What is the Rotary Golf Swing?

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A quick introduction to the science-based Rotary Swing Tour (RST) golf swing system. The RST online golf instruction videos which teach you a proper golf swing that is powerful, consistent and effortless!

  • Rotary Swing is a proper golf swing based on physics, biomechanics, anatomy and neuro-mechanics
  • It is the simplest way to learn the golf swing possible
  • It is a Tour Level golf swing built around teaching amateurs how to move like the pros

Proper Golf Swing

The Rotary Swing Tour golf swing learning system was devised to make the golf swing both easy to understand and easy to learn, all while being easy on the body.This powerful proper golf swing got RST Founder Chuck Quinton's golf swing up to the 129 mph clubhead speed mark all while having a perfectly square path and clubface angle. The secret to this golf swing is that there are no secrets, just proper golf swing mechanics! It's completely grounded in science - a fact based approach to learning the golf swing online. If you've ever wanted to learn how to properly swing a golf club, then you've finally come to the right place.

Rotary Swing Introduction

The Rotary Swing uses physics, biomechanics, anatomy and neuro-mechanics as its foundation for developing the #1 golf swing model that has literally cut hundreds of thousands of strokes off its members golf handicaps across the globe. With hundreds of thousands of members, RotarySwing.com has become the go to online golf instruction website for those golfers wanting to learn the TRUTH about building a proper golf swing and are tired of band-aid fixes and compromises. 

If you want to learn how to properly swing a golf club and play your best golf possible all while learning in the comfort of your own home all while spending the least amout of money possible, RotarySwing.com is your new online golf instruction home!

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Can you suggest a live coach in Los Angeles? thanks jeff
February 2, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. If you go to the menu tab. Under Live Golf Instruction you will See Academy Instructors and Worldwide List. You can see who is available closest to you.
February 2, 2023
Craig, how do I set up an on-line lesson with you? Thanks.
July 24, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jesse. Follow the link here: https://rotaryswing.com/swing-reviews/live-lessons
July 24, 2020
Thanks, Craig! Couldn't find it!
July 24, 2020
Your website mentions a Rotary Swing instructor in Ohio. Why can't i reach him?
July 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. The listings are paid and provided by the instructor. If you don't see a banner for the instructor. It means he hasn't provided a listing to us, but has passed certification.
July 8, 2020
I'm sure you've done one but can't find it. Where is the video on Scooping/flipping please.
June 12, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Tony If you search for "Flip vs. Release in Golf" you will get a video on it.
June 12, 2020
when is the next boot camp after march 10-28? this coronavirus period is a perfect time.
March 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. We will be discussing that topic this weekend.
March 20, 2020
Is it wise to spread the repetitions of each drill over a longer period, rather than cram many in a short period ? Ie is it ok to say do 300 reps each day ? Dennis
February 24, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. 300 a day is perfectly fine. In fact I wouldn't suggest doing many more than that. I usually tell students 100-200 is a good balance.
February 24, 2020
Building on James' club question, my irons are 15 year old ping G2's they are in great shape and fit to me. As a beginner should I consider upgrading since technology has improved or keep playing them until I can at least break the 100 mark?
January 27, 2020
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Your needs will change as you get better so, clubs that fit you great now, will likely not be the case when you're done improving your swing. Until your swing is better, I would recommend keeping your current clubs. It would be silly to change them now and then when you get better, change them again when you need stiffer shafts because your club head speed has increased. This is my personal opinion. As far as I know, RotarySwing doesn't have an official stance on what equipment you should use. Having equipment that is fit to you is far more important, which you already have, but equipment does also degrade in performance over time. When I was going through RotarySwing, I rewarded myself with new Callaway clubs once I greatly improved my swing. It was the first time I ever had brand new clubs. The combination of a great new swing and brand new clubs fit to me, it was a great time to play golf, I tell ya.
January 28, 2020
Does R.S. recommend getting fitted for clubs? or a specific type of fitting? Should one get a proper set up from rst first, then get fitted? i'm assuming it would be pointless to get fitted for clubs if your setup is not well. then? does getting fitted become an anatomical thing? are ppl measuring length of torso, arms, pelvis, etc? i dunno, tis why i ask. so does fitting revolve around one person's setup at a particular time, or is it more of a measurement of one's body type of thing. i just wanna know, b/c it costs a decent amount of money to get fitted, and i hope its not a rip off. Thank you guys as always.
December 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Fitting would be recommended more after you have the basics with RST down. During a proper fitting they will measure not only the club, but your body (arm length, leg, etc.). Then, they will start to match the lie and loft angles that best suit your needs. Also, shaft flex and weight will be a big factor. The better you start swinging these characteristics will change. That is why it is recommended to have some base components down before pursuing.
December 12, 2019
thank you. with regards to that, so it is based from one's setup, and then anatomical needs from there, right?
December 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Yes. Some players have longer arms. Others have short arms and long legs. It all adds up in the end. The lofts, lies, shaft flex, etc will be based on the swing.
December 13, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Graig! Beside working on my RST swing I also work on Level 1 certification with EBook. As WGTF, level 3 coach, I already give lessons for few years. Beside individual lessons I also have a senior group lesson ( about 10 persons) since 2 years. This lesson is 90 minutes and each week I make a lesson plan with a certain topic. Lessons are on range and in course. About once a month I make individual videos with V1 Pro and send this after lessons. My question is are there RST videos with group lessons and how they sre set up? My biggest challenge will be to get them willing to do the needed reps during the week. They all favor playing more (LOL). Thanks for helping.
July 30, 2019
Hi Marcel I enjoy your lessons and got inspired to become a member here too
October 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. We don't have any videos pertaining to group lessons. I teach the Clinics in Orlando which typically has 8 students. But, I spend all day with them so it would be hard to condense that into a 90 min session. I'm sure they all favor more playing time. However, I would spend a 90 min session with them just talking about the brain. Get them to buy into the process that if they don't work it will never improve and start the road to recovery from there.
July 30, 2019
I was trying to get a hold of Elijah Smith in Columbus Ohio so I can work with him. But have not been able to find him. Just wondering if he is still teaching and how to get ahold of him?
May 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gabriel. I am not sure if Elijah is still teaching. I will see if I can find some contact info for you. As he doesn't have anything listed on his instructor page. If I can provide some further information. I will post it here.
May 11, 2019
I cannot find the 5 step videos and I don,t know how to send you a video. Thanks JohnMcN
March 17, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
There's a search bar above the video play window on the right hand side where you can search any video that you need to view. If you go to the drop down menu for Swing Reviews, you can find everything you need there for submitting a video for a review.
March 18, 2019
S Joseph
I do not have a cell phone or a lap top, how would I submit a video for instructor review?
December 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. You don't have a laptop/cell phone to shoot a video with, or submit a video? If you are using an iPad. That will be acceptable.
December 27, 2018
Not sure where to post for feedback but...would like to know your thoughts for 1.) is a club fitting beneficial for high handicappers, ie 25+. 2.) is a fitting by big box store worth while or should it be specialized service provider (suggestions?). And 3.) any thoughts converting to one length irons? Thanks, Gary
December 19, 2018
An excellent club fitter in KC is Golf MD (Mike Dickerson) . He fits and builds the clubs in his shop. Fitted me about 4 years ago. Best i investment I ever made.
February 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Club fitting is beneficial for high handicappers. You maybe able to attain more speed and a set of clubs that are more forgiving for certain swing issues. Getting fit properly is a roll of the dice at a big box stores. I have a few fitters that work for PGA Tour Superstore that are fantastic and some that shouldn't even be allowed in the golf industry. I wouldn't recommend one length irons due to the physics of the golf swing. In my opinion, you are giving up one of the most effortless power sources in the swing which would be width. I see that you have a swing review in the queue. Looking forward to myself, or one of our other instructors helping you on your swing journey tomorrow.
December 20, 2018
Do you know of a good club fitter in Palm Desert Ca at PGA superstore?
June 15, 2019
I appreciate your feedback. Do you have any recommendations on how I can go about finding a reputable fitter in the Kansas City vicinity ?
December 20, 2018
Gary see my posts to Craig about custom fitting in KC. Golf MD (Mike Dickerson) is a far better experience to be had than in the big box stores.
February 27, 2019
See my earlier comment to Gary. Mike Dickerson known as Golf MD. Fits and builds his own clubs. He stocks a large assortment of shafts and heads from a variety of manufacturers.
February 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. No problem. Unfortunately, I don't know any fitters, or best locations in that area.
December 20, 2018
I have been a golfer for over 60 years, My understanding is there are two teaching philosophies. Body oriented movements and swing the club movement. The swing the club approach focuses on swinging the club and the body will respond vs body focused moving the body and the club will respond. Am I correct the RST is body focused vs lets say Manual del Torre? Both approaches seem to accomplish the same result swing the club. But the approach is very different . I assume depending on the players ability one might work better than the other.
November 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Yes, more make the body movements and allow the club to respond. Your goal is not trying to place the club in space to a specific spot. More trying to direct the body and allow the club to move to the proper positioning. Regardless of a players ability. Trying to manipulate, or find a certain feel to place the club in the same specific position would be harder in my opinion.
November 30, 2018
I just purchased a Laptop I plan to take with me to the driving range. I shouldn't have a Problem video taping my swing and downloading it on site there should I ? There's Wifi at the facility I practice, SO I assume it's not an issue:
August 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Barry. If you have WIFI. Shouldn't be an issue.
August 10, 2018
Hi was not sure as to where to post this but is there a video to help you with self analyzing your swing where to draw lines and angles etc..
July 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Too my knowledge, we don't have one. But, if you watch any of the Tour Pro Videos. We always show you the things to look for when watching your swing.
July 10, 2018
I want to self analyze my swing before sending in one of my videos for you to analyze....How does the self analyzer work? What should I be looking for. I saw a video about it and it was just a voice over. I tried to restart my browser and now I can't find that video. Can you help me with this?
April 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lyndon. It would be tough to list all the objectives when looking at the self analyzer. Start with the basics making sure setup is correct (use the site videos to see what you are looking for). A plane line should be drawn from the heel of the club through the back of the trail elbow. Do you have any more information of the video you are looking for? Happy to help.
April 10, 2018
Do you have a recommendation for a heavy speed training club?
March 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. We don't prefer one over another. You may use a typical heavy club, or add a doughnut to the end of the shaft. Some players fill older clubs with weight, or sand. The goal however is to still make sure you hit proper body positions and not to let the club swing you around.
March 28, 2018
I’m new just uploaded video for review ......... I like what I see . Do you recommend I watch more videos even though I’m still struginh with weight shift and take away . Are doing reps preferred to working at the range . I can tell you range work has NOT helped me the. Past 40 lessons and 2 years Thanks Dennis
March 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Glad to hear you like what you see. No need to bog down the mind with over load of information. In the beginning, better to stay at home then pound away at the driving range. I would watch the Best Training Aid in Golf Video and start to refine your setup. Wait for your swing review to return and let one of instructors tailor exactly what you should be working on.
March 20, 2018
Not sure exactly where to post this one: I'm going to try to go to a lesson with one of the RST instructors in a few weeks. In your experience, do you have any recommendations about getting the most out of this? Is there any area of the swing that is particularly challenging to convey via video review that might be easier to improve on in one or a few 1 on 1 sessions in person? Thanks as always so much for the help.
March 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jay. The release is always a good thing to work on with an instructor 1 on 1. Also, proper weight shift with core rotation. If you know which instructor you plan on seeing. I will be happy to relay what you have been working on and items that have been challenging from the swing reviews.
March 16, 2018
Hi Craig, Thanks so much for the response. As always, very appreciative and impressed with all your help. I was hoping to work with Elijah Smith in Columbus, OH, since that would be most convenient but I can't seem to find contact information for him anywhere on the internet. Therefore, I have contacted Patrick Callahan outside of Cincinnati. It will probably be later next month before I can make it out there so I will let you know when I do. Thank you so much again.
March 19, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. Great. Keep me posted.
March 19, 2018
Hi. I just signed up for the unlimited review with Craig Morrow. I'm working on the Step 1 weight shift drills. Should I send those in for review or try to get a full swing sent (a bit harder since I have to get to the range). Thanks.
December 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. Preferably, for the first time I would like a normal swing to get a baseline. You can use a foam ball in the back yard, or garage. Even, if you have one from late summer on your hard drive it should be sufficient. Thanks for signing up to my group. Looking forward to helping you.
December 12, 2017
Thank you, Craig. I just submitted 2 videos. It didn't ask to specify an instructor. Will you automatically get them or did I miss a step?
December 12, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Scott. They will automatically generate to me. You should be all set. Talk soon.
December 12, 2017
Hi Craig. Just letting you know that I haven't been able to open the swing review you sent. I contacted RST and they're aware. Is there anyway you can send it in a different format and email it to me?
December 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Scott. Sadly, the day that you uploaded there was a glitch in the system. First time I have ever seen that error with Swing Reviews. If you can delete the swing you uploaded to the site. And, then Re-Upload the Swings from late summer of your computer. The issue was when the file converted on our system you shrunk about 2 feet. It only needs to be converted properly. I apologize about the error. I have completed over 40 reviews since the bug was fixed. No more issues.
December 15, 2017
Thanks! I'm able to watch the review. I'll start working on that set up and weight shift. I'm ready to get to work!!!
December 15, 2017
When it's said on here that at the end of rotary swing if you do as it's laid out staying away from hitting balls as long as possible and you'll have a tour player swing, how significant is that handicap wise? What sort of gains do you see say someone playing to 2-3 then completing rotary swing alone forgetting putting and chipping?
November 5, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Daniel. Other aspects of the game (short game) when you are getting into single digits are very important. They can't be ignored to be a good player. However, you will still see significant changes in the amount of greens and fairways hit which will allow you to not reply so much on getting up and down.
November 6, 2017
Thank U sir..
October 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antonio. You're most welcome.
October 11, 2017
Hello Craig! Do you have to create lag with the driver and wood, just like with an iron?
October 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antonio. Yes, lag is created the same way with a wood as an iron.
October 10, 2017
I have been working with RST now for about a year. Very happy with the progress!! This really works, if you put the work in. I would like to see the bunkers videos updated. They look old and even the audio is hard to hear. For anyone that wants to become a better golfer. This is the place for you. Chuck and the rest of the instructors are AWESOME..
September 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antonio. Thanks for the positive post and compliments. Happy to hear about your progress. We are currently working on updating a lot of the library.
