Cure Chicken Wing in the Golf Swing

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You now have a 3-step drill to help you cure your chicken wing golf swing once and for all. Not only will this video get your swing looking and feeling better, but you'll also learn: 1) How to keep your arms nice and wide in your follow through, and 2) How fixing your chicken wing can also stop your over-the-top slice and loss of lag!

  • Place Alignment Stick Vertical Forward On Target Line
  • Make Swings Being Sure to Miss Stick to the Right
  • Check to Be Sure Both Arms Are Extended
  • Hold Finish To Check

Frustrated with your ugly chicken wing position in the follow through?! This horrible position can't die soon enough! Luckily, RST Founder Chuck Quinton has the cure and get you into that beautiful, extended arms follow through position that all the pros have with a simple golf swing drill. You'll literally find that it's virtually impossible to get into a chicken wing position once you work on this drill.

The dreaded chicken wing. It frustrates millions of golfers out there, and it's honestly one of the simplest things to fix in the swing when you understand the physics at work, and what's really moving the golf club in this swing. The reason everybody chicken wings, and let's just define what the chicken wing really quickly first, the chicken wing for a right-handed golfer, right after impact this left arm is really broken down, typically left wrist breaks down with it, and the whole movement looks like this.

                Now to fix this, you have to understand where that force of movement is coming from in order to create this bent left arm. Let's think about this for a second. Logical conclusion would be that it's not coming like this. You're not going through impact and then pulling your left arm up like that. That wouldn't make any sense. It'd be really hard to do. The club has a lot of inertia's, it's coming through impact, so it wants to actually keep traveling in a straight line and it actually wants to pull your arms straight for you. The reason it's not, is because you're pushing from the right side. That's the only way that you can get this left arm and shoulder to hike up and left wrist to break down, is that you're taking the right side and pushing across with the arm and the shoulder. That's what breaking down the left side. That's what's keeping the club face from releasing, and that's what's giving you a chicken wing. As soon as you stop pushing from the right side, nobody chicken wings anymore. I promise you.

                If you just took your right arm completely off the club, which you've no doubt seen I do that in a lot of drills, and let the left arm swing, well look what happens to the width and extension in my follow through. It's extremely wide because this doesn't make any sense with my left arm. If you're chicken winging, you are way too dominant with the right side of your body, and all you need to do is take your right arm off.

                Go through the RST five step system. Start focusing on your body movement. Add the left arm in sequence as we go through the drills, and then as you add your right arm, keep letting it come off the club. This is really, really important to start training your brain to release the golf club and let it pull you into this nice wide follow through. And when you let your right hand come off before impact, it becomes really easy to have all of this width and extension that you see in every tour pro on the planet, and that's a huge difference between a tour pro and an amateur, is that they're releasing the club properly with the lead arm and every amateur tries to hit with the right side and they look like this.

                It's that simple to fix. Take your right arm completely off the club. Work through the five step system and all of the sudden you'll have all this width. I want you to think about a visual that's going to help you, and I discuss more in depth in the throw the clubhead the ball video. What you're really trying to do is let the club head release and pull you. You shouldn't be trying to control the club head through the hitting area. That's the last thing on earth you want to do. You actually want to feel like you're almost letting go of the club, even with both hands, through the hitting area. It's called a release for a reason.

                Think about that for a second. What does it mean to release the club? Well when you're chicken winging, you're doing the opposite. You're still kind of trying to dominate and push the club and force it to do something, and what I'm trying to do is literally throw it. I'm literally trying to release the club with my hands and it has no choice but to pull me through and nice and wide into this big wide extension in my arms in the follow through.

                Start thinking about what it means to release something, and you will get rid of this chicken wing. Let go. Let your right hand come completely off the club, even while you're hitting balls, let it come off. It's not going to hurt anything. As you come through and release it, your arms will be nice and wide in the follow through. If you're chicken winging it, get that right arm out of the equation, go through the five step system so you start focusing on your body movements, and not worrying about trying to control the club with the right hand.

