Should You Restrict Your Hip Turn in the Backswing?

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For years, you've been taught to restrict the hips in the backswing. Is that what's best for your swing and your body? Find out how the pros actually move their hips in this Live Lesson.

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I've heard that the hips and shoulders should not move together in the backswing. How do we avoid that? Leting the shoulders turn twice as fast or starting the shoulder turn first?
November 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Asle. You don't want both turning as a 1 piece unit. As you begin rotating with the core/shoulders this will start to naturally pull the hip to allow rotation.
November 22, 2022
what would be the cause to hit behind the ball with irons?
March 22, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Leslie. Take a look at Taking a Divot and Angle of Attack Videos.
March 22, 2021
Gary C
I am curious if everyone should be able to get shoulders to a full 90 degrees of rotation in the backswing. I am struggling with this and I think I am executing the backswing drills properly (weight shift bump, weight over ankle driving into ground, allowing lead leg to get pulled inwards as hips and shoulders turn etc.) I am not sure if I am just unable to make a full 90 degree turn or if there is likely something I am doing improperly. How concerned should I be about this? Is this a flexibility issue?
December 8, 2020
Gary C
I noticed during my practice session today that if I engage/tighten my core and maintain a firm, engaged core throughout both the backswing and transition and post-up that I was both able to reach a full 90 degree shoulder turn and my shoulders stayed on plane (perpendicular to my spine). Shoulders also stayed very relaxed when executing the backswing with my core muscles engaged. Is this the key to the entire swing? Do the core muscles "glue" everything together?
December 8, 2020
Hello , How are you . Hope you are doing well. In this video chuck is saying that you have to push from the left leg in the backswing . (Time 9 minutes in the video ) So, do we need to push from the left leg ??
September 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mohiniskumar. You can push a little to help you start loading. It isn't a requirement. More for the student in the lesson because the his legs were dead/not engaged.
September 10, 2020
Hello Craig. I'm just wondering if I should allow more right hip turn during the backswing. In video and when drilling the clamshell I can see/feel that I lose that tush line during the backswing slightly. I overswing when I keep my head still.
July 25, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mikko. I haven't seen you lock the hips. But, it is important you allow them to rotate in the backswing to achieve full shoulder rotation and maintain tush line.
July 27, 2020
How do you know when it is enough hip turn or too much hip turn?
July 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. You need to have some separation, so you will feel some stretch. If you have full shoulder rotation and some core stretching you will be fine. You usually see the lazy man's turn when the trail knee loses all of its flexion, lack of load in the trail glute, and the backswing doesn't feel like you have any windup.
July 18, 2020
Chuck...this really helps explain the hips in transition, specifically how during the initially phase of the transition the hips are really accelerating quickly as the weight IS shifted...NOT shift the weight—THEN rotate the hips—in 2 moves like I was thinking....your “in-person” instructing videos are still, IMHO, the best golf resource on any website. I pick up important details every time I watch one of these. Keep these coming!
July 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. We will keep them coming. No worries. Glad you are finding them a valuable resource.
July 18, 2020
Love the way Chuck describes the 3 different ways the legs work in the downswing, so spot on! It's becoming clearer and clearer to me now how to approach the downswing...Thanks much again!
July 16, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Thanks. All about those legs!
July 16, 2020

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