Intro to Weight Shift in the Golf Swing

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Weight shift in the golf swing is the FIRST thing you must master before worrying about any other movement. Once weight shift is mastered, other things will fall into place.

Mastering weight shift is the first step in the Rotary Golf Swing 5 Step System. This systematic approach to golf swing improvement walks you through the golf swing step by step and helps you learn the sequencing of the perfect golf swing.

Transferring your weight during the golf swing is one of the most challenging aspects for all amateur golfers.  In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the golf swing weight shift is the crux is of the golf swing.  Specifically, what I'm saying here is that golfers tend to struggle to get their weight fully shifted back to the left during the downswing.  The reason for this is the force of movement tends to come from the top of the body for most amateur golfers.  What I mean by this is that they swing from their shoulders arms and hands to move the golf club, where as a good ball striker moves from the lower body first in order to move the golf club during the downswing.  This critical phase of the transition in the golf swing is what separates the men from the boys.

If you're struggling with your weight shift during the downswing, you must first look at your weight shift and transfer to the right during the backswing.  That's because this weight shift to the right during the backswing gives you momentum to help you shift your weight to the left during the downswing.  Therefore, if you don't shift your weight to the right on the backswing you have very little momentum to help you get back to the left during the downswing.  In fact, much of the secret to golf swing weight shift is all about transferring weight during the backswing to give you momentum to go back to the downswing.

If you're certain that you're shifting your weight fully to the right and by this I mean at least 75% of your weight is on the right leg at the top of your backswing, then you should have far less trouble getting your weight back to the left during the golf downswing.  But if you are still struggling to shift your weight to the left then almost inevitably it's because your shoulders and arms have too much tension in them at the top of the backswing.  

Your brain will use muscular tension as its guide to choose which muscles to fire and in which sequence.  Therefore if your shoulders arms and hands are the tightest muscles in your body at the top of your backswing in golf guess what muscles will fire first? It should come as no surprise that the small muscles in your arms and hands will want to fire first.  Most people tend to overuse their arms and hands anyway and as such they tend to be the tightest muscles in amateur golfers bodies at the top of their backswing.  Your brain senses this and wants to get rid of this tension as quickly as humanly possible.  So instead of shifting your weight and transferring back to the left you throw the club from the top in a futile effort to get club head speed.  This leads to casting and knocking you off balance as the force of the golf club pulls you in toward the target line.

If you want to be able to properly shift your weight back to the left and transfer fully during the downswing then it's critical that you check your muscular tension at the top of your backswing.  If your arms and hands and shoulders are very very tight, you must relax them and figure out what's causing you the tension in the first place.  I can tell you the answer to that question is you're trying to overuse them during the downswing so you're getting them tight as you go to the top your backswing.  The reality is that your arms and shoulders should be relatively relaxed so that your lower body can transfer weight without being impeded by the club being thrown from the top of the backswing.  If your arms and hands and shoulders are soft and relaxed, you can focus on using your lower body to transfer your weight back to the left and have a proper weight shift, which will help you sequence the entire golf swing much more easily.

Weight shift is one of the hardest things for most amateur golfers to get right in the swing, and what's really important about it is that you need to understand that weight shift is the most important part of the swing. Now, wait a second, you're thinking to yourself, "Chuck, you've also said that lag is the most important part of the golf swing, and that the impact position is the most important part of the swing, and the release is the most important part of the swing. How can weight shift be the most important part of the swing?

                Well, the truth is none of those things can happen correctly if the weight shift isn't right. And what I'm talking about, particularly, is the weight shift during the downswing. That is where every amateur golfer on the planet seems to really, really struggle. The truth is it's really simple, but you've got to put your priorities in the right spot.

                So the first thing you've got to understand is what does weight shift affect, and then specifically, what does it affect negatively and positively in the downswing. The first thing I want you to think about is how weight shift affects ball position. It seems kind of common sensical, but a lot of people don't really understand it. Almost every amateur golfer that we have go through our golf academy at the Ritz-Carlton here in Orlando, tends to have the ball way too far back in their stance. It starts with a couple of chunk shots. You hit the ball a little fat, it's a little embarrassing, the ball doesn't go anywhere, you lay the sod over the ball. So instinctively your brain says, "Well, let's just move the ball in our stance a little bit, and if the ball's back I'm more likely to make solid contact."

                Well guess what that does to your weight shift? If I move the ball further back in my stance, and I keep going further and further back, well, if I shifted my weight properly during the downswing I'd top the ball or completely miss it. So what it does is it takes this one small problem that you had by not fixing the cause, you've fixed a symptom. Instead of shifting your weight, you move the ball back, and as you move the ball back, you shift your weight even less, and so it becomes this recurring problem.

                Well, now what's going to happen to the rest of your swing is the entire sequencing of everything is going to be off, and it started with just not shifting your weight and you had the ball in the wrong spot. So everything starts going off. As you stop shifting your weight to the left, what's going to happen to your swing plane is it's going to tend to become very, very steep. Because guess what? Weight shift to the left is what shallows out the swing plane.

                I'm going to show you a couple views here, first. So first, I'm going to go here to the top, and all I'm going to do is just shift my weight. Just watch what happens to my arms and club. You're not going to see it from down the line yet, but I want you to see just, I'm going to do nothing but shift my weight. Notice that my hands are dropping. This is due to gravity, me keeping my arms relaxed, and the fact that as I'm shifting my weight I'm also starting to turn them a little bit, and as my pelvis rotates, my upper body is going to rotate. You'll see I'm not trying to turn my shoulders at all, but they're getting turned by my weight shift and a little hip rotation, that pulls my hands halfway down.

