Clinic - Downswing & Release

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The keys to the kingdom - learn the secrets to sequencing for a perfect golf downswing.

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Peter Brown
Chuck says he doesn't want to see anyone lift the heel of the R. foot up in the downswing. How does this fit in with the Axiom when we want to go get off the merry-go-round?
October 18, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Peter. There is a difference in the way the trail foot is used. Pushing off the heel yielding early extension is a no-no. The foot pushing from the ball when competing the merry go round to help clear the lead hip is a different type of mechanism. You can see in the Throw the Ball Part 2 Video shot long before Axiom we talked about this principle to help players with stalled hips.
October 19, 2023
Where do I find the drills referred to, which the clinic students are doing outside the classroom? Would be nice to find it sorted together with the theory.
August 11, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Atle. The clinic has changed over time and is structured a bit differently these days. However, this version would be starting out with the 5 Minutes to the Perfect Release and working into 9 to 3 Drills or Phase 2 for the first day of outside trainings.
August 11, 2023
Gerd Helene
There should have been a microphone among the students so we could hear the questions and comments they had.
February 28, 2023
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Gerd. Our apologies. At the time it was filmed the videography didn't think of that one.
February 28, 2023
I'm trying to determine what my release should look like. Attached is a picture of my swing at release.
January 23, 2021
This is a picture of the same swing a little later. My forearms haven't rotated yet. Is this position too skoopy?
January 23, 2021
William (Certified RST Instructor)
is there anyone on here who has struggled with a late release and not being able to attain that feeling of really releasing the club on time, and overcome it. If so what was the feeling or thought that helped you start releasing properly? THanks
August 19, 2019
Hello William. I answered your question in other video. Check that out.
August 20, 2019
William (Certified RST Instructor)
August 20, 2019
Looking at this video on wait shift and how much lateral movement there is in Tiger's swing, I noticed that in the first still of Tiger's backswing, the red line seems to be in a different place in relation to the ball on the ground than in the second still of Tiger at impact. In the first the red line extends down well in front of the ball. In the second, the red line extends down at the ball. That would seem to indicate that the red line was moved or maybe the camera angle is different.
April 19, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Pamela. The clippings from above are from the same video. Only forwarded from the top of the backswing into impact. The reason the red line looks like it is in a different position in relation to the ball is because Tiger has shifted the width of his pelvis and the ball was already slightly struck.
April 19, 2019
chuck should repeat the questions and answers that are given by the students in the videos because it is not clear enough what they are saying before he goes into expanations, by his expanation you can make an educated guess but this would be helpful. Thanks Bob
February 14, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Robert. Thanks for the advice. Any particular section you would like the Q/A from on this video? If you give me the time stamp. I would be happy to advise.
February 14, 2019
Hi, so to get the proper downcock you are relying on soft wrists, shifting left with the hips but leaving the head in the same position as at the top, in order to get Secondary Axis Tilt. I had thought that the head needs to move from the top too, to keep over the ball? Best Iain
August 10, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Iain. The head will move slightly in the swing. Excessive movement you have to shy away from. Leaving the head back and having a big hip drive will create secondary axis tilt. However, you don't want too much of this. If you are shifting properly it will have the slight movement required. It is however tough to tell students you may allow for head movement because they then start moving all over the place. Stable with slight movement due to the shifting.
August 10, 2018
On the downswing I am a bit confused. You advocate using the lower body to put one in position for the release. And in some videos you advocate pulling don with the lead arm . Which is the correct move. Larry Green
April 29, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Larry. Some players need different queues for different issues. Some may yank their arm down and others never let it move. Your ideal goal is to use the lead side weight shift and lack of tension to bring the arm down. The lead lat will be pulling to help get the arms in front. But, unless you have a specific issue you don't need to train a big separate pull.
April 29, 2018
Craig Thank you Larry
April 30, 2018
Learning the intellectual side first hand is exactly what I hoped for when signing up for this. However the other 50% of what I hoped for was seeing Chuck showing and demoing on the range. Is that a possible video addition to this series? We all signed up for it because we can't make it there in person, so seeing it all is what I had hope for.
February 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Trevor. All the drills you need are in this series. Chuck is working on more content for the RSA Membership now which should have more additions like you are requesting. If you follow the 5 Step Program you will be working through the exact process we do on the range.
February 4, 2018
Hi, where can I find the drills that activate the muscles that Chuck talks about?
October 31, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hey George, there are quite a few videos that show drills to get proper muscle activation. Go up to the search field and type in how to build your swing from the ground up and how the lower body works (stomp drill), as a good place to start.
November 1, 2017
could there at least be tags to specific videos for us to go to? a lot of times the search words or phrases you give us to find don't pop up on the sites finder / search engine. Actually more than you think
February 4, 2018
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Trevor. We use to do that, but titles change every now and then. If you need a specific video title I will be happy to help.
February 5, 2018
This video seems out of place in the order of the swing. Chuck’s slides place the downswing between the section titled “back to target” and the section titled “follow thru” so why is this video not between 10 and 11? I just finished video 10 and was about to start video 11 when I found myself asking, “wait, what about the downswing?” I had to scroll back through the videos only to find that I had watched it previously. I’m watching it again now as it makes more sense to take in this information at this point in the learning process after learning the entire backswing and before covering the follow thru. Just my two cents...
October 27, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Michael. That is the order we provide the information in the clinics. Because we need to start a little with the downswing for the limited amount of time working with the students. I appreciate your feedback as it might make more sense to re-order it for the site clinic videos.
October 28, 2017

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