problem that keeps "coming back". Is there a split second at the top of the back swing where your arms feel "weightless" that allows you to shift your weight BEFORE starting the downswing. If so could you direct me to any videos on the site or drills that talk about this. Thanks, John
September 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Use the Starting the Downswing Before Completing the Backswing and the Over the Top Stick Drill.
September 7, 2016
in what video is the top stick drill ?
May 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. I apologize. That video is no longer on the site.
May 8, 2017
I'm brand new to Rotary Swing. I'll say thus far, I'm very happy with the first videos. Finally some golf instruction that makes sense! First videos were on weight shift. Great instruction on this topic. Not only giving theory, reasoning, and instruction on what you're supposed to do, but also provide great DRILLS on how get the body moving correctly. I found a fundamental flaw with my swing with shifting weight to my back foot. When I first started as a kid with my Dad teaching me, I had a problem with swaying my head back on the backswing. My Dad used to lay a club on the right side of my head to prevent my swaying. (I hated that club on my head!). While this corrected my swaying, I think this also prevented me from proper weight transfer. Subconsciously, I would not shift weight towards back. The weight shift videos have really opened my eyes and have had an immediate impact. It felt weird at first, but now I'm much more consistent. I feel a lot more comfortable with my swing. It feels natural now. Please give kudos to one of your instructors, Clay Ballard. He turned me on to the weight transfer and to Rotary Swing. He also gave a great lesson on "Spine Angle", another flaw I corrected with my posture. I'll keep watching videos and improving. Thank you!
May 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Thanks for the compliments and post. Happy to hear you are learning the proper tools to improve your game. Weight shift is very critical in the swing. Get to using those glutes properly.
May 17, 2016
Were you able to locate the older version that talked about the SAM Balance lab?
March 31, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. The only thing I can offer right now is the Article under Descriptions (Related Articles - Weight Shift in the Golf Downswing).
March 31, 2016
Hi, How much weight I am suppose to shift after my full back swing ? I am felling that I am shifting about 70 %
March 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christian. You will shift about 80% of your weight into the trail side for a full backswing.
March 6, 2016
What happened to this video. The description of the video and the referenced article all talk about the SAM Balance lab and foot pad that show and explain amount of weight back and forth and side to side. Now the video doesn't seem to point to that video anymore. It's just Chuck talking while standing outside. I'm looking for that weight distribution video on the sensing foot pad. Where can I find it? Thanks
March 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carole. I will ask the team. The video was updated to a newer version with a more simple and direct message about weight transfer. If I can get it for you I will.
March 3, 2016
I cannot seem to locate the video on weight shift where three students take the club back with just their left arm with the focus on a soft grip and not stopping the club at the top with the left thumb. In practicing this drill I find that my club is traveling well beyond parallel. Is this OK or am I doing something wrong? I don't recall any of the three student's clubs travelling beyond parallel.
February 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donal. I think the video you are referring to is the Frisbee Drill. Ideally, you don't want the club passing parallel too much. The goal is to get the lag angle increasing on the downswing. While training initially to soften the wrist you can allow for a little more swing going back. But, work to keep enough control to not allow past parallel and allow the big increase to happen coming down.
February 24, 2016
If I concentrate to do the weight shift properly I often fail to hold the correct spine angle. the shoulders and the upper body become parallel to the target line to early. How can I work in this problem?
February 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. When shifting into the lead side you don't want to overly rotate or spin the shoulders too early. Work on the downswing sequence in the How to Swing from the Ground Up Video. Make sure the shoulders are passive enough that you allow the arms/hands to work down before excessive rotation.
February 21, 2016
Good video - question I understand the weight shift and can do it however the sensation to me is I feel that the club is so far behind that I throw my arms to catch up. I cant seem to feel the point in the downswing / weight shift where the club begins its release. Does it happen after impact or where? Again if I weight shift as you describe in this video and it makes perfect sense that the club should drop naturally into the slot then why do I feel that I have to play catch up with my arms in this scenario. The real question is if the weight shift is done as described and the arms are relaxed does the release happen automatically and not thought of? Thanks hope you understand my question
February 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. You need to train the proper motion to the release. To master the mechanics and efficient movements. Once you understand how the lead wrist works. Using weight shift, gravity and good lead arm/hand motion will create a snap or whip like effect. The release will become more feel and automatic versus forced. It sounds like you rush it too much though. Using more brute force for power instead of letting angles and rotation do the work. Take a look at the How to Swing form the Ground Up Video. Hone in a better transition and fall of the arms. Work on the 5 Mins to the Perfect Release. When both are mastered. Blend both into more of a feel based move and letting things happen into impact versus too mechanical.