September 27, 2017
I'm 53 and very new to golf. I have always been very athletic, but over the years I have abused hips, knees and ankles. Couple of broken legs and knee surgeries over the years has taken its toll. I’m the kind of person that has to be good or at least better than average, so practice has never been an issue for me. I'm easily self motivated because I don't want to embarrass myself. I also wanted to say how I appreciate how the rotary swing process helps not place additional stress on the joints.
September 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks for the post Daemon. We look forward to hearing about your progress. Do you have any specific question about the video topic above?
September 25, 2017
Not currently. As I watch videos, it is making perfect since. It seems that your series seems to connect to me better than other videos I have watched on youtube. Not to say they aren't quality videos, only that your method works for me. Thank you for that. BTW I did video myself at the driving range. It is the poster child for everything wrong in a swing. It will be my "before" video.
September 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Daemon. We have all been that poster child before. Good news is there is a way out. Please feel free to use the swing review system and allow one of our instructors or myself to give you a good game plan to improve your swing. Thanks for the compliments of our system and videos.
September 25, 2017
why dont you teach the orignal l rotary swing that you began with It was very effective and still is? use to be able to veiw your videos on it but no longer can
August 4, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. The Original RS1 Swing is effective for some players. However, we have tried to steer everyone towards the RST Model because it blends effectiveness with proper biomechanics.
August 4, 2017
How do I get Clay Ballard video on drills for Tilt in golf swing ?????
July 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Most of Clay's videos are not on the site anymore. Are you looking for proper tilt at the top? Take a look at the Necktie Drill and How to Fix Golf Reverse Pivot Video.
July 8, 2017
Hi Craig, I have 2 questions: Questions 1 To learn a new movement we need to do 3k to 5k of repetitions to ingrain this new movement. However, the golf swing consists of quite a number of movements which will need to be join together at some point to become one big move ‘the swing’. My question is do I have to perform 3 to 5k reps every time I join 2 or 3 movements together ( as one new movement) and so on until I stack all moves into one. Questions 2 Is there a suggested number of reps and the practice frequency to maintain all the new movements? I think once we have learned the new correct movements we need some kind of a short version of the original drills to make sure we retain what we have learned as if you do not continue the swing most probably will slip back to old habits. Many thanks
April 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Arek. The key would be to practice the smaller movements enough to where they are ingrained or corrected and have a fuller move to perform the 3k to 5k reps. For example, if you go to the Swing Reviews Tab --> Checkpoints for Practice ---> Printable Workout Sheets ---> Takeaway. You will see Chuck mention: After you master a drill (smaller movement), you can start skipping it and adding reps to later drills. To maintain after layoff. If you have completed a New Movement Pattern Training most of it will remain. I had to take off almost 8 months before touching a club after my Rotary build and the vast majority was still in place. To get back in the grove focus on basic core principles. Perfect place to start: Winter Golf Training Program - Setup, Backswing, Downswing.
April 11, 2017
Hi Craig, I've been doing my reps 1000 per week I feel the rotation better than before I'm using my lats more I feel the burn in my core Not getting back to 90 More like 80+ My question, with my Driver swing Do I want to get deep into the right glute on back swing, When I get deep , den't feel natural I like to get going the other way, when I complete my shoulder turn But my instructor insists I get way over and deep into the right with a bent right knee This is just mechanics , righ for practice. He quotes Zach Johnson a lot. If you don't get right , you can't get left! What do you think, I'm I trying to hard here Thanks Rich
March 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. You need to load the trail glute in the backswing regardless of the club. However, are you sure you aren't over doing the move? Just make sure you do shift the weight and allow for some hip rotation (Weight Shift Video Part 2). Getting back to the lead side shouldn't be a chore from there. You can use the Fixing Your Weight Transfer Video, or Start the Downswing Before Completing the Backswing Video to supplement with work getting back into the lead side.
March 20, 2017
Hello! I had a really bad slice last year and worked all winter with the RST Drills. I especially worked on training the left arm, and making the right arm more passive. The problem now is i have gone from a slicer to a dead hook. I am hooking EVERYTHING... Especially the driver.. Very frustrated and confused right now. can anyone share any feed back. Thanks, Tony
March 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antonio. Hook - as in right to left, or more a Pull Hook - left to left (right handed golfer)?
March 7, 2017
Hello Graig! I'm a right handed golfer. I am hitting a pull hook. Especially with the driver. I am even hitting my irons left. Again i really worked hard all winter on making my left arm take control. Perhaps i over did it. Thanks,
March 7, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antonio. Sounds like you could be a little steep, but the face is too closed. I would focus on cleaning up impact. Work through the first 3 Steps of Perfecting Your Golf Impact in the Bonus Series. Starting with small releases, adding weight and a little post up in a toned down swing.
March 7, 2017
Where/how do I enter data on reps I have done?
February 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jerry. The Rep Tracker is located under the 5 Step System Drill Only Videos. If you click "Dashboard" the Video that pops up will show you. Or, use this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyR98hRinkE
February 15, 2017
Had to comment......flipped on Abu Dhabi and thought that Chuck Quinton started playing the European Tour!!!!!!! Tommy Fleetwood appears to be a separated at birth twin from Mr. Quintons longer hair days.
January 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Doug. Haha. Thanks for the post. I will relay to Chuck. Tommy a little more aggressive with lower half .
January 22, 2017
Hello. I am very interest in to know how do the following two golfers differ from each others when the go to a golf tounament? The golfer A has learned to play in external guiding and hitting thousands of balls in the range like most of us without knowing actually WHAT? WHY? and HOW? to do. And the B golfer has learned by deep learnig like RST. How do the two golfers differ each other when they go to same PGA tournament? Who is the winner? A or B? Is the other more consistent ball striker? Or is the other mentally better - can he play better under pressure? I know that the B golfer hits ball more easily and more effectively but how do they differ in mental game? I am very interest to hear your answer.
January 18, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antti. The winner is determined by who makes more putts . Sadly, there isn't a perfect answer for this. Golfer A and B have both the same potential to win. Doesn't mean one would be more consistent than another. Let's use tour examples. Justin Rose and Adam Scott are very analytical of their swing and have a deeper understanding like the RST Philosophy. Fred Couples and Payne Stewart found it by 1000's of repetitions without worrying too much about the why. All are very successful players. It's when you are under the gun what matters. Both the feel players and mechanical players play "feel" golf. Even when knowing all the analytics. You have to put them aside and trust the swing is there. Therefore, relying on the feel versus sole positioning. Both A and B under pressure stop worrying about positioning the club and just play golf. The mechanics need to be left at the range.
January 18, 2017
Do you mean that the A golfer - without knowing anything about golf mechanics, just hitting thousands of balls - can learn to play golf as well as the B golfer? If so, so is there any reason to do like RST?
January 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antti. Golfer A can learn to be great. However, it would require a good deal of hand/eye coordination. You can take any two people and stick them on the range for a year with the same amount of balls being hit. One might never break 100. The other may develop a move that is sufficient enough for decent golf. Some people never play golf and can always shoot a good score. Others try and try on their own and never play well. Bubba never hits a straight shot and swing is home grown. Tiger has rebuilt his swing 4 times. You really can't assume Golfer A would be better, nor golfer B. Too many factors involved.
January 19, 2017
All we know that there are different ways how the golfers swing. It can depend on the habits how their coaches do teach them. And there are many home-made swings, too. I think, that the question should be: "If Bubba has had the RotarySwig method when he started to play, should he play better now? Should he play differently now? Or, if Tiger has had the RotarySwig method when he started to play, had he needed to rebuild his swing four times at all? Or had he have physical troubles at all? How many Majors would he have won? Or finally, how much better scores would golfers play world wide today, if they had the RotarySwing method in use?" I have studied the RotarySwing sites a lot and I appreciate the work Chuck has done and still do. I am thinking that by using the RoarySwing method, I can easily learn to play consistent golf and I need not make any changes to my swing mechanics. I can trust my swing. I have more confidence because of knowing I do right things. I am thinking too, that it is very important to know how to learn a motoric skill or how to get constant changes. I think that the RotarySwing learning method suits for all kind of golfers without depending on how much they have hand/eye coordination. Now, I wonder your answers from which I got the impression that a player - without understanding what and how - just hitting thousands of balls, becomes as good player as the one who uses the RST method. And I wonder your comment, that some people, who have never played golf, can always shoot good score, is this possible? - Have I misunderstood something?
January 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Antti. If Bubba had the RotarySwing from his younger years I can’t say whether it would be better or worse. He would be better at staying away from injury. But, that isn’t his style. He probably would be bored with Rotary because it usually equates to a straight shot. I think the Tiger analogy would be a little better. If Tiger had started with Rotary he more than likely would’ve had less injuries and not feel the need to change his swing as much. The player that hits a thousand balls can become as good. But, the odds are way less. Because all golfers have to have certain aspects to play good golf. That player may never achieve those. Some might. But, with very skilled hand/eye coordination. Some people are naturally athletic. Your not going to see someone never play and win tour caliber events. But, there are players that don’t require much work because they have a good sense for impact. All in all it’s too abstract to figure out a few of the nuts a bolts. The goal is to have a fundamentally sound swing, that is repeatable and keeps a players from injury. While golfer A can achieve these goals. Golfer B has much more potential to do it.
January 23, 2017
Thanks Craig. Good to hear. Now I can keep on my RST learning confidently.
January 23, 2017
T David
I like the new dashboard strip on the website (or maybe I am just noticing it now). Question: didn't know where else to post it, but what exactly is the leaderboard and how does it work?
December 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The leaderboard is still being setup. Basically, it uses the rep tracker from the 5 Step Series to chart who is doing the most reps. A motivator so to speak to have competition against other members.
December 29, 2016
While I'm going threw the 5 step system, do I need to stop playing golf in fear of continuing my bad habits and thus prolonging any improvements?
December 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The more you play the harder it will be to implement the new swing movements. The typical thought is for every one day of golf it takes two practices sessions to get it back.
December 28, 2016
I have been working on RST since October, diligently. I feel good about my progress during the drills, even swing much better on range. I'm playing much less. Sooner or later, though, you've got to take it to the course. When I play, I can't translate anything to my swing. Just playing terribly...totally in between old swing and new. Totally discouraged. What do I do now, just start over from the beginning?
January 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Curt. I suggest a couple things. When you play golf you need to play golf. I know that may sound dumb. But, a lot of players when returning to the course continue to play swing versus allowing the new or changed motor patterns take over. You can't go out to the course and steer/guide the swing all over the place. Get back to some feel and shoot making. If you have done the reps and truly changed the move. It will show up. Secondly, when practicing mix up the routine. You can get pretty good hitting to one target area. Get comfortable with aiming at different locations. Make sure you are repeating the proper move with mixing newer targets.
January 11, 2017
Very helpful. I was definitely, and miserably, playing swing. I am just using the logo swing, at the first of every video, as my setup and swing thought. I find if I just visualize that template, I get pretty good results and allow the work I've been doing to come through. Thanks.
January 14, 2017
I love your website and expertise on the golf swing. My curiosity has been peeked by promo videos for Tathata golf. Do you have any knowledge of, and if so, comments you would share about this "new" system??
December 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. We have heard of that system or approach. However, I don't have any follow up information or full details of the program. Thanks for the positive post about our site and expertise.
December 18, 2016
After looking over the material I am a little confused as to where I start the program... Do I start at the five step golf swing system program or start at RST Foundation. I want to do this right?
November 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. The 5 Step System is geared towards a players wanting to dive right in and start to see sooner rather than later results. Or, that have completed a good backswing position. Starting from the beginning with the Foundation is a complete program for full swing transformation.
November 28, 2016
Thank you Craig. I still use the current videos until I fire the right arm instead of pulling with the left side. I keep going back to the throw the ball for clubhead speed and it works for me. I still follow the other instructional videos which have improved my lower body weight shift and ball striking.
November 3, 2016
I have tried to become a swinger without the time to dedicate to the changes. I have now decided that I am a hitter and never will be a swinger. I first followed Chuck in some older videos talking about hitting and improved considerably using his methods. Can I still access those videos. It was from the time when he was converting to being a hitter (as per the article I first saw online). Can you help?
November 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Neil. I apologize the older videos are no longer on the site. Everything is now dedicated to the RotarySwing. We find that for all players it is the most efficient and safest way to swing the club. We would be happy through the swing review system to help you achieve your goals using the current system.
November 3, 2016
Hello, I've been progressing through the videos for a couple of weeks now. Great stuff. I have a burning question, though that I haven't found addressed yet: During my swing what is my breathing supposed to be doing? Am I holding it? Do I blow it out before swinging, etc. Thank you! Chuck Bagwell
October 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chuck. Your overall goal is to stay relaxed. Breathing patterns may vary from student to student. I would shy away from holding it to stay away from tension and less oxygen flow. Most players take a few calm breathes with a touch of blow out before swinging.
October 26, 2016
Hey guys: Longtime member who just recently upgraded my membership and I finally get it. I now realize how important it is to pull from the lead side. I'm hitting my irons much better but find I'm now hitting a lot of big fades with the driver since I'm no longer flipping the club to save my shot. What do I need to focus on to make sure the face has rotated back to square at impact? I'm really psyched about my game but need to straighten out the driver.
October 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Take a look at a few videos for me. Proper Tee Height, Throw the Club head at the Ball and the Left Hand Release Drill. They will help with setup and making sure you release the face for the driver.
October 8, 2016
My swing is shaping up except for my driver where I am constantly hitting on the heel side of the face. Any advice on how to correct this ? Dick
September 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Usually hitting the heel is from a path too inside or the hips losing the tush line (moving towards the ball). Take a look at Trace the Plane Line and the Chair Drill to zero out the path and stabilize the hip movement towards the ball.
September 24, 2016
Hi I have been following the RST technique - simply gr8. My consistency, ball compression/ impact has improved tremendously - i can apply the technique Pw thru 4 iron and 3hy. However, when i try to apply the technique (ball position, stance width) to 3 wood - i am not able to repeat the strike and consistency - i top the ball - looks like its much back in the stance and on the way down i hit the base of the club on the ball (before the club reaches ow point) Wish to check if there is guidance on this, anyone tried and works does not work. At best, would be great if there a a video or two on 3 wood.......would be just fantastic (3 wood of the deck) Regards Amar
September 12, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Amar, So glad to hear that you are getting great results with your swing changes. We do have a video located in the blog that I did specifically, that talks about how to hit your 3 wood like a tour pro. You may want to submit your 3 wood swings for review so we can check your impact position with this club and make sure that you are properly sequencing and getting yourself into a good impact position. Often times, players tend to create too much secondary axis tilt in the hitting area. If that is your problem, then check out the level shoulders drill in the downswing section. - Chris Tyler
September 12, 2016
Hello Greg, I am looking to send my video of my swing to you for analysis......I am not sure how / who to send it to and I would like to speak with a knowledgable person re the analysis on the phone....how do I do this please?