                It will take a little bit of time to get comfortable swinging with the left arm, but we've got a lot of great drills. The five minutes to the perfect release video walks you through step by step how to start releasing the club and training this lead arm, so that you can all of the sudden get rid the right arm dominance thing that killing your golf swing, that's causing you to lose lag. It's causing you to chicken wing and scoop it. Hit it fat. Hit it thin. All of this stuff comes from too much right side dominance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are chicken wings bad in golf swing?

The chicken wing for a right-handed golfer, right after impact this left arm is really broken down, typically left wrist breaks down with it, and the whole movement looks like you are mimicking a chicken wing. 

How do you fix chicken wings in a golf swing?

Take your right arm completely off the club. Work through the five step system on our website and all of the sudden you'll have all this width.  What you're really trying to do is let the club head release and pull you. You shouldn't be trying to control the club head through the hitting area. That's the last thing on earth you want to do. You actually want to feel like you're almost letting go of the club, even with both hands, through the hitting area. It's called a release for a reason.

How do you fix a chicken wing follow through?

Start thinking about what it means to release something, and you will get rid of this chicken wing. Let go. Let your right hand come completely off the club, even while you're hitting balls, let it come off. It's not going to hurt anything. As you come through and release it, your arms will be nice and wide in the follow through. If you're chicken winging it, get that right arm out of the equation, go through the five step system so you start focusing on your body movements, and not worrying about trying to control the club with the right hand.

How do I extend my arms in golf follow through?

Think about that for a second. What does it mean to release the club? Well when you're chicken winging, you're doing the opposite. You're still kind of trying to dominate and push the club and force it to do something, and what I'm trying to do is literally throw it. I'm literally trying to release the club with my hands and it has no choice but to pull me through and nice and wide into this big wide extension in my arms in the follow through.

