DEAD Drill Step 6 - Add Trail Arm & Ball

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It's graduation day! If you've got your 3 core body movements down pat and the lead arm and club, adding the right arm and ball will be the last thing to do to achieve the golf swing of your dreams!

All right guys, it's graduation day. We're finally going to add the trail arm and the ball into the mix. And we're going to do this in a very specific sequence. So you don't start overtaking everything with the dominant arm that is so common for most

Golfers. So what you want to do first

Is focus on getting your lead arm to do all the work for you in the swing with your body while hitting balls. Now, first is going to be a challenge. So don't try to hit the balls. Hard. All you're going to do is let the ball get collected by the club, because remember your body is what's doing all of the work. So if we go back to our simple move that we did before, can we just do this little release, move clubs coming down, perfectly square on playing on path, but you don't want to go all the way to the top at speed like that just yet, because you've got to get used to that little white demon being in the way I highly recommend. If you're, especially, if you're doing this at home, use little foam balls at first, it helps you get over the mental hurdle of hitting something hard, like the golf ball, while still focusing on checking your checkpoints and your body movement in the club.

So what I'm going to do at first is I'm just going to go to the top, do my transition and post up and stop. And then just let the club release. This is just a little baby check swing. So it's just a matter of making sure that I'm getting everything to release properly throughout the whole swing, as I'm doing that. And I feel comfortable hitting balls like that and hitting just little short, you know, 15, 20 yard shots. I'm going to start making this a little bit bigger, but remember, without the trailing arm on there, there's no point

In swinging really fast or really hard.

We need this arm to help transfer energy from our trunk. So there's no point in going up here and trying to hit balls like this with your lead arm only, it's not going to work out. We need that arm in there for support. So when you're doing this, don't really swing very fast. This has to be about as fast as you'd ever want to go lead arm. Only as you're putting it all together in one motion. [inaudible]

Any harder than that. There's no real point to it. So as we get comfortable with this, and again, even that you don't really need to even hit them that hard. It's not the point of the swing. The point is to get the body movement, to hit the checkpoints and let the club collect the ball on the ball, get in the way. But once we're ready to put all of this stuff together, it's time to add this tricky guy back in. How do we do this at first, at first, you want to do that without a ball. I want you to get comfortable hitting balls. Left-hand only, but again, just little baby shots, no point in going full speed. Once you've gotten comfortable where you can hit and let the ball just get collected by the club and your body movements. What we're going to do next is add the right arm at the top of the swing.

So go to the top, make your body movement. And now you'll notice that you've been doing this drill and the club feels kind of heavy. That's good because that's the right hands job is to help bring this up and support the club. Now, from here, everything else exactly the same squat to square post up my right hand is just there helping support the club. I'm not trying to do anything with it yet. The right arm's job is primarily supporting the left arm. And that's why it's really a good thing to go to the top and bring it on there so that you don't start doing anything with your right arm that messes up your body movements. You've been working on top, bring it up shift and post and release. Now there's many videos on the reference videos that we'll talk about how to get the club to release the five minutes to perfect release video talks about how to get that right arm in there.

So I won't cover that in detail here, but the same movements, all the drills on the release apply to this. So if you want to go to the top and just put your fingers on it, fingertips, because you're a little aggressive and you want to start casting the club. And now all of a sudden you're losing lag. If you go to the top and now halfway down, you look like this. Well, what does that mean? It's all right. Arms stuff. So make certain just like before the checkpoints all look exactly the same, nothing changes. Once you add that right arm on there, you're hitting your hip line. You're neutral joint alignment, your right hip line, going back. All of those things are exactly the same as you start adding, going to hit balls with it. Now, though, that's when we're going to start making sure that we're hitting that release point where my shoulders are staying square.

And it's just my arms releasing through the hitting area. As I do this, the right arm is mostly along for the ride. Your right arm is going to do way more than you think, because it's just been trained to do so. So you're going to feel that it doesn't do much at all. As long as you're swinging freely using your body movement, hitting your checkpoints, you'll be shocked at how far you hit the ball. When you feel like your right arm, didn't do anything at all. As you go to add the right arm into it. It's a really good idea to work through some of those release drill videos where you're letting the right hand come off. So let's put this all together and I'll actually start with my right hand on the club at address and go all the way to the top.

So there I let my right hand come off. The club released, pulled my body around to a follow-through hit a great shot. Didn't need my right arm on there. As you get comfortable with this, you're going to start keeping that right arm on there longer and longer and longer. So still taking a light grip with my right hand at address. As I go to the top, I'm just focusing on my body movements there. I let the right hand stay on all the way to the full fall through, but it was barely on. It was a little bit loose and that's a good thing. That's helping me feel the club naturally release without me interfering with it. I'm not trying to push it through. If you find all of a sudden that you start taking deep divots, which you haven't been doing, if you've been using your left arm only properly, you're being way too aggressive with the right hand. So slowly introduce the right hand, go to the top, put it on their fingertips. Only come down, check points and release. Let the hand come off. That's the fastest way to start reintroducing this. Once you get to the point that you can keep that right hand on there very lightly throughout the whole swing, the golf swing of your dreams

Is yours. All you need to do is keep making

Sure you check your body checkpoints and that nothing changes throughout the whole swing. Once you add the club and the right arm on there, and everything is going to fall into place for you,

And you're going to have the swing that you've always been dreaming of.