September 8, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello there, if you scroll to the top of this page, you will see a tab that says swing reviews. Click on that and then follow the upload process. You can also click on the how it works tab for a full detailed list on how to submit videos for review. https://rotaryswing.com/how-it-works Unfortunately, due to the size of our student base, we are not able to do personal phone calls with us instructors. When you submit your videos for review, you can put your comments in the student notes section in which we instructors will see them and comment back during the review. If you want day to day interaction with an instructor, you can chose the unlimited swing review option.
September 9, 2016
I would be very interested in your comments on Jim Hardy's new book, "The Release." He demystifies the long-standing debate between hitters & swingers, "pullers" and "pushers", etc. Thank you, ---- Greg Gentling (greg@gentling.net)
August 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. I haven't read that book. I will ask some of our other instructors. Maybe someone on the forum has read it as well that might like to post a comment.
August 24, 2016
I sent in a video last week as I thought I was due for another swing review. Have heard nothing. Was I incorrect?
August 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. I took a look at the Swing Review Board. Your name wasn't listed under pending reviews. And, I don't see any completed reviews. Are you sure it uploaded properly?
August 17, 2016
I had to cancel my membership today because I am having left hip replacement surgery August 16th. I am very glad that I found your website. I learned more in the one month membership then I did looking at golf magazines and books. I watched every video here two or more times and started working on the various drills. I did all of the practice in my house to get the feeling of the correct swing. After my hip heals and the doctor gives me the okay I will get my membership back and get myself ready to hit the range to see how things work out. I will recommend RST website to friends that play golf. Being left handed my backswing rotates on my left hip so I will have to make sure the new hip will be okay with that rotation. Good luck to all you folks here that are working to make your golf swing better and get more enjoyment from the game. I will be back here eventually. Keep up the good work Chuck.
August 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stan. Thanks for the post and very appreciative of the compliments. I hope you feel better soon. Allow time for the body to heal. We will be here to help get the game back moving in the proper direction.
August 12, 2016
I'm 69, a 5 handicap. My driving has fallen off for 5 years now. I can't hit it more than 250 yards and my average is about 225. My main issue is my shoulders turning too quickly on the downswing, resulting in pulls. When I slow down, I hit it short and sometimes right. I just noticed my hands seemed too far back. I moved them up to my front thigh on the range today, and hit it farther and straighter. Am I on to something? Bob
August 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. Hands seemed too far back at setup? Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video for more info.
August 10, 2016
Can you give me the brand and model number of a reasonably priced video camera that would be comparable to what you use at your schools.
July 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Chuck and myself used the Casio Exlim EX-FC150 because of the manual shutter speed options. The only draw back would be cost (discontinued) and size of the LCD is pretty small. Most of the newer Casio models have decent shutter speed and bigger LCD. However, the newer IPads, IPhones and Androids provide fairly good FPS. With certain apps these can be very good at capturing the swing and the vast majority of are members use them. The newer IPhone and IPad you can capture HD swings between 120-240 FPS which is pretty good.
July 27, 2016
I'm in the nashville and chattanooga Tn. area, do you have any instructors in this area. Could you explain the one plane swing and do you still offer videos on the one plane swing.
July 24, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dennis, please see my 2 answers below and let me know if you need any further assistance at all.
July 25, 2016
I'm in the nashville and chattanooga Tn. area,do you have any RST instructors in this area.
July 24, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Check the instruction tab above the video player for a world wide listing of instructors. You can see if there is one close to you.
July 25, 2016
Explain the one plane swing and do you have videos on the one plane swing.
July 24, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
There are articles in the footer of the website called RS1. Please note, that we do not put out any new content on that style of swing as Chuck and the medical panel how discovered a much more efficient AND safe way to swing the club.
July 25, 2016
Is there a pro in the UK who teaches RST ? Thank you. Frank
July 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. The only Instructors we have in Europe would be Austria and Finland.
July 20, 2016
No reason to be, really, but I got quite frustrated today at golf. While I did just join your site, I have never had the "genes" for very good golf, but I study like heck. Of course I had seen lots of your free videos before today, and have studied and studied in order to possibly, finally, rid myself of "over the top" from the top, but worse, when I do not go over "from the top" I can still manage to easily swing outside to in even from a good "squat" position. I know not to spin around, but from half way down, in a good position, my body/mind feels/says if I do not turn around through impact, I will merely shove the ball weakly out to the right. I do not know where to begin at the premium videos to get some idea of how to limit or not do what I have been doing for years now. I did find the squat move from the top doable, but from there......................
July 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. If "Over the Top" is the main issue. Focus on a few videos. How to Fix Plane and Path, the Over the Top Stick Drill, 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and the Cure the Chicken Wing VIdeo. If you can combine good weight transfer, lead arm swing (without trail shoulder push), and release. The plane issue should cure itself.
July 18, 2016
Chris, the problem(in my mind I cannot conceive of the solution in terms of what I should feel) is this: I can avoid going over the top from the very top, no problem. However, when I put myself into a posed on plane, perfect squat position, or go to the top and just do that really good weight shift and keep lag, etc., I have no idea what to do from there, and will 95% of the time end up swing out to in from a good half way down on plane position. I know that after impact a golfer's arms will generally go left and high in front of the turning body, and not out to the right disassociated from the body turn. Fine, but from a somewhat closed shoulder line half way down, on plane, by body(upper body?) insists on doing a wham bam fast turn left from that good position, believing that otherwise I will not be in the proper follow through with arms left of the target and raised over the left shoulder. If I do not let my shoulders move any further from the half way down closed position, I merely flip my arms and wrists to the ball and thin it or hit a really bad shot. I am sure you have seen the golfers who can start swinging down fairly smoothly on plane and "at the bottom" just whip their bodies around left. That is me.
July 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The sounds like a release problem. You're trying to release the club with the body versus the hands and arms (Arms vs. Body Release in the Golf Swing Video). That is why I want you to focus hard on release and extension (5 Mins to the Perfect Release and the Chicken Wing Video). If you can shift and start down on plane. Then, you need to release the club with the lead instead of whipping the body through. You can also see this in the Sledgehammer video. I used to do the same thing. Start on plane then rip the body through at the last minute and hit an out to in cut shot. You have to change the orientation of how you are trying to square the club up. The shoulders will be square at impact. But, they need to reach that position passively, not actively. Don't force them not to move at all and flip.
July 18, 2016
I discovered RST on YouTube and just the couple of videos I watched so far were enough to earn a premium membership from me. Just started playing golf seriously 25 days ago and I'm trying to get as good as I possibly can (I have high expectations for myself) and I'm sure RST will help me improve. Site looks amazing with plenty of info, can't wait to start learning and applying the education to my game.
July 15, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andy-Thanks for the kind words about the website! Glad to have you aboard the RST way. Just some guidance for you here if you will, start with the 5 step system, that's the heart of Rotary Swing and work from there. Also send in a swing review and our team will be more than happy to help build a game plan for your journey with RST. Enjoy the website Andy.
July 16, 2016
What I am trying to say is this, if I want to hit a nail on the head I just keep my eye focus on the head of the nail. I will hit that nail exactly on the head 99.9 percent of the time. In golf if I want to take a divot anywhere on the ground whether it be before the ball, under the ball or after the ball I have to look at that exact spot. So the question I really have is where do you look when hitting your shot? To be really clear I can hit a small blade of grass with any iron and take that blade off the ground. So again where do you look when hitting your shot?
July 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Most players I/we have taught usually focus on the ball. The focus is on the ball to help keep the head stable and down through the release. The divot is a secondary element that is consequential of good mechanics into the strike. For instance, I could close my eyes and make the proper motion to achieve a proper divot pattern. I would assume if you had to pick a spot to look for divot wise it would need to be at the bottom of your swing arc or straight line positioning with the lead shoulder. Therefore, it would be the grass inline with the outer edge of the ball closest to the target.
July 6, 2016
Thank you for that reply. It all makes perfect sense to me. I have been practicing the five videos as much as possible. I still need to continue practicing the five video techniques. Once I feel that I have gotten the techniques closer as shown I will make a swing video for your viewing. The rst is the best instructional site for me and has help me lots. I can drive the ball with a draw or fade at will now. My iron play is so much better. Just need to work on distance control and consistency. Thanks to all Dennis
July 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Thanks for the compliments of the website and instruction. We look forward to seeing your revamped swing.
July 6, 2016
Henry J
To what date have I paid for RS instruction? Thank you. H J Maxedon
July 5, 2016
Henry, you can look up your account in the top menu under Member Tools
July 6, 2016
When making iron shots people say your divot is in front of the ball. So to me that means the club is bottoming out in front of ball. The problem I am having is when I look at the back of the ball that is where my club bottom out. Even if I look at a spot on the ground that is where my club bottom out. Should I look at a spot in front of the ball? Or am I doing something wrong?
July 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. The club should bottom out right after impact. Take a look at the Proper Ball Position Video and the Taking a Divot Video for more information. You should be seeing it on the front part of the ball. Don't concentrate too hard on trying to hit a particular spot. Take care of the proper setup and body positions to get into impact. The divot will follow suit in the proper area.
July 6, 2016
I remember watching a past video and hearing that most of the people you guys fit require shorter clubs (1-2" shorter). I wondered whose clubs you promote. I'm thinking the head weight would need to be much heavier than standard club heads to have a normalish(D2) swing weight. If I make it to the Merchandise Show in Orlando I would like to get fit.
July 4, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dennis, there are so many great products out with many manufactures these days. We do not promote any specific company at the moment but it is extremely important to have your clubs fit and working for your swing.
July 5, 2016
I purchased the rotary Connect several months ago. I cannot use it because the opening for my arms is too wide. I cannot keep it in place even when not swinging.
July 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You might need to apply a little squeeze for pressure to hold into place.
July 5, 2016
I still have not received my swing analysis. I have sent it in twice. I must be doing something wrong?
June 30, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen-I didn't see you on our review board as of now so your instructor must have completed your review. Have a great day!
June 30, 2016
tried watch video on chipping, ad kept popping up with no way to close
June 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Which video? Are you sure you were logged in properly?
June 28, 2016
I sent in my video for my swing analysis and have not received any feed back yet. Thanks
June 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. I looked at the board and do not see a video from your account posted for review. Are you sure you uploaded it to the swing review portal?
June 24, 2016
Given what we know about the neuro-physiology of mirror neurons and the broader tendency of students to imitate their teachers, I strongly suggest that Chuck stop imitating bad swings so often and so much more dramatically than the correct swing in his videos.
June 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronald. Thanks for the suggestions. Sometimes we exaggerate the bad on camera because it is hard for the students to see exactly what we are referring too over film.
June 19, 2016
Yes, but in the Swing Plane video that just arrived there are 13 separate demos of the wrong things to do and only 7 times of demos of the correct movements. What was said in the How We learn video applies: "The more you repeat something the more you become efficient at it, right or wrong, whether its a good movement or a bad movement..." I know of no science of learning that would support using twice as many 'bad movement' images as 'good movement' images in a video or a lesson.
June 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronald. I apologize that you were displeased with the demos in the recent video. In the swing plane video you are referring too. Chuck is more or less trying to explain the cause and effect of poor swing plane. That fixing where the club travels will not cure the issue. A lot of the members here are beginners or lack a lot of knowledge about the golf swing. Therefore, we have to explain or show different bad body moves that effect the way the club works. The imagery in the video won't be a detriment in trying to change motor patters. It is more trying to discuss the relationship. The fix as Chuck refers to in the video (RST 5 Step Series) you will see much more demos of how to perform correctly with minimal displays of the incorrect move.
June 22, 2016
What's Dustin Johnson doing that we're not doing??
June 17, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jonathan. I have had a chance to be around Dustin. His size combined with hand/eye coordination is off the charts. He would be good at any high level sport.
June 19, 2016
I am looking for clarification of rotary golf swing with respect to arm movement if any at the shoulder joint. The shoulders turn on back swing and are passively brought down into hitting area by lower body then wrists release. Do I understand correctly that there is very little arm motion at the shoulder joint? Jack
June 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jack. The lead arm will swing some from the shoulder joint into impact. There isn't a ton, but some. You can see in the RST 5 Step System Step 3 there isn't much movement. Also, the Winter Series Downswing Video.
June 11, 2016
I have not received any emails lessons for several weeks. Steve Ward
June 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. The swing review lessons?
June 10, 2016
I have not received any emails lessons for several weeks ??? Kim Lilly kimlilly200@gmail.com
June 3, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Sorry about that Byron. Let me get with customer support and see what is going on with your email.
June 3, 2016
Michael J
what causes a pull shot left with iron shots
May 24, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Lots of factors contribute to pulling the shot. Generally speaking, too much trail side dominance in the swing. Which can shift the path from out to in and cause the ball be pulled off line from the intended target.
May 25, 2016
Hi Craig, Taking the theme below a bit further and now trying to incorporate the 'short shot' feeling into the longer shot's. In the former my left wrist see's very little rotation going back and going forward feel's like simple suppination of the soft wrist, again with very little wrist rotation (looking more for accuracy on small chip's and pitches). When I perform a longer shot from the top which incorporates wrist set/lag into the hitting area I am then having difficulty incorporating the same suppination into impact. It seem's like I have to rotate and suppinate at the same time from the delivery position with very soft wrist's. I am sure this is the correct motion as the short shot's with suppination are perfect - sweet spot every time and obviously solid. What do you think as it just a bit difficult at the moment to get the two action's of the wrist to work together for the longer shot's with wrist set at the top - is it just doing it slowly at first and the action will develop slowly?
May 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You definitely have to take it slow at first. Train supination of the lead wrist, then blend it together with rotation. Tough at first when performing it the first time. Use the Knuckles Down Video and the Fix Your Release to help.
May 20, 2016
Hi Craig, I have a very good 'feel' now for pitches and chip's using very soft wrist's and can generally execute them fairly well as long as I keep the wrist's soft and don't let the right hand interfere. I note the position with these short back swing's is the same as the position we would like to be in for the full swing when the arm's and hand's drop into the delivery position i.e. shaft around horizontal with hand's in front of right thigh. I am thinking, therefore to try and replicate this feel for the full swing i.e. to get into the delivery position from the top and then 'feel' like I am doing a pitch or chip but obviously incorporating the other features of a full swing. Your thought's would be appreciated.
