Increase Driver Distance by Understanding Golf Ball Speed

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When it comes to maximizing your driver distance, there is only one place to look first - contact. Where you are hitting the ball on the face of the driver is the NUMBER 1 determinant on how far you will hit the ball. Granted, without a fast clubhead speed you won't hit the ball very far, but you can have all the clubhead speed in the world and miss the sweet spot by a 1/4" and lose 20+ yards on your drive. Hit the ball in the center of the club face with reasonable launch parameters, which I will discuss in detail throughout the series, and you can hit the ball very far with less speed. So, let's talk some science....

  • Ball speed is more important than any other factor in determining how far you hit the ball
  • "Smash factor" is the measure of how much club head speed is translated into ball speed
  • Perfect smash factor is 1.5 - anything over 1.45 is great, over 1.4 is still good
  • Measure yours with two swing speed radars - set up one for club head speed & another pointing straight up under the ball path
  • Individual swings may vary, but the setup will be very helpful for calculating averages
  • Draw a dot on the ball with a dry-erase marker to check where you're hitting on the club face

Increase Driver Distance with Rotary Swing’s Bomb Your Driver Video Series

Among the most well-known golf sayings, one stands out: “You drive for show and putt for dough.” The theory behind this line of thinking is that huge distance off the tee is impressive, but not particularly useful for improving your golf game.

There’s some truth to this adage. Many major tournaments have been won & lost with poor play on the greens. But in order to get on the greens in the first place, an efficient driving game is essential. Driving is somewhat of a lost art for golf enthusiasts, and that’s one reason we created the Bomb Your Driver video series.

Rotary Swing’s comprehensive swing instruction includes tips & tricks for every single facet of the game, so we’re not about to exclude driving from the equation. If you want to increase your driving distance, our Bomb Your Driver video series is a great way to embrace & understand golf ball speed as a primary factor in overall performance.

Understanding Ball Speed – How You Can Increase Driver Distance

If you want to increase your driver distance, understanding ball speed is essential. Learn how golf ball speed plays into maximizing your driver distance.

Just some of the topics in our Bomb Your Driver video series include:

  • Driver Sweet Spot – how club placement can increase accuracy and improve distance .
  • Understanding Ball Speed – how ball speed affects driving distance, and what you can specifically work on to maximize your potential.
  • Optimum Spin Rate – learn specific ball spin techniques to benefit driving distance and accuracy.
  • Driver Launch Angle – when it comes to improving ball speed, it’s also about angles. Discover how driver launch angle can make your driving a key part of your game.

Learn how to increase driver distance with our simple, easy to grasp concepts. With Rotary Swing’s Bomb Your Driver instructional videos, you’ll improve golf ball speed quickly and efficiently – with noticeable results for your next round.

Remember, a Premium Membership at Rotary Swing provides unlimited access to our complete line of golf swing videos. The Bomb Your Driver series is just one chapter of the entire Rotary Swing instructional series. Increase driver distance and become a better golfer today – sign up with Rotary Swing!

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What does rotary preach about stance width with our driver?
January 29, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chris. Take a look at Proper Tee Height Video for more details. The driver stance can be just outside the standard 2 inches outside of NJA stance.
February 4, 2019
Craig, ok its been awhile but thats because I've been working on core moves. I've increased my club head speed to 109 with driver, carrying about 260, but looking at Chuckster and his videos I think I should be able to get 115+. I've been stuck at 107-110 since last summer. What can I do? Chad
January 5, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chad. Without seeing your movement it would be tough to diagnose. What I would check is do you have ideal lag in the downswing and proper elevation in the backswing. Look for power leaks like loss of lag too soon, or deep/low hands in the backswing.
January 5, 2019
hi I ve been practicing with the blue radar sports sensor. I have hit over 500 balls the last 3 months using my 9 iron to my driver my baseline speed with my 3- hybrid 121-125 my 3 wood is high mark 143 leveled out at 141 my driver (46 .5 length stiff ti shaft 460 cc head warrior 9 • face i can only get the number to 113 mph why the stark difference thanks
October 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Your 3 Wood is 141 and Driver 113?