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I am a bit confused regarding the right arm. I just watched Dead Drill Step 6 and the right arm is very light on the club. Does it still "pull" the club back? Ala Push verses Pull.
May 20, 2024
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Yes, they both work together with the body rotation in a lead side pattern.
May 21, 2024
Hi there, Firstly, I'd like to say that since I started the program, my scoring is improving dramatically and I am back using the driver again after leaving it in the bag for 1 year. Still a work in progress but on the right track. I can't thank you enough and now I actually understand the mechanics of the golf swing. One area that I am a little confused on is the 'Lag versus throwing the club from the top' - in the dead drill 'add the trail arm' video.... Chuck discusses maintaining at least a 90 degree angle when the lead arm returns to parallel on the downswing. I have also been watching the latest videos on the benefits of throwing the club from the top and if I am understanding it correctly, it has to happen from the top or else it will be too late at impact .... my confusion is that this appears to contradict the maintaining 90 degree angle of lag on the downswing when lead arm is parallel ... could you advise? Thanks Stephen
April 20, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. It's not contradictory but more in how you shape the swing. The above (DEAD) is a lead side based release movement pattern. The GOAT will be more trail side based. As Chuck talked about in the latest video there are 3 patterns one can choose from. I use the above LEAD side and Chuck has switch to TRAIL side. The choice is up to which suits you best. If you want to throw the body movements of DEAD are perfectly fine, but you will need to change how you release and use the trail arm.
April 22, 2024
April 22, 2024
Can you please direct me to the specific videos with release drills that he is referencing in this video? Thank you!
February 25, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Vijay Release Drill and 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release are the main ones.
February 27, 2023
February 27, 2023
Gary C
I am finding that I tend to have more consistency and control when I keep my backswing shorter and focus more on really getting good leverage when I post up. Recently I experimented with my stance being a bit wider than I’ve had it according to the RST fundamentals and I notice that it both restricts my backswing rotation just enough that I don’t over do it (my right hip still gets deep and ride side loads) and the slightly wider stance seems to give me a bit more leverage on my lead side as I initiate the downswing and post up. I know this is deviating from the RST basics a bit but the club is now traveling on a straight path through impact consistently and I feel like I can control the power in the swing by focusing on the lead glute/hip much better. Curious your thoughts and if this could be a dangerous or negative thing.
May 18, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The leverage should be there regardless of the stance width when posting properly. It will help restrict a little bit of the backswing motion. But, may fear is that you will start posting in the downswing without the weight being fully planted.
May 18, 2021
Gary C
Do you mean I would post before weight was fully transferred to the lead leg? My right foot was rolled in the same as with the narrower stance and I didn’t feel like my weight wasn’t fully transferred but what should I look for there. This idea was mostly based in trying to eliminate variables in the backswing and it ended up feeling and looking more consistent and seemed to help... Definitely don’t want to create unnecessary problems though.
May 18, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Yes. But, you can check this on camera. Just make sure at impact you are stacked. Hip Joint/Knee/Ankle. Take a look at Golf Impact Position Face On Video.
May 18, 2021
First: Axiom has been transformative -- just getting the clockwise feel on my trail foot has made a huge difference on all my clubs ... except for my driver. When I try just to concentrate on feel (rather than going through my Dead Drill progression), I am popping up the tee shot more often than not. Is there another step, so to speak, with Axiom for tee shots?
May 17, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. There isn't a next step required. But, it sounds like you may be a little steep or casty with the wood. Make sure you are getting the shallow/sweeping blow through the strike.
May 17, 2021
Gary C
Not sure exactly where to post this question so I’ll post here. After watching the “Left vs Right” video from the AXIOM series and doing as Chuck suggests I notice that I, surprisingly (to myself) having never been involved in any throwing sorts, felt WAY more comfortable with the trail side dominant swing. Now I am curious if this realization changes anything related to the DEAD Drill series I have been working through for the past 15 months. The DEAD drill videos seem to approach things from a very lead side dominant perspective. IF the realization that trail side dominance feels more natural to me changes my mental or practical approach to the swing as learned through the DEAD Drill videos, how does it change? Chuck mentions in the “Left vs Right” video that with a trail side dominant swing the right hand grip is firmer with the left hand being a bit more passive and also that interlocking grip may help hands work together better and not allow one to overtake the other. Curious if all this is more mental or if there is something conscious to be aware of here as I practice. I am currently feeling good with my progress through the DEAD Drill stuff and very close to getting back to the range to hit balls again. Don’t want anything to mess that progress up but also don’t want to end up swimming upstream either. Thanks.
April 12, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The components of the DEAD Drill will stay the same. Only the release changes. You will allow the trail hand to glide into impact and allow the chest to open more, but that's about it. So, if you are on this video above (DEAD 6). You need to start contemplating which side you want to release the club with.
April 13, 2021
Gary C
When I tried the one armed swing that Chuck suggested in the left vs right video i definitey felt much more comfortable with the right arm alone. I also feel like my backswing feels easier when I think of the right arm pulling the club up to the top versus the left arm moving the club up with the right hand being more passive. I also have always felt more comfortable with a more compact backswing, even as I have worked through the Dead Drill stuff once I started adding the arms and club. I feel off balance or almost prone to getting stuck in the backswing if I focus on my arms being long and extended and out away from my body with a bigger body turn. When I let my arms stay closer to my body (at least that feeling) the entire backswing feels more natural and easier. I still get loaded into my right side with a deep right hip but it all feels more compact and closer to my body and it feels easier that way. Does all that indicate to you that a trail side release might fit better? The lead side release makes sense to me but I’m not sure how everything else from the takeaway and backswing blends with that if I am feeling better with right side thoughts on the takeaway and backswing. I don’t want to try to do half of one school of thought and half the other if they will make things harder. That all being said, I haven’t found DD6 to be uncomfortable or awkward and it definitely seems to be very lead side dominate... I want to go back through the 5 Minutes To The Perfect Release drills again and both double check that I can do that correctly as well as understand the feel but also maybe experiment with how a trail side release would differ and try to discover what feels more natural or easy for me. I am not a fast or aggressive swinger but with a more compact backswing and a slower swing tempo being more my style or comfort zone I wonder if I might need or benefit from the added speed that the right hand may provide. I also would rather have a little less distance and consistent contact and shot shape with more accuracy. Lead side release seems to lend itself to that easier but with practice both would likely become comfortable. What videos would you recommend for diving deeper into a trail side release? What are your thoughts on which might suit better based on that explanation?
April 13, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Trail side might be more comfortable to you based on the notes. Tape Drill is the only one right now I have. Further information will be released. However, lead side will be more the effortless swinging type. If by nature you like to have more control and force over execution. Trail may be the way to go.
April 13, 2021
is there a video showing the left ankle and foot after a full shot. i have an artificial left ankle ( + both knees and hips ) I am starting to hit very well and much further . Timing and weight shift are correct. I am now finishing as Speith did in his recent win at Valero. I am balanced with about 95 % on the outside of my left foot ( inversion ) . Is there a way to rotate the left foot to avoid this. i believe the bone metal interface is being. stressed excessively. I do not want to lose the gains I have made with early and complete weight shift.
April 5, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ian. I don't think I have a clip specifically of the foot. You do want to shy away from excessive outside foot rollover. You may ne to add some splay to make it easier for the hip to rotate. Take a look at Should You Splay Your Feet Video.
April 5, 2021
Hi Craig, Long time no communicate. I just posted for a review. Some pre-season fine tuning. I just went through the whole Dead Drill 6 sessions. A lot of good stuff going on. I seem to release a bit early.
March 29, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Andre. Great. I will take a look at the review to start setting up a game plan and figure out why that release is so early.
March 29, 2021
Great! Looking forward to it Thank you
March 30, 2021
Craig, I re-submitted a review doing DD Session 6 video drills relevant to your suggestions. The issue seemed to be when I transition to a full swing w/ ball. Your suggestion of the Chair/Clam drill provided instant results with a full swing and golf ball. Encouraging! (PS: In my comments I meant to say that I hyper extended my lead elbow dong drills where I release my trail hand at impact. )
April 1, 2021
Hi Craig. Thanks for the review. I have two questions. The first relates to the half swing video. Were my hands in the right place at impact and is this what I should be aiming for with a full swing? Secondly, what did you mean by "you're quitting on it" when you looked at my full swing. What was it you saw that indicated that to you and what do you think it is I'm doing or not doing? Thanks, Neil.
March 23, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Neil. Yes. Around the lead pleat with just a tad bit of lean. Looked really solid. Quitting on keeping the lead arm going. Remember the club squares itself. The shorter swing you don't have time to worry about squaring the club. You just keep pulling until you post and it has no choice. The longer swing it is like you get gun shy and start trying to square the club up due to fear it would stay open.
March 23, 2021
Hi, I've been throught all the courses. With my irons, the release is quite obvious and my club head speed realy increase. But when I use my driver or a fairway wood, I lose a lot of speed compare with my previous swing. It feels like the club head is lighter than an iron, so the release did not increase speed club very much. Is there any swing adjusment that I need to do between irons and woods? THanks
March 10, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hugues. No independent adjustment needed. However, I would suggest taking a look at Iron Swing vs Driver Swing, Proper Tee Height and Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball Videos to help.
