DEAD Drill Step 4 - Add Lead Arm

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Once you can do the movements with the body correctly, it's time to start stacking on the rest of the pieces of the swing. We first start with the control arm of the swing - the lead arm or left arm for right handed golfers.

Once you've mastered the dead drill, just using your body.

It's time to start stacking on the rest of the pieces, the arms and the club and the ball to start making this all in the context of your real swing. But you have to make certain you're doing the body drill without your arms. Perfect first, or there's no point in moving on any further. The reason is is that your arms are going to get moved primarily by

Your body. During the swing, your arms actually move very little.

I have a mantra for the swing and that is a big body turn and a tiny little arm swing. If you do that, then the arms are going to be a piece of cake.

So what we're going to do first, we're going to focus

On face on, and I'm going to show you two different ways to add your arm, your lead arm, back into the swing. That's the sequence we're going to do it. We're going to add the, the lead arm first,

Then the club and then the trail arm. So the easiest way to get started, because it's really important that once you start stacking pieces on you pay close attention to your checkpoints. You can't all of a sudden just now focus on the arm. In fact, the arm isn't really doing anything at all. Anyway. So a hundred percent of your mental effort, everything you're focusing on is the exact same stuff that you were focusing on when you were doing it without your arm, nothing changes. And that's the most important thing to remember. As you start stacking on these pieces, they are secondary to what the body does. The body is the primary fundamental of the swing, how it moves, dictates what the arms and club are going to do. So what we're going to do first is the easiest way is we're going to just go to the top of our swing and just extend our lead arm out and just keep the arm straight.

Don't worry too much about where you put it at this point, the reference videos get into great detail about exactly where to put the arms for. Now. I just want you to go to the top and put your arm up there. Now from here, I want you to focus a hundred percent on the core body movements that you've done to get you to this point, nothing changes. So I'm going to turn back, extend my arm. And now what's my focus squatting to square, keeping my left shoulder lower than my right. Not doing anything with my arms or hands. And now I'm going to finish transferring the weight and posting up. If I do this correctly, my hand will be brought right back down to the front of my thigh. I didn't do anything with my arms as I go back, just extend it up and let my arm get moved.

When you had the club, you're going to see you have more lag than you've ever thought possible in your swing, because lag is a result of moving your body correctly and letting the arms transfer that correct movement to the club. Not the other way around. You'll see that this makes the swing dramatically simpler to get the arms, to get moved by the body. Instead of trying to manipulate the arms and club all over the place. Now, the other thing that you can do once you feel comfortable that you're hitting these checkpoints and the main checkpoint is once you're posted up and you're back into your body checkpoints, we've already discussed in the previous videos. That that is right in front of your thigh. It's not way out here. And your shoulders are still square. Everything stops right here. This is your checkpoint with the arm.

Now, when we go down the line, extend your arm up squat to square post. My hand is right in front of my thigh, my arms, basically more or less my hands, more or less right underneath my shoulder. And this would be a perfect delivery position for my lead arm. As I get comfortable with this. And I make sure that my body checkpoints haven't broken down once I've stacked the arm in there, try and challenge yourself and do it from address. So now just take your address position, rotate back to the top and try to get your arm to swing up to that position that you were just simulating by just straightening your arm at the top. So I'm going to now nothing changes. I'm focusing on turning right hip line. Maintaining my axis. Tilt arm gets swung up to the top by my body squat to square post hand, right in front of the thigh.

Same thing from down the line, I'm just turning back, letting my arm get moved. Squat to square. Post up hand gets brought down right in front of my thigh. That's all you have to do to start stacking the arm back in there. The most important thing where people are going to make the biggest mistake is something changes because now you have this extra distraction and that's normal. So don't get too hard on yourself. If you, all of a sudden, you find now that you've put your arm out in front of your body and you're hanging back on your right side, all of a sudden, that just means you're not ready. Your brain hasn't had enough repetition and enough time to build those pathways that you can

Do this body movement without thinking about it. That's the

Key. And really that's really what you're focusing

On is getting this body movement down. So don't be in a hurry to stack the arms and the club into it. I know you're excited and you're really eager to hit balls, but trust me, it'll work out way faster. If you give yourself enough time to build up the repetitions in your brain of doing it just correctly with just the body first and then having the arms and the club and the right arm.