February 20, 2016
When I shift my weight in the downswing my upper body moves forward (head in front of the ball). What's the best way to stop the upper body going forward with the lower body in the downswing weight shift, thanks
February 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Starting the swing from the ground up. Use the How to Swing from the Ground Up, Weight Shift Video Part 3 and the Face On Impact Alignments Video.
February 11, 2016
Hi couple of questions on weight transfer: 1) Is it better to work on the two moves separately (learn right then left) or together (both right and left at same time)? 2) As I'm someone who struggled with transfer to left, is it ok to feel bit of push from right side to begin with when getting feel for getting weight through?
January 30, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. You can train them separately then work on blending the move between trail and lead glute. Do you struggle with hip turn or only shifting the weight? Ideally, you will only want to pull yourself to the lead glute. However, some players that have a tendency to under use their hips can train a little help from the trail foot while training. Take a look at How to Use the Hips Video and the Throw the Ball Drill Part 2 for more information.
January 30, 2016
Hi thanks for the quick reply - the use the hips video really helped. I underuse the lower body so sounds like I'm in bit of a minority compared to hip spinners
January 30, 2016
I've read somewhere that better players, load most of their weight on to the toes when loading the trail leg in the takeaway, and transfer most of their weight on to the heel of the lead leg through impact, is this correct?
October 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. We tend to try and keep the weight centered over the ankle joints and away form the balls of the feet/toes. Take a look at the Weight On the Balls of the Feet Video.
October 27, 2015
In this video you mentioned the fulcrum of the golf swing. Is the fulcrum, the left shoulder joint or the center of the body during the swing?
October 5, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Walter. Chuck is referring to more the center of the body.
October 5, 2015
Hello, I am a recent RST member. I have a quick question regarding the weight shift discussed in the video above. Do you recommend the small weight shift/hip bump to the right side before I begin the takeaway? It looks as if you shift your weight to ~ 65% to the right side before you start the takeaway (about 4:20 into the video). Is this correct? Thank you, Rob
October 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. Some players start rotating off the ball and others trigger the swing with their weight shift. No issue if you would like to trigger the swing by starting an early shift into the trail glute.
October 2, 2015
I am ten lesson videos in and now working on weight shift. My question to you is should I still be working on all the fixes in the previous lessons or just working on this one issue? I shoot mid 80's starting to get better since I started rotary in March, broke 80 2 of the 11 rounds this year.
July 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. You can work on a few issues, but you don't want the mind to become lost or confused. When working try to segment the practice to get some good reps in. Then, start to work on blending move. For example - Takeaway and Weight shift. Work on both separately then try to merge together.
July 13, 2015
awe man thanks that is what is seeming to happen. Starting to blend it together now. Thanks for the information. Ron It takes time to get used to hitting everything better. And I need many more reps just to have the feeling of my shoulders turned to the target. Thanks again.
July 15, 2015
On the shorter irons it is better to have less of a weight shift and stay on the front leg more. If you're focusing on the tush line and lateral weight shift with less rotation though, what should you feel to start the downswing with a short iron or a wedge?
June 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. With a wedge you can stay a little more on the lead side. But, with the shorter iron I would prefer to still have a good transfer (9-7 iron). Weight shift accounts for 14.4% or more of are speed. It could limit the amount of power by staying stacked over the lead ankle. With the wedge you will feel that you stay stacked (about 70%) weight on lead side. You should feel posting up on the lead leg and a quieter arm and hand release.
June 26, 2015
Do you shift any weight from left to right on first move from set up(Take Away)? I know hip does not turn until club passes parallel.
June 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sanjay. The majority of the weight shift will take place in the takeaway.