March 11, 2021
Thanks Craig. I couldn't find the Iron Swing vs Driver Swing and the Proper tee height videos.
March 12, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
If you type Iron vs. Driver Swing. Or, even just "iron" it should populate in search box.
March 12, 2021
Gary C
As I continue to drill this step in a chunked way, similar to the beginning stages of DD5, with both hands on the club I execute everything correctly to the post up with hands in front of my thigh and club slightly above parallel to the ground. From here I have been trying to start feeling the release a bit by just going to impact (not through impact) and stopping. My goal is to have the club face square at this point but sometimes I find that it seems slightly shut. I am focusing a lot on keeping light grip pressure and soft hands and I notice this helps everything work better but I am still concerned about the fact that I can execute everything to post up correctly with the club but then the club face doesn’t seem to end up square. I drilled the grip stuff a while back so I know I am doing that as described. Is this simply because I am not letting the club travel naturally where it wants to go (given my body movement is correct, which I believe it is based on my feedback in the mirror and the drills I’ve done)? Am I trying to control the club through impact too much and staying lighter and more relaxed will allow the club to follow my body or is this indicative of another problem? I also wonder if this may be a result of the fact that I am pausing at post up before releasing the club. Maybe I am not quite comfortable with the actual release yet. What may be causing this and what would be a suggestion to address it. It may be worth noting that I used to swing over the top and have a natural fade or a deadly slice and I’ve found through my drills as I add the club that I have a natural tendency not to rotate my hips quickly enough and have focused on making a smaller radius turn so my hips rotate quicker but if the club face is delivered closed I am concerned that I am getting stuck behind. I appreciate your suggestions.
March 2, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Sounds two fold. 1) maybe your release is incorrect. The motion isn't comfortable , or moving through the checkpoints correctly. 2) the golf swing won't have a chunk or stop. It is dynamic and moving. All momentum won't come to a halt like the chunked version. So, moving fluidly through the release with the deceleration of the body the club won't square up too soon and end up closed. Like hitting a hook. Turn off the upper half too soon and the club will square up too early.
March 3, 2021
Gary C
That helps. Would it be correct to not worry about this too much right now as I finish working through DD6 as I will be drilling the release specifically with the 9-3 drill as I begin to take my new swing to the range and start hitting balls again? I plan to drill 9-3 at home in front of the mirror before taking it to the range too. Sounds like this may work itself in that drill. Also, is it acceptable for my right elbow to make contact with my right side at the completion of the post-up, when the club is parallel with my target line. Mine touches lightly but I don’t feel like I am stuck behind my body and my checkpoints look correct on the body movements. I remember hearing something about arms getting reconnected to the body in the downswing. Not sure how literal that is but the light contact is consistent for me and all checkpoint look correct in the mirror.
March 3, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. I wouldn't worry much about it until you start training the release phase. I like the release training and 9 to 3 before entering the range. The trail arm will graze the front of the abs/rib cage. No problem there. The arms get more in sync with the body once you lose the added elevation. So, you will notice the grazing now into the trail thigh.
March 3, 2021
Gary C
By added elevation are you referring to the club being above parallel to the ground at post-up? I imagine the weight of the club head when the entire sequence is happening without a pause at post-up my result in the shaft and hands lowering a bit more than in the drills. Just want to make sure I understand everything correctly. Also, is there another drill you recommend for the release in addition to 9-3?
March 3, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The majority of elevation happens from the takeaway to the top. So, by the time you transition and the arms shallow you should be pretty connected. The spine angle will actually increase a little and the length of the club/centrifugal force/full release will aid in the bottoming out. Lots of factors. 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release, Fix Your Release, and Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 weeks 2 of 6 Videos.
March 3, 2021
Gary C
My question is concerning tempo. I am curious what recommendations, if any, RST states with regard to how quickly the entire swing should go once mastered. I assume this must be different for everyone and more a matter of finding a speed or tempo that work for each person. Would the goal be to swing as quickly as possible while still executing all aspects of the sequence properly? I notice most pros seem to swing really fast but I wonder if it that is necessary, at least for an amateur, in the RST system. In the opening to each video it shows chuck swinging and his swing looks very fluid and controlled but not overly fast. Would this be the goal? Are there benefits to trying to achieve a faster swing tempo or since the RST method trains us to use our body correctly to create power would it be less necessary to try to swing faster and actually better to swing at a slower tempo so things are more controlled?
February 3, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The swing will have to have some pace to generate good speed and most amateur's actually swing a little too slow taking it back. The goal/ratio is about 3:1 backswing to downswing. But, we are studying lots of numbers on the back end to give more concrete statistical data. Nevertheless, it is less necessary to be race car fast going back because you only get one speed burst in the swing.
February 4, 2021
Hi Craig. Thanks for doing my review yesterday. Unfortunately I decided it wasn't worth wasting your time on and deleted it but you must have been doing it at around the same time so I can see the the usual image and recommended videos and but I get ERROR: Review Not Available! when I try and see the review itself. I have viewed the recommended videos and they were really helpful so I will work on those today and post the reps for a review. Thanks, Neil.
February 2, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Neil. I emailed you a copy of the review.
February 2, 2021
Hi Craig. Can I please check what you want me to rep/video for my next review. Do you want me to chunk with both hands on the club pausing at top of backswing, with hands at trail thigh and then post up/finish? I can also do a left hand only version if that helps. Please let me know. Thanks, Neil.
January 26, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Neil. Don't have to pause at the top. The main one is with both hands at SQ to SQ and post up/hands trail thigh, then release. I pretty confident you can do the 1 armed version. Let's see both hands.
January 26, 2021
Gary C
I am curious about a couple of things with the hands/arms and club at the top of the backswing. Does the left wrist cock naturally during the backswing if done properly and does the club follow along and end up at the proper angle without any conscious effort or manipulation? Also, I notice that when I use a lighter grip pressure the club seems to on a much more shallow plane at the top of the backswing and it does seem that my wrist cocks naturally. Curious if all this occurs naturally if done properly and if a good focus point is just keeping the grip pressure light and the left arm straight and focusing on making sure body movement is correct.
January 19, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The lead wrist should cock naturally with the weight of the club. Take a look at Wrist Cock vs Wrist Hinge. Some players we do have to train some setting, but most will allow for the natural reaction. Good body, not an overly tight grip, and lead arm straight should create lots of good. Also, check out the Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing Video.
January 20, 2021
Hi Craig. Regarding my review and my left hand being loose on the club at the top. I think it is just because I' so focussed on relaxing my arm so I don't pull. I've noticed it before so I'll do as you say and focus on the top three fingers when I'm practicing tomorrow. Neil
January 19, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Neil. Understand to help with pull/yank. But, if those fingers aren't in control something else will have to jump in to aid getting the club back down and in front of the body.
January 19, 2021
Hi Craig, For my checkpoint at club parallel, the handle seems far from me. The left arm does not hang down freely, more like I've spun out with my right shoulder. I can get it in correct position by straightening my right elbow though. The right forearm at club parallel is perpendicular to my body and parallel to the floor. Any thoughts?
January 11, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Al. You don't want the trail completely straight by then. Could you post the image here? Or, you need to delete a lot of tension. Take a look at Proper Muscle Activation. You may be driving the shoulders and not letting the arms drop to help achieve the trail thigh location.
January 12, 2021
Yeah, it could be the tension. My trail arm structure does not change from the top of the back swing to club parallel. Relieving all tension leads to me disconnecting my upper and lower body so much that I end up just hip spinning, a huge fault of mine.
January 12, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Al. Also, take a look at Rotary Golf Downswing Overview. Seeing it more in chunks may help.
January 12, 2021
Hey guys, did you get rid of the self analysis tool? I can't seem to find it on the site menus anymore. Thanks!
January 4, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. We had to remove due to flash being disabled/unsupported across all platforms. We are currently working with Swing Catalyst for a replacement. It will return. Apologize for the delay.
January 4, 2021
Ahh, gotcha. Ok, no worries. Look forward to the new format. I also liked to use it just to watch Chuck do the swing with driver and with an iron in super slo mo. Maybe you guys can get a sample of that up somewhere else in the meantime? Thanks!
January 4, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. I will see what we can do.
January 4, 2021
Nice. Thanks!
January 4, 2021
Kyaw Thet
Hi Craig, Thanks for your review. Just wanted to confirm your comments; I just need to work on the backswing part, right, my downswing sequence and shallowing the club was OK?
December 31, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. Yes. The backswing is what needs attention. Arms, etc. coming down pretty good.
December 31, 2020
With the left arm only I can’t make solid contact with the ball, also with a 9 - 3 swing. Mostly I top the ball, it just rolls a few yards over the ground. What can I do to improve?
December 30, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stefan. Take a look at Moving the Fulcrum and Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks 2 of 6. Sounds like you need to allow the club to swing freer and more stable socket.
December 30, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Hi Craig, Question about trail arm again, is that OK to think about right elbow tucked in the downswing when adding trail arm to shallow the club? I have not heard Chuck talking about right elbow tucked in the downswing.
December 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. The trail elbow does need to stay close to the lead and not too much separation (think rotary connect). But, don't try to force the trail elbow to shallow the plane by jamming it into your side.
