Downcock Pump Lag Drill

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Every golfer wants to know how to create more lag in their swing to hit the ball further. With this one simple drill I guarantee you'll have more lag in 5 minutes than you ever dreamt possible.

  • Many golfers lose wrist angle and "cast" in the downswing, costing them power and lag
  • Sequencing is everything - the downswing is far from just a rush to build power and speed
  • For the drill - go to the top of the swing and pause
  • During the weight shift increase your right wrist angle, dropping the club toward your shoulder
  • Your position should feel wide on the backswing and narrow on the downswing
  • Do the drill on its own at first, then work up to half-shots

Golf Lag Drill

The downcock pump golf lag drill teaches you how to build lag in your golf swing while also teaching you how to stop casting the club. It's a critical golf swing drill to also learn the proper sequencing in the golf downswing.

                One of the most common and frustrating experiences for golfers is losing power. As they come down in the downswing, they lose their wrist angle, or golf swing lag. We call this casting, similar to how you cast a fishing rod. The last thing you want to do in a golf swing is cast it. As you start down, what most amateur golfers do is they throw the club right from the top, so by the time they get into the golf impact position, the club head's passing their hands. You get a lot of chicken wing action if they're really right-side dominant. They're scooping the ball. They don't ever take a divot, and they hit the ball really high. It doesn't go anywhere.

                What you need to realize is that lag is the most important part of a golf swing. Everything that we've done to this point in building yourself a proper backswing, proper golf setup, learning impact alignments is to make impact more consistent and controllable, but also to give you more power by teaching you how to maintain lag. I've got a drill for you today called the Downcock Lag Drill that's going to help change your perspective of the golf swing because the last thing you want to think about at the swing or as your perspective of the swing is that once you get to the top, you need to start moving as fast as you can and try and generate speed and power. It doesn't work that way at all. Sequencing is everything in the swing, and we're going to talk about the first piece of that sequence, which is the Downcock Lag Drill.

                As you get to the top, what I want you to do is go to the top, pause. Stop right at the top, loaded up on the right side, and then as you're shifting over to the left, not pushing off the right, using your left leg, I want you to take the club with your right hand, both hands, I want you to let the right hand feel like it falls back on itself, and the club is going to hit you in the shoulder. It won't actually hit you on the shoulder unless you lighten up your grip. You should be holding the club pretty softly at this point anyway, but not so much that you let go of it. If you do this drill correctly, you should be able to bring the club in within a couple inches, a few inches, of your shoulder.

                This is the opposite of go to the top, push off the right side, pull with the left shoulder. All of these things are going to create the opposite motion because as you spin your body, you're creating centripetal force and the opposite effect of that is going to be centrifugal force. That means that something further away from the centripetal force, the center is going to release and go out in the opposite direction. As you spin your body this way, the club head's going to go out this way. As you come into impact, you don't have any lag. There's nothing left to hit with. You have to learn to maintain lag at 60% of your club head speed roughly. If you come into impact and you have this wrist angle, you're done. You have nothing left to hit with, so you're going to start getting into the scoopy, flippy motion.

                Instead, you want to come down into this position, which we'll work on next, but what you want to do is start practicing downcocking to start getting yourself in a position where you're maintaining more lag. It's going to feel very different. A, as you go to the top and pause, you should feel poised and relaxed, but your hands should feel soft and you're going to feel like you go from a very wide position on the back swing to a very narrow position on the down swing. It's going to feel very different. Let's go to the top, wide, increase the wrist angle, my club shaft getting in close to my shoulder so I feel very narrow now as I'm pulling my arms back in front of my body, letting the club drop close to my shoulder. It looks like this.

                You're not going to go all the way down yet. You're just going to start working on getting some lag to start the down swing as you're shifting over versus going to the top and start rotating, getting the club thrown out away from you. Start slowly integrating this into half shots. Go to the top, pause, downcock, release. Go to the top, pause, downcock, release. It should feel that you start having a lot more wrist angle coming into impact. Then as you work on the transition videos coming up soon, this will help you really get into great impact positions and start being able to control the ball and compress it and hit it further than you ever have before. If you're a club caster, this will change your game forever. 

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Hello All, I have two questions/comments; 1. I feel that this drill may help me shallowing the club and prevent my arms for firing two soon. Am I right? 2. How do youreconcile this drill with other videos that teach you to keep your arms, wrists, hands, etc as passive as possible? Thanks, Romer
April 13, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Romer. This should help with firing too soon with hands/arms. Passive and not dead. 2 different ways to take that. Sometimes you may need a little extra help to get the feeling or over the hump (this video). The goal is to allow lag and shallow to be a biproduct. But, like with release you need to feel what you are trying to achieve to have a better chance of success.
April 13, 2023
Hi, I started to incorporate the push release into my swing. I have a problem with too aggressively posting up and coming out of my posture. In the drill Chuck mentions not pushing off the right side, which is what the push release tells you to do. Any advise on using the push release and maintaining lag? Thanks, Rich
August 8, 2022
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Rich. Work on the Tape Drill Video. If you are having problems coming out of posture and aggressive post this will help you work into and through impact better.
August 8, 2022
How do we keep the left wrist from cupping on the downswing when the lag increases?
July 13, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. You will only get the increase in cupping when trying to go for excessive lag. You however don't need that much. But, if striving for the Sergio type look it would be hard for some cupping to not show up.
July 14, 2021
Manny (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Dave... You don't! The cupping of the left wrist is a by product of over emphasizing the lag drill. Especially when attempting to allow the shaft to contact the right shoulder. It Is part of learning. This drill is part of a process to provide a new feeling as you transition in the downswing and avoid casting. The overall expectation will include keeping the shoulders back and not firing the arms at the top. The cupped left wrist will be addressed as we move into release and impact at which a bowing of the left wrist will be required to control the club face.
July 14, 2021
This move feels totally different for me, and I love it even though I haven't hit balls with it yet. On video, it gives me the lag I was missing at the bottom. Two questions: 1) how is this different from the advice to never try to hold/create lag (or something like that) and 2) does this movement help slow down shoulder rotation on downswing?
September 14, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Keith. If you spin the shoulders on the downswing you will always struggle with lag. Therefore, while creating it you are training to keep the shoulders more passive. You aren't trying to hold the lag. It is a byproduct because of sequencing. You are exaggerating it a little here. But, the end goal will be because of sequence. Take a look at the Frisbee Drill and 4 Step Lag Builder Videos.
September 14, 2020
Thanks, Craig. Good to know it can help slow the shoulders down. I'm still blown away by how different it feels vs casting the club; makes the release feel more explosive for me.
September 14, 2020
Unable to do downcock. Did left arm only with thumb off and video still shows I’m casting. Any other videos to recommend or suggestions?
April 8, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Reynaldo. We would need to see a clip. If you are casting with the lead thumb off you must be severely spinning shoulders, or if trail hand is on a ton of push.
April 8, 2020
Hi, Well i have tried And my wrist are definitely not soft enough to get to the point where Chuck is ! Are their exercises to soften them ? Besides, on my backswing I flatten my left wrist up to the top. To perform the downcock move here I have to curve my wrist back to the position it was at address, is that normal ? Thanks !
March 29, 2020
Actually, with a flat left wrist what prevents me from achieving the move is my left thumb ! It’s there to block the club that can go nowhere. So max I can do is a 90 degrees angle
March 29, 2020
Hello I like doing doing downcock drill and I feel it helps with my sequencing and created lag but every time I do I not notice my left wrist automatics gets in a cup position . I believe I’m doing the drill correctly but always a left cup position Am I doing the drill wrong ? I know in another video chuck says he wants us to start closing the club face as soon as backswing starts but I can’t do that cause of the club wrist Do I downcock with left wrist cup for a moment then start closing the club face and release the club Thank you Phil
March 7, 2020
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Philip. If you are getting excessive, or crazy lag the lead wrist will cup. However, you don't need that much in the swing. Create enough lag for power, but not so excessive you start cupping the wrist.
March 7, 2020
While practicing drills with a ball present does it matter if you occasionally change clubs or is one club like a seven iron fine. Always heard to change the club while working, what's your thought. Thanks
October 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Randy. Practicing with one club is fine. When you start to get more comfortable and repeat the move consistently. You can start changing up the club a little to challenge yourself.
October 9, 2019
I find when I am doing downcock drill that my left thumb gets sore is this normal
October 3, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. You may be over doing it a tad. Also, really fighting against the lag with push of the thumb.
October 3, 2019
This DownCock Pump is magic/voodoo stuff. After working on the down cock pump for a couple of sessions I took it to the course last night. Without a doubt last night was my best ball striking round ever, 12 greens in regulation, 9 pars, 2 birdies and three 3 wood shots that went well over 250 yards. Every club was going at least 15 yards further than before and straight!!
June 25, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeff. Not voodoo. Science!
June 25, 2019
When playing I notice my hands are much further away from my legs coming into impact than they were at address, resulting in thin, weak shots. Any drills to work on this?
June 22, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. I would check that you don't have too much knee bend at address first. Also, the hands will be higher at impact than address when fully releasing. Lastly, check for early extension. Coming up out of posture is the easiest way to get too high into impact. Take a look at Eliminating Early Extension Video.
June 23, 2019
Hey, RJ. New videos later this week, but quick question. I am leaving my wrists quite loose and soft. When I do so and downcock (as I squat to square), I feel a BIG pull in my wrist hinge from the club being pulled down. Is that correct? It feels harder to control but more powerful. Thanks!