May 3, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi David, sounds like you are doing a good job of feeling the correct movements in shorter shots and moving them into longer swings. Just make sure you are using your lower body to pull the hands and arms down into the hitting area on longer shots. I like where your thoughts are at for sure
May 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You can try that transition while practicing. I will have my students sometimes follow the breakdown in the Transition Drill or 2 pieces of the 5 Mins to the Perfect Downswing hitting small shots. Also, take a look at the Release for Speed RST Student Success. Similar to what you are describing.
May 3, 2016
I have seen great improvement since joining this site and mainly using the videos for grip and take away so far. I can consistently hit 3 wood 200 yards with regular flex shaft but cannot hit driver (RBZ) with "A" flex any more that 200 yards so I leave driver in bag. Should I go to regular flex or look for new driver. Club head speed is 85.
April 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. You might need a stiffer shaft. If you can try one at a local store check your numbers. If not the club. Make sure you post and release better. I would focus on our new RST 5 Step System to get weight, rotation, post up and release in a perfect sequence. Glad to hear you have seen improvement.
April 27, 2016
I have been using the videos for several weeks now - is there some overlap with Jim Hardy's one-plane theories? What are the major points of divergence?
April 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. There a a few major differences. We use a one plane swing theory with arm elevation. Also, we involve more body rotation and muscle recruitment to reach said positions in the golf swing. We use more of a cross over (arms and hands release) of the club.
April 26, 2016
Is the RST swing system compatible with the Peak Performance Swing advocated by Don Trahan 'The Surge'. (In the Peak Performance Swing, rotation is limited to 70 degrees) I think this is also called a vertical swing. Thanks
April 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. There are many things that differ from Don Trahan's Method and the RST Approach. I actually played against his son in high school quite a bit and learned a thing or two about his approach.
April 21, 2016
My question is : Is the RST swing system teaching method compatible with Don Trahan's concept of a vertical swing? I'm not trying to compare teaching methods, but comparing a Rotary Swing with a Vertical Swing. Thanks
April 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. RST is a Parallel Shift Plane. We use rotation coupled with elevation. Yes, they are similar in the sense that the club will swing more on a vertical plane versus true one plane around the body. But, the methods or mechanics to arrive at said position is much different.
April 21, 2016
OK, Thanks for the good explanation.
April 22, 2016
how about a swing analysis of Bryson DeChambeau. It would seem his method of swinging would be less back intensive than the typical? But analysis of what he does, pros, cons would be interesting
April 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bryan. We typically tend to use the past week's tour winner. Looking at how is is playing it should be sooner than later he will break through. However, I will pass along to the team that some members are interested in seeing a review done of his swing.
April 21, 2016
I have a question on equipment, and couldn't find a more suitable area to post so forgive me. Do you offer any advice on iron selection for mid-handicappers? I picked up the game again after a 5 year break and still have my old MP60's. I used to shy away from "game improvement" irons because I seemed to have trouble setting up (on line and square) consistently due to offset and thick top line. I also feared the large soles and offset would mask swing faults and I would stop improving. Perhaps this is unfounded and and I am missing out? I would appreciate your thoughts, I am open to change if it makes the game more enjoyable!
April 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Keith. MP-60's are a good set of irons. I have used Mizuno's for over a decade. One of my favorite sets before I wore out the grooves. Some game improvement irons will help with miss hits and tend to mask overall swing flaws. I doubt you are losing distance (more shaft relevant, than club head). But, in my opinion you need to have confidence in the stick. Having a huge sole and a fat top line makes me feel like I am swinging a shovel. For a better player or even mid-handicap. Switching from your MP-60's I don't think would make that much a difference.
April 19, 2016
During a round of golf with my friends when I tee off with my driver my ball flight starts off straight then at he end curves to right. When I tried to use a stronger grip the ball does the opposite and curves to the left. Distance about 240.
April 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Without seeing your swing there would be too many variables that could cause that and I don't want to send you in the wrong direction. However, if the ball starts of straight and then curves right. (For Right Handed Player) Check your plane with the Stop Coming Over the Top Video and take a look at Stop Slicing Start Releasing.
April 14, 2016
Hi new member here. I am just starting to work my way through the videos and keep noticing you making references to something learned in another video that I haven't seen yet. What is the correct order to watch the videos?
April 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. I would start with the 5 Minutes Series in each Section and use the extra videos located in the category if you get stuck on a particular part of the drill.
April 12, 2016
Hello! Just became a premium member again after being away 2 years. Wow has the website changed a lot. It looks amazing! I'm looking to start again from scratch to refresh my memory on all the great content. What would you recommend as a good roadmap to include daily drills to build the best swing possible. I recall you used to have printable sheets with daily drills and everything. Any help to get me started would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
April 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. I would use those daily work sheets. Go to the Swing Reviews Tab --> Checkpoints for Practice. Also, start working on the Perfect Impact Series. Parts 1 - 4 will be a great review of what we are trying to achieve in the downswing (wrist rotation, weight shift and lag). Welcome back to the site. Appreciate the support again !
April 12, 2016
Is there any videos for to help with raising the head to soon and coming up out of the shot.
April 11, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Coming out of the shot can be caused by multiple factors. Use the Chair Drill to shy away from early extension. The Perfect Impact Part 2 - Part 3, Left Hand Release Drill and Long Arms Drill will help the proper big muscle motion with releasing through the shot versus pushing up and out of it.
April 11, 2016
hi. I find that I am able to get greater consistency and distance if I allow my right elbow to collapse only after my palms rise above my shoulder height in the backswing (that too, very little). Is this biomechanically correct, or just a happenstance where i am compensating elsewhere?. My upper body continues to be loose and as compared to not doing so, this merely puts more pressure to continue pivoting further. fyi, I picked this up watching Jason Day's backswing.
April 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Krishna. Body types aren't all the same. The trail arm doesn't need to fold directly after the takeaway. Some players need to feel the trail arm straighter for a longer period of time, then allowing some flexion. It doesn't sound like you are making any incorrect compensation.
April 11, 2016
When I release the club at impact, I feel as though the toe gets there first. Also when I swing full swing have some bad shots, but when I swing slower I hit straighter shots with less distance. Approximately 50 yards less.
April 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Take a look at the Play the Best Golf of Your Life Part 2 of 6 to help with tension and understanding face rotation. Then, start to practice some impact shots and slowly add back the release with the Fix Your Release Video. I think you are forcing the face to rotate too much and losing the feel for a good impact.
April 9, 2016
Just want to tell everybody, the down cock drill and the frisbee drill; holy @#%^ this stuff works great. Also, for nearly an entire round I actually used the sweet spot on the club face (very difficult for me to achieve before). I'm a believer. It is amazing that when I get the hips moving it seems as though I really don't have to swing hard at all and the ball really jumps off the face. Now, I'm hitting my wedge the distance of my 9, my 9 to the 8 so on up the line. WOW!
April 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Edmund. Happy to hear the excitement about your progress. Thanks for the post for our members and kind words.
April 6, 2016
I have looked at a lot of videos and some are working. On occasion I make a good swing but not to often. I am 79 and having been playing a long time. Best handicap was 4 and o lot of rounds under par. Where I seem to have the most problems now is getting through the transition where the club seems to flatten out. Not sure how to do that or what video I should look at. Any help would be appreciated and if you could send answer to my email. Thanks Dave
April 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Getting through the transition to shallow the swing plane? If so, take a look at a few videos for me. Stop Coming Over the Top and Slicing, Over the Top Stick Drill, and the Weight Shift Video Part 1. All 3 will help with proper weight transfer in the transition and shallowing out the swing plane.
April 5, 2016
cant find section where you can printout a PDF worksheet (drill) I saw it before on the website
April 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. Go to the Swing Reviews Tab ----> Checkpoints for Practice.
April 3, 2016
Hi Craig. I am trying to improve my use of the left hand and have been doing short shot's to get the feel - it is a feeling I am not used to as, like many other's, I am very right side dominant. Just the feeling to pull the club gives me a feeling of no control but I guess this will come with practice. I also use the impact bag and I have noticed it is easy to get into the habit of just casting the club with the left wrist, particularly on short swing's, as opposed to pulling with the left hand. I guess it is imperative not to start casting and focus on pulling into the bag?
April 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. It is difficult to cast with the lead hand, but yes it is imperative to not push the club out away from you while working on the drill into the bag. Take a look at the 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills and lets see if the shorter motion we can calm down the amount of lead wrist push.
April 1, 2016
I have great difficulty in keeping contact, weight shift, etc. consistent when using the different clubs. Any videos relating to this issue? Jim
March 28, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. I don't have one particularly designated to using different clubs. RST is one swing for all shots with differences in setup pertaining to the driver. I would work slowly from the bottom of your bag to the top and figure out which clubs bring about the most weakness.
March 28, 2016
Well, so far it is the longer clubs. While I did not video my swings, I was hitting the ground well before the ball with 4 iron and driver. I have been working on squat move to begin downswing. (Only been with RST for 2 weeks) My thinking is that I may be sitting too low into the move to the lead side.
March 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. You may be over doing the squat and not focusing enough on the shift. You have to shift the weight first. This will help with a shallower path and better wrist angle into impact. Those 2 items can greatly effect the chances of hitting a fat shot. Take a look at the Weight Shift Video Part 1 and the Fixing Your Weight Transfer.
March 29, 2016
Hi Craig, I have been a premium member for one month now after a few day's as a non-premium member. It did not take me long to see the advantages of premium membership. I have been playing golf for around 10 year's now and have been down a few different path's of instruction which have resulted in no significant improvements to my game as I remain a mid-handicapper. The 1 month with RST has been a revelation to me - I can now understand many thing's which instructor's could not explain me. I have seen immediate improvement's in my distance and ball striking and although there is a long way to go I am confident I can now make relatively rapid progress. The quality of instruction is excellent as is communication with the instructor's with rapid responses to queries. One thing I appreciate is RST is not a box of sticking plaster's but a well researched training system based on the fundamental's of body in motion. My only regret is that I did not join earlier so thank's to all for a great learning experience.
March 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Thank you for the kind words of our site and instruction. Not only do we want you to have a good site experience, but improvement it the game. We seek to answer all the (why's?) in the golf swing. Happy to keep providing you with fact based research and knowledge to protect the body while having a more sound swing.
March 22, 2016
Hello, I am interested in some videos on lowering my launch angle.
March 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. Take a look at the Knuckles Down Drill.
March 7, 2016
I am new to RST. What is the best way to navigate through the all the videos
March 7, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sean. Depends on your goal. If you are looking for a complete rebuild I have 2 suggestions. 1) Swing Review from one of our instructors. 2) Use the 5 Minute Series in each section to understand the goals and what you are trying to change. If you struggle with a certain aspect of a 5 Minute Drill use the extra videos in each respective category to help push through change.
March 7, 2016
less than 30. With my IPhone.
March 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jacques. That's odd. If you are uploading from the Rotary App and less than 30 secs all should be good. Can you use the Help link and notify customer service? They will be able to sort out the problem.
March 7, 2016
I load the video for analysis and same thing. I got a successful response but I can't open it on the web site.
March 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jacques. Take a look below.
March 6, 2016
I try to upload videos for self analysis. I followed all the steps and everything went well except that at the end the video is there but I can't open or load it.
March 6, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jacques. Are the video files less than 30 seconds? What type of file?
March 6, 2016
I have been an RST premium member for a couple of weeks and I am very impressed with the progress I have made in this short time. I have made great improvements in ball striking and consequently around two more club's in distance. You can understand my enjoyment of the game has taken a real lift. I have never experienced such dramatic improvements. It has been very refreshing to have thing's explained so thing's now make much more sense and my understanding is on another level - I have learned more in 2 week's than in all my previous 12 year's of playing! I think for me the understanding of the 'left side' has opened Pandora's box. I appreciate there is a long road ahead but thank's for all the great information, for me it has been a revelation and I am sure this will continue.
March 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Very pleased to hear the progress on the swing. Much thanks for the compliments of our site and instruction. We look forward continuing to teach the why's and how's in the golf swing for better player understanding. We want you to own your swing. Keep up the good work. Always here to help if you need it.
March 4, 2016
Faithful RSTer & I work very hard here and elsewhere. What's your guidance when you feel like you've plateaued & don't believe in yourself? It's never "I quit"--it's "Maybe you should quit, because you suck and will never get better." Thanks.
February 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jon. Were you sneaking into my head during the mid 2000's? Sounds all too familiar to myself and other golfers. Believe me. I want you to scroll to the bottom of this page and click the Rotary Swing Blog. Watch the Video Fix Your Golfing Frustrations. Now, while this video deals more on the technical side of RST (how it was created) you will see that Chuck has even experienced it itself. When you hit the the wall. You need to break down what are absolutes and requirements you need to improve or swing correctly. You have to be your own best friend in this game. It will beat the hell out of you. Take a break for a few days. Come up with a game plan of what has to take place for you to get better swing wise. Then, go about making those changes possible. Use the swing reviews. Practice like a pro. Get yourself over the proverbial hump.
February 27, 2016
This is not as much a comment as a question. I joined Rotary Swing for I like the "step by step" drills you provide but I am overwhelmed on where to start. I was hoping to see a systematic video viewing process so I can start with very basics to more advanced. Every time I view a video there seems to be a mention of another video that may have proceeded the one I am viewing. I do have a 10 handicap but I think the full swing basics to more advanced video's are for me. Would you be able to provide me with what you think is best process to follow? To help I am planning to posting a down the line and front view of my swing in near future. Thanks and do think your teaching process is the greatest. Thanks Mark
February 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. We appreciate the compliments of our site and content. We think it is the best out there too . Submitting an online review is the best place to start. Your instructor will have you focus on the step by step guide to start a re-build of the swing or focus on the fatal flaws with some polishing up in the future. I would advise starting out with the 5 Minute Series in each section until you get a review. Use them to understand the move as a whole (whether setup, takeaway, etc..) Then, venture to the Advanced Videos if you need more understanding of certain aspects you may be struggling with completing in the 5 Minute Series.
February 23, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Where can I find a video of Chuck's swing DL and FO to analyze and compare?
February 19, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Micah. Click the Self Analysis Tab at the top of this page. Once you upload a swing. You will have access to numerous videos of Chuck from various angles.
February 20, 2016
Hi can i use Hudl Technique to upload videos?
February 9, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jacques. Yes, you can use those videos. You will not be able to send directly from the app itself. However, if you export the video to your camera roll (iphone) or gallery (android). Then, you can upload the video file.
February 9, 2016
I would like to arrange for one on one video instruction with Chris 561-693-9390 Gary Rice
February 4, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gary, can you shoot me an email with your contact info to lessons at rotaryswing dot com. Once I receive your note, we will remove your comment, as we do not want to have your personal information posted in our forums thanks.