October 25, 2018
that’s the numbers i get now I have let 3 pros hit shots for me s using the same monitor They get mac 115 with their driver anothr 119 One guy tried, he was 6-3 250 says his club head speed is 150. with driver si he hit a 5 wood .. got 136 I stepped up and hit my 3 hybid 136 right in front of him All he said ; your swing was so smooth and effortless. I have been doing the release drills for 6 months so i guess it works pretty good thanx
October 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. I believe something is amiss with your tracker. I can completely see someone getting 115-119 CHS. But, 150 seems way too high. Even the Remax Long Drive winner 3 years ago only hit 141. Jaime Sadlowski won with 148. You will see there numbers average around there. Now, if this is the case you are having that big a drop off with the driver from 3wd and you typically carry the ball over 325. Then, I would suggest a swing review because something is definitely off.
October 25, 2018
I WAS A MEMBER IN 2004 LONG DRIVER ASSOC. I met up with Bobby Wilson, Brian Patchet , and ZUBIACK,Art Sellinger Wolter won that day 415. I got to hit with a few of them, practicing with a 49" driver on Long Island NY Nice experience. Was not allowed to compete. Late registration I was told. But I got to spend 6 hours with them , hitting balls on grid, and joking with them ANYWAY, i think my Bobby jones 3 hybrid works well for me and I'll do a video for you soon
October 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Richard. Okay. Now, its starting to make more sense. You are in very rare territory my friend with your CHS. So, the drop definitely isn't correct. Alrighty. We will take a look. Probably something simple.
October 25, 2018
I think the problem could be kick point on shaft, or a heavy headed driver...I'll check it out! ,thanks
October 26, 2018
How fast do I need to swing in order to hit a 300 yd drive? I have a Taylor made sldr regular flex and I tuned up to a 12 degree loft.
June 25, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. It has more to do with club head speed, launch, spin, etc. 300 total yards or carry? Do you have any idea what your club head speed is? You would need to at least be getting into the 105 territory and above. Depending on launch characteristics.
June 25, 2018
Hey Craig. My swing speed right now averages about 95mph though I did get one swing to 102mph. My average carry is about 235yds which isn’t bad. I am looking to get 300 yds total. So would that mean I need about 280+ carry? Just trying to set a goal and work toward it.
June 26, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chan. You can get to total 300 with about 265-275 carry. The goal would be 105 and higher with a positive AOA. The main thing right now is figuring out your power leak. Remember our 3 sources of club head speed (Width, Leverage and Rotation). You need to find out which one needs more emphasis right now to get your MPH up.
June 26, 2018
Thank you Craig Larry
May 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Most certainly welcome.
May 4, 2018
Is the weight shift and release the same for the driver as the irons taking into consideration that I am not trying to compress the ball with the driver or am I Thank You Larry
May 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lawrence. You better have some compression with that driver ! Yes, weight shift and release will be the same.
May 4, 2018
Roger (Certified RST Instructor)
When Chuck says don't move the hands and arms when doing the weight shift drill, what does that mean? No lateral movement or no rotation, both or other? Thanks, Roger
April 14, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Roger. The arms/hands move as a reaction due to the weight shift. You aren't actively yanking them or steering them. A blend of weight shift and tension free shoulders/arms. Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm is a good video to get the feeling.
April 14, 2018
Hello, I'm looking for drills to increase club head speed. I've been using the squat move and that has increased my speed by about 4 mph so I'm up to about 103mph with driver, but I feel like I should be able to get to 110, but just can't seem to do it. What drills do you suggest ?
February 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chad. You need to figure out why you are losing speed. Lack of width, lag, improper post up, release, etc. Take a look at How to Maintain Club Head Speed as You Get Older to understand the power sources. Take a look at your swing and see which one you could use more of. Come back and I will help direct you.
February 13, 2018
I took these tips to the driving range and was carrying shots an extra 20-30 yards and was getting a ton of shots rolling beyond the 300 yard fence. My main problem was a sore back like never before. I sure hope my body adjusts because I could barely move the next day.