June 18, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Yeah, just let the physics of the club do the work for you as you squat to square. Just make sure that the grip is correct and that the club isn't slipping between your thumb and index finger because that will make it difficult to be consistent. Also, don't feel like you're trying to control it. Just let it do its thing. The more you try to control it, the more likely you are to deviate the club from its intended path that your whole backswing and transition has put it on.
June 18, 2019
Sounds good - thanks!
June 18, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome
June 19, 2019
Hi; In the the perfect release drill video Chuck tells us the next place our hands go after the downcock drill is in front of the right thigh with the shaft at parallel to the ground.I seem to do the movements correctly but the club comes parallel to ground while my hands are just outside the right leg,in which case Chuck says in the video you will be doomed to flipping from there but he does not say what are the probable causes for this happening.I feel I could get my hands further forward but would need rotate my torso in order to do it and we are not supposed to purposely rotate the torso at all.Just wonder if you can tell me what I may be doing wrong.
May 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Sounds like your lead arm isn't getting pulled enough by the weight and lat. Take a look at the Golf Swing Transition Drill to help get the hands in front of the trail thigh. Also, the 4 Step Lag Builder.
May 18, 2019
Hand to heart, I'm really trying to master this move!! The attached photos are screen shots of Chuck's swing in slo-mo (shank video). What I see is when he goes from top of backswing (first photo) and then squats (second photo), he keeps back and hips closed and his club shaft shallows a bit but his hands don't drop. In the third photo his hips have started to move toward square and his back is largely still to the target and THIS is when I see a downcock or hand drop. Is my summary of the move correct? Cause I thought I was trying more to downcock during the weight shift with my hips still closed. I just want to get this right!
May 7, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Blake. From first to second photo it may appear that his hips are staying closed. But, they are rotating slightly (Closed Hip Slide). But, other than that your summary is correct. The weight and hips will pull the arms down for plane and downcock. Not you yanking the arms down. You have to be patient in the transition with hands/arms.
May 7, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
There is little to no difference in Chuck's swing from the 1st to the 2nd picture. He has not shift his weight or squatted yet until the 3rd picture. Also, in Chuck's swing, if you're looking for an over exaggerated downcocking move, you're not going to be able to see it. He doesn't downcock a ton because for him, it would produce too much lag to be able to get rid of at the bottom of the swing as he does such a great job maintaining leverage throughout the swing. The shifting of the weight, that change of direction is what causes the club to downcock if your wrists are soft enough. Everything happens so quickly in the downswing at full speed, even when you slow it down frame-by-frame it can seem like everything is happening all at once. At this point, I think you may be over analyzing a bit. Please trust the drills and work on the information in the drills.
May 7, 2019
Thanks, RJ, will do. Videos coming.
May 7, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
You're welcome
May 7, 2019
After step 4 completion, my swing review from Patrick just said that I need looser arms and hands, as the club head isn't dropping down once at the top of the backswing. He didn't specify a drill though. ????. So when I just try to have looser arms/wrists, the strike is weak and the face is way open at impact. I could do with more guidance. Thanks.
April 27, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Richard. Work on the Proper Muscle Activation Video to get rid of tension. And, the 4 Step Lag Builder to help the angle increase with softer wrist and proper sequencing in the transition. There is a difference between tension and dead. Relaxed to still have control. But, not gumby.
April 27, 2019
At what point would you start to feel your arms engage to where you are adding power through the swing?
March 20, 2019
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
When the rotating hips and the downcock work your hands in front of the the trail side thigh (right thigh if you're right handed)
March 20, 2019
as you begin downswing I'm finding it hard to maintain a flat left wrist when my swing goes from wide to narrow
February 18, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kirk. If you are overdoing the downcock. The lead wrist would tend to cup a little. I would make sure you aren't going too excessive.
February 19, 2019
After shifting to square and a proper down cock with hands coming straight down, how much should the right arm have folded when the left arm is parallel to the ground, the hips and knees are square and good should rotation remains?
January 26, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello James. The trail arm shouldn't be adding that much flexion. Relatively very little. The angle should be increasing in the wrists.
January 26, 2019
This drill does not seem to take into account that you recommend - for good reason + starting the downswong before completing the backswing. If we do start the downswing before completing the backswing, how can we increase our right wrist angle during the weight shift?
August 16, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. The lag will be created by the change of direction from trail to lead. The trail wrist will increase slightly with the lag increase. The above drill is an over exaggeration to help players that overly cast to start feeling increase in wrist set. You wouldn't need as much in this video.
August 17, 2018
Do I understand the Golf Transition correctly? 1. At top of after rotating body such that back faces the target with weight on right side, pause, relax writs, especially the right wrist and allow club to fall back toward shoulders; shoulders stay back; shoulders done. 2. Shift weight to left side, posting up, returning to square, allowing the club to reverse direction, club drops down via gravity, shallows out swing plane and allows the creation of lag naturally, hands remain passive. 3.) club drops to shoulders, then to waist, then to thighs, 4. Lead (left) arm passively guides/pulls club; right arm has no role
August 2, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. Rotate to where the back faces the target (full shoulder turn). Transition shifting into the lead side with soft wrist and shoulders off. The change of direction/weight shift will create the lag and start bringing down the arms on a shallow path. After shifting the weight the arms will be halfway down with lag (shoulders closed) and hips return to (square). Posting up will trigger the release of the club and clear the hips roughly 35-45 degrees open. Release and forearms crossing over will square the club face as the momentum carries you to full follow through. Take a look at the Rotary Golf Downswing Overview Video.
August 2, 2018
Craig: this succinct explanation is extremely helpful! Many thanks.
August 18, 2018
After reading over the many comments on this video and other lag videos, it seems that my confusion may be shared by many others. I understand the concept of lag, but I'd like some clarification on the point of keeping the wrists "soft" or "supple." Anatomically, if the left wrist is kept straight (on the same plane as the left forearm), there is simply no way to decrease the angle to create more lag even if the right wrist relaxes. This isn't related to flexibility, it's just the way the body is built. The only way to change that angle is to cup the left wrist, and doing this, combined with relaxing the right wrist, will give the desired increase in lag. After rewatching all of the lag videos (including this one), it appears that the left wrist is cupped to some degree in order to achieve the lag you're looking for. If you could please tell me whether my assessment is accurate I'd appreciate it, otherwise I and many others will forever be at 90 degrees. Thanks!
May 9, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ronald. The trail wrist will add some set/hinge while increasing the lag. The lead will have some set as well. Make sure you aren't pushing with the lead thumb. If you start overly cupping the lead wrist in the downswing at some point you will have to undo the cupping to get the wrist back to flat. This could create a timing issue. Hence players with excessive lag usually have a very strong grip to help them get the face rotated enough into impact. Take a look at the 9 to 3 Lag Building Drills, Frisbee Drill and Using the Wrists in the Golf Swing. Depending on the strength of the grip. You shouldn't have to cup the lead wrist to create a change in angle. I don't prefer a bowed wrist at the top, but you can see Dustin Johnson and players like him that create good lag angle. Don't go from bowed to cupped back to bowed during the downswing portion. Squaring the Face Video will be a good visual as well.
May 9, 2018
Craig, when I am sitting left and the right wrist is is falling on itself to create lag, is it best to have a bowed left wrist when left arm is parallel with the ground and then maintaining the same bowed left wrist position when it is in front of the right thigh after I post up. This seems advisable since I would be going from flat wrist (toward the top of backswing) to bowed (when left arm is parallel to the ground) to the same bowed wrist position (when wrist is in front of right thigh). This sequence seems very repeatable in order to create a more consistent impact position. Is this advisable? Thanks. Peter
May 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. Think about it this way. You start at address with the lead wrist cupped. As you work to the top the lead wrist will start to lose the cupping and be flat at the top. When you start down the wrist will start to flatten a little more into a bowed position. It sounds to me that your feeling seems to be on par with what is occurring.
May 30, 2019
Craig, Thank you for the quick response. That frees me up to naturally let the bowed wrist set early (by the time my left arm is parallel to the ground) and just keep it that way until impact. One other question, should I feel my left straight arm and hands goes straight back away from my body and target as I start my downswing. I realize the swing is wide-narrow-wide and the path is inside going down (all generated by the trunk) but I thought it was proper to feel like my hands (left hand knuckles) initially go straight back away from the target a little bit in order to help maximize width on this downward inside path to increase speed and keep the left arm straighter throughout. I also realize the hands come mostly straight down from the top but I wanted to see if you should feel like you initially go back and away slightly on the downswing.
May 30, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. I wouldn't try to force a move like that. The arms/hands will tend to be more vertical and the lag/shallowing is more of a byproduct of proper movement. That seems like you would be adding too many variables to control in the periphery.
May 30, 2019
Great. Thank you so much.
May 30, 2019
Ron A. Sr.
I must be doing something wrong because I can’t get the club that close to my shoulder. What you think I’m doing wrong?
May 6, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. Some players have a little more dexterity in their wrist than others. But, I would check lead thumb push first. Take a look at the Frisbee Drill.
May 7, 2018
Hi, would this lag position also be true with the Driver, or only for irons? Thanks.
October 26, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mark. Yes for all clubs.
