Phase 1 - Mastering Consistency

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Phase 1 of the C4 Ballstriking Mastery Program starts with mastering consistency. In this golf instruction video, you will learn the 5 pro fundamentals for consistent golf shots that will teach you to hit the ball laser straight every time.

  1. Flat Left Wrist
  2. Shoulders Square
  3. Hips Open
  4. Foot Down
  5. Head Down

The nine to three drill is all that matters in the golf swing from parallel to parallel or from nine o'clock to three o'clock. If you get that right, you can play consistently great golf. And that's exactly what we're gonna teach you, how to do. And in phase one, we're focusing exclusively on consistency. If you learn how to do these five simple checkpoints, you will learn how to hit the ball consistently, straight every single time.

But the nine to three drill, isn't just about consistency. You're gonna learn club face control so that you can control trajectory and shot shaping. You're gonna learn how to release the club for effortless speed and power. You're going to learn how to use your body for power and use it correctly. To protect yourself from injury. The nine to three drill is gonna teach you all of those things and much more, but we're gonna first focus on consistency and the five fundamental checkpoints that you're going to learn so that you can consistently hit the ball laser straight every time.

In phase one, we're gonna focus primarily on impact. The only thing that actually influences the ball is when you actually hit it. So getting these key checkpoints right is paramount. If you don't get these right, you won't be able to control the golf ball. You won't be able to play consistent golf. There are five fundamental checkpoints in phase one that will teach you exactly how to hit the ball perfectly straight every single time. And they're gonna seem really simple at first, but it's very important that you learn how to do these correctly. And don't jump ahead to the release and all of the other fun parts about adding power like we do in phase three, because we need to be able to hit the ball straight rather than just hit it far and into the woods. So these five checkpoints are what we're gonna focus on first. And they're very, very simple. And I want you to commit these to memory.

The first and most important one. and we're gonna go through this as I hit balls in just a moment, is the flat left wrist at impact. The wrist has to be flat at impact. If you're flipping and scooping, which we'll talk about in the faults and fixes, you're not gonna have any control over the golf ball. You're not gonna have any penetration on your ball flight. So the first thing we're going to focus on is getting this wrist nice and flatted impact so we can control the loft on the club face and get a nice stable, consistent impact position. The second thing is that our hips are going to be open as a result of this, our left leg is gonna be straight. So these two things you can associate together. As your hips move to an open position, your leg has to be straight to facilitate your hips rotating.

Most golfers struggle with using their lower body. So learning how to do this in these little slow nine to three movements is gonna be very, very simple for you to get this hip movement, correct.

Once your hips are open. The other thing that you're going to be focusing on is making sure that your shoulders are square. Most golfers are gonna struggle with getting their shoulders really open, cuz they try to weekly power the swing with their shoulders and arms. We're gonna teach you how to use your lower body correctly so that you can have effortless power. Checkpoint number four, that head has gotta stay down. So a lot of golfers, when we start teaching, 'em how to do these nine to three drills in our clinics, they start looking up and of course that pulls your shoulders out of position. It pulls your body out of posture and everything goes to heck really fast. So keep your head down, looking on the ball, looking down at the ground. Even after you strike the ball to start getting in the habit of keeping your head down on every shot.

The fifth and final checkpoint is that your trail leg, in my case, right leg, that heel is gonna be rolled in. 95% of my pressure is gonna be on the lead side, but the right heel is gonna stay down. We don't want it popping up because when you start looking at this from down the line, this is how you start losing the tush line, losing your posture.

So when we look at this all together, your perfect impact position is gonna look just about like this. My shoulders are gonna be square. My hips are open, right? Foot's rolled in my head is down. My left wrist is flat. And if you wanna take a little bonus point, you want this left elbow pointing down the target line instead of rolled in like this, becuase this leads to a flip and also can lead to a lot of elbow pain on the inside of your arm. So if you can get that left elbow pointing down the line in line with your wrist, that's a little bonus. That'll help protect your elbow from injury.

So this is what you're trying to do because you will see these exact same five checkpoints and every great ball striker on the planet. Every tour pro you're gonna learn. Why they're so consistent is because their impact alignments are consistent. And these are the five keys that you must master to be able to consistently hit the ball straight.

So how do you know if you're doing these five checkpoints correctly, every single time, stop and look, that's the most important thing. Don't go off and rattle through a bunch of balls. That's not productive. You want to start learning. You wanna learn how to learn and you have to check yourself on every shot. So after every shot, you'll see in just a moment, I'm gonna stop and I'm gonna go through my checkpoints at first.

You'll you'll have to commit these five things to memory, but you'll go through them very quickly. Once you do this, like, okay, my heels down, left wrist is flat, hips are open, shoulders are square, head's down. This'll come through very, very quickly. As you get comfortable with this.

You'll also find that many of the checkpoints you will do really, really well right away with and others you'll struggle with consistently. At first, that's how we have to learn how to diagnose ourselves and be able to fix them. So don't worry if you've struggled with the same thing over and over again, such as a flip or pulling your head up, we have all of the fixes that you need for each checkpoint in the fault and fixes section. So if you're pulling your head up, don't worry, there's a video that's gonna teach you how to fix that when you're practicing on the range or at home, you'll wanna keep notes. So we've created a self-assessment tab for the, for you to write down two things. One, what is it that you're doing well every time it's always golf, beats us down enough as it is. It's important to look at the things that you're doing really, really well and keep note of that over time. And also the things that you're doing incorrectly. If you keep struggling with the flip that's okay, we're gonna help you fix it. But write that down so that you can keep a checklist of the things that you need to focus on during your next practice session. And this is gonna help you also learn how to emphasize the right things in your practice time. So you don't waste any time so you can improve quickly.

At first, we're gonna start out with groups of 10. So what, another thing that we've created for you is a tracker so that you can track the scores on how many out of 10 you're hitting properly. You're hitting your checkpoints. And I'm also gonna give you the, what this white line is here for in just a moment to help you understand how to assess yourself so that, you know, when you're ready to move on to the next step, our goal is 8 out of 10, consistently outta groups of 10. So for the first 10 balls, you might only hit 5 out of 10 where you're hitting all these checkpoints and hitting the ball within the allowable deviation for the, for the shot distance that we're talking about here. Each phase has a different distance that you're aiming for and a different deviation that you're aiming for. But we'll talk about that in just a moment.

So first, if you only hit five outta 10, that's perfectly okay. But write those scores down and you can do it on your phone while you're at the range, write in the, on the website and just keep track of that. So you can see over time, your progress, like, okay, I'm getting better, I'm getting better. Or I keep struggling with something. Maybe I need a little help. I need a swing review to make sure that I know what I'm doing and how to fix this. You'll see your trend increase. You'll see yourself improve, but you have to put those scores in there so that you know where you're at. So we've made really simple notes and scores and your score, your goal 8 outta 10 is your goal to where you can consistently take groups of 10 balls and hit 8 out of 10, hit all five checkpoints, keep this, keep the ball in the deviation circle. And then you're ready to start ingraining that movement. You don't want to ingrain something incorrectly, cuz then you're just reinforcing your bad habits.

So we're gonna talk about how to practice in the follow along section. But at first we've gotta get you the baseline on how to do this correctly and then we'll start building repetition so we start building that Mylan in the brain. So you can repeat this movement over and over again without having to think about it.