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Craig I have made comments on two videos I wonder if have time to comment on. One is "Perfecting Lower Body Stability" and the other the live lesson out today, "How to Shallow Your Hands During Transition". TIA
October 25, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. I am gonna let Chuck handle the newer video because there are a lot of questions relating to said move. Nevertheless, the Perfecting Video you are spot on with the assessment.
October 25, 2020
Thanks Craig. Chuck has responded and he is bang on the money with his answer that really confirms my swing thoughts in that area.
October 25, 2020
Got out today and have lots of videos. Can I post a video to the Facebook page? Anyway here you see the finish today compared with last week. As you can see not finishing so flat and in the full video the hands do not disappear so early. Today's is on the left below.
October 22, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. You can post on the facebook. But, you might get a full array of thoughts from other students that don't necessarily know your road/physical limitations. Yes. But, don't manufacture the follow through. It needs to be a byproduct of releasing. It looks like you manually did it a little.
October 22, 2020
Do you look at the Facebook postings or would you look at a YouTube link to the full swings? It would not bother me about comments from people who do not know the background to my leg issue. If you see it and can comment is all I am looking at. Tomorrow is another rainy day. Look forward to your reply to this.
October 22, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. I will look at the facebook page a couple times a day. It may take a little more time for me to respond, but I do make sure everyone is minding their p's and q's daily.
October 22, 2020
OK I will up the stuff but another area I was working on today was my takeaway, in particular the handsy movement. What I did was to feel like I dragged my hands away from the ball using my body to turn. Rather like Veronica does when she starts her takeaway ). Here is a capture compared with last week, today's on the left.
October 22, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Takeaway a lot better. Much less hands. Give Veronica the credit though
October 22, 2020
Yes I will as I was thinking about the way she did it and I criticised her at the time, oooops!!!
October 22, 2020
Not been able to get out much since the review due weather and other circumstances that I think you are aware of. However, I've been looking at the DL video of my review comparing with Chuck's DL 8 iron and can see what you got at in the review, i.e. the hands and club disappearing earlier with Chuck's going down the line. Have only been able to look at this properly today in my study and although I cannot make a full swing, doing a half swing, I found by feeling my left side pulling forward and back away from target and swinging the club in a slightly more from in to out, along with feeling the the whole of the trail side being pulled down, along with the right shoulder under my chin; this couple with a very little pressure of the right hand on the club it definitely keeps both arms straight through release. This being caused by the momentum of the club pulling everything through. When the weather gets better, I will get outside to monitor this on camera. Not much chance of this before the weekend due to a storm emanating from the Bay of Biscay. ;(
October 20, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Yes. I was just notified. Very sorry my friend and Godspeed. All the best from this side of the pond. Yes. Sadly, there will be a slight bit of side bend and shoulder steepening to maintain the extension position. It will tend to feel like body moving away and club working in/out to you.
October 20, 2020
Not too bothered about the side bend Craig. My main feeling at the moment I am trying to nurture is feeling that left hip pull back with the heel pushing into the ground as the club flies through and away from me. If I can feel that if I let go of the club coming into impact, it would fly away from me at angle slightly towards the right of target. I hope this is the right thinking.
October 21, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. It will tend to be more a feel, then a real issue with the club flying out towards the right. But, I think you have the correct thinking.
October 21, 2020
Yes it is feel; I realise the club does not actually go out to the right but more down the line. Was thinking of doing a video when I finished the last touches to my compost boxes but rain has moved in again, so have had to come in, shucks!! :||
October 21, 2020
Here in the second capture, it highlights this handsy issue I have and I have studied Chuck's initial movement in depth and slomo. Two things I have observed here are first, he does not appear to have much hip or lower body movement where the club head has moved about 3 feet and mine about 5 feet. Secondly and I this is very obvious to me, is that initial handsy movement I have already started to cock that right wrist. Looking at Chuck's position when the hands are over the right thigh I have observed that his right thumb is pointing to the ground, whereas mine is pointing at approximate angle of 30 deg away from the ground, indicated by yellow arrows. I worked on this in front of a mirror and replicating the move that Chuck does using my core and shoulder more to take the club back I do get in the same position as Chuck. However, what I do see is that my club face appears slightly closed, pointing and looking more at the ball at this point. I take it that is normal. The action of feeling my right thumb pointing to the ground for as long as I can does two things, one stops the handsy movement and two encourages my right arm to straight for a longer part of my backswing. With the latter, it is not until the shaft just passes parallel that my right elbow starts to fold, which I hope is a good thing because of greater extension. PS, don't be afraid to hollar at me, what you did I deserved! )