                Now, look what happens from down the line. As I go back to the top of my backswing and I shift my weight, look what happens to the club. It looks like my hands work straight down instead of out toward the ball. That's that little mystery move that you see every tour player move at the top at their swing, it looks their hands work vertically instead of out, like every amateur does. Every amateur looks like their hands go like this, from the top of their swing.

                The key to this is nothing more than weight shift. Keep my arms relaxed, shift my weight, look where my hands go. Straight down, right into the slot ... That's a term that's overused quite a bit ... my hands fall down here, and now the only thing I have to do from here, release the club. Piece of cake. My arms and hands didn't have to do anything. They're being brought down by the movement of my trunk, or my weight shift.

                That's how important weight shift is. If you don't shift from the top of your swing, the force of your movement is going to come from the top. I've talked about this a lot, in the Flagpole video and many others, about where force of movement comes from. If you tend to lose your balance, what's really happening in the swing is that your force of movement is happening from the rectangle, from your shoulders up. Right? Your arms, your hands, all of that stuff, instead of happening from here down, where it needs to.

                So when your force of movement happens from the top, guess what happens to the lag in your wrists and club? Of course, it starts to throw away. As you start to fire your arms really hard at the top, or start to turn your shoulders really hard, you're creating a lot of early centripetal force, that's going to result in centrifugal force acting on the club and causing it to throw away at the top, and that's how you lose lag.

                Again, the fix is don't try to hold lag. Don't try to get something goofy with your wrists and try to reroute the club. Shift your weight. If you shift your weight, you don't have to fire your arms from the top. But the reality is if you don't shift your weight, you have nothing else to help move the club. So instinctively your brain's going to be like, "Well, I'm not going to hit this really weak, I'm going to try to put some oomph into it. And so, if I'm not using any of this, I've got to use something to move the club." So of course, the only thing you have is your arms and hands. So the first thing you do, you fire from the top. That's why most golfers lose lag. Again, it goes back to weight shift.

                So weight shift is a precursor for lag, which we're going to talk about next, swing plane, how it shallows out the swing plane, and getting the force of movement in the sequencing correct in your swing. Now I mentioned lag, and everybody wants more lag, and of course, there's a good thing of having a lot of lag, but there's also a point of having too much. But I want to talk about just getting are right amount first. And again, it's really simple to get right if you shift your weight. If you shift your weight, you don't have to fire your arms from the top. So all you need to do is shift your weight, keep your arms nice and relaxed, your wrists relaxed, the club will automatically downcock as you start down, and you will have all the lag in the world you need. But again, if your force of movement is from the wrong spot and you fire from your wrists and arms at the top, the first thing you're going to do is cast the club and lose lag.

                So weight shift is critical to getting the sequence of the swing right in the downswing. If you don't shift your weight, your swing plane's going to be off, your path is going to be off, you're going to lose lag, your impact position's going to be off, and everything's going to be off. So pay close attention to the weight shift rules in the weight shift section, and start to master the sequencing of the downswing, and get lag, swing plane, impact, all of that stuff correct for the final time.

