The Body Movement

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The body movement in the golf swing can be mind bogglingly complex or incredibly simple. Which do you prefer?

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I'v always moved laterally (maybe too much) and I always leave the club face open. I think people also call it "sliding." What would help getting the club face to square?
July 2, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Not sliding! The clubface will never want to release if you keep moving laterally. The video coming out next week will help you understand this in detail.
July 2, 2024
listening to Gary Player who i was with yesterday amazingly at wentworth near London and he says Ben Hogan was the GOAT by a mile and he said that Ben rotated body from the top and arms dropped keeping same angle as at the top and then he extended through and that the abs are by far stronger than the arms . Isnt this the opposite to your arms swing early release from top driving the body through . This dichotomy has always confused me and so many teachers either teach body first or arms first and never agree ? be interested to hear your elaborate specific answer please.
June 16, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
No not the opposite at all, the core must engage in a throw or it's a very weak throw. But how they engage is the key and that's what I'm covering in my next video
June 16, 2024
Daniel Ryan
Figuring out that you are supposed to post up more from your heel and not from the ball of my foot was a big breakthrough for me. I never hear golf instructors mention this. I just noticed it from seeing them with the toe of their shoe off the ground.
June 3, 2024
Daniel Ryan
My hands are behind my trail leg when the club is parallel to the ground in the down swing not in front of my trail leg like they should be for GDP. What can I do to get my hands where they should be? Or is this okay if I'm widening correctly?
June 3, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I would need to see what’s happening, but generally this happens either when the arms get too deep in the backswing, and when you combine this with too much upper body rotation in the downswing, the arms never have a chance to get back in front
June 3, 2024
Daniel Ryan
I noticed your hands were behind your leg too in the Wide Glide Wide video. Were you just exaggerating the movement?
June 3, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes exactly
June 3, 2024
You may have answered this somewhere on this site but I can't find it. Do you still setup with your weight over your ankles for Tigers swing or do you start more on the balls of the feet?
May 7, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Balance is balance and that's what you're trying to find is a centered setup that allows you to move freely. Middle of the foot to the center of the ankle is where you will find that.
May 8, 2024
ould you use this method in the sand bunker too//
April 22, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
the overall movement is similar, sure.
April 23, 2024
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!! Thank you!
March 20, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You're very welcome!
March 20, 2024
How would I hit a draw and fade?
March 6, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Earl, try the search feature at the top of the page.
March 7, 2024
Clayton (Certified RST Instructor)
I can't explain how great yet heart broken I was to have such a difficult time feeling comfortable in my last tournament and then experiencing this just now. My weight shift is so much more passive and calm. I was very violent before thinking that I was creating something "Athletic". It was only causing me my hip issues and making me inconsistent. My Dead drill feels much more solid now. Thank you so much Chuck!!
February 28, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, I've been there too thinking I needed to create a ton of ground force, etc. Now it all happens easily and truly automatically. I've shifted to the point that I almost try and limit my lower body movement now because I'm able to get back to the left side naturally without trying once I got my hands working correctly.
February 28, 2024
Clayton (Certified RST Instructor)
Are there ways for certified instructors to get swing reviews from you that aren't as costly as the membership price? Anthony Hopkins does great I'm just curious
February 28, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Clayton unfortunately i have less than zero time available to offer discounts on my time. Just too busy for 20 years now
February 28, 2024
This is a really great way to feel how to swing a club efficiently, and I believe efficiency is at the heart of Tiger's best swings over the years. This way to begin the downswing seems to instantly put the club on plane for me, which has been a very thorny problem for me the last few years. One question: There are people who argue that the lateral shift forward should begin before the top of the backswing, maybe even as early as lead arm parallel in the backswing. You don't seem to do that. Wondering what your thoughts are on timing the start of the forward shift relative to where the arms and club are in the swing. One other thing, do you feel any delay in starting the arm/wrist/hand movement coming down while beginning the shift forward or is it all happening in sync? Thanks!