October 15, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. You tendency is to start hinging back with the trail wrist early. Making that more passive, or keeping it flatter longer will help with the roll issue. Right Wrist in the Takeaway Video.
October 15, 2020
I looked at that video Craig, that I have seen on many occasions :( and really for me it re-inforces what I said above about the position of Chuck's right thumb when the hands are over the thigh. Actually when you look at that Takeaway Video, when Chuck reaches club parallel position and he talks of somebody behind you being able to see your watch face, is actually the position I am in when my hands are at the initial thigh high position!!! I do like that right thumb down position as it puts my club in more or less in the same position as Chuck's is below. If I get time tomorrow, busy building a couple of compost boxes from six pallets currently and want to progress that, I will try and get a snap showing you FO of that move.
October 15, 2020
Craig I am showing my setup position here showing my setup position with Chuck that I am reasonably happy with.
October 15, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Good axis tilt and ready to start.
October 15, 2020
Craig I feel really awful tonight, having caused you all that unnecessary work over my review. As i said in the other forum I inadvertently upped the wrong DL video and thought I had time to put the correct one up. I will work on what you said and yes I am aware of this slight chicken wing. It has been with me for so long I have racked my brain as to why I don't seem to eliminate it. Have a busy day ahead of me as I have to go to the hospital for more blood tests and the specialist is getting back to me next Tuesday on the phone with his verdict. Can't see him in person as they don't think it is safe for me to do so in his area at the hospital. On top of that I have to go to my local surgery on Thursday, then on Sunday Veronica has an appointment at another hospital in a high Covid area, so we are very concerned over this. Hopefully all will be ok.
October 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Be careful and fingers crossed on the diagnosis. Hopefully all will be well and come back negative. As I said in the other post. No worries my friend. Happens a few times a week. I have to keep the commentary light instead just yelling at you . Good luck with you results/visits. The good news is the swing is definitely better!
October 14, 2020
Been injured during winter from other sports so my indoor drills suffered for golf. Now into outdoor golf season. Most of these drills seem to focus on left side and arm. Problem is in golf we use both arms and hands. No matter how many drills I do one handed, I put my right hand on the golf club and it is chicken wing city all the time. Seems to me we also need to do drills with the right hand or it will just keep taking over. How do I do this. Unless I just start playing golf by always releasing my right hand before impact............
May 27, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hank. We have a few drills dealing with the trail arm (How Swing Speed Affects Compression, Throw the Ball Drill Part 1 and 2). The goal is to feel like you are not using it at all. The training in the initial phase needs to be making it more of a passenger than actually using it.
May 28, 2018
Is not it important to have good hip and shoulder rotation also?
December 31, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Birdie Boy. Yes, you need to have proper hip rotation and shoulder rotation. But, the vast majority of chicken winging is caused by over use of the trail side.
December 31, 2017
A little confused. To avoid chicken wing you suggest taking right hand off club on downswing as a drill. You also have video of the student who you have him throwing a ball with the right hand to increase clubhead speed. Since i have chicken wing, shall i forget about the "throw the ball drill?"
March 30, 2017
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Stephen. Yes you should focus on learning to use your lead arm in the downswing. This will not only help with the chicken wing, but many other aspects of your swing as well. Once you have become comfortable with the lead arm, slowly start to introduce the trail arm. The 9 to 3 drill is a great starting point for training the lead side.
March 30, 2017
Is there any cause and cure for the chicken wing before the impact? I chicken wing before and after th impact, chicken flying all over the place(:
February 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yi. Still sounds like early trail side usage with lack of lag. Take a look at the Frisbee Drill. Get the lead side and arm working correctly with angle.
February 19, 2017
Doesn't another source of the chicken wing is not turning the left elbow down through and post impact?
January 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Elizabeth. If you over rotate the lead elbow down and through the post. It may cause some discomfort. Left Elbow Position at Impact Video.
January 26, 2017
I just became of member of Rotary Swing a few days ago, and thus far I know this is the method of instruction for me. I am scientific and mechanical, so the better I understand the dynamics, the physics, the logic...the better It will rationalize and know what I am to do for a good golf swing. I just started, and I am stoked to learn and do more! Thanks! Happy New Year!
December 31, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Thanks Thomas. Happy New Year as well. We look forward to helping you with your game this year.
January 2, 2017
