Clinic - Follow Through

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The move that is only useful for two things in the golf swing!

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Awesome Craig, many thanks for your help. All the very best. Brian
February 13, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
More than welcome Brian.
February 14, 2021
Many thanks Craig. I am finding that I am not rotating enough or posting fast enough with my left hip lead side and find it hard to finish on my left heel. I end up with a high finish rather than the right arm coming more across my body and staying more in posture with a C look finish. I have tried putting a glove under my right armpit to encourage the correct rotation and finish. Look forward to hearing from you. Brian
February 13, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. Cure Chicken Wing in the Golf Swing Video will actually have some helpful hints. Also, being a RSA Member. RSA Power Release Program. The main component is the lead side has to release correctly which I think it may be the major fault. You really don't want a reverse C looking finish, but I do understand staying in posture.
February 13, 2021
Hi Craig, Any drills on how you can get the trail arm going across the chest after impact, turning more low left for right hand golfer? Many thanks. Brian
February 12, 2021
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Brian. If you are going to be using a lead side release you don't want to force the trail arm left. For a trail side release you actually will be holding the face squarer for a longer period. Could you elaborate more why you want to do this so I can guide you in the correct direction?
February 12, 2021
Hi there, would the shoulders open (head up a little early) be the reason a lot of amateurs hit their wedges off the toe?
April 9, 2019
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Keighley. That could be a cause. Most hit their wedges on the toe because they come in too steep. Excessive shoulder spin and trail hand at the start of the transition.
April 9, 2019
Great video series ...thank you! Watched every RST 5 Step Video, took relatively detailed notes and working thru drills but still learned a lot from these clinic videos as it put important/critical things in a concise/clear way that might have been lost in the myriad of 5 Step videos. In other words, I can see the benefit of experiencing your clinics first hand as well as the value you've delivered here with the RSA. Thanks again!
November 24, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Kenneth. Thanks for the post. Very happy to read you are pleased with the material and presentations.
November 27, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
When uploading a review. To get the proper suggestion, she we do a full swing? Or just one move, like takeaway? I could see benefit of both, but was thinking benefit of full swing would be for the instructor to pinpoint which fundamentals need fixing first. Benefit of starting with takeaway drill would be to make sure that is done correctly before stacking on the next move (backswing)
November 2, 2017
Chris (Certified RST Instructor)
Hi Chris, hope things are going great for you. You can do either way. If it's your first review, then it's best to send in a full swing so we can take a close look at the move and instruct you where to start. For the reviews after that, it's a good idea to send us videos of you performing the movements so we can check for quality and start stacking in when we feel the time is right for you.
November 2, 2017
Recently signed up for the academy. I’ve finished watching the clinic videos. So where to next? Are there follow along videos? If so, which one? And what do I film film first for video review?
October 23, 2017
Craig (Certified RST Instructor)
Hello Dan. My suggestion would be to upload a review and allow your instructor to give you your guided path. Your instructor will give you a combination of Site, 5 Step System and RSA Videos to provide your overall rebuild.
October 24, 2017

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