September 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Devin. Could be swinging too hard, or using muscles you haven't in the golf swing before. If the soreness persists. Please keep us updated.
October 1, 2017
Hi Craig. Thank you for your reply. My back is much better. I hit two large buckets that day which most likely did me in. Went to have my swing analyzed with the M2 driver with stiff shaft and was hitting between 285 to 310. How accurate rare those swing track monitors? My swing speed was between 108 to 113. Smash factor consistently around 1.45. Ball spin around 2500 and launch was around 12-15. I'm tempted to buy the driver but skeptical how accurate that was. I had a handful go over 320 which seemed very long for me.
October 13, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Devin. All depends on the model. However, depending on your AOA and Vertical Launch. Technically, you could have been hitting those numbers with that swing speed and ball spin. You would need a very positive AOA and around 13-14 degrees launch. But, they add up.
October 13, 2017
Hit some more and was hitting 120 mph swing speed. Knocked one out to 357! A few more were around 330. I found the low spin low launch shafts were working best for me. My current driver has a mid launch mid spin so with the tips you guys gave me I think I have to change out shafts. Last year when I tested my swing I was around 105 mph so this is pretty amazing that you guys have added 15 mph to my swing by following your videos. Thanks.
October 16, 2017
I get the hight but not distance (about 130 yards about the same as before the program). Also on about 25 % of drives I tend to hit behind the ball and hit the ground (also with 5and 6 irons) any suggestions ? Video reviews, etc. Thanks
September 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. If you are hitting behind the ball with the driver I would definitely suggest a swing review. Let one of our instructors figure out the culprit. It sounds like a lag issue firing too early in the downswing with both. Take a look at the Frisbee Drill. Maintain the lag angle longer and then allow for the proper release.
September 23, 2017
Hi Craig, I have been following the Drive launch angle tip. Last round I played. I drove very good in the 1st 9 holes. On hole 10, I topped the drive into the ground when I tried to shift weight and pull the entire left side like Chuck Quinton teaches. On hole 15, I did the same topping. The penalty shots turned my round to 101. Chuck describes that i should never hit up; I just hit normal swing. On my previous lesson, the teaching pros tells me to hit up on my drive. I am missing something here. On my mishit, Do you think that I was too fast on my down swing and my weight shift. I teed the ball forward inside my left toe and tilted a little more on my setup. Or maybe my hands were too tight at the top? What did i do wrong on these drives. I could not wait for my next round to implement from RST's teaching. Thanks.
April 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello George. Typically, too much secondary tilt and lack of weight shift will cause the top. It sounds like with the forward ball position you started later in the round hitting up versus catching it at a different time in the swing due to ball placement. You can see this in the Driver Launch Angle Video and Proper Tee Height. I would make sure the setup is on point and you allow yourself to swing through with the characteristics of impact changed because of ball and catching at a different point.
April 26, 2017
I was interested purchasing the Swing Speed Radar mentioned in the video but when I click on the link at the end of the video it took me to another page with a link that was broken. I also looked in your training aid store...but wasn't there as well. Did you stop selling this item? He mentioned it was $85 for members but I can't find them on your site. Thanks.
March 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. I apologize. We no longer carry that manufacture's radar.
March 2, 2017
I have gotten pretty good at impact with my irons from working through the concepts and drills on the website and have found that I am better hitting my driver off the deck than teed up because of my new swing. What can I do?
February 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. Are you adjusting your setup accordingly? Take a look at the Proper Tee Height Video.
February 27, 2017
I had seen that video before and just re-watched it. Basically with a stock shot I am almost getting under the ball when it is teed up as the video describes. Again, like I am taking a divot with my driver. I am still working on my swing so I will play around with it.
February 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Patrick. Check to make sure you are shallowing your path enough. How to Fix Plane and Path. You could be a hair steep.
February 27, 2017
Will do. Thanks.
February 27, 2017
T David
I am using the marking of the ball technique as Chuck talks about, and find that I am missing the sweetspot, what adjustments should be made? Is it purely a position and setup distance to the ball?