I spent my golf game yesterday flipping the club. My issue lies in the fact that even when I swing left arm only get lots of lag, and role the knuckles down the club face does not want to square up properly. Therefor, when I am on the course I can't swing my arms freely and start using my right hand to manipulate the club. I watched the video on golf grips effect on lag and although I do not have a weak grip I did strengthen it somewhat. It definitely helps to feel the downcock. If I position the club in the impact position (forward shaft lean and delofted square club face) and then adjust my grip so that my wrist is slightly bowed, knuckles down and back of the hand is toward the target, I'm able to supinate the left hand and not have the wrist cup. Is this okay technique to try to find the proper grip position that will allow a free flowing wrist release? The driver is a different animal. I can't seem to find a grip position that gives that bowed position, knuckles under forward shaft lean that presents a square club face at impact.
September 14, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Greg, this method seems to be okay for sure. It's important to have the grip that we are teaching in the grip how to video, and then allow the lead wrist to dynamically work through the entire swing. It's also important that your grip stays consistent with every club in the bag when you are working on creating a stock swing. Have you submitted for a swing review recently so that we can take a close look at things for you? I might suggest that you submit for review so we can take a look at it and make sure you are putting this info in your notes so we look closely to make sure you aren't creating some sort of compensation to hit positions in the swing.
September 14, 2016
Is there a relation with having too tight of a grip pressure and right side dominance? Last week in the middle of a round caught myself being too tense and thought that may be the cause of some of my lack of extension after impact.
August 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Tension is a golf swing killer. Usually when one adds more tension in the swing. Their dominant side will take over too soon in the downswing. Thereby hurting path, release and extension.
August 17, 2016
Great drill - can work on my left wrist release & throw the ball drill as well as curing the chicken wing.. is already showing up in full swing without thinking about it after 2 days.. I still catch the stick at the top a little - so it should be waist high and how far away from my left foot? Clay says about 4 foot. but it looks closer than that on the video.. obviously really important how far away it is relative to how much extension to clear it at waist height. Thanks..
April 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stuart. 4 feet is the approximate distance. Looks are a little deceiving on film. Thanks for the compliments of the drill.
April 15, 2016
where do i find the left arm drill
April 3, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dennis. Which left arm drill are you referring too? We have tons. For path issues use the Over the Top Stick Drill. For lag use the Frisbee Drill or the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag Video.
April 3, 2016
Should/Do the upper arms ever open up laterally during the golf swing at any point
February 29, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Could you describe a little more in detail by lateral? I can see a few different outcomes to this answer. Thanks.
February 29, 2016
If my elbows move away from my side or my armpits open up Not to be confused with upper arm or shoulder elevation
March 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. The only time you will really see that is late in the finish. But, yes lateral motion opening up in the arms will not occur.
March 1, 2016
Thanks Craig. So to boil it down to a couple basic swing thoughts 1 keep arms extended and in front of the chest (takeaway and backswing) with weight transfer to inside back ankle 2 right arm flexion and shoulder elevation to finish backswing (arms stay in front of chest throughout this move) 3 rotation is a pull back by right shoulder blade glide primarily keeping right arm straight as long as possible - right arm flexion happens as a consequence of completing the shoulder rotation and should flex less than 90 degrees 4 weight shift to front heel at the end of shoulder elevation allowing arm to drop and soft wrist to downcock some 5 release club into and through proper impact alignment by keeping back to the target as long as possible with arms still in front of chest utilizing forearm rotation to release club not shoulder/body rotation - the chest will follow the forearm rotation release and arms will wide, in front of chest, and forearms close together
March 1, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Without getting too much into detail and semantics. Yes, the majority of that is correct.
March 2, 2016
Hello. I think I chicken wing because I come out of my posture during impact. But when I try to stay in posture, I hit it fat and noticed my lead leg is still flexed. Should I be focusing also on straightening the lead leg?
February 27, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Barry-Yes, you want the lead leg straight at impact. You also could be hitting it fat because you're losing lag in your swing so make sure we have a decent amount of lag as well. Keep up the Good Work!
February 27, 2016
Hi Craig In reviewing my swing reviews recently I was told to keep the arms close as I have been battling an over active right hand post impact that results in a narrow follow through. In implementing this swing thought from start to end my arms feel much wider with less effort. In thinking this through my question goes back to a video where Chuck stated that the right upper arm should be bolted into the shoulder so that the right elbow can only move up and down. Is it correct to apply this concept to both upper arms throughout the entire swing?
February 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. The concept of feeling connection is a good one. However, I would be a little hesitant with your trail arm on the thru swing due to your over active trail side. I am afraid if you try to glue the upper trail arm from impact to follow through you might get a little more trail hand involvement early.