February 4, 2016
what is the best list of videos to work through to best learn the rts? I always seem to be going off on tangents!
February 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alfred. Use the 5 Minute Series in each Section.
February 4, 2016
Hello my name is Jerry I have a problem with my long irons I hit behind the ball about 2-6 inches and I put face tape on clubs to see where I hit and I hit on the toe everytime I can't seem to get it to hit in sweet spot how can I help this problems thanks
February 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jerry. I would advising uploading a swing for review. We could speculate about what is happening, but it might not be the actual cause. If you are unable to load a swing. I would work on making sure the path isn't too steep (Over the Top Stick Drill). That you are retaining some good angle (Frisbee Drill). And, you understand where fat shots come from (Taking a Divot Video).
February 3, 2016
Haven't used the "Swing Analysis" aspect of my premium membership as I should because of time constraints etc........Question- What is the best video taping app to use on the Ipad so I can start video recording and submitting videos for review?
January 26, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Doug. There are way too many out there to decipher which is the best. V1, Coach's Eye, etc. I typically use Hudl (Formerly Ubersense) on my Ipad and Android. You can select a good frame rate and it is easy to save to the camera roll for uploading the file.
January 26, 2016
Is there a starting on the videos and if so how do i go about finding it, I have been watching several videos and have learned quite a bit, however my problem is keeping my head down, on my downswing i keep raising up which is a big problem, i believe if i could correct this then things I've learn would be beneficial and be able to practice more efficiently, I must say that I have a back problem but try not to let it bother me, I take pain medication to control it. I would be very grateful if a program could be put together help me with this and a sequence of videos to start with. Thank you very much. Robert Coleman. oh i forgot to mention i am 71 but feel as if i am in my early 50's, retired US Army with 100% VA disability, but i'm fully capable of playing golf and due to this problem i have not been able to break 100. Thank you again for all your help and the lessons and training videos I find rotary swing the very best best and only wish i found this sooner. Once again Thank you very much. Robert Coleman
January 25, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. I would advise you to upload a swing for review and have one of our instructors create a game plan for you. Focusing on the overall swing and fatal flaws that need to be tackled. The 5 Minute Series in each section will not steer you down the wrong path. But, it is necessary to figure out why the head comes up and to fix the cause/effect relationship.
January 25, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
I don't know if you have this feature already and I'm just missing it, but you guys should consider a method of notification when an instructor has replied to a comment to a member's question. Thanks, Micah
January 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Micah. You should be receiving an email every time I respond. If you are not, please Contact Customer Service.
January 22, 2016
This feature works just fine both on my home desktop and mobile. Thanks.
February 27, 2016
My issue is with hitting the iron solid. I seem to top my 7-iron. I hot my hybrids great. Any suggestions?
January 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Zuhair. Tops are usually caused by too much tilt and lack of weight transfer. Make sure you shift the weight properly (Sitting Into the Left Side) and decrease secondary axis tilt (Level Shoulders Drill).
January 18, 2016
I struggle with separation of upper and lower body and have been working on that recently using RST. I understand the pitfalls of turning the hips to start the backswing but feel that trying to keep separation between the 2 I'm swinging incorrectly and only swinging with upper body. I'd like to hear your feedback on hip rotation especially in light of the recent article in Golf magazine in which Brandle Chamblee likes to see the hips rotate alot as well as some of the other TV guys(Peter Kostis) and online swing guys(Shawn Clement).
January 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Doug. I haven't read the recent article in Golf Magazine regarding hip turn. However, the hips do need to rotate in the backswing. Creating more separation does allow for more x factor or torque. But, you don't want to inhibit the rotation of the hip if it doesn't allow you to get a good load and turn. Take a look at the How to Swing from the Ground Up and the Weight Shift Video Part 2. I don't have an issue if you need to allow for more hip turn at all.
January 12, 2016
Any advice on clubs I should really be using? I have Mizuno muscle backs now and I hit my 7-iron about 150. The other day I went to a chain sports store and hit several makes of irons and hit a Taylor Made improvement iron 180. The salesman suggested I come back with my 7-iron and compare. Is it possible I have the wrong clubs? Granted I've been working with Chris on lag lately, but 30 yards? Not sure if it's truly the clubs or the computer.
January 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Sometimes it can be the club. Even though Mizuno's are great (I have been with them for 10 years). They can be a little tough on the normal golfer. There usually isn't a lot of room for the miss hit. I would experiment comparing the two.
January 2, 2016
Hey Craig, took my 7-iron to compare and I was hitting it in toward the heel consistently. The tech changed the lie angle half a degree down and I hit it in the middle of the club consistently with a carry of 158 and total of 175-180! I urge everyone to go to a club fitter to check the lie angle of their clubs as I had never done this before. It cost me about $80 to do 4-PW and I was about ready to buy some new clubs.
January 3, 2016
This guy also noticed I was holding the club more in my left palm and my thumb was not close to my index finger. I changed that and gained 5-7 mph swing speed.
January 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tom. Great and thanks for the post to help our members. You should know better about that grip {Golf Grip How To and Golf Grip Tips Video}
January 3, 2016
Michael J
How can I improve my club head speed and form over the winter months? I do not have access to n indoor facility.
December 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Impact bag and a club. Good lag and release will help increase your speed. Work on a combination of the following videos. RE-Shaping Your Swing for Lag, Lag and Speed Drills, 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and the Vijay Release Drill.
December 28, 2015
Hi, I finally bit the bullet and joined your premium membership after keenly following the site as a free member for a couple of years. I am looking forward to the journey. I start as a reasonably fit 63 year old with a 14 handicap. My short game is not as sharp as it should be around the green so I will be practicing that (eg "par 18"...chip/pitch and single put from around the green) but my main reason for signing up is to (finally) learn to get proper lag, thereby improving my ball-stricking and consistency. Without lag it seems like I need to put far too much effort into the swing in an attempt to compensate.....which just leads to inconsistency. I just feel I don't have downswing sequencing under control at all. Where do I start please?
December 20, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Gary-glad to have you on board with RST. To start training for lag there are a few places you can look. I suggest looking at the frisbee drill (weight shift section), keys to creating lag, and perfecting impact series parts 3 and 4. Also lag will come more easy with a good sequenced action in the downswing so maybe also throw in 5 mins. to perfect downswing.
December 20, 2015
so i am making the step into what i hope will be a simple level building REPEATABLE swing... to start with i read below that "5 minutes to the perfect set up " is the placed to start...and don't see where i can access that video???
November 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Yes. Use the search bar at the top right of your screen. Or, Video Menu --> Setup--> 5 Minutes to the Perfect Setup.
November 27, 2015
If I don't use my 2 free vldeo each month can I hold them over for a few months (health)?
November 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lamar. The system is setup to only cycle 2 videos a month.
November 23, 2015
If I want to reconstruct my swing completely, where should I start and what steps (videos) should follow?
November 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Start with the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Setup and 5 Minutes to the Perfect Setup with Weight Shift.
November 16, 2015
Hi, I have just resubscribed. Chuck had a video for non-hip spinners who don't use proper body rotation. I can't find it. Is it still available?
November 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronald. I'm not sure the exact video you are looking for. However, start with How to Swing from the Ground Up. If that isn't the one you are searching for then let me know.
November 9, 2015
Hi guys I'm currently lost in my swing I feel I have a great setup and my swing plane looks good and my lower body is moving well but I'm really struggling with early release its killing me. Causing fat shots thin high shots even shanks I've heard some people say that you should never hold your lag angle that it happens naturally then I've heard the other way I'm confused and have no idea how to fix this problem.
November 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. It would be hard without seeing your swing to diagnose the exact problem. However, if you try and hold lag with a death grip more than likely you will fire it too soon. Start small. Work on the Perfecting Impact Series. Learn impact. Practice smaller shots dealing with less tension and better wrist movement. Lag will start to come especially when you start getting into Part 4.
November 8, 2015
Good afternoon I just joined and really like the ideas. I am a 12 handicap and practice a lot just the wrong things. I am in ft Myers Florida for the winter I would like to take 2 hour lesson I think that way I know I would be working on the right moves. I am one who over thinks. Does this make sense. Don Polyschuk
November 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. We have instructors in Orlando and Naples. Please contact customer service if you would like to schedule one. Welcome to the site and glad you like the material.
November 4, 2015
new to this, tried quite a bit of different avenues to get that last bit off my handicap. I noticed I have an option to send you a video of my swing, where would I go about doing that?
November 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. If you go to the Menu Tab at the Top Middle of this Page click "Swing Reviews," then "Get a Review."
November 2, 2015
Hi Pros, I am new premium member and I am very excited to get started. I watched one of your videos about how to release the club at impact and was very impressed by it. I, also, was referred by a friend that I played golf with and after joining rotary swing for over a year now he went from being a 13 handicap to an 8 handicap, wow!!!. So I am looking forward to this new adventure and have fun with it. Thanks
October 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Thanks for the compliments of our videos. Welcome to the site and feel free to ask any questions along the way.
October 26, 2015
I am new member and excited but winter in the northeast is not great for golf. Any recommendations for inside winter equipment and set-up. I will be starting from scratch. (not a handicap reference) Help!! Paul
October 10, 2015
Hi Paul, I think taping your swing is important. I video on my iPhone, because it allows me to record at 240 fps verses standard 30-60 fps. At this recording speed playback in slow motion is much more clear, but you will need plenty of light. I bought a 700W photography soft box lighting kit, because there isn't enough light in my basement. I mount my phone on a tripod, since I usually record by myself. You will also need a good mat. Finally I recommend hitting "almost golf" practice balls, endorsed by Dave Pelz. It's safe to use indoors, but has a very solid feel, almost like hitting a real golf ball.
October 22, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. I appreciate the reply for Paul.
October 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Being located in the Southeast. I don't have too many recommendations on the best equipment for you. The best way to start is too have some swinging space and a big mirror. If you are going to expand into striking the ball. You can easily find decent priced mats and nets online.
October 10, 2015
I just want to tell you that I'm 43 years old Asian female and after watching ur videos I broke par shot 3 under par with a 10 handicap ...even though the course is not long around 5400 yards ... I'm really excited and wanted to thank you
October 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Felicia. Fantastic and thank you for the post. Keep those good scores coming!
October 6, 2015
Hi, I am a new premium member and excited to get started. I am having trouble determining the proper sequence of videos that Clay Ballard mentions in the How to Practice Golf - Perfect Practice 1 video. Where do I start? Depending on where I am on the site, it seems that there are different recommended videos. Thanks.
October 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nathan. I would start with your setup. Make sure you are addressing the ball properly and weight is centered in the correct place. If you are having trouble identifying the most pertinent flaws. I would send in a swing for review. One of our instructors would be happy to set up a plan for you.
October 1, 2015
I am having a the hardest time getting off the tee. My shot has typically been going right, but now it is a massive hook to the left, which I believe is due to my dominate right hand. I need help, Oh I need help. I believe if I could just get off the tee 200 yards, my score would be 10 shots lower. Also, I need a good setup for video. I have a iPhone 6s, but was thinking I should get something else, that will allow me to maximize this program. Your thoughts are appreciated.
September 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gregory. The slow-motion on the 6s will actually work pretty well for you. I even use the IPad 2 Air Slow Motion with added software to capture swings for in-person lessons. You need to stop trail hand dominance, but still release the club. Vijay Release Drill.
September 29, 2015
Hey! I am a very happy pupil with you. Your philosophy is very interesting and goes against most others on the market but I buy it in full. Been thinking about a question that I would like to have an answer to. You talk about most people are right handed and plays from right to left. The left hand is the dominant hand and it´s only the three fingers that will really hold the stick. Now to the question: Why do not right-handed people play from left to right ?? Then you can use the strong right hand and automatically the left hand become only a passenger and it´s not so easy to pusch the right hand and losing lagg. When I swing with one arm and holding the stick in my right hand and swing to the left, it feels much stronger and more stable than my normal swing. Grateful for answers and excuse my bad english. // Michael from Sweden
September 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Thanks for the compliments on our site and instruction. You asked a great question. The trail arm does add speed in the swing and most players tend to use their dominant arm to try and do so. Just like throwing or shooting a ball. They feel that you can add the most power by using their trail/dominant arm. It can be powerful to do so. However, not as efficient. Physics and Biomechanics tell use to use the lead arm (typically non dominant) for the best of both worlds. But, the brain tends to tell us the best coordination and speed will come from the trail arm (dominant arm).
September 25, 2015
One of the nice features of this website I found recently is the self evaluation of my swing video. I found that you have provided video swings of a pro with a correct swing should look like using a similar club selection that I used in my video. It really told me how close I was getting to much improvement by placing the lines on each side of the screen , mine and the pros o see how my angles were compared to a good swing. That is a great feature. Maybe a video on using that feature would be a good addition to your educational site experience. Good job
September 22, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. I'm glad that you like the tool. Good suggestion!
September 22, 2015
I've been at this now since January and have made some progress but at 64, 40 year old habits die hard. Back then not knowing what was right or wrong added to the mystique of an effective golf swing. I understand that it will take 1000's of reps to get one small mechanic correct. I realized today after looking at by swing taken yesterday that my right elbow has gone back to flying. So here's my question - the process of building an RST swing starts with Move 1 and continues to Move 4. ( I know that's not a question ). Is there a "test" we could take that would verify we have learned the correct mechanics at each step of the learning process? I like the new "report card" concept. That will help with progress.
September 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. The new "report card" should definitely help. My suggestion would be to upload a slow motion swing or practice swing to one of our instructors. Have the instructor check the positions to make sure you are practicing the right things versus maybe thinking you are and one or more pieces being off.
September 21, 2015
A complete swing or just the takeaway for example?
September 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. Either one. If the takeaway is the piece you are struggling with right now make sure you own it first. The, move on to successive parts in further reviews. However, if its a general overall view you want then the complete move. Just know you can't fix the whole kitchen sink at one time.
September 21, 2015
Hi, I am a new member. I have tried to improve my swing after watching your videos. It does help but not sure whether my posture is right or not, I have some back and hip pain after golf?! I have just posted my videos for swing analysis. Hope it will give me some hints. Cheers, Lancy
September 16, 2015
Thanks Craig. Have watched your "Setup" video and found that my set up posture is a bit upright than yours. Will it be the factor that I have hip and back pain?
September 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lancy. You might have an issue with the Setup. Any time you have a question when you upload a video. Make sure to leave it in the comments section for your review. Therefore, the instructor can answer you directly on video. Hopefully, we will get you all fixed up.