October 26, 2017
In the transition should there be any flattening of the club? I find if I keep right hand very relaxed ( two finger drill) I can feel the head drop slightly at the top and through the transition. This drop gives me more of an inside out swing, club handle points more towards first base and I get a small draw and distance increase. Without this head drop my club is very vertical and I have a natural fade. I find no mention of head drop or flattening of the club on your web sight. I find this flattening beneficial but can find no mention on the web site either pro or com. I only get this flattening with relaxed wrists ala 2 finger drill.
October 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Frank. Take a look at the LADD Video. Their will be a slight internal rotation of the lead arm which will flatten the swing plane.
October 11, 2017
Thanks, I found the reference. I find this move critical to avoid too step club angle. I am surprised this little but critical move is only mentioned in this one very long video almost in passing. Thanks for pointing it out.
October 13, 2017
Hi Craig , I feel I am getting there with the downcock drill but how do you end up putting it altogether in one motion , rather than just down cocking and then releasing?
October 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Colin. You have to combine the supple wrist and weight shift. You need the pull coming down to create the increase in angle. Frisbee Drill, Start the Downswing Before Completing the Backswing, 9 to 3 Lag Building Drill, etc..
October 3, 2017
Perfect thanks , I’ll probably send in a couple of videos of the drills to make sure I’m on the right track
October 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Colin. Perfect.
October 3, 2017
Ron A. Sr.
Hello I can not get that amount of cock in my wrists. What kind of drills that can help me with this? Thanks Ron Nelson SR
October 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ron. I would focus on the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag and the Frisbee.
October 2, 2017
Hi Craig, I am trying to get to grip's with this in conjunction with the Golf Swing Transition Drill. I can appreciate the difference in the body motion here compared with what I have now but find it very difficult to master. In particular the downcock action is a step too far at the moment. In my head, I have set the club at the top and there is no more freedom of movement in the wrist to downcock as I start down except if I try to do it artificially by bending the left wrist which open's the club face? I do appreciate that my golf would greatly improve for the better if I could achieve the correct delivery position with the club horizontal and slightly closed as Chuck suggest's with the hand's just off the right thigh. Any idea;s much appreciated.
July 5, 2017
hi David, I had the same issue as you previously and after i submitted for a review, it was pointed out to me that i wasnt taking the club up neutral or 'on-plane' . i had too much tension in my arms and hands from dragging it across my body. once i fixed this, my hands suddenly became VERY light and loose. In turn my wrists became loose too. This allowed me to do the sit-to-square move correctly for the first time and as a consequence my wrists would naturally downcock and cause the angle to increase as chuck shows here. another note that helped me was a checkpoint image where the site says that at the top of the backswing, you shouldnt feel 'tight' but you should feel 'poised'. This really helped me realise there should be minimal tension in my hands and arms at the top of the backswing. hope this experience of mine can help you get past the same stumbling block i had just a week ago!
July 30, 2017
Hi Benson, Thank's for your post and it is exactly in line with my thought's as thing's have developed. I also have concluded that any tension in the arm's and hand's can be a disaster as it inhibit's the correct motion to occur naturally. As the guy's on RST keep impressing on us, let the big muscles of the body be in charge. So, as normal with golf, this is work in progress and I am sure we are going in the right direction thank's to RST. Once again, thank's for your very useful comment's.
July 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. Take a look at Perfecting Your Golf Impact 4 of 4. I would work on this move from a smaller scale first. Sounds like you are already at max wrist set and the only way to increase is by cupping the wrist leading to the open face.
July 5, 2017
Chris - I thought the weight shift automatically dropped the arms, but have noticed I can keep spine angle and weight shift without dropping the arms. So in the weight shift, are you pulling the arms straight down or relaxing the arms to let gravity drop the arms or some of both?
June 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Raymond. Pull from the weight shift, core and blend of gravity. You can see it well in Step 3 - Add the Lead Arm Video.
June 15, 2017
T David
I am confused about cock position at the top. At the top... Does the wrist add the angle? Or is it the movement of the club shaft in the right hand into the crease between the right hand first finger and thumb? And what is the purpose of the thumb in the left hand (it always seems to get in the way and I can't seem to find a good position for it)? Thanks in advance for any help on this.
June 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The lead thumb does help with some stability with the club at the top and through the downswing. Sadly, we do need it. The wrist will increase in angle and the club will feel a little more supported or pressed into the crease you speak of.
June 2, 2017
T David
Got it... at the top, would the thumb of the left hand act as almost a bumper stop to prevent too much wrist cock?
June 2, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You could think of it as a bumper. It will keep you from losing complete control over the club.
June 2, 2017
This drill has really helped me with the mental trigger I needed to initiate the downswing. One issue I consistently have is the steepness of my downswing. I am still working on getting my backswing to stop a little earlier so that my arms aren't so vertical, but even when I start from a complete stand still at the top of my backswing in the right position, I still get the steep downswing. How can I go about fixing this? If I miss, it's almost always a pull or a hook and when I record my swing, even my good shots my hands (at contact) are outside of where they started.
May 31, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Benjamin. Take a look at How to Fix Plane and Path Video. Sounds like when you shift you are either too aggressive with the shoulders or not passive enough with arms/hands.
June 2, 2017
I drill the extension flexion rotation to get at the top, so Im wrist hinging there? How much is too much? It feels good when i over exaggerate it.... im probably doing it normal though ,and just not used to it at all. lol
May 30, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Timothy. Gradual wrist setting on the way back. And, you are looking to get as much lag, or wrist set in the transition as possible without creating tension. Take a look at Perfecting Your Golf Impact 4 of 4 for a good drill and visual.
May 30, 2017
Thanks Craig!
May 30, 2017
At 3:08 Chuck says he's pulling his arms back in front of his body. Is he really pulling his arms or are his arms moving as a result of the weight shift causing his torso to unwind and the arms are simply following? Thank you - il over this app!
May 29, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Russ. You are using the weight shift and core rotation to help bring the arms down. The lead lat will assist in pulling the arms in front of the body. It isn't a very big pull, nor a yank.
May 30, 2017
Chun Tat
Hi there, would it be correct to say for the downcock to work - during the REF phase we must execuition the flexion of the right arm without cocking the wrists? The top of the backswing would be: 1. full shoulder turn by shoulder blade glide, and ends with shoulder protraction 2. REF phase completed without cocking the wrists If the above 2 conditions are satisfied, once you shift to the left I find the right elbow will automatically be slotted while the club will downcock on its own. Been doing these drills in front of a mirror and it seems to be working quite well, could you please confirm if we do indeed complete flexion without cocking the wrists/club? cheers.
May 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chun Tat. You will require some wrist set. Albeit you don't want max set. Yes, you can achieve good downcock without having any going back. But, I would rather you allow for some gradual set (not reaching max) to help the club swing to the top better. Take a look at the link below.
May 21, 2017
Chun Tat
Cheers Craig - when you say some wrist set : on the scale of 1-10 (1 being least and 10 being max wrist set), what would be roughly an idea amount of wrist set at the top? I have already accounted some wrist set (minimal amount) just after the takeaway (when the club is pointing behind me in parallel, were you referring to the wrist set during this phase or do we want further set at the top of the backswing?
May 21, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Chun Tat. You want 25% of the wrist set in the takeaway because you are roughly 25% through the swing. Gradually increasing at the same rate from there. You will want 5 to 7 of your wrist set at the top. Take a look at Perfecting Your Golf Impact 4 of 4. 30-60-90 Drill should help.
May 21, 2017
Chun Tat
Thanks Craig.
May 22, 2017
Hello, I wonder if downcock has anything to do with backswing speed and transtion speed. I feel if I keep my backswing and transition slow and smooth, I can only maintain the wrist angle but not further increase it. However, if I try to speed up to get more momentum, I can certainly feel more pressure from the club going back against my wrist at the top, but I tend to hit inconsistent shots. Any thoughts? Thanks.
May 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. You don't need an overly fast backswing to have good lag. The angle is created in the transition from the change of direction with weight shift. I wouldn't work on having a really fast transition as it may create more tension and end of firing lag too soon. More that you need to keep working on passive wrists.
May 11, 2017
Thanks Craig. Understood. What do you see as the main reason why I don't have the wrist angle increase in my swing during the transition? Also, when you say wrist cocking actions during both backswing and transition, is it more lead wrist or trail wrist actions? Thanks!
May 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Yuefeng. Both wrist will have some cocking or set. It would be tough to diagnose the "feel" of which one would be setting more during backswing and downswing. However, most players would be more lead going back and trail during transition. I believe for so long your arms always ran away at the top which forced you to lock or tighten the wrists. It is just a journey to start letting them be reactionary to the shift versus steering with them.
May 15, 2017
Hi-- I am starting my 4th year golfing. I still cast the club because I don't keep my right elbow bent on the downswing. I am starting to do that--it seems to be absolutely essential in any kind of a downcock. Is thiere a video explaining this or can you do one? Thanks, Paul
May 3, 2017
Thanks. Looking forward to practicing this on a grass driving range tomorrow. The idea of float loading will help me understand the RST downcock., Paul
May 3, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. I can't think of a video. However, I would take a look at the 4 Step Lag Builder and Sledgehammer. Talking about both perspectives with lag and not early releasing it.
May 3, 2017
For me maintaining lag is much more difficult with a driver than even a 3 metal Any ideas on why would be appreciated Thanks
April 15, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Warren. The driver being the longest club in the bag usually makes the golfer want to rush the transition to help get the club back in front and for power. The problem though is you only get one speed burst in the swing and you don't want it at the top. Most players don't wait long enough because they feel the driver will never get to impact with power if they don't rush from the top.