February 24, 2016
I looked at the rotary connect aid and this seems to be the concept I have been contemplating. Do you still advocate the connectedness of both upper arms for the entire swing?
February 24, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lance. Yes, I still advocate both upper arms maintaining a connection. My worry comes in when I hear students wanting to create excess tension or force to make it happen.
February 24, 2016
Hi Craig. Since I don't have a rotary connect I have rigged up a bungie cord around the upper arms just above the elbows tonight - what a feeling and incredible synchronization. Mostly, it eliminates the right hand overpowering into and through impact allowing me to pull the release with the left forearm rotation. I just realized that this overpowering that I have not been able to eliminate until now is really a pushing thing. I am excited to see this all come together. It also makes the takeaway and backswing so much easier. Better width and less right arm flexion. I will keep you posted.
February 26, 2016
Hi guys. I'm a left handed person playing right handed golf. I've been working on the left hand release drills to try and get my left hand motion right. The problem I'm having is that if I don't put enough right hand into the shot then the clubface isn't closing and the shots are blocking right. If I fire the right hand at the last minute then I get a chicken wing. How do I find the middle ground. I've been trying the throw the right hand drill but I still seem to get the chicken wing even when I try to delay the hit.
February 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Joel. I just performed your swing review and provided some insight to help you out with your issues. You don't want to rely on the trail hand to square the club face. It can add speed, but you don't want to aggressively shut it down with rotation.
February 17, 2016
I have been looking for a drill for my chicken wing for years! Thank you! Clay mentioned a related video ? wide? couldn't catch title Thanks again Anne
January 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anne. The Wide Narrow Wide Video and the Over the Top Stick Drill will compliment this well.
January 12, 2016
Hi Craig, when performing these long arm drills is it ok to exclude the weight shift and just stay in the left hand side? When clay puts two hands on the club performs a takeaway then flexes his right arm and the club goes 90 degrees. Is it ok to do this whilst staying on the left hand side? Is it ok to just use your arms during these drills?
September 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. Early on you can take out a little of the weight shift to help you train and use the arms correctly. However, try to bulild up to a little weight shift because it helps you shallow out the path and not be too right side dominant.
September 17, 2015
this video really gave me a lot of insight as I never thought about my left arm. Indeed it is breaking down. When I focus on keeping it straight, I find that possibly much of move 3 is happening automatically. is that the correct translation? i've also noticed that I tend to hold follow through with both arms extended and kind of "forget" to fold it up over the shoulder and finish. if the ball is long gone by the time I realized that my arms are still extended, still face rolled over, do I have anything to worry about? ie, if I always leave arms at 2:30 to 3:30?
August 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. Keeping the lead arm straight doesn't make Move 3 happen automatically, but if definitely helps. After you have struck the ball the deceleration of momentum carries you to a full finish. If you have the tendency to push through with the trail side and fold the lead arm early. Keeping the extension for now won't impede your progress.
August 31, 2015
I don't struggle with a chicken wing but my arms get left too quickly after impact. When I get the feeling of my arms, extending especially my right arm, I have a swing the would be perfect if the ball was moved another ball away from me. My setup and everything are fine but when I extend my arms more, they swing seem to swing too far away. Should I try more of an upper cut type of swing with the same long arms thought. My shoulder would barely feel like they rotate but I would keep my arms long and extended.
July 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bryan. Take a look at the Sledghammer Video. Before you start messing with an upper cut feel. Try to keep the trail shoulder more stable.
July 26, 2015
Hi Craig, on this long arm drill, clay does 50 with his left arm only and one aspect of it with throwing his right arm and letting it go at impact. Then one with his right hand on it, combining the other 2 exercises. Is it a good idea me doing the aspect of the drill where you throw your right arm and stop at impact. When currently I'm over using the right side. Stephen
July 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephen. It wouldn't hurt to do some of the trail arm drills. You over use it before and through impact. It might help you when you get back to both hands to know the the trail hand isn't stopping or slowing where it should.
July 2, 2015
Not releasing the lag at the proper time will lead to the chicken wing?
May 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. If you fire lag too soon with the trail arm it can lead to a chicken wing.
May 15, 2015
Love the drill, and am already starting to get the feel of a correct release. Being right hand dominate, I have been hitting, rather than pulling. One problem I am having. I have a small tear in the supraspnaitus tendon of the rotator cuff of my left shoulder. My surgeon has suggested exercises rather than surgery. For the most part, I have no problem and no pain in the shoulder, even after weight lifting. (Can't do anything above my head or where the elbow passes my back, but have been fairly active with this.) Now, when I do this drill, my shoulder hurts. Do you guys know of any exercises to strengthen the specific muscles in the rotator cuff area to help with the pain? Impact bag may be aggravating this also.