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I played 9 holes after work with some buddies and I shot a 39, could have been better, but nice for a 14 handicap. I went to the range a few days later and got there at closing time so I only had about 20 minutes to hit balls. I couldn't hit a ball well or like I was during the round. After I walked out I went through the RST basics. I was focusing on pushing my right foot/ankle into the ground and pulling my right shoulder behind my head during the golf round, but at the range I had lapsed into an initial weight shift but not increasing teh pressure. As a result my weight started shifting to my lead foot and instead of a nice elbow down position at the top, I got a flying right elbow. Seems like doing a proper weight shift is very critical to getting proper plane and path in the backswing?
May 15, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Weight shift will allow you to use momentum correctly to help the backswing. You can still get into a good arm position, but it will be a more manual process to get there vs flowing.
May 17, 2021
When I weight shift at the onset of my backswing, I feel the loading more in my hamstring than my glute. Is this okay? Or a sign that my knees are too flexed? Thanks
November 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. The hamstring will activate. But, you may have a touch too much flexion.
November 2, 2020
Is there a problem with preloading the right (trail) hip prior to initiating the backswing ( i.e. weight distribution being 20/80 in favor of the trail leg at address) as long as the weight shifts to the lead side during transition? What's the negative of doing this if it is in fact an issue?
September 2, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Doug. It mainly hurts tempo and kinetic sequence. When preloading the backswing it will just be rotation of the upper torso. The legs will tend to get dead and backswing handsy. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets to see how weight makes the first half of the swing pretty simple.
September 2, 2020
Not sure how to navigate the web site. I watch the weight shift intro but then it does not go to the next video and keeps repeating. HELP! Iraj
August 5, 2020
Michael (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Iraj. If you go to to the Video Menu and choose DEAD drill learning system Dashboard. That's the place to start. If you haven't seen the "How the brain learns" video it's a must see video. From there you get setup, DEAD drill step 1 - 6 with reference videos for each step. If you submit a review the instructor will also recommend videos specific for you.
August 6, 2020
I know Chuck doesn't watch, listen, or pay attention to any other instructors out there, but there is a video I would like him to see. Chuck wants us to not only play great, but be safe with our swing mechanics. The video of Sean Clement in his, "Golfers over 40 watch this " brings out a skeleton and shows why it's not safe to resist with your lower body because of the way the vertebrae attach to the spine. He allows his butt to swing inside and says it is much safer and he generates tremendous speed in doing so. Also, the longest tee shot in golf, over 500 yards, was made by a guy who swings like this. I really would like to have Chuck see this video and explain why his way is safer and produces more speed than the way Sean Clement does. Thank you, Gary
July 11, 2020
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Gary, we're not trying to literally resist the turn, this is a feeling for most golfers who are way overactive with their lower body, the move I call the "lazy man's turn".
July 11, 2020
Ideally, at what part of the backswing should you feel weight shift back to the lead foot? Is halfway back (arm parallel) too soon?
May 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. Just before reaching the top. If you start a parallel to the ground it might be a hair too early.
May 21, 2020
Ive been "Rotary Swinging" for several years and always come back to weight shift when I'm over-swinging. I find myself just rotating around the right hip with a poor ability to properly load the glutes and quads. With that said, does the backswing begin with a minor hip slide to the right (RH golfer) to start the weight shift with rotation to follow? When I do this, I feel much more loaded and have difficulty over-swinging. Just want to make sure my thought process is correct. TIA.
May 9, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Doug. You technically don't want to slide, but loading/shifting is a great trigger. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets Video.
May 9, 2020
at the top of the backswing where is the weight distribution on my lead foot? Is it a bit more towards the ball of the foot compared to address?
May 6, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gordon. Yes, it will tend to move a little forward of the ankle joint.
May 7, 2020
When I do the belly button drill do I shift my weight to my back foot then turn or do I just turn as it looks like in the drill?
February 23, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. The goal of the belly button drill is to teach rotation without over using the arms. You can add weight shift, or not. But, in a normal takeaway the weight shift will need to be there.
February 24, 2020
Hi Craig, I submitted 2 videos for you to review for day 1 and day 2 drills for the bootcamp. I didn’t see anywhere to submit for your swing review group. I accidentally submitted them under trial arm step 5. Just giving a heads up.
December 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matthew. No worries. I apologize that I won't be able to view them until tomorrow. I left Atlanta at 5AM today to teach in Orlando and do the BootCamp this evening. Just now setting up and getting ready for tonight's session!
December 10, 2019
I get that my weight should transfer right and into my heel and glute. When I do this another part of my body naturally wants to compensate for the movement. I'm not sure what the correct compensation should be? My shoulders could start to move, my hips could slide a little (but this removes my axis tilt and I see a slide is wrong), my left knee could bend inward a little etc. If I only press my heel into the ground and load up my glute then my head moves closer to the ground. What is the correct other body part motion to compensate for the weight shift right? Thanks.
September 28, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Typically, with the shift the lead knee can move in slightly to help and you will tend to lose a touch of axis tilt to help maintain hip line. Not a conscious move though with the tilt.
September 29, 2019
When transferring weight to the right leg and driving the weight to the heal, do you keep a slight flexion to the right leg or does the leg straighten to full extension?
September 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. When shifting into the trail leg it shouldn't have full extension. You must maintain some flexion.
September 18, 2019
Thank you!
September 18, 2019
Hi, during the transition when weight shifts to the left, how do i manage my upper body to allow the club path to swing from the inside? I have a tendency to come over the top if I naturally just let my body unwind.
September 1, 2019
image attached
September 1, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Andrew. You must practice lead arm only reps gradually adding the trail back. Take a look at How to Fix Plane and Path and Drill to Learn Inside Path Video.
September 18, 2019
weight shift right on back swing. I am a right handed golfer. Presetting the weight on the right leg like Henrik Stenson not making a lateral shift prior to turning seems to make sense , Can one eliminate this move by presetting at set up ?
August 15, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Ideally, I wouldn't want you to preset the weight. Not only will this delete some momentum and a good swing trigger. But, you may start swaying to feel some weight and/or creating excessive tension to get the arms and hands up.
