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DEAD Drill Step 4 - Add Lead Arm
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Once you can do the movements with the body correctly, it's time to start stacking on the rest of the pieces of the swing. We first start with the control arm of the swing - the lead arm or left arm for right handed golfers.
Once you've mastered the dead drill, just using your body.
It's time to start stacking on the rest of the pieces, the arms and the club and the ball to start making this all in the context of your real swing. But you have to make certain you're doing the body drill without your arms. Perfect first, or there's no point in moving on any further. The reason is is that your arms are going to get moved primarily by
Your body. During the swing, your arms actually move very little.
I have a mantra for the swing and that is a big body turn and a tiny little arm swing. If you do that, then the arms are going to be a piece of cake.
So what we're going to do first, we're going to focus
On face on, and I'm going to show you two different ways to add your arm, your lead arm, back into the swing. That's the sequence we're going to do it. We're going to add the, the lead arm first,
Then the club and then the trail arm. So the easiest way to get started, because it's really important that once you start stacking pieces on you pay close attention to your checkpoints. You can't all of a sudden just now focus on the arm. In fact, the arm isn't really doing anything at all. Anyway. So a hundred percent of your mental effort, everything you're focusing on is the exact same stuff that you were focusing on when you were doing it without your arm, nothing changes. And that's the most important thing to remember. As you start stacking on these pieces, they are secondary to what the body does. The body is the primary fundamental of the swing, how it moves, dictates what the arms and club are going to do. So what we're going to do first is the easiest way is we're going to just go to the top of our swing and just extend our lead arm out and just keep the arm straight.
Don't worry too much about where you put it at this point, the reference videos get into great detail about exactly where to put the arms for. Now. I just want you to go to the top and put your arm up there. Now from here, I want you to focus a hundred percent on the core body movements that you've done to get you to this point, nothing changes. So I'm going to turn back, extend my arm. And now what's my focus squatting to square, keeping my left shoulder lower than my right. Not doing anything with my arms or hands. And now I'm going to finish transferring the weight and posting up. If I do this correctly, my hand will be brought right back down to the front of my thigh. I didn't do anything with my arms as I go back, just extend it up and let my arm get moved.
When you had the club, you're going to see you have more lag than you've ever thought possible in your swing, because lag is a result of moving your body correctly and letting the arms transfer that correct movement to the club. Not the other way around. You'll see that this makes the swing dramatically simpler to get the arms, to get moved by the body. Instead of trying to manipulate the arms and club all over the place. Now, the other thing that you can do once you feel comfortable that you're hitting these checkpoints and the main checkpoint is once you're posted up and you're back into your body checkpoints, we've already discussed in the previous videos. That that is right in front of your thigh. It's not way out here. And your shoulders are still square. Everything stops right here. This is your checkpoint with the arm.
Now, when we go down the line, extend your arm up squat to square post. My hand is right in front of my thigh, my arms, basically more or less my hands, more or less right underneath my shoulder. And this would be a perfect delivery position for my lead arm. As I get comfortable with this. And I make sure that my body checkpoints haven't broken down once I've stacked the arm in there, try and challenge yourself and do it from address. So now just take your address position, rotate back to the top and try to get your arm to swing up to that position that you were just simulating by just straightening your arm at the top. So I'm going to now nothing changes. I'm focusing on turning right hip line. Maintaining my axis. Tilt arm gets swung up to the top by my body squat to square post hand, right in front of the thigh.
Same thing from down the line, I'm just turning back, letting my arm get moved. Squat to square. Post up hand gets brought down right in front of my thigh. That's all you have to do to start stacking the arm back in there. The most important thing where people are going to make the biggest mistake is something changes because now you have this extra distraction and that's normal. So don't get too hard on yourself. If you, all of a sudden, you find now that you've put your arm out in front of your body and you're hanging back on your right side, all of a sudden, that just means you're not ready. Your brain hasn't had enough repetition and enough time to build those pathways that you can
Do this body movement without thinking about it. That's the
Key. And really that's really what you're focusing
On is getting this body movement down. So don't be in a hurry to stack the arms and the club into it. I know you're excited and you're really eager to hit balls, but trust me, it'll work out way faster. If you give yourself enough time to build up the repetitions in your brain of doing it just correctly with just the body first and then having the arms and the club and the right arm.
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