December 30, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Hi Craig, When I go to play in the course, should I use 3 wood or driver for tee off? How should I progress in the course? Haven't played in the course for 8 months.
December 16, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. Either will be fine. Most players feel comfortable using the 3WD starting out, but not a requirement. Progress swing wise, or taking it outside? Chuck talks a little about it in the Should You Play While Learning a New Swing Video.
December 16, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Hi Craig, Today I went to the practice range to hit real balls, I started with lead arm only 9 to 3 and then gradually stacking pieces. I just focus on my lower body movement, not thinking about other things. I was shocked to realize how effortless it was to hit with adding trail arm finger tips. I could swing pretty well with 5 iron to PW, but struggled a bit with 4 iron. They distances were not that huge but the directions were pretty straight. Do I need to worry about more distance yet? I'm glad that I joined RST.
December 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. Awesome. Don't worry about the distance until the mechanics are polished. It will get better and better once you don't have to think about the move as much. That's the point. Effortless power ahead!
December 2, 2020
Hi Craig - when I do left arm only backswings and add the right arm at the top I’m perfect but am running into issues with the left arm pushing across the chest when I have both arms. How can I have a left arm only backswing feel but still pull back with the right shoulder blade? The balance of left arm only and pulling from the right seem to conflict mentally for me - assume I need to just ignore all arm thoughts and turn my chest / body to nail this
October 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kevin. When you do lead arm only you probably feel it more in the trunk. Try doing lead arm with just trail fingers tips and rotating the core. Not just the trail shoulder.
October 19, 2020
Hi, I understand and do well without the club in hand. However, as soon as I pick up the club I have difficulty watching the club onto the back of the ball. That split second of looking up before the strike causes me lots of inconsistency! What do you suggest please? Alan
September 17, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. Work on smaller drills like the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release. Tackle the head lift at a pace you can start to conquer the motion.
September 17, 2020
Many thank, Craig. I’ll certainly give that a go. Is this release exactly the same with the driver? Alan
September 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. The release will stay the same. Just some setup differences for the driver.
September 18, 2020
This passive right arm is very different to the right arm throw lesson. I assume the latter is to fix a particular swing fault. Once fixed, does one stop “firing” the throw ?
September 5, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. That vast majority of players are trail side dominant and need to master the lead side control first. Once the leas side is mastered you can start tinkering with how the trail arm through works/adds power.
September 7, 2020
Guys, looking for some advice. I have recently had surgery on my right arm and am right arm dominant. Unfortunately, due to the amount of cartilage lost, the surgeon said I can never use my right arm in a golf swing again. I am now committed to learning the RST with my left arm only. I was a pretty useful golfer and athlete before and am optimistic that enough practice, I can get back down to single digits, one armed. In your opinion, am I better using my left hand as my lead arm only in the RST or switching sides and using my left arm as my trail arm and playing with left handed clubs. My initial thoughts would be, using the left arm as my lead arm will result in more accuracy but far less power, while using the left arm as the trail arm will result in more power but far less control. Ultimately, I don't care how long it takes me to learn a one armed swing, I just want to use my left arm in a way that best compliments the RST swing?
September 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Conor. Sorry to hear about your trail arm. If you haven't played, or performed any type of hitting and throwing motion with the opposite side of your body. I would stick with left arm being lead. Even though your trail will be the power side. We can work on maximizing leverage and squeezing out as much power as possible. But, the beauty in hitting it a little shorter and every fairway being hit is a good trade off.
September 2, 2020
How many current PGA pros on the circuit use RST?
August 25, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. Most all great ball strikers have components of RST in their swing. There isn't 1 perfect model to chase.
August 25, 2020
Craig as usual you were spot on, thanks for the help.
August 23, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Happy to help. Thanks.
August 23, 2020
Guys, I can say with all honesty that my scores are on average around 10 strokes better than this time last year and it's because of RST principles! I've strayed away a couple of times and always came back bc this is where the real results are. Just can't say enough good things about RST...My accuracy and consistency has shot through the roof! The only down side is my distance with the driver hasn't caught up yet. I'm assuming that's just like Chuck's comments about not going full speed or expecting full speed right away. If you had one piece of advice for me to start focusing more on the distance part of it - what would it be? Any particular set of drills? Patience maybe ; )?
August 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Many thanks for the compliments. Patience as the driver is a specialty club and requires a little more time to get comfortable with. I would make sure you aren't trying to do anything different. Iron Swing vs Driver Swing Video.
August 21, 2020
Hello, during boot camp one of the checkpoints at the top of the back swing is you can barely see the right elbow (for right handed golfer) at the top. I can see the entire elbow and then some. How do i correct?
August 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. I would check your shoulder plane and arm depth. Golf Backswing Shoulder Plane Drill and 3 Functions of the Right Arm Videos.
August 18, 2020
Hi, I have trouble getting my hands high above my right shoulder in the backswing. My arms want to follow my shoulder plane giving low hands and a flat swing. What can you suggest please? Thank you Alan
August 7, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alan. Pool Noodle Drill and 4 Square Drill. Also, take a look at Proper Muscle Activation.
August 7, 2020
Hi, is there any right amount of left elbow bend/feathering at the top of the backswing?
July 13, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. You can have a little bit of a soft lead elbow. But, you don't want a lot of flexion or crazy tension to lock it out. I would check to make sure you aren't bending the trail elbow too much/allowing proper rotation of the lead arm from the shoulder socket. Take a look at How to Keep the Left Arm Straight Video.
July 13, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Hi Craig, Thank you for your comments on my last video. Does keeping the rear shoulder back help shallow the club in the downswing?
July 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. Absolutely.
July 6, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Thanks again Craig for clarifying that. When I focus on keeping the rear shoulder back, I can consistently shallow the club in the downswing.
July 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. Shifting weight while keeping back to the target. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
July 6, 2020
Guys, lately I’ve added additional firmness to the forearms at address (as if I were using the Connect) so I don’t have to apply it at end of backswing, potentially throwing something else off. Either coincidentally or not, I’ve also picked up a little hook that I can’t seem to figure out. I’m thinking they’re related but not sure. Thoughts?
June 30, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Hook is usually over active arms/hands. You may have active hands with a little trail side push causing you to flip hook.
June 30, 2020
I’ve been struggling with over-drawing the ball. I use a launch monitor at home and have a typical swing path of 5 degrees right but it draws back over the target line. I’ve tried lighter grips and keeping my left shoulder back more and then I block it. Any advice? Thanks
August 25, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joel. If the shoulders are correct it sounds like you are manipulating the release. Take a look at Flip vs Release and Left Hand Power Release. You must make sure it is passive and not an active motion. Also, the Two Way Miss Video will help give you back a little balance in the shot and not over working to square the face.
August 25, 2020
I have been going through the system and love everything so far - I haven't uploaded any videos yet and will do shortly - but when it comes time to play, what drills do you feel are the best to do prior to the round? I understand this could vary based on your faults, but I want to ensure that I warm up properly, ingrain the right feels and have the right mindset when I hit the course.
June 27, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jon. 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and the Two Club Drill really help put the high points on what you need to achieve. Body sequencing and release.
June 27, 2020
Hey Craig, practicing and rehearsing single armed keeps me on track usually but as I allow the right hand to play along more, inevitably things get sideways and I find myself swinging fingertips only in the middle of a round to reset. I Need some perspective - how long does it take to add the right arm back in fully?Any tips for bridging the gap? I’m stuck swinging 75 percent now with basically one’s great to hit straight but man I’d love to swing free!
June 17, 2020
Meant to add - I’ve seen a few right arm only drills and wonder if I should be spending more time with them so that the left and right work together better. Good idea or will this just exacerbate the issue?
June 17, 2020
Any tips for holding off the release until the post up is complete? Trying to get the timing right...
June 10, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Post up will start to trigger the release when doing it fluid. When doing it in chunks you will have to use a little effort to hold the head to shy away from the loss of angle.
June 10, 2020
Hi Craig! I tend to have the strong urge to push from the trailing side (you know I'm lefty). Also, I will tense my arms and swing the club. What's the best way to get past this? Are the arms totally passive other than to maintain a wide arch and deliver the club as a result of the body movement? In other words...the arms do not active swing the club?
June 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kirkland. The arms will be pulled by your body motion. You don't need to yank with excessive force. If you are too loosey goosey the arms won't have enough engagement to work properly coming down. It is a blend of pull and gravity. Two Club Drill I think really helps you feel the body sequence without rushing the arms.
June 2, 2020