August 15, 2019
How to shift the weight from the top into the down swing continues to be confusing for me. I get that it’s just a change of pressure from the right foot to the left foot and I can feel my weight shift just by doing drills. But I’ve also heard weight shift compared to a pitcher pushing off the back foot and landing on the front foot for power to throw a pitch. I also here about the baseball player that gets weight on the back foot and then strides toward the pitcher to generate leverage and bat speed. Those are both big, athletic moves. Is the weight shift in golf more subtle? I’ve also look at video about stomping the left heel into the ground to start the downswing. I’m just very confused about weight shift and really need help with the sequence. Does the weight shift just happen automatically with a squat (hips back to square) as part of the transition. Thanks
July 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Greg. Yes it is more subtle. Due to the stance not being as wide as a batter you don't have to move as far. You are still shifting the width of the pelvis, but it isn't a massive move. As you squat with a little pull from the inner adductors (Which Muscles to Use in the Golf Swing Transition and Preventing Hip Pain) your lead hip should get stacked over your ankle joint properly.
July 23, 2019
Thanks Craig - much appreciated!
July 24, 2019
New to the site but i am getting confused as it seems that many times when I view a video they refer to another video that I don't know where to find. As an example the closed hip slide video talked about a squat to square but I could not find it in the weight shift section. Thank You
July 12, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Larry. Squat to Square is in the Downswing Section. The best idea when you see a video title you are searching for. Use the search box and use 1 or 2 keywords from the title. It will bring up a list of every video with that word in the title for easy finding.
July 12, 2019
Hello, when I make a proper shoulder turn, the torso and back rotating the arms, would it be correct to say that after the initial takeaway, the Momentum of the rest of the turn shifts the weight properly? Sometimes I feel like if I consciously make an effort to load on the right side I shift too much a sway, but when I turn the shoulders and let the hips open to complete the backswing I don’t and still have the right glute activated to then squat and post. Any insight?
June 8, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Nathan. Some players don't need to active weight shift because it is already an ingrained movement pattern. Rotation won't force weight, but it sounds like when you try to shift you are over doing it because an older pattern already exists there to move weight.
June 9, 2019
When you shift your weight to the left (for a right handed golfer), should the hips turn during the weight shift or after the weight shift is completed?
June 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tony. The hips will rotate as you shift. Take a look at Closed Hip Slide Video.
June 6, 2019
Hello, So when I weight shift back to my left side am I suppose to be flat on my left foot when I complete my rotation? I shift back to left side and I keep ending up on the edge of my left foot.
March 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jonathan. Edge at the finish, or impact? If you are aggressive with the post up you may be slightly on the edge of the foot. However, the goal is to be centered as best as possible. I would check to make sure you aren't pushing any with the trail side when coming into impact. This can cause a little slide to the outside of the foot that wouldn't be natural.
March 27, 2019
It's when I am at finish not impact. As I am weight shifting feels like I am pulling from my left side not my right side. I've been told to stay flat on my left foot at finish and I end up on edge of left foot feels from heel to middle of foot. Hope this helps.
March 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jonathan. Sounds like you may be over rotating the hips if there isn't any push. Also, make sure you get anchored to the ground properly in setup. Anchor to the Ground Video. This will help the inner adductors engage to provide stability.
March 27, 2019
Hi, Craig - I am getting swing reviews and it is really helping! (Which is why you hear less from me ) Question: to shift my weight mostly to my lead foot, I often feel I have to move my body mass directly over my lead foot - and thus past NJA - or else my weight hangs back on my trail foot. And shifting my weight past NJA hurts my lead hip - I can feel the bones of my lead hip pushing out. Note: (1) I am trying hard not to "bump my hip" but instead to squat to square and then post up (2) I am NOT pushing with my trail foot - I am using the "pull with your lead leg" concept to try to avoid going past NJA (3) My stance width is just two inches outside NJA as recommended. I searched the site for more on this issue but I am stumped. Any advice? And, is there a way I can shoot this question to my instructor, as a follow-up to my last swing review, without it counting as a swing review? (He covered the weight shift in the last review) .
March 23, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. Take a look at Preventing Hip Pain and Closed Hip Slide. I would make sure you are pulling the weight, but also getting enough hip rotation as you shift. You can certainly ask your instructor a question. Post it on the forum under the video/topic you want further help on. In the comments, just ask him directly. Hey "instructor name", .......
March 23, 2019
March 23, 2019
For years I have not made good weight transfer and have not been able to improve. I would love to do proper weight transfer, and have been doing your drills (which I think are great) however when I complete my weight transfer, I cannot make good ball contact- either top or shank the ball. This has gone on for awhile- any suggestions?--Thank you, Ted
March 2, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ted. The top is usually due to lack of weight transfer and increasing your secondary axis tilt too much. The shank is more inline with early extension and lack of release. My suggestion would be to start small with the 9 to 3. Work on maintaining a good fulcrum point, release and stable tush line. From there gradually make the swing longer. Use the Moving the Fulcrum, How to Cure the Shanks and 9 to 3 Drill as your beginning guide.
March 3, 2019
Ok, slow start due to holiday etc. So, weight it a matter of turning? Or is there a slight movement with the hips to the right (backswing) and then to the left (impact/follow through)? Also, what actually starts the backswing? Hips? Core (shoulders)? Does the core move first and thus the shoulders, with the hips following? Or do the hips turn with the core? Thanks!
January 6, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeffrey. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets for help on starting the club. Some players already shift their weight naturally and don't have to train the motion. Others need to train a weight shift plus rotation. It depends on what movement patterns you already have pre-existing in the swing. For myself, I don't need to feel weight shift and the rotation of my core will pull the hips in the backswing. Other students need to actively get their trail glute to fire. I would take a look at the Secrets Video I mentioned above, Weight Shift Video Part 2 and How to Swing From the Ground Up. It should clear up your questions.
January 7, 2019
How can I receive help via sending a video in?
December 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Harold. Visit the help section at the top right of your screen. Plenty of answers there and if you need more help you can contact customer service from the menu. Or, click the Swing Review Tabs --> Get a Review.
December 22, 2018
Thank you!
December 22, 2018