All right, so now let's get started actually hitting balls. What you're going to do at first. I'm not gonna give you a lot to think about on the back swing. We really wanna focus on just getting the impact alignments, correct because again, that's the only thing that influences the flight of the ball. So if you wanna hit the ball straight impact has to be correct, but I'm gonna give you a couple things to focus on on the back swing.

So for those of you who are a little bit more advanced and you're moving through these checkpoints very quickly, you can start to also start to move into the back swing movement. So you can start making, making this movement a lot easier and more consistent.

During the back swing, you're gonna wanna keep your trail arm, my right arm straight. There's no reason for this to bend. And if it is check out the fault and fixes for that, you're also not gonna have a lot of wrist that we're only going to nine o'clock on o'clock. So if you think 12 o'clock three o'clock six o'clock, nine o'clock from your perspective, this is nine o'clock. So you'll see my wrists are very relaxed. They're barely set. My right arm are straight and I've turned my shoulders to move the club. As I do this, there's gonna be a little bit of pressure shift to the right side. That's it! You don't need to think about any of this stuff on the back swing. A lot of this will happen naturally and we'll start to focus on refining this movement in phase four.

But for right now, what we're really gonna do is just try to get a little tiny back swing so that we have some momentum to come down and strike the ball with. That's where we're gonna really start getting into the nuts and bolts of the five checkpoints that we talked about before.

So let's take a look at what this is gonna look like in real time on a real shot. When we are starting out with the nine to three drill, especially in phase one, we're only aiming for 10 to 15 yard shots maximum. If you hit it any harder than that, you're working way too hard and we're gonna teach you how to get effortless power. And I really want you to feel this and experience it perhaps for the first time when you learn the release in phase two.

So do not try to hit these hard at all. It completely is counterproductive and defeats the purpose of the drill. What you're trying to do is learn how to control that club face every single time it impacts. So you know exactly where that face is pointing so that you can hit it straight and you know exactly where you're gonna hit the ball on the face, so that you can get good compression on the ball. What we're gonna aim for is consistency, not power in phase one. So what we're gonna do, I've put a little line of tape here on the ground so that I can show you what kind of deviation you should be expecting and achieve in these drills when you're aiming for your 8 out of 10. And I'm gonna show you a couple notes about things that you're gonna discover as you're doing this, but we're gonna go through the checkpoints.

And I'm also gonna show you a couple incorrect ways that you're probably gonna see yourself doing so that you start to learn how to diagnose yourself. My goal is to get all 8 out of 10 within about a one or two yard circle at a 10 yard distance. So you'll see when I go through this movement first and I get my setup, it's also gonna help. I'm gonna take a little bit narrower stance than I normally would, because I don't have a big swing. I don't have time and momentum to make a big pressure shift. So my stance will be a little bit more narrow. All I'm really gonna focus on here is getting that ball, getting my impact alignment perfect. And the ball as a result should go down this line and if it doesn't and it goes a little bit to the right, I'm gonna tell you why that happens in just a moment.

So nine o'clock just a little baby shot. Now what I'm focusing on here. I don't care where the ball went yet. What I'm focusing on here is my alignments. Is my pressure on my lead side? 90, 95% and that left leg straight right foot rolled in hips, open shoulder square, left wrist flat. Perfect. And you'll notice I only hit that one about six or seven yards. I'm gonna start out really, really small at first so I can get the feel and make sure I'm hitting my alignments correctly. My impact alignments. If I'm doing that, I can start to go a little bit longer. Ball's still rolling along the tape. I'm starting to get control over that golf ball for many of you, to be for the first time to know exactly where that ball is gonna go before you hit it is a really good feeling in golf.

And that's what you're learning here. So here, little baby shots, you can see there's no power in what I'm doing. I'm just trying to hit my impact. Alignments every single time. Now a couple things you may note, as you're doing this drill. If you put out a little piece of tape like this, it's really helpful. What you're really focusing on again is not how far you hit it again. 10 to 15 yards max, what you're focusing on is grouping and starting line. Now this one I hit a little bit to the right. You saw just about six, eight inches to the right. That can happen because you're holding off the release. That's normal, the release of letting the club face rotate instead of holding myself at impact or just after impact, the release helps square the face. So if it goes a little bit to the right and you're consistently finding that happening perfectly, okay.

However, if you're seeing it consistently for right-handers go to the left, then there's something else going on and you're starting to open your shoulders or shut your hands down, et cetera. So what you're looking for is either dead straight on that tape, or just a little bit to the right as you're doing this drill, ideally, you're gonna see it landing on the tape over and over again. And you're gonna start to find that you can consistently hit the ball dead straight every single time. As we do this, we're gonna build on it and the next phase we're gonna add the release and you'll be shocked at just by adding the release, how much further the ball will go with no increased effort on your part whatsoever. That's what I'm trying to teach you consistency and effortless power at the same time. So once you get a feel for this and you can do 8 outta 10 over and over again and landing on the tape and of course you're gonna ask, Hey, will this help my chipping two?

Absolutely. So we hear that all the time in the clinics, people working on the nine to three drill and they're like, man, my chipping has improved dramatically. Of course this is part of the, the movement for a chip shot. So that's what you're looking for, a consistent grouping. And now this is artificial turf. So you're gonna see the ball kind of bounce around and take funky bounces. So you're not necessarily going to have a consistent grouping. If you're out on ground, that's very uneven and so on. But your goal is to see that is it starting on that line and consistently ending up and about the same spot over and over again. If you see the balls going over here and you see yourself flipping it, et cetera, you're not hitting your checkpoints. That wrist is not flat. Your shoulders are not square, they're opening or your hips are not getting open, et cetera.

You have to hit those five checkpoints, but once you do, you'll see the ball going the same spot over and over and over again. And that's the goal and that's the secret to the game of golf.

So just one more time, we'll take a look a little bit more closely as actually hitting a ball, going through these little checkpoints. I'm like narrow stance here - there you'll notice the club went a little bit past impact. It's not gonna stop ride at impact. It's okay as a little bit of momentum. But my goal is again, checking that this left wrist is flat, that my right foot is very light. My head is still back behind the ball. And as I do this, that club face is gonna be consistently square over and over again, you hit these checkpoints. You're gonna be hitting straight golf shots.

If you find yourself hitting shots that are erratic and inconsistent, or you can't hit these checkpoints over and over again, go to the faults and fix this section and look for the fault that you're struggling with. If it's a flip it's in there, if your head's coming up, it's in there. We show you specifically how to address every single fault with a fix and how to drill it so that you can improve very quickly and get yourself hitting these checkpoints over and over again so that you can hit the ball consistently straight. Once you have that and you can consistently hit 8 out of 10 into about a one or two yard circle at about 10 to 15 yards, you're ready to start ingraining it. And that's what we created the follow along section for where you're gonna follow along with a rotary swing instructor going through these same drills, showing you the types of things that you're going to think about to feel, to focus on, how many reps to do, how to start catching yourself, making little mistakes and how to correct them so that you can start becoming ultra consistent and putting the bat on the back of the ball, dead square every single time.

