Taking a Divot in Front of the Ball

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Taking a proper divot is something that is critical to crisp and consistent iron play, but if you don't know what a proper divot is, it's tough to know when things go wrong. In this video, I give you a drill to teach you how to get your divots in front of the golf ball at impact.

  • The left hand and left-side musculature control most of the conditions at impact - club face, swing plane, shaft lean, etc.
  • Learn proper form by training the left arm independently
  • Once the divot is consistently in front of the ball, practice hitting chip shots with the left arm
  • Review the Impact Alignment and Lag lessons for proper form

Learn how to take a divot in front of the golf ball by training each hand independent of the other using these simple golf swing drills.

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iN second week and trying to learn to hit the ground in front of the ball. When I just swing my left arm loosely it works but once a ball is there I hit really thin or fat. Help!
July 13, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Calvin. Send you swing in for review, or post up on the Community Board. Happy to take a look. Sounds like you are either using the shoulders too much, or the trail hand is taking over too soon. Try the Vijay Release Drill and blend of lead arm only with some mild addition of trail hand.
July 13, 2022
Gary C
If the club looks and feels as though it only lightly brushes the grass/carpet is this an indication of a swing fault or is it possible to have a proper release AND take a divot that is very shallow?
April 22, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Should just lightly be shaving the top of the carpet. Usually a good indication.
April 23, 2021
I'm confused about how to use RST to get ball then turf contact. For me, the bottom of my swing arc, with both hands on the club, is my Sternal notch. RST says ball off lead ear, set up with access tilt, which is increased with secondary access tilt, but when squatting to square, don't your move your head past where it was at setup. Again, the bottom of my swing arc is the center of my head in line with my Sternal notch. If I do not get my Sternal notch at or slightly ahead of the ball, especially with shaft lean, how do I achieve get ball then turf contact?
September 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Garth. The bottom of your swing arc should be your lead shoulder socket. I want you to take a look at a few videos for me a drills to curtail the issue. Moving the Fulcrum, and Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks Videos 2,3,4 of 6. When squatting to square the lead shoulder will stay down and the head will have to move slightly. It sounds like you are getting way ahead of it and not letting the lead arm get pulled into contact. Those videos will not only show you, but help with drills to get over the hump.
September 23, 2019
Hey What video explain the role of the right hand before impact? Thanks
March 29, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronan. Vijay Release Drill (for letting it go) and Right Arm Release in Golf Swing Video.
March 29, 2019
Hi Rotary Swing instructors, you guys are great! As a former and still struggling caster, this left hand training is huge. The biggest confusion I have in which I hope you can answer is related to the rotation of the left wrist throughout the swing. It's very confusing as to what the intention should be and I hope this helps others. Is the left wrist releasing down, under, and out and the rotation takes place as its going under? It looks that way with shorter clubs however, longer clubs contradict that visual and seem to be releasing out and over the left hand and thats what rotates the club over. Anything you can provide to clear this up please? I think alot of this confusion may come from how us casters are used to flipping the club head over the shaft in the takeaway whereas the clubhead weight is now behind the shaft and needs to get back over?? Any comment on this is appreciated as well. Keep up the good work! Thank you!
December 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeremy. Glad you are enjoying the site and content. I want to recommend a few videos to hopefully clear up the issue because I don't want to confuse you if I am reading your notes one way, but seeing the issue a different way. Take a look at Using the Wrists in the Golf Swing and Fix Your Release. Both videos will detail the club and wrist position back and through the release.
December 17, 2018
Is there a particular feel in club feedback when a wedge is properly compressed? With a proper divot, I felt ball, then divot, on my club, distinctively. I could also define the feel as thin, with a little heaviness. Does a properly compressed wedge have a distinct feel to you?
October 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steven. Feel is really subjective. Tough to gauge exactly how it may feel from student too student. For example, my feel is like the ball gets mushy on the face with a little forward lean.
October 28, 2018
In general, should there be any real tension or “awareness” of the arms during the swing, or are they simply along for the ride?
October 21, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. Active, but not tense. You will have some awareness, but the body is directing the motion.