John In Reply To John I just played golf for the first time since last September and started RS Dead Drills last winter. I was skeptical since I was nervous about hitting a real golf ball! I cannot believe how effortless and crisp my iron shots were. Last year I was ready to give up the "Body Swing" method I practiced for the prior 2 years made iron shots worse--fat, thin and S---ks. Please tell Chuck that he saved my love of golf--I hit crisper and much longer irons like I used to 4 years ago!! However the same method I used for the irons (I think) I used for my driver and 3 wood--not very good--is there a different setup/method for driver? Also my tendon and muscle above the left elbow are sore--is that due to wrong swing, tension etc? I probably was swinging out of my shoes with the driver but I really felt slow and smooth with no effort with my arms to hit the amazing iron shots and I didn't hit any bad ones (except for slight hook a couple of times, but long!!) Thank you for your tip as well for my shoulder--it never bothered me again!! My 2 golf buddies subscribe to RS as well!!
June 1, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Awesome. Nice to hear you didn't give up and got back to enjoying the game. Take a look at Proper Tee Height Video and Driver Setup Adjustments Video for clues on tee shots. Same swing. Different setup. Take a look at Cure Elbow Pain to make sure you are releasing the club properly. Keep getting that effortless power.
June 1, 2020
Craig, I will check those videos and thanks for your advice. I was having a bit of shoulder pain and the release the club video you recommended last March helped with that. Again, I cannot believe that just by practicing at home by myself without hitting a real golf ball would result in the most remarkable improvement in my iron play--its like I was hypnotized! Thanks again.
June 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. All movement patterns my friend. No need to wear the body out.
June 2, 2020
Thanks Craig - sticking with the "keeping the rear shoulder back" concept has really helped. Follow up question: when performing the one armed and two armed portion of the DEAD 6, I am almost always cleaner at contact when I pause at the top for a Matsuyama second or two. Just seems that the hands fall easier into the slot... Why would this help and do you think it's something that will eventually become a problem if I integrate it into the full swing? I've read differing views on the back swing pause...
May 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. I think you are giving yourself time to transition and not be so rushed. Stoping at the top is a good way to kinda reset before coming down. In the long run you need to have a little bit of change of direction to create good lag. For training and honing in the principles making sure you don't rush the transition from the top won't hurt.
May 26, 2020
Good stuff gents! I have learned that this step has helped me the most and have started hitting the one armed shots with all my clubs in the bag. I'm in good shape and although its difficult, have managed to work the driver in one armed too. Lately though, I'm pushing these and can't seem to close the face or make solid contact for straighter shots. Any tips to help me finish out the shot? The stronger I initiate, the worse it gets, so I know it's not the initiation - must be in the post up correct? I video review may be in order...
May 22, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Lack of post up, but also tension/shoulder spin. Make sure the shoulders aren't spinning open and the forearms are doing the releasing. Take a look at Arms vs Body Release and Stop Slicing Start Releasing.
May 22, 2020
Can you provide clarity on what I should be doing with my feet here at the conclusion? In the post up video its mentioned that the right heel should be on the ground but that it could possibly be rolling to the inside. But how does that work with the club and through contact into the finish? And how about the left foot
May 19, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. The lead foot should be firmly planted over the ankle joint. The trail foot will roll onto the instep and then maintain until the club is at the 3 O ' Clock position. From here you would allow it to come up and reach full follow through. Take a look at Role of the Right Foot and Golf Swing Follow Through Videos.
May 20, 2020
Kyaw Thet
Hi, Since I started the lesson with the DEAD Drill, I am wondering how I should train adding right arm (this video) and perfect back-swing video. Could you please suggest the routine to practice?
May 18, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyaw. Perfect Backswing is going to be the more analytical approach. I would do some reps of that video and if you can hit the same spot while adding the trail arm lightly (video) above. All should be well. If you add trail arm lightly and you aren't getting close to the perfect backswing position. You will need to spend some times doing reps to familiarize yourself with the goal.
May 18, 2020
AI’ve been working Dead Drills though 2,000 steps each and had numerous swing reviews, but on the course still have a maddening habit: involuntarily still pushing with my right shoulder on the downswing, and coming up. And sometimes topping the ball. If I slow it down and hit my checkpoints, I can get oof this, but it’s such a tough pattern to break. Suggestions?
May 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. If you slow it down and hit all of your checkpoints, then you need to rep there. You are simply moving too fast too soon. If you can do the complete Dead Drill in 1 rep without failure. You need to rep at that pace, but increase in increments to not lose your gains.
May 15, 2020
Hi Craig I've been practicing after bootcamp on small swing with left hand and slowly reintroducing right hand and bigger swings. I feel i do a nice job up to 75%. When i go full swing, eventhough i feel my right hand/wrist/elbow very light, i often find my right shoulder taking over, even when i focus on relaxing it. Any suggestions on how to fix that ?
May 11, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronan. You have to feel the back stays towards the target all the way into impact. It is a tough fix. There aren't any gimmicks I can tell you to help, or I would. However, doing fuller swings while applying the Vijay Release technique (letting go) is a good way to keep turning off the trail side usage. You can also practice sequence shots like video 4 of 6 in the Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks Series.
May 11, 2020
In boot camp, Chris talks about keeping the right shoulder higher than left at square up. However, when I add the trail arm (even with fingertips), I find this impossible to do. At best I get to level at square up and then right shoulder is slightly lower at post up.
April 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. The trail shoulder will be lower at post up. It sounds like you may be unwinding the shoulders too much in transiton.
April 29, 2020
Craig, I am a left-handed golfer. When I post up onto my right side with my right hand at my left thigh (checkpoint) the weight of the clubhead does fall to impact. However, I don't feel as if I am getting through the ball aggressively to a finish position without continuing to rotate my right hip backwards. Although I am in the post-up position, can I still rotate my hips and move my right shoulder out the way? Or am I simplify not doing the drill with enough speed? Thank you
April 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ardell. The golf swing is done at impact. There will be enough momentum of a full release to carry you into a full finish position. I don't want you to aggressively rotate through impact (Arms vs Body Release Video). More than likely you are still doing things a bit slow and don't have enough juice yet. Also, take a look at How Swing Speed Affects Compression to understand more about delivering the speed.
April 21, 2020
When practicing step 6 in slow motion with both hands on the club, is it harder to create lag because of the lack of momentum in the backswing? Should I not worry about lag until my backswing speeds up?
April 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. The speed of the backswing shouldn't be the determining factor. When going slower you won't have as dynamic a change of direction. However, it is normal to have to hold onto lag a little more through your checkpoints in slow motion.
April 8, 2020
Gents, when adding the right arm and self-observation, I have an apparently iron clad habit of flying elbow at the top. I actually start almost every practice shot with the REF drill first just to get me the proper feel of keeping the arms together, but its a lot of attention to something I feel should be easy by now. It's driving me a bit nuts that invariably the chicken wing strikes back! Any suggestions? Is it just a repetition thing? And approximately how much do you think is ok before fundamentally hurting the swing?
March 27, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Sadly, more reps. 3000-5000 to master. However, make sure when adding trail you just aren't locked up/tense. Take a look at the Winter Golf Training Program - Backswing Video. See how passive Chuck's trail arm is when adding. If you keep it really relaxed and elbow down. You will get it. Also, 2. Overview: Fix Overswing/Across-the-Line Swing Video.
March 27, 2020
whats the best video or method to start progressively hitting balls at the range? I have progressed to Drill 6 and have not yet hit a real golf ball. Thanks
February 28, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. 9 to 3 Drill. Mini-version of the above.
February 28, 2020
Thanks--in doing the 5 min to release and 9-3 drill I have experienced mild shoulder pain in front part on the joint-may be a tendon? It appears to be from turning my wrist for the release and not moving the shoulders?? any advice on how to prevent this is appreciated.
March 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Which shoulder? The forearms are crossing over in the release which is safe on the sockets.
March 3, 2020
Left front shoulder since I was starting with left arm only with the 5 min to release drill (the rotating of the left wrist without moving the left shoulder seemed to stress it) and adding the right arm lightly and then 9 to 5 drill when added the right arm still the left shoulder had minor pain. Sorry didn't mention that before. thanks
March 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Okay. It sounds like tension and not letting it work properly from the ball/socket. Take a look at Moving the Fulcrum Video. Shy away from spin, but allow it to swing. Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks - 2 of 6 to release tension and freedom for movement.
March 3, 2020
Great--I'll check those out and get back to you. Thanks!
March 3, 2020
I just played golf for the first time since last September and started RS Dead Drills last winter. I was skeptical since I was nervous about hitting a real golf ball! I cannot believe how effortless and crisp my iron shots were. Last year I was ready to give up the "Body Swing" method I practiced for the prior 2 years made iron shots worse--fat, thin and S---ks. Please tell Chuck that he saved my love of golf--I hit crisper and much longer irons like I used to 4 years ago!! However the same method I used for the irons (I think) I used for my driver and 3 wood--not very good--is there a different setup/method for driver? Also my tendon and muscle above the left elbow are sore--is that due to wrong swing, tension etc? I probably was swinging out of my shoes with the driver but I really felt slow and smooth with no effort with my arms to hit the amazing iron shots and I didn't hit any bad ones (except for slight hook a couple of times, but long!!) Thank you for your tip as well for my shoulder--it never bothered me again!! My 2 golf buddies subscribe to RS as well!!
June 1, 2020
Hi Craig, Andre from DD2. It's been a while. I've played several rounds and as expected with mix results. During play, the worst shots come with pre-shot routine uncertainty, confusion and pulling the trigger. Is it possible at that point, tension sets in in my grip (maybe even other areas of the body) and nothing functions as it should? It's difficult for me to trust to hold the club so lightly and let muscle memory takes it's course but seems to be the only thing that gets me back into good to perfect shots. Any advice as i transition to the course would be appreciated. Thank you.