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On the shortest swings where Craig is hitting the ball only 6 or 7 yards is he using his hands, arms and shoulders or his hips & legs to swing the club into & through the ball?
October 9, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. I am mainly using legs and lead arm. I do allow for some shoulder turn back but zero active usage coming through.
October 11, 2024
Interesting that you say you use your lead arm. In your video Right Hand Putting Grip for Touch & Distance Control you use your right hand for touch & feel. Both shots need touch & feel so why the difference?
October 11, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Phase 1 is about a lead side dominant pattern and face control. The trail arm adds power, but you don't want it controlling the face. I am trying to gain awareness of impact face control and flight. Nothing to to with power transfer, or speed at this level.
October 11, 2024
This sounds a little basic, but what is exactly is meant by “Shoulders Square”.. Square to what? In the video’s, it looks like the shoulders may be more parallel to the open hips…Should your shoulders be parallel to the target line…. I’ve watched these videos and the following along videos and they all look like the shoulders are opening.. Thanks!! Alex
September 5, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alex. The shoulders will be square to the target line. As you add speed and the trail hand they will have to open but are getting pulled into that position. Main point is you don't actively rotate the shoulders in the downswing.
September 6, 2024
It says I have 2 days left in my free trial, am I a member yet or not?
August 11, 2024
Hi Ron, no, you never signed up for a paid membership, so when your trial expires you will lose access.
August 11, 2024
How does the goat delivery position fit in? I don't see how both arms straight at 9 o'clock can then move to GDP. Is this for the small 9 to 12 movement and that for the full swing?
July 30, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. The drill above is solely to train small impact shots for a lead side dominant movement pattern. The drill above isn't meant for power and with the size/speed of the drill getting to the exact GDP positions wouldn't allow enough time to square the club. As a FYI in both lead/trail side movement patterns you do want the arms straight into the takeaway position (9 O'clock).
July 30, 2024
so I'm confused about the reps tracker tab. Is that for how many times we've watched the video? How many times we've run the drill (although i thought we used the dashboard to enter that info)? or what? Jeff.
July 11, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Correct. Use the Dashboard to enter your information. The Rep Tracker was the older version of tracking how many reps you completed. Not how many times you've watched the enclosed drills.
July 11, 2024
Hi Craig, I just started! So we only record the number of times we try the drill, not the results? For example I scored 5/8 the first time. Thanks
August 4, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The rep tracker above is solely for reps. The Dashboard AI tracker is the result oriented repetition section.
August 4, 2024
hey guys now that I’m focusing again more on contact it is occurred to me that it’s become a little bit of a problem and I’m very inconsistent in the contact area. A friend recommended the impact snap training aid and I checked it out. it looks pretty good. Any comments on that or perhaps a better way through the website?
July 2, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. The device isn't bad but all training aids have to be used correctly. Thinking of your move you probably move the lead wrist too much into flexion early with no room for it to increase coming down. I would check your lead wrist extension/flexion.
July 2, 2024
In the video Chuck seems to be able to hit 10 yards or so with the club not even passing vertical after impact. I can get shaft lean at impact and I can stop the follow through with the hands still leading the club, but even if I only hit 5 yards the club always goes maybe 45 degrees past vertical. Is there a secret to stopping like Chuck does before the club passes vertical?
July 2, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. Sounds like you may be doing too much with the arms/hands instead of the legs aiding. If you want to post you movement in the Community or a Swing Review I would be happy to look.
July 2, 2024
Thanks Craig. The problem was weight shift. Fixing that and ensuring that the right foot was unweighted made a big difference. Now for phase 2...
July 4, 2024
Help!! I used this process for my irons. I feel comfortable with them now. How about my driver? Do I follow the same process? I mostly slice, but hook sometimes too. Please let me know and thanks!
June 23, 2024
Swing is the same for all clubs
June 24, 2024
I saw amazing results in the past going old school left only 9-3 drills but had gotten away from that. The right arm or hand has slowly sabotaged my swing. While revisiting this on the range, I noticed that clean, on-line contact is way easier if I FEEL like I’m all core loaded with the left shoulder more angled down. I’d like to keep working this technique. Are there any videos or additional drills that explain this best? Thanks.
June 9, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. C4 focuses mainly on a lead side dominant movement pattern. I see you have a review on the board. I will talk more to you about the lead side pattern today in the video.
June 10, 2024
Hi Todd, take a look at the DEAD Drill videos
June 10, 2024
Hi Everyone just joined with the premium membership was curious the way that I found the program was through the goat code on YouTube and the appeal of the effortless swing is really what I’m looking for. Should should I work on those four videos first of the goat code prior to starting this video series or should I just go right into the consistency. Thanks, Chad.
May 3, 2024
Hi Chad, the GOAT Code is all new content and most members have switched over to just teh GOAT Code videos
May 5, 2024
Hi Chuck, So I should just proceed with the GOAT Code tab? None of the other tabs are relevant in 1-4 ?
May 6, 2024
They are all relevant, one is just focusing on ball striking itself while the GOAT Code is more of a full swing pattern to learn
May 7, 2024
Thank You Chuck, have a great day.
May 7, 2024
if you have to focus on the left wrist being flat at impact , when done at speed , doesnt that promote keeping hands ahead and driving rather than allowing them to release naturally , and if you are trying to release the club, how doesnt one do both at speed. , as if you concentrate releasing hands as you start downswing ( as you say Jack N says) then you wont have flat left wrist at impact as this delofts the club a bit?
April 26, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. The club still will release naturally. If the hands are behind the club head at impact you will be adding loft and more than likely not achieve a proper downward strike. With the downswing taking so little time the adjustment into flexion from extension in the lead wrist shouldn't be a very forced move. Ideally you want to deloft the club a little at impact to turn a 7 iron into a 6 iron. You will still have a lot of rotation for necessary speed. One must know what it feels like though to have some control at impact like the drill above because most scoop/flip at the ball.
April 26, 2024
What club should I use for this practice?
March 27, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. You can use any club, but we set this up with 7 iron as the standard.
March 28, 2024
Went back after severe failure at hitting balls on Phase 3. Hit 50 phase 1 shots. average distance 20 yards, average carry 13 yards 48 of the shots were less then 3 feet off line which included 26 on the line!! only 2 were off line (under 6 feet)
March 26, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great David. Kinda like weight training. If you get to heavy too quickly form drops off. Lighter weight and more quality reps.
March 27, 2024
On the C4 dashboard, the x-axis on the bar chart graph goes from 5 to 200. What do those numbers stand for? Thanks ????
March 2, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. That is like an RPM meter in a car. It is referring to a combination of quality shots, sets and reps. It's part of the algorithm. The more you progress the closer you get to redline.
March 2, 2024
Hi Craig, so there are no units for the numbers on the y-axis? Thank you!
March 2, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Vincent. Correct. This is more a visual aid to see the progress ramp up in the algorithm.
March 2, 2024
Having trouble with letting trail foot roll in as opposed to getting on the toe and passing forward. I did not see this addressed in faults and fixes. Could you direct me to some guidance on this fault? Thanks
February 29, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eric. Take a look at Role of the Right Foot Video.
March 1, 2024
The first time I tried this the ball was going everywhere but I noticed that my head was popping up and also I wasn’t rotating because I was very stiff. The more I worked on it I started hitting more consistently but was pulling the about a yard left.
February 25, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. The pull is either the shoulders opening up too much into impact, or some over active trail hand.
February 26, 2024