September 17, 2015
Can RST instruction be used for youth players? (11 years old)
September 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Yes.
September 16, 2015
I have been a member for a while now and am pleased to report that I have improved my ball striking dramatically.I am 68 years old and am able to hit the ball as far as ever thanks to your instruction.My big problem however is putting.I have worked for a while now on the putting videos with Clay Ballard trying to get the natural movement recommended.I was probably a straight back straight through putter before and wanted to change as I felt this was a manufactured stroke and therefore not consistent.I now find that I have some horrible hybrid of the two where I pull putts one time and then next I dont release and push the putt.I just cant seem to get them on line with any consistency.The site spends most of the time on the full swing but very little on putting.I would like to see much more on putting please,please as this is costing me up to 10 strokes a round and is very frustrating when I feel that my ball striking is,thanks to your site, better than ever. Thanks guys,Paul
August 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Paul for the compliments. I would recommend you upload your putting stroke to one of our instructors. We would be happy to take a look and diagnose how to rid you of the hybrid stroke. In the meantime, I would monitor your grip pressure and when you get into pushes/pulls trying to release the putter. The most common culprit is pulling the eyes or head out of the shot.
August 24, 2015
I am a newbie to RST. What I have seen so far is very impressive. What brought me here was a Google search for optimum launch angle for driver distance, I was trying to get a better understanding. I just put together a new driver a Fail Safe III 10.5* (low spin low launch and as solid as any driver I have ever hit) with a Graphalloy Prolaunch red shaft carry is 250yds very low 30' high with a little draw could not tell anything about roll. Your video said hit it as high as possible. That would be a Graphalloy Prolaunch blue. I am skeptical about this shaft since my previous driver was shafted with a TT EI70 Tour stiff mid bend point and the Graphalloy Prolaunch blue is high bend point. I hit the ball very high. How high is too high and what shaft do you recommend. Look forward to working with the RST team to improve my game.
August 22, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Jim. Thanks for the post and compliments of our site. We look forward to working with you as well. It would be hard to recommend what shaft without knowing your specs. However, looking at your carry your swing speed is roughly around 105-110 depending on angle of attack. I would recommend getting something that can help you launch with just a little bit of a positive angle of attack. Max height around the low 30's yds. The G Blue might be too high a bend point.
August 24, 2015
Craig thanks. I ordered a UST ProForce V2-65. You confirmed what I was thinking the G blue has to high a bend point and the spin would be too high, they go together and are not what I need.
August 25, 2015
I have been a member of RST for a few months now. I'm 67 and have been playing golf for 20 years. I have travelled all through the USA playing at the best courses and have taken lessons from Jim McLean, L Smally, John Jacobs, and many more. Finding RST was an absolute treat. I have learned more through you guys than I have ever learned from taking on site lessons. I have dropped my handicap 4 points in two months and have never enjoyed the game so much. People ask me what I have done and I tell everyone go to RST.com. You guys have really got something special going on and keep up the ground breaking work. Your the best. Cheers
August 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Charles. We appreciate the compliments and referrals. I journeyed around the USA once too looking for the solutions. Found a good home here.
August 19, 2015
How do I get my free e-book?
August 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sohaib. To access your ebook please go to Member Tools and select Level 1 Certification ebook.
August 19, 2015
I'm not sure where to begin. I watch your videos daily. Should I look at all the introduction videos first and then to setup and go in order? Or should I go right to the recommended videos. Or just go to the areas I need help with?
August 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mitchell. Two options. One is submit your swing for review. one of our instructors will be happy to help guide you to the most pertinent videos for your swing. The second is start out with setup and weight transfer. Once, those skills are mastered start working on the 5 Minute Series to train new movements.
August 8, 2015
Thank you Craig. I found setup and weight transfer. I'm not sure where the "5 minute series to train new movements" are.
August 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mitchel. In each category. Ex. Takeaway, Backswing, etc. There will be a "5 Minutes to a Perfect ------" depending on respective category. If you get stuck or struggle with a particular aspect in the 5 Mins Series. Ask a question directly underneath the video. We will be happy to assist.
August 8, 2015
Are there any videos posted that discuss shot shaping? Stance, swing etc... to shape a fade, draw?
August 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Douglas. Take a look at the 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking Section.
August 7, 2015
Thank you Craig. I will
August 7, 2015
Hi Chuck I have been a fan of the site for a number of months but only recently signed up for the premium membership and already it has a made a difference through a better understanding of this black art they call golf ! I currently see a Luther Blacklock and have done for a couple of years and know that he also endorses your methods etc so the 2 are now a good fit. I appreciate that one size does not fit all but being able to review the lessons as I do on Luthers site is invaluable. I have recently bought a smash bag and following the impact drills have already seen an improvement along with getting the my weight shift more stable. I will certainly recommend the site to friends and hope that addition of great tips and drills will help me achieve my goal of getting down to 5 before the season ends. Thanks Andy
July 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andy. Thank you for the post. We appreciate your support of the RST Swing and happy to hear you are enjoying your Premium Membership. Keep up the hard work!
July 31, 2015
You guys have way too many drills. Why not limit 2-5 per each section? setup to finish?
July 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. I understand all the different videos can get confusing. The reason we have a few drills for the same component is learning. Some people grasp concepts better with one drill versus another. The key to good teaching is figuring out how to relay information to a student so that he or she "gets it" or truly understands the message. The goal is still the same. Take for example the takeaway. The Bucket Drill and 2 inch Hand Drill in the Role of the Right Arm are both trying to teach the same movement. Trail shoulder blade pull without excessive trail arm fold. But, one drill might help a student feel the muscle groups better than another and speed up the process to change.
July 25, 2015
You are the best out there in simplifying a complex subject. Is it possible for the site to give the student a option to put together portfolio of videos that he/she can work on?
July 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Sam. You can use the Favorites Tool Function to build a portfolio of videos only you would like to concentrate on. Or, upload your swing for review. Your instructor will give you only specific items to train while trying to improve your swing. Thank you for the compliments on our site!
July 25, 2015
Thanks Craig. Will do
July 25, 2015
What happens if the back of the lead hand is not facing the target at impact? I am working on this. Will I hit high weak shots to the right or duck hooks?
July 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ricky. If the lead hand is pointing to the away from the body at impact it will typically be high and weak shots. Unless the trail hand takes over to help shy away from the block, then the snap hook can come into play.
July 17, 2015
With all the ball options out there is there a golf ball that works better at reducing side spin on driver shots or am I over thinking this? I'm not sure I believe the marketing hype for each manufacturer. Of course when I have mastered some of the concepts here this point is moot....
July 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. A lot of it is just preference. Some prefer soft and more spin. Others harder and less spin. I have friends that love the ProV1x for less spin and bombed drives. For me though the ball is way to jumpy when it comes to short game. Therefore, I prefer the Taylormade for around the greens. Might not be as long , but better suited for me. Its all about finding one that matches the characteristics of what you want and which one suits your feel the best.
July 16, 2015
RSW, I am in my second summer of RSW practice and playing much better, in part due to more focus on grip, setup, swing mechanics, etc. I feel very confident in applying these steps to all my clubs from a distance (lining up ball with logo on shirt etc). When I get inside 120 yards where my lofted irons and wedges come into play, I am not sure when to apply the short-game video setups (shirt buttons in front of ball, hands forward, etc) versus easier swing using traditional setup, but less backswing. Any advice on how/when to make the transition to the short-game setups (and tradeoffs???). Thank you, David.
July 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. It all depends on the shot type. Use the Penetrating Video when you need to flight a full wedge lower due to conditions. The typical/standard Pitch Shot Technique will be from the in-between yardage 30,40, etc. The Chipping technique just off the side of the green.
July 15, 2015
Craig, Two video's (Penetrating Wedge) and (Perfect Pitch shot) by different instructors have the ball position setup very differently. Penetrating has ball back in stance behind the buttons on shirt. Perfect Pitch has ball in "normal" position further forward by shirt logo. when would you use each (distance, shot type, etc). Which would I use from 85-100 yards out? Thank you. This has confused me in live round situations....
July 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. I would stick with Penetrating Wedge Shot from the 85-100 yard range. It's more for a fuller shot and controlled ball flight. The more half yardage type shot (40, 50, etc) that needs carry, but not to run out too much on the green would be Perfect Pitch Shot.
July 15, 2015
I have looked through a number of videos on the site and I am starting to get a little lost on where to begin. Do I just start with step 1 and really drill it until I get it and then move to step 2? And if I do this how bad will my game be in the meantime? I am used to my swing being a certain way so long term the change will be good but shore term I am afraid that I will be terrible through the adjustment period.
July 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. There is an adjustment period when taking on a swing change. A lot of our students wait till the off-season to do major swing work for just that reason. Something that can help and not affect too much would be setup. Master the weight placement, bend, grip and all setup positions. Once you can do it pretty well you can move on to weight transfer. It is advisable to stack each principle upon one another.
July 13, 2015
Thanks for the reply and that makes sense. I have already worked on correcting my set up, i didn't know I was so knee flexed and squatty and it has helped, feels more balanced and relaxed.
July 13, 2015
Chuck You give an excellent description on what role the right shoulder plays in the takeaway, but no mention of the left shoulder on the way back. Could you talk about the role the lead side plays when coming through impact, not just the lead hip? Thanks Jerry
July 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jerry. To understand more about the lead arm on the downswing. Take a look at the Proper Muscle Activation Video in the Introduction Advanced Section. Frisbee Drill Advanced Weight Transfer. LADD in the Downswing Section. And, Left Hand Release in the Downswing Section.
July 12, 2015
I recently purchased the rotary connect training aid, great device. I feel comfortable it has helped my takeaway. When I go to the top of backswing the device twist a little and it feels a little uncomfortable. If my takeaway is correct could this be due to lack of shoulder elevation when I take it to the top of backswing?
July 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gregory. It could be from lack of elevation or lead arm rotation in the backswing. Take a look at the RotaryConnect Backswing Video in the Backswing Section. Or, check your elevation and lead arm rotation with the Checkpoints Video Advanced Backswing Section.
July 8, 2015
Thank you I will check those videos out. Really appreciate the speedy response. You guys have hands down the website for teaching the golf swing. I have recommended your site to all my friends that golf.
July 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gregory. Thank you for the compliments of our site. Don't tell your buddies too quickly. Take their money on the course first
July 8, 2015
I'm setting a net up in the garage the ceiling height is 2.5m or 8ft 2in in your language im 5-11 heigh clubs 1/2 over is this advisable in a sense of follow through should I be more up or swing around
July 7, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Russell. Just stick to shorter clubs for your swing work. Wedge, 9 iron, 8 iron, etc.. I don't want you to change the characteristics of your swing because of space. You should be able to complete pretty closely the proper swing with shorter iron.
July 7, 2015
Back to single digits with the help of "Rotary Swing"
July 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great James! Keep working hard and lowering that handicap.
July 6, 2015
In my quest for lag which I have managed to do most of the time..I also out of the blue hit my short irons fat. I could feel my right shoulder "dropping" on the down swing..Can you please analyze why I am hitting my short irons fat?
July 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video in the Advanced Downswing Section to understand where the fat shot comes from.
July 2, 2015
Thank you .. Will do
July 2, 2015
Why not have chipping video one vidio. Very cumbersome viewing
July 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. There are a lot of different aspects to chipping when it pertains to a particular type of shot. It is hard to fit it all in one video without it being over an hour long. We definitely don't want to lull you to sleep .
July 2, 2015
This works, sorry to bother! (should have bothered Chris instead, ha ha) Thanks again.
June 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No worries Don.
June 11, 2015
Thanks Graig, The problem is that there is no "help" at the top right. Thanks, Don
June 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Don. Hmm. That's odd. Try this link. https://www.rotaryswing.com/support/contact-us
June 11, 2015
Hi, Not sure this is the correct way to find out but I can't get to the site anymore that shows the pending swing reviews. Thanks, Don
June 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. Click Help at the top right of this page. Contact Customer Support. They will be happy to get you fixed up.
June 11, 2015
So do we set the wrists at the top and then increase the angle on the way down? I've always had trouble doing this consistently. I bought another tape that suggested an early wristcock was required...and have gotten kind of comfortable with that..if I concentrate on maintaining lag what would be wrong with this? thnx
June 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Take a look at Wide-Narrow-Wide and Using the Wrist Efficiently in this section under the Advanced Category. You want wrist set to be gradual. If you set the wrist too early or have max set at the top it will be hard to increase lag. Also, Using You Wrist for Speed Video 5 in this Section Advanced will discuss some of the early wrist set.
June 11, 2015
Damn that sean foley...
June 12, 2015
Hello, My name is Sanjay and I am very very excited to join the team and eager to learn and improve my golf swing. My handicap is around 16 and struggling to lower it for last 2 years. I have been working really hard on my swing without any improvement on my Irons. I just signed up and I like to start from the basic. I am also planning to buy new clubs. What are your suggestions?
June 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sanjay. Welcome to the site. Unless you are really eager to buy new irons right now. I would suggest wait just a little bit. Allow for some swing work to take place. You might end up needing a different type or adjustment. My suggestion as well would be to upload a swing for review. One of our instructors would be happy to help you have a good plan of attack and where to start.
June 11, 2015
Thanks Craig, I agree. For clubs, I will wait for the next year. I am using Taylormade R 7 for last 7 years. I just bought from your site Caddy for Video (I hope I can use my Samsung) and Rotary Connect. Currently, I have started working on set up posture and release and I already seeing good striking.
June 11, 2015
June 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. Do you have a question I can assist you with?
June 11, 2015
A properly executed RST swing should make the ball go straight?
June 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Virgil. Yes, it will produce a straight flight with the tendency if any to draw a little.
June 10, 2015
Hi, I have been fighting something for years that I can't seem to get rid of. I am a 2 handicap and fairly limber, but in my backswing I seem to be over rotating to the point that it is making my head move up and back (looking down the line), which in turn leads to early extension coming down. On video it looks as if I just stopped my backswing at a certain point it would get rid of 90% of the problem, but I can't seem to get the feeling of shortening my swing ingrained. Are there any videos you would suggest to help this?
June 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kerry. Torso Over Rotation in the Advanced Backswing Section. Over Swinging Video in the Advanced Backswing Section. 3 Functions of the Right Arm in the Advanced Backswing Section. Load the Right Glute Early Shorten Swing in the Backswing Section. Start Downswing Before Completing Backswing in the Weight Transfer Section. Right Knee Laser Beam Drill in the Advanced Backswing Section. Your keys need to be load the trail glute, maintain your trail knee flexion, no more elevation than the base of the pectoral and keep your external humeral rotation.
