Using the Core

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Using a side by side face on view of Tiger Woods with a driver and a recent swing of mine with a driver, you can begin to see the similarities in movement.

  • Watch side-by-side video of Chuck Quinton and Tiger Woods taking similar shots
  • The goal of RST is not to "swing like Tiger," but to learn correct biomechanical movements
  • Tiger uses his body extremely well, so he's a good role model, but there are still individual preferences that may differ
  • Watch for great coil, getting stacked over the left side, sequencing in the downswing
  • Both golfers use a crossover release for maximum speed

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There seems to be a volume problem with this video. Yes, I thought it was my headphones but it's not. The commentary by Chuck is extremely faint.
August 27, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roy. I can hear it fine on my end, but I get the faintness you are referring too. Let me see if tech can do anything to improve.
August 27, 2022
In this video Chuck states that the body moves in opposite direction that the club is going. Does he mean the upper body must stay back or move back to counter balance the club going forward. Also, if my left side is posting up and rotating to the left does my right side move down and out? Thanks
August 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. The upper half will be turning back and away from the target as the arms/club extend towards the target. The trail side shouldn't work out too much, but follow the pull from the lead side. It will seem like it is driving towards the target. But, not move out towards the ball that much.
August 15, 2015
Thanks Craig, that helps a lot. I do have a follow question, looking at the weight shift videos they state if I get your weight on to the lead ankle that will activate the lead glute, then what activates the lead oblique. I tend to start pulling with the lead oblique then I don't pull it all the way ( I seem to check it)then use the shoulders and loose axis tilt. Is there something I can do to make sure the lead glute is fully engaged and turning all the way so I can keep my axis tilt. Thanks
August 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. You have to activate the lead oblique. When you shift and load the lead side. "You" pull the hips open. If you are loosing axis tilt though. That is typical of push though not enough pull away from the target. You can keep the hips square and have proper tilt. You need to practice proper motion from the lead shoulder joint. Level Shoulders Drill and LADD Video.
August 15, 2015
On the downswing, the golfer then must shift the entire load of his body to the left side, correct? Sort of posting to the left side? The arms are second to this motion in the downswing, right? Taking a lot of space in the left side of my body, I see...
May 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Thats more than likely what it will feel like. Technically though it will be lead side weight shift, lead oblique pull for the hips and then lead arm pull.
May 26, 2015
Should I be putting any focus on contracting my abs during the golf swing? Or is it something that should happen naturally? I played around with this on the weekend and found when I intentionally contracted my abs I was able to better hold my spine angle during the golf swing.
July 28, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The abs will be engaged. However, if you focus too much on solely keeping them flexed. It might inhibit the other muscles form doing their job.
July 28, 2014

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