June 15, 2015
So if I'm right here...you are teaching a small sway with your hips away from the ball? I always thought that would happen naturally when you turn. I used to sway a ton and got away from it by just turning into my hip. Now, it looks like you want a small sway to get into your right side?
June 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brent. There is a lateral shift to the trail glute, but rotating will help keep it from swaying. Work on pivoting correctly into it with the Weight Shift Video Part 2.
June 1, 2015
Thanks RJ that clears it up. BTW played 9 yesterday just concentrating on weight shift and was amazed at how much more solid a strike I was having. My golfing buddy noticed as well. Ball was taking off like a rocket
May 4, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
That's awesome, John. And to just think, it's only going to get better from here. Good luck on improving your game! R.J.
May 5, 2015
I am having an issue with the outside of my right quadricep tightening up. I think the issue may be that I am not back far enough on my heels, but not sure. Even when I do the shift being conscious of keeping weight back on the heel, the quad tightens up in the turn, I guess giving resistance. I already have bad knees, don't need more aches on my legs! Suggestions?
May 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. Take a look at Anchor to the Ground in the Setup Section and the Weight Shift Video Part 2. Keep the weight from going to the outside of the foot and allow the proper amount of hip rotation.
May 4, 2015
when you say stance width should be about 2 inches wider than hip bones ....which part of hip are you referencing? From the iliac crest or from the Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) thanks
May 2, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
John, Chuck's referring to the point where the femur connects to the hip socket. It'll be about where the first belt loop would be on your pants if you have belt loops. You would want your ankles to be 2 inches outside of that. R.J.
May 4, 2015
I seem to have picked up a bit of a an ache just below at the top of my left leg, just below my buttock, I have noticed that this area is tense when I pull over to the left side, should it be, I am just wondering if I am putting unnecessary strain on the downswing. Perhaps it is unrelated.
April 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. You might be over doing the "squat" too much into the lead leg. Focus more on the shift rather than the vertical drop with the squat.
April 12, 2015
Juan Jose
Hi, wouldn't it be easier to adjust the setup position where you already put some extra weight in the right foot? Why this needs to be done at the start of the swing instead of it being part of your posture?
April 6, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Juan, If you are having issues getting to the right or trail leg go ahead and put a little more weight on the right side at setup. It will make it easier for you to load into the right leg and activate your glute muscles. Be sure though if you are to do this that we have axis tilt at setup. Thats why the weight isnt on the back foot at setup because to get axis tilt we keep our head still while "bumping" the lead hip towards the target and doing so will cause a fraction of the weight to be toward the lead leg. nothing extreme though, weight probably will be 55-45. Steven
April 6, 2015
You mention having a stance width a couple of inches wider than the hips in this and other videos. I am assuming it means a couple of inches for each hip?
March 26, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Gordon, Yes, we want the feet 2 inches wider the Neutral joint alignment (NJA) on either side. Check out the determine proper stance with video in the setup section. Steven
March 26, 2015
Question, is it correct to say that the slight spine tilt to the right at address straightens up slightly when loading into the right side during the back-swing wieght shift. It appears to be the case for me or my head sways to much to the right. Also, this thought helps me move towars center while the club is moving away from the target. I regain the spine tilt to the right when I make the weight shift back the the left in the down-swing which also increases at impact. Am I thinking straight on this?? Thanks-Tom
March 26, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Tom, yes, your axis tilt is going to appear to straighten as you rotate and shift your weight into the right side. As long as you're not tilting back towards the target at the top of your swing, you're fine. And yes, once you shift your weight back and squat to square, your axis tilt will return to where it was in the stance and at impact, it will appear to be slight more tilted. You're thinking straight as an arrow. Good luck on your game. R.J.
March 27, 2015
Hi, I have just finished my 1st week of getting good posture and the weight shift drill. Should I move in to the next drill or just continue with the same drills. Thanks Bryan
March 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bryan. If you have mastered the 5 Minutes to a Perfect Setup w/ Weight Shift. Start walking through the Takeaway Section and keep stacking.