October 22, 2018
Chuck:- in the above video, when you start the one hand drill, you instruct us to grip down on the club to perform the drill. Why is that? The left (leading) hand would normally be right at the butt end of the club anyway. Just curious....
August 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wayne. In the beginning, you don't have much weight shift and body movements to the drill. Mainly to help you start feeling control of the club. This keep the pace a little smoother and not trying to flip the head all over the place. Like most of our drills we always start really small and basic. Then, continue to build into a fuller move.
August 5, 2018
Im able to take a divot and make consistent contact however every shot that i hit is a block or off the hozzle, Im not sure how to fix this. I've been doing the 9 to 3 drill around the greens with a 60 degree wedge and none of those shots come off the hozzle or are blocked. Im not sure what is causing this inconsistency.
July 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyle. Howard is correct on what could be causing your issues. A good video to see the exact problem he is describing would be How to Cure the Shanks in 3 Steps.
July 10, 2018
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Good morning Kyle. It sounds like your swing direction could be excessively to the right of the target, assuming you are a right handed player. Straight blocks are caused when path and face align and point to the right of the target. Contact off the heel/hosel is certainly possible in this scenario as well. I suggest sending in a swing review to be sure and go from there.
July 10, 2018
Hi Chuck, I noticed your ball position is center (midpoint between your feet) but in your ball position videos you recommend under the left ear). Please confirm what the ball position should be. Thanks...Sam.
July 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sam. Off of lead ear/logo of the shirt. The beginning video is a slight camera adjustment. It is a little to the right making it appear a little further back.
July 9, 2018
Our turf is very firm, and I don't really take a divot; just bruise the grass mostly. The bruise is in front of the ball when swinging well. Swing speed is not very high but getting better. I tend to pick the ball with a short bruise rather than extending down the target line like in your video and your typical divot length. Probably not staying down through the ball long enough. How long should a divot be, and what should I do to improve compression.
June 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ken. Your divot shouldn't be very long a pretty shallow. Enough to take a shave off the top. Take a look at How Swing Speed Affects Compression for a drill to help ramp the MPH up.
June 13, 2018
A few questions: Can you give me your thoughts on shallowing the club in the downswing. Watched on of your videos earlier where you indicated that if one does as you specify in the takeaway and at the top of the swing there will be some element of shallowing of the club as you bump the hips to initiate the downswing, however this is not something one should be consciously trying to do. However The Lag Doctor, Clay Ballard who is also a contributor to your site advocates shallowing. Additionally, he also advocates a straight release of the club at impact while you advocate rotating the club face through impact, knuckles down etc. I tried shallowing the club on Friday with some really good results! To be fair I have made significant progress especially in consistancy of ball striking using your system (it's excellent) nevertheless played yesterday and could not replicate Friday's results (shallowing). Felt out of sync! Could have been just a poor round! Nevertheless can you kindly rationalise for me the two seemingly opposing views on your site pertaining to 1) actively shallowing the club in the downswing and 2) the method of release at impact? I know its your site but Clay is on here too! Help - video direction! Thanks OCH
June 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello OC. Clay did work for us in the past. But, has now taken some different approaches than what we prefer here at RST. Proper weight shift, passive shoulders/arms and increasing axis tilt will shallow the club. The twisting of the face to help shallow the path is one of someone trying to manually use the hand path and changing the center mass of the club behind to get the pitch much shallower. While technically it will shallow it is a lot of manual manipulation in a very tight window of time. We prefer do less to get more. If you start adding any shoulder spin, lack of weight and/or being too aggressive it can get out of sync and timing becomes a real issue. I would rather newton do the work for you. Allowing the lead side pull with a passive upper half to simply shallow out the club. You want to let the club release and not actively speed up the hands to try and steer. If you take out the tension and let the club rotate on its own it will square up.
June 4, 2018
Assuming the lag is there - since the swing is all left sided - releasing the lag is still quite weak. Any way to add a bit of right side to accelerate this release of lag? If so how? Or is it just training the left side release muscles especially the forearm or which muscles?
December 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello GC. The lead side will be more your control side. Naturally, it will be a little bit weaker. I rarely have to train someone to start adding speed with the trail hand once added back. However, take a look at How Swing Speed Affects Compression.