February 25, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dave, watch the 4 pressure shifts video under GOAT Theory
February 25, 2024
Chuck, great videos! Quick question, at 9:10 (or so), this seems different than your "3 Simple Moves for a Perfect Backswing in Golf" method. I like this thought better as it's less to think about. Am I right to assume you're saying that this can be a substitute for that other video as it pertains to the takeaway?
February 24, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Jason, yes, this can be a simplified version to accomplish the same mechanics through feel without having so many thoughts.
February 25, 2024
Mind blown with the heal to heal weight shift. So simple, thank you.
February 21, 2024
Clayton (Certified RST Instructor)
Isn't it great to finally feel how stable and simple correct lower body movement is?! I wished I could've known this when I was competing regularly in highschool. I was so fixated over the ball and wouldn't really get into my back leg. I was also shorter off the tee than most but that's changing these days with this simple FEEL!!!
February 28, 2024
Commented a lot on here, so sorry for that, but I’ve gone from hitting it off the heel to off the toe for my miss with this swing change. Is there anything specific that would be causing that?
February 13, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You are bouncing around like a pinball lol. I need to see what’s really happening
February 13, 2024
Hey, this is great! The only thing that appears to be giving me an issue is moving back to the ball. What should I feel or do to ensure I get back and don't hit fat shot?
February 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
check out the 4 pressure shifts video under GOAT Theory
February 8, 2024
Hey Chuck, The questions I have are, 1- How does your clubhead speed with the new swing compare with your old swing? 2- How about your consistency? 3- What about ballflight? Do you still hit a baby draw or does the new swing promote more of a fade? Can you work the ball both ways easily? Lastly, I want to say that this is extremely exciting from my 68 year old perspective, as it promotes the possibility of hitting the ball better for a longer time frame than I thought I had left. Thanks for all your efforts to help us amateurs, Mike Belcher
February 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Mike, nothing has really changed for me to in terms of the questions you asked. My driver speed is still around 123 mph and I really don't work the ball anymore unless I have to. The biggest change for me personally would be even less stress on my body than ever before and I focus much more on the feel of my hands for speed and control than before. This gives me a better sense of feel, but these things are very subtle. For most students, the biggest difference is they can immediately produce speed they didn't think possible has been what the comments and in person lessons have shown.
February 8, 2024
Chuck – I have just started to experiment with the GOAT code with positive results. This is the first time that I am able to generate tremendous speed with minimal effort, and it is truly amazing that the basic concept is diametrically opposite from what is taught during traditional gold instruction. You have done an amazing job explaining it! I still have a fair amount of work to do to make sure that my timing/flow is right. I realize that a big part of what you are teaching has to do with “feel” and I am gradually getting the “feeling” you describe. However, I have a few questions about mechanics: 1) Do you shift your weight to your left foot a split second before you throw (cast) the club, or does your weight shift happen as you “follow” the club to the left? 2) I have noticed that I should not turn my shoulders and wait for the club to turn me. If I turn my shoulders too early, I swing over the top and hit the ground. On the other hand, if I wait too long and the cub is too far ahead of me, I miss the ground and top it. Is this a correct observation? In general, I believe it would be extremely helpful (and unique within the Golf world), if you can “revise” the C4 program by using the GOAT code as the new foundation.