October 16, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dave. That could be a number of issues. Most common are setup and primary spin angle, distance to ball at set up. If your hitting the ball off the toe set up closer and/or hinge at the hips more at set up. Opposite of these if you're hitting off heel. Check out 5 steps to perfect set up and Proper ball position.
October 16, 2016
T David
Thanks, Micah. Went to the range today and working on the marking thing. I realized that I was hitting it on the low heel. Worked on the sitting into the left side and found out the problem... I wasn't maintaining the tush line through the weight shift. When I slowed things down and focused on that my hits came into the sweet spot! Thanks much!
October 16, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
No problem Dave. Glad you figured it out!
October 17, 2016
T David
I like the use of the marker to check the sweetspot. I also use Dr. Scholls foot spray on the club face to do the same. Question about the sweetspot: I have heard something called Gear Effect. How does this affect my swing?
October 14, 2016
Micah (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dave, gear effect is sometimes called Spin Access as well. An example would be if you had an in to out swing with an open face, but you hit it off the toe. Instead of the ball going right it will draw because when contact is made the impact opens the face a little more making the ball roll on the face towards the sweet spot and spins the ball on its access left. That rolling on the face is spin access or gear effect. This effect you swing by 1) losing distance because you didn't hit it on the sweet spot and 2) making the shape of your shots unpredictable
October 14, 2016
I am 69 years old, in very good physical health with good strength and good flexibility. I've been going through the program, piece by piece, and I see improvement in my accuracy and some increase in distance with my irons. My issue is distance with driver and 3 wood. I stopped playing golf for about 7 years at age 60, and started up again 2 years ago, including RST for the last year. I used to hit my 3 wood (old technology club) 230. Now I can barely make it go 210-220. With my driver, even when I think I've hit it great, with a nice draw, it will usually go about 225-230. It looks great in the air but doesn't go anywhere. I played this week with a man who is 50, doesn't swing very hard, and he was hitting his 3 wood 240-250 and I was behind him on even my best drives. Which leads to my question: What exercise/drill can I incorporate on the range (3-4 times a week) to improve my distance. My goal is to get my 3 wood to 230-240, and my driver 250-260. Thoughts? Thanks. Gerrie (Phuket Thailand)
June 21, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello W Gerrie. The key would be to understand why you are losing distance. Lag? Release? Weight Shift? Too many variable to decipher from your notes. Have you had a swing review and explained to your instructor that the woods are lacking in distance plus why?
June 22, 2016
Bryson deChambeau is getting attention for how he has brought his physics degree into his golf game. What are your views on the same length for all his clubs? Seems like quite a smart move as lots of people,myself included,when it gets down to the low irons like 4 iron etc
May 25, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. Same length can be created for comfort on the golfers part. However, it will effect club head speed. A change in length for say a 5 iron to 6 iron will have a few mph of speed difference. But, a 4 iron the length of a 9 iron could make a big difference. Bryson has found a happy medium that is acceptable to him and with combinations of different lofts to make up some difference.
May 26, 2016
Thanks, Chuck. I just finished a demo day and got fitted for a new driver, but does a new driver and shaft make that much difference? I'm playing a driver from 2013 and my understanding is the COR is maxed out from years ago and the shafts are already top of the line, since 2010. How much more can clubs be improved year-by-year (putting all marketing aside)? At the fitting, I was trying to be mindful of working shots and aggregating averages, instead of just the one shot that picks up 12 yards after a perfect shot. Hoping for more guidance..
April 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brandon. Yes, COR is already maxed out. However, they do improve the quality of energy transfer on a miss-hit and shafts are all about finding the right kick point for optimum spin. Marketing aside they really don't improve that much for the better player. They can improve the quality of a bad strike, but if you are hitting everything on the screws you won't see much of a difference. My advice would be try a lot out. I have had clubs built specifically for me by manufactures that didn't feel as good or perform as well as one found on the rack. I think you went about the process correctly. See which performs better under all conditions, not the lighting in a bottle strike.
April 2, 2016
Craig it seems that the most important step for an average person is to determine and patterns to where you impact the ball of the club face. With the patterns figured out would the next step to be determining smash factor?