February 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andre. That's a 100% possibility. Tension changing how muscles react and in the sequence in which they fire. Take a look at the Trust Line Video and My Golf Backswing Secrets. Work on clearing the mind before the actual shot and having a simple trigger to get the swing going.
February 12, 2020
I spent sometime this afternoon going through some drills, both mentally and physically/purposely. I then played a quick 9 with the wify... I loosened up in the pre-shot, didn't swept the results and 100% better. Onwards and upwards... I'll look at those videos you suggested; THANK YOU so much!
February 12, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Andre. Tension is the quickest way to kill your swing and round!
February 12, 2020
Hi Craig, During a round and after a bad swing, Chuck suggests to do a DD Rep to get back on track, What would be preferred,? A Rep with no club/arm, or with the lead arm only, or with the lead arm and club (no right arm)? BTW, I've just submitted my first full swing for a review.
February 23, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andre. It all depends on your level of confidence in the drill. If you could go back and do a body drill with no errors which would be great. Then, work to the drill you need to focus on where the swing breaks down (adding arm/club/etc) while drilling. Most do lead arm with the club, but you may need to back down further.
February 23, 2020
got it! thanks
February 23, 2020
Thanks Craig. I can’t find those videos. Have their names changed?
February 3, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. In the search box use main key words to find. Type "plane" and a drop down will show you a few options. The video will be listed. Also, the same thing for the second video (muscle, or activation).
February 3, 2020
Have been doing the drills and now hitting balls but My back between my shoulders is sore what am I doing to cause that over swinging?
February 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Check to make sure your hips are over rotating first. Then, take a look at Overview: Fix Overswing/Across-the-Line Swing Video.
February 3, 2020
When viewed down the line in slow motion, if I “do nothing” with my hands and arms, they move out towards the ball as my lower half unwinds my shoulders. Rather than doing nothing, don’t they just fall with gravity in the transition?
January 29, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nick. Yes, it is a blend of gravity and pull. Take a look at How to Fix Plane and Path Video and Proper Muscle Activation Video to make sure you aren't too tense.
January 29, 2020
Should my hands be aligned with the center of my sternum throughout the backswing?
January 26, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Johnny. As the trail arm starts to fold the hands will have to cross center line a little bit. But, arms stay in front of the chest.
January 27, 2020
Hi Craig, I've just submitted a full release drill request for review. Thanks
January 7, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andre. Great. I will get to it as soon as I can.
January 8, 2020
As part of the Boot-Camp, I'm starting to introduce the release drills. As mentioned before, I cheated and tested the new swing hitting full 6i's achieving great results. i) I'll be playing rounds in ~3 weeks. As I progress through the final release drills (video review to come), what should I do between now and the then? ii) Is it okay to go to an indoor range and do a full session (ie. fr. PW to Driver)? I don't want to go cold turkey into a round. iii) I understand that during the swing we shouldn't think of anything, but as for a pre-shot routine, does it make sense that I feel/visualize the major Dead Drill "check-point" components? Either as I take a practice swing or visualizing the shot, and/or even when I stand over the ball and before i pull the trigger?
January 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andre. Indoor range work is fine. You can go through your stack of clubs. But, just make sure the goal is proper mechanics. Using the practice swing/pre shot as a friendly reminder is fine. Thinking of a few checkpoints. Weight, shoulders, hips, etc. You just don't want to bog the mind down too much. When practicing try to come up with a mantra that works for you and lets you achieve the best results. Make it simple and repeatable.
January 6, 2020
Got it Coach! Thanks.
January 6, 2020
Woops there is a part 2---somewhere I saw a video on 3 different types of release with pluses and minuses- what is that called?? I wan't to review but I can't locate because there is no page with general categories to consult for related material such as you might find in a book. If you don't know the name or it does not show up as a reference item it is hidden in the cloud. At least for me.
January 4, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Van. Arms vs Body Release, Stop Slicing Start Release, and Fix Your Release will be your best bet. Let me know if you need more.
January 4, 2020
Craig, I went to the driving range after new years and completing BootCamp 2 with very mixed results. I tried to go back to the sessions particularly the last on Thursday the 26th and can't find it. Can you arrange to get this back on my email??? It is the release with club, right arm and ball part in particular that I want to review because I can do the drills but something about the part with a ball when it goes to hell.
January 4, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Van. If you email I can get you the link.
January 4, 2020
Good evening gentleman, I participated in the boot camp and have requested a review. Looking forward to it. thank you again and all the best of health and happiness in the new year.
December 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andre. All the best and a Happy New Year! Great. Looking forward to see how the move is progressing.
December 30, 2019
Martin L
I was at range today and our club champion came over to me and said my swing looks completely different and it was amazing for me to change it so much (at my age). I told them about rotaryswing, especially this drill which put it all together for me. Now to get it on the course. Anything special to think about with fairway woods. My short irons really feel good and smooth.
December 29, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Take a look at Hit Your Fairway Woods Solid Video. Loving that you are making a great swing change late in the game!
December 30, 2019
Hi Craig, Completed Bootcamp 2.Completed many more repetitions. After four weeks finally got to the golf course. Wonderful. Can you help with a question of feel versus actual.It felt as though with really good shots especially with 4 iron that my left hand was helping to bring the club to horizontal.Not so with the bad shots where i knew the right hand had destroyed the shot. After the round I looked at my swing in a mirror and it seemed that when my left hip was 30 to 40 open the left hand sensation was there .When I was posted up but left hip not up and back the left hand did not seem to have a pulled feel. Am I on the right track with this self analysis ? Is it normal to have this pulling feeling in the left hand ? Is it real ? Incidentally, any update when all sessions of Bootcamp 2 will be available ? I am still unable to access the re run of the last session
December 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Davo. Great! Love hearing the good news. Exactly. You must post up properly to have a great release. The up and back to trigger the down and out. It is normal to feel some pull with the lead hand especially since all the pressure is in the last 3 lead fingers. If you email I will get you the links.
December 28, 2019
Is there any data that indicates the relative benefits of learning a complicated move such as the golf swing by repeating incremental components versus rehearsing the entire swing movement with club in hand?
December 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Yes, we have done tons of research on this. A good read for you would be the "Talent Code." If you could do the entire movement correctly in one fell swoop that would be great. I would love for you to achieve that. However, like with any learning in life you need to eliminate variables at first to learn/move consistently. Your brain at the subconscious level can only process so much information at one time. It can focus easily on getting 2 things correct vs 17. You need to stack components so that you don't have to be so manual to early pieces you had to learn.
December 8, 2019
Craig - Perhaps you can help me understand the arm/hand motion through impact. In the add speed videos RST advocates learning to 'snap' the club through impact to increase speed. In many other videos RST advocates allowing the arms to rotate through impact and NOT to try and make them rotate. A seemingly contradictory set of instructions. How do these two instructions work together? Happy Thanskgiving to you and your family.
November 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. You are allowing for the club to snap and not trying to push the club with the hands. There will be some rate of speed in the swing, but the release isn't a hand push. Centrifugal force and the posting up will make the club throw out and down. Take a look at How Swing Speed Affects Compression and Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball Videos. You are slamming on the brakes with the body to allow the club to whip through. Happy Thanksgiving as well. Thank You.
November 28, 2019
When I swing with left arm only and hit the ball, it goes straight to the right. Playing the ball more forward (from the left foot) helps a bit but ball still goes to the right. Is that caused by an open club face at impact? What should I do to correct this? Any drill?
November 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stefan. The club face isn't squaring up. Playing it slightly more forward will help lead arm only. But, it seems the release is incorrect. Take a look at the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and Fix Your Release Videos.
November 28, 2019
Hello, I'm out of the country and don't have a golf club to practice with, is there a drill for trail arm without the club? My body movements are pretty on point.
November 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Only players that have mastered lead side pull should worry about trying to train their trail arm. The vast majority of players need the trail arm to do less.
November 21, 2019
Craig. If I heard correctly the lower body activity is done once post up is complete. So the torque,leverage that is used to strike the ball after that comes from that stored as a result of the rubber band stretching e ffect of the complete backswing being retained as much as possible in Squat to square and post up and released at that time. Otherwise what is the source since if I heard it correctly when Chuck says the lower body is done and providing a stable position only after post up.
November 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. The leverage pulled from the ground combined with the deceleration of the body is transferred through the arms to the hands and then to the club. So, the release can work independently of the body. Body slams on the break. Club keeps going. Take a look at Arms vs Body Release and You Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball.
November 12, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Graig, When you add the trail arm at end of backswing and position the rear arm to support the club and then keep both arms in that position during downswing is that comparable to the "flying wedges" from The Golfing Machine? Thanks for helping!
November 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marce. We don't use the golfing machine for any references to RotarySwing, so you'll have to make your own conclusions. I am unfamiliar with the flying wedges. I apologize.
November 8, 2019
Any chance we could see more of a number of angles when you are completing the entire swing. Possible in slow motion, hitting the check points, etc. I am a lefty, I watch using a mirror. My big problem is my inability to stop at impact, and let the club take you around. I don’t see it in the Instruction, and I certainly don’t feel it.