Hi, I am brand new to the site , I am a UK 12 handicapper who has issues with casting and flipping ( not huge ones but big enough to want to cure them). I have been playing golf for fifty years and have been as low as 8 handicap. I am aware that my immediate biggest challenge is proper weight shift, so I am really happy to see that this is step 1. I am a defector for TSG ( if you know what I mean) over the past two years I have failed to get my release where it needs to be. I like what I see on setup, takeaway and backswing so I think this system will suit me. My question I should I just go for the first video review when I think I am ready (set up etc) to get the ball rolling?
December 19, 2018
Hey there Graham. I've been a member here for about five months. When I got started, I just submitted my swing as it was, just to get the ball rolling. Then the instructor can figure out where you need to focus. I was willing to rebuild and I got down to a 6.8 HCP at one point, with a good short game, with the old swing. Just jump in mate as they gift you 5 swing reviews by signing up and reloads are affordable. I can tell you I had a flip and a cast and it's gone after I put in the work. Still not hitting balls but amazing results, especially on the casting and the flip; they are no longer present.
December 19, 2018
Thanks Dean, I will go for it..
December 20, 2018
Hi, with weight shift is the spine, neutral or do you actively focus on moving the spine too. So in my mind you either move through the fixed spine or the spine is an integral part of the move. Thanks. John G
December 12, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. You shouldn't be actively trying to move the spine. Axis tilt will change slightly going back and through due to the pelvis. But, you don't need to make it happen. The changes are byproducts of your motion with the lower half.
December 13, 2018
thanks Craig, that should help me a lot!!
December 13, 2018
Reviewing golf videos between Thanksgiving family dinner and dessert I noticed old videos of Hogan and Snead back swing and noticed they seem to brace the right leg in the back swing maybe a 5/6 degree vs straight leg . Is this a video angle or did they do this intentionally?
November 22, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Good catch. They were making sure to load the trail glute, but also not slide. Take a look at Weight Shift Video Part 2 and Load Right Leg Video.
November 23, 2018
Ok so I'm not very bright, I want to do the weight shift drills. Where are the videos?
November 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. We have tons of weight shift drills. It would be hard to list them all here. Go to the Video Menu Tab -- Click RST 5 Step and Scroll down to Step 1 - Weight Shift Section. You will see a lot there.
November 9, 2018
Thanks Craig. It's starting to make sense now.
November 11, 2018
In continuation of my below comment- I don't want to be thinking about to much when I play but I don't want to engrain old bad habits.
November 3, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. When playing you can't have 17 thoughts. Limit it to 1 or 2 goals to achieve while playing.
November 3, 2018
After my first swing review I know what I need to work on the most. Weight shift and rotation. I want to work on it the right way with no club. What is the general advice for going out to play? Just work on the areas you are working on? Or should I watch all the videos and have an idea of the other moves so I don't keep engraining other bad habits?
November 3, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Ideally, play will be limited during the initial phases of training. But, when you do play. Keep hyper focus on the goal of achieving the move and not the shot. For Ex: Weight Transfer. You accomplished the mission over the ball if you transferred weight properly versus quality of shot.
November 3, 2018
I am still struggling with weight shift and decided to go back and work on it before I go back to the golf course. Q: what, in your opinion, are the most helpful four five WS videos to study? What are the best, in your opinion, WS drills to practice? Thanks,
September 6, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Step 1 - Weight Shift, Weight Shift Sweep Drills, RST Tempo Drill and How to Swing from the Ground Up.
September 6, 2018
Craig: "How to Swing from the Ground Up" is a game changer! I wish I had seen it as my first video on the site. Can you recommend videos that take up where this one left off, that is, the club has dropped down, proceeding to release and follow through? Do I go to release? Or, is there a step before that such as moving the club forward with the lead arm? Thanks,
September 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Take a look at Play the Best Golf of Your Life in 6 Weeks Video 2, 3, 4, of 6. They will discuss tension, release and how to proceed after the shift.
September 10, 2018
Super Simple Weight Shift Drill to Improve Quickly--In this drill Chuck says to lift your heels. In other drills he cautions to leave the left foot on h ground--do not lift he heel- in the downswing. explain the conflict.
August 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. This drill is to get the flow of moving weight. A lot of players use the lifting of the heels to help exaggerate and start to ascertain the feeling of moving to trail and back to lead. Ideally, when you start swinging in normal scenarios you want the feet stable and not lifted.
August 30, 2018
Hello. Can you please tell me when do you actually post up on the lead leg and straighten it out? Initially you start by transferring weight to left heel and "squatting," correct? At what point do you actually straighten the leg? Thanks
August 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Navid. Right after the squat. Once, you shift into the lead leg and settle into your squat. You will begin positing up to trigger the release and pull leverage from the ground. Take a look at Step 2 - Core Rotation and You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs.
August 27, 2018
In all of the drills I do for each phase of the swing things work well until I try to do a full swing. One issue is at full speed I often cannot diagnose faults. Second, in the full swing I seem unable, especially with longer clubs, to keep myself from lapsing back into starting the downswing with my arms or shoulders. Said another way I seem unable to start the downswing with weight transfer. Can you give me some suggestions on how to overcome this problem short of seeing a shrink?
August 15, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. For full swing, try the RST Tempo Drill Video to get the lower body motion combined with the feel of Keep the Rear Shoulder Back Video. A side note would be can you do it in a 9 to 3? Because I would start there if you really struggle with shifting first and passive upper half.
August 15, 2018
Hi can I ask a question which i think relates to weight shift, as follows: I seem to get additional axis tilt in my downswing. If this is correct, it leads me to hitting ground before ball, so I am wondering the following: a) is additional axis tilt in downswing correct (it seems to be correct from what Chuck says in this video) and b) if it is, what counteracts it? Is it weight shift of the whole body toward the target pre impact (i.e. shift whole body further to target than it was at address), or is it holding lag or is it posting up? Or all three? Sorry for long winded questions, but any guidance would really help me to visualise how I should aim to correct this. Ed
August 7, 2018
Tyler (Certified RST Instructor)
If you are getting too much secondary axis tilt, there are two key things you should check. Make sure your stance width is 2 inches outside of NJA. If your stance is too wide, your lower body can make that weight shift but your head will hang back. Once you check that, and you still have too much secondary axist tilt, chances are good that you are pushing hard from the trail leg. This causes your hip to slide past NJA, resulting in too much secondary axis tilt. You want your shoulder, hip and ankle joints to be stacked on top of each other at impact