March 3, 2015
Hi, I just got my second review back from James. Thanks James, I totally get what you are saying and I appreciate that you did not over complicate it. I got three mid-winter games in last week in San Antonio. My iron play was not good. I am a lefty and I was hitting everything left. Thinking back, I am pretty sure I was coming inside right off the bat. You recommended the pencil drill and I think that will help quite a bit. I also can see from the video review what I am doing with my hips and the weight shift videos make sense to me. So, I have my homework for the next two weeks and we'll see how it goes.
February 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Karen. Thanks for the post. I will pass the good word to James. Glad you are learning more about your swing and the habits you need to conquer. Get your homework done. Things will get better.
March 1, 2015
I just got my 1st analysis feedback a few days ago and the comments were right on. In the past, when I shifted my weight to the right, I also had a tremendous amount of lateral upper body and head movement. To correct, I ended up almost eliminating weight shift and was staying too centered. Now I'm working to get the proper weight shift. So naturally, my dilemma is how to get the weight shift without introducing the head/upper body sway again. Yes, I'm focused on getting the right side stacked, getting good upper body rotation, and am "sitting" into the glute and right heel, but that weight shift to the right also moves my head to the right. My question is how much head movement is acceptable and should I even be concerned about head movement? I've already been able to make some of the recommended changes from my swing analysis, and am very pleased with the observations and explanations. Thanks.
February 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carole. I am pleased to hear that you enjoyed your first review. Regarding head movement and weight shift. Lateral head movement in the backswing is inevitable. You shift 1 inch into the trail glute. The head is connected to the body, therefore the head will shift about 1 inch laterally. To stay away from too much sway. Maintain your hip line. Weight Shift Video Part 2 in this same section.
February 10, 2015
Wishing the team at Rotary Swing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Regards Colin.
December 23, 2014
Very pleased that I subscribed to Rotary Swing the instruction ,videos are excellent clear instruction about building a sound and solid golf swing. I tend to hit shots of toe of club that can be thin or heavy. Can you suggest a video to help me remedy this. Thanks Colin.
December 9, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Colin. I appreciate the kind words about the site! There can be a few culprits of the toe shot. Without seeing your swing I don't want to guess and send you in the wrong direction. My suggestion would be two fold. If you have the capability upload your swing to our online review system. We would be happy to take a look and diagnose the issue. Also, for the thin/heavy shot. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video in the Advanced Downswing Section. You will learn how weight shift, lag and forward shaft lean can get you a consistent strike on the ground.
December 9, 2014
How can l swith to RST . l cannot see the video. The windowa media player will not allow me to me toee the video. l may have the Flash player whch l did not sign up.
December 4, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Gaudencio, Update the media players and browsers on your computer. Even try using a different browser. I have more success with Chrome than I do with IE R.J.
December 5, 2014
I just recently joined as a member 6 days ago and I have been working on my weight shift. My instructor said I use a good deal of leg drive to power my swing. My left knee and almost entire left leg was outside the line from heel to shoulder. After 5 days I have changed my motion to where my left leg is almost straight at impact instead of bent. This has improved ball flight and smash factor. My question is does the left leg have to be perfectly straight at impact or is a slight bend ok? This had been a difficult change for me. I felt like I was using all Quad to generate power now I feel much more rotation. I almost feel like I am not shifting my weight at all even though I am sill going a bit to far lateral. I also feel like I needed to move ball position back about one ball. I guess I was hoping to confirm that what I am feeling is normal and also to know if you have any suggestions.
November 29, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Adam, Yes, what you're feeling is perfectly natural. For a person who feels like they are pushing off with the back leg, you're going to feel like you're not getting any power in your swing, which in effect is true. You're getting more speed at the bottom of your swing, but there isn't "power". You don't want your golf swing to feel powerful, you want it to feel effortless. It would be preferable to not have any lateral bend in your knee at any point in the swing because lateral movement of the knees causes undue stress on the joint and eventually will lead to injuries. We can't hit the ball very far if we can't stand up. =) Think of the legs in the swing as a support system for your rotation. Your glutes will be supporting the hips and the body's weight throughout the swing in order for us to be able to rotate around the spine. You'll produce more speed and be much more consistent this way. And naturally, you'll be safer, which is most important. As far as the lateral movement in your swing goes, if you use the groin of the leg in the direction that you're moving to pull you over to that side, you can't go too far in your lateral movement. Also, you'll rely a lot less on the knees moving laterally or the knees rotating. R.J.