Hi Chuck. Thanks for all the great content! I recently started golfing, roughly 5 months ago. Since then, I've watched A LOT of online content from instructors and haven't found any who have explained the swing, holistically, and the reasons WHY the drills they recommend relate to the technique they advocate in anything other than seemingly vague generalizations. Yours is the only instruction (that I've found) that explains the physics of the swing, ball striking, and body motion concretely with the technique you teach. So, thank you!! This is the only way, I believe, that when issues occur, anyone can have confidence that they understand why they are occurring and address them - else one will always have doubts that there are knowledge gaps in their instruction and, consequently their knowledge, which simply do not address the real reason behind any given issue (which then triggers more research, lessons, etc. in a seemingly endless quest to "magically" master the golf swing in a piecemeal, ad hoc, subjective learning approach.) With all your great content, my question is where should I start? Do I start with the DEAD drill (I didn't see what the acronym stands for but assume it's somewhere, just curious)? Or do I start with Phase 1 and work on the DEAD drill throughout the phases? My only feedback to make all your great content even better would be to have a very simple path on the site that shows students where to start and what to work on as they progress through the course. In the current form, there is a lot of content before the Dashboard phases and it's not entirely clear where some of the drills from this content fit in - the DEAD drill for example. Thanks again for all your hard work and giving students a holistic understanding of the golf swing -- its faults and fixes -- and most importantly, equipping students with the knowledge and tools for they themselves to confidently assess and remedy
February 23, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Appreciate the kind words and very happy to have you as a part of the site. We will be doing some restructuring of the site as I know it can be a complicated gambit. A lot of new material at once brings about a change for reorganization. DEAD (Drill to End All Drills) . My suggestion for a beginner would be setup and start working the DEAD Drill body motions to get used to the new movement patterns and hit the ground running with Phase 1. As you progress through the Phases you will revisit the DEAD to keep refining and making the move perfect. Also, it's always why we highly suggest at least 1 swing review. That way your instructor can lay out a custom tailored plan for you which alleviates trying to navigate through 500 videos and just the specific ones you need.
February 23, 2024
Thanks Craig! I watched a part of your videos on "Craig's Journey Back" and really liked the commentary
February 23, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Lance. Good luck with your swing journey. We will be here to help along the way!
February 24, 2024
I'm having a little difficulty navigating through your site again. Where do I find the "In a Hour Mastering my Swing?" Please send the link. I think you have it for new members you wish to join but , as an existing member, when I login, it disappears. Help.
February 2, 2024
I think you are looking for this its under The GOAT Code in the video menu
February 2, 2024
Good Morning. - a crazy question but I'm re-watching, phase 1 mastering consistency, 9-3 drill. Chuck says to log your shots into my phone on your website. 1. I'm looking at my phone when signed into your website. I don't think there is a login prompt from your main website. I hit the menu button and it starts with "golf instruction videos" but ther isn't a prompt about login information. 2. Do you have a Rotary Swing phone app. for easy access to the your site and logging in? Thanks.
February 1, 2024
Oops. Skip the question about login. It's at the bottom. I didn't swipe down to see all the options. Sorry. But please answer my question about the phone app. Thanks.
February 1, 2024
Should the club head low point be at the ball or in front of the ball? In my initial attempts at doing this drill, I was surprised at how low the clubhead was (both going back and coming thru).. Should the lead shoulder be moving down and back and the trail shoulder moving back and up for this drlll? FYI, I struggle with clearing my hips and fight with left (lead) hip pain and lead (left) hamstring tightness... So far, I am finding this approach to be better for me.
January 19, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. You are correct on the shoulders and it may even feel like the lead shoulder is staying lower than the trail into the strike. The low point should be just after impact. Your fulcrum point will be slightly ahead of the ball with a downward angle of attack.
January 19, 2024
does the lead leg have to be fully straight I have been working on having a tiny amount of flext left in the lead leg at impact as I think it increases power
January 18, 2024
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronald. The lead leg needs to be straight. Not locked out straight. Think passively straight as when you stand up. If locked out you may be risking injury to the knee.
January 19, 2024
Question, what are the shoulders square to? Are the shoulders square to the target line at impact? It looks like the shoulders are square to the hips.
December 30, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The target line. The hips should be more open than the shoulders.
January 2, 2024
Question, at the topp of the backswing and during transition, where does the handle of the club point? At the ball initially then down the line right before post up?
December 8, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. You don't want to aim the club perse. For the drill? If so, the club will be at 9 O clock in the takeaway so pointed a little more at you or down the line. As you shallow more towards the ball and back down the line. However, for such a small movement I wouldn't think much because the plane should be pretty zeroed overall.
December 8, 2023
I went through the old set-up videos and the muscle activation video. I went to the range before 9 holes today and worked on it for 15 minutes. then I teed off. Broke 40 for the first time in a long time and missed 5 putts under 6 feet. Im really excited to work the Axiom program.
December 5, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great Donald! Thanks for sharing. We are here to help you along the way. Let us know if you need any help during your journey.
December 7, 2023
Thanks. I had another practice session and added another 100 reps. Then I did the 10 ball test and hit 7 out of ten. I hit the other three left. I figured out my shoulders were not squareafter each miss and my weight was not over my lead ankle. I took that knowledge to the course the next day. Front nine I shot a 48. Worst in a long time. All misses were left or topped left. I focused only on the 5 check points the rest of the round and shot a 38 on the back nine. It felt great to work my way back into better fundamentals. The worst shots had a three yard fade. Best shots a 5 yard draw. I am still having trouble getting over to my left side which results in a pull hook or a slight fade. Two additional thought: first, I have trouble getting my body to stall out before the release. Is this a post upp issue? Second, The release is inconsistent and I'm looking forward to working on it. When I get the body to stop as I release, the ball seems to fly off the club face. I get 10-15 yards more per iron in my bag. I just don't know yet how to do it consistently. (more venting, I know this is coming)
December 8, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Could be a post up issue or push issue. You may be attempting the post up too late and not finishing it, or excessively pushing from trail foot causing you more to slide out ahead.
December 8, 2023
I'm still occasionally hitting at the ball. Can you confirm that from 9 o'clock, as I start the journey back to impact, the shaft effectively moves away from me approximately down the plane line towards the target line.
November 10, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. You should see the hands and club move away from you excessively. But, t will return back down the plane line and towards the target.
November 10, 2023
I’m finding it hard to not use all up body during these small chip like pinch shots, is that normal for this type of drill, it just seems like it doesn’t require much lower body at all, thanks!
October 5, 2023
It seems like the thought of not using any wrist or arm action during this drill helps, is that a proper thought? Just turn the right shoulder back, do not hinge wrists at all?
October 5, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Luke. The weight of the club will set the wrists a touch. But, not much at all. You are correct that there will be very little arm movement necessary to complete the drill.
October 5, 2023
observation: in phase 1 , I don't see you doing 9 to 3. it's more 7:30 to 5. Bad camera angle? 9 to 3 with a 7 iron for me is impossible to only hit 10 yds. too much momentum. Issue: structurally unable to roll my right ankle. suggestions?
October 5, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Closer to a 9 to 5/4. If you go to the introduction section. You can see 5 videos of me perfecting the drill it took me a couple sessions to dial in the yardage and length. It should fly about 15 yards. As long as you shift and get the lead hip open the ankle in Phase 1 staying on the flatter side is fine.
October 5, 2023
What club for this drill? Thanks
December 1, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Most players use a 7 Iron.