December 28, 2017
Believe Rotary swing has mentioned that you get worse before you get better? My experience. Possibly too many swing thoughts. Hitting fat quite a lot. Trying to hit the ball too hard at times I'm sure. Frustrating but I'm in for the long haul and in the middle of the 5 basic steps. This above video, taking a divot in front of the ball is difficult but I'm hoping it will bear fruit! Playing in the wind makes me hurry up with my swing - ruinous! Lag lessons? Apologies but where are these? Best wishes Carey D'Arcy
November 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carey. While changing movement patterns it is tough to implement the new moves with a ball in front. Sometimes you get caught in-between the new and old creating a worse shot. The better you perform the move you will see results. There are a ton of lag videos. It would be tough for me to list them all here. We have one section in the Faults/Fixes Category. But, I would take a look at the Frisbee Drill and Reshaping Your Swing for Lag to start.
November 27, 2017
I wish there was slow motion on every video you produce. Its the most helpful thing ever
November 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Thanks for the reply and notes to relay to the team.
November 23, 2017
I like the slow motion stuff. Hope there will be more.
November 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Charles.
November 23, 2017
Can you comment on the weight shift as I have heard that this would move the sternum forward and bottom out the arc in front of the ball. In my short game, I preset this and it leads to good results.
September 5, 2017
I have heard advice in the past that players should "pull down" on the golf club with their left arm in the down swing. Is this wrong?
June 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Erik. You will be using more of your weight shift and core. However, there will be a little lead arm pull. Take a look at the Frisbee Drill.
June 8, 2017
Very helpful video! I notice in your full swing there is much more leg action, squat to square and straightening left leg. I'm finding some success incorporating more of these moves in the 9-3 swings. This seems to help develop these concepts too. Any reason not to incorporate more lower body action and use of ground in the 9-3 swing?
February 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. You may incorporate that into a 9-3 swing. However, we usually use the swing/drill as a means to train proper positions slowly with less focus on distance and power. Nevertheless, if you are very proficient at the 9-3 you may add a little more legs to get comfortable with lower body usage.
February 19, 2017
I've done the thousand reps on this drill but still have no consistent locations to my divot, swinging only with the lead arm. Most often the club bottoms out between my feet, sometimes it does not touch grass at all. The divots also vary near or far away from my foot line. I'm trying to maintain spine angle....right hand of course sneaks into it sometimes, but it seems there is something fundamental gong wrong.
February 14, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brad. There could be multiple issues. I would try to shallow out your angle of attack and clean up the release first. Take a look at the Angle of Attack Video to understand the steep/shallow and work on releasing better.
February 14, 2017
Unless you let the trail hand come off before impact, won't the addition of that hand negate to some extent the left arm's arc, bringing the low point in the swing back towards the trailing foot? In other words doesn't the location of the divot move back when the right hand is left n the club?
January 17, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brad. Not necessarily. You should still be able to reach the proper bottom of the swing arc with both hands. The only thing it will negate is how much you can extend through the shot.
January 18, 2017
I am still lunging on my irons I have bèen a scooper all my life. I think I have to help ball get in air. Although today I finally compressed a golf ball. What a great feeLing. Will keep practicing the drills.
November 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Glad you got a few good strikes in there. It will come. You have to be patient. Changing old motor patterns (especially the flip) is a tough one to overcome quickly.
January 17, 2017
This is most amazing instruction I have ever experienced. I have been searching for this. I am 73yrs old and 5 handicap. I have never hit a ball like this. My driver and 3 wood are jumping off club. The only reason I tried this was because of my back. What I like about your program you explain it so well. The left arm drill was so effective I am hitting it longer and effortless. I finally found something I can practice and know why I am making mistakes.I would love to meet you and thank you. Thanks again
November 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Thanks for the post. We appreciate the compliments of our site and instruction. If you are ever in the Orlando Area. Let us know. Keep up the good work.
November 22, 2016
It appears to me, in this video, that you have placed the ball farther back in your stance than the logo on your left chest/lead ear. Is that not the case?
