Day 4 Range Session

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In session 4, Craig is beginning to refine the movements and focus on the critical details that are required to master before adding speed and the release.

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I’ve struggled with firing the arms to quickly since I started playing golf.These C4 videos are awesome and helped immensely but my question is should I actually stop my arms at the top of the backswing and start lower body first?What should fire first the left oblique?The left hip?If actually stop at the top it just feels awkward.
July 30, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joey. Stopping can be tough. Taking small steps like in the Weight Shift Sweep Drills can help make it more flowing and natural with the lower half leading the way. In the smaller Phase 1 shots though you don't need too dynamic of a shift. The first movement is lead knee external rotation followed by inner thigh adduction to start pulling the weight. Glad you like the videos. Keep at C4! It will get better
July 30, 2022
Hi Craig! In your statement "The first movement is lead knee external rotation followed by inner thigh adduction to start pulling the weight." while I visualize easily the "lead knee external rotation" I struggle to visualize the "inner thigh adduction" and what you mean by that? Love your videos (like most of us here I can see...)
September 15, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Much thanks for your posts Luc and very happy the videos are helping. Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain. Good drill to help feel the inner thigh adduction movement. It will feel like dragging your trail side over with your lead.
September 15, 2022
Hi Craig, I recall many times I had that 'finish on a good one' then just one more, then another - I ran out of daylight! Really enjoying the sessions. Regards, Arthur..
July 28, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Arthur. Exactly. Been there and done that one. Just one more, but it's pitch black
July 28, 2022
Hi Craig- These are excellent sessions to show how patient and honest you need to be with yourself. Quick question. If you still want to go out and play and not just do each phase until completion what is your suggestion? I'm going through phase 1 and being honest about scores but then if I end up playing a few holes I'm just trying to think of those keys from phase 1 and whatever happens after that happens. At the rate I'm going getting to phase 2 and beyond will take quite some time! Matt
July 27, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Take your time working through the Phases. I just graduated to Phase 2. It took me longer than expected as well. I don't like to tell people don't play golf. That's why we do all the work. To play and have fun. However, if you play a lot of rounds it will slow down your process. It usually takes about 2 days of practice to get back to status quo after 1 round of golf. Chuck did a great video on this topic. Take a look at Should You Play Golf While Learning Your New Swing? Video. Thanks for the feedback and happy you are enjoying the series.
July 27, 2022
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Craig, with your last video 2 video's in mind I wonder if the way I count my scores is as critical as you score yourself. My feeling is I have to be more critical about my shots. So far my reference was how my ball striking was before I started C4 and my other criteria are does the ball land in the dispersion zone that belongs to the phase I work on and did I match the checkpoints. But you are much more critical f.i. if a ball is just a fraction low on the face you don't count it. Do you think I need to be more critical for myself? Second thing is my focus for each new training session. I set a focus related to the previous training and try to keep that focus, but after every shot my body or brain tells me something that was not correct and that has always influence on the next shot and drives me away fron the initial focus I set for myself. How do you handle this? Thanks for helping! Marcel
July 27, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello M. Bal. I am going to be hyper critical of my shots. Most players don't need to be as punishing on themselves. But, the goal is still a pured shot with the correct dispersion. My "miss" may be okay in the real world. However, when training the miss isn't acceptable to me. You have to set the goal for the day. If you watch my progression I couldn't fix everything in one session. I noticed the hip. Focused on that until better and I didn't have to think as much. From there tackled other aspects. It is easy to fall into the habit of finding every little thing wrong and trying to fix all at once. But, that makes the journey much harder. You isolate and then stack components just like the work from the DEAD Drill, 5 Min Series, Axiom, etc..
July 27, 2022
Hi Craig. I love this series, though I feel a bit like Peyton Manning pouring over game film to find the special secrets. Great nuggets on lead leg postup sequencing and lead wrist feels- getting clearer. But, last couple of vids, you mentioned controlling right foot push. What’s the feel or move that gets that under control? I’ve spent 50+ years beginning my downswing with right leg drive, and I’ve spent 50+ years fighting a lead side slide. I’m beginning to think these may be related. Thanks. -Rick
July 26, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rick. If I start yelling Omaha you'll know why now . Excessive trail leg/push is the cause for lead hip/leg slide. The trail foot movement is very important and the advice can be different depending on what the player is doing and at what point in the swing. The Sam Snead Squat Video is good for players that start driving to hard in transition. For myself, I actually had to feel like I kept the foot almost flat into impact (which is definitely not what you want), but feel and real are two different things. Still came up every time, but to a lesser degree. Smaller shots like in the How to Fix the Two Way Miss Video can really help with this problem.
July 27, 2022
Craig, is this swing technique used for fairway woods and drivers too?
July 24, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. You want the same fundamentals as weight shift, posting, flat lead wrist, etc. However, with a driver being a specialty club and striving for a different launch characteristics. Some of the positions (perfectly stacked/secondary tilt/AOA) will be different than above.
July 24, 2022
Was that an 8?
July 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. I believe so.
July 24, 2022
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Lots to learn again Craig. THX! You mention the softness of the lead wrist. Is this from transition to impact or longer until follow true? I often have feeling that when I hit breaks on lead wrist at impact ( the moment I feel it is flat) that impact on ball is better then with soft lead wrist. Thanks for helping! Marcel
July 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello M. Bal. The transition into follow through. The wrists will naturally tense up/increase in pressure as you work towards impact. I have to really concentrate not to squeeze the life blood out of the grip. It will need to be firm at impact, but not as firm as I make it sometimes.
July 23, 2022
Hi Craig, I was wondering about grip pressure as well. You say 'soft wrist', and there indeed is even a bit of lag in the shot (more than in session 1 I believe). But could you number the pressure at impact from 1 to 10? You swing at 3 and hit at 6 or so? (or am I getting too technical again) Thx
July 24, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. Most players start around a 2 at address and end up an 8 at impact. Your pressure will naturally increase so I try to shy away from getting to a 10.
July 25, 2022
Hi Craig Simply great, so nice to be in my garden working along side you. I am waring the carpet out running in and out of the house looking at your swing and then back to mine. This definitely helps a lot and I’m sure progress is being made. Many thanks Mike
July 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Mike. Now you know I'm not responsible for replacing that carpet . Nice working together with you as a team to improve the swing!
July 23, 2022
Would it be helpful to try this with the lead arm only or having the trail hand just barely touching the club ?
July 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Cullen. Yes. That could certainly be helpful. In Phase 2 I will probably be doing a lot of trail hand let go's, or light trail hand work.
July 23, 2022
What camera are you using for these sessions?
July 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. I am using an older 2019 Samsung S10+ camera phone.
July 23, 2022
Super session. Super inputs. Shirt perfect for the videos-keep wearing it. Suggest shorts so we can see you knee work.
July 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jack. Thanks for the suggestion. May have to buy a few more bright colored shirts. I particularly like the highlighter look as well .
July 23, 2022
What is being pushed into the ground? The heel or the foot? Are you pushing straight down or forward?
July 23, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. I am pushing my lead foot into the ground from the ball of my foot towards the heel.
July 23, 2022

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