February 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi there Tassos. The shift is happening before the throw, watch the 4 pressure shifts video to get a sense for this. Generally, when you hit the ground early, you haven't shifted enough laterally. And yes, if you turn the shoulders early, this will lead to exactly what you said. Lastly, I've been thinking about how to integrate C4 and the GOAT Code and would appreciate your thoughts as to how you would like to see this done
February 8, 2024
Thank you, Chuck! Here is my 2 cents: Many guys here have said that The GOAT Code fits in well with C4 and the Axiom. These are people who have already used your program, so what they’re really saying is that they can build on what they have already learned, and further improve/power their swing by using the GOAT code. The real question though is the following: Knowing what you have uncovered now with the GOAT code, if you were to take someone who has not gone through your program before, would you teach it the same way? I believe the answer is no. What is unique about the GOAT code is that: 1) you can generate more power with less effort, and 2) the body moves automatically without you having to think about it (for an amateur like me, this means having less swing thoughts, and being more relaxed). Several aspects of the GOAT code are also very different from the legacy golf instruction (e.g., focus on using your hands/wrists instead of the using your body, move laterally versus rotating, etc). Therefore, parts of the C4/Axiom content may still be relevant, but parts of it will not be, and that’s OK. As you said, there is more than one way to skin a cat. My advice is to think about the GOAT code de novo, instead of trying to fit it into the existing program/content. For example, I have just started experimenting with it, but I still have a lot of work to do before I can use it consistently. I understand the concept and have seen it work, but my timing and sequence are not always right. Are there any tips (either related to mechanics or feeling) that I can use to get it right? Some of these tips may be similar to what’s mentioned in C4, but some of them may be different. Also, I believe that the overall instruction will be much simpler if you use the GOAT code as the foundation compared to what is currently in C4. I realize that this is work in progress, so I am not sure if you have identified all the tricks yet. I believe you have managed to de-code something unique, and you have the talent to communicate concepts extremely well. You can use it to build a short, simple, and concise course that will be more powerful than anything else out there. I have more thoughts, but I will stop here before this turns into a 3 page essay!!
February 8, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
You and I are 1000% on the same page. I want to put together something based solely on the GOAT code for the exact reasons you mentioned. It is truly just simpler. I am planning to teach my wife to golf using this because it's the only way to get her to hit the ball really well, really fast without putting her through all the brain damage most of us have gone through in one way or another learning to hit a ball with a stick!
February 9, 2024
Thanks Sounds great Chuck! looking forward to seeing more videos. Congrats again for your research, effective communication, and intellectual curiosity to keep improving the program!
February 9, 2024
In the feel of lateral motion to the R and then to to L.- is the Axiom still a part of this?
February 1, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, all the same thing really. The AXIOM is more explicit in terms of where the pressure really goes, The GOAT Code is my interpretation of what it FEELS like to make those movements in the speed in which the swing actually happens and how fast our brain can process the information. The old "feel vs. real" analogy.
February 1, 2024
Music to my ears! Several times in my life I would focus on just lateral movement and I'd hit the ball well for a few rounds. But after a while I would tell myself "this can't be right" "it won't last, I better focus on something else before I ruin my swing". This allows me to focus on and easily shift my weight, which is always my biggest problem. When I played baseball, whether hitting or playing shortstop I never thought about rotating... Ya man! Thanks for your hard work Chuck!
February 1, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome! Yes, I've had experiences like that myself. We "have to turn" right? Well, it appears that things will take care of themselves if we have the right feeling! To quote my favorite philosopher, Alan Watts, "You've got to let get and let it happen, because if you don't you're going to be all clutched up. You're going to be constantly trying to do what can happen healthily only if you don't try. But we have a strange anxiety in us that if we don't interfere it won't happen. Now that's the root of an enormous amount of trouble."
February 1, 2024
Love all your teaching and this latest information is Awesome!! Here is my conundrum...I am a lefthanded golfer but right side dominant. In fact I only have 2 fingers from my left hand on the club with my finger next to the pinkie finger actually sitting on top of my right hand. This has forced me to really pull thru on my swing. I have a very flat backswing and my distance is below average. My question is...what should I focus on with this move and do I need to get that other finger on the club? Thank you for all the help Chuck!!
January 30, 2024
Clayton (Certified RST Instructor)
One thing that helped me get into a better position in the back swing was learning my weight shift while keeping my hips stable with REF training in the backswing. You can check the easy backswing videos in 5 min to the perfect backswing and then keep referring back to the GOAT code videos to get the feel poritons added to the others.
February 28, 2024
And FYI....when I have gone to take lessons in the past coaches tend to not want to change much because I am straight and a 3 handicap. I really think I could be a plus if I can add a little distance. Thoughts?