December 1, 2023
I am really tryng to understand the impact position, you say have your left wrist flat at impact but how is it facing? I know you mentioned your left elbow pointing at the target but what position is the flat wrist at impact I really cant tell if its facing forward or facing more toward the target. What I want to make sure is on the small downswing there is no rotation in the lower arm at all. Sorry for asking too detailed but I have been really struggling with a consistent swing and I am starting from scratch with your course, so I am wanting to get it right from the start even in the smallest detalis. Sorry for this but you will see a lot of questions from me throughout this process
October 4, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. Take a look at the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release for more details. The wrist will be flat facing the target. Unless you have a really strong grip it will face a little away. The forearm will require a little bit or rotation to make sure the face is square at contact.
October 5, 2023
Hey Craig, I’m back here trying to nail down phase one after your suggestion in my swing review. I’m hitting fat shots a lot and my lead elbow sometimes points in. Don’t want to ingrain this so figured I’d ask here. Thanks!
September 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kyle. Fat is going to be lack of legs (weight/post) or firing that trail hand too quickly. Check the positions from body out. Let me know if you find the culprit.
September 28, 2023
Thanks, Craig! Wasn’t posting up soon enough it seems. Having a feel of doing it earlier has that low point closer to ball or after ball.
September 28, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome Kyle! Post up is vital to the proper sequence.
September 29, 2023
I really have to train doing it so late out of my current habits. Even now knowing this is the problem if I lose focus I immediately start hitting it fat again
September 29, 2023
So the ball heads slight left I do have a sim and my club face is slightly closed. Can’t find the fix/fault? This is my problem with full swing club face close
August 25, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rick. Make sure your shoulders are square and the lead wrist logo is facing the target. Sounds like you might be adding some spin and turning over the hand too much. Take a look at the first steps in the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release Video.
August 26, 2023
I find it hard to keep my shoulders square. They open too soon. What video do you recommend? Also am I right to think that the order of actions are hips open followed by impact then shoulders open? Thanks! I love the site so far.
August 15, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Glad you are enjoying the site! You are correct in the order of firing listed in the latter part of your note. Take a look at Fix Your Release - Trail Shoulder Back Video for help with spinning shoulders.
August 16, 2023
I am within a couple weeks of returning to golf/ RST after a long break of probably 10 years of no golf, and I had never gotten deep into RST. But I realize that RST has gone through phases of different systems of learning. What I want to know is, with how the brain learns movement patterns by high reps, and we want those to be consistent and correct, how I can I best utilize the site in order to maximize my swing improvement as quickly and efficiently as possible? Is it working through the C4 program? I notice that in faults/fixes older videos are referenced which point to how many reps to do, what drills to do etc, but then the question that goes through my head is: how do I implement those in light of the C4 learning method? I guess I'm getting confused as far as how I should best approach learning, when videos from older systems of learning have been used/referenced in C4. I get that they're complementary and the swing hasn't changed. But it's the learning/approach PROCESS that I'm needing some help to understand. Thank you
August 12, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeremey. I would prioritize setup, DEAD 1 - 3, and Start working through C4 Phase 1 -4. The goal is high correct reps of each top level phase. Phase 1 (high reps) done correctly, etc. If you struggle with Phase 1 for example look at the reason you are missing one of the 5 checkpoints. Use the Faults/fixes to help correct the rep for each phase.
August 12, 2023
That makes sense! So follow up question about DEAD drill moving into C4 stage 1 then: am I just looking only at the 3 main DEAD drill videos that Chuck outlines, and how many reps am I looking for with those, before I start C4 stage 1? Or is it more just like I make sure I get a few hundred reps under my belt of correct execution of DEAD drill, then it’s safe to just start with C4 stage 1 and progress from there, making sure to keep those dead drill concepts? I’m understanding the C4 stage progression but what does it look like to do dead drill and progress to Stage 1 basically? Sorry for being so wordy
August 12, 2023
Craig, thanks for being so helpful and on top of things with these responses. I really appreciate it!
August 12, 2023
The website is glitching for me, not sure if my follow up question actually posted or not. I'm gonna copy and paste it here: That makes sense! So follow up question about DEAD drill moving into C4 stage 1 then: am I just looking only at the 3 main DEAD drill videos that Chuck outlines, and how many reps am I looking for with those, before I start C4 stage 1? Or is it more just like I make sure I get a few hundred reps under my belt of correct execution of DEAD drill, then it’s safe to just start with C4 stage 1 and progress from there, making sure to keep those dead drill concepts? I’m understanding the C4 stage progression but what does it look like to do dead drill and progress to Stage 1 basically? Sorry for being so wordy
August 13, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeremey. Sorry for the late reply. When you responded to one of your own post the system didn't notify me. The DEAD 1-3 body drills. You want to do about 300-500 of each then stack. But, that is an estimation. Everyone is different. You want to rep enough to where you can perform the body movements with good pacing and chew gum at the same time. . Correct. Proceed to Phase 1 and make sure you keep those components from the body drill intact when adding the club and starting to perform shots. Thanks for the note as well. Happy to help!
August 14, 2023
Do your hips turn before impact or at impact with the lead leg straightening?
August 2, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sharon. You should post/clear the hips before impact.
August 2, 2023
I don’t understand how to add my data for practice sessions.
August 2, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sharon. All data is going though C4 now. Click Dashboard and enter reps from there.
August 2, 2023
Hey Chuck... question about the flat wrist at impact... Is that something that should happen naturally by following the steps in the video or is that something i need to actively do in my swing flattening that wrist?
July 24, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Zack. If you are a flipper, or recovering from a cupped impact position you may need to train the flat lead wrist (5 Minutes to the Perfect Release). Ideally the impact flat lead wrist/release will be passive in the long run.
July 25, 2023
Hello. I'm loving the instruction and the stepped process to perfecting your golf swing with C4 and DEAD. I have a quick questions. I am not new to golfing and can swing decently. But need to improve my swing. Would you suggest that you don't try any full swings at all while going through these phases? Or is it alright to try a full swing every now and then and see if you feel improvement and change? Thank you
July 14, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mike. You can test yourself. The goal though is to not make so many swings that you are back to ingraining the faulty moves. Happy to read you are enjoying the site!
July 15, 2023
Hey Craig I started out with practice balls but shifted to real balls hitting into some pillows I set against my French doors I did much better with real balls and found the less time I spent over the ball the better it got does that make Sence
July 10, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. Less thought/time can be a good thing. You don't want to get "stuck" over the ball. The swing is a movement.
July 11, 2023
All the phase 1 shots were very short as I did them all in my basement so don’t I need to go to the range and do phase one again with shots a little longer
July 10, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. I would advise you perform some Phase 1's outside because it is always different. However, if you have the move repeatable you should be fine to begin Phase 2.
July 11, 2023
Ai tells me I have completed phase1 but I don’t think I’m ready for phase 2 and the shot tracker has diapered so can’t go back and review.also should I do 3000 reps of perfect release before starting
July 10, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. You can always reset your counter. However, the system if you input the data will want you to challenge yourself when it feels ready. To begin Phase 3 you do not need 3000 release reps.
July 11, 2023
hey Craig thanks for all your feedback I could not find my comments until Kristen helped me so I actually asked Anthony some of the same questions so maybe you will see that I asked them before ???? not my memory thankfully that’s at stake here ????
