Thorbjorn Olesen - Perfect your takeaway

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See 2 key moves that Thorbjorn Olesen uses to build a picture perfect takeaway position every single time.

  • Shift your weight first. 
  • Rotate your body. 
  • Keep arms relaxed. 
  • Keep the trail knee flexed when rotating the body. 

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I noticed this weekend when I hit balls that my shoe is rolling outer edge of my right foot. Just curious what might be causing this? Should I focus more on the right heel? I saw an interview with Xander and he said he focuses on pressure in the left toe of the right foot
December 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Take a look at Anchor to the Ground Video and try to make sure you feel the pressure a little more to the inside of the foot and over the ankle joint.
December 10, 2019
T David
Great video. One question here is... What is happening with left leg and specifically the foot force applied to the ground as we perform the backswing? Is it completely passive? I noticed that as I applied force to right heel on the takeaway, that I'll tend to feel more weight shift to the front part of the right foot as I go to the top.
June 4, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. Your trail foot is helping you stay upright. The balance of the weight is to be centered over the ankle joints. But, all is helping a little for stability. Yes, the lead leg will be primarily passive.
June 4, 2017
Is the hip slide more a dominant force than the actual hip rotation? Do these moves work in combination in the takeaway? Also, should my left hip line not sway at all during the takeaway? Is that what the golf sticks were invented for?
October 14, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You will shift into the trail glute and then the hip will start to rotate. I would say the shift will feel more dominant. The left hip line shouldn't move too much.
October 15, 2015

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