April 16, 2017
Hi, getting a film ready to review. I have watched many of the videos, in fact take notes to practice, and as I have stated before, been complimented for my new swing. However, working on a wide takeaway, good hinge, squat, and post up, still having problems finishing my swing, as our pro said as if wrapping a scarf around my neck. I've tried many of your drills to correct this. Interesting, since beginning your program, my takeaway is to me almost too long compare to my short before.
February 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. Without seeing your swing it would be tough to diagnose. But, leave detailed notes for your instructor about what you need clarification on and your instructor will be able to guide you.
February 19, 2017
Thanks, not sure who my instructor is?
February 19, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Lee. When you post your first review. The system will take care of that for you. Just leave the same notes for him as you did here. Or, it may even be me and I will already know.
February 19, 2017
Hi, during this phase of the swing should I feel like I am keeping my back to the target? I am one of those who spins out which I think causes my arms to lag(?) behind then the dreaded casting of the club before it reaches parallel to the ground. I tried to find a video which talks about this and I seem to remember one of them may have mentioned something about it but I can't find it anymore. Thank you !
February 11, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Alex. Yes, you can feel your back staying at the target longer during this phase to keep from spinning/casting. We have a lot of videos talking about shoulder spin. If you want to provide a little more detail I would be happy to try and figure out which one you are looking for.
February 12, 2017
Hello Graig. You mentioned that RS has a lot of videos concerning shoulder spin. As it is my biggest problem - my shoulders spin open very fast in downswing causing a loss of lag and other problems with contact - what videos are the best to overcome this issue? Downcock Drill was recommended for me in my swing review but are there others I could combine the Downcock Drill with?
June 13, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mikko. Throw the Club Head at the Golf Ball, Arms vs Body Release, and 4 Step Lag Builder.
June 13, 2018
Hi Craig havent posted a video in a while as ive been working hard on this drill and the release drills. My question is should I feel like the hands pass close to the right leg on the downswing. If i focus on this it makes me hit straighter shots. If i get too wide on the down swing then I tend to pull draw the ball. How much space should there be between the hands and right leg? Thanks
January 31, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Steve. They will pass close to the trail thigh, but not so close you get stuck. If you get too wide or too far away it will tend to steepen the path and that can lead to the pull draw.
January 31, 2017
When I do the drill my right hand gets out of the club and I lost my grip and I have to Regrip the club ? Any suggestion ?
January 25, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Hector. Sounds like you are over doing the downcock motion. Also, losing the connection of the trail hand staying nestled into the lead thumb.
January 26, 2017
How can you determine if you're using "too much lag"? What's the criteria?
December 13, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. Usually with too much lag you will end up getting stuck and without the ability to release. You should see some blocked shots, excessive downward angle of attack, launch and spin will tend to be too low.
December 13, 2016
When I watch Chuck's swing, I don't see this downcock. It appears that he maintains the same wrist/club angle. Is this drill simply to exaggerate this motion?
December 10, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. In Chuck's real swing there is definitely a change of direction that causes him to increase his lag angle on the way down. It is not very apparent because too much lag is a bad thing. However, the drill above is an exaggerated motion and more than likely why you don't see it as much in real time.
December 10, 2016
T David
I have been actively working on this lag with the start of the downswing. It seems that my right hand thumb was more to the right (about 11 o'clock) on the club. However, this was preventing me from getting a good downcock. if I completely moved the right thumb to the left (about 9 o'clock) it allowed for a tad more downcock. However, I don't want to pick up any bad habits with this change. Is this correct?
December 2, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. The little pinch between the index finger and thumb help support the club at the top. However, taking the thumb out of the equation to start feeling lag better isn't a problem. Ideally, you would slowly move it back without the influence of it pushing on the shaft.
December 2, 2016
T David
Craig - I noticed that my first finger of my right hand is somehow making the downcock a bit more difficult. So, I allowed the first finger on the right hand to snuggle up closer to the second finger (I usually allow to be placed slight down the shaft behind the thumb). Is this move of the thumb ok?
December 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. It sounds like you are okay. But, I would have to see it.
December 5, 2016
T David
Ok, Craig. I'll tag you in my next video review. Thanks. Still working of the lag piece of the downswing.
December 5, 2016
In the video it looks like his right elbow moves straight down should this be the case or should it be all in the wrists?
November 22, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Shane. The trail elbow will fall as you increase the wrist set coming down. The lag will be from the wrist however and not the elbow.
November 23, 2016
T David
I know that we want to engage the left leg to start this drill for the weight shift. But do we also engage the left arm muscles to bring the hands down at the same time? If so, do these two actions occur at the same time, or in sequence? Thanks in advance for your help.
November 5, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dave. You mainly want to use soft wrist and the lead shift transfer. You don't want too much active pulling with the lead arm. There is a blend of gravity and lead arm pull though. Take a look at Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag or the Frisbee Drill.
November 5, 2016
So you are saying a cupped wrist is ok on the down swing so you can get more lag in the downcock drill
October 12, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. If you take a look at the posts below you will see lots of discussion on this topic. You don't want to excessively cup the wrist in the downswing. You might see a little increase when trying to get a lot. However, you don't want to increase it so much that you have to undo a whole bunch later in the swing. Take a look at Using the Wrist Effectively and Efficiently to understand the lead wrist position throughout the entire swing.
October 12, 2016
Am I correct in saying that when Chuck mentions that we drop the hands and then shift-release the club, this sequence is only to burn-in the feeling of the hands dropping and not the sequence of a normal swing? In other videos, the first thing that must happen is said to be the weight-shift. Presumably, once our body learns the feeling of the hands dropping, we can incorporate them simultaneously with the weight shift. Is that correct? Also, the hands are simply dropping vertically, right? Neither they nor the shoulders are rotating about the spine axis. They are simply dropping from above the shoulder to the waist with the left arm remaining straight. Once ingrained, we will do this simultaneously with weight shift. Correct?
September 14, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Patrick, Yes that is correct, this drill is to help create a supple feeling of the wrists in transition. You are also correct when you say adding this to the downswing sequence by using your legs to shift to start the downward move. The hands and arms will be dropping straight down and the rotation created from the hips, which rotates the torso and shoulders, will be moving the hands and arms back out in front. Just make sure you are using your legs to make most of the downward movement from the arms, that and a little bit of gravity. Hope that helps!
September 14, 2016
Chris - I thought the weight shift automatically dropped the arms, but have noticed I can keep spine angle and weight shift without dropping the arms. So in the weight shift, are you pulling the arms straight down or relaxing the arms to let gravity drop the arms or some of both?
June 15, 2017
Thank you, Chris. The timing is synchronous then led by the weight shift. Perhaps this is a poor analogy, but imagine a skateboarder at the top right edge of a well. As soon as the board is tipped into the well the boarder slides to the left as he falls down the well. Except in my case, the weight is shifting into the left heal as the hips rotate and the hands fall. There is also a very little drop at the knees, to engage the left glute. The shoulders square at impact, but shoulders are neither pulled nor pushed, but simply follow the hips because the hips force the shoulders square at impact. The shoulders do not get there on their own. Thanks again.
September 15, 2016
If I hit down instead of trying to scoop and get the chicken wing effect, then I should achieve this downcock, by slowing down coming from the top? by accelerating, and the exaggerated lag, I should perform everything in working order?
August 16, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You should achieve the downcock by having a good transition. Weight shift and shying away from too much tension in the hands and arms. From there oblique pull to help continue to carry the arms and having a feel that you maintain lag longer should help you hit down.
August 17, 2016
Oblique is the sides or the abs or stomach? Where is that? When you say pull the oblique, which side are you referring to?
August 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Obliques are the sides of the stomach/abdominals. Referring the lead oblique.
August 18, 2016
I feel to achieve the lag, I must aim at a 45 degree plane angle coming down? I feel I am extremely aiming to the left side of the target with my right arm? A slanted sharp degree angle, yet predominantly a right side arm movement? This is controlled by the right wrist to achieve the lag?
August 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. To achieve good lag don't try to aim the club. It is about taking care of the body and arm positions. The club is secondary or consequential to the proper movements. The trail wrist will help increase and preserve lag. But, the softness of the wrist with good shift and lead side pull help increase the angle. I would focus more on the body and flow. Use the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag and Wide Narrow Wide Video.
August 18, 2016
The downtick drill tends to create a cupped wrist for me. With my wrist the angle between arm and club can only be reduced to less than 90 degrees by cupping the wrist. This seems also to be the case for Chuck in this video. In the video about squaring at impact the message is to rotate early - which for me means to create a flat wrist early. This has been a conundrum for me for years. My whole mental image of the swing is confused by the contradiction between creating lag (which for me is only possible with a cupped wrist) and squaring the face (which means rotating the wrist (the forearm) early to a flat or even bowed wrist. Can you clarify my confusion?
June 22, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Christian, When you create your downcock...what is your right wrist doing? Is it hinging more? The 2 videos you mention are to help deal with 2 different issues. Squaring the face early are for those people that tend to get a little stuck on the downswing and have the club coming from the inside too much and then have to rotate the face at an excessive rate. Are you due for a swing review by chance so we can take a close look at you?
June 25, 2016
I have the same confusion and look forward to an instructor's answer.