September 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. The camera angle is slightly off to the side giving the appearance that the ball has been placed in the back of the stance. Ball position can easily be fooled by the camera.
September 4, 2016
Hi, I have a question about the shape of the divot. I can't tell from the video above, but when I practice at home on my carpet, I notice two things: either my divot starts off squared or slightly closed face. I feel like I should practice getting my divot to start closed, because the face would be squared at first contact of the ball. I was practicing to have the divot start square, but when I hit the range or the course, I would shank it a lot. Am I right or wrong? If the latter, I guess I have other flaws that I need to fix. Thanks, Andrew
July 27, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Andrew, you should see the leading edge of the divot fairly square. We are striking the ground just slightly after impact. If you have the club rotating at a constant rate, there should not be much change in shape from the front to the back of the divot. If you are actively trying to control the shape of the divot, then you are more than likely creating too much tension in the hands and the arms which can produce the results you are seeing. You should be using the divot as some simple feed back is to what path the club was on and what the face was like at impact. Hope that helps.
July 28, 2016
Ok, thanks Chris. I will practice to make the shape of the divot square and continue with the downswing and release drills.
July 28, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem! Sounds like a great plan!!!
July 28, 2016
I have been working on the 9-3 drill and I am able to get into a good impact position with my practice 9-3 swing. But, when I try the same drill with a ball, I cannot repeat the good swing. I seem to lose my lag and produce more of a scooping swing. I expect this is a common struggle with amateurs so I was wondering if you have any suggestions on how to progress from solid practice reps to repeating those reps while hitting the ball. Rob
June 8, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. More often than not you have to exaggerate the new feelings with a ball versus how much you feel in a practice swing. Also, take a look at Perfect Practice Makes Perfect. Chris will have some tips.
June 8, 2016
I am too still working on weight transfer, but when I just swing as I am now, on video I am still coming from the inside. on the range, many of my divots are leftward directed: does that mean I am still over the top? or could that also mean that the ball is positioned too far forward and I am just hitting the ball when my swing arc is closing?
February 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. If on video you are coming from the inside. Then, the ball could be a little forward or shutting the face down through impact. Try maintaing a little more extension. Long Arms Drill Video.
February 13, 2016
Hi i have tried yesterday to get proper divot. Because in my last game with friends i have made a lot of fat shots. I tried to understand what were the reasons this poor shots. Your videos help me a lot and i start practicing to fix fat shots. And it wasn't easy but i succeed at the end. Of course not anytime but i am sure i am on the good way. I tried 2 things first : exagerate my weight transfer, second : try to feel where the shaft is pointing at impact. Last thing was to have the feeling my left arm fall in front of me in the DS. I will keep going in those direction and my impact bag is my friend. Do you think i work in the good way to fix fat uggly shots ?
December 21, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Djamil. It sounds like you are on the proper path. Just make sure since you are having to exaggerate the lead side shift. That you don't slide or sway ahead of NJA.
December 21, 2015
I don't know if i am out of nja, maybe it's not perfect but i am happy to make less fat shots. One thing after another, don't you think ?
December 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Djamil. Yes. Less fat. Then, a little clean up on the positions if necessary.
December 26, 2015
Last days i tried to work on lag and i don't know if i succeed. I was looking if i make divot. It seems i make some divot most of Times just on the ball and few Times after the ball. I would like to know if it's possible to do this without enough lag or if the divot is good does it necessarely means that i hit the ball with good lag. Is it possible to cast the club and make divot after the ball? Evenif i make good divot they are always pointing far left of the Target. I know i still come overthetop...
November 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Djamil. You can cheat with the divot. It is hard to take a divot after the ball without a little lag/shaft lean, but possible. It sounds like the over the top is more the culprit in your swing though.
November 18, 2015
Ok i am focused on weight shift first but i know that i have to fix my overthetop. I succeed weight shift without ball in front of a miror but as soon as i try to hit a ball i fail in weight shift and loose lag...