July 13, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
No worries Paul. We all are a little loopy that choose to play golf .
July 13, 2023
I'm confused. I want to start the 9 to 3 drill and hit my checkpoints, but I don't know enough on how to do it. I reviewed the setup videos about grip, posture, etc. Are there other videos I should review before starting the 9 to 3 drill? Thanks in advance for your help.
June 26, 2023
I believe I may have answered my own question. It's just not clear. I need to work through the dead drills before I get to Phase 1. Is that right?
June 26, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Phil. The DEAD Drill isn't a requirement for starting C4 Phase 1. However, students have much more success when they are able to perform the body only movement (DD 1-3) before starting the Phase 1 journey.
June 26, 2023
June 27, 2023
Hi Craig, I have a golf sim which reads path and face angles, should I be looking to get as close to 0 degrees on both as i tend to have a slight in to out path 1 - 2 deg and a closed face 1 - 2 degs?
April 21, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. You don't have to zero everything out perfectly. However, the face shouldn't have much rotation and be relatively square. The shot may tend to push slightly due to lack of release.
April 21, 2023
Hey guys, what would be the reason in the phase 1 sequence to not lift the heel after the strike?
April 19, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. If the outer edge comes up a little bit you will be fine. You don't want to lift the heel excessively in this drill because you are focused on impact positioning. Most players push too hard off their trail foot leading to early extension and poor weight transfer. Keeping the foot at bay will yield better lead side musculature usage.
April 20, 2023
Is it possible to reset all shot data and start with phase 1 again?
April 7, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joakim. Click Dashboard. Bottom left in red. You will Reset Shot History Button.
April 7, 2023
The major problem that I'm having is with my right foot. Instead of rolling, I tend to go up on the toe. I'm sure it's pulling me forward and causing me to hit fat shots. Do you have any suggestions to correct that? Thnaks
March 16, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Merrick. Take a look at the Role of the Right Foot and Perfecting Your Golf Impact 1 of 4. Sadly, the roll in needs to be trained if you are an excessive pusher. The second video suggested you will start in a preset position which may help you get used to it.
March 17, 2023
I an using V1 software for my video but I don’t see how to send it. What is the best and easiest video software to use?
March 11, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Louis. V1 is good for filming. However, to upload the the website. Depending on the device you would need to save or export to your camera roll and then upload the swing. I use HUDL Technique but that app has been discontinued.
March 13, 2023
In regards to distance control should I be counting my shots based on carry or total distance?
February 28, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. I used 10-15 Yards carry distance.
February 28, 2023
Using a skytrak launch monitor and home simulator setup. On the Skytrak practice range I run 10 shot sessions and count any that are online or within a yard (-1, 0 or +1) while achieving the 5 check points. Does this seem like sound practice or do you have any additional recommendations while using this setup?
February 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. 1-2 Yard variance is fine,. Nevertheless, I like your strategy and plan of attack
February 28, 2023
what muscles should I be using to do this drill?
February 25, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. You won't be using a lost of musculature force as this is a very short shot. Mainly though the lead glute/quad, obliques, abdominals and lead lat.
February 27, 2023
i am a bit lost. so i did a swing review and got some good feedback with some stuff to work on. But, instead of just working on that stuff, i wanted to go through the trainings on the site and improve overall. So I began with phase 1 and the 9 to 3 drill, realizing quickly that i miss on most of the five check points. Is there more information, drills on the five check points on the site? thanks
January 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brendan. On how to achieve? What checkpoints are you struggling with in Phase 1?
January 27, 2023
Flat left wrist and flat back foot
January 27, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brendan. There are a lot of videos to help with those issues in the faults and fixes section. Here are two that will help you get started correcting the wrist/foot. Fix Your Release and Role of the Right Foot. Here is the link to Fix Your Release as it can be hard to find ( If you type "Role" in the search box Role of the Right foot will populate.
January 28, 2023
I’m not going to add any reps because I’ve been doing them wrong. But I’ve done about 160.
December 5, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tiare. Anything I can help with to correct your repping?
December 5, 2022
Not practicing enough and when I do I’m doing the full 9 to 3 instead of the short starting swings, so I still don’t have any control of my golf shots.
December 5, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tiare. Happy to take a look at your swing to help diagnose why you are losing control.
December 5, 2022
Could I use these drills for the driver also? Is this basically the same position you need to be in at contact with a driver? expect for slightly hitting up on it? Many thanks since doing these 2 dril my games has improved immensely and is so enjoyable. Brough my handicap down to 4
November 28, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Piet. The driver you will be hitting on more of a positive angle of attack. To achieve that angle you will use a different setup and catch the ball at a later time. This one may be a little tough to try and use a driver.
November 28, 2022
My left wrist is flat on all my shots, but I continue to use my right hand to "hit" the ball. Shots are solid and mostly going straight. Is it OK to use my right hand some at impact?
November 25, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Phil. Both hands have a role in the swing. The trail will primarily transfer speed. As long as the lead is in control and you are hitting the checkpoints. A little bit of trail hand is okay.
November 28, 2022
Hello! I am a new premium member and wanted to understand whether we are supposed to minimize playing on the course while we are going through the initial phases. Is there an ideal “layoff” period from playing (I live in a place where you can play golf year-round). while going through the C4 program?
November 4, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Carlo. I left you a message on your community post .
November 4, 2022
seems like 7 good shots would be bogie, not double, 8 is par, 9 is birdie, 10 is eagle.
October 6, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. In the early stages it is crucial to have this impact positioning. So, the double bogey penalty may seems little harsh. But, impact is all that matters at the end of the day.
October 6, 2022
Ijust started practicing today, but wasn’t able to film because it started raining. Almost all of my shots seemed to have decent contact except for some thinned shots and a couple that the club hit the ground then ball. Almost all of the balls that had “good” contact went to the right about 3-5 yards. I assume the club face is open, but not sure of cause when in a 9-6 swing. Any thoughts?
September 18, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Morris. A tiny push will be normal as long as it's within the variance for this phase. I would think you are holding too tight leaving the face open and/or coupling that with some shoulder spin.
September 19, 2022
Thanks, Craig. I will pay attention to those suggestions. I do come over the top and early extend in my swing, so it is probably the shoulders. I will keep at it.
September 20, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Sadly the shoulders can cause fits in the downswing.
September 26, 2022
Hi Craig. Making good progress now with consistency. However I notice that although my hand is flat, the back of my hand faces slightly to the right of the target line. I think this is because I use a strong grip (3+ knuckles). Does that matter? Will it cause me problems later in the RSG programme? I come to RSG from another on-line golf programme where a strong grip is a fundamental. Should I weaken the grip slightly in order to get the back of my hand to face directly down the target line?
September 18, 2022
Thanks Craig. Now completed phase 1. Significant improvement in quality of strike, body movements, and weight shift by the end of the phase. Interested in your comment on he impact of a strong (3+ knuckle) grip on lag and shot shaping. One of my key aims is to learn to be able to shape shots. Therefore would you advise that I experiment with a more neutral grip as I start phase 2. Really grateful for, and impressed with, your support in phase 1. Here’s to squeezed butt cheeks!
September 19, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. More than likely due to the stronger grip. Grip can be a little bit of a personal preference. There are pros and cons to either slightly strong or weak. The stronger the grip you may have more potential for lag, but shaping the shot both ways will be a little tougher in the long run.