March 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Correct.
March 23, 2016
First, let me say that this site is the best things that ever happened to my game. The videos on compression and shaft angle have helped my iron play better than any live lessons. Question on the driver. I am a lefty. Using the ball mark tape on the face of the driver I have noticed that I am consistently hitting the ball off center and closer to the club shaft. Any ideas on how to fix this ?
February 4, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. Thanks for the compliments of our site. Sounds like you might be losing the tush line pushing the hips towards the ball. Take a look at the Losing the Tush Line Video.
February 4, 2016
What are your thoughts on driver shaft length at 43.5"? Is that to short for today's graphite shafts. It's hard to find what the pros are hitting. Thx
December 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shawn. I use a 44' shaft length and have no problem with distance. You might gain a touch more speed by going longer. However, if anything I would tend to miss a tad short in shaft length versus going too long. You could end up sacrificing accuracy for a few yards.
December 29, 2015
what is the proper tee high for max distance when hitting the driver? Thanks
October 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. It can vary depending on driver and swing characteristics. However, we recommend putting the tee around 3/4 way up the face.
October 28, 2015
I never thought of using the radar for measuring ball speed. I'll definitely give that a shot. Thanks for the idea!
October 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Christopher. Give it a go!
October 15, 2015
Hi love your site and can see this being of great use to me---earlier this year I had a home golf studio built in my garden so am hitting loads of balls. As a result am getting tennis elbow on my left elbow. Am a right handed golfer. Do you have any videos about what could be causing this and a solution to it as if it gets any worse will have to stop playing ---I use an elbow brace and am having regular Physio but am not getting any improve? Rgds ALister
September 29, 2015
its probably not the golf that caused that?
October 7, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alister. Typically, Golfers Elbow comes from over working. You might need to take a few days off and let the inflammation settle a bit. Sometimes hitting into a mat can create a lot of impact force on the joint. Take a look at the Left Elbow Impact Alignments Video. Make sure you aren't flipping the arm into impact.
September 29, 2015
I have been golfing less than a year and followed this program from the beginning. Im starting to strike the ball much better but for the life of me I can not find any consistency at all with my driver. Are there any driver specific drills I can do?
September 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jarek. I would focus a good driver setup and tempo. Usually the biggest things that go wrong with the driver.
September 16, 2015
Still can't make solid contact for the life of me. All my other clubs seem ok. Any suggestions? besides tempo and setup
October 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Is there any pattern to the miss. Left, right, high, low, etc..?
October 6, 2015
Lots of push fades, or real low pull hooks. Never straight.
October 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jarek. Without seeing your swing it could be tough to diagnose. However, with the inconsistency in your flight. I would try to keep your lower body more stable because it sounds in the way. Tush Line and Perfecting Lower Body Stability Video. Make sure you aren't thrusting towards the ball and losing your spine angle causing you to flip at impact.
October 7, 2015
Where's the instruction?
August 7, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. This is just a video to understand that ball speed is more important than any other factor when determining how far you hit the ball.
August 7, 2015
I couldn't seem to find a place to leave a comment about hybrid instruction. I replaced my 4 and 5 irons with 23 and 27 degree hybrids to hopefully hit higher and softer landing shots versus boring trajectories. But, I can't find any videos about hybrid play. Are there any?
July 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. We don't have any specific videos for hybrid play currently.
July 10, 2015
Is there any way to get more info on hybrids from your site? Seems like a very intregal part of today's game.
July 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. We will put it in our think tank. However, the hybrid is substitute for a mid iron or long iron. It is meant to be hit like a normal iron shot. Unlike the driver where you are looking for a positive angle of attack. You still want to hit down on the hybrid. Not very many adjustments or different swing characteristics than hitting a normal mid to long iron. You still want to hit down on the ball and let the club do the work.
July 11, 2015
Hi...Where can i find more information on the driver swing. The videos are interesting but I'd like more information about the actual driver i hit up into the ball? Do I rotate forearms hard thru impact? What's the best ball position etc.... thnx
June 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Take a look at Driver Launch Angle in this Section. It will cover ball position, angle of attack and release.