June 24, 2016
I struggle for long time about the sequencing of the downswing. I would like you to clarify two issues: 1)From the top of the backswing, the first move is to shift the weight to the left side. To achieve that my instinct is to use the right thigh to push to the target to get the weight on the left side. Doing that I feel uncoiling. What is the right & easy trigger of the shifting the weight to the left side? Is it the turning of the right knee toward the target? 2)In the video of the downcock drill, I see you drop the right arm to the right side of the body and you said the left shoulder is low compared to the right one. I struggle to get that low shoulder. How can I get the left shoulder low when the right elbow touched the right body? I use to get the left shoulder higher instead of lower as I focus to get my head behind the ball. What is wrong? Can you recommend me some video drills to get the sequencing of the downswing down? Thank you very much in waiting your answers?
May 3, 2016
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Tram, watch the fixing weight transfer video and then watch the level shoulders at impact video to help clarify. Hope this helps.
May 3, 2016
Which occurs first? The squat, or the downcock pump, or both are simultaneously?
April 26, 2016
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Loan-the shift or the weight or the squat move will come first. As a result of the weight shift the downcock will naturally follow and is applied. Shifting the weight is the priority in the downswing and as a result the downcock will follow.
April 26, 2016
I feel a strong momentum of my lower body moving (or being thrown) this the correct feeling, when the lower body works in the correct sequencing? I feel a powerful forceful thrust, yet feel slight pain and soreness? Is this natural?
July 29, 2016
Chuck says we get roughly 60% of our club head speed from lag. If I have no lag due to my cast as the first move from the top does that mean if I am able to get maximum lag I should be able to increase my speed and distance by 60%?
April 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. Not necessarily because the speed comes from lag and release of that angle. You still release a little of the lag you have and get good face rotation. However, you will be able to increase more than what you are currently working with.
April 15, 2016
I need to test my understanding of the downswing, I have been looking at a lot of videos on the club release and the position at impact and saw that the angle of the shoulders and the axis tilt should be steeper than they are at impact. That has made me think that if I do not want to loose any lag I should start as I shift my weight in the beginning of my downswing to move the lead shoulder back up with my lead obliques. This way my shoulders can stay closed for quite sometime and I do not come across which normally contributes to the loss of lag. Lifting the lead shoulder will allow the hands to come down very quickly whilst keeping the lag and when I release the club my lead shoulder will just continue to the upwards 'journey' it was on. As I mentioned this is what I see especially with somebody like Rory McIlroy but I would like your confirmation that I am on the right track. Thanks, Marc
March 27, 2016
I am not suggesting a tilt of the shoulders by the way, I am starting the rotation of the shoulders with the intention of bringing my lead shoulder up. This is actually what happens if I rotate without a club with my arms crossed on my chest.
March 27, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Marc. You will have a slight increase of secondary axis tilt in the downswing which will produce a shallower plane. However, I am concerned that you are trying to maintain angle by dropping the trail side too much and pulling the lead shoulder up and out too quickly. Take a look at the Weight Shift Video Part 1. Allow the shift, torso and gravity to bring the arms down. As you post up the lead shoulder will get higher. But, other than teaching players to get ready for Re-Max Long Driving. I would be concerned that you will end up too shy of neutral joint alignment (Fixing Your Weight Transfer).
March 29, 2016
Michael Todd
Should the left wrist cup during the downcock to increase the lag angle?
February 15, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. You want to shy away from creating excessive cupping. It can produce a lot of downcock, but will be hard to undo or fix into the strike.
February 15, 2016
I watched Chuck during the video get to the top,pause, shift his weight and dockcock. It appears that there is still a little knee bend in his front knee., At what point do I want to begin stacking on my front leg and straighten my knee? Do I start straighten my front knee at the beginning, middle or towards the end of my release? Hop this makes sense! Thanks!
January 23, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. The lead knee will straighten into the release. Take a look at the Perfecting Lower Body Stability Video and the Impact Series Part 3.
January 23, 2016
I am working diligently on the Downcock drill. I want to prefect it before I move onto another drill. Would it be okay if I sent in a 30 sec. video of my Downcock practice instead of my usual videos? If I can come close to perfecting this drill I will have the lag I need to improve. As the video states you get approx. 60%of your power from lag and I am getting0% right now!
January 20, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Tom. Of course it would be okay. In fact, with the Unlimited Groups we often request practice and drill swings. It is much better for you to practice the drill properly, than spend thousands of reps doing it incorrectly.
January 20, 2016
I see the the right elbow created by the right arm angle coming down is close to the body...touching against the body. Should there be some space at all throughout?
January 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. The right arm can touch a little or glide across the front of the rib cage. You want to shy away from it getting behind the body which would lead you to getting stuck. Take a look at the Key to Creating Lag or the Step by Step Right Arm Drills.
January 19, 2016
in general, if this is done correctly my sense is that this correct over-the-top tendencies- kinda causes you to deleverage your arms and let them be passive.
January 18, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jason. The goal is to not rush the downswing. To allow yourself to build power and increase angle as you start down. By achieving the motion described in the drill it could allow you to correct over the top tendencies based on keeping arms/hands relaxed and starting a good sequence down.
January 18, 2016
Hi, When I keep my wrists supple during full golf swing my lower half turns freely and feels good,my thinking on this is because tension has been removed from top half is that correct?. Colin.
January 14, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Colin. Removing excess tension can definitely help. I think by keeping the wrists softer you are allowing for good lower body movement to help create angle and more effortless energy. Like cracking a whip. A natural and/or athletic feel.
January 14, 2016
Is there a reason why the wrist must remain soft during the pumpcock drill until the lag point? When I have a hard grip I top the golf ball. The wrists must always be cocking and moving? At no point does it stand still and stiff?
December 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. When you create tension in the wrists the body wants to get rid of that tension. The body really doesn't like muscles to be overly contracted. The wrists will to a degree always be cocking and un-cocking at some point in the swing. You don't want them ever rigid or stiff.
December 24, 2015
In the downcock pump drill should i feel my wrists and arms relax? My question is in the backswing and downswing should i try to keep arms, wrist... Very soft to have lag or should i try to keep lag with contracting my muscles. Hard for me to explain in english... The lag is create with Muscles contraction or with soft arms. When i try to create lag i only succeed When i do it slowly and relax...
November 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Djamil. You want to create the lag by keeping the wrist supple. Typically, too much tension will cause you to fire the lag angle too soon. You still want control over the club, but allow for some play in the wrist.
November 18, 2015
should the dropping of the club toward the left shoulder be a passive reaction to the weight shift to the left or is it more of an active move with the arms? When I view good players, they seem to get their arms onto the hosel-elbow plane line quite quickly in the transition. is there an effective way drill to accomplish this? again, is it an active move with the arms or is more passive and an effect of a good weight shift? thanks in advance.!!
November 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jim. Your goal would be that the wrist stay soft and its more passive due to shift/pull from the lead side. This drill helps exaggerate the feeling (more active) for players that really struggle with the feeling.
November 2, 2015
I get very stuck on the downswing (hands are behind the trail leg) and I lose lag coming into impact. This drill helps me feel the lag but I also tend to feel very stuck practicing this move. What am I missing?
October 15, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Joseph. Make sure you are carrying the lag and arms far enough in front of your body. Combine this with the Transition Drill.
October 15, 2015
In the practice points section, what does it mean drill this on its own then work up to half shots. Doesn't this drill depend on a full backswing?
September 28, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jarek. It is referring to more half-speed swings at pace, than half shots. Good catch. Probably should re-word.
September 29, 2015
During the downcock pump drill, there should be no tension in both arms and hands? If so, when does the point in this pumpcock drill, when the wrists have the most strength?
September 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. You don't want to create too much tension, but max load/tension will happen before you start to enter the trail thigh.
September 25, 2015
This seems different than some of the other videos which emphasize correct sequencing as a means to achieving lag vs trying to use force to hold it. Thanks
September 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ellen. This drill is designed for players that have to exaggerate the move of creating lag. Some players have a hard time feeling momentum only. You are correct that it is the ideal way. Players though need a little extra help in the beginning.
September 25, 2015
If my path is severely left, opposite to my usual slice, does this mean I have not performed the downcock pump drill or this is more of a release problem?
September 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. If your path is severely left. It would typically mean the trail side is too active and you are cutting across the ball. You need to shallow out the swing path. Over the Top Stick Drill to help.
September 25, 2015
Should I be working in commencing the early squaring of the club face as you get to the 9 o'clock position in this drill, or should you leave the early release action until the next phase?
September 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Garry. I would wait until the next phase before working on squaring early.
September 23, 2015
Thanks for reply Craig. To expand my question a little, I have a cupped right wrist as I get to the 9 o'clock position, should I stick with this or should I ensure my right wrist be flat at that point.
September 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Garry. Are you a left handed or a right handed swinger?
September 23, 2015
Craig, I am right handed golfer, sorry got it wrong above, so I'm talking about the cupping in my left hand as you get get down towards the 9 o'clock position as I do my drills.
September 23, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Garry. No problem. If you struggle with creating lag. You need to train the feeling of the club moving closer. Ideally, if you can keep the left hand flat that will save you some work in the future. Just don't worry about turning it down yet.
September 23, 2015
Thanks again Craig, will work on that, appreciate all your guidance. Really enjoying the RST program that Chuck and the team have created.
September 23, 2015
Allowing the right wrist to fall back on itself results in my downswing plane feeling noticably flatter than during the backswing. Should I be feeling this?
September 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jay. It will feel a little flatter when exaggerating the downcock. Ideally, when you start to get comfortable with increasing the angle. The right wrist won't fall back on itself so much and the plane will be shallowed by the lead side.