November 19, 2015
I have a couple questions relating to the overall construct of the RST swing. Is it a one plane swing or a two plane swing? And are we suppose to use are body aggressively through the shot or not? I read the article related to this video "Divots Left Tee Drill" and everything stated in the article sounded contrary to what is taught throughout most of the videos. It talks about using the body very aggressively, turning left very hard (thougth that was a hip spinner) and the hands being very passive through impact whereas in other videos related to the release, there is different instruction. I really love RST and am making some progress and I believe i am getting closer to finally some more consistency in ball striking. It is just I come across a few articles or videos that seem to go from one extreme to the next. If we are, as students, suppose to pick one extreme or the other, I guess that would be a good idea to ask our RST instructor about that? Thanks for your clarification!
July 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Preston. The RST Swing is a one plane swing with elevation or Parallel Shift Plane. You may use the body in the downswing, but it isn't the sole driver of the release through the shot. The article you are referring to was for the RS1 Swing Method. It was the predecessor to the RST. RST is more refined and complete with anatomical absolutes.
July 30, 2015
So, are any of these articles of RS1 still valid like the divot left tee drill. or are they contrary to the teaching of RST. If so, just for the students who read and watch every video, it would be nice if there was a caution or warning that the following article may not follow RST exactly! Thanks for your speedy response!
July 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Preston. There is still some valuable information in the RS1 articles. The main differences is the RS1 is a little more one plane and body driven release. Knowledge is still power . However, we are weeding out conflicting articles. I know it can be confusing.
July 31, 2015
When I am doing the 9 to 3 drills, it seems that I am making contact with the ball first then the ground. Rather than having like a " swoosh" sound, I seemed to just here my club hitting the ball. Is this suppose to be correct ??
July 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sejun. You aren't creating as much speed in the 9 to 3 Swing. Therefore, your only difference is you now hear compression versus the speed of the release.
July 7, 2015
Another factor that has helped me is feel the pressure on the last three fingers on the left hand, especially the little finger and ring finger. Found this really helped to keep the left arm more dominant through the impact area.
June 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. You are correct. Having good control in the last three lead fingers will help with more lead arm dominance.
June 15, 2015
Hi Chuck after my first review, James, my RST instructor advised me on the this drill. What I found helped me in this drill is to think of the whole left arm being controlled from the shoulder joint to the left are and rotating back to the 9 o'clock position with the glove logo facing forward and then rotating forward through to the 3 o'clock position, finishing with the logo facing backwards. Doing this drill in this thought process kept my left wrist firm and slightly bowed at impact position and easy to keep the rotation going through the finish. Great drill and it I feel an immediate benefit.
June 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks James. Keep up the good work and appreciate the follow up post to help our members.
June 15, 2015
States most golfers are right side dominant, but in a couple other videos Chuck talks about average amateur being left side dominant, with left side wanting to pull too fast through swing and spinning out. So, which is it? Erv
June 13, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Erwin. Most players are trail side dominant. Typically, the spin out is still a push from the trail side hip and/or throw with the trail shoulder.
June 13, 2015
Does my pivot aim to the left slightly after a good shot?
June 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The divot will tend to aim just slightly away from the target. Left for a right handed player.
June 4, 2015
Are there any drills for raising the bottom of the swing arch? My right elbow always hurts after playing and my divots are too deep and too long.
May 27, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Seth. You don't want to start raising to make up for the fat shot. From your pain analysis you need to stop throwing the trail arm too soon. You can use the Straighten the Left Leg Video in the Downswing Advanced Section if you feel like you are stuck at impact. However, I would stick with attaining forward shaft lean and less trail arm dominance to rid the problem for good.
May 27, 2015
ok. thanks. can you name a few videos or drills that would help me?
May 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Exaggerated Hands Ahead, Transition Drill, and Vijay Release Drill all in this Section will help with lag retention and proper release.
May 28, 2015
In Chuck's slow motion swing at the end of the video, is it correct to observe that Chuck is beginning to shift his hips to the left just before the backswing is completed. Such a move appears to aid in smoothly transitioning to the left without passing through neutral joint alignment.
May 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Momentum change back towards the target will aid in creating good lag. While other people do it more than others Chucks is just slight as you noticed.