June 12, 2015
June 13, 2015
Hi, i have 250-255 yds total with 10.5 driver, SLDR with regular ust mamiya 65 shaft. ( 100 mph aprox right ? ) i´m waiting a radar to measure it more accurate. I see lag videos and meany others, and i answer if i could get 110 mph some day ? I´t is possible, 39 years old, 15 hpc. this week i will submit a video to you. But i wanna know if working 10 mph more are possible . Thanks !!!
June 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Eduardo. Yes, that would be approximately 100 mph depending on your attack angle. I haven't seen your swing, but at your age and handicap 110 should definitely be feasible.
June 3, 2015
I was just looking at some average Trackman data from the PGA Tour, and noticed that all the clubs have more or less the same Max Height (around 30 yards) I was under the impression that a 3-iron would go much lower than i.e a wedge ?? In relation to my earlier question about a higher ball flight, I've been a bit irritated, when my 7-iron went nearly the same height as my wedge, and would try to get it to fly lower. But perhaps I don't have to be ...
March 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mads. The greens on tour are very hard. Players work on maximizing their height with lower lofted clubs. Typically, a 3 iron would fly lower than a 7 iron or wedge. Nevertheless, it is hard to hold a green on a bee line ball flight. Unless, your flight is abnormally high. I wouldn't get too irritated.
March 16, 2015
I've changed nearly every aspect of my swing this winter, and it has turned out really, really well (thanks to Aaron). Now I'm finally able to go to the range again, instead of practicing indoors, so now I can watch the ball flight and height as well as direction. There's a couple of things, I have doubts about, though: 1: I used to have the ball placed back in my stance - perhaps a balls width right of the middle (right-handed). I have now moved the ball forward in my stance, perhaps 2-3 ball widths, so it's aligned with my left ear. Though I still have my hands in front of the ball at impact, the forward shaft lean is now less, and therefore my ball flight is a bit higher. This has resulted in a few extra yards of carry, but also a less penetrating ball flight. Is there a way to tell, if your ball flight is right (it's had to see down the line) of if its to high? 2: How much does air temperature affects the distance? the main reason for me to change my swing was to gain more distance, but its difficult to judge how much distance, I've gained, since its only about 40 degrees fahrenheit here in Denmark, compared to 70-80 in the summer.
March 12, 2015
Aaron (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Mads.... So a high ball height that is getting more distance is good. A ball flight that is high and gets less distance is not good. To hit the ball lower, club up and swing easier. But to be able to have all trajectories in the bag is a good thing. On hard firm courses a high ball is an advantage. A ball that is high, and goes further is ok in my book. Air temperature. For every ten degrees Ive heard you will lose 2-3 yards. so 80-40 is 40 degrees. 8-12 yards could be sucked off your distance if you are playing in 40 vs 80. Also a consideration is how cold the balls are. If you are hitting a bucket of balls outside and balls that are rocks anyways even in 80 degree weather, you may find a little bit more of the cold affect as the balls are having a hard time compressing. Hope this helped.
March 13, 2015
Thanks a lot, Aaron. It helped ... as always.
March 13, 2015
Hi, I can't find any videos of how I can fix the push that I get from my driver. I used trackman to gather some data. My club path on the downswing is -12 degrees, which is where I feel the problem is (which results in ~30yrds to the right avg). Everything else seems to be fine (105mph club head, 155.0 ball speed, 3.2 deg angle of attack, smash factor 1.47~1.50, 14~15 deg launch angle). Any videos you can recommend to work on this issue? Thanks!
March 11, 2015
Think I figured out, there's two things that I need to work on: 1st. on my back-swing my club path is going a little bit inside - when my driver is parallel to the ground (probably by not keeping my wrist inactive). 2nd. on my setup I need to place the ball a bit more forward.
March 12, 2015
Just to add to the previous comment here are the numbers that I got: Hopefully this will throw some light to my push problem with the driver. Thanks
March 11, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jorge. One of the best things to do would be upload your swing to one of our online instructors. Let them know what is going on, It's crucial to find the crux of the problem and not guess around. With that said, you might be adding push from the trail side and getting too much secondary axis tilt. Take a look at the Driver Launch Angle Video in this section. Change the setup. Not the swing.
