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Justin Rose AXIOM Force Plate Study
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Want to see proof of the AXIOM in tour pros with irrefutable data? Then look no further then 3D force plates. In this example, you will clearly see the AXIOM in action in tour pro Justin Rose.
A few of you have asked about what does the force plate data show in regards to this merry-go-round motion? So let's take a look at Justin Rose. We've got data here on him with the force plate data, the 3d force plates. So let me explain a couple of really simple things. You don't really need to get into the nuts and bolts of this stuff. Again, we're trying to get you out of the super technical way of thinking about things, but certainly understanding things is very helpful, as long as you're not thinking about those things, when you're swinging a clubs. So these couple of dots here form the center of pressure. So in other words 50% of the pressure is behind this line. 50% of the pressure is in front of this line or this dot, and then the middle here that you're going to see kind of some squiggly lines with shows the direction of that center of pressure as a way of understanding, kind of the center of mass per se with how it's moving throughout the swing. So watch, but the main thing we want to focus on is just how this right foot is going. So the right foot you're looking straight down as if you were looking on staying on top of Justin looking straight down. So this is his right foot on the right-hand side of the screen. So now as he goes back, you'll see that before he starts to pull the trigger, which is right about here, that the pressure is pretty
Inside of the foot to the middle of the foot, I'd say maybe favoring the inside a tiny bit, but now as you watch, you'll see this mass growth, right? I mean, you can see that movement there. So this is that initial part of the merry-go-round where the pressure is shifting to the outside of the foot. And you can very clearly see that there, and now notice the heel. So you'll know, notice the space in the heel as it goes to the outside, and then to the heel, it looks much deeper. And you can see now it's kind of at its maximum pressure point where he is now moved from, you know, 12 o'clock, three o'clock, six o'clock. And now as he begins to go back the other way, he's going to quickly unweight that heel and move to that bright, big toe. So you can kind of see in a really, this is more of a complex way of looking at it, but you can see the actual data showing that that is the direction of movement. You can kind of almost see this clockwise movement looking at it from just as right foot perspective. Only that it's going to the outside of the heel to the big toe, outside to the heel, to the big toe. So that helps clarify, hopefully that one, this is happening very quickly. If we, if we play this at full speed, which I will here. Sure.
Especially that phase I'm talking about when we go to the transition, right from the heel to the toe is very fast. I'll play that again. So you can see it very quick, right? But now it should start to make sense how we get that right. Knee going, and we get that right foot going get onto that big toe and to get those hips opened up, you can see very clearly how fast it's happening. This is just a nine iron, right? So he's moving very, very quick with just a nine iron. That's why it's important for you to kind of do the little hula hoop move with your hips to get free them up, get, remove tension from them so they can move quickly so that everything can react to the engine in that right foot.
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)