May 8, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. Glad to hear the swing is getting better. However, not about the pain from injury. I have all sorts of shoulder issues. Anchors, tears, etc... (I didn't find RST soon enough before I did all the damage). We don't have any specific listed on the site. Here are some from another website that I use for my issues.
May 9, 2015
Thanks, Craig. Already doing internal and external rotations, lat raises, wall push ups, scapula exercises, and bicep work. Looks like there are a couple of lat raises that are different and will help, also moving push ups to lower surface. Thanks again. Rotator cuff tears are extremely common, especially as we age. Lots of wear and tear, and a very, very complex joint.
May 9, 2015
This drill looks great and I can see how over time(repetitions) it will cure my chicken wing. Thanks. My one question related to this and other drills it.. What club in my bag would be best to use to practice these drills with? Thanks again.
April 26, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Scott, When learning something new in any movement start with a shorter iron, i would suggest anything from a PW-8I. It will make it easier to learn the new movement while still being able to see if you doing it correctly. Steven
April 26, 2015
Hi clay I have great trouble getting my hips through therefore seem to chicken wing I have not been able to send a video for analysis at the moment would the long arm drill help or have you any other drills. Thanks. Terry from UK
October 30, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Terry, This long arm drill will help, there is another drill that should help as well. The Merry Go Round Drill. You'll have to search for it using the search bar beneath the list of each set of videos for each section. That second drill in conjunction with this drill will make sure that your arms have enough room to swing through which will help eliminate the forward chicken wing R.J.
October 30, 2014
I really like clay ballards videos but I have not seen him on here for a while?! is he still with rotary swing?
September 24, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Anthony. Unfortunately, Clay has left the golf business and no longer with Rotary Swing. We here are wishing him the best in his new venture.
September 24, 2014
This drill works great for half shots. It seems to lose its effectiveness when I try to build up to full swings. Any keys to focus on with full swings? Thank you
September 11, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. When making full swings the key is to make sure the right side isn't too dominant. If you focus staying in plane and releasing properly. The chicken wing will subside. Take a look at the Sledgehammer Video in the Downswing Advanced Section. Make sure the right shoulder is staying back the fuller the shot gets.
September 11, 2014
I have some decent lag, but tend to "drop" the club before impact which often results in the club hitting before the ball. I see an exaggerated version of this by hitting waaaay behind the ball with the driver. Is that release drill or this chicken wing drill? Or both? Thanks.
September 1, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Matt. I would focus on maintaining the lag and releasing it properly. Take a look at the Taking a Divot Video in the Advanced Downswing Section for information on lag and divots. Also, the Vijay Release in the Advanced Downswing and 5 Mins to a Perfect Release in the Downswing Section to get the lead hand/arm working correctly through the strike.
September 1, 2014
The other thing I see on video is that my left arm bends as it comes into impact.
September 1, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
If your left arm is bending before impact, this is the video for you (Right-Handed Player).
September 1, 2014
I can see the lag on video, but I have trouble getting rid of it, thus the chunk before the ball.
September 1, 2014
When i am doing the long arms, i seem to be releasing early. Is that the right arm still taking over?
July 22, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
More than likely. The right arm push through tends to cause the early release. Work on exaggerating the lead arm position through impact. Take a look at the Exaggerated Hands Ahead at Impact Video in the Downswing Advanced Section. Take the right side out. Get more shaft lean with the left.
July 22, 2014
Why it looks like you're pointing to the flag on the left. The rods, your feet, and shoulders are aligned to that flag (left). But your ball travels always to the flag on the right, is that normal? Do you have any video that explains how to aim at setup to clarify this? Thanks!
May 8, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
The foot line will always be a fraction left of the ball line thus giving you the appearance that the he was aiming the feet at the flag on the left. The ball line in relation to the foot line bisecting the the flag to the right of the that in the distance. You want the stick in this drill to be on the toe line but keep in mind your toe line needs to be a bit left so that your parallel ball line will be bisecting the target.
May 8, 2014
When I do a full swing I sit into my left side and start to roll my left hand before impact which gives me full extension on follow thru , is this correct ?
April 5, 2014
René (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Richard. The roll of the left hand only will not give you a full extension on the follow thru, but is primarely used for squaring the club face. (See the video The weight shift to the left before impact and creating lag and release it will give you full extension in the follow thru (See the video
April 8, 2014

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