March 12, 2015
Was watching these videos and really just don't know where to ask this question. As far as ball speed goes, when using range balls versus say like a prov1x like I use is there a considerable difference?? I find that I hit a range ball something like 10 to 15% less distance wise. For instance on the range this morning I was hitting my 8 iron about 150 (which is considerably shorter than normal) and on the course I over shot the green everytkme with my 8 and would say it was more like 170ish ( normal distance). This always seems to be the case. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question but didn't know where to ask and was just watching these videos on ball speed and it was on my mind.
January 21, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Christopher, Not a problem! If there isn't a video for it, you have to put the question somewhere, right? This is as good as a spot as any. It really depends on the type of range that you're at and the type of ball that they're using. A smaller driving range will use range balls that don't fly as far so that longer hitters are bombing the ball over the fence, effectively losing all of the balls. However, nicer, longer golf ranges will typically use balls with a more true ball flight. The best way to practice your distance is to get out to the course before anyone else in the morning and just hit balls into the green from different distances. R.J.
January 21, 2015
I have had several back surgeries in the recent past. My surgeon knows I want to play golf and has told me to be careful when I separate my upper body from the lower body in the backswing. In order to reduce that separation, how much will I lose if I turn my upper body 45 degrees and turn my hips 15 to 20 degrees. That will reduce the pressure on my lower back than if I held my hips constant. Since I haven't played for about 50 years, I'm now developing a practice program with you. What's wrong with practicing the above way? Thank you Doyle
December 14, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Doyle, Please refer to the "Maintaining club head speed as we age" video. This will help you prioritize width and leverage over rotation to create a lot of club head speed. R.J.
December 15, 2014
Thats it. I want speed radars for Christmas! I have been hearing about smash factor and now I understand it better.
December 8, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Christian -- Hopefully Santa will bring you one this year for Christmas. They are great stocking stuffers and a valuable tool for sure.
December 8, 2014
Does an early or late release have an impact on the smash factor?
December 1, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Smash factor is determined by where you hit the ball on the club face and how close you are to getting the COG of the club head to move through the COG of the ball, moving on the path of the club head. R.J.
December 1, 2014
Is backspin rate solely a function of the club/shaft combination? If not, what swing factors affect the spin rate?
November 28, 2014
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
John, there are many things that affect spin rate. such as contact, angle of attack, dynamic loft, the ball it self. There is somethings called spin loft which basically speaking is the angle between the angle of attack and your dynamic loft at impact. The greater that is the more spin you will get. Its a trackman parameter, go ahead and check it out for yourself by googling it. . best of club, steven
November 28, 2014
hey guys hitting my irons great but my driver is either a weak fade(with wind turns into a slice) or i get right under it, any suggestions or tips? swing is coming along nicely though.
October 5, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jordan. There are some setup adjustments you can make to maximize potential with the driver. You want the best accuracy and launch angle possible. Take a look at the Driver Setup Adjustments Video in the Advanced Setup Section. Also, the Driver Launch Angle Video in this Section.
October 6, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Is there anyway we can get a bonus series that tells us how to hit the ball on side hill lies? The major problem that I have had throughout my golf career, even when I was playing for my high school team a decade or so ago and I was playing 54 to 72 holes per week day, was making solid contact when the ball was either below or above my feet.
September 26, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey R.J. Thanks for the suggestion. We are putting together all the ideas are members have had and us to film some videos in the future to deal with lies, etc..
September 26, 2014
Adjustments for fairway bunker shots. I can't locate a video for this
September 14, 2014
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
also, match your shoulder line to be parallel with the ground that you are on in the sand. I know that one of the bunker videos in the short game section touches on that, Joe. Good luck, sir.
September 27, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joe. The key for fairway bunker shots is keeping the lower body stable. Don't dig your feet too much into the sand and make sure the lower body stays very quiet to not dig the club into the ground.
