Transferring Power from the Core to the Hand

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How do you use the core of the body to transfer power to the trail hand in the golf swing? The same as in all other sports as you'll see!

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I went back and re-reviewed the Takeaway and found great value in that "Glass Wall" in front of the lead shoulder ... THAT got my hands back into a better position in the takeaway (and beyond). Even in the putting stroke (while no rotation - but if I feel that energy of the lead shoulder just starting to move down the Glass Wall - that intention really gets my hands moving) and the chipping stoke - if I keep that Glass Wall in mind ... it is really helpful. Is there a balance or connection between the Glass Wall and Core Rotation? This material is OUTSTANDING - been immersed in the practice and the instruction ... THANK YOU!
September 10, 2024
Hi Steven, if you rotate the core properly to load up the trail side, the lead arm will naturally work down that wall. It's only when the lead side gets active that that wall gets broken. It's ok to use the lead hand in the swing and balance them out, but Tiger is very much trail hand dominant and the closer you want to get to his model the less lead side you can use.
September 11, 2024
I think the serve is much closer to a swing than a forehand. Generates more power. Look at Andy Roddick for example. Wrist goes through range of motion and arm passes a relatively still body.
September 6, 2024
Chuck, you've discovered Pilates! It's a lot about the core, which not only provides the power-house to accelerate the arms and the club, but also the stable base from which to exert all that power. And the breath is involved, breathing out when engaging the core before releasing the power. Sadly, engaging the abdominals and using the breath is rarely talked about in discussing the golf swing, but it is vital.
September 6, 2024
Agreed 100%, it's a difficult thing to teach and learn, but we're making inroads with it. I did Pilates about 15 years ago and never felt more stable and under control than when I did it with a good instructor.
September 6, 2024
Love this video
September 3, 2024
Looking forward to seeing how much power you can get out of this!
September 4, 2024

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