Clinic - Lag

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Lag - everyone wants more of it, but what does it do and why do we need it?

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Appears I only can achieve about 115deg. angle between shaft and forearm, when parallel to ground during squat to square move. That is with a flat left wrist. Do I leave wrist flat and remove thumb or cup my wrist? Tired to ask during session 4 of boot camp but webinar link failed.
September 22, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Removing the thumb would be best because I would like for the wrist to remain flat. Technically, you can have a really strong grip and the cupping would increase as well for angle. But, I wouldn't recommend drastic measure unless there was some type of physical ailment. If you want you can post a picture on the forum here. I would be happy to look. And/or remember lag doesn't have to be a drastic change or downcock.
September 22, 2019
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
I have been watching the academy and have watched through video 7 about lag. I have yet to see anything suggesting specific drills (although the lag video mentions 5 minutes to the perfect downswing). Still wishing there was more direction with RSA. Should I just start REST 5-Step again? Everything there is laid out including rep tracker. Or have I just not watched far enough yet? I've gone a week without any drills and am getting frustrated at not knowing what to do..
October 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. The clinic videos are more about core knowledge. My suggestion is the same as Chuck's in your situation. Start over with the 5 Step System and start uploading your drill work. Let us decide what pieces you need to add next and how best to excel forward.
October 30, 2017
Are you going to link drills to these clinics?
October 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. The clinic videos will remain the same, but we will expand the Academy Videos.
October 30, 2017

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