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Craig. Need some guidance here. We've worked a bit together in the past. I got to the point of adding the club in the DD. I got to where i can do the movements slowly but of course it's golf season and at full speed it all goes to waste. Old movement patterns die hard. I for sure didn't get enough reps in pre-season to make it last I conclude. What the heck do I do now? Keep drilling and hope it creeps in or chill and get at it in the fall? It literally in a full swing looks like I've done nothing at all and my swing looks like it did 10 years ago. I won't go into detail about why I got started late but just want to go forward. I will commit to making the huge changes starting n the fall but need some idea what to do now. My game is hot, par or slightly better on occasion, and cold. 80 or more when i get caught in thinking or trying to play swing on a golf course. Thanks.
May 30, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Bob. Do you have a current swing? I wouldn't make drastic changes during the in-season play, but you may have one or two key focal points to stay on top of that can help the hot/cold dilemma in the meantime. See if you can get me a swing review, or at least community page post. Let's get this sorted out swiftly.
May 31, 2024
Should I record videos of me doing this full pace for a golf swing video review?
July 19, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Thomas. Absolutely. One of the best way to use the review system is to submit drills. Maybe try to do a slower and full paced on video. That way we can see if any differences.
July 19, 2022
do you hit from a lead flexed knee or a straighten leg
July 12, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The lead leg should be straight, but not so exaggerated it's locked out.
July 13, 2022
How much rear hip rotation should there be? And should there be any lateral head movementcaused by the weight shift?
January 25, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. The trail hip will rotate about 45 degrees in the backswing. The head will have to move slightly during weight shift, or you will tend to get into a reverse pivot.
January 25, 2021
Does the body motion actually drive the arms here to the hitting position, or does it just facilitate the arms and enable you to maintain lag?
December 9, 2020
I ask because I feel no pull of the arms—they just kind of show up—and I don’t feel any speed.
December 9, 2020
I’ve tried this with a club, and I find that I get no more clubhead speed than if I just let the club drop due to gravity. What could I be doing wrong? The hands don’t move much from the top of the backswing to the trail thigh position, but that is supposedly what drives the club to enable the release of lag.
December 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Adam. The downswing is a blend of gravity and pull. The speed burst won't come until you start posting and releasing the energy. A good drill to get this feeling is in the How Swing Speed Affects Compression Video.
December 7, 2020
Hi Craig. Thanks for your last review comments. I did upload the the same vid twice grrrr. I have a question to your comments . When backswing complete, you told me to watch out for the rotation of the arm. You showed me a video where you made a backswing and pointed out that the glove should point ? Could you explain that to me?
December 4, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Olav. Take a look at How to Keep the Left Arm Straight. Don't worry about aiming it to a particular spot. Just the fact there is some lead arm internal rotation from the shoulder socket to help set the plane.
December 4, 2020
Martin L
At the completion of the Backswing, should there be have been any extra backward movement in my left shoulder or should my shoulder stay in same position as setup and just be pulled back my right side. I find it hard to not move left shoulder when I add lead arm.
October 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. You aren't trying to add any lead shoulder movement, but the will be some push when it extends. Let you lead side get pulled by the trail, but take a look at Left Shoulder Push Video for some food for thought.
October 21, 2020
Difficult to me to get the hand over the shoulder when looking DTL. Pushing turn bigger gets it there but starting to feel pressure in left arm. Is this lack of flexibility in the arm or somewhere else? If I use the right arm to "assist", not much trouble. Just not adding up for me.
September 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. It is okay to be a little low with lead arm only. As we showed last night the trail will help support and provide the ability to have some higher elevation.
September 30, 2020
When I “do nothing with my left arm”, it moves parallel to the ground when I am at the low point of my squat to square move, but it does not move to the front of my right thigh when I post up if I leave my arms passive. hands only drop about 6 inches below parallel to the ground. what am i doing wrong or do you have to move your hands down intentionally as you are posting up?
September 17, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. It is a blend of pull and gravity. Take a look at the Left Arm Downswing Drill and Frisbee Drill to see how the arm/torso will pull the arms in front.
September 17, 2020
So when do you use the right hand throw the ball drill?
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Take a look at Throw the Ball Drill Part 1 and 2, Right Arm Release and Right Arm Only Downswing Drill. The trail arm will feel more like a passive conduit of power. You must master the lead side first.
September 18, 2020
Hello. I’m finding my arm bends at the top when doing this drill. If I force it to keep straight I feel tension in my left shoulder. It doesn’t bend when I have a club so wondering if the weight of the club normally keeps it straight, without the tension. So should I worry if it’s bent with no club?