August 7, 2018
Thanks Tyler - a follow up if I may... If I am stacked at impact does that mean I have removed the secondary axis tilt I had at address - or is that overcomplicating things? i.e. I guess what I am asking is whether the stack at impact is more of a feeling and in fact there is a bit of a c shape at impact on the lead side of the body? There looks like there is in the still shots of chuck at impact?
August 8, 2018
Tyler (Certified RST Instructor)
There will be secondary axis tilt, this is what shallows out your swing plane. The secondary axis tilt comes from you shifting your weight, while keeping your head centered. The stacking simply comes from your left shoulder not flying open (notice chuck's stays low), proper stance width, and proper weight shift.
August 8, 2018
August 9, 2018
Hi Mike here. Just got the course and I am already thrilled at the results. I would like to comment on the weight shift. I have found that posting up on the left leg including straightening the leg really makes the weight shift easy and squares the club face at Impact automatically. By the way just by the proper setup I have improved my swing dramatically but the weight shift adds speed and simplicity and beauty. I cannot believe it! Your course is fabulous and I will it pass it on to my grandkids. Thank you.
June 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Awesome. And, your notes are spot on. The posting will trigger the release and allowing the squaring automatically.
June 30, 2018
Thanks Craig. Another revelation to me is the concept of the rectangle and square representing the role of the shoulders and the core. It really worked for me especially on the short game keeping the shoulders quiet and initiating the swing with the square. I cannot believe the crispness of the shots which I never experienced before. Learned more in one day than in my whole life.
June 30, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Love to hear that you are learning. We like to think of ourselves as the higher learning of golf education.
June 30, 2018
When I set up with axis tilt, I have found the majority of my weight is already on the right side due to my head position being behind the ball (I’m a right handed golfer). Due to this, I don’t “feel” that I can shift my weight to the right to start the swing. This leads to a long swing bc I cannot load properly. Please advise. TIA.
June 23, 2018
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Good morning Doug. Check out the "Hip Bump / Axis Tilt" video. Your head should stay still as you drop your right shoulder and bump your hips slightly toward the target. This will help you even out the weight distribution in your feet at address while achieving the proper amount of axis tilt.
June 23, 2018
Thank you for your reply. In reading other comments below, it appears the weight shift should initiate the backswing PRIOR to shoulder turn/rotation, instead of the two being "sync'ed up". If this is the case, would Henrik Stenson be a good example of this?
June 23, 2018
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
He takes it to the extreme, no question, we wouldn't really advocate making such a seemingly disconnected move. Chuck did a video about Henrik's backswing moves recently, take a look and read the comments as well.
June 23, 2018
I have the premium package. Step One is the weight shift. I listen to and see Chuck's video intro. He talks about doing the drills and watching the weight shift videos, but I can't find them. Where are they?
June 22, 2018
Howard (Certified RST Instructor)
Good afternoon Robert. If you're watching a video, you should be able to scroll down to 'show more' and see additional videos relating to whatever topic you're on. Also, you can go to the RST 5 Step Dashboard and see all the videos for each section. The subsections you will see here include 'RST Drills.'
June 23, 2018
Hi-in the backswing do you first shift weight to the right and then start the shoulder blade glide?- or is it simultaneous? or do i first start the shoulder glide? I find the shoulder glide a great way for me to initiate the swing but shifting my weight to right is a bit more of challenge.Thx Lawrence
June 5, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lawrence. We prefer shifting and then starting trail shoulder glide. However, if you have a tendency to shift weight already in the takeaway. Solely pulling may feel better to you because of an already ingrained movement pattern of moving weight during the first quarter of the swing.
June 5, 2018
Craig... just curious about a certain feeling related to active vs passive weight shift. Do you shift your weight, or as I believe Bob Toski once said, does your weight shift? I was wondering if with proper shoulder blade glide, will your weight shift automatically in the back swing?
April 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. The shoulder blade glide will activate the pull on the trail hip to facilitate rotation. Some players have older motor patterns already ingrained and don't need to actively think about shifting much of their weight in the backswing.
April 26, 2018
How do you combine weight shift and posting up in the downswing into the one move? Thank you Michael
April 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Step 2 - Core Rotation Video.
April 13, 2018
Like the site I will be uploading another review tthis evening . I’ve completed 1700 weight shift reps. Harder then I thought . I asked my current teacher to take a look and she said my weight shift is improving . However she would like me to continue with 2 hands on the club . She said using just my lead arm ( as pictured in drill ) “ my club is not in the right position and I tend to let the club to go across my body in the release . Your thoughts please ? Thanks Dennis
April 6, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Both arms/hands do have role in the swing. However, the trail hand for most players tends to over dominate the lead hand. I would stick with the lead for right now. The optimal thing to do would be to upload your lead arm only drill to your instructor and have him check out your positioning.
April 6, 2018
do the non- driving range- mirror/bag drills daily.... wish when i come back to the web site, that there would be a video history access of what i have been recently or lastly for that matter, watching- so i wouldn't have to go hunting for a recent video i have been viewing. gets old trying to locate.... between I-Phone, Surface & desk top PC where the recent viewing history videos can be accessed, Thx
March 24, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Thanks for the suggestion. I will relay it to the team.
March 24, 2018
Hi chuck, I am 70 and am now 12 days after having 3 of my lumbar vertebra fused. I won't be allowed to swing a club until mid May. I suppose ill have every video to memory by then. Have watched most already. Really enjoy your swing philosophy. It makes such obvious common sense. I was begining to make great progress when my surgery came along. Keep up the great work!
February 28, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Pete. Sorry to hear about fusion. Good news. We will still be able to build a great swing and keep you away from more lumbar issues. Thanks for the post about our content. Check back in with us when you get back to work. Start first with Setup and Weight Shift. Clean up the body before worrying about the club.
March 1, 2018
Should one do all the drills, 3000 reps each from Step 1 to Step 5 before taking the practice to the course and hitting balls?
January 11, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Ideally, you would shy away from too many ball strikes working through the program. However, you need to challenge yourself to know what needs more reps or further clean up. Once you get to Step 4 and 5 you can slowly add a few ball reps coupled with some video work. Therefore, you can check and see what may need a little maintenance.
January 11, 2018