January 30, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Joe! There are two options really. You work on being able to apply some wrist action with the trail hand or you have to rotate your body to propel the lead arm to move faster. You could also work on lag to have a strong angle to release but this introduces more timing and tends to steepen the AoA unless you create a lot of sidebend or secondary tilt
January 30, 2024
Thank you think I need to get that other finger on the club or is that not important?
January 31, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
What you are describing sounds like an overlap grip which will work fine.
January 31, 2024
Thank you very much!!!
January 31, 2024
Wait... WHAT?!! Chuck, when you change your company from Rotary Swing to Lateral Swing, let me know. I do branding, especially for golf companies. So... I have absolutely had this exact feel in some practice and warmup sessions, and it's unbelievable. The minimum effort with the longest, straightest and highest shots I've ever hit. (Normally instead of striking the match, I shove it half a foot into the ground.) So I can attest to the fact that this feel is an absolute revelation. I'm so glad that you've put this together, because it's the real deal. HOWEVER, I haven't really been able to replicate it consistently on the course, with the exception of a few sublime shots that are forever burned into my memory. I assume the issue is that tension creeps in and the pressure shifts are also way late. So I end up trying to change things technically, which can have mixed results. How do you take this feel to the course? What do we focus on most? I've always been pretty technical, so all of your teaching for the past 10 years has been what I've followed. With this lateral feel-oriented approach, what stays and what goes from Dead Drill, Axiom, etc? Or do we just burn them all and focus on check points in video while working on this feel?
January 30, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
I could use all the branding help I can get! The feel needs to be engrained and that will take everyone a different amount of time. The biggest hurdle for me was "turning off" my body. When I make a mistake and hit a bad shot it's because I tried to power it too much with my body. So, I focus on keeping my body relaxed and just focus on my hands and it translates over immediately. Everyone will be different there. You may have to focus on something different if that's not your "mistake". But in general, I think if you focus just on what I have put here, that's all you need. The mechanics of the AXIOM and DEAD Drill still happen, it's just they happen in response to the throw instead of being the driving force. BTW, is taken? lol!
January 30, 2024
Actually, it is available. Better jump on it... (Unfortunately, is taken.) You had a video a while ago telling us to build up and see how little effort we can put in while maximizing distance. It's shocking just how far, high and straight you can hit it when you stop "efforting" and let the club do its thing. (Definitely a challenge for me to let go.) This new series is definitely poised to exploit that.
January 30, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Haha well rotaryswing will have to do I guess! Been good to me for the past 19 years, whats a few more? Let me know how this translates to the course for you. This will help me understand what future content I need to produce.
January 30, 2024
Oh, one thing I did want to ask about... in the series, you didn't really talk about the squat that Tiger is so famous for. I know that when I had that good feel, I wasn't intentionally squatting, but in general it seems to generate more power and create room. How does it figure in with the feel you're talking about?
January 30, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
It happens so fast that you shouldn’t try and do it. As you load up and become more skilled with the throw alit can happen naturally. Fwiw Nicklaus’ head went up in the backswing and then up further still on the downswing!
January 30, 2024
Way to break down the swing and deliver an absolutely simple approach to what is considered the hardest game in the world! This is PURE GOLD.....PLEASE keep it coming! I can't believe the understanding you have to digest the information of the GOATS swings and then turn around and teach that information in simple terms to us mere amateurs simply trying to improve. MOST AMAZING! Thank you for what you do!!!! YOU'RE A GENIUS!!!!!
January 29, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Wow I dont have words. You guys are makinf me emotional!
January 29, 2024
mind-blowing. Love the simplicity of it all and excited to get to the range.
January 29, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Thank you so much! I am so glad it is being so well received. I was nervous!
January 29, 2024
I am positive everyone needs to see this and will be sharing the information to join your site to everyone. Where are you based Chuck ? 2 reasons 1 my fiancee thinks the view behind you is amazing and 2 I would love a lesson from you and will be visiting American this year from Scotland
January 29, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Very kind thank you! I live near Telluride, CO and that is where I teach from my home.
January 29, 2024

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