August 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rob. The club may help. A slight bend is okay. But, I would check to make sure the lead arm is rotating slightly from the shoulder socket to help. Take a look at How to Keep the Left Arm Straight Video.
August 19, 2020
Hello. My left arm does line up with my right thigh once i post up, but is about 3"-4" from being vertical. Is there anything I need to do or focus on with my arm during the backswing / downswing in order to have my left arm vertical after post up? I've had some shoulder stiffness in the shoulder so that could be it - but just checking what can be done. Thanks, Lee
July 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. From DTL? Is it too far out or in?
July 6, 2020
Does the left arm feel like it’s going straight up (in the backswing) and then straight back down (in the downswing) - almost like a swing pivoting on the left shoulder (for right handed golfers)? It goes without saying that all is is controlled by the body movements. What do the eyes see the left hand doing if we do it all properly?
July 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Johnny. Pretty much happens that way. It will rotate a little bit internally from the shoulder socket (How to Keep Left Arm Straight Video). The feeling will be vertical movement as the body takes care of the horizontal portion.
July 2, 2020
Tyler (Certified RST Instructor)
Could I be taking the “don’t do anything with your arms” too literally? I’m a lower handicap and pretty flexible, I tend to leave my arms behind almost in a stick position when I do the squat move. Especially in real time hitting balls. I don’t believe I am spinning my shoulders. Maybe I am trying too hard to keep my shoulders and arms back as I transitions?
June 9, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Tyler Your arms should be move back in front of you by the squat to square move. If you are keeping them to close to the backswing position you are overdoing it. If not it is more likely you rotate your shoulders to agressiv.
June 10, 2020
Hey All, I've been with RotarySwing for about a year now, and probably watched almost every video multiple times. they're great. the Dead drill series is awesome, as Chuck make some great checkpoints to look for in each of the phases of the swing. One checkpoint I'm wondering about involves secondary axis tilt. As we transition from the top, and start to come down to Post-up, my understanding is naturally some Secondary axis tilt is created. Is there a simple checkpoint we can look at to make sure we're not leaving the top half back to far, and having too much tilt? I know the necktie drill seems to kind of delve into this on the backswing... In this video, it looks like Chucks head is correctly staying back just a bit, but curious if you guys recommend somewhere specific we can reference as a checkpoint. Thanks!
June 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rylan. If your lead shoulder isn't stacked and impact, or the lead hip has pushed through NJA you will see too much tilt. Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain Video.
June 2, 2020
Hi Craig! Question regarding the swing review: Being a non native sometimes make certain terms difficult to grasp perfectly. when you say pushing with the left arm, is it the motion of moving it across/deeper in the backswing and/or is it the feeling of having my left arm help the elevation aswell? should i feel like any and all support of the club in the backswing is performed by the right arm?
May 13, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jens. No problem. It will need to elevate, but you are pushing it across the chest. The trail arm is there for support, but I don't want it pulling the club behind you. Arms work up and trail will help support the weight.
May 13, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Hi Chuck, I have done almost 4000 reps of the DEAD drill. I still keep doing this drill to add more speed. I am not confident enough to add my lead arm yet. I aim to do 7000 reps. I'm afraid I would over do it. Any suggestions?
May 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. If you have 4000 reps and the move is solid without much thought. Challenge yourself with the lead arm.
May 12, 2020
After doing DD step 1 then putting left arm into position, how high should the arm and hand get? I found it a real struggle to raise my arm up to shoulder height.
April 27, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Check you tension, and it's okay it doesn't get crazy high. The trail will help. The goal is over trail shoulder. Just make sure in front of it.
April 28, 2020
GREAT Chuck! (As i always say!)-> 'A question...' Who has the most lag after Sergio Garcia?
April 22, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. Chuck and I don't watch much golf. Tough to say. But, all players have some sort of variance of lag.
April 22, 2020
Ah ha...that makes sooo much sense. That’s got to be what I am doing because I’m pulling down from my left shoulder to keep that shoulder down in transition. It has to be a more relaxed drop from the top after my weight that correct?
April 13, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Deborah. Less tension and let the arms get pulled. Not dive the shoulders, or yank them down. Sounds like you could be on the right track now.
April 13, 2020
Chuck says that when you shift your weight that the club will naturally move on plane. I can do this with a normal practice swing but when I hit a ball my club does not shallow out to the point it is coming down my right elbow line. I’m not over the top but it is above my right elbow line. Is there anything else besides not shifting weight, spinning the shoulders, pushing with the right hand of right side that would cause the club not to shallow out so the shaft of the club is down the right arm line. Anything else I can check? Any other key thoughts to shallow out the club?