September 19, 2022
Now managing 8/10 or better on a regular basis. Preliminary practice into a smash bag has helped here, especially with trail foot issue and remembering to tilt laterally from the hip. How many 8+/10 sets are recommended before moving on to phase 2?
September 16, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. Plug your reps into the AI on the Dashboard. The system will determine when you should move onto Phase 2. Happy to read the swing is improving
September 16, 2022
September 16, 2022
Still yet to meet the target of a series of 8/10 swings but the impact of this focus on micro swing consistency and quality of strike is having an impact on my scoring rounds of golf. Yesterday my club/ball contact was much improved, my distances have increased (I have made the 150 yard target with a 7 iron for example). I managed 13 FIR and hit 3 par 3 greens. I even hit a par four green in regulation. I think that’s a first for me. Lastly my handicap index was cut. And all this positive stuff was achieved whilst still at the starting gate trying to hit 8/10 balls down the target line whilst observing those five fundamentals! Yet to have them fully under control. A chunk here, a thin there, and a hand that is yet to be fully flat all the time. Have sorted the flat trail foot though. If I manage this sort of scoring golf improvement whilst still at ‘Go’ in the programme, imagine just what might lie ahead of me!
September 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great going Roger! Only going to continue to get better from here. Love reading about the improvement and sticking to the process. Keep working hard. You will see more payoffs.
September 14, 2022
Lifting heel sorted thanks to smash bag work. Just a few fats/chunks to resolve now. Weight shift is the issue I suspect. On an admin issue, why won’t the sign-in system remember me?!
September 12, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. Weight shift or thumb push more than likely the culprit. Are you using Chrome/Safari? I use Chrome/Safari and both have no problem saving my credentials.
September 12, 2022
Thanks for that. Like magic, access has been granted - my details recognised! Where can I find out a bit more about the thumb push?
September 12, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Great. Take a look at Golf Left Thumb: Fix Pain, Soreness, Casting and Frisbee Drill.
September 12, 2022
I just signed up and meant to purchase the 5 swing reviews. There was no review of what I got. Can you check and let me know? Thanks!
September 10, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bill. It looks like you signed up for a Premium Membership, but I do not see any Swing Review Purchases under your account.
September 12, 2022
Hi, I purchased swing reviews and was wondering if I should send in a full swing now even though I’m in phase 1? Thanks!
September 8, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. The choice is yours. We would be happy to take a look at either version. If you feel confident with your Phase 1 then post your swing but let your instructor know what you are working on in the comments. Or, post your drill if you want to make sure you are repping correctly.
September 8, 2022
Hi. I have the same trail foot problem as David does. Where do I find that ‘Role of the right foot’ video? It’s not in the C1 faults and fixes list. Apologies for not knowing! Still finding my way around.
September 8, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. We don't introduce that until later in C4. If you use the search box. Type "Role" and let the list populate. It will be first on the list.
September 8, 2022
Thanks for the info. This rapid info provision is brilliant.
September 8, 2022
I'm working through this and can see a real positive difference in my swing, but the one area I'm struggling with is the rolling of the trail foot. At impact this doesn't feel natural to me and I find my right heel to always coming off the ground. Looking at photos of tour pros at impact it looks like most of them also raise their heels. So how important is it to keep the heel on the ground?
September 4, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The trail foot will lift, but most players over use the trail foot for power. Leading to early extension, excessive secondary axis tilt, etc. In the smaller stages strive to get it under control. As the phases grow in length and speed you will start to have a more natural foot motion. Take a look at Role of Right Foot Video.
September 4, 2022
why aren't push and pull options on the shot tracker?
September 2, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Push/Pull will be available in Phase 2. With the length of shot in Phase 1. The dispersion shouldn't be very great. A tiny push is to be expected since you aren't releasing yet.
September 2, 2022
Hello, While doing the first step (stopping at impact) of this drill today I realized that I could make the correct movement by using only my lower body and the axiom. I have done this drill many times. But I always started by using my arms for a small backswing, then shifted my weight into impact position, then let the club "fall" into contact with the ball. I could never figure out how to translate this to the next drills where a more active lower body was necessary. So, today I used very light merry-round-foot pressure and let the momentum take me into my impact position. Wouldn't you know, as pressure shifted around my back foot, it initiated a slight rotation in my torso, which caused my arms to swing back to 8ish o'clock. Then as the momentum of the merry-go-round moved from my back glute to my front glute, I got that very subtle but proper clockwise rotation, that swung my arms into impact. Then I heard that beautiful little click sound, and the ball jumped off my club face for 10-15 yards, as I stood frozen in perfect impact. It felt really good. So, I duplicated it again and again. I used my feet like pedals to move my body and arms into impact. No arms. All lower body. Please tell me I figured this out - that it is ok to do this drill via the axiom.
August 26, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Cosmo. Sounds good to me . Just like in the My Golf Backswing Secrets Video. Using the pressure/weight correctly will aid in moving the club a great distance. Very little arm movement is necessary.
August 27, 2022
Enjoying my initial exposure to the Rotary Swing Golf method. Impressive! However I have a problem! Although approx 80% of my mini-swings send the ball straight down the target line, I would have to record 0/10 for each set of 10 swings as I fail one of the 5 check points: square shoulders. Mine are open at impact as I knew they would be. This is because I have a slightly twisted spine - when my hips are square my shoulders are slightly open. So, when my hips are open … Here’s the thing. Should I close my stance (feet and hips) at address to counter this problem? Or should I just accept that this square shoulders is just a check point that I am not going to manage?
August 26, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. Depends on the severity. If you are fighting anatomy issues go with the one more comfortable. We can adjust either way depending on how you feel. If the shoulders slightly open we may add a little more trail side release. Or, you could close the stance but it may affect how much you are able to clear your lead hip. Slightly closing the stance if you are able to have sufficient clearing I would try first.
August 26, 2022
Juan Eduardo
Hello Craig. For me at this stage is easier to not have weight shift and preset the weight over the left ankle and keep it there. Then h swing the club with the left arm dominant. Is that ok for this short swing, or the idea of this stage is also to start shifting weight? thanks Juan
August 21, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Juan. Perfectly fine to preset some weight on the lead side for Phase 1.
August 22, 2022
If I set up with bit more weight on left side (rt handed) should weight more on heel to begin or middle of foot? I'm trying to get hips more open at impact. Struggling with that as well as lifting right toe.
August 17, 2022
sorry right heel
August 17, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
At setup even with a little bit of preset weight you should still be fairly balanced over the ankle joints and not too far towards the back of the heel.
August 18, 2022
at impact and when holding the position weight on lead leg heel then?
September 24, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
September 26, 2022
Chuck, I don't have the room in my yard to use a 7 iron, can I get the same results using a PW Or GW? Thanks, Bill
August 16, 2022
Sure. Its all about learning the body movements the club is relatively irrelevant.
August 16, 2022
Chuck. I sent an e-mail bu it got lost I think. Should I focus on swinging the club verses trying to hit at the ball? Like having the feeling that I release the club way after I hit the ball. Should I focus on where the ball is going rather than looking at the ball? Am progressing and referring your site. Cheers
August 4, 2022
You definitely want to swing the clubhead rather than hit the ball. You should be getting a consistent tight grouping in this phase and that will happen when the club is gradually releasing throughout the downswing rather than trying to square it at the last possible second
August 4, 2022
Morning, Thanks for the C4 program. It really makes sense to me. My chipping has improved massively already. Sticking to phase 1 for now. Just a check question: among the 5 checkpoints is nothing on pushing vs pulling. I know it is an important part of RST. So should I check that as well? I have a tendency to (slightly) push the club through the hitting area with my right hand. Should it be all left hand? In preparation of phase 2?