September 21, 2015
Looks like the transition of the entire golf swing happens behind and on the right side of the body, way before impact? I have finally learned how to maintain lag...but sometimes I hit it flat far behind the golf ball? Also, when the the path of the ball is straight...the face must be squared through Impact I am assuming, when I am out on the range practicing?
September 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Unless there is some big manipulation of path and face to counter balance. A square face with good plane will produce a straight shot. If you have a good amount of lag without firing it too soon it would be hard to hit it fat. Use the Transition Drill to make sure you retain it long enough.
September 17, 2015
How do you stop the left thumb from taking over once the downtick begins. Does the left wrist have more flexion, bending back on itself in order maintain lag? I have tried keeping the wrists supple and cocked at the beginning of the downswing but can't seem to get to the same position as Chuck without flexing the left wrist. If I dont include flexion the left thumb takes over I loose the lag and the club begins to cast If flexion of the left wrist is the case at what point do you start to release the club as now we have unflex and allow the left wrist to roll at the same time for a correct impact position. At the right thigh or the over the ball?
September 12, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Toby. The release will begin towards the right thigh into the strike. You will increase a little of the wrist set coming down, but I don't want it bending back on itself. Take a look at the Left Thumb Pain Video. It might help with the push.
September 12, 2015
What are the transition videos you are referring to in this video?
September 6, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Mitchell. The Transition Video is located in the Advanced Downswing Section.
September 7, 2015
I had the feeling and I was hitting the ball 20 yards further than usual and lost it. I got it to the top and I let the club fall and I could feel the club head lag. Like everything else in this game, it is a "fleeting" feeling and now I lost it. I can more or less feel it with my woods but my irons, not really. Should I be able to? I am trying to grip it light. No pressing with left thumb. What else can I look for? Also, everyone is down on Tiger. The swing he put on his second shot going in to 18 last Sunday at Wyndham, making birdie, was UNREAL. Nobody swings and hits it like he does. I would LOVE to see that swing reviewed. That ball was hammered. How does he swing so hard!!???
August 25, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. You could be gripping it too light. Keep pressure in the grip, but soft in the wrist. I recommend the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag to everyone that kinda loses the way and needs a go video to get back on the saddle. We will look into Tiger. He is starting back more down an RST path everyday. I would look for good things coming if he continues to trust his old, but new move. Tiger is a natural cross over release player. He hits it hard because he allows for the snap with great sequence and arm motion through the strike.
August 25, 2015
Which fingers are gripping with? Last 3 of left and middle ring of right? Is there a feeling you have in your hands? Your reply had me realize that I can grip firm but still have soft wrists. I believe I tend to lock mine up? Is that a big power leak? I think it would be.
August 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello David. The last 3 fingers on the lead hand. The base of the index and middle two fingers of the trail hand. The grip pressure for the standard pro will increase from 2 to 8 (setup to impact) - 1 to 10 scale with 1 being lightest. Yes, locking the wrist is a big power leak. The feeling in the hands will be one of control, but not steerage of the club.
August 26, 2015
One question, after transition, do I use purely oblique to pull the arm to the trail thigh or I also use my lead arm to pull down to create lag?
August 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Aiya. The oblique will aid in opening the hips, but the lead lat will pull the arms back in front of the body aiding in maintaining good lag.
August 24, 2015
It looks like when Chuck increases the lag his left wrist cups. So are we supposed to start at address with a little cup in the left wrist then have it flat at the top and then cup it to get lag and then have it flat again at impact?
August 16, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Howard. I would rather the sequence work from a slight cupped position at the ball, to flat at the top, to increase angle and a little bow into impact. Unless you are a major caster of the club. You only need the club moving closer to you to increase the angle. Take a look at the Frisbee Drill.
August 17, 2015
Hi! I'm currently working on the downswing. More specificly the left hand only release and 9 to 3 drill. I don't have any lag in my normal swing and I would like to know if it's ok to work on the downswing and release without working on lag and then later work on lag and stack it to the swing or it's a bad idea and I should integrate lag before working on downswing? Thanks
August 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Stephane. If you don't have any lag it will be hard to release the club properly. However, if you have some lag and/or talking about creating a ton of it. No worries on sequencing and wanting later to create a bigger increase of angle. I don't think you need a massive downcock, but if you don't have any. Just add a little left arm only swings from the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag to get the feeling of having some angle.
August 10, 2015
Is this down dock pump drill for the purpose to achieve wrist lag dependent on the arms or sitting into the left side, and everything will likely fall into place?
August 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. The purpose of this drill is to work on shifting and understanding you want the club to move closer (increase wrist angle) without casting it away. An exaggerated sensation to know what lag feels like.
August 5, 2015
In this video toward the end, when Chuck says top, pause, downcock, release.... When he says release, it is at that time that you push your left heel in the ground and have all weight on your straightened left leg?
August 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Seth. Your weight should already be on the lead side. If the weight is there then yes that is when you start to pull leverage from the ground and start to straighten the lead leg.
August 4, 2015
thanks. at 1:49, what muscles are being used to get the club to drop? I've heard it's like pulling a rope down from the ceiling. Is that correct?
August 4, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Seth. Keeping the wrist supple, gravity and using some pull from the lead lat. Yes, like pulling a rope.
August 4, 2015
Once I shift weight and the arms drop what should the hips look like? Closed or square? When I shift now the hips get square and I get a right hand release which is too early. When the hands get in front of the right thigh should the hips be opening slightly at this time? | want to make sure as I work through the clunky part of this that I'm not re-enforcing an incorrect movement.
August 2, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Bob. The hips will get pulled a little by the oblique and be more in a square position. Then, 30-40 degrees open at impact. At real speed the hips will be starting to open into impact as the hands get into the trail thigh. Take a look at the Transition Video in this section for more help. As you are training though. Feeling quiet hips and legs won't hinder your progress.
August 3, 2015
Many golfers lose wrist angle and "cast" in the downswing, costing them power and lag Sequencing is everything - the downswing is far from just a rush to build power and speed For the drill - go to the top of the swing and pause During the weight shift increase your right wrist angle, dropping the club toward your shoulder Your position should feel wide on the backswing and narrow on the downswing Do the drill on its own at first, then work up to half-shots. Many golfers lose wrist angle and "cast" in the downswing, costing them power and lag Sequencing is everything - the downswing is far from just a rush to build power and speed For the drill - go to the top of the swing and pause During the weight shift increase your right wrist angle, dropping the club toward your shoulder Your position should feel wide on the backswing and narrow on the downswing Do the drill on its own at first, then work up to half-shots Many golfers lose wrist angle and "cast" in the downswing, costing them power and lag Sequencing is everything - the downswing is far from just a rush to build power and speed For the drill - go to the top of the swing and pause During the weight shift increase your right wrist angle, dropping the club toward your shoulder Your position should feel wide on the backswing and narrow on the downswing Do the drill on its own at first, then work up to half-shots
July 26, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Dan. Good synopsis. Do you have a question I can help you with?
July 26, 2015
First, my thanks for the great responses to my questions. That and the science-based, incremental approach to the swing makes this site invaluable to me. Can you offer a suggestion for this problem resulting from using the downcock? Increasing my lag during the downswing by using the downcock results in hitting the ground and/or slicing. It feels like it makes sense as a key piece of the lag, but I seem to drill the head into the ground when I consciously use it. Thanks again!
July 19, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Jeren. You are probably increasing the angle, but not retaining it long enough or adding enough pull from the lead side. Add this drill in combination with the Transition Drill in this Section. Thank you for the compliments on our site.
July 20, 2015
I have a problem with casting. When I do this drill I am hitting my right side with my right elbow. It seems to go right in front of Chuck on the video. Is this because I have a beer belly or am I doing something wrong?
July 11, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Mark- If your right elbow is bumping your side in the downswing, what could be happening for you is your hips are rotating open at a fast rate as the right arm comes down. Make sure that when your sitting into your left side that we are not spinning the hips open down into impact. If we keep the hips from spinning and allow the right arm to "drop" in front of our body the elbow will not be hitting the side of your body.
July 11, 2015
ok, after I sit into the left side and drop my arms in front of my body, should I straighten my left leg to turn my hips to make room for my arms to release the club then?
July 11, 2015
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
As your straightentire the left leg, also pull with the left oblique muscles to pull the hips open 45* to the target line at impact. That will give you the room at impact to help release the club freely
July 12, 2015
I feel that the downcock creates an obligatatory extra part to the swing that needs to be sequenced. During the drill I feel the club closing towards my body as it should as I shift left. I feel I have to be sure to factor the movement into the sequence timing otherwise my hips will begin to fire. I have to break the hip rotation and I lose rather than gain distance. Also either whipping action it seems harder to control the face and realease
June 24, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Paul. You might be over thinking it a little. All you want is for the club to get closer to the body and increase the angle on the downswing. Weight shift is one key to good lag. Think about it like a car. If you shove the transmission from reverse to drive you get thrown against the back of the seat. With supple wrist and a good shift. You should be able to sequence a good downswing will adding a bit of lag.
June 24, 2015
hi - when I do this drill, I also get some cupping in my left wrist at the top. Is that ok?
May 18, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello John. Try not to over do the down cocking to where it leads to excessive cupping. The goal is to increase the angle and get the club moving closer to the body rather than away.