Is there a downside to going through the reps in less days? For example if I want to do 200 a day for 15 days instead of taking a month. Dies the brain and kinesthetic learning work better spreading out over a longer time frame?
January 7, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. The brain may tire with more reps. Leading to less quality work. But, if you can maintain the same quality of reps. No reason you can't do 200 in a practice session.
January 7, 2018
Just went through intro and setup. I am going to work on setup for a month as recommended but can I start weight shift module? Want to stack the movements the right way and am willing to be patient.
December 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. If you are proficient at setup and can do it on command (without thought). You may stack a weight component.
December 26, 2017
Thanks. I’ll stay on setup for a while
December 26, 2017
When i practice weight shift i seem to loose my axis tilt as my pelvis sways backwards to get the weight shift, any advice, thanks, David
October 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Take a look at How to Fix Reverse Pivot and Weight Shift Part 2 Video.
October 11, 2017
Chuck, is lower back pain pretty common? I find myself wondering how the pros do this day after day. I get pain in the lower back, left side - the side to which I shift my weight as a right-handed golfer. Admittedly, I hit a LOT of golfballs this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday. Also, I was fitted at a shop for heavy shafts, as they seemed to be the best option for my swing. I'm wondering if I'm doing something in the swing, maybe arching it too much and losing my posture at impact. Thanks, Joel
September 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joel. Is lower back pain very common in golf? Absolutely. Most players make so many compensations in their swing that back issues are inevitable. However, following the RST method is proper form it will keep you from having pain. (The only reason I can still swing). I would suggest a swing review with detailed notes telling you instructor about your pain. Sounds like a mechanical issue.
September 21, 2017
Ok thanks!
September 21, 2017
Can't seem to remember how I enter my reps. Can you give me a quick reminder?
September 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christian. The rep tracker is located in the 5 Step System - Drill Only Videos.
September 15, 2017
Where is the proper weight shift demonstrated?
August 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. This is the introductory video. We have tons of videos that demonstrate weight shift. Step 1, Step 2, Weight Shift Part 1-3, Weight Shift Sweep Drills, etc. Are just a few for starters you can put in the search box.
August 26, 2017
I have seen a video of Chuck in the gym doing weight shift drills/exercises but can't find it. Can you point me to it please?
August 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martyn. The RSA Core Video is the one I believe you are referring too. Or, the Winter Golf Training Program.
August 21, 2017
I have done the first two steps and now am finding that with my driver especially that I tend to "hook" the balls, the irons are not as affected as much. Is this normal at this part of the five step system?
August 15, 2017
Chuck (Certified RST Instructor)
No, certainly not, so it's clear that's some other factors at play here. Have you done a swing review so we can see what else is going on?
August 17, 2017
I'm having some trouble with the weight shift and being able to tell when I'm in neutral joint alignment. I was previously taught that you cannot transfer too much weight and because of this I get my left hip way out in front of my foot at impact. This leads to a big draw swing with no power or block city. So how can I tell that my hip is in the correct spot?
July 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Z. You need to use a mirror and/or camera to help check the positions. In the meantime, also check out Preventing Hip Pain Video.
July 19, 2017
Video would be better if weight shift,drills demonstrated in video
July 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. This is the introductory video talking more about what weight shift is and the importance versus an exact drill. We have tons of drill videos relating to weight shift. I would be happy to point you in the right direction if you have a question.
July 10, 2017
This might not even be a good question, but is there an exact proper time or time window in the swing when weight transfer to the left (and/or right) should be made? Is there a drill that teaches that? I am very surprised to find that I can do the drill(s) quite well but really struggle incorporating them into my full swing on the course.
June 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Wayne. Most players have the tendency to start the transition slightly before they complete the backswing. Take a look at Start the Downswing Before Completing the Backswing.
June 19, 2017
Ms Terry
Hi Craig TyVM - Where is the video Using the wrist in the Golf swing. - sorry I can't seem to locate it. Best Terry
June 10, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. Using the Wrists in the Golf Swing. Here is the link:
June 10, 2017
Ms Terry
What is the best video to learn how to hinge the wrists in the backswing. I tend to have very still wrists. Best Terry
June 9, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Terry. Perfecting Your Golf Impact 4 of 4 in the Bonus Series and understanding proper wrist set/hinge with the Using the Wrist in Golf Swing Video.
June 9, 2017
Where do you feel the pressure in your foot when you shift your weight in the back swing? The outside heel ? The inside ball of the foot? The inside heel of the foot? ( right hand golfer )
May 25, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Bennie, You should be feeling the pressure under the ankle/heel. Never let the weight work to the outside part of the foot. Trying to focus it to the inside of the ankle/heel is perfect. Hope that helps.
May 25, 2017
james c
how to fade your golf shots
May 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Take a look at the 9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking Section.
May 15, 2017
sometimes when i shift my weight to the left my weight falls back on to my right foot losing my balance what am i doing wrong?
May 4, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Mark, you could be dealing with several issues. The most common ones we see are...pulling your arms down too fast from the top, which causes your upper body to hang back in transition and makes it hard for you to transfer your weight. Use the video "starting the downswing before the backswing is complete" along with "fixing weight transfer" and this should help you use less arms to start your downswing. Hope that helps.
May 4, 2017
Thank you
May 5, 2017
I found that I have been able to create significantly more lag (25 degrees) with the proper weight shift. So much so that I am hitting easy 7 iron 145 yards. Literally feels like half swing. The problem is when I try to get more typical distance (e.g. 165 yards) I expend a lot more effort, lose my lag, and as a result only hit the ball about 5-10 yards further, 150-155 yards. How can I speed up the swing and keep the lag I get from the proper weight shift and easy swing?
April 28, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Sadly, it will take practice. I would start with the 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills to own the smaller movement and then gradually move up to a fuller move ala Step 4 and the Frisbee Drill.
April 28, 2017
Do you have any suggestions on how to focus on posting up on the left leg? and timing of that move.
April 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Allen. Take a look at Step 2 - Core Rotation and You Hit the Golf Ball with Your Legs.
April 12, 2017
As I work on weight shift training, and then the rest of the steps, can I go out and still play golf, doing the best I can on the weight shift and then I will be better there but still using whatever other habits I have? In other words, can I keep playing as I learn?