April 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Deborah. Those are the primary steepening factors. Are you yanking the arms from the top? You can also get quick with the arms.
April 13, 2020
Awesome video ..I do have a question I'm hitting the ball great with this drill. As of late though I have been hitting the ball to the left. What might I be doing incorrect with the body motion with the dead drill?
March 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Check for shoulder spin and flipping the hands.
March 3, 2020
The arms elevate in the backswing. Chuck says that just the body rotation brings the left arm back in front of the thighs in the downswing. When I do that my arm is away from my body and outside the line Chuck has drawn under his chin unless I actively pull my arm down and close to my body. How do we get the arm to move close to the body in the downswing? A video on the left arm action combined with this move would be helpful. Thanks.
February 25, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. Sounds like you are throwing the arm versus keeping the tension out and letting it react to your body movements. A good video to see this sequence is the Frisbee Drill.
February 25, 2020
Does there need to be some downward move of the arms that isn't passive? It seems centrifugal force pulls my arms away from my body rather than down. Thanks .
March 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. The lead lat does aid in pulling the arms in front. But, you don't need to be yanking, or tugging the get the arms down. Be very passive in the transition with the shoulders and relaxed with the arm if you are experiencing the arms getting thrown away.
March 3, 2020
Hi Craig, I just read this thread after watching the roadshow video where Chuck talks about let the arms move independently of the shoulders (separation) 1:14:00 mark I have found that the more I dont have my arm pinned to my chest / shoulders at the top of the backswing the easier this is to do. Consequently, its hard to "sync" things up but I think that is the whole point. Just wanted to confirm that the arms should start working down while the shoulders remain shut and the post up move is what pulls the shoulders to square? There were some videos that talked about keeping the arms at the top and letting the body pull them down. That fine line is where I think I am confused.
May 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. This is where it becomes player dependent/specific. Some players need the extra nudge due to shoulder tightness and restriction. Very similar to the Stop Hooking the Golf Ball Video. Yes, the hips pull the shoulders to square and this is a good way not to spin/jam yourself in the transition. Albeit this isn't a move for everyone.
May 6, 2020
Hi Craig I have working on the 9to 3 drill and I can keep my left arm straight threw impact (I am right handed) but when I add my right arm I look in the video and my left arm brakes down is that because the right arm is working to much ?
February 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Exactly. Over working the trail arm causes the lead arm to bend.
February 18, 2020
Thank you
February 18, 2020
HI Chuck I notice that when you are shifting your weight and pulling your scapula back and down (backswing), that your head stays still but seems to rotate. Is this what we should be doing, or is that because you are trying to talk and look at the camera as you are narrating the video? Thx, Charlie..
February 11, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Charlie. Chuck's neck is fused. He has to allow for some rotation in his cervical spine. Not a necessary motion to train.
February 12, 2020
Ted I'm working my drills in part by uploading video and checking using tools in self-analysis area. In the past it's been helpful to use split screen to load some of the stock videos by way of comparison and wanting to mirror Chuck's move. I wonder for those of us now working the Dead Drill if it would be helpful to add a slice from the end of each of those new basic Dead Drill clips to that cache of stock videos to help with some of this "side by side" review work using the self-analysis tools.
January 30, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ted. Thanks for the suggestion. I will relay to the team.
January 30, 2020
William (Certified RST Instructor)
I tried to upload a picture but it just keep saying error
January 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Happy to look at an image. Make sure the file size isn't too big.
January 29, 2020
William (Certified RST Instructor)
When adding the arm I can't seem to get it far enough behind my body. Something my left shoulder looks off. I'm having a hard time keeping my left arm on plane with my shoulders
January 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Sometimes the lead arm will be a little lower without aid of the club, or trail arm. But, it's typically too much tension that doesn’t allow the arm to swing up and get over the trail shoulder joint.
January 29, 2020
i posted videos for review as part of the DD Boot-camp. Looking forward to it.
December 16, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andre. Great. Will we try and get you as soon as possible.
December 16, 2019
I would like to know when your coming to post up your left hand should be in front of your right leg but Chuck says your shoulders should be square but there not your shoulders aren’t square if your hand is infringing of your right leg and your posted up what am I missing ?
December 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. They may be a few degrees closed. The main point Chuck is trying to get across is not to have them open because that will mean you have spun them from the top.