May 18, 2015
I see in this video that Chuck hinges the left wrist for explaining this drill. However, on the model swing where he hits the ball with the driver, the left wrist looks really "flat" and yet he is still properly "downcocking". As a matter of fact, all the pros look like they have a very "flat" (rotating only) left wrist and yet they still use a very good lag. Whenever I try this drill, I feel completely out of control and very uncomfortable. What can I do to properly practice this ?
May 17, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Alejandro, when we do drills in slow motion, we often exaggerate them, especially if we're originally doing the opposite, so that we know how they feel when we go from one extreme to the other, then we can just dial back the adjustment a little bit to find the sweet spot. Also, with a driver swing, the wrist will be flatter because we're trying to promote hitting the ball at a positive angle of attack, whereas, with irons, hybrids, woods and wedges we want the hands in front of the ball more at impact to deloft the club and compress the ball. R.J.
May 17, 2015
Where does the downcock come in the sequence in relation to the squatting to square? Should I focus on down cocking AS I squat to square?
May 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Seth. The downcocking is a result of changing momentum back towards the target with the weight shift and soft wrists when you start pulling with the lead side. Take a look at Wide Narrow Wide in the Introduction Section. For squat to square as you shift into the lead leg you should start creating more lag.
May 9, 2015
So the change of direction caused by the squatting to square will creat the down ok as long as the wrists are supple?
May 9, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Seth. Yes, that will help create the angle. But, to add even more (exaggerated lag) you need to make sure you pull with the lead arm and not push with the trail arm. Frisbee Drill Weight Shift Section.
May 9, 2015
Let me get this: I am light with the wrist on the start of the downswing but will hold the right wrist for lag when it gets close to my right thigh coming down? Is this all about initiation and timing with the right wrist?
April 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. The majority of players over use the trail side coming into the ball. What you are looking to achieve is to keep the wrists nice a supple. The trail wrist will maintain the lag into the strike. Don't feel like you are overly trying to hold it. Allow it to be maintained and not pushed away too early.
May 2, 2015
Am I aiming my lag into a narrow dimension close to my trail thigh, like to the left side of the target looking downfield? I am trying not to push off my right leg, and just sort of lean back and let the club do its work? But I am trying to get used to coming down narrow, and then releasing right away? When a player shifts and posts up the left leg, then the right leg has no weight, correct? After the release of the lag, what arms take over independently to deliver maximum speed?
May 31, 2016
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Loan. Take a look at the 4 Steps Golf Swing Lag Builder Video. It will clear up some of your thoughts. 80 to 90% of the weight will be on the lead side posting up in the release. The trail side will practically be off with little to no weight bearing. Lag will fully be released into impact. You wont have anymore independent or necessary moves to deliver more speed at that point. Lead hand release and momentum will take you to the follow through. You don't want to try and lean back for lag. Shifting into the lead side using change of momentum, lead side pull and gravity to help increase the angle. You don't need to be aiming your lag.
June 1, 2016
When I do the drill, I feel my left pointer finger and right pinky begin to separate from each other. Is there a cause or reason for this and what can I do?
April 30, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Ryan. If you are right handed swinger. You might be adding excessive cupping of the lead wrist. Or, the grip could be a touch off. Make sure the grip is located in the proper hand placement.
April 30, 2015
Hi RJ, In the downcock drill, is the body motion causing the downcock or are you pulling your right arm down as Chuck demonstrates in the Key to Creating lag video? In other words am I looking for a body motion to create this arm movement or are the arms helping? I suspect I have to figure out how the pull from the left side and the looseness of the wrists causes this to happen without any pull down action of the arms. It gets confusing when Chuck talks about pulling the club straight down in the key to lag video. I get the impression that the arms are having an active part in this move and not the body motion causing this to happen. Please explain. Thanks!
April 7, 2015
R.J. (Certified RST Instructor)
Greg, if your sequence is correct and your arms are loose, they will naturally fall to a certain extent. Some people who cast really bad will need to focus on the club shaft being closer to their shoulder by pulling the arms down and cocking the wrists to keep the club from moving out away from them. Not allowing the space between your elbows to widen in your transition move will also keep the arms tracking along the correct path. R.J.
April 8, 2015
Hi Craig: Will using this drill "soften" my hands at the start of the downswing? Any advice on the correct execution of the move? Is there any checkpoints or certain things I should be aware of when I make this move at the start of my downswing? Thanks Lawrence
March 31, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Lawrence. This video will help you soften the hands at the beginning of the downswing. However, it could be a little excessive for you. Use the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag Video in the Introduction Section. You don't have a major league cast and/or need tons of down cock. Your checkpoints should be relax and feel change of direction as the club gets closer to you. No need to make it too complicated.
March 31, 2015
Hitting it much better on the range today but really utilising the 9-to-3 drill - is it possibly because there's a 'tightened' sensation and a more controlled action? There really is only a minimal distance differential from a full swing... William
March 10, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello William. The 9 to 3 hits the high points crucial for impact. You are probably using the bigger muscle more efficiently and getting that "tightened" feel for more control. The 9 to 3 gives you a balance for weight shift and control of the body movements into impact.
March 10, 2015
Hi Guys, is it ok to increase lag with the left wrist instead of the right. Reason being, for me personally is that I have a very dominant right hand which wants to takeover everything. By increasing lag with the left wrist, I hope it will make my right hand more quite and hopefully lead to more lag. Thanks.
February 17, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Norman. The trail wrist is in more of a supportive position to help create more lag. You can increase it slightly with the lead wrist. If you are too dominant with the trail wrist for now, don't focus on massive downcocking. Just a slight increase towards the body. Work on some Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag Drills (lead arm only) in the Introduction Section.
February 17, 2015
Hi Guys, I'm keep my hands soft at the top of my back swing, I make sure that the hands are light before the downswing. My question is this; what amount or how much tension in the arm muscles, forearms, bi's and tri's and shoulders is appropriate during the takeaway and downswing? What amount would be correct? Thanks, Grant
February 3, 2015
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Grant. You don't want to be overly tense/stressed with any muscle throughout the swing. Yes, grip pressure will tend to increase on average from a 2 to an 8 throughout the swing (on a scale of 1 - 10, one being the lightest). But, the muscles need to be relaxed in order to engage at the proper time. Actively-passive is how I look at it. Enough to where you are engaging and controlling the movement. But, not overly forcing and locking one particular motion. Tensed and forced equals slow in golf. Be engaged and allow for effortless speed.
February 3, 2015
I have been working on increasing my lag. I don't understand how to achieve the wrist angle at the start of the downswing. My left thumb prevents me from achieving this position. If I take my left thumb off the club or cup my wrist, I'm able to get the angle. I don't believe this is the correct technique. Can you help me understand how I can achieve this angle at the top. Are there any videos that address how to get this angle?
October 4, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Don. Take a look at the Left Thumb Pain Video in the Advanced Downswing Section. You might be pushing with it causing the casting culprit.
October 5, 2014
I have a great training aid for all these drills and it is called " Pure Path " and is made by SKLZ.COM, they are an American company. have a look at it Craig and see what u think. it is really helping my muscle memory .
October 3, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gary. I will take a look at it. Thanks.
October 3, 2014
New to the site, and so far there seem to be some great training videos included. My only question/concern is, most of these instructions seem to use irons during the illustrations. I am having some success implementing the drills with my irons, but having difficulty executing with my driver as I don't have anything to compare them to in terms of video instruction. Are there any instruction available, other than tour players, where the driver is being used as maybe I am not seeing them somehow.
September 25, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Denzil. For the overall swing, it will remain the same between the Driver and Irons. Take a look at the Bomb Your Driver Series in the Bonus Section. There are some setup adjustments and knowledge that can help you with driving the ball more efficient.
September 25, 2014
Are you trying to maintain the 90 degree angle in your right arm when you do this drill or are trying to create more angle in your arm when you do this drill?
September 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. You don't want to be focusing on increasing the bend in the right arm, but increasing the angle in the wrist.
September 8, 2014
Yeah I get the part of the wrist angle. Its the angle of the right elbow that I'm confused about. I take it that I should maintain a 90 degree bend down to belt height?
September 8, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Todd. Yes, you want to retain angle in the right arm. It won't be exactly 90 degrees, but you don't want to fire it too soon. Take a look at the Key to Creating Lag Video in this same section.
September 8, 2014
it is a good drill to have a feeling of gaining leg during downswing. But for me, i can figure out how to incorporate the drill into my driver or 3w. I make a big push or club falls on the ground before it comes to impact. I try to rotate left wirst from the beginning of the downswing to escape from pushing but gaining more lag and rotating left wirst at the same time is somewhat complecated to achieve. One question, I suppose when gaining lag by downcock, only right wrist and right forearm angle decrease, while left wrist is not affected. is this feeling ok?
September 1, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
The left wrist will be gaining angle as well. Take a look at the Re-Shaping Your Swing for Lag Video in the Introduction Section to help piece together the feeling of both wrist increasing leverage.
September 1, 2014
Hi if you look at my vids steven said I cast I find it hard to maintain the wrist cock in the downswing?
September 1, 2014
Steven (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi James, We can help stop your casting by doing what chuck says. What we need to feel is that the club is falling in the downswing to your right shoulder, we want to have soft wrists at the top of the swing, it is when we have to much tension in the forearms and wrists that we start to cast, along with pushing of the right. We really want to pull with the left arm on the downswing and pull the weight back over to the left using the left hip and left side of the body. When we start using the right side of the body and when the right arms wants to straigthen out to early in the swing is when we start casting. James I hope this helps you and please feel free to give me a email.