March 31, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rich. Ideally, golf would be set aside during training. However, I know when players get time off (which can be few and far between) that they want to play a few holes. It won't destroy a rebuild. Just try to keep playing at a minimum during the change. And, if you do play. Try to incorporate some of the changes in the practice swing to not lose all the new feels.
April 1, 2017
I have always struggled with weight shift. Today at the driving range I experimented with putting 80/85 percent of my weight on my right side at address. In this pre-loaded position I was able to make a big shoulder turn and easily transfer my weight to the left side. I was making excellent ball contact with the distance and ball flight I wanted. Is this an 'ok' technique to use or am I setting myself up for failure down the road?
March 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jerry. Take a look at my post to John below. I want you to play well, but it would be hard to recommend the preset position.
March 29, 2017
Is there anything wrong with simply setting up with your weight set on your inside right foot ready to launch rather than having to transfer as part of one movement? I've tried that feel (without a ball) and doesn't seem too bad; whats your take? Cheers John Birkett
March 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. If you preset the weight you will lose a little bit of the feel of momentum to help make a proper backswing. Also, weight shift and the changing of direction really helps to shallow the club and increase lag. You may Anchor to the Ground (Anchor to the Ground Video). But, I would be cautious of presetting the weight. Take a look at My Golf Backswing Secrets Video as another reason why feeling weight shift helps.
March 29, 2017
Chuck, How do you do weight shift and prevent your head from moving backward on the shift back and forward on the shift foreward? A moving head is a disaster in the golf swing isn't it?
January 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerald. The head will move in the golf swing. You are correct that a moving head can be a disaster, but that's only if it is excessive. It will tend to move about a inch going back and an inch or two coming through. If the head stays perfectly stable it will be hard to shift the weight properly. Head movement due to proper weight shift is fine. Head movement due to push or poor rotation is bad.
January 29, 2017
Thanks Craig, I have some work to do to get it down to an inch or two of movement, as now I'm at nearly a foot! Guess I'll have to concentrate on trying to keep it steady in hopes of getting it down to an inch or 2. Thanks for your help and encouragement. PS: It would be nice if one of the videos would do something like put an elipse on the head of someone doing a great swing to illustrate how the head stays so steady in the swing sequence, and in what directions it moves during the entire swing. Hoping to see it sometime in the future. Also, consider doing this "telltale" definitive marking with the hips as well so we can all see where a great swing is supposed to be. Great stuff. Keep it up! Jerry
January 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jerry. Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate the positive post of the site and content. 2 things: 1) Push vs Pull - Don't push back with lead side (Head Moving off the Ball Video and Pushing vs. Pulling Video "Swing - not Putting"). 2) Weight Shift Video Part 2 to maintain hip line.
January 29, 2017
Moving through the 5-Step program, is there a recommended number of reps for the drills within each step before moving on to the next?
January 20, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. The goal is at least 100 perfect reps in a practice session. After about 1000 you should be pretty proficient at the move to stack some more pieces. But, ideally 3000-5000 you would have it mastered and completed the motor pattern change.
January 20, 2017
I am confused by two rotary teaching issues: (1) CQ says that everyone, no matter what age, can get a 90 degree (full) shoulder turn on the backswing (my age is 68) by turning the hips more if necessary but, (2) we are also told to keep the right knee flexed and facing forward. I find it impossible to achieve the (1) while doing (2) i.e. without straightening my right knee. I would love your advice please. Michael
January 16, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. You want to maintain as much trail knee flex as possible. If you have to allow for a little straightening to let the hips rotate to reach the full turn. As long as the glute is engaged. It shouldn't be a deal breaker. Also, you might need to splay the trail foot a hair if its for flexibility reasons with the lower half.
January 18, 2017
When i move my weight at the start of the backswing i think i loose my axis tilt, my hips want to move back as well. How do i stop this? Thanks
January 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. If you are losing you tilt you are just bumping the hip and not shifting properly. Take a look at the Weight Shift Video Part 2.
January 14, 2017
Where is the next video after intro to weight shift?
January 8, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hugh. Start with Step 1 - Weight Shift and Weight Shift Part 1 - 3 Video.
January 8, 2017
How do i stop my hips wanting to go with the weight shift on the backswing? I feel i start with good axis tilt but lose it on the backswing.
November 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. It is okay to allow for hip rotation. You don't want excessive rotation, but a little is perfectly fine.
November 15, 2016
Leslie John
Hello gents, I can transfer my weight two ways; as Chuck showing in the video, or by gently kick-in my right knee, which is also suggested as means to flatten the swing, particularly for irons, not to take deep divots. For the driver I would guess the former is better? Could I get a heads up on this please?
October 25, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Leslie. More the former due to the desire for maximum involvement of the big muscles and building some torque.
October 25, 2016
Just had my initial swing video review done by Stephen Maes, which is very helpful. But, I am concerned about jumping into this change the way I would like to when I have a lot of golf, including a couple of tournaments, in October. Does it make sense to review the learning videos and the overview videos to get familiar, but postpone jumping in until I'm through with these tournaments. From what I've viewed and drilled a bit, I don't see how I can easily integrate this into my golf game. Going to get worse before better! That's ok, but not sure now is the time.
September 30, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Curt-(Steven ). That would be up to you! If you have some tournaments coming up you can either start to SLOWLY drill the weight shift during your practice time or if you would feel more comfortable waiting till after your tournaments you can do that also. But yes at least check out the intro videos and overview videos to get an understanding. The best advice I can give for your upcoming tournaments is short game, short game and more short game practice! Mainly putting.
September 30, 2016
Good advice. I will continue to work on my setup drills...I think that has already aware of issues I had, and it won't work against my current swing. I will review the short game videos as well. Looking forward to getting into the swing change. Thanks.
September 30, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Let us know if you have any questions! Good Luck
September 30, 2016
Where are the drills?
September 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. If you click "Show More" on the left side of your page under the video list. Under the 5 Step Category you will see Step 1 - Weight Shift.
September 15, 2016

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