July 29, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joost. Better chipping is definitely a bonus to C4! Over active trail hand will cause some fat shots at this stage. It will feel mostly lead hand dominant and pulling.
July 29, 2022
For this exercise, should the wrists and forearms be relaxed to allow the hands to freely roll into impact position? I get fewer fat shots if I relax the wrists.
July 26, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. You should be fairly relaxed. The club needs to square into impact. Excessive tension will tend to hold the face open or push it into the ground early.
July 26, 2022
At what point should I start flattening the lead wrist? I assume once the downswing starts. I have a tendency to cheat early on it bringing the club head way inside on the backswing and hands get outside the club path.
July 24, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Craig. As you begin the downswing. You want to shy away from lead wrist roll early in the backswing to keep from club from getting inside.
July 25, 2022
Craig, my question may see obvious but please clarify: so even in the 9 to 3 sequence we are to be bowing the wrist at impact, correct? "and" that bowing starts more towards the impact area than it does at the beginning of the downswing.
August 7, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roy. You are gradually losing cupping of the lead throughout the swing. For this short motion as you begin the downswing and start to enter the trail thigh you will feel the flattening-bowing of the lead wrist motion.
August 7, 2022
Craig, I'm going to get real picky here: when you say "feel", does that mean it's because of the natural swing motion into the hitting area that causes the flatness "or" are we to be purposely bowing the lead wrist to make it flat?
February 4, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roy. For players that have cupped the lead wrist into impact at first they will have to train the bowing. Once, you have trained the movement enough it will be blended into a feel that you can add/take away as much as you want by the trajectory you desire. So, initially you will have to train the bowed position.
February 4, 2023
Hi Craig, I find it difficult to keep the swing small. When I see myself on video the practice swing is 9 to 4:30 and the real swing from 10 to 4. And I see the real swing coming down over the top, just as in my full swing. However in the Faults & Fixes for Phase 1 I don's anything addressing an over the top down swing.
July 24, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stefan. Sounds like you are trying to hit the shot to far. I would dial down the distance first to see if you can get the swing shorter. The main thing affecting your plane in such a short motion more than likely is shoulder spin. Shorten the distance and watch out for spinning shoulders.
July 25, 2022
Juan Eduardo
Hello Chuck In the dead drill you provided us great detail about the muscles to use in each phase. Can you tell the muscles to use in this phase to understand where to concentrate the brain ir order to do the movement correctly. Thanks !
July 16, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Juan. The muscles in C4 will be the same as the dead drill. This version doesn't require as much weight shift because the focus is on impact. You will be using lead thigh adductors, glute and oblique to work the legs from transition to impact. You will feel the lead lat aid touch in working the arms in front to the proper impact alignment.
July 16, 2022
Juan Eduardo
Very Clear. Thank you Craig.
July 25, 2022
My shots are straight and a little to the right of the target line, strong 25-20yds. I can feel the sweet spot now! However my ball flight is 3 to 5 feet high, like a chip shot. Is that good?
July 9, 2022
Typo…15-20 yds
July 9, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. The flight should definitely be on the lower side for Phase 1.
July 13, 2022
Thank you Craig!
July 13, 2022
I’m assuming we are to use a 7 iron for this drill? Thx michael
July 4, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Yes.
July 5, 2022
In transition I consistently get my right heel coming up before impact. In my full swing I’m an early extension expert pushing too much with my right side and hand. Any suggestions on how to defeat this? I also have a tendency to get my shoulders open a touch early. Cannot seem to nail the weight transfer.
June 30, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. If you are early extending and throwing the trail hand too much in this smaller shot you are trying to hit it way to far. This is a much smaller swing/strike. The Clamshell Drill, Role of the Right Foot and Vijay Release Drill however will be very useful in turning off excessive trail side usage.
June 30, 2022
How much (if any) side bend should there by at impact?
June 27, 2022
As little as possible, check out this vid:
June 27, 2022
Is the idea to maintain straight arms during this drill? And limit the motion to 9 to 12?
June 22, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ross. The arms should stay stay pretty straight. And, the main goal is the impact alignments. And, the swing will be 8/9 going back 6/5 coming through. Small little impact shots.
June 23, 2022
I really think you guys nailed it this time. This approach seems like the grand summary of everything you've worked on and the glue to pull everything together--5 Steps, DEAD, and Axion. Well done! Truly, this is all it seems like anyone would need to learn a proper swing. Now all you need to do is to stop adding new programs!
June 20, 2022
Thanks Scott, this is IT! 30 years of research and I think I can hang my hat on this one!
June 20, 2022
Hi Chuck, Shoulders square means parallel to the targetline, isn't it? Same as at address? Thx
June 20, 2022
Yes, exactly
June 21, 2022
Hi Craig, If I’m turning back properly, both arms straight, what backswing oath should I try to achieve (club head straight back, slightly inside)? Thank you, Don
June 17, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Donald. Go to timestamp 10:58. The focus shouldn't be a ton on the takeaway at this point, but if rotating well. Yo will see the hands stay a little on the inside and may feel like the club head goes straight back since such a short move.
June 18, 2022
What do you all think about using the Rotary Connect with these drills?
June 16, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. You can certainly use the Connect.
June 17, 2022
Martin L
I believe I have this drill down and when I take it to the course I am hitting tee balls great (at least 10 yards longer) but am often topping shots that I never did before. I think I am either staying back on right foot or shortening my swing too much. Any thoughts.
June 14, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Martin. Agreed. You may be hanging back, or raising the lead shoulder too high. Take a look at Moving thee Fulcrum Video.
June 15, 2022
Hi Chuck I have a problem keeping my shoulders square at impact especially on bigger shots or using the driver or woods. What drill(s) would you recommend to help fix this? Thx James
June 12, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Fix Your Release - Trail Shoulder Back and Arms vs. Body Release in the Golf Swing Videos.
June 12, 2022
M. (Certified RST Instructor)
HI Chuck and Graig. Just a little feedback from this side of the ocean. For 3 weeks I worked with my Saturday senior group, men and woman on Phase 1. Probably no news for you both but I was very pleased to see how quickly the group picked up the 5 checkpoints and from there were able to analyse cause and effect in case something went wrong. Happy group overhere!
June 11, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Awesome! Great to hear the improvement. But, being able to self diagnose and keep moving forward is one of the major goals. Thanks for the report.
June 12, 2022
Hey Chuck, Craig, Head position related question: should it be in the exact same position at set-up and at impact or should it move forward following the body weight shift ? Thanks !
June 6, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christophe. Same position, or slightly ahead. Due to shifting of weight the head will be very hard to keep perfectly static.
June 7, 2022
Thanks Craig ! When I try to keep it “steady”, it seems my weight does not shift properly and stays too much on the back foot. Is there a drill to feel it properly ?
June 7, 2022
Hate to ask a stupid question; but, if the practice balls go on a sharp low trajectory but straight I assume that counts as well? I am practicing on this hot Maryland day in the garage into a net Thanks Guy
May 30, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Guy. The height should be low. If you are getting a lot of air time and height the odds would be greater you are doing something incorrectly.
May 31, 2022
Hey Craig, As I can't access a range for my practice. As You've seen my indoor set-up, is that suffice do you feel for all phases of the C4 program. I can set-up my flights cope to capture shots, distances on screen etc once I get into the latter phases. Thanks
May 30, 2022
Also how many reps for ingraining is needed once I'm getting 8 out of 10 ?
May 30, 2022
Everything will be determined by the scores in you enter. I just sent an email out this morning that explains more in detail how RS-AI works
May 30, 2022

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