October 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rick. You can always use the Self Analysis on the site to compare your swing. Nevertheless, will leave this post for the higher ups to see.
October 28, 2019
Thanks Craig. I would like to see that info added I asked about.
October 28, 2019
Craig, when I add the left arm and club and post up, my tendency is to cast a little and the left arm goes out too far in front of the thigh. In order to avoid casting, I relax the left shoulder, letting gravity pull my left hand straight down during the post up. Is that a good way to end my casting.
October 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. Sounds good to me. A little blend of pull and gravity to not force things as much.
October 21, 2019
It has always been difficult for me to achieve a good release. For some reason it never came naturally to me. However, after a lot of work I am now getting a good release. My new issue is that I am rubbing a hole in the skin on the inside of my right thumb (I'm right handed) at the joint. What could I be doing to cause this, and how can I stop it.
October 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Check the placement of the trail hand. It may be too weak. Also, if you are getting a lot fo wear you must make sure you aren't overusing it during the release. Sounds like a weak grip and some trail hand push. Take a look at Golf Grip Checkpoint Tips Video.
October 19, 2019
When you add the trail arm at setup, do you use that arm to assist in making the backswing, or do you make the backswing with only your lead arm, keeping the trail arm totally passive, as if it is not even on the club? In other words, I know the trail arm and hand support the club at the top of the backswing, but does it help support the club as the club is taken to the top by the body and lead arm?
October 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. The trail arm will be passive. The goal is for the trail arm to stay straight (help maintain width) and support the club at the top. You don't need any active motion. Of course just having it on from setup will help with support, but you shouldn't be trying to force it to help you work the club up.
October 18, 2019
Thanks Craig
October 18, 2019
I am confused by the emphasis on leaving the right arm out of the downswing. I am wondering if, and how, you incorporate the lever of the right arm in the downswing to add power. Thank you, Bill
October 17, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. The trail arm is more of a passive conduit of power in the swing versus an active one. The vast majority of players already overuse their trail arm. We are trying the get the lead side/arm in control, and then just by adding the trail arm to the club you will see a boost in power coupled with more control.
October 17, 2019
Hello! Should the arms be soft during the swing, or tense enough to keep the lead arm straight? I ask because I think too much muscle activation in my arms during the backswing is causing the hitting impulse from my trailing side. Thanks for the great instruction!
October 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kirkland. Thanks for the positive comments of our instruction. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets and Proper Muscle Activation. Not allowing the trail arm to bend more than 90 degrees should help you retain a straight lead arm. Nevertheless, you don't want the swing rigid/tense. Muscles/arms should be ready to engage and work. Enough tension to maintain mechanics, but not locked out.
October 16, 2019
When adding the right hand how much grip pressure do you have on the left hand ?
October 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. The lead should still be the primary focal point. Grip pressure tends to start at 2 at address, then gradually increase to an 8 at impact. But, the goal would be enough to hold onto the club and not death grip it.
October 14, 2019
I’m doing number 6 of the dead drill when hitting the ball like the 9 to 3 drill it looks great but on a full swing I hit it off the toe or top it am I not bent over enough ?
October 13, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. Typically, that would be speeding the hands up at impact, or changing your fulcrum position. Take a look at Flip vs Release and Moving the Fulcrum Video.
October 14, 2019
Thanks Craig I checked it out now make sense thanks
October 14, 2019
When I am doing the left arm only swing (and later adding the right arm), when I look from down the line, where should the club and arm be in relation to the right shoulder (or perhaps the swing plane drawing a line up the golf club at address and through the belt line)? I ask because I think my hands and the club are a bit deep. They are above or behind the right shoulder where Chuck looks like his club and hands are between the neck and shoulder. If I am too "deep" what is the cause and fix? Thank you, Bill
October 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Setup Elbow Plane Line.
October 11, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. You want to draw a line from the hosel of the club through the back of the trail elbow joint. It will slightly rise above that as you add elevation in the swing. The hands should be over the trail shoulder and roughly inline with your ankle joint. That is the window you are trying to hit.
October 11, 2019
Hmm, my hands with the driver hit the "tush line" at the top of my (down the line) backswing. I don't think that my left arm is coming across the chest (and covering the shirt logo) so what else might be the error that I am committing? Thank you, Bill
October 21, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. Could you upload the image? That sounds deep to me. The driver can tend to get a little deeper, but all the way back at the tush maybe be too much.
October 21, 2019
Craig, I am having some difficulty getting an image uploaded (my issue not yours). Do you have an image of Chuck (or you) showing the driver? I will work to get an upload to you soon though. Thanks.
October 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. I don't have one, but you can see the difference between Iron vs Driver Video for a reference.
October 28, 2019
Are the shoulders still square to the target at impact? Or are they slightly open?
October 10, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Shoulders should be square at impact.
October 10, 2019
I’m having trouble maintaining my posture through release. I have a mental image of a huge chunk when my right arm releases through the ball. So I come out of posture to allow my arm room to release. Is that just years and years of right arm pushing? How do I overcome this subconscious feeling of running out of room?
October 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lippen. Years of trail arm push. Take a look at Side Bend in Golf Downswing Video for a better visual.
October 8, 2019
A light bulb just went on. After watching the Side Bend video I didn't see how this related to my issue with running out of room with my right arm. At the end of the video Chuck said to keep the right shoulder as far away from the ball and target as you can. Is that what allows the right arm enough room to fully release and not dig a hole to China?
October 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lippen. Yes, the trail shoulder must stay quiet and stable feeling like it is a distance away. This will definitely help with the China hole digging.
October 19, 2019
Despite the 5 year RST membership with on-and-off more frequent contact and swing reviews, the beta Boot Camp has been an eye opener, particularly the check points. This gives me a much, much better handle on analysing my swing, identifying the issues and most importantly making the necessary adjustments. After the last live stream I believe I am nearly there in terms of understanding the swing and carrying this out in the RST way most of the time. However, one thing still puzzles me about the role of the left hand during the release. Hitting foam balls is no problem at all, but after three buckets of DR-balls trying to hit these white devils straight with just the left hand, I gave up. Adding my right hand earlier than I wanted seems to work with just my index finger and thumb lightly on the grip. But before I continue with this “solution”, I am wondering if I should continue with this. Is my understanding right that the “hinge” of the release should be in the area of the first three fingers (thumb, index, middle) and the right hand thumb and index finger with the tip of the grip moving lightly through my hand on the little fingers side?
October 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ferdinand. The lead hand release should be controlled with the last three fingers (pinky, ring, middle). The trail hand will help support the club and the trail thumb/index finger being the focus of the pressure. Nevertheless, you need to be able to do a release lead only with the white devil. Sounds like you need to let the club do more of the work. Take a look at Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks Video 2 of 6, Moving the Fulcrum, and Fix Your Release.
October 6, 2019
What would the approximate gripbpressure be in the lead hand through the release. Of course it's a "2" at set up, and the release us said to be passive or "letting go". But the club at this point is travelling 100mph - that's surely going to need some holding onto?
October 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The club will increase from a "2" to about an "8" at impact when going full speed. Nevertheless, you goal is to have enough pressure to hold onto the club, but not steer it through impact. If you try to keep it as light as possible you should be fine. The pressure increase is a natural inclination.
October 6, 2019
Craig - I am a boot camp graduate and am working on improving my release. I have a grooved swing error of not releasing the club - done in slow motion I would end up with the club at the three o'clock position in a position that could support a wine glass. I believe I also combine pushing my hands through the impact with this dreaded move. Now to my question: In order to imitate Chuck's left arm only release move in the posted-up position (and the rest of the left arm release drills) I feel that once I am in the proper post up position I need to feel as if leave my left arm in front of my right leg and only rotate my left arm so that a watch on my left wrist that was visible in the mirror at post-up is now facing my right thigh. Momentum and momentum alone moves my hand from in front of my right thigh to somewhere past my left thigh depending on the speed of my post-up and length of backswing. I am hoping I only have to maintain this image until I have broken the habit of resisting the rotation of the club during the release. Am I going down a good path?
October 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. You are going down the proper path. The lead forearm will start rotating at the trail thigh position. The momentum, weight of the club, and slamming on the breaks with the body will trigger the club to start rotating over. You don't want to keep pulling the body/arm hard after this position because it will delay release.
October 6, 2019
My full swing looks decent without a ball, but once I add the ball I prematurely dump all my lag, flip with right hand to save shot, and have chicken wing through impact. None of these symptoms show up on video without a ball. I know the remedy is keep engraining swing movements without ball, but why such a drastic change in my swing? It is ugly. I also swing way too hard with a ball in the way, not smoothly and effortlessly. How do I train myself away from swinging so violently?
October 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. That's why chunking and starting small with the ball is of the utmost importance. You can't do it first at 100 mph. Side story: I played professional for 8 years and in the midst of that I came upon rotary. I had to completely change from a body releaser to an arms/hands release. I literally spent 1 month hitting 20-30 yard lead arm only 9 to 3's to retrain how I come into impact. Keep in mind I was already pretty good at that time and I still had to go through the process of progression to get my ball swing matching my practice swing. Do the pros make it look effortless? There's a reason it looks they look that way. They are working much less than amateurs. Do less, get more!