May 19, 2015
Not sure if this question relates exactly to this video, but have been working a lot on lag. I've noticed that my 'shank' rate has increased. Could this due to not getting into the correct impact position quick enough with the hosel leadind the club face? Thanks
April 29, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Lain, Usually when we shank the ball, its because the face is to open at impact. check out the 5 minutes to the perfect release to square up that face easier and also check out the how to cure the shanks in 3 steps to avoid the shanks. Best of luck, Steven
April 29, 2015
I have a question. I usually play on a one fairway in Argentina that has no artificial irrigation. And usually it's a pretty hard, dry surface. It may be that sometimes I stay stuck a little on the impact surface? This may be due to the surface too hard? Or because my angle of attack was too negative? It may be that generate me some pain in the neck? Thank you !!
April 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eduardo. It is possible that you angle of attack is too negative and the leading edge is really trying to dig in the ground (which it can't because the surface is too hard). You want it to shallow out a bit more. If you focus on your release and really swinging the lead arm extending more towards the target. It should help you a little.
April 24, 2015
i've been a flipper of the club forever as my left side never used to clear enough so i threw my hands at it! this drill is fantastic at giving the instant visual and feeling of how the hands should work and my shot dispertion is now better and i have more pentrating shots too. many thanks
March 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey James. Great. Start taking those nice dollar bill divots!
March 18, 2015
I was at the pratice range and started to hit some fat shots, I notice if I didn't shift enough weight to the lead side or stop rotating my left oblique all the way to the follow through I started to hit fat shots. I know this video talks about the lead hand but is there a correlation between weight shift and turning through with the eft oblique with hitting fat shots.
March 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. The weight shift is a huge key to not hitting fat shots. You need to transfer that weight to the lead side. Also, some lead oblique pull helps bring the arms in front and maintain angle. Shift, pull with lead oblique and lead arm maintains the lean.
March 18, 2015
I saw a video which I now can't find that worked on step one of getting into the correct( shaft ahead of ball) impact position. Which are they?" I'd like to start at the beginning.
December 24, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Brad, Here is a great video to help you start to get the hands ahead of the club head at impact. It's an exaggeration drill so that when you do it full speed, you should be right on point. http://www.rotaryswing.com/videos/full-swing-advanced/downswing/exaggerated-lag-hands-ahead-at-impact Let us know if you have any other questions. R.J.
December 25, 2014
why is he choking up when he uses his his left hand only on this drill?
December 3, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Steve, The club is heavier when you're only using one hand. He's trying to make it feel like the normal weight. Also, it makes you focus on staying down on the ball, even though there's no ball there. R.J.
December 4, 2014
Are golf shots more accurate takeing a divot than not takeing a divot
August 17, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Collie. You don't have to take a divot. However, it will help you gage whether you are making a correct descending strike.
August 17, 2014
Isn't the key to getting the divot in front of the ball a function of getting to the left foot at the proper time. I have difficulty exercising the control over my left arm to replicate what Chuck demonstrates with the left arm only. However, I can easily do the right arm only swing and make contact with the ball using the throw the ball drill technique. Is there a good drill using both hands together to optimize hitting down on the ball and taking the proper divot.
July 14, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mark. The weight transfer to the left foot is a key in making a good divot. But, the left arm, lag and forward shaft lean play a vital role on a crisp descending blow. When using the the right arm only you are getting more of shallow flip versus proper left hand release. Take a look at the 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills in this Section. You can build up to both hands, train a good impact position, and get that divot after ball contact.
July 15, 2014
I tend to get plenty of loft on my short irons. Starting at about 6 and down my shots tend to be very low. How to fix?
July 14, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Marty. There could be a few different culprits. Sometimes its the release. Sometimes its not understanding how the lead wrist will affect the shot. Take a look at the Left Hand Release Video in the Downswing Section to a make sure the lead hand is in control. Then learn how to manipulate the loft in the Day : 5 High Trajectory Shots Video (Bonus Series - 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking).
July 14, 2014
This is incredibly helpful
July 12, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Candye. Glad you like the video!
July 12, 2014

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RotarySwing was founded out of frustration with the current state of golf instruction. Quinton knew a better way had to exist to learn this game we all love.

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