September 15, 2014
Hello, Can you kindly explain the mechanics as to why my drives and iron shots result in the ball just bouncing and almost never rolling? What causes the lack of roll? My shots on the green bounce once and just "clunk" lands without any roll. Thanks!
August 23, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. It sounds like you are putting way to much spin on the ball. Either the ball is riding up the face too much, or your launch angle is off. There can be many different culprits for this. My advice would be to upload a swing for review. We would be happy to take a look. Tell your instructor your issues. He can spot where the unnecessary spin is coming from.
August 23, 2014
hi, very interesting. I'm probably in the 1.3-1.4 smash factor range so perhaps I need to practice hitting better not faster. That aside though, and I know there will be a lot of 'it depends on', but what is the relationship between ball speed and carry for a Driver? I'm also curious about optimum launch angle (I have a 10.5 Titleist D2). It's the science of ballistics which I could look in to but perhaps there's a ready-reckoner/app already written that gives us some help? Maybe a ball manufacturer has something? thanks Keith
August 15, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Keith, launch angle and spin rate play a huge role in the grand scheme of things when it comes to distance. Ball speed is really attributed to the the overall movements created in the golf swing and ties close hands with launch and spin. Tour players are launching the golf ball at nearly 11 degrees. I think the last time I checked it was 10.9. For optimum spin based on launch conditions and modern technology, you are looking for numbers around 2800-2900rpms.
August 15, 2014
hi Craig sorry to confuse you, maybe I don,t have the terminology down pat yet. I turned 1/2 to 3/4 before starting to lift my arms followed by the elbow bend , I find it quite difficult to turn and lift my arms at the same time but i am practising all the time.
July 25, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gary. No worries. There is definitely a learning curve. Yes, it is hard to train the blend together. There is only a little shoulder elevation in the takeaway. Where the hands would be inline with the base of the right pocket, when the club is parallel to the ground. At first its ok to separate the two. Ideally working towards blending in the future. If you don't add any and the shoulders just rotated. The club would tend to work behind you and too much on a horizontal plane. Take a look at the 4 Square Drill in the Advanced Downswing Section. A nifty drill to help the blend feel more natural.
July 25, 2014
hi guys , I played in the vets yesterday scored 33 points. used a friends G25 driver instead of my R11 , set to draw bias. well did the G25 show up my slice flaw. It was only when I turned maybe 1/2 - 3/4 before I flexed did I get a reasonable drive. I also tried to focus on keeping my weight on the inside of my feet and toward my heels. Am I "kosher" to leave the arm lift , flex, as I described?
July 24, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Gary. Happy to help, but I'm a little confused. Are you saying that when you turned the body half way or three-fourths back before you added flexion of the trail arm in the swing that it resulted in a reasonable drive?
July 24, 2014
Lots of great information. Shaft selection seems to be another variable that can affect launch angle and other things quite a lot. Any videos or advice on that (other than get a fitting)? I've had a couple of fittings over past 2 years (both with monitors and on green grass without), and each time they put me in a "Stiff" shaft (not really very stiff). Though I don't think my swing speed justifies it, the stiffer shaft seemed to give me somewhat better overall results. I try a regular shaft in my current driver head from time to time, and I still seem to hit the stiff shaft better, though I prefer the feel of the R shaft.
July 2, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey John. There aren't any videos pertaining to that subject matter because most of it is taken care of with an in person fitting. If the results are better with the stiff versus the regular with an iron shaft. You can always have them soft step the shaft for you to create a happy medium.
July 2, 2014
That is an awesome video. Great poor man's option for learning the variables in their swing. I am only disappointed that Chuck did not hit one so we could see how fast and far he hits it. Thanks!
June 28, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey David. Glad you enjoyed!
June 28, 2014
Why can't I open any of your video's. I am really getting frustrated!
June 11, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Ken, please click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page and contact customers support. They will be more than happy to assist you in getting the video to work.
June 11, 2014
You seem to have reduced the number of videos. I was looking for one on the right leg in the backswing?
April 9, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
All of the videos are still on the site, they are just broken into different sections. Sorry for the delay in response on this. Here is load the right leg for stability the other one is in the full swing program backswing section
April 16, 2014

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