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Jason Day - Perfect Backswing
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Swing plane is a very common term used in golf and has become a primary focus point for a lot of players. Unfortunately, we should be focusing less on swing plane and directly on the body movements that affect the plane. In this video, I'll show you how to prioritize 4 simple steps that will guarantee you get the club on plane each and every time.
- Get properly setup first.
- Make sure you are shifting your weight properly to load the trailside up.
- Learn how to rotate without moving your head all over the place.
- Add small arm movements of elevation and flexion last.
Want to build a perfect golf backswing like Jason Day?
I think we would all agree that Jason Day's golf swing is awesome to watch from beginning to end. Jason's golf swing possesses a perfect balance of width, leverage and rotation.
Having a golf swing that is balanced, safe and matched with a really sharp short game, makes Jason a big time threat, week in and week out on the PGA Tour.
When you look at Jason Day's backswing, he moves the club into a very desirable spot at the top of the swing. How does he do it so effortlessly? Well, I'll show you!
Forget about the golf term "swing plane" for today. The reason I am asking you to forget this term, as sexy as it may be to the general golfing public, is for the simple fact that swing plane is completely consequential to the way we move our body in the golf swing. Shocking to hear the bold truth on that subject isn't it?
Now that we have cleared the air, let's get focused on the goods...
As I started off by saying, Jason's swing is well balanced and he has a perfect balance of width and rotation to start the swing off on the right foot.
In order to get into a properly loaded backswing that you can use for power and proper downswing sequencing, you MUST follow these 4 simple steps.
Get into a perfect setup position - Check out these videos to help you with that - "Determining Proper Stance Width" "5 minutes to a perfect golf setup" and "Finding True Balance in the Golf Swing"
Shift your weight and load up your trail side. You want to be able to maintain your right hip line properly. See "Weight shift 2 - The right hip line" for a perfect explanation.
Learn how to rotate your body without your head moving all over the place. See "5 minutes to master rotation" to help eliminate any drastic head movement in your swing.
Work on hand and arm movements last! Yep, you heard it right. Arm elevation and flexion in the golf swing is extremely simple to learn and needs to be on the bottom of the list of priorities. Why, you ask? You do not want your arms and shoulders to be the first thing loaded in your swing. You need to load the body up first so you can use it as a power source and so you sequence your downswing correctly. See "Minutes to a perfect backswing", "Pool Noodle Shoulder Elevation" and "Checkpoints - 5 mins to a perfect backswing" videos and see how easy elevation and flexion really is.
If you focus on load and rotation first, you will allow the golf swing to get started off on the right foot. You need to make sure you have these areas perfected first and then you can shift your focus over to the less important backswing arm movements.
That's it! You now have the correct order on how to build the backswing of your dreams. Now, get out there and work on things in the correct order and no more putting the cart before the horse!
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)