December 9, 2019
Thanks Craig
December 9, 2019
I’ve been working on the drill making sure I’m bent hips and also my back is straight but after a short time my lower back hurts am I doing something wrong or what ?
December 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. I would check your axis tilt and these checkpoints listed in this video (How to Fix Golf Back Pain).
December 6, 2019
No matter how many drills I still find it very hard not to allow the arms to take over on the swing when I play. Moving from an arm dominated swing to a body rotation with passive arms is extremely difficult to manage.
December 2, 2019
I can do the drills fairly well, but can't take it to the course. With a club hands go back on the inside, arms lift, etc. How far back do I go, to the beginning, or adding the lead arm? Thanks.
December 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. 100% it is a tough challenge. But, a worth while venture. Are you able to produce the proper drills/swing on the range? If so, you need to forgo whatever happens in your ball flight. Go out with a box of cheap balls and come hell or high water get the move down. The results will come later once you have the correct motion and don't have to be so manual about your process.
December 2, 2019
I can reproduce the drills, but not on the course. Is repeating the drills an ongoing process every day or can you ease off at some point? Do I need to start back at the beginning or start back with adding the lead arm and move on from there?
December 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Yes, the point is the Drill should be your swing so you can start to back down on them once the swing is in tact. Have you filmed an on course swing to see which movement you revert back to?
December 3, 2019
William (Certified RST Instructor)
When i get to the top of my backswing then add my arm, i notice that my left shoulder doesnt have as much room between itself and my chin as it does in chucks swing. It looks more crunched up in there. Any idea as to what may be causing this, or how to ensure that you maintain a little spacing between the shoulder and chin?
November 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Everyone will be a little different based on genetics with the spacing. When you add the arm though try shrugging the shoulder up and then allowing to depress and relax. You may find it is just a tension/excessive protraction issue.
November 25, 2019
I've been challenging myself to do this drill at speed, making sure I still hit the checkpoints, I'm finding that my arm wants to keep swinging (release with speed) and it is hard to stop it at trail thigh. Should I let it release or keep trying to stop it? no club
November 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Initially you want to keep the same checkpoint. Once, you start adding speed it will be hard to stop there. If you check your swing on film when at pace the hands still hit the ideal spot , then it is okay to allow the release to sneak in.
November 25, 2019
Awesome. Exactly what I am noticing, and on film im hitting the checkpoints with the release. Release is also helping weight shift.
November 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Release is helping with weight shift? By the time you start releasing the weight should already be on the lead side.
November 25, 2019
When adding speed and trying to keep my hand stopping at trail leg. I found my weight shift wouldn't complete. Notice this only at speed.
November 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Hmmm. The club shouldn't even be getting close to the trail leg unless there is some weight. Just make sure when adding speed the priority is on moving body, and not the club.
November 25, 2019
William (Certified RST Instructor)
whats up craig in my swing review you mentioned a roadshow video with a good amateur player named tom where they talked about the hands and arms moving straight down and then out to right field. Do you have a link to this, i couldnt find it
November 20, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. It should be in the comments section of your review. Or, go to Instruction Tab --> Free Roadshow Lesson --> Scroll down to Lesson 10. About 35 Min into it.
November 20, 2019
Craig, On the downswing there is no movement independently by the shoulders? They are tied to lower body square to squat and post up moves only? 2)I understand the counter rotation of the right foot, but is there a similar rotation of the left foot tied to or simultaneous to the post up move? 3) I appear to be keeping my shoulders square to target after post up but I find my right heel is raised and right knee kicked out slightly and the feeling of pushing in my right toes to put weight on my left side. do I need to make sure that the right foot only rolls to the left with the left leg more or less fairly straight in order to do this move correctly?
November 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Van. The shoulders in the downswing get pulled into position. You aren't trying to move them into impact. You don't need to focus on a counter movement with the lead foot at post up. Make sure the trail foot is pulled into position by rolling onto the instep. Sounds like you are pushing off the trail foot manually.
November 18, 2019
The new dead drill series is a very useful summary of the rotary swing philosophy. However one feature not explicitly mentioned is elevation. This is something I need to prevent my swing going too deep. Is there a reason why it is not included in the dead drills (or have I missed it?!). Gordon PS for Craig, following your guidance I am still working on drill steps 1-3 and before submitting new videos I need to improve some to avoid being yelled at!