June 3, 2015
That's great, thanks!!!
June 3, 2015
Hi, hitting short irons especially wedges a little fat (not getting that nice "click" sound, any suggestions Rob
May 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. If you are hitting wedges fat you are probably not shifting the weight efficiently or maintaining shaft lean. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video in the Downswing Advanced Section.
May 30, 2015
Hi I'm a new member and have a question, however I would like to have a moan about this cruel game first. Having played for nearly 20 years, 7 or 8 times a year I found myself never improving. Hovering between a 20 - 28 handicap. This year I decided to set myself the goal of getting this down to 18. So I undertook the following actions. 1) Spent £1100 getting a new set of Ping G20 irons and Yonex woods (Fitted) 2) Spent £200 for 8 lessons with a PGA qualified pro. 3) Practiced relentlessly hitting around 300 to 500 balls every week between Jan 15 to Apr 15. 4) Joined my first golf club as a full member. (previously just played society matches) I was pleased to get my congu handicap this week which came in at 23.5. This means I can now play in competitions. However as of tonight (i've just finished 15 holes at my local club). I feel like I am playing the worst golf of my life.... The pro lessons just seem to have removed any instinctive actions that I had ingrained (even though they were really bad). Now i'm just in no-mans land, constantly thinking on every swing about making changes to avoid the bad hit I made previously. When I try to 'Just hit it' I've even seem to have lost this ability now. I've started as of yesterday going totally back to basics and have done my setup reps both yesterday and today with the intention of religiously working through your full program. Unfortunately, the new knowledge about the setup adds to my woes. So here's my quandary. I have an opportunity to take part in my first competition this Saturday and I would really like to play (it's just a stableford) - However my game is so bad right now that I know I'm going to go back to my bad habits to get around the course without embarrassing myself totally which will probably just compound the misery. My choices seem to be as follows: 1) take 2-3 months without playing and just work through your swing routines until I have a solid swing ingrained. 2) Continue to play golf competitively and just work in the background on my swing. 3) Throw learning out of the window until the summer is over and just find a way to get round the course this year. Not sure if anybody else has encountered this type of issue, but it can't hurt to ask if anybody has any words of wisdom Great site and I am optimistic that I can get a half decent swing if I can just find a way to merge practicing with playing and get a reasonable balance.
May 29, 2015
Having played for 47 years and having a handicap from scratch to an 18 rest assured with the "correct practice " you will reach your goals. The biggest thing one can do in my opinion is to have the correct setup and alignment for EVERY shot. In other words make fundamentals your focus. RST golf recognizes and this and their progression of videos is unmatched. Trying to shortcut things usually just leads to frustration. Good Luck!
June 22, 2015
My advise is never stop playing. Many members at my course are high handicappers. Almost all of us take lessons and try to improve or correct our swing. Why commit to a club if you can't participate in the events you love and daily play. You will notice your improvement over time and one day you will make a spectacular shot that brings great satisfaction. This will be followed by several shots back to back, then a several holes and finally a great front or back nine and finally a great 18. I know at 58 I decided to join a club and take lessons. That was after 30 years of a rare round of golf here and there. I built up plenty of bad habits. Six years ago I was a36 handicap because that's the highest our men's club allowed. 40 plus would be more accurate. Now 8 years later I am hovering at 17. Having suffered through several nagging injuries that have held me back for two years, I now can post an occasional 39 and several 41 scores on the front or back. Here's hoping for a break through year this season. Clear your head of swing thoughts, relax then swing and accept what the golf gods give you. We all start somewhere and most of us accept our beginner partners play as long as they keep up the pace of play and a good attitude. All the best in your golf pursuit
June 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. I wish I had the perfect answer for you. You aren't the only player to suffer from this. All options can be used. Most players leave the majority of swing work to be done in the offseason. Therefore, during the season they aren't thinking too much about mechanics and playing the game. Thought can be a detriment to lower scores on the course. If you enjoy playing in your competitions my advice would be keep playing, but work on the simple keys in the meantime. Setup, weight transfer, short game, etc... If your goal is to truly drop the handicap then you might need to shelve playing too much right now. Or, play and know this off season you are going to put in the effort to really make a difference.
May 29, 2015
What...you can't solve all my mental issues- I want a refund!!! - hehe Actually, your comments have really clarified the issue. I think i have to admit defeat on my goal this year and just get things together enough to continue enjoying the game (After all, that's the reason we play). I'm sure winter will be frustrating enough, so having a goal of ingraining a new swing won't be such a bad thing. Who knows, this decision might be the only thing causing the mental block. Sincere thanks for the advice. Regards Mark
May 29, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
http://www.rotaryswing.com/golf-instruction/article-menu .... There are some great articles about the mental game of golf in that section. I encourage your reading those articles, I think they can help. R.J.
June 2, 2015
I'm having problems with dipping my lower body (knees) during my down swing which is causing me to lose power and to have fat shots. I think I'm causing the problem by improperly trying to create lag and by improperly the shifting of my weight. It usually happens with my longer irons. please advise or direct me to the videos that will help.
May 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. RST Tempo Drill - Introduction Section (help with shift), Perfecting Lower Body Stability Weight Transfer Advanced Section, Sitting Into the Left Side and How the Lower Body Works Video both in the Downswing Section. Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag (this section) to help with lag and shift.
May 27, 2015
Thanks Craig. It helps to realize I am not the only one having this problem. Yes I do over think the swing while playing. Watched the video will try the drill.
May 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Bruce. No problem.
May 27, 2015
Been practicing for months now. Do great on the practice tee but as soon as a walk up to the tee box to play and hit my first ball it's like I have never swung a golf club in my life, very frustrating. Any suggestions
May 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bruce. When you go to the course you start trying to do something to the ball. On the range or practice tee you are allowing the move to create the ball flight. On the course you start trying to make the ball go somewhere. Trust your move. You need to let the ball get in the way of the swing. Allow yourself to give up a little control to gain control. The move is what dictates the ball flight, not extra effort on your part. Take a look at the Trust Line Video in the Introduction Advanced Section.
May 27, 2015
Very quickly - just got my first review back - did know what to expect or how good it would be.. I am so impressed, really confiedent I will make more progress using this site than ever before. 1 question - do I keep the same instructor now? he was good.
May 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. Unless your current instructor is sick or out of town. You will stay in rotation with your original instructor. Pleased to hear you enjoyed your first review!
May 26, 2015
Thank you for sending the email showing how to ask a question. I couldn't find the page that looks like the one in your email but maybe this will do. I cannot get the video from my Samsung G5 phone to my computer so that I can edit it with Windows Movie Maker. The video only shows up on my computer in a Real Player icon. Any suggestions? I have a computer with Vista operating system...maybe I need a newer computer. Thanks, Gary Wiezorek
May 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. If your computer has bluetooth. Try to link the computer and phone be sending it that way. And/or you might need an external application to file browse your phone when plugged in.
May 23, 2015
I had a 5 handicap 15 or16 years ago prior to an auto accident in 2001. I was unable to play for 4-5 years. I attempted to play again, but was unable to score well so I "laid off" again for a few years. Returned and became a bogey golfer. Started watching videos for a week, hit shag balls for an hour, then played two rounds of golf at a tournament. Day one, shot 78. Had 5 birdie putts inside 6 feet. The only birdie was inside 6 inches. Second day 83, again putting was nemesis. My friends wanted to know what I had been doing. Still a lot to practice on. Plan on coming to Florida for some one on one. I had been coming over top and couldn't stop. Thanx....more to follow
May 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Thank you for the post about your improvement. We looking forward to continue helping you. Glad to have you back in the game!
May 18, 2015
I live in Henderson, Texas. Northeast Texas. Where is closest RST Instructor?
May 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Here is the link to all RST Instructors Nationwide. http://rotaryswing.com/rst-certified-instructors
May 18, 2015
Jackie (Certified RST Instructor)
I've played hockey basically my entire life. However, I have been told by various coaches that it effects progress in the golf swing. Does this apply to RST? Would it be smart to give it up for good? Golf is my priority but I was just wondering if the movements in a slap shot for example, affects the RST philosophy/process. Thank you
May 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jackie. The trail side push would be consistent with the hockey move. I don't think you need to give it up. Just understand that when it comes to golf you are trying to create power through physics and not brute force.
May 4, 2015
Hi lads Started your swing program a week ago then played Golf the other day need to now work on putting because I three and four putted all day could of easly scored 80 if not for the putter I was hitting all my other shots well and with a lot of confidence can not wait to play again
April 25, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Russell, I'm glad that you're playing well. There's a short game section on the site. Also, I would recommend to continue to practice the swing even when you feel like you have it because we want to in grain the swing into our brains so that we don't ever have to think about hitting a ball again. R.J.
April 26, 2015
Has Chuck found any research on the correlation of high pressure, nerving type round situations between the body driven one plane swing and the more so active arm release 2 plane swing? Specifically from the ease, consistency and accuracy in relation to the two release patterns
April 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Matthew. To my knowledge, I am un-aware of any. However, when players tend to speed up in nerving type situations. The one plane body release player tends to rotate harder getting the club stuck and not squaring through. The RST (Parallel Shift Plane) allows you to release harder. The harder the release the straighter the ball goes. Think about Rory for a second. The more the round goes on. The further and straighter he hits it in pressure situations. It allows for added speed without the loss of accuracy. Lets the club do the work versus steering the face.
April 25, 2015
Thanks, Craig. That really helps. I would then assume that top priority in nerving situations would be to really focus on that shift and a dropping of those hands onto the plane before releasing hard correct?
April 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. In nerving situations hopefully you can stick to a good routine and clear your head of too much thought. Nevertheless, focusing on a good shift and not rushing the arms from the top help all the time.
April 26, 2015
stretching and flexibility coming along. can turn a bit more now.
April 22, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Great. Keep up the good work!
April 23, 2015
My instructor is James Rayson and are working on a the backswing right now but my question is more technical...when i submit for my swing reviews i use my phone since that is what i use to video myself. the issue is that i cannot leave comments for some reason and was wondering if there is an email address or some other way to ask him questions when i submit reviews
April 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jonathan. I notified Customer Service for you.
April 17, 2015
In my swing I start my downswing with an upper-body lunge along with my lower body. Could this be the cause of blocks, hooks, chunks, and steep divots?
March 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. Without a doubt that could cause those issues. Work on shifting properly with the lower body first. Move 3 Video and the Sitting Into the Left Side Video in the Downswing Section. Then the Impact Alignments Video FO in the Downswing Section.
March 31, 2015
I have a question about golf club offset in irons. Does golf club offset really help decrease slicing? if I tend to draw the ball, does golf club offset make the draw bigger?
March 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. Yes, off set allows the club more time to close. From my experience, I haven't seen dramatic changes. But, it can decrease the tendency to slice and get the ball turning over a little more.
March 31, 2015
Does that mean that a person with a natural draw is better off with less offset? I have heard some people say that offset just sets the hands ahead of the ball.
March 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. The offset puts the head slightly behind the hosel to give the club more time to square. If someone already tends to hit a draw or close the club face through impact. They probably don't want a lot of offset.
April 1, 2015
Is there a most common mistake that causes a pull hook( ball starts left and hooks left)
March 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mortie. Typically, the pull hook is a shut club face and a out to in swing path. Make sure you are shallowing out on the downswing. Stop Coming Over the Top and the LADD Video in the Downswing Section.
March 23, 2015
I signed up for the unlimited reviews 2 days ago but when i go to the swing review tab it tells me that I am still on the limited reviews. Is it a delay for the transaction?
March 20, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. I will contact Customer Support for you. I apologize for the issues.
March 20, 2015
I am 5ft 6in. Can you make a general statement on the length of clubs compared to standard. And how the length of shaft works for back strain.
March 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Morite. The typical club is usually too long for the average golfer. When the shaft is too long. It gets in the way of a proper swing. You have to come up out of the shot more. Putting strain on the back to always adjust not bottoming out too soon. And, if you chose not to lift out of the shot. The club will dig and all the force will be exerted to the joints in the body. Unnecessary wear and tear.
March 13, 2015
Sorry I'm not that simple. My reviewer James Rayson says I'm not over rotating the lower half--the hips--ie I do have good flexibility. I do get deep in the backswing however. When you start talking about "we may have to stack in there to refine it such as proper rotation from the lead wrist and external humerus rotation of the trail arm". You are talking a little over my head. Can you see my videos? Mr Rayson has been very good and I have tried to get a little shorter but ... PS when I take a backswing without any intention to hit a ball I look pretty good---don't over rotate--- but I can't exactly replicate that when I'm trying to hit a ball.
March 10, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tom, no problem at all. We are all here to help you get the answers you need. I can go back and look at your reviews for sure. Also, if you are saying that you are getting the hands and arms deep, then that could be a direct result of pushing the club back with the lead arm. This can also cause players to get too much momentum in the club very early on and then when you are nearing the top part of the backswing, the trail arm/hand gets overly active on the club to help change the direction of the club for the downward move, thus getting you across the line. External humerus rotation can be further explained in the 3 function of the right arm in the backswing section and the using the wrists effectively and efficiently video in the intro section will talk about the rotation and usage of the wrists. Check those videos out and see if they help you.
March 11, 2015
I'll check out the videos-- I may have seen these. Would appreciate your comments on my videos---do you need info from me to find them on the site? I am determined to solve this issue. Where Are you located? I'm in Fl for the winter.
March 11, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tom, I am based out of Orlando. Could you navigate to my instructor listing and grab my email address and forward me your most recent swing review notification.
March 12, 2015
yes i've had 3 reviews on my swing but I'm still stuggling. Of course I've tried to fix this problem for 5 years!! One of the issues I have is over turning the upper torso and I'm improving on that. To keep my club from crossing I also have to keep my right upper arm well in front of my chest while I see the model swing does not have to do that yet the club does not cross the line.
March 10, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Aaha! This is the information that I needed to hear to further help you. When you are allowing the torso to over rotate, you more than likely have lost stability in the lower half as well. When the torso continues to rotate, the hands and arms will tend to get longer and deeper in the backswing, as there is no real wound feeling in the midsection to use as a trigger to stop the arms from moving further into the swing. If you worked on loading your trail side properly, and rotating around the axis, building up power in the core, your golf swing would become much shorter and tighter at the top and thus be easier for you to stop getting the club so across the line. I deal with this issue a lot with students and they are amazed on how focusing on the lower body being extremely stable, stopped the club from getting long and across at the top. Of course, there can be some other things that we may have to stack in there to refine it such as proper rotation from the lead wrist and external humerus rotation of the trail arm.