November 29, 2014
someone said to me" you have to weight shift to first to the left thumb and then shift to the left heel. is it right?
November 28, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Ys, I'm not exactly sure how one would shift their weight to their left thumb. However, all you need to do to shift your weight in the backswing properly is to pull the weight to the trailing side using the groin muscles of the trailing side until you feel the weight loading into your trailing heel and trailing glute/hamstring. R.J.
November 29, 2014
Hi, joined up 5 days ago and have been practicing the weight shift with proper stance width...went up the range this morning and was delighted with the results...hit 90% of my shots with great contact and straighter than i have hit for a long time. Early days for me so will continue with this for a while to get it locked in to my swing before moving on to other video's. Already a happy customer
November 13, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
John, Congrats! Yeah, you'll be amazed at what you can do if you work on the program diligently and in order. Good luck R.J.
November 13, 2014
I am confused about the shift weight by left leg. In the stance you shift one inch to the right, then use left leg to move 3 inches to the left. In the 9 to 3 drill, do you use the left leg move in the drill? Then how about the down swing in a full swing? Do you use the left leg to start the squot down swing?
November 4, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Nick, Yes, you do this for both the 9-3 and full swings. The 9-3 swing is just a bisection of the bottom half of the full swing. And yes, the move to the left starts the downswing transition and the squat comes immediately after. You weren't as confused as you thought! Good luck R.J.
November 4, 2014
You are sending your email comments to the wrong party. "Charles" is not "Chad Ensler." Please amend your files. Otherwise I continue to enjoy and benefit from your service. I have taken a series of lessons from Tim Hayes in Colorado, one of your certified instructors. It's been great. Chad Chad Ensler
November 1, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Chad -- Our sincerest apologies for this mix-up. Can you forward me the emails that you are getting with the incorrect name address so that I can look further into this for you. My email is chris@rotaryswing.com. Thanks.
November 3, 2014
Weight Shift Part 2 is one of my recommended videos. I was surprised that only Wieght Shift Part 1 was listed under the video menu for the "Full Swing Program"/ "Weight Shift". Is there a more complete list of videos by topic or did I just look in the wrong location? Thanks, Charles
October 31, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Charles, Instead of going through your recommended videos, go to the "Full Swing Program: Weight Shift" and you'll see the Weight Shift: Part 1, 2 & 3 listed in the playlist. I hope this helps. R.J.
November 1, 2014
I have a question regarding axis tilt and weight shift. If I understand the sequence - setup includes a modest axis tilt, then we shift our weight about one inch to the right in the takeaway and maintain the axis tilt during this movement, then a 3 inch weight shift to the left to initiate the downswing to recover the one inch shift to the right and achieve neutral joint alignment on your left side. My question: So, does your head and upper body move three inches to the left as part of the weight shift left and therefore will be slightly more to the left at impact than at the start of your swing or do you increase axis tilt to accommodate the pelvis shifting to the left and thereby keep your head pretty much in the position it was at the start of the swing? Your videos and instruction are superb. I am very impressed with the depth of information you have made available to all of us. Thanks.
October 16, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Tom, Great question! Actually, it's both yes and both no, haha. Let me explain. You want to keep the same spine angle the whole way through, that's for sure. Also, you might feel like your upper body is swaying with the weight transfer of your lower body, but in all actuality, if you look at yourself on camera, your torso appears to be staying still. When you rotate around the spine, it is required that you shift your weight in order to keep your head from moving. If you don't shift your weight at all and you rotate like you're supposed to, then your upper will be swaying back and forth like a weeble. So, basically, the rotation plays a trick on the camera when it comes to the appearance of weight shift. When we don't shift our weight, it looks like we're swaying, but when we do shift our weight, it appears that our upper bodies are remaining still. There are only two times in your swing that you really want your head to appear to be moving at all and that's when you're squatting into your left glute to transition into the downswing, which will lower your head and after the follow through has already begun with momentum lifting your head up. So, like I said, yes and no. Your upper body and head are moving, but it appears that they aren't because of the rotation. Sorry that the answer to this question had to be so difficult, but at least we got you figured out now. Good luck! R.J.
