Clinic - Setup

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The golf swing starts with setup, a poor one will make it impossible to make a proper golf swing.

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Hi, I'm confused about how far from the ball to set up and how much to hinge forward. I know it's going to be different for each club, and I know we're supposed to hinge forward until we can see the ball (with the chin up, not tucked down). But that is going to depend on how far we are from the ball to start with. If I'm too far from the ball, my forward hinge will be less, and if I'm too close to the ball, I will have more forward hinge. So my question is: how do I know how far to stand from the ball at the beginning of my set up? Thanks.
September 28, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. If you are too far from the ball when you hinge your arms won't be able to hang neutrally from the shoulder socket. Take a look at How Far to Stand Away from the Golf Ball Video. The chin line should match with the outer edge of trail hand.
September 29, 2020
Hello RotarySwing, I have watch the first 5 clinic videos. Looking ahead it seems like they are now out of order. Is this intentional and should continue watching in the order listed? Or should they be watched in the order of swinging the club, from setup to follow thru?
July 29, 2018
Hi Nick, they are in the correct order. As you watch them, you'll understand the sequence.
July 29, 2018
Ok perfect thanks Chuck!
July 29, 2018
What is the correct way in setting up to the ball? Do you place the club behind the ball then setup or setup and then move in or out from the ball?
July 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Malcolm. Typically, setting the club behind the ball aligning the face and going from there.
July 26, 2018
Thanks Craig.
July 26, 2018
Im wondering about the feeling on weight on the heels vs toes. I find that to keep my right heel on the ground during impact i need to have a set up where it feels like their is a fiar bit of weight on my ankles/heels. My toes almost feel like there is litttle to no pressure on them. Is that the correct feeling, or am i likely doing something wrong on the downswing which is causing my heel to lift?
November 4, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Drew. The weight should stay centered over the ankle joint. Being able to wiggle the toes to a degree will be there. But, they still are helping with stability. Take a look at the Role of the Right Foot. Make sure you are allowing for instep roll.
November 6, 2017
Could you please explain what would be wrong with having some forward shaft lean at setup and what problems this may cause? I like to do it because it gives me a feeling of how the shaft should be at impact.
November 2, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi David, pressing the hands forward at address means you are already started with unwanted tension in the hands and arms. This will more than likely cause you to load the swing up out of order, which can lead the the hands and arms being too fast in the downswing sequence. You want your hands and arms hanging freely at address, so you can use weight shift and body turn to load up. Forward shaft lean will come easily with proper downswing sequence and a proper release. Hope that helps.
November 2, 2017
Ok that makes sense thanks
November 2, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
My pleasure.
November 3, 2017
Could someone go more into depth about proper setup as it relates to the lower spine? I wasnt sure how the curvature in the low back should look like and when chuck puts a club along his back he mentioned it should touch his belt. In order for me to do that It feels like my abs are engaged and my hips are tucked more anterior, which puts my low back pretty flat. Is this correct?
October 22, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sean. Yes, you want the abs engaged and the back flat. You will tend to have a slight curvature due to genetics. However, you want to shy away from lots of curvature and lordosis. Take a look at Golf Posture | Correct Golf Setup Video.
October 23, 2017

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