March 10, 2015
Can you put more of the drills in the swing analyzer section - there are only 2 drill videos right now: the lag drills and the 9 to 3 drill? This way we can easily check how well we are doing the drills. Also, a very high handicap player (like me) will swing the club differently each time; since only 3-4 swings will fit in 30 secs, has your experience been that many of the faults are common?
March 9, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Francis, We can work on getting some more drill swings put in the swing viewer for sure. May not happen right away though but we will do our best. Most of the faults we see from high handicap players have commonality. Usually we see setup issues, improper weight shift and too much arm action in the entire swing.
March 10, 2015
Thanks Chris. Suggest that you draw lines on the drills like you do in some of the videos so we see easily where the faults are. Thanks for the reply, Chris
March 10, 2015
sorry in the note below I meant "so far left of target that it would have to travel a long way to get right of target across the line).
March 9, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
hahah I knew what you meant Tom. Thanks and see my post below.
March 10, 2015
I noticed a big difference between my driver down the line swing at the point the left arm is parallel with the ground. My shaft is relatively vertical and points between myself and the ball/target line-->50deg. The reference Driver DTL swing (Chuck Quinton?) has a 43deg angle and points at the ball target line. Is this a position I should try to emulate? I have a lot of trouble getting the club across the line at the top. It would seem like from the reference position it would be very hard to get the club across the line at the top ( i.e.half way back the club head is pointing so far right of target that it would have to travel a long way to get right of target (across the line).
March 9, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tom, I think it is more important for us to understand why the club is crossing the line at the top of the swing, more than it is trying to aim the club into a specific position to overcome a fault. Everything that happens to the golf club during the swing is completely consequential to the body movements that we create. There are several variables that could be contributing to why this is happening in your swing. It could be from some lead side push, getting momentum in the club and then the trail side grabs a hold of the club to get it ready to change direction for the downswing. It could be lack of rotation from wrists in the takeaway and backswing etc. So many instructors over the years would tell you its ok to aim the club into a certain position rather than focusing directly on the body movements to correct the issue. Are you due for a swing review by chance? If so, get some swings sent in and we will have a look at why you club is crossing the line at the top and get you focused on changing the movement pattern.
March 10, 2015
Is there somewhere in the website a perfect rotory swing golf swing that we can look at frame by frame or at least slow motion?
March 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. If you visit the self analysis section located at the middle/top of this page. You will find a lot of swings to look at for analysis. Chuck's swing and others that you can move frame by frame compared to yours.
March 9, 2015
March 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No Problem. Always here to help
March 9, 2015
I am not happy with your new website, and considering to cancel my membership , because one the reason I became a member was that in the former website there was a tool to search within the video. And now it disappears
March 8, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey JP, very sorry to hear that you are not happy with the new website. The video search feature is located just above the video player to the right, in the menu bar. I have tested it several times over this morning and it appears to be working fine on our end. Can you tell me what browser you are using so I can see if I can further assist you.
March 10, 2015
A returning student here. I have a question and it might require a longer answer. I want to go over the printable workouts and follow all the drills, but I do not know where to find the videos associated with the lesson plans. Any help finding this would help out. Thank you...
March 7, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. There is a search bar at the top right of this page that will allow you to search for every video need in question.
March 9, 2015
My usual miss is a pull or hook with my irons. I am hoping that this is due to a swing fault (and that by grooving a new swing through this membership will help to fix that!) . My question is, will irons with more offset cause pull and hook issues or is it more of and swing fault issue?
March 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. Having offset gives the club a longer time to square the face. If you are releasing the club hard. Offset can tend to cause an over-draw of the ball.
March 6, 2015
Which of the drills can be done simultaneously rather than sequentially? I would guess that set-up, weight shift and maybe takeaway? WHile Backswing drills can only be added after the 3 prior sections have been mastered?
March 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Francis. The reason the drills are listed sequentially is because the brain can only learn so much in a short time frame. Use more of the stacking principle and blend. Just as you noted above. Work on the setup. Then, blend the new setup with weight shift and so on with takeaway etc...
March 6, 2015
Just recently joined the site and am looking forward to improving my swing. I just was fit for a new set of irons and can't wait for the weather to improve here in New York so I can get outside and really put your videos and lessons to use. Here is my concern. When I was fit for my irons, I was fit 1.5 degrees upright. My swing has always been dominantly arms and hands. Now that I am learning to rotate more and use my body more, will these upright clubs hinder my progress?
March 5, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. It would be tough to say. Unless, you are drastically shallowing out more than your previous move. You probably aren't that far off. It's also pretty easy if you need to have them re-bent and relatively cheap.
March 6, 2015
hi guys, when I make my backswing, do I lift my arms higher above plane or is it more natural and happens automatically, thanks rich
March 1, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The folding of the trail arm and shoulder elevation will raise your plane. Take a look at Understanding Shoulder Elevation in the Backswing Section and the 3 Functions of the Right Arm in the Advanced Backswing Section. Also, Understanding Arm Elevation in the Backswing Section will be helpful as well.
March 3, 2015
RST, much reference is given to how to watch the videos in order but no specifics are given. Should I assume that I should be watching all the introduction videos first and then move on to all the setup videos afterward and move in that direction? I'm curious because it seems as if there are random swing thought drills injected in the introduction portion (tempo, lag, etc). thanks for the help.
February 27, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Seth, those videos are just to give us a general feeling of how the golf swing should be as many of us have a drastically different swing coming into the program than what we should have. If you start off with the intro and then move on to the setup, you'll be starting off on the right foot. For each section, you're going to want to master the move using the introduction video for the section and the "5 minutes to..." for that section. The rest of the videos in that section will assist you in better understanding the movements to help you diagnose issues that you might be encountering. R.J.
February 28, 2015
Nice job, Unfortunately I just had a bicep tendon operation and will be out for about 6 weeks but plan on reading and doing all I can to get back into the swing. I am 80 years old March 18 and not ready to quit golf. Thanks for your help. I have been with you since your startup. Christina Quinton was very helpful in getting me involved.
February 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. I am sorry to hear about your Bicep Tendon. We all wish you a speedy recovery and glad you aren't ready to give up. Christina (not only being Chuck's wife) is a fantastic addition to the site. We appreciate the comments and look forward to a healthy return.
February 25, 2015
I just wanted to thank Steven Maes, RST Certified Instructor who reviews my swing and mentioned some important points to improve my swing style. He also recommended several video lessons to watch to improve my swinging. Thanks again and I appreciate your nice work. Ali
February 21, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Ali, Glad I could help. Practice hard and watch the payoffs happen. They are great.
February 22, 2015
Is it possible for video on hitting half shot and punch shot into wind regarding setup and swing. Regards Colin
February 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Colin. We will add that to the members suggestion list. Thanks
February 18, 2015
can someone help me where is the swing review tab i don't seem to have one any more on this new site!
February 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The swing review tab is right below the Rotary Swing logo at the top of this page. If you are experiencing more issues. Please contact customer support. Thanks and I apologize for the confusion.
February 10, 2015
Oh my picture when I post a comment doesn't show up either, it's like my account doesn't exist
February 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dane. Amy with Customer Support should be with you shortly.
February 10, 2015
Hi, I don't have a "swing review tab", or a "get a review" tab or link at all. I signed up for a swing review every two weeks for 3 months, it is now 6 days past my swing review date and I have no ability to upload to your new site. Could someone please email me information about this issue and possible resolution because I would hate to be paying for a subscription i can't use. As the days go by I am getting more anxious, the video reviews are the reason I subscribed and I don't want to be screwed out of any. Thank you for your time, please send an email if possible or contact me. Outside of this issue my experience with your program has been great and I would love to continue in that fashion.
February 9, 2015
Hi Dane, I also posted on the 6th of Feb and still no replies! I am kinda worried if this is for real?
February 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ali. I am very sorry for the late reply. Please contact Amy in customer service if you are still experiencing issues. Amy@rotaryswing.com
February 10, 2015
The only problem is that I am new and I don't know where to start. I posted the same message here on the 6th of Feb. and I did NOT get a reply on my post but on this one which is kind of strange. If working with overseas customers is a problem then you could simply say so and I get a refund and wish you guys all the best.
February 11, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ali -- I replied back to your comment below. We just launched a brand new site for you users and we missed some comments just after launch. My sincerest apologies for doing so.
February 12, 2015
Are there any updates on when the rotaryconnect training aid will be in stock and available?
February 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Josh. We are currently replenishing the supply. All members will be notified when they are back in stock. Apologize for the wait.
February 9, 2015
where is the video up loader gone??
February 7, 2015
help there is no swing review tab?
February 10, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Darren -- The video uploader is under the swing review tab under get a review. If you are just looking to upload a video and not submit for review, then head to the self analyzer and you can upload right in there as well.
February 9, 2015
Hi, I have just started to play golf and I consider myself very lucky to know about your site and education system to learn how to play golf properly without injuring myself as many people end up doing. My goal is to go under 90 in one year and many people around me say that it is impossible but I am sure if I do it right anything is possible. I want to show everyone that even a newbie can go under 90 by using your method. So here we go.
February 6, 2015
By the way, as I mentioned above I am quite new to golf. Could you please tell me which lessons to watch and the correct order of them. Thanks Ali
February 7, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ali -- My sincerest apologies for the late reply to this question. We had a little glitch that didn't allow us instructors to see the unanswered comments. We are for real and we will always do what we can to help you in the game of golf. The best thing to do is start in the intro section videos and absorb as much info as you can. Then get right into the setup videos and you are on your way. We are here to help you along the way and if you have any questions, please feel free to post those up and we will answer very quickly, now that we can see the comments. Also, you may want to send in your swing for review. This is a great feature and allows one us instructors to take a look at your swing so that we can lay out a clear game plan and give you some focus videos to work on. We are pleased to have you on the site and I look forward to working with you along the way.
February 12, 2015
Hello, with the new website I'm not sure where to post my swing for swing review, I don't see any links or options in the rotary website at all, any help would be much appreciated, thanks again!
February 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dane. If you scroll to the top of this page. Go to Swing Reviews and under My Program click Get a Review.
February 6, 2015
This page does not have a my program option, it only has a menu drop down option with links that do not navigate to any review sections. Essentially with the new site "My Program" is gone, believe me I've scoured this site looking for the link for my review is overdue since feb. 3. I did get an email stating there are some technical difficulties maybe I'll wait to be contacted when it's fixed. I do appreciate the timely response, I believe in the program you guys offer and just eager to continue with it myself, thank you.
February 7, 2015
Craig, thanks for taking the time to respond... retried and its all good... guess you scared it into working... Thanks again.
February 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem Jim. Always here to help.
February 6, 2015
Hi Guys, are you having any reports about authenticating via the IPhone app not working... clicking the "Full Access Premium Web Member Login" button get the prompt and enter my same email and password as when done accessing the website.... does not allow access with a prompt email or password does not match.
February 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. We had some maintenance last night. But, all should be resolved now. If you are still experiencing the error. Please let Customer Support know. Help Section at the top right of this screen.
February 6, 2015
Guys, Love the new site.... keep up the great work......
February 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Jim. Chuck, Chris and our programming team have been very hard at work to make a better user experience for are members. Thanks for the compliments.
February 5, 2015
I have been working hard however my local pro watched my swing and said I was to high in the back swing and came over the top a little in the downswing. ( my old problem ) It is suggested I flatten out the downswing attacking more from the inside without getting stuck. I am working on the drills indicated by Jared in my reviews and will submit another once I feel I have got on top of his previous suggestions. What suggestions could you make about flattening out the swing. Thanks. Mike
February 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. High hands in the backswing are good, but steep coming down is bad. I don't want to interfere with Jared's instruction, but a couple things to ponder. Make sure you aren't elevating too high and above the base of the pectorals. Checkpoints Video in the Backswing Advanced Section. You do need to shallow out the downswing. But, it needs to be done by the lead side. Take a look at the LADD Video and Stop Coming Over the Top Video in the Downswing Section.
February 4, 2015
Craig thanks for the advise I watched both recommended videos and spent an hour or two in front of a mirror practicing, just back from the range, I can see an improvement as the swing flattens more naturally, getting the weight over to the left and achieving a good impact position while keeping the right from hitting seems to be the next challenge. Thanks Mike
February 5, 2015
Hi Chuck, I hope you're doing well. I've been working on the wide-narrow-wide video and I'm getting pretty consistent with a half swing. What videos would you recommend I watch to learn to complete my backswing. Thanks, Clint
February 3, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Clint, Probably the two more important videos on the site are the 5 minutes to the perfect release and the 9 to 3 drill. Everything is important in the golf swing, but those two drills will help you control the more important facet of the golf swing - impact. R.J.
February 3, 2015
Hi Are you having problems with your equipment, because I am having real problems with quite a few of your videos, they do NOT run smoothly, but stops every two or three seconds. Like your RST Introduction The problem emerged a few days ago, my computer is OK Lars
January 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lars. I haven't heard of any recent issues from our members or on our end. If the problem persists. Let us know. Please contact Amy in Customer Service. amy@rotaryswing.com
January 28, 2015
Hi, I'm a brand new subscriber. LOVING the videos so far. Will be sending my swing video later today. At the computer golf range this morning, I could see that I sometimes collapse my left arm (I am a leftie) and sometimes my right arm. Bringing the club "up" and not "back". I am losing a lot of power/distance. What are the best videos and drills on the site to have a look at? Thanks for your help.
January 25, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Karen, Until you master each section of the golf swing, you might not see the greatest results in the world. Don't get discouraged though. You'll end up having a great golf swing by time you're finished working through the program. Each section has a "5 minutes to the Perfect..." and an introduction video. Those two videos would be where you want to start for each section. The rest of the videos describe smaller details to fix different types of issues or give an alternate view on how to teach the same move. R.J.
January 26, 2015
Thanks. For me this is a rebuild, as I have worked myself into several very bad habits over the last year.
January 26, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Karen, You're welcome. With hard work and dedication, you can overcome those bad habits. I look forward to seeing your progress. R.J.
January 28, 2015
Hi, great videos but does this not contradict the push / pull concept ?
January 24, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Bill -- Thanks very much and glad to hear that you are enjoying the videos. I am not sure how this video contradicts any of the push vs. pull concepts that we instruct at RST. Can you further expound for me so that I can help pass more information along that may help clarify your question. Thanks!
January 24, 2015
Hi Chris thanks for responding - I may be misinterpreting the push / pull - I read it as the left side pulls the club through to keep it on track. By practicing the throwing technique it feels like my right side / arm is very dominant - I have played sports where throwing is an important part of the game and was wondering whether that is causing some of my inconsistent shots. I will be videoing my swing and uploading soon