October 3, 2019
Thank you Craig, this comment is actually very encouraging. Nice to know that even a pro like yourself had to slow down and do the hard work of putting in small, effective reps. I really appreciate your candor; I have felt so frustrated lately, but honestly your comment has lifted me out of my negativity.
October 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Great James. Know it is a process. I have plenty of tapes from back then if you want to see the hours upon hours of me practicing the same thing over and over again. You can ask Chuck if I ever was a the range for long hours . Also, I know Tiger is used for a lot of references. But, every swing change he made did he win immediately? It took him about a 1 1/2 years per swing change to take Ranger Rick to the course.
October 3, 2019
Ok, I’m a believer. DEAD drill works. However, it was the advice of Craig (and Chuck, too) to practice building the swing slowly, not jumping to full swing as quickly as possible. I committed to working 9 to 3 drill exclusively, and even played a round of golf with 9 to 3 swings only. Even with these half swings I was crushing the ball executing a proper release. My drives were carrying around 260, and the rest of the clubs were carrying around 20 yards shorter than a full swing. That is amazing. A half swing producing these results. Ball flight was lower, more penetrating, straighter, and most importantly hitting fairways and greens!!! As I said, I’m a believer. Craig, your simple anecdote of personal practice and a commitment to working on the proper release has filled my tank up with fuel, when I was running on empty. I’m still working on 9 to 3 and trying to slowly build up to full swing when I feel ready. But for now I don’t even need the full swing on my local course. Thank you, thank you!
October 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Awesome. You're most welcome. Glad you are starting to see the fruits of your labor! Keep the focus and ingrain those proper positions.
October 9, 2019
Hi Chuck and RSW Crew, I just want you to know I enjoyed the boot camp. Unfortunately, my practice reps were limited because of a recent shoulder injury - directly related to lifting my grandson and not from practicing my swing. Old age = bone spurs in my right shoulder joint However, I went out and played a local course with my regular 4 some. I was still able to drive it by my group by 40 yds. On18 i hit a wayward tee shot left . Taking a penalty drop I was two hundred out to the pin - my three wood distance- and I stroked a REAL GOLF SHOT straight and true on target that went 35 yards by the hole. This wonderful result with a bad wing and trying to protect my shoulder. PT starts in a couple of weeks. I cant wait to get out there when healthy & improve control and distance. Ive been to many teaching pros over the years this is the BEST golf training anywhere. I cannot finish without saying I adopted the short game chipping, lobbing, and left hand low putting and I am saving stokes around the green. I fluctuated for a couple of years at a 19 - 20 GHIN and when I played last week - 15 over - sore arm and all. Who knew proper training dedicated pupil and teacher = success. Loving, enjoying and looking forward to golf now more than ever.
October 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Take care of that shoulder. It sounds like you are well on your way to some great golf and already seeing the potential! Thanks for the compliments and post.
October 3, 2019
Hello Chuck, don’t know if you will see this, but to let you know I am 71 years old today was my first time out using the Dead Drill and shot 75, thank you so much, great consistency.
October 1, 2019
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Ok guys, that's enough of this! You're going to have to start spotting me strokes you guys are getting so good so fast!
October 1, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Harry. Chuck sees all . Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Good playing.
October 1, 2019
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
Good morning! I followed the DEAD course but I am not sure how to upload a video. Do I have to use the 5 step for this or is there special DEAD way? Thanks for helping!
September 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marcel. 5 Step, or normal procedure. Just make sure in your notes that you leave what section of the DEAD Drill you are focusing on.
September 30, 2019
Hey guys. The DEAD drill steps are very well done as is the whole RST series. Have been premium member for about a month and learned a lot. Improving my swing elements each week. I have a lot of things I am working on, but one that is starting to become an acute issue as I do so many drills and reps and practice swings is pain in my thumb knuckle joint and thumb tendons. I think I may have a "short thumb" pushed up the shaft on both hands in my grip. As I watch this STEP 6 video and the checkpoints It seems to restrict wrist hinging, lag, and contribute to a death grip on club- and I have pain after a range session or playing 18 holes. I notice I have the thumb tips pressed hard (fingernails pointing down) on the club on both hands. This can't be right. Where are the the thumb contact points supposed to be??? I have a relatively strong grip seeing 2/1/2 knuckles at address.
September 29, 2019
Ahhh- just went through THE GRIP video again by Chuck. I glossed over that the first time htinking my grip was one thing I was doing correct. Guess not. LOL. Boy- my thumbs pressed on shaft hard cause a lot of issues- less lag, less wrist hinging, less clubhead speed, poorer impact position, casting by trail arm- and PAIN...... He looks like his thumb is lightly on the club with contact point on the knuckle joint. Will try that.
September 29, 2019
Hi, Just finished the bootcamp and had a lot of fun. My question is in regards to adding the right arm. In the Day 15 lesson, Chuck talks about how the right elbow should be barely visible behind the left arm at the top of the swing when viewed from the front. No matter how much I try, my right elbow is always somewhat below the left arm when viewed from the front. The only way i can get it more behind the left arm at the top is to push my right elbow backwards away from my body, a move I'm a little leery about as it puts you closer to the dreaded flying elbow territory. But maybe you do need to do it a bit to get the correct "covered" position? Help!
September 28, 2019
Hi, William, I'm certainly not one of the RST instructors, but I do remember on today's Bootcamp webinar that Chuck was diagnosing exactly this issue with one of the other students who was on webcam. IIRC, Chuck was saying that for that other student, the backswing core rotation / necktie drill needed to be better, and that from Down the Line view, the shoulder turn was too flat, needed to be at right angle to the spine. Watch the webinar replay of the students being diagnosed, and see if those symptoms seem to be applicable. I hope this helps.
September 28, 2019
Thanks for the heads up on that John. I stopped watching at the end because the video was so choppy. But I went back to the replay (still choppy but better!) and saw that the first review student (from England of all places - ain't the internet great??) had the exact same problem as me. Chuck's solution was to keep the arms wide and away from the body to keep the right elbow up. And that did the trick!
September 29, 2019
William, I really glad this helped. The Bootcamp was excellent, I think we all would agree. There's so much good material there.... us Bootcampers should go back and review those webinars while they are still there, before they go away. Keep up the reps, DEADrill Bootcampers!
October 16, 2019
Hi Craig. I'm resubmitting my comment as per your request. I was working with my RST instructor here in California on Wed., and we covered all the steps and sequences of the DEAD drill. He said things looked good, except that I was having difficulty with achieving forward shaft lean. We worked a bit with Martin Chuck's tour striker 7-iron, and I did manage to get the ball flight lower, but there was no release. I looked at the video on forward shaft lean, but it stops at the impact bag and does not address releasing the club. I seem to have a tendency to hold on to the club in order to achieve forward shaft lean and a lower ball flight. On the other hand, I can release the club in good fashion, but then the ball flight is higher. Any suggestions or drills to achieve adequate forward shaft lean at impact with a proper release? Thank you. Dan
September 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. Hmm. I would like to see you swing to give the best diagnosis. Do you tend to cast a little in the downswing, cupped lead wrist at impact? Try the Golf Swing Transition Drill for lag. I want you to maintain lag longer with a little pull, but then still let the club release. If you have plenty of lag take a look at Fix Your Release (hole through hand feel) bowing without the trail hand over taking to shy away from cupping. Proper lag and rotation (to not only square, but de-loft the face) is the goal.
September 27, 2019
Craig I understand what you are saying about releasing the club and stopping the shoulders and release the club. When I am playing and release the club I cannot feel I am doing what you said the shoulders was open at impact. I tried playing yesterday and hit every approach shot straight just bairly leaving my right hand on the club as a guide I need to do this or I cannot make Connot make contact with the ball is this okay
September 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. Perfectly acceptable with me. Less trail hand influence will be less steer and potential to spin the shoulders.
September 27, 2019
Hello, I submitted a comment yesterday and received an email reply that someone had responded, but there is nothing here. :-(
September 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. I responded to your comment. I wonder where it is? I apologize. Could you retype the question? Happy to help.
September 27, 2019
Should right hand grip pressure stay the same throughput the swing
September 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Grip pressure will tend to increase throughout the swing. It is natural. But, trying to stay as loose and still in control throughout would be good. Death grip is a no no.
September 27, 2019
Please explain how the "throw the ball" video aligns with what is being taught here.
September 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Earl. The throw the ball is for players that already pull too much with their body. Getting stuck because the body gets too far ahead. If you get this sequence correct. You won't need that.
September 27, 2019
What a terrific 6 part series. Thanks for making them available.
September 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ed. Thanks for the compliments.
September 25, 2019
It's disturbing to think about all those balls going into the forest.
September 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Garth. No worries. Chuck and Briar (dog) hike his property to pick up the supplies.
September 25, 2019
Hi, I’ve just signed up and am loving the Dead Drill series. My question is what is the best way to integrate this into my game. I play two or three times per week with my friends, often a four ball for a £1. Today I was trying out the backswing with some success but also some terrible shots as I tried to figure it out. Should I stop playing games and just concentrate on the programme or is there a way to gradually introduce it into my game while still playing medals and bounce games. Thanks Gerry.
September 24, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerry. Glad you are liking the material. Take a look at Should You Play Golf While Learning Your New Swing? Video. It will have all your answers.
September 25, 2019

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