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Increase Lag - Impact Cube Drill
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This awesome drill will teach you to not cast the club and maintain lag into impact.
All right, guys. Hopefully you're enjoying using the Impact Cube. I've given you two killer drills that are gonna help you get into a perfect impact position, and create the perfect path coming from the inside to get rid of that nasty over the top move.
Now let's add a little zip and zing to this thing. Let's add some speed by creating more lag in the swing. Now, using the Impact Bag like this, you've got to be careful. Because you can start whacking the bag pretty hard, because this is gonna be ... You can start doing this drill going full bore. You can with the other drills, as well, but this is one where we're gonna start needing to go more at a normal, full swing in order to create the proper lag and downcock on the way down.
So here's what I want you to do. I want you to put this bag on its side, because I don't want you to get caught up in this strap, and I don't want you to hit the zipper on the bottom. This way, if you do catch it, it's not gonna hurt the bag. It's not gonna hurt you. So then, move the bag about three to three and a half feet away from where you would have the ball positioned. So I'm gonna be set up about three feet away at first. And you can start messing around with this as you get more comfortable.
But at first, give yourself some room. If you're the type of person that starts casting it coming down, you're gonna clip this bag every single time. So what I want you to start doing is moving the bag as you get more comfortable, closer in to where you have to maintain lag late into the downswing without clipping the bag. If you cast it at all, you push to the right side, you're always gonna be clipping the bag before you hit the ball. And that's the other reason I don't want you to have the strap sitting out here, or the zipper, because you can get the club end caught in the strap. That's not gonna feel very good.
So this way, it's just gonna hit the bag, and it's gonna give you auditory feedback. You're gonna feel it, but you're gonna start realizing that as you start shifting to bring the club down, while keep your hands more relaxed, that you'll start naturally clearing the bag. If you start trying to create speed early in the swing by pushing, and throwing, and all this stuff; you're always gonna clip the bag every single time.
As far as the path, the bag needs to be a little bit inside the target line of where the ball is. Because the club should be approaching the ball, of course, from the inside. If you're swinging way out over the top, you might still miss it. So you just need to be mindful of that. Hopefully you did the second drill, where we're coming more from the inside. And now it's just about learning how to maintain lag. The two key components of that I've talked about a ton in the lag videos. It's weight shift, keeping your hands soft and relaxed, and not ripping your shoulders through, not pushing from the right side. Those are lag killers. Pushing with the left thumb, pushing with the right wrist, pushing with the right shoulder. All of those things push the club away from you, which is the opposite of what you want when you want to create lag.
So if you're coming down from the top, relax, shift, my hands are chilled out and relaxed, I'm gonna clear the bag easily, get into an impact position. So with these three drills, you should be able to get into a great impact position, from an inside path, with tons of lag. If you put those three things together, we're gonna make a golfer out of you yet.
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)