October 16, 2014
Thank you for your answer.
October 17, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome, Tom.
October 17, 2014
In the Hip Bump / Axis Tilt video you say to bump the hip to the left to get a proper axis tilt. Then, in the Understanding Weight Shift Part 1 video you say to bump the hip to the right to get a proper weight shift. This seems a contradiction. Why not just leave the hips centered rather than first shift them left and then shift them right? Can you help me understand this? Thanks!
August 20, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. You are shifting the weight, not bumping the weight. I'm sorry for the word confusion. You want to maintain the axis tilt and hip bump. Then increase the load 1 inch into the trail glute. More or less a rocking motion, not a bump back to neutral with the hip.
August 20, 2014
Hi Craig. Can you explain this rocking motion you describe above in more detail. I'm also confused about what seems to me as a bump back to neutral.
August 26, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
A rocking motion or settle into the glute. Like in the Finding True Balance Video (Weight Shift Section). You are rocking and settling into the glute and weight centered over the ankle joints. The hips don't shift back to neutral. That would be a slide. If you bump the hip 5 degrees forward. Keep the same position and settle the weight on the trail leg (like a rocking motion). You don't bump the hip back. All your doing is increasing load on the trail leg more than being standard 50/50 at setup.
August 26, 2014
I am having trouble processing the sequence of the takeaway and the weight shift. Do I complete the takeaway, then weight shift?
August 14, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The weight shift is gradual throughout the takeaway. However, a lot of students and tour pros use the initial weight transfer as the trigger to their swing. Try shifting the 1 inch into the glute to initiate the motion.
August 14, 2014
Terrible video quality
August 14, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wayne. I'm sorry about the sound quality. We are going to undergo some conversions in the future to update the older videos.
August 14, 2014
I'm having a little trouble processing the hip bump toward the target associated with axis tilt and then moving the hips away from the target when shifting the weight back in the takeaway. If the upper body isn't supposed to move back also, won't we lose our axis tilt?
July 30, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeffrey. The hip bump to increase axis tilt is a vital portion of the setup and making sure we rotate around the spine properly. When shifting the weight in the takeaway. The weight shifts. The hips don't bump back. All your doing is maintaining the setup and loading 1 inch into the trail glute.
July 30, 2014
Don't you adjust your stance according to the club you're using ......a driver, for instance, wouldn't require a wider stance?
July 24, 2014
Smith (Certified RST Instructor)
Good question Ralph. The stance width should remain the same with the clubs. The center of your ankle joint should be positioned two inches outside of neutral joint alignment position (Neutral joint alignment from a front view would allow you to draw a straight line through your hip, knee, and ankle joint). This stance prevents lateral head movement and allows proper weight transfer. As you progress through the videos, you will see that the driver is a specialty club and ball position can be changed slightly to change trajectory of the ball. I hope this helps!
July 24, 2014
not getting any sound on my notebook, is it my end or a problem with the video?
July 22, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gary. Everything seems to be working. Please use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page and contact Customer Support. Happy to help you with your issue.
July 22, 2014
I wish you guys would remember that some golfers are lefties. All the videos refer to right and left. How about saying front and back. That way us lefties don't have to translate the instructions. What are your thoughts?
July 16, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Barry. I understand your frustration. It does get a little confusing. I catch my self in swing reviews having to focus hard on flipping the information around. Good input for future videos.
July 16, 2014
Could you explain how the axis tilt of the spine affects weight balance, and how much weight should you see for each foot with proper spine tilt at address?
June 5, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
With proper axis tilt at address the weight should be neutrally balanced at 50/50. Think of it like counter balancing. If the hip bump shifted 5% to the left, the upper body tilts shifting 5% to the right.
June 6, 2014
Like most of the members I am at a loss to find my video "favorites," the instructional videos I've been drilling into my head and the weekly assessments of the weekend pros strengths and weaknesses of note. Seems like you could have prepared better for this transition with an explanatory note and directions for use of the new site. Chad
April 8, 2014
Click on VIDEOS FOR YOU, then in the subsection, click on MY FAVORITE VIDEOS. Hope that helps.
May 11, 2014
Do you still have a link to the associated articles with the videos
April 6, 2014

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