September 1, 2014
I am struggling with when I down cock to maximize the angle of my left wrist, that my thumb on the top of the club prevents it from cocking more. And, when I do exaggerate the move, my wrist rolls out slightly, causing the club face to roll slightly more open. I thought that on the down swing I wanted to shut the club face more, but the greatest range of motion to cock the club comes from this spinning the handle with my knuckles coming closer to my wrist. Please explain. Thanks.
August 25, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Make sure your thumb is in the correct position. Take a look at the Left Thumb Pain Video in the Advanced Downswing Section. Don't break your wrist. Genetics will only allow you to create so much. I think you are referring to cupping the lead wrist into impact allows you to achieve more angle. As you alluded to, the cupping will make it hard to square up coming into impact.
August 25, 2014
Hi guys ,i have just gone premium.I played to 1 or 2 h/cap for 35 yrs.A about 2 years ago i developed a pull hook.H/cap has blown out ,i cant even break 80!!!i am a lefty.Yesterday i worked on left thumb nail up drill and this helped a lot.I actually won comp.I have however lost a lot of distance.I will now work on down cock drill.Do you have any suggestions on other videos and or drills and is it possible to send a practice plan.sorry cant upload a video of swing as i am a dinosaur,i look forward to your reply, cheers Sel
August 24, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Sel. It's hard to tell where exactly you need to focus without seeing your swing. It seems like you already play to a very good handicap. Go to the Faults/Fixes Section (Losing Lag Category) and work with the videos in that category. All of them will deal with adding more speed and correcting your release. More distance and getting rid of your pull.
August 25, 2014
I am very happy with how I hit my irons in that I hit down on them and the down clock pump drill really helped me to learn how to hit down on the ball. I have gained a lot of distance with my irons. However, I cannot get that downward down cock feel with the driver. I can hit driver pretty well when I feel more of a side arm motion on the downswing. What is the difference in downswing of the driver and all other clubs?
August 9, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Elaine. The swing doesn't vary. The width of the arc and weight of the club is more than likely the reason the driver feels different.
August 9, 2014
This drill confuses me. Other videos, like the one on squaring the club face early, tell us that we need to start rotating the face back to square early as we start the downswing. But how do we do this if -- as this vid suggests -- the first move is to down-cock the club? Please explain.
August 7, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Scott. The face will always be rotating. However, this drill is designed for big casters of the club. Most players need to feel the exaggeration of creating lag first before worrying about squaring of the face because it is always moving too quickly away from them. Leading to the inability to square the club.
August 7, 2014
During the first portion of the down swing do you keep the 90 degree angle with the right elbow?? If so all the increase is in the Wrist?? Thanks, John
August 2, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey John. The right elbow will tend to keep the same amount of flexion as the wrist angle increases for lag on the way down.
August 2, 2014
have this series of five videos been released as yet?/ if so what name are they under?? Thanks, John
July 24, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey John. They haven't been released yet. A lot of conversion on our end with the new videos coming out. Sadly a slow process. I appreciate your patience.
July 24, 2014
i have problems doing the squatt drill and the down cockdrill togehter isnt the sqatt drill some how including the downcock motion? I understand that you are exercising this separated -but the downcock drill is difficult for me because letting the already cocked rigth hand cock even more wehen drawing it downward is strange?
May 13, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
I would focus purely on making the correct shift to the lead side when working on downcock. We see so many of our students getting wrapped up in the squat rather than the shift and it really makes for a messy situation. When you shift left and keep the hips back, you can still leverage the ground.
May 14, 2014
I was taught to cock my wrists right away and therefore the left wrist is cocked and not flat at top of backswing. I can see how the flat wrist would make impact and obtaining speed a lot easier. Any suggestions? Also, what are the triggers for initiating the downswing?
May 8, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Cocking the wrists early puts a lot of momentum in the club early on and can cause the hands and arms to become the primary power source along with shutting down the with needed in the arc for efficiency. We have some good videos that talk about getting into the left side and sequencing that can help you understand how to use the body effectively to take the stored power, move it up the kinetic chain and turn it into speed during the release.
May 9, 2014
Hi, I am Wolfgang, could you please make a separate Video on how to exactly hinge the right wrist in order to increase lag. I am confused, since my local teacher told me that I cup my left wrist (which is wrong) when I try to increase lag during the downswing. I am allthemore confused since you say in another Video that hinging the right wrist during the takeaway was death to the golf swing. So: in what exact manner must the right wrist be hinged in order to increase lag and, at the same time, avoid cupping the left wrist. Thank you. Wolfgang (from Austria)
May 7, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Wolfgang, we have series of 5 videos that is about to be released on the functions of the wrists during the entire move. Be on the look out for these. Bottom line is that you want the wrists to remain passive as much as possible into the backswing and have just enough set in them to support the club and just enough tension so that downcock can occur in transition.
May 7, 2014
Chris, Is the series of 5 videos you mention here still in the pipeline?
May 28, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Yep it sure is. I think they should start to release next week sometime.
May 28, 2014
Have these videos released?
July 22, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
No they have not yet, we had a pretty big issue with my mic when these videos were filmed, so I will have to re-shoot them in the near future.
July 22, 2014
I love this drill, because with only 1/2 hour of hard work, I was able to add 10 to 15 yards of distance to each club (thank you!). My issue is this: before I incorporated this drill/move into my swing, I had a flat, or even slightly bowed, right wrist (I'm left handed). The downcock part, I find, makes this very difficult to maintain on the way down, at least at the top. Obviously, I'm recovering, because I'm hitting draws or dead straight shots. But what's the magic that's occurring between the top of the backswing and contact? I would love to see some super-slow-mo of of this specifically.
May 1, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
A gradual rotation of the wrists from the top down is occurring to control the speed of the club face into the hitting area. There should be know pushing on the shaft from the lead thumb or the trail hand and only rotation to help maintain the angle. Hopefully that helps. You can always look at the swing viewer and load a face on view of Chucks swing so you can see how it works from the top down.
May 1, 2014
When you do this drill, do you pause at the top, shift to the left leg, then lag down, or do you do the shift\lag together? In the Little Red Book by Harvey Penick, he calls the simultaneous move of the shift to the left and dropping of the right elbow to the right hip the "Magic Move" !
April 22, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
At first you want to pause and shift left and then work to getting it all in one piece so that the shift left is creating the downcock due to the clubs momentum going in the opposite direction of the weight shift. I am familiar with the book you speak of and there is some variation to what we teach. He had some interesting stuff at times.
April 23, 2014
This drill is one I have been working on, but I notice I set my hands early (or at the top of my backswing...I have more lag at the top at times). What do you recommend to stop this cocking at the top? Thanks!
April 22, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
When you complete the takeaway and you have set the wrists in a passive set, try not allowing any more set as you move to the top of the swing and allow the shift left and the momentum in the club and gravity to increase the angle for transition. This is a very common issue and its best to almost feel as though you have no set at the top.
April 22, 2014
This move has been my focus post my last swing review, and I find your above description pretty close to the only way I seem to succeed at improving getting a down cock. Basically, if I don't complete the wrist cock until after the weight transfer...using the momentum of the transfer to increase (complete) the angle to what use to be an early set position for me. Just to be clear, is this ok? Or is should I have the wrist set, then increase the wrist set even more (somehow which I an not finding a good way to ). In a sense, it pairs with the idea of transition before completing the backswing sort of to my thinking.
July 21, 2014
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerald. Yes, it pairs with the idea of transitioning before completing the backswing. You are on the right track.
July 21, 2014
Thanks Chris, I greatly appreciate the feedback!
April 24, 2014
Been trying to focus on increasing lag by downcocking while I sit into left side. Been working on the downcock drill. Can't increase. Can't touch the right shoulder unless I basically release my grip in my right hand. What am I doing wrong? Are my wrists too tight?
April 21, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Lag and total amount of wrist set is going to be a variable for sure based on ROM. Just make sure the wrists remain as supple as possible all while maintaining control of the club.
April 22, 2014
Are there exercises I can do to increase range of motion?
April 24, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Providing that you do not have any sort of injury, there are some basic stretches that you can work on and can be found on youtube, but I would not expect much of an increase in ROM. I will get with our new fitness guru Anthony Yeung and have him put together some videos that can be released with the upcoming wrist series.
April 24, 2014
when do we start "rotating the right arm" (per trace the plane vid) when performing this drill? seems like chuck just pulls down with the left without rotating much here... would be nice to see what this drill looks like from a dtl view!
April 12, 2014
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
A slight rotation will start to happen right away when the club starts down. When we instruct different movements such as the downcock drill we are more showing the angle created and not putting ton of emphasis on the other fundamentals that are discussed in other topics like squaring the club face early, knuckles down or trace he plane line.
April 13, 2014
I am an recovering club caster, hip and shoulder spinner. When I do these drills it feels as though I am only swinging with my arms. Does that seem right? Also, I find when I swing my arms in the downswing my body gets pulled along with it. Should I be swinging my arms further away from my body to get some separation between my arms and body?
September 18, 2015
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey Kevin -- swinging with the arms is a bit concerning and this drill might not be the best drill in the world for you to focus on if that is the case. You want the lower body and a bit of gravity to be pulling the arms down in full swing mode. This drill is really good for getting a sharper angle for lag with supple wrists and focusing on weight shift. Have you submitted for a swing review recently and showed us and explained to us what is going on? We should maybe take a close look at it and steer you in a direction that will be more helpful.
September 20, 2015

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