November 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. There will be yelling regardless!! . Elevation is included in the DEAD Drills. Just not specifically mentioned. To reach the checkpoints Chuck refers to you will need to the same elevation you've learned through rotary. Same as 4 Square Drill, Pool Noodle Drill, etc.. You are allowing the weight shift, rotation and lack of tension to help swing the arm up. Momentum is aiding you getting the lead arm/hand over the trail shoulder and not deep.
November 6, 2019
Face on angle for the swing below - line was drawn at address on right side (my left side)
November 1, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Your lower half looks like it didn't quite finish the weight. Trail foot flat, etc. Your head should at least be back to normal address position by this time.
November 2, 2019
Thanks Craig - my head has moved literally toward the target buy my lower body is behind. I need to figure out some good drills to get the lower body to pull my upper half into the hitting area
November 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. Preventing Hip Pain Video and Weight Shift Sweep Drills. Get as close as you can. We can always refine the motion via review if you can get close enough.
November 2, 2019
Craig - I was going to submit another review but noticed I’m still having some issues with head movement. I have maintained my tush line but my head is moving in and forward still - any thoughts on how to fix this piece?
November 1, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. You have to be diving on your own. You must focus on the origin of movement. The weight and legs pull you to this position. You are still trying to use your shoulders too much.
November 2, 2019
Craig, Is kevins arm a little too far out from his body? I just got my video for boot camp in December and noticed a video with limit lines showing the proper arm position directly below the arm socket which I think may be one of my issues as well
November 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Van. Yes, he has the tendency to drive the upper half and arm towards the ball. Great. Can't wait to see you in Camp!
November 12, 2019
Thank you Craig. I have watched that video you suggested. And it is not that I do not know that brute force is not essential it is simply counterintuitive. I got it now though which is FOCUS SOLELY on the body movements and STOP being distracted by what the ARMS AND CLUB are doing. I was practicing the drills and when you do the full swing while making sure you hit every checkpoint. It all makes sense now. CORRECT BODY MOVEMENT =CORRECT SWING
October 4, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Serge. Great. Looking forward to seeing your revamped move!
October 4, 2019
Hi Craig, this is my first time posting a comment so please bear with me. Here is my struggle and I am sure many amateurs can identify with that. There is a lack of belief in my own brain that to hit the ball to far (all relative there is no way moving the club with my body to waist high and then release the club will actually do that. I know it does but it is not counter intuitive. I think this is why most of us either cast the club or are having a tough time with shift because we feel or I feel that without active hands I will not be able to do that. Please help....Don't get me wrong I believe in the DEAD drill, I think this is the only way for me to be a good golfer.
October 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Serge. Whatever you think you should do in golf do the opposite and it will be more likely to be right. Take a look at Arms vs Body Release. All players release the club. And, you're right about that being the most common fault. Players think they need brute force to power the golf ball a long way. But, how come some of the smallest players hit it the furthest? How come nobody on Tour looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger? If it was about how fast you needed to move. Players would be built a lot differently.
October 3, 2019
My swing is improving big time, this Dead drill is awesome. Just 1 question I want to drop about my left (lead) shoulder: My left should starts to tense up once I add my left arm or a club to the backswing. How can I cure this? Thanks for your answer.
September 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Igor. It will be normal at first because you are using your non-dominant side. It will improve with reps. But, monitor tension the best you can. Remember, like in Proper Muscle Activation Video and My Golf Backswing Secrets Video. The rotation and weight will help aid the arm in momentum to get it up there. Taking off some physical stress.
September 27, 2019
Which is more important at first, to keep the lead arm straight or to raise the lead hand to trailing shoulder/ear height? Right now, I am able to keep the arm straight but at this time am only getting the hand to just below the shoulder.
September 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jo. If deleting some tension helps you get the arm up a little higher. I would shoot for the extra bit of leverage. If you body turn only and then add your arm. It should be easier to monitor the tension and get the best of both worlds.
September 25, 2019
Does the release you post up on the lead side...or just after you post up on the lead side. I am having difficulty sequencing this as I am posting...while attempting to have my hand at the trail leg...then releasing and so far I can't get the timing down.
September 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. For drilling purposes you need to shift, post, (hand at trail thigh), and then allow for the club to release. When doing it in fluid motion it will be going so fast that the body sequence will trigger the release and you shouldn